Topic: OOC

Lucy Mitford

Date: 2014-07-13 19:10 EST
Just gonna leave this right here. For later. Or something. Hello!

Gren Blockman

Date: 2014-07-13 19:28 EST
Good luck with your new folder!


Date: 2014-08-05 11:06 EST
Work is a little slow during the summer, so I've been spending my time in a very productive way: writing things I meant to write a year ago and reading through posts that pile up on my to-read list during the school year.

I spent a very enjoyable morning reading through your folder (including rereading some posts I've read in the past). Thank you for sharing Lucy with us :) She is wonderfully layered and nuanced in a captivatingly real way.

Lucy Mitford

Date: 2014-08-05 15:03 EST
Thank you so much! For taking the time to read, and for the compliment. I really appreciate it!

Constant Smile

Date: 2014-09-11 14:30 EST

Lucy Mitford

Date: 2014-09-18 20:45 EST
Just a note that this folder occasionally deals with mature themes. The next post in "The Weather in New York," soon-to-be posted, is for mature eyes only.

Lucy Mitford

Date: 2014-10-08 18:25 EST
Hey everyone!

As you may know, Lucy is currently in the slammer. If your character would like to visit her, please feel free to PM or IM me and I'd be happy to work something out.

If your character would like to send her mail, you can also PM or IM me, or you should also feel free to go ahead and post the letter directly in the thread In Dragon's Gate Gaol.

As always, thanks for reading and thanks for playing. I love writing Lucy's story, and none of it could have happened without the interaction with other characters and the support of other players!

Jack Scot

Date: 2014-10-17 17:14 EST
I have to say...


That is all.


Date: 2014-12-17 17:58 EST
What the heck, Shadow! Way to make things more difficult for Lucy.


Date: 2014-12-18 08:36 EST
No good deed goes unpunished. :( Meanies!

Lucy Mitford

Date: 2015-03-03 17:57 EST
As of the events in the most recent post in In Dragon's Gate Gaol, Lucy is no longer being allowed visitors, through traditional means, at Dragon's Gate gaol. That means today, Tuesday, a traditional visiting day, anyone who came to see her was turned away.

The guards would not say why she was being denied visitors. If pressed, they would not even confirm whether she was still being held in Dragon's Gate gaol.


Date: 2015-03-13 10:24 EST
Lucy's ghost should just come haunt Jewell instead <3 because I love him.

Lucy Mitford

Date: 2015-03-13 16:31 EST
Haha! Reginald's personal ad:

Available now: Male ghost. Untethered. Will haunt for affection.


Date: 2015-03-26 10:50 EST
You include some of the best detail in your posts. Such a great example of "showing" not "telling".


Date: 2015-03-26 14:47 EST


Date: 2015-03-26 16:38 EST
Bob would be like: Yes, is this where you sell the ghosts? I would like one ghost please.

Lucy Mitford

Date: 2015-03-26 20:29 EST
Thank you Jewell and Cris!

And LOL, Bob, I'm so glad someone appreciates my ghost craigslist ad.


Date: 2015-05-12 10:19 EST
Lovely :)

I know that for much of my life I have been a disappointment to you and dad. But I never realized what a disappointment I was to myself. I am not a disappointment anymore. I am living a life that I never knew I could live, a life I never imagined. And it is a beautiful life. It is a difficult life and it is a beautiful life and I won't ever give it up.

Lucy Mitford

Date: 2015-07-02 14:39 EST
Working on a new post, I promise!

In the meantime, may I recommend Tug of War Wishes for excellent reading. Fair warning, Josette & Isaac Wheeler are going to break your heart.

Isaac Wheeler

Date: 2015-07-02 18:01 EST
Thank you so much. Looking forward to reading about the opening of Lucy's gallery and the whereabouts of her ghost.

Lucy Mitford

Date: 2015-07-31 20:29 EST
Hey everyone!

Just wanted to say a heartfelt thank you to everyone who participated in Lucy?s gallery opening event! While I had designs on having Lucy explicitly interact with everyone who attended, it quickly became clear that wouldn?t be possible. I was really touched and surprised by how many people posted their character?s attendance. I read and enjoyed each and every post, and I hope you had fun writing about it and imagining your character in the setting.

Thank you so very much!

The thread remains open and if you haven?t had a chance to post and would still like to do so, you are more than welcome, whenever the spirit moves you.

In the near future, I?ll be posting an open thread for the general goings-on at the gallery. If you have any interest or ideas involving the gallery you should feel free to drop me a PM. I am always open to collaboration!


Date: 2015-07-31 23:46 EST
Aw dude, the gallery opening was awesome! I'm really stoked that you're making some very imaginative examples for how Rhy'Din's artistic community operates, and it's an honor to create alongside you!


Date: 2015-08-01 02:38 EST
I totally agree with Zofie-mun. Thanks to you for being awesome and allowing us to let our misfits get a tiny taste of Lucy's world!

Lucy Mitford

Date: 2015-09-27 21:05 EST
Just a quick note that the most recent post in The Ghost and Miss Mitford is a response to the playable Come One, Come All from the fantastic folks over at Crossroads Carnivale, and is cross-posted from there.

It likely would have taken place maybe a month ago, so we're being a bit creative with the time. Forgive me for writing slowly.

Special thanks to Dair's player who helped me with the writing of this one, and again to the players at Crossroads Carnivale for giving me such a great setting to work with.

Jack Scot

Date: 2015-09-27 21:07 EST
Just the other day, I found myself wondering where Reginald had gotten to. Wonderful, wonderful and more wonderful.

Josette Wheeler

Date: 2015-09-28 22:56 EST
I adore Lucy! It was well worth the wait! (For Reginald as well!)


Date: 2016-01-23 16:33 EST
So, we're snowed in, here, and I saw that Lucy's Ghost had posted. A biiig heap of stir-crazy died on the vine seeing that. True to form, the post gets into all those dark, sticky places and Jeepers Creepers you have me so worried for Lucy's well-being. Well done!

Lucy Mitford

Date: 2016-01-24 17:56 EST
Aw, thank you! So glad that little post helped entertain you!

I'll try to pick up the pace on Lucy's story, but no guarantees. I'm a terribly slow writer these days. Thank you for sticking with it.


Date: 2016-02-22 17:56 EST
How have I never happened upon Lucy's Ghost stories before!?

What a wonderful read! Lots of feels, sad about Dair, but glad Reginald is looking out for her, weirdly enough.



Date: 2016-02-22 18:00 EST

Lucy Mitford

Date: 2016-02-23 02:03 EST
Thank you so much, Duci!

And with this most recent post, I wanted to thank everyone who took the time to talk to me or respond to my status message with some help with my writer's block. It helped so much to have people listen to my frustration, and I tried everything you guys suggested. I still feel a little stuck, but it helps to know I'm in a supportive community of writers. Thank you!

Ketch Creeley

Date: 2016-03-21 22:35 EST
God. The Ghost and Miss Mitford. It's fantastic. I can't get enough.

The Redneck

Date: 2016-05-03 21:27 EST
;_; Lucy.


Date: 2016-05-17 03:52 EST
I agree with those that came before me! I really, really, really have a passionate love for the The Ghost and Miss Mitford thread. Reading it makes me ache in the most beautiful of ways and I look forward to the next issue faithfully. Thank you so much for writing and sharing this story, it's very inspiring like a great song: it just moves you.


Date: 2016-05-17 12:06 EST
Fin! You just mind your own business and leave Reg alone :(

Lucy Mitford

Date: 2016-05-19 02:36 EST
Thank you so much Ketch and Charlie for your kind words. And Thorn and Jewell, I'm thrilled the story is touching you too!

I usually don't expressly point out when bits of my posts are written by other players cause I think it's usually pretty obvious, but I still want to thank the writers of Fin Mackenzie and Jack Scot for writing with me and helping my story evolve. I feel so fortunate to get to write with them and so many of the writers here on this site. I think we're a pretty lucky group of writers, the entire lot of us.

Josette Wheeler

Date: 2016-05-25 08:05 EST
Oh my goodness! I am on pins and needles waiting for the next post in The Ghost and Miss Mitford! Keep up the fantastic work! <3


Date: 2016-05-25 12:08 EST


Date: 2016-06-16 00:51 EST



Date: 2016-06-16 07:53 EST


I attacked her in messages last night with a similar request.


Date: 2016-07-21 09:49 EST
<3 such love for ALL of them: Lucy, Reg, Fin, and Ketch

Even if those last two aren't #teamreg that just means they're wrong :)


Date: 2016-07-21 13:52 EST
;OOOOOOOO Looking forward to seeing what comes next!


Lucy Mitford

Date: 2016-07-21 16:29 EST
Thank you so much!

And a special thank you to Fin and Ketch for writing with me. If it was not obvious, the most recent post in The Ghost and Miss Mitford was adapted from live play with those two great writers, and I used (and brutally corrupted) much of their great writing to squeeze it into the tiny box of that post. Thank you both so much for writing with me!

And thank you to everyone who is still reading!

Ketch Creeley

Date: 2016-07-27 22:43 EST
I'm just going to leave this here:

Also, "brutally corrupted," pffffffffffffffffffft. I'm honored to get to participate in this story.


Date: 2016-07-27 22:50 EST
Woman, are you high? Thank you for letting me participate. Fin wouldn't be where he is without Lu.


Date: 2016-07-27 23:34 EST
Someone get on the t shirts for this OTP.


Date: 2016-07-27 23:58 EST
Who, Reg and Lucy?


Date: 2016-08-29 12:08 EST
/heart eyes

I love Lucy so much. <3 She's so fierce!

Idk how I didn't read all of these older posts, like when she stabbed Reg, but omg it all makes sense now! You're a beautiful and talented story writer!


Date: 2016-08-29 13:05 EST
The bargaining with Jack <3 Makes my little faerie loving heart so happy

Lucy Mitford

Date: 2016-08-29 17:58 EST
Duci thank you so much, especially for reading back into the archive! <3

And Jewell, I too very much love Jack.

Thank you to my many generous writing partners in the most recent scene---FinMack, Benjamin Piers, and Jack Scot. I so appreciate your generosity with your time and creativity. I think it goes without saying, but it bears repeating, the most recent post in the Ghost and Miss Mitford includes the writing and words of all three of them. It is also a Part 1, and Part 2 will be coming shortly with more of their great writing!

Thanks to everyone who is still reading along at my glacial pace :)


Date: 2016-09-13 20:41 EST
Don't let him go Lucy 😣

The Redneck

Date: 2016-09-13 21:06 EST
ohgoddamnit. ;_;


Date: 2016-09-13 21:17 EST
Poor Lucy! Damn well written. You induced the feels.

Josette Wheeler

Date: 2016-09-13 22:48 EST
This was so moving, the sense of loss was palpable and my heart just ached for both of them. Even if it is for the best, it's hard to watch these two let each other go. Lucy and Reg have such a complex history and their beautifully written and layered connection made this pairing one of my favorites to read in so many ways.

Lucy Mitford

Date: 2016-09-15 18:02 EST
I know I repeat myself a lot, but I really appreciate you guys and everyone who has been reading this!

And thank you to Mesteno and Josette for your kind words. I honestly don't know what to say except thank you!

On an entirely other note, I have distributed icons for anyone who attended Lucy's Endless Summer get party. Please let me know if I missed you!


Date: 2016-09-20 14:49 EST
*dabs at her eyes* I'll miss tales of Reg and Lucy. What a beautiful piece <3


Date: 2016-09-20 16:33 EST
*dabs at her eyes* I'll miss tales of Reg and Lucy. What a beautiful piece <3

Ditto! I did actually get weepy! Terrific SL!

P.S. Thank you for the icon!

Claire Gallows

Date: 2016-09-20 16:36 EST
I'm not crying over Lucy and Reg in public. Nope. Not at all. Must be.... onion cutting ninjas or dust or something.

Wow. Just wow.

Jack Scot

Date: 2016-09-20 18:11 EST
Best use of a Jack ribbon ever. Thank you so much for allowing Jack a part in this most wonderful of stories. Now I have to go dab tears from my eyes. <3


Date: 2016-09-21 03:26 EST
What have you done to us?

Roach Lee

Date: 2016-09-21 06:26 EST
A certain someone alerted me to the fact that this wonderful story had come to its end. I'm sitting here with tears on my cheeks.

You are a hell of a writer, Lucy, and the divorce of their connection was so very well described; it radiates with intense hurt. The way you crafted their bond and then dissolved it... Oh man.

Well done. <3

Lucy Mitford

Date: 2016-09-21 17:59 EST
<3 Thank you all so much! Really, very touched.

Shae Stormchild

Date: 2016-09-24 11:59 EST
Just caught up and...

Lucy Mitford

Date: 2016-10-06 17:34 EST
Please let me commend Beware the Seeds You Sow to everyone. It's part of a larger SL but if you haven't been following along with that this is the perfect place to start off and get yourself hooked.

Lucy Mitford

Date: 2017-01-18 15:16 EST
The newest post here, All Things Must Pass, was a bit of an experiment for me, and I beg your patience and forgiveness if it's ultimately just a confusing mess. And of course, all of my thanks go to Cris Ashwood's player for writing the great scene with me, and then letting me fuck it all up. Thanks, boo.

The Redneck

Date: 2017-01-18 17:29 EST
Lucy, once again your skill and gift leave wanting more. Thank you for sharing your stories with us.

Lucy Mitford

Date: 2017-01-18 20:34 EST
Oh, wow! Thank you so much! <3 I promise more to come! Eventually. >.>

Ketch Creeley

Date: 2017-01-18 21:29 EST
Echoing Thorn here when I say that was awesome. You know I can always appreciate an experiment. :) I love how you pieced everything together. Definitely looking forward to more Lucy.


Date: 2017-01-18 21:34 EST
More please!

Also, more please because then Ketch comments on your thread and we can all watch his signature gif. /swoon!

Lucy Mitford

Date: 2017-01-19 13:53 EST
Ha! Thank you both!

Lucy Mitford

Date: 2017-03-18 00:03 EST
More to come soon, sorry to tease!


Date: 2017-04-22 13:34 EST
Confession Series 1-5!!!

These are GREAT, Senka! I love them! :)

Josette Wheeler

Date: 2017-04-22 14:56 EST
Confession Series 1-5!!!

These are GREAT, Senka! I love them! :)

Agreed! They are exquisite. Wonderful work! <3


Date: 2017-04-22 17:07 EST
Confession Series 1-5!!!

These are GREAT, Senka! I love them! :)

Agreed! They are exquisite. Wonderful work! <3

Thank you both! I love the confessions that Senka has received so far. She wants to treat them with such care and consideration that I hope I was able to do her vision justice.

The playable is still open so if anyone has been thinking about submitting one (or another) please do so!

Fiona ONeill

Date: 2017-05-20 19:18 EST
I'm so excited to see more Confessions!

Only such an amazing artist could take characters' darkest fears and shame and turn them into astounding works of beauty.

I hope Senka and her Confessions series will be a staple of Kennesaw Studio for a long time!


Date: 2017-05-21 02:43 EST
Thank you! I hope to work on the next set very soon, as does Senka. Keep them coming. It's You (yes you! and you over there!) who makes it possible. I have loved the response to this playable.

Luke Boudreaux

Date: 2017-05-28 21:22 EST
Nice work on the Confessions. Can't wait to see more.


Date: 2017-06-02 12:42 EST


ps. I love your words and am always happy when I see a new post!

Ketch Creeley

Date: 2017-06-02 22:31 EST
^What Ducii said.

Also enjoying/enjoyed the Confession series Senka's been doing.

Ketch Creeley

Date: 2017-06-25 23:33 EST

I mean...could you blame them, though?

It's all Will's fault.

Ketch's AU sex life is apparently very active and very, very varied. Good on him. :)


Date: 2017-06-25 23:45 EST
LOL. Just a little IC fun for those "confessions" that made their way to Senka. Thanks for being a good sport.


Date: 2017-06-26 00:49 EST

I mean...could you blame them, though?

It's all Will's fault.

Ketch's AU sex life is apparently very active and very, very varied. Good on him. :)

For the record, it's always Will's fault.

Absolutely killed me with the latest batch, Senka. Thank you for this project <3


Date: 2017-06-26 20:06 EST

For the record, it's always Will's fault.

Absolutely killed me with the latest batch, Senka. Thank you for this project <3

Thank you! And agreed. We will blame Will.

Lucy Mitford

Date: 2017-09-07 14:19 EST
Giving this a bump. As soon as I have more time, new things will be coming here! Thank you everyone for your patience!

Lucy Mitford

Date: 2018-01-03 15:37 EST
With my most recent post in the Potluck thread, I think I am all caught up. Every post, including gifts, should have been responded to. Please let me know if I missed your character!

Also, the thread remains open, and will remain open, for anyone who still hasn't had a chance to catch up after the holidays. I'm not precious about these things, please jump in and I promise to respond. There was no guest list for this event, just people who know Lucy and whose number she might have in her phone or who might have been reached by word of mouth.

Thank you everyone for making it a fun and challenging little board event. I so enjoy reading and responding to your character's posts. It was a fun thing to do during the quiet parts of the holidays. And I feel like these little interactions, even just on the boards, make Lucy's world that much richer and real.

Thank you again!


Date: 2018-02-06 07:24 EST
I know I've told you this, but Hold Back the River is so terrific <3

You're the master of concise, emotional writing my friend. You know how to deliver a punch with the right amount of words.

Lucy Mitford

Date: 2018-02-06 15:21 EST
Thank you, Jewell.

Also want to say thank you to Mesteno for his collaboration with me in the most recent post in All Things Must Pass, *cough* and his unbelievable patience in how long it has been taking me to process and work through this story.

Lucy Mitford

Date: 2018-04-07 18:05 EST
Some of you may know that I can be a little obsessive about some pretty strange things. One of those things is dead photo links in my threads. So now that I have my back-up files from polyvore, I've begun systematically replacing the dead links with new ones.

I have already completed all of the polyvore links in my own folder.

I've found a method that's relatively simple and is working well for me. If anyone is interested in finding out what approach I'm taking or is looking for some tips, please feel free to hit me up. I've already figured out some shortcuts that will help you sort and find what you need.

Claire Gallows

Date: 2018-04-07 18:15 EST
Some of you may know that I can be a little obsessive about some pretty strange things. One of those things is dead photo links in my threads. So now that I have my back-up files from polyvore, I've begun systematically replacing the dead links with new ones.

I have already completed all of the polyvore links in my own folder.

I've found a method that's relatively simple and is working well for me. If anyone is interested in finding out what approach I'm taking or is looking for some tips, please feel free to hit me up. I've already figured out some shortcuts that will help you sort and find what you need.

I desperately need these tips. My back files had over a thousand sets >.< So many broken links!

Lucy Mitford

Date: 2018-04-11 18:12 EST
Cross-posting this from DM:

As an interesting side note---I happened to be reading a business article today about another long-time website that was recently sold and announced its imminent shutdown, StyleMePretty. Apparently both Polyvore and StyleMePretty were owned by Oath, Inc. a digital media company. You know what else it owned? Oath owned AIM.

And you know what else it still owns? Tumblr.


Date: 2018-04-11 18:41 EST

Lucy Mitford

Date: 2018-05-02 18:30 EST
In connection with this post from the Blessing of Beltane, Lucy will be wearing a birch circlet plaited into her hair for the entire month of May. If anyone is interested in having a character receive a blessing of love from Lucy, please let me know!

Also, sorry for the painful thou/thine/whatever dialogue I had to put in the dwarf's mouth. I'm not particularly practiced at my Shakespearean intercourse.


Date: 2018-05-03 12:00 EST
In connection with this post from the Blessing of Beltane, Lucy will be wearing a birch circlet plaited into her hair for the entire month of May. If anyone is interested in having a character receive a blessing of love from Lucy, please let me know!

Also, sorry for the painful thou/thine/whatever dialogue I had to put in the dwarf's mouth. I'm not particularly practiced at my Shakespearean intercourse.

I really loved your post! Well done. Pretty sure Cane's going to need to get a blessing from Lucy before the month is over.


Date: 2018-05-03 12:13 EST
In connection with this post from the Also, sorry for the painful thou/thine/whatever dialogue I had to put in the dwarf's mouth. I'm not particularly practiced at my Shakespearean intercourse.


Lucy Mitford

Date: 2018-07-13 19:01 EST
Just bumping myself to get a post done. Hiiiiii sorrrrrrry for the psych out!


Date: 2018-07-14 10:20 EST
Just bumping myself to get a post done. Hiiiiii sorrrrrrry for the psych out!

>.> not nice

Lucy Mitford

Date: 2018-07-18 17:03 EST
Benjamin is so sweet, he's left me all verklempt! Lucy too!

Lucy Mitford

Date: 2018-10-01 03:35 EST
I've been having a bit of writer's block, but I hope to have something new for you all soon. Sorry for the bump post.

Lucy Mitford

Date: 2018-12-17 16:34 EST
Jack Scot has long been an important part of Lucy's story. Although we had not written much over the last couple years as Jack's writer focused on other things, I will always be grateful for the short but precious time I had with her.

She was talented and original. Generous with her time, her creativity, and her writing. I am so saddened by her loss---for her family and friends, and everyone here who had the opportunity to be creative with her and get to know her on any level.

I can think of no better way to honor her than to share one of the last scenes we wrote together. Crow and Ribbons. It's a bit long but I did not want to edit it for obvious reasons. The ending is painful and lovely.

Lucy still has one pale pink ribbon of Jack's magic. Someday, I will find a way to finish this last tendril of Jack's storytelling. But for now, as a writer, I treasure it.


Date: 2018-12-22 16:04 EST
Thank you for posting that. I love seeing these glimpses of Jack in action.

These are the things that help the pain of missing her to fade behind the sweetness of memories.

In time...