Topic: The Cage Within

Lucy Mitford

Date: 2015-03-10 14:12 EST
Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.

With the steady beat of time, Lucy lay in bed watching the shadow and light change shape on the ceiling as the night wore on. The streetlight cast an angled yellow beam through the large windows in her loft, while the light of the two moons was soft and cool. Dair slept beside her, their bodies having separated some time earlier, some time before Lucy?s sleeplessness stretched on into the predawn hours.

Dair?s presence was companionable. Lucy had not yet discovered the secret to unlocking her sleep. Neither the nighttime presence of Dair nor Fin had been able to send her to dreamland, but neither had spending the night alone. So she had asked Dair back, his body warming her through the night, even when there was a foot between them in her large bed.

Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.

Lucy rolled over to her side. Her apartment with its uncovered windows was just too bright to sleep. So bright, Lucy could see easily into the bathroom, and all the way through to the walk-in closet beyond with its door just barely ajar.

She had known there would be adjustments when she came home. A therapist once told her that any behavior repeated regularly for three months would become a habit and difficult to shake. The therapist meant to encourage the development of healthy habits, of course. But Lucy found herself unable to shake some of the habits she had begun in prison.

Each morning, she wrote down the day of the week on a scrap of paper she kept at bedside so that she could keep track. She hid extra money under her pillow, just in case. She couldn?t seem to eat anything without saving half of it for later. And she never left the apartment.

Still, she couldn?t sleep.

Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.

It would get better. She had to believe it would get better.

Lucy slipped from the bed, careful not to disturb Dair. She picked up her pillow and a throw blanket, knowing Dair wouldn?t miss the extra warmth, and she moved through the bathroom to the walk-in closet. There, Lucy lay down on the floor, in the dark cocoon of her clothes, and she exhaled. With the door shut, it felt almost like her prison cell.

She closed her eyes, and there, she lay alone until morning, finally drifting to sleep.

Lucy Mitford

Date: 2015-03-15 18:01 EST
?Where did you put the stuff that was in here?? Lucy?s voice carried out from the closet.

Martta glanced at her through the open closet door, then continued wiping down the bathroom counters. ?I removed it.?


?Because you should not be sleeping there.?

Lucy frowned and turned to look at Martta. ?If I want to sleep in the closet, I?m going to sleep in the closet. Okay??

?No, Miss Lucy, it is not okay.? Martta set her spray bottle down on the counter and turned to face Lucy. ?It is not good to sleep in the closet. It is not right. And it is not right for you to stay inside all the time. You are a young woman.? Martta waved her hands at Lucy, like she was shooing her. ?You should be out.?

Lucy frowned, watching Martta.

?Did you see the schedule for Fashion Week? I left it for you.?

?I saw it.?


Lucy rolled her eyes. ?I already made plans with Dair to go to the party tonight.?

Martta smiled and nodded her approval. ?And the rest? The shows??

?I don?t--? Lucy sighed. ?I don?t have anyone to go with me. My friends will be busy working.?

?Then you go alone. A pretty woman like you needn?t have an escort for such a thing, I think.?

Lucy shrugged. ?I don?t have any clothes either. Everything?s from last season.?

?You haven?t looked very careful in the closet then, have you??

?What--?? Lucy looked around at the clothes in her closet. Then she noticed some new dresses hanging there, tags still on. She raised a brow, pulling out one new dress, the skirt in playful feathered layers. Then she looked back at Martta. ?You bought me clothes??

?Just a few things to get you started, love.? Martta smiled, and turned back to spray cleanser on the large bathroom mirror.

Lucy watched her housekeeper, raising a brow, then she looked back at the new dresses hanging in her closet. ?You picked these out??

?I did.? Martta swished the rag back and forth clearing the streaks off the glass.

Lucy smiled softly. ?We?ll make a fashionista out of you yet, Martta.?

Martta grinned and continued on with her work.

Lucy Mitford

Date: 2015-03-17 18:05 EST
?Why if it isn?t my favorite little jailbird.? Isaak Ames crossed the floor of the Main Tent, his arms extended. ?Lucy Mitford. You are a vision.?

Lucy rose, smiling uncertainly as her attorney took her hands in his. ?Isaak--?

?Let me get a look at you.? He extended their arms, connected by their joined hands. ?Beautiful as always.? He closed the space between them bending his head to kiss her cheek.

?It?s good to--?

?How are you enjoying the shows so far?? He loomed over her, his broad chest clothed in an elegantly tailored suit.

?Oh, it?s--?

?Brix in Babel was unusual.? He leaned closer to her, lowering his voice for false confidences. ?Seems like the claws are out about that one, hrm??

?It was interesting--?

?Now, why haven?t you been to see me?? He grinned down at her, as if he were teasing. ?Have you been avoiding me??

?I?ve been--?

?Come by the office.? He looked at her, pressing. ?Monday??


?We have a lot to talk about.? With their joined hands, he jerked her closer, then lowered his head, his breath hot against her ear. ?A lot to talk about.?

He stared at her, his dark eyes threatening to swallow her whole. Then he released her hands and turned, leaving her staring after him as he stalked away.

Lucy Mitford

Date: 2015-03-26 00:50 EST

Lucy carefully jotted it down on the scrap of paper at her bedside. It was Wednesday. She knew that, because she wrote it down right beneath the Tuesday she had written the day before.

Spring seemed to be having trouble getting a foothold. Lucy looked out the window of her loft at the dark sky, the cold wind shaking the still-bare trees. It looked more like autumn than spring. She moved to her closet, and looked from one side to the other, fingers gliding over the various materials, trying to decide on something to wear.

A sound from outside the loft made her freeze. Keys jangled in the stairwell, just outside her front door. Keys, jangling. The bits of metal ringing off of each other. The sound was so loud in her head, it sounded as if it were in the closet with her.

The jangling grew louder, closer, an assault of sound. Lucy stared at the closet doorway, unable to see the front door from where she stood. Her hands trembled on either side of her. She stared and she listened. Her heart hammered in her chest. Her palms grew damp.

The locks turned. One at a time. The sound metallic. Echoing in her head. Loud. The way it had sounded in prison. The way it had sounded when the guard brought his jangling keys. The sound of all the iron locks thrown back. The sound of her heavy cell door opening. The smell of mildewed stone filled her nostrils.

She couldn?t move. Her breath came fast and shallow. Electric charges swarmed around her hands. The little bolts of magical power snapping and cracking. The energy seeking a target.

?Miss Lucy!? Martta?s voice called out into the apartment. ?Are you here??

The sound of Martta?s voice cut through the roaring in Lucy?s head. She sucked in a breath, and stumbled back. Her top clung to her back, damp with sweat. She looked at her shaking hands, and watched as the energy drained away.

Lucy Mitford

Date: 2015-04-10 15:53 EST
?This is the last one.? Lucy stepped out of the bathroom.

Martta looked up from the laundry she had been folding. ?Oh, very pretty, love.? She made a swirling motion with her hand. ?Let?s see the back.?

Lucy did a turn, lifted to her heels so that her housekeeper could imagine her with a little extra height.

?Very pretty.?

?Better than the white one??

?I think the young master will like this one better.?

?What about the pink one??

?Aye, that pink bit was alright, but rather stuffy, I think.?

?Stuffy?? Lucy?s heels sank back to the hardwood floor.

?Aye. Stuffy.? Martta set aside the folded sheet, resting her hands in the laundry basket, and looked at her. ?Miss Lucy, iffin you don?t mind my saying, seems like all the dresses you be picking are keeping you all covered up.?

Lucy frowned. She stepped over to look at her reflection in the large mirror near the door. She smoothed her hands over the lace skirt of her dress. ?My body isn?t how it used to be.?

?You?re slimmer for certain.? Martta agreed. ?But you?re getting healthier by the day. The color?s all back to your cheeks.?

?I?m still bony.? The dress she wore kept her shoulders and collarbones hidden beneath a layer of lace.

Her body was a stranger. She had gone from eating near nothing to eating hearty foods and rich sweets that she never would have eaten before prison. She was too weak for yoga, her teacher insisting that she attend only the beginner?s classes and pass on even the most mildly rigorous poses. Most of her old clothes hung loose and needed to be pinned into place. Her body was a foreign territory. She hadn?t even touched herself since she went to prison.

?You know this--this dress doesn?t even fit right. It?s supposed to be tight, but it just--it just hangs on me.?

?Ask me, I think it?s bounds better the way it fits on you, all loose and soft and sweet.?

?You think??

?I do.?

Lucy nodded and looked at her reflection. Then she sighed. ?It?s good enough.?

Lucy Mitford

Date: 2015-05-12 02:44 EST

I find myself struggling to begin this letter. I am at a loss for what to say to you. But I will try.

I had a difficult winter. I won't go into detail, but it is enough to say that I was severely ill for many months. I was so sick that there were times when I couldn't imagine ever being well again. But spring is here now and I am healthy, and I am strong, as if my body were attuned to the earth and its seasons.

I am embarking on a new venture here that I think you will approve of. I am opening an art gallery! There are artists aplenty here, and I look forward to helping them make a living at their craft. Isn't that something?

I am also seeing someone new, but him I don't think you would approve of. It seems useless to tell you about him, knowing that you will only look down your nose at him. So I will keep him secret and safe from you. I know you probably think that I'll never find someone to marry and have a family with. I'm sure you also think I will never come home again. Well only one of those two things is true, and only time will tell which it is.

I know that for much of my life I have been a disappointment to you and dad. But I never realized what a disappointment I was to myself. I am not a disappointment anymore. I am living a life that I never knew I could live, a life I never imagined. And it is a beautiful life. It is a difficult life and it is a beautiful life and I won't ever give it up.

I wish you had replied to my last letter. I didn't need much. I never needed much from you. But you're a disappointment to me too.

I love you still.

Your daughter,

Lucy Mitford

Date: 2015-08-18 17:12 EST
?Have you been unhappy with my cooking or the pantry stock??

Lucy sat beside her housekeeper, Martta, on the couch, the older woman taking a break from her duties to have a word with a curious Lucy.

?No.? Lucy shook her head, perplexed. ?Not at all.?

?So you haven?t been finding yourself hungry?? Martta smiled kindly at her, pressing. ?Mayhaps at peculiar times when I be sleeping and you be left alone or with just Master Dair in the house??

Again, Lucy shook her head. ?No. Why??

?Well, I been trying to figure why you been keeping extras here and about.?


?Aye, extras. Little bits of food.?

?Food stashes?? Lucy laughed. ?That must be the boys. Maybe Fin or Ketch.? They?d been staying at the house recently so it wasn?t beyond the realm of imagination. ?Or Dair.?

Martta shook her head. ?No, miss Lucy. I?m afraid it?s not any of the young misters.?

?How do you know??

?Cause I been finding things in your room.? From beside her, Martta opened a small sack and withdrew some things. A half-eaten biscuit wrapped in a cloth napkin. A paper bag of roasted almonds. A couple of small apples. A handful of butter cookies wrapped in wax paper. She lined these up on the coffee table beside them. ?In your closet in particulars.?

Lucy stared at the food items.

?Do you recognize it??

The redhead shook her head. She couldn?t remember doing it. She couldn?t remember hiding anything.

But her eyes welled with tears. She did recognize the items. The biscuit from breakfast just a couple days before. The cookies on a cooling rack in the kitchen.

She didn?t want to think about it. But she knew she?d done it. ?I don?t remember.?

?Aye, I thought mayhaps that might be so.? When she saw Lucy begin to cry, Martta reached towards her shoulder, drawing her in. ?Shush child. Don?t upset yourself.?

Lucy leaned into her motherly housekeeper. She pressed her face against her shoulder and breathed in the mild sweet scent of her talcum powder. Everything had been such a mess recently. Had she been hiding food again? She hadn?t done it since she?d just left prison. The thought that she might be unconsciously doing it again was deeply unsettling.

?You been upset recently, that?s all, child. Don?t you worry yourself.?

?I don?t remember.? Lucy shook her head against Martta?s shoulder. ?I can?t remember.?

?I know, child. I know.?