Topic: New Home New Life


Date: 2007-09-01 13:59 EST
It would be quite some time before Arch and Sammy finally found it within themselves to leave their new master bedroom. But when they finally did the task of furnishing their new abode was set upon them.

"My love, I do think it's high time I visited Mana. I've been back and have not contacted my daughters. I know I've felt Shalee's touch on more than one occassion." She gave her husband one of those looks, you know the one...the one that says, please volunteer to come with me so I don't even have to ask look.

"I'd like to move some of those furnishings to our new home. I have a feeling I'll be spending most of my time here instead of Mana. You and I should probably talk about what lies ahead. These last couple of years have really...well...opened my eyes to a few things."