Topic: Down Below

Shi Nayne

Date: 2007-04-28 12:11 EST
The only royalty within the boundaries of Mana was Princess Elvanshalee and saying she was in the boundaries was a stretch since she was below Mana. She was residing within the City of Babylon, a city her father Kal Naisin had founded a long time ago. Now she was stuck taking care of said city, since her sister...Shi'nayne was stuck with Mana while their mother, Samleanus was away. Shalee knew her mother was finally back on this plane, it had taken her a couple of years to find her way home. Shalee could sense her mother's presence but knew she wasn't back to her normal self. Perhaps being near her husband, Arch Fane would help her? Arch had helped raise her and her siblings since their father took off as ususal on some quest or another.

Babylon had been quiet of late which was out of the norm being a city within the confines of the Underdarke. Oh how Shalee wished to feel the warm breezes caressing her skin, to bask within the sunlight and let it warm her. If this city wasn't directly below Mana she'd let the denizens fight for it, but with the tunnels directly connected to the land aboe, that wasn't going to happen. But, she could find someone to run the place for her. Too long she'd been away from her studies within the Chantry. Now to find someone? The princess would have to put out discrete queries as too who would like to be on the payroll of Mana.

Gabryael Dark

Date: 2007-12-11 11:53 EST
((moved to Kansas thread))


Date: 2008-04-15 10:02 EST
It had been quite some time since the Princess had sent the team out to investigate the attack on Babylon. She was a little nervous since most of her best people were now gone. Yes she had her own personal guard but her best captain and best troops were now out in the Underdarke chasing a shadow, well several shadows.

That thought was not very comforting, not at all. Matter of fact the more she thought about it, the more she was beginning to wonder if it wasn't some kind of a set up. "No, you are being overly paranoid," she said to herself and continued to her throne room to hear today's complaints.


Date: 2008-04-16 13:33 EST
One by one different merchants came to complain about the attack on the city and who was going to pay for all the damages?!?!

"The answer is simple. You will pay for your own damages. You know the life you chose when living in the Underdarke. Babylon is one of the few neutral zones and that is why we are constantly a target for those that want chaos, not neutrality."

"Yes but when I lived on the surface...Queen Samleanus helped us when we were attacked before! Why can't you do this now?"

"I know this and how often were you attacked on the surface world? Once...maybe twice in a 10 year period? Here it happens all the time, if we constantly helped you repair every time we were attacked, why the City would be poor. I will compromise. You supply the goods and I will supply the labor for repairing your shop."

The merchant seemed happy with this solution and walked out of the throne room with a smile on his face.

"Next..." Elvanshalee said, while trying not to sound bored, tired and just sick of being here.

"Hello Princess...So good to see you..." The voice dripped with much sarcasm and a chill instantly went down the Princess's spine.

"The time has come for all good things you know of to come to an end." The female beneath the dark cloak removed the hood reveiling the face of a drow, one that Elvanshalee had never seen before. "Close the doors and lock the throne room down, you my princess have now become my prisoner. Too bad all your best troops are now neatly tucked away in a cavern where they can not come to save you." She took off the rest of her cloak to reveil the body of a spider. A drider in all her finery stood before the Princess of Mana and keeper of Babylon, her wicked teeth gleeming terribly by the light of the torches.


Date: 2008-04-16 13:34 EST
One by one different merchants came to complain about the attack on the city and who was going to pay for all the damages?!?!

"The answer is simple. You will pay for your own damages. You know the life you chose when living in the Underdarke. Babylon is one of the few neutral zones and that is why we are constantly a target for those that want chaos, not neutrality."

"Yes but when I lived on the surface...Queen Samleanus helped us when we were attacked before! Why can't you do this now?"

"I know this and how often were you attacked on the surface world? Once...maybe twice in a 10 year period? Here it happens all the time, if we constantly helped you repair every time we were attacked, why the City would be poor. I will compromise. You supply the goods and I will supply the labor for repairing your shop."

The merchant seemed happy with this solution and walked out of the throne room with a smile on his face.

"Next..." Elvanshalee said, while trying not to sound bored, tired and just sick of being here.

"Hello Princess...So good to see you..." The voice dripped with much sarcasm and a chill instantly went down the Princess's spine.

"The time has come for all good things you know of to come to an end." The female beneath the dark cloak removed the hood reveiling the face of a drow, one that Elvanshalee had never seen before. "Close the doors and lock the throne room down, you my princess have now become my prisoner. Too bad all your best troops are now neatly tucked away in a cavern where they can not come to save you." She took off the rest of her cloak to reveil the body of a spider. A drider in all her finery stood before the Princess of Mana and keeper of Babylon, her wicked teeth gleeming terribly by the light of the torches.


Date: 2008-04-17 13:06 EST
Elvanshalee didn't even flinch at this, her gut feeling had been time she would follow her gut. Same as the gut feeling she had about leaving Gabryael in the city with her. There was something about that vampire, something she simply could not explain. Of course now that might not matter anymore. The emotions she had for him were stirring within her as she gazed at the drider standing before her.

" are???" Shalee raised her hand motioning toward the female.

"I am surprised you don't know me. After all it was your father who exciled me, but since he is not here...You will do," she caressed the hilt of her dagger, a longing of death lingering in her wicked red eyes.

"You knew my father...probably better than I did no doubt. Were you two lovers? I mean after all he did have unusal tastes in women."

The drider snarled at her, "No...we were not lovers! Like I would waste my time on THAT male."

"Really? Hmmm, most women wanted him...including my mother." Shalee hoped she was getting her insanely pissed off, this would hopefully give her an opening that she needed. Right now any spell casting would be her death. She only hoped Gabryael found the gift she'd left for him in his pocket. It's quite possible that he would be her only hope to come out of this alive. That is if he was still alive.

"Please stop such worthless bantering princess. It will do you no good. We've locked this place down, your clerics are either dead or being held captive, the same with your mages. Gag her, we can't have her casting a spell now can we?"

One of th drider's male troops came up behind her...caressed her cheek lovingly..."Might I have a taste?"

"Not now! We have better things to do...You can have her later. For now gag her."

"Pity," he kissed her cheek and then gagged her with a leather strap. "Can't have you getting away now can we." He proceeded to tie her hands to the arms of the throne along with her legs. "Only the best for our beloved Princess." He ran his hand down her neck and let his fingers rest between her breasts. "Later...I promise." He snickered at her and went over to his leader with a wicked grin on his lips. "She humiliated me once beloved, I shall do the same to her," he kissed the drider woman lustily and then they both began to laugh.

Gabryael Dark

Date: 2008-04-17 14:15 EST
"She humiliated me once beloved, I shall do the same to her," he kissed the drider woman lustily and then they both began to laugh.

"She humiliated you because you're butt ugly, spider boy." Gabryael's voice could he heard from the throne as he materialized right next to Shalee. "...And your little bitch spiderwoman too." He continued in the voice of Oz's wicked witch mock.


Date: 2008-04-21 15:46 EST
The princess showed no emotion, to show emotion would show weakness and she'd be damned if she'd show it in front of these two. To hell with the both of them.

When Gabryael appeared beside her, to say she was shocked was an understatement. Did he read her mind? How did he know? At this moment she only cared that she might just live to see tomorrow.

"It would appear that the throne room isn't as locked down as you thought it to be?" Shalee batted her eyelashes at the pair knowing she was foolish to do so, but she just couldn't help it! Her mother was shining through at this moment in her daughter's personality!

"Kill them both!"

The drider backed up while taking her lover with her, "Make sure they finish the job," she released him with a wicked gleam in her eyes.

"But, of course my love. Only the very best for you. Come on and play nice so we can get this over with!" The male drow charged in going for blood with Gabryael.

Gabryael Dark

Date: 2008-04-21 16:01 EST
The only person going for blood was Gabryael... literally as he hissed his incisors clearly showing, he moved in a blur taking the first drow soldier, ripping its throat out before he could even lift his sword up and gorging himself on the drows life essence. Picked up the drained corpse and tossed it in the direction of the other ignorant fools. "Anyone else want to negotiate?" He smiled evily, blood dripping from his mouth.


Date: 2008-04-24 14:17 EST
Even with the gruesome death of their comrad, the others were not motivated to leave. The wrath of the drider hung over their heads and they feared her more than him. Gabryael's answer was all the weaponry pointed in his direction. In one fluid motion they advanced in a wave of death and destruction on him and the princess.

Since Elvanshalee couldn't move since she was tied down to the throne she was a sitting duck, no voice to shout since she was gagged and no hands to cast a spell.

Gabryael Dark

Date: 2008-04-24 14:55 EST
They never touched her. There was blood everywhere. Hearts brutally extracted, throats torn out, limbs ripped of and used to beat the victim and the other troops with, until the last one was standing. That one managed the impossible or so it seemed. He was able to stab his sword into Gabryael's heart. Gabryael stood there for a moment and looked down at his chest in disbelief. An evil smirk crossed his lips. "You can kill me you ignorant fool..." He said, walking toward the hilt, impailing him further. "...I'm already dead." he said when he made it to the hilt, and them sank his fangs deeply into his neck and drained him dry.

Minutes later the princess was freed. "Um your highness? Could you remove this for me?" He said pointing to the impailed sword.


Date: 2008-04-29 10:34 EST
Not everyone died, in the flury of death and destruction...the drider's lover and another warrior scurried out like roaches when the lights are suddenly turned on. They would of course report this to her, but not the EXACT reinactment. After all the vampire did get stabbed with the sword! He was wounded after all. Maybe not dead, but wounded all the same.

Somehow Shalee managed to watch the fight with dispassionate eyes, if fear would have shown on her might have given the attackers extra umph to try for her. The fact that she'd love to just faint away right now was an understatement. But, she didn't...she stealed herself during the duration of the fight and now the aftermath. Gabryael was careful as he cut her bindings and removed the gag from her mouth. So gentle with her but so deadly with the others. Amazing transformation, this intruged her all the more. When he spoke to her, it broke her out of her thoughts and she actually blushed just a bit.

"Um your highness? Could you remove this for me?" He said pointing to the impailed sword.

"Yes of course." She gripped the hilt with both hands, "This is going to hurt a little and no doubt you'll need to feed soon with all the blood loss. Get ready." She sucked in her bottom lip, half closed her eyes and pulled the sword out in a smooth, quick, easy motion. She fell back onto the throne and just sat there...waiting to see what would happen next.

Gabryael Dark

Date: 2008-04-29 11:50 EST
Gabryael let out a surpressed scream as the sword came out. "Thank you." He rasped, as the blood he ingested had started to make it repairs to his body. He still needed more though as he went to his knees. The hunger returning with a vengence. "If you could be so kind as to point me in the direction of the buffet... I would be greatly obliged."


Date: 2008-04-29 13:26 EST
"Hmmm...all things considered, I don't want you leaving this room at the moment." She held up her wrist, "Go ahead, it's the least I can do since you saved me from certain death."

Gabryael Dark

Date: 2008-04-29 13:30 EST
He shook his head, "No princess, I need more than you can afford to give." He whispered weakly as he fell to his hands as well.


Date: 2008-04-29 16:39 EST
"Come then," she said calmly. "I know just the place for you to go." She grabbed a hold of Gabryael's arm with more strength then one could really think possible from such a lithe looking person. She pressed the transporter button and into the dungeon's of Mana they appeared.

"Hello he prefers not to be named. My friend needs susitence, who is on death row?"

An evil chuckle came from his lips, "Oh I've a couple of special boys just for you my friend. They've been shall we say, very bad. One especially, he is the one who tried to kill your sister your highness."

"Yes he would be an excellent choice. Come Gabryael, your meal awaits." She let her prison guard take Gabryael by the hand and lead him down the long dark hallway to where solitary confinement was established. "There you go my boy," he said as he unlocked the cell door. "When you are ready for more, I've your next candidate a couple cell blocks down."

Gabryael Dark

Date: 2008-04-30 10:14 EST
Gabryael fed well, but did not kill any of the condemned men. He didn't need to kill to feed, sorta defeats the purpose. Why kill your meal when you can feed off of them for a month? When he had finished and was sufficently sated and healed he turned to the princess. "Thank you your highness." He said softly, giving her a gentle smile.


Date: 2008-05-07 14:05 EST
"Not a problem. I think this will serve your purpose in the days to come, yes?" She arched a white eyebrow while asking her question to him. "I think this will work out perfectly for you." She grasped the tips of his fingers by hers, depressed the button on the teleporter which found them once again in the throne room. Carnage was everywhere, the clean up crew was already in place. "We shall have it cleaned in no time highness," said one of the servants. Shalee nodded to her, "Good, I don't want any extra rumors spreading about that don't need to be." She turned and looked at Gabryael, "All things considered, if you are not to tired I think it would be a good idea for you to stay with me."

Gabryael Dark

Date: 2008-05-07 14:08 EST
Gabryael noded as she took his hand in hers and popped back into the throne roome.

"All things considered, if you are not to tired I think it would be a good idea for you to stay with me."

"As you wish your highness, I am at your service." He replied with a soft smile.


Date: 2008-05-08 14:56 EST
His simple response caused Shalee to smile softly at him, "I'm glad you are available." She waved the servants to keep up with their cleaning as she and Gabryael exited the throne room. So much had happened to her that day, it was all she could do to continue moving in an upright position.

The pair twisted through many cooridoors until they finally came upon a room toward the back of the castle. Here Shalee quietly opened the large oaken door and upon entering it was obviously her private study. They'd been here before, but thru teleportation. She was too physically and mentally exhausted to teleport anymore that day. What she wanted to do was relax without having to worry about something else happening to her.

"I need to relax and have a drink." She wavered a little bit on her feet once the door was closed. The princess was actually showing weakness in front of someone else other than her family, which she rarely ever did. One of her servants had already stoked the fire and lit several candles throughout the room. Some fresh fruit had been laid out along with a bottle of rich red wine and crystal clear goblets. The couch in her study had never looked so inviting with it's over stuffed pillows and a fur lined blanket. "Yes...this looks very good." Once again wavering on her feet as she made for the low table next to the couch.

Gabryael Dark

Date: 2008-05-08 15:27 EST
Unexpected would be the word to describe what he was feeling and saw from the proud princess. Without saying a word he wrapped a gentle hand around her waist and placed her other hand around his neck and assisted her to the couch. It probably wouldn't have done well to just pick her up and carry her over to the couch, she did have her dignity to think of afterall. Once she was seated he went over to the table and poured her some wine, gathered some cheese and fruits onto a plate for her to eat, and brought it to her.

He wasn't sure if he should sit or stand so he fell back on his military training and put him in the standing "at ease" position.


Date: 2008-05-08 15:33 EST
Shalee was pleasantly surprised when he helped her sit down on the couch and as she sank into the pillows was even happier when he brought her the wine and food. " more pomp or anything of that nature...please sit with me." She patted the couch with her hand while speaking to him. "No one can get in here right now, I have a protective ward on the door," she sighed then smiled just a bit, "Thank you for saving my life."

Gabryael Dark

Date: 2008-05-08 16:40 EST
He nodded his head and sat down next to her giving her a concerned yet warm smile, which softened when she responded in kind. "You're welcome princess. I am at your service." He said bowing ever so slightly.


Date: 2008-05-08 16:47 EST
His voice so soft, it caressed her skin as he spoke to her. "Now I have a question. How did you know I was in trouble? You were far away from here and yet you appeared? I know I gave you the teleporter but how did you know to use it when you did? It can't be *perfect* timing." Again her eyebrow arched, but as she sipped her wine. A look of satisfaction crossing her features as she swallowed the wine slowly, savoring the flavor one droplet at a time.

Gabryael Dark

Date: 2008-05-08 23:14 EST
Gabryael relayed the story of the drow at the tavern and how they met up with their "captain". He went on to explain the events that lead up to him arriving in the throne room. "... I have total memory recall, and when I found the stone in my pocket. Poof, instant hero!" He finished, his emerald eyes dancing in the candlelight.


Date: 2008-05-09 14:28 EST
She tapped her finger against her chin while he translated the story to her. "I find this whole thing very worrisome. I'm almost wondering if it really has anything to do with me at all? I'm wondering if it has more to do with my mother or father? Probably my father, since Babylon is known to be more his domain than my mothers. Of course the problem there lies in the fact no one knows where he is." The princess settled in further into the pillows on the couch. The wine helping to calm her nerves just a bit, the cheese adding a special touch to well...everything.

"I'm sorry you are in the middle of this. Granted yes you work for Babylon, but nonetheless I am sorry for all of this. Making you kill like you did when you try not to." She laid her hand on his arm and squeezed him slightly letting him feel her concern thru that simple action.

Gabryael Dark

Date: 2008-05-09 15:15 EST
"Th-they had it coming." He said hesitantly as she squeezed his arm as a gesture of comfort and concern. He looked into her eyes as if for the first time and then looked away. "I don't kill indiscriminately. When I have to kill it is usually to save someone else's life, most often an innocent." He offer her a warm smile. "Don't fret over me princess, you didn't put me in the middle of this. I put myself there." He said as he patted the hand that was attached to his arm.


Date: 2008-05-09 15:37 EST
"Yes you did, didn't you?" His hand covering hers sent chills up and down her spine. You know the good kind of chills, not the icky ones. "So Gabryael, if you didn't work for Babylon...Would you have still come to save me?" She didn't remove his hand from hers, but she did put the wine glass down and cover his other hand with hers. So in a sense they were holding hands without really paying much attention to their position. No doubt Elvanshalee could have cared less since they were alone.

Gabryael Dark

Date: 2008-05-09 16:55 EST
He tilted his head as she asked her unusual question. He had noticed that she placed her other hand atop of his. Would he have saved her? Did he even need to ask that question? "Yes... I would have come to save you Shalee." His emerald gaze held a completely honest look to them as he admitted the stark truth of the situation. He would have and had killed to save her life and would do it again without a moment's hesitation.


Date: 2008-05-11 10:25 EST
His answer made her smile, but then those lips of her held another trembling truth to them, "Save the Princess or save Elvanshalee the person?" As she asked this all important question she leaned in to hear every nuance of his answer.

Gabryael Dark

Date: 2008-05-12 10:30 EST
Her smile made his heart give an extra beat, which in and of itself seemed to be an impossibility, given that his heart only beat once every 10 minutes. Her question gave him pause. Was it because she was a princess? Did her title mean that much to him? The answer was surprising as he looked at her smile. "I rescued you Shalee, not your title. You seem different to me, and for reasons that I don't quite understand, I find myself attracted to you. I'm sorry if this distresses you, but I feel the need to be honest with you." He looked away as his cheeks began to feel warm. I'm blushing? I never blush. He thought to himself.


Date: 2008-05-12 12:00 EST
The look on his face that was normally so well...non-emotional in her viewpoint spoke a 1000 words for her right now. He blushed? What in the world? She never knew a vampire could do this along with his words of rescuing her and not a title, that was just well...Shocking to her. Most men that tried to get close to her only wanted her for the title, not the person. She sat back against the couch with this *smile* on her face, only one of her hands remained in his now, but wow...what a feeling.

Gabryael Dark

Date: 2008-05-12 12:16 EST
What was it about this woman that made him react this way? He found the question quiet distressing, yet intriguing, befuddling and a myriad of other emotions the couldn't place. Her *smile* seemed to light up the room and made him want to smile as well. She seemed to like him, or is she just showing her gratitude to a subordinate? She hadn't let completely go of his hand, and sparks seemed to run up his arm, and down to his toes. Her touch brought out the territorialism of his nature as if to say MINE! He realized in that moment that this probably not the time or place to have such behaviors, but something in him, deep within his consciousness, didn't give a rat's ass about propriety. It felt right to hold her hand as he turned it in hers slightly, his thumb gently rubbing her fingers below the second knuckle.


Date: 2008-05-12 14:50 EST
Ok so his thumb was rubbing on her hand sent tingles up and down her arm, causing her hair to stand on end. This was of course in the good kinda way, not the bad kind. She had no trouble with him being a vampire, heck her father was turned shortly after her mother got pregnant. Maybe that's why it didn't bother her like it might other people. So with the mood she was in, you know that mood. The one where you are happy to be alive when you almost died and now have someone here with you that likes you for you and not for WHAT or WHO you are...Shalee laid her head on his shoulder, showing a softer side. That one that doesn't come out that often, because especially in the Underdarke that is a serious sign of weakness. Her dark tresses splayed down over her shoulder with the white streak giving off an unusal appearance by the firelight.

Gabryael Dark

Date: 2008-05-12 15:08 EST
Well this was unexpected and somewhat surprising to him. He had to wonder about their differences and if he should take a chance on being with someone. For centuries he was alone, shunned by humans for the obvious reason, that he regarded most creatures as lunch or dinner. He liked being a vampire, and didn't mind so much that the sun was taken away from him, he could do more good for the innocent than he could as a mortal.

The downside was that he always had to temper his darkside and the guilt that followed when he fell of the wagon so to speak. He didn't know what her father was like and the kind of danger she could be in if she were to engage in "relations" with him.

Gabryael gathered her in his arms, and gently stroked her hair. It seemed right to have her there as she fit perfectly with him. Like the pieces of a puzzle when put in their proper places. Was she the missing piece in his life? He wasn't sure what else to do.

There was a voice inside of his mind that sounded much like Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson. He was speaking inside his brain telling him, "Jabroni... know your role and shut your mouth!" What was his role? Was it changing? He cuddled her close and kissed the top of her head, as he pondered these thoughts and tried to act naturally.


Date: 2008-05-12 15:35 EST
As he took her in his arms and began to slowly stroke her hair, Shalee gave out a very contented sigh. Was it a sigh of relief that he didn't turn her away? Or was it a sigh of happiness? Or perhaps both? She felt at ease with him and wasn't the least bit surprised by this at all. When she'd met him, she had liked him instantly. There was something about him, she couldn't quite put her finger on it and right now she really didn't care to try. Then it happened, he kissed her forehead...she couldn't help but look up at him and give him such a that spoke a lot more than anything she could possibly say. She tipped up as much as she could and kissed the him on the chin, not the most romantic of places but hey that's the only place she could reach.

Gabryael Dark

Date: 2008-05-12 16:01 EST
Her smile was his undoing. It melted whatever coldness was in his dead heart and awakened it, and then she did the unexpected, she kissed his chin, not romantic my any stretch of the imagination but it was the only place she could reach. He smiled warmly down at her and leaning his head in, soft brushed his lips against hers before applying a bit more pressure and inviting her tongue to dance with his.


Date: 2008-05-12 17:09 EST
It had been a LONG time since she had been kissed, to say that she was rusted was an understatement, so when his lips touched hers it was electrifying! She raised her hand up to bring him closer to her, then kissed him deeply...letting him feel the desire that was rising within her.

Gabryael Dark

Date: 2008-05-13 09:06 EST
The scent of her desire and lust was intoxicating as she pulled him to her. His hands roamed her body as his tongue danced iwth hers in a tango of lust and desire. A small soft growl erupted from him as he continued to kiss her deeply. They had shifted their bodies were his was atop hers, his kisses moved along her chin, and jawline, to swirl his tongue along the pulse in her neck.


Date: 2008-05-13 09:13 EST
Ok so this was ever so nice to be touched and handled in such a way. Amazing that she could even have any sort of energy after the trials of the day, all things considered.

Even when his lips traveled to her neck it didn't register in her mind that this could be a bad thing. Memories of him being a vampire were thrust from her mind at this precious moment in time. The growl only fanned the flames, so much so that a similar moan errupted from her lips. Just then her arm flung up knocking over a lamp or three, not really caring in the least and the room went dark...

(Fade to Black)