Topic: On The Road Again...

Shi Nayne

Date: 2007-03-04 08:16 EST
The next morning Shi'Nayne woke up and was feeling a bit better. Nothing to write home about that's for sure. But the rain had stopped and she would be able to see where in the heck they'd be going. She very shyly looked over at Toren and was relieved to see that he was still there. For some odd reason she felt safe around him and here he was a total stranger to her. Yet she felt like she knew him. This totally baffled her to no end.

"You know Toren, those in the Chantry would love to talk to you. There are three different schools of magic there. I'm sure they'd love to see how you fit in with them. They might even have more information for you as well. Especially if your parents were magic users."

Shi Nayne

Date: 2007-04-28 12:03 EST
The princess gathered her things together, trying to make sure everything was in order. No doubt as soon as the royal guard noticed her absense they'd be on the road looking for her. Sometime being royalty wasn't all it was cracked up to be. But, then again...the perks weren't too bad.


Date: 2007-05-29 16:54 EST
He hadn't left. That would be rude and unseemly. Instead, he sat waiting for his companion to wake. A meager breakfast was offered, nothing grand but enough to stave off the pangs of hunger until better fare could be obtained. His voice was soft. "What chantry do you speak of?"

Shi Nayne

Date: 2007-05-30 21:52 EST
Shi'Nayne looked up through her stray strands of hair that had fallen across her eyes, "Why the Chantry of Magic. I'm thinking the mages there might be able to help you with your search of your family. Especially since you seem to be adept, perhaps one of your parents was adept as well."

Shi Nayne

Date: 2007-06-09 09:09 EST
Shi'Nayne hobbled from the cave and called Jade to her with a soft whistle. At least they had a horse to ride, that would make things much easier for them. She could have called out to her sister, but for some reason Nayne didn't feel like having Shalee interfere. She wanted to talk to this stranger some more, he was a stranger yes...but for some reason she felt like she knew him.


Date: 2007-06-09 13:06 EST
Chantry of magic. That sounded .. interesting. Toren would have offered a hand as the silver haired Shi'Nayne hobbled out of the cave but stilled his initial reaction. She seemed a proud woman and it would not do to offend. With a last flick of his wrist, the remaining bits of the camp disappeared leaving the cave as he'd found it. His two little friends hurried out after him, scurrying up his leg to burrow into his pack.

He stepped outside and glanced upward, a hand lifting to shield his eyes from the sun. It was a very comely day.

"Providence has smiled upon on. The sun is warm but not scathing and the air is without undue moisture." His green gaze landed on the dark skinned woman, a brief wandering over her form before lifting again to her eyes. He bowed his head politely. "Are you sure that your mount is able to carry us both?" He was not disparaging the mount at all, simply cautious. He would not want to do the animal harm. "It would be longer but I do not mind walking if the need arises."

Shi Nayne

Date: 2007-06-09 14:01 EST
"No worries, Jade can carry both of us. If you'll just help me mount up, then you can come in behind me." She smiled at Toren, he still seemed so familiar to her. "Come while the day is on our side," she said with a soft laugh, "You never know what the fates will decide for us later on."


Date: 2007-06-09 14:28 EST
He smiled at her lightly spoken words. "Then we shall not tempt fate." With that, he helped her mount her horse. Once he was certain that she was comfortable, he mounted behind her. His hands settled lightly around her waist in a manner so as not to be lascivious. "I am in your care, Shi'Nayne."

Shi Nayne

Date: 2007-06-09 19:56 EST
Nayne looked over her shoulder and winked at Toren, "Now now, don't say that to might go straight to my head." She put Jade off to a slow trot and once they found the main road, the princess got her bearings once again.

"We are not that far off, tonight we sleep at the home and perhaps we shall find the answers to some of your questions Toren. I promised I would help you and help you I shall."


Date: 2007-06-09 20:55 EST
He couldn't help the smile that tugged at the corner of his mouth. "A castle does sound like better fare than a mere cave, Shi'Nayne. I sincerely appreciate your help. You are a kind and generous soul." His hands remained lightly around her waist in order to help him keep his balance as the horse jogged on.

He didn't want to seem ungracious but the idea of possibly finding more about his parents did set his heart to beating faster. His sword chittered something in its scabbard but he chose to ignore it for now; something about the chantry and that bloody house of light again. Patience, it seemed, was not something the sword possessed although cryptic clues it seemed to have in abundance.

Shi Nayne

Date: 2007-06-10 09:42 EST
"Well don't tell too many people that, it'll ruin my reputatioin." Here she laughed again, her voice carrying upon the gentle breeze as they moved into a rolling canter. Jade's gait was very smooth, she was a very fine animal and it showed in her moves. Shi'Nayne was very aware of where his hands were placed, every once in a while little tingles would move up her spine from that simple touch. But, she refused to let it go anywhere...He was holding on to her so he wouldn't fall off. Right? Yeah. Right!

Several miles away from the castle a group of horses approached the pair at a fast pace. When they saw their princess they pulled up quickly.

"Princess?!? You are safe, we were worried when you did not come back to the castle last night. As soon as the storm abated we came for you." He eyed Toren since he was on the horse with HIS princess.

"I am fine. Toren came to my rescue, he is a guest of the family. My guest."

"He is more than welcome to ride with one of the guards mi'lady."

"No, I do believe our current arrangement is working out rather nicely. Come we dally when we could be even closer to the castle."

She kicked Jade softly and off they went once again and in another couple of hours, they crossed the mote and into the castle yard.


Date: 2007-06-10 10:01 EST
He chuckled at her quip about ruining her reputation. He felt the jest in her voice so he did not take it to heart. He let the silence fall between them. He did not feel the need to talk. It was comfortable to merely ride, his hands lightly on her waist. He remained in that comfortable, relaxed state until he saw the riders approaching.

Not knowing the land, he could not be certain of their intent so he grew wary, ready to act if necessary.

"Princess?!? You are safe, we were worried when you did not come back to the castle last night. As soon as the storm abated we came for you." Toren regarded the man speaking and did not relax until he heard Shi'Nayne's reply.

"I am fine. Toren came to my rescue, he is a guest of the family. My guest."

Toren didn't want to admit that he liked the way it sounded to hear her refer to him as a guest of the family - as her guest. His fingers tightened slightly where they rested about her waist. It was a largely unconscious reaction to the guards, "He is more than welcome to ride with one of the guards mi'lady."

"No, I do believe our current arrangement is working out rather nicely. Come we dally when we could be even closer to the castle."

Toren managed to not smile smugly at the guard. It would never do to make enemies when he was a new guest. He bowed his head politely to the guard as Jade moved onward. He was quite content to be the passenger and see where they were going.

His gaze took in everything as they grew closer; the architecture of the castle, the people, the land. There were moments he didn't think he could breathe; emotions inside him welled. He could not identify them exactly but there was a general feeling of familiarity. Something deep down - instinctual. And there was his sword chittering in its scabbard.

Yes. Home.

But how? And exactly .. where?

Shi Nayne

Date: 2007-06-10 11:27 EST
As they entered the courtyard proper, Shi'Nayne looked over her shoulder at Toren with a bright smile as they approached the stables where a stableboy was waiting to help his princess. As she was helped off the horse, it became obvious she was injured and one of the clerics was sent for. "Really I'll be fine, this can wait."

"Mi'lady you are injured one of the clerics is coming." He looked at Toren accusingly. That look didn't go unnoticed by Shi'Nayne.

"You would do well not to look at my guest that way. If it were not for him this injury would be far worse if not permanent."

"I do beg your pardon majesty...I had no idea. Sir I do apologize." He bowed several times until the cleric arrived.

"It is not so bad your grace. If you will hold still please." Her voice in a sing song manner as the words of a healing spell fell from her lips caressing and soothing the bad ankle sprain. After another moment or two the throbbing was reduced to a dull ache.

"That should do it mi'lady you will be as good as new by the morrow. Today I would suggest being careful, do not over do. Good day to you both." She curtsied and withdrew from the pair.

"Well Toren I think we should head to the library." She linked her arm through his and started for the castle, "In there I think we shall start to find your answers. You can look through books and I'll recline on the couch sipping a glass of wine." Her eyes were twinkling with delight by this time, she could barely contain her mirth as well as the comfortable feeling she had when she was with him.


Date: 2007-06-10 13:26 EST
As they entered the courtyard proper, Toren caught the glance tossed at him by Shi'Nayne and he couldn't help but smile back. She seemed truly excited to be home. Once the horse stopped, he slid off and then gave her aid to dismount so she would not have to put her ankle at risk. Unfortunately, the injury still became evident. There was a flurry of activity and someone hauled themselves off to find a cleric while Shi'Nayne objected saying she would be fine.

"Mi'lady you are injured one of the clerics is coming."

Toren gave the man a good glare back, his hand flexing in case the man decided to unwisely jump before obtaining all the information pertaining to Shi'nayne's injury.

"You would do well not to look at my guest that way. If it were not for him this injury would be far worse if not permanent."

Toren's face had settled into a hard expression that only faded back to something more relaxed when the man began begging for forgiveness. Time seemed to move ahead quickly and there was a cleric suddenly there tending to the princess. Princess. He would do well to remember that here, within the walls of the castle, she was not an average wench but a rather royal wench. He almost smiled at the stray thought. In no time at all after that, Toren felt Shi'Nayne link her arm through his and was speaking of reclining and books and wine.

"I look forward to this excursion, your Highness. I trust my search will keep you from nothing more important?"

Shi Nayne

Date: 2007-06-10 13:34 EST
The princess sighed a little, not a sigh of being upset but more of a sigh of being happy to be home. "I am at your disposal, right now there is nothing happening in court and to be blunt I'd rather spend some time helping you. I made a promise and the promise I shall keep. Perhaps then with the investigation I can figure out what I feel like I know you." She was gazing up at him while she said the last sentence, "Because Toren I do feel like I know you. I'm not sure how, but I do."


Date: 2007-06-10 15:08 EST
He somberly considered her words. How could it be that she felt as if she knew him? Toren regarded her, his eyes narrowing slightly as he tried to think about the impressions he'd felt when they'd rode in. Something about home. He smiled, eyes relaxing into the expression that she seemed to somehow draw out of him.

"I do not know you but I feel good in this place; like it is familiar to me." His free hand lifted to brush against her cheek lightly. It was a forward action and he knew it. He was a common man and should never touch royalty in such a manner. His free hand dropped to his side. His words were soft. "I find this very strange as I only entered this realm recently. If you know me, I would very much like to know how." His warm smile grew.

Shi Nayne

Date: 2007-06-10 19:25 EST
When his fingers touched her cheek, it sent ripples of magical power or so it felt to her all the way down to the tips of her toes. "So would I Toren...So would I. Come the library isn't that far and I have this feeling..." She didn't get to finish her sentence, they'd just past the main security office and she let out a little sigh..."Such a long time since Uncle Mikey was here. He used to be the head of our security, he was a close friend of my mother's...he and his wife Demmi." She let her fingers dangle just above the name plate, she nor her mother could really take it down. It still said...Lord Michael...Head of Security on the plate. "They were both great mages. If they were here I bet they could help us find your parents."


Date: 2007-06-10 20:13 EST
He watched her fingers then shifted his gaze to her face again. His voice was respectful. "What happened?" All he could make were suppositions - perhaps they had moved on, perhaps they had passed away? He touched her arm gently, almost as if to guide her on although he had no idea where the library was at. "Why are they not here anymore? Who stands as your head of security?"

Shi Nayne

Date: 2007-06-16 21:22 EST
"Really no one has taken over as head of security. My elite guards handle the inner workings." She paused for a moment gathering her thoughts, "One day Aunti Demmi was here and the next she wasn't. Uncle Mikey went searching for her and never came back. They actually lived up to the north in the LightHouse, but their respected professions brought them to the castle every day." She sighed a little bit, "They were close friends of the family. Please, I linger where I should not. Let us move on to the library.


Date: 2007-06-18 06:33 EST
His voice was soft. "I'm sorry for your loss." It was evident to him that these two people had indeed left a deep mark on the princess. He could not begin to understand what she felt. He had never lost anyone quite like that before.

It was a few steps beyond that when something she'd said caught his attention. He replayed it in his head, a faint frown creasing his brow. It sounded familiar but the words were out of order. Weren't they? Had the scroll been mis-translated?

He mulled this over for a few more steps beore he finally asked "What is a light house?"

Shi Nayne

Date: 2007-06-18 22:46 EST
The princess did not miss a step when he asked about the lighthouse, "It is something Uncle Mikey brought with him from his home plane. Basically a bright light beams at the top to make sure the ships do not crash upon the rocks along the shoreline. Or at least that's why I've been told it's for. It is quite amazing actually to see it all lit up like that. I'll take you there one day if you like."


Date: 2007-06-19 10:17 EST
He paused, steps faltering as he murmured a passage he'd translated recently. "And the beacon shown through the storm, the house of light standing tall." His head tipped to the side while he considered it. Could he have misinterpreted the passage? Or had the passage been referring to something different? He glanced at her, trying not to hope but feeling it in spite of himself.

"I would very much like to see it." He inclined his head. He almost used her name but they were in the palace and it wouldn't be proper to do so. "Thank you for the offer, your Majesty."

Shi Nayne

Date: 2007-06-19 10:26 EST
"Well I think I can easily arrange that, perhaps in a day or two we'll take a ride. Please call me Shi'Nayne...You have a hero status among the people you know. After all you did save me." She grinned from ear to ear with that statement.

"Ah, here we are...The library and hopefully the answers you seek."


Date: 2007-06-19 14:05 EST
He chuckled at her words. "Hero status among the people? You make it sound as if there are heralds and bards even now singing songs of praise in taverns across the land. I doubt, at this juncture, that anyone knows me aside from you and those few here within the palace walls." He continued along side her. "However, I shall indeed obey your command, " there was a slight pause before he continued, "Shi'Nayne."

His attention shifted from the princess to the library she announced. He felt a step up in his pulse. Answers. He dearly wanted answers. He stepped through the arched doors into the library and paused, eyes flicking over the interior of the library.

"Perhaps .. a book on heraldic registries or images would be a good place to start?"

Shi Nayne

Date: 2007-06-19 14:14 EST
"You'd be surprised how quickly the words fly among the folk of Mana." She couldn't help but grin up at him while she replied.

"You have at it, you may utilize this library to it's fullest. Its the least I can do for my hero." Shi'Nayne couldn't help but giggle a little bit as she said this.

"I do know my mother spent quite a bit of time in the lores of civilizations, not to mention spells."


Date: 2007-06-19 15:45 EST
So many books.

He honestly did not know where to start. A blind search would have him here for the rest of his natural life. He glanced at Shi'Nayne and then back to the books before finally leaving her side to start wandering among the shelves that housed so much knowledge. His finger drifted over the bindings of lore. Age and leather accosted the senses as he drifted through the library. It was a needle in a haystack he was looking for, and he wasn't even sure at the moment where the haystack was located.

Eventually he found his way to a records area and finally to a book of heraldic registries and histories. It was this book he took with him to a reading table, gingerly laying the volume on the tabletop. It was quite thick (easily the height of his hand from finger tip to wrist); the leather binding creaked when he opened it. He became immersed in the pages, hungrily searching for certain references he'd come to know. Hours passed.

During this time, he forgot he was not alone. His thirst for answers drove him onward, one page after another. Murmuring to himself, he flickered his fingers activating a small vortex of light. With his eyes on the book in front of him, his hand reached into the vortex. A moment later, the vortex popped, fading into little sparks of dancing light that fell slowly toward the floor. His hand, previously empty, held a satchel that got laid on the table next to him. His eyes left the heraldic registry long enough for him to flip open the satchel and root around for something. A scroll. This he carefully opened so he could compare something.

"Letters that spell nothing." His words were under his breath, barely spoken. Then he blinked and glanced around again. "Shi'Nayne? Are you still here?"

Shi Nayne

Date: 2007-06-19 18:43 EST
Nayne had done exactly what she said she was going to do...


She had wine brought in along with assorted cheeses, breads and sweet rolls. The cleric had told her to rest and rest she would, especially in the company of a handsome man, regardless if he was ignoring her or not. Time slipped by slowly, just as the sun made it's what down the horizon to give the moon it's chance at a spot in the sky. Several attendants had dropped in, getting permission for this or that, along with the occasional scroll that needed her signature from the scribe. So all in all, she wasn't bored, nor completely *resting*. But, she didn't move from her comfortable spot on the couch among the overly soft pillows, glass of wine and munchies, ah yes life was good.

When Toren finally called out to her, the sound of his voice brought a smile to her face, "Yes Toren I am still here. Did you need some help?"


Date: 2007-06-19 18:55 EST
He heard her voice and moved away from the table that held the book he'd been scouring through. A turn this way and that and then he found her. His brows lifted as a smile touched his face. "You look comfortable." He approached and turned a small piece of parchment so she could read it. "Do these letters mean anything to you? They don't spell anything but I've seen them pop up here and there during my reading."

The parchment was faded and crackling, the letters almost too faded to read. If one tried, though, one could see something that looked like XXVII.

Shi Nayne

Date: 2007-06-20 08:51 EST
When he rounded the corner she gave him a soft, sweet smile and her eyes took on a seriousness when he said XXVII. "Is that associated with you somehow?"


Date: 2007-06-20 14:50 EST
He was holding a bit of scroll, showing her the letters. "I found them a few different times. They don't spell anything. They seem to be associated with a heart of some sort. I haven't found how or why. I do know that they are associated with this symbol." He lifted his medallion to show her the stylized D. "Some sort of protector, I think, if I translated the scrolls correctly." His thumb moved over the crest.

"I can only guess that this is important somehow. I'd like to think it will lead me to my past and .. and my family."

Shi Nayne

Date: 2007-06-20 16:04 EST
Shi'Nayne almost fell off the couch with this news, no way this could be? No...It wasn't possible.

"Toren...That symbol...those letters and the D...Oh wow. It did happen a long time ago, I was so young..." By this time Shi'Nayne was almost babbling, "Toren if those symbols are correct, your parents are my Uncle Mikey and Auntie Demmi. Which explains so much. Wow." She took a big gulp of the wine still shaking her head and wondering how stupid she could have been not to put two and two together before now.


Date: 2007-06-20 18:11 EST
He didn't dare hope. It was all just too convenient. Sure, he'd been searching the realm for bits and pieces of information for the better part of several weeks. But finding her by chance in the forest during a storm .. only to be led to this massive library .. only to discover ..

"I don't know anything for certain, Shi'Nayne." It was a struggle to keep his voice even. "I was just found with this medallion. I can't prove how I came to possess it."

He lowered his eyes to the medallion. "I need to be sure. I want to know beyond a shadow of a doubt who I am." His eyes lifted to rest on her again. "I need more proof."

Shi Nayne

Date: 2007-06-20 21:23 EST
"Well my friend, my mother would be a good person to prove who you are since she was very close to Demmi and Mikey. But, right now she is recovering from her own ordeal in the City of Rhydin. So, the next best thing...We will go to the Lighthouse where they lived, there will have to be something there. I'm sure of it."


Date: 2007-06-20 21:50 EST
He smiled then, eyes lifting to Shi'Nayne. "Thank you for understanding." He realized his hand had fallen to her leg. Inappropriate. He reclaimed it as he stood. "I will gather my things." As he turned, he became aware of the hour. "Or .. perhaps we should do this on the morrow?" He paused to look back at Shi'Nayne. "Or another day. Surely your people must be glad to have you back. I would be selfish to expect you to leave again so soon."

Shi Nayne

Date: 2007-06-21 08:22 EST
"We can go in the morning. I promised you I would help you and help you I shall." She gave him a wink, "No worries Toren, if you are the Toren of my Uncle Mikey and Auntie Demmi, we played together as children. We were very young, my mother told me stories of some things but you went away at such a young age...I'm sorry I don't remember."


Date: 2007-06-21 09:48 EST
He paused at her words. "You .. they had a son named .. Toren?" Hope flickered again inside him. Had he really stumbled into the right place at the right time? He turned again then back once more. "I was barely able to walk when I was found by the only parents I really remember. I have few memories but I have feelings. Things that seem familiar sometimes, things that make me smile for reasons I cannot discern."

Toren smiled at her. "I said that to say this. I do not blame you for any lack of memory. I understand."

He drew in a breath, slowly exhaling it before nodding once more and going to fetch his things. Many of the items he had were returned to their place in the other realm to wait his needing them again. The sword, however, was slid back on - the baldric on his back.

Toren thought it odd that the blade had fallen silent. It hadn't made any sounds, useful or otherwise, since they'd entered the castle. He dismissed the thought and went back to find Shi'Nayne.

Shi Nayne

Date: 2007-06-23 10:30 EST
Hope welled inside of Shi'Nayne, if this was Toren...oh wow things would be just grand. Yes, totally just GRAND! She knew Uncle Mikey had taken off to look for Demmi and his son, something had happened to them and no one was sure what. Of course she was so young at the time she also only had vague memories or feelings about that entire time frame. How she wished her mother was here. Her mother would be able to tell them everything they needed to know. But, she was still in Rhydin with Ali and her dad, she knew at the moment that was more important. Soon they would come back to Mana, of course at this moment, soon wasn't SOON enough.

"Come Toren, let's get you a place to rest for tomorrow's big day. We shall take a couple of horses from the stables and ride north." She was so excited about this entire thing she flung her arms about his neck when he returned, then she whispered in his ear..."I so hope you are the Toren from my early days, it will be wonderful to have you home...where you belong."


Date: 2007-06-23 12:32 EST
"Come Toren, let's get you a place to rest for tomorrow's big day. We shall take a couple of horses from the stables and ride north."

He was about to reply that the idea sounded like a good one. But he got a little distracted when she flung her arms around his neck. One hand rested on her waist, the other slid around her to support her. His eyes closed at her whispering, "I so hope you are the Toren from my early days, it will be wonderful to have you home...where you belong."

The idea of belonging was so tantalizing. And it seemed to mean a lot to her. He would be lying to himself if he tried to say it meant nothing to him. To be 'home' and to find out about who he really was - that made his heart jump and pulse pound. He let himself not think for a moment, instead he let himself imagine it was true. He was home and in some way linked to this land and perhaps even to her. His fingers instinctively tightened around her waist, arm curling a bit tighter around her body. His reply came on a whisper before he could catch himself. "I would like that, Shi'Nayne. Very much."


Date: 2007-06-25 21:31 EST
How many moments passed before he made a slight move to extricate himself from her arms? Too many and not enough all at the same time. He found himself brushing a light kiss to the top of her head and then his hands were running down her arms toward her wrists.

"May I trouble you for a plate of fruit, some cheese perhaps and a portion of bread? I find myself hungry after a day of travel and seeking through the books."

Yes, get the conversation on to something less personal. It was better that way.

Shi Nayne

Date: 2007-06-26 08:57 EST
Holy heck! Him holding her like that felt so good, most of the men around here were scared of her. Or perhaps scared of her parents more than likely was the true cause. Nevermind, he was holding her and then he kissed her forehead...not the exact place she'd like to be kissed, but at least it was a start.

"Actually a full blown meal would be nice wouldn't it? All you want is fruit and cheese? I can have the chef whip us something up real quick. I thought of you as more of a meat and potatoes kinda guy." She couldn't help but grin now, she felt like a school girl.


Date: 2007-06-26 21:23 EST
A full meal would be nice but he did not want to trouble staff that quite probably had already settled down for the night. "A meal would be welcome but the hour is late. I can make do with cheese and fruit until the morrow. It would make for a more robust breaking of fast, wouldn't it?" He offered a smile as he carefully took a step back to put some proper distance between them.

He did not mind the smell of her hair that lingered in his senses or the ghost of a touch that remained yet.

"However, if there is a meal to be had, I would not be disagreeable to the eating of it."

Shi Nayne

Date: 2007-06-27 09:08 EST
"We will have a light meal. They always have a stew over the cooking fire with bread in the pantry, plus the cheeses and fruit you desire. Come let's make our way to the kitchens and have a quiet meal while the rest of the castle slumbers."

Shi'Nayne took him by the hand as she pulled a torch on the wall, a secret passage way opened up before them. She grabbed another torch and struck a flint rock to light the way for them. It wasn't long before the pair ended up right where she'd said they were.

The kitchen.

"Now my Lord Toren, have a seat and I shall serve us dinner. It's been a long time since I've been so domesticated. I love it!"


Date: 2007-06-27 10:12 EST
He watched her movements with interest, ducking to follow her through the secret tunnel. Castles, he had heard, were full of such secrets although he'd had precious little time inside castles to know of them first hand. Stepping into the kitchen with her, he drew in a deep breath and exhaled a pleased sigh at the scents that he found himself swimming in.

"Now my Lord Toren, have a seat and I shall serve us dinner. It's been a long time since I've been so domesticated. I love it!"

He almost choked when she called him 'lord'. Surely there was some ruling somewhere that a princess should not address a common man with such an elevated title. There also must be some law somewhere that prohibited a princess from performing acts of serving such as those acts best performed by a common serving wench. But she did seem pleased so he did his best not to comment on the latter, but the former had to be addressed.

"I'm nothing so grand as a Lord, your Highness." He chose to use her title in case there were any servants in the area with ears to hear the conversation. "Your kindness seems to have no depth." He smiled then. "I appreciate your attentions."

Shi Nayne

Date: 2007-06-27 14:19 EST
Nayne enjoyed the little jaunt through the castle, especially with Toren in tow behind her.

"Now now, if you are indeed the son of Lord Michael and Lady Demmi, you sir will be Lord Toren." She winked at him just a bit, "Now let's eat I'm suddenly quite famished." The princess filled two bowls with a hearty beef stew, that was swimming in a rich brown gravy full of savory veggies to temp ones pallet to want more. Next she pulled a wine skin out of the cooler, along with some bread out of the warmer. Yes life was soooo good, especially when you could move about at your leisure to satisfy one's whims. Of course Shi'Nayne didn't do this that often, otherwise her elite guards would have a fit.


Date: 2007-06-27 14:31 EST
He chuckled warmly, watching her set out the fare for them both. The idea of not just finding family but finding that the family was titled - that was sobering. A lord? Him? He still considered himself the son of a groom. Would he know how to behave if he were indeed a Lord? The stew did indeed have smell enough to lure him into eating instead of thinking. He lowered his head briefly for a silent thanks to Providence for his current good fortune, then he took up the spoon and began to attack the food with vigor. He'd not realized exactly how hungry he'd been.

At a moment when his mouth was clear and he was tasting the wine, he found himself watching Shi'Nayne. More thoughts flickered in his head, a welcome distraction coming from his pack to keep his mind in line. Two little thieves decided that it was time for them to eat as well. The furry little ones scurried out of the pack, across the floor and up his leg. Stretching their long bodies, each tried to sniff at what was on the table. Toren broke off some bread and gently lowered each little bandit to the floor, offering each their very own morsel. Little dook's chimed, they began fighting playfully with each other, each one trying to take the others bit of bread for their own.

Another glance up at Shi'Nayne came as he once more gave attention to his meal. "This is a very fine stew, your Highness. I thank you for it." He took a piece of bread for himself and sopped it up in the gravy. With the morsel nearly to his lips, he paused. "I hope I do not let you down." He hoped her belief that he did belong to these friends of her family was not misplaced. He wasn't sure what he would do if he discovered he was not the Toren that she hoped he was.

Shi Nayne

Date: 2007-06-27 15:31 EST
Nayne chuckled at the furry pets of Toren, she couldn't help but be totally amused by their antics. "Well one thing is for sure, never a dull moment with those two around!"

The meal was very satisfying, so much so that she reclined back in her chair watching the pair play. She did catch Toren watching her out of the corner of her eye, that made her smile all the more.

"Even if you are not *that* Toren, I doubt very much that you could ever let me down. You saved me once, not knowing me from any other I hope I can return the favor. Not because I have to, but because I want too."

After many long minutes of enjoying his quiet company, she slapped her hands on her knees. "Come lets get to bed, tomorrow comes sooner than we think. With that good food and wine, I think I shall have not a problem in the world sleeping this night."


Date: 2007-06-27 17:23 EST
Her words warmed him more than he wished to admit. A helpful hand in the seeking of knowledge was good indeed and gave him a peace that he had not possessed before. And then words of bed.

Sleep did sound good and he dared admit to himself that sleeping on a bed would be much kinder to his back than the sleeping on the ground that he so often had taken up in recent time. He rose with her, a smile still on his face. "Then to bed it shall be. I look forward to the morrow and the mysteries that it holds. I dare say that I too shall sleep deeply this night. I ache to my very bones." He would follow her direction for he had yet to know where the room was that was intended for him.

Shi Nayne

Date: 2007-06-27 20:23 EST
It didn't take too long for Shi'Nayne to lead Toren to the royal family's wing within the castle. Special guests were allowed in this area and no one would disbute him being here, especially while in the company of the princess.

"Your room will be down the hall from mine. A hot bath awaits you to soak your weary, aching body. I hope you do not mind that I also took the liberty to have another set of clothes brought in for you. My lady in waiting will make sure your clothing will be washed and anything else you desire will be taken care of." As they approached his door, she reached out darlingly and lightly touched the top of his hand..."I shall see you in the morning. Sleep well Toren."


Date: 2007-06-27 20:53 EST
Down the hall from hers. It sounded scandalous but comfortable too. He nodded to accept her words. "A change of clothes would be most welcome. Thank you, Shi'Nayne." Her name slipped out before he could catch himself. At her touch, his eyes dropped to her fingers. Long and slender and dusky skinned - she was exotic. It was the only word for her. And she was so kind.

His hand shifted under her touch, turning palm upward so he could catch hold of her hand with his. He slowly brought her hand to his lips, a gentle kiss touched to her skin.

"Thank you, again. Sleep well and may Providence bring only good dreams to you." He was reluctant to release her hand but did so, allowing her to take her hand back from his gentle grip.

Shi Nayne

Date: 2007-06-28 11:05 EST
*He kissed my hand!* Her mind screamed and oh how she felt the tingle all the way down to her toes.

"Sleep well Toren," her deep green eyes smiling as much as her lips were at that time. Nayne knew she'd sleep well and hopefully be full of wonderful dreams.

It's all she could do to keep from skipping down the hallway after this wonderfully scandelous encounter. No not scandelous, she really did feel a connection with Toren. How she prayed he was the son of Uncle Mikey and Auntie Demmi, that would make things so wonderful for everyone involved. Admit it Shi'Nayne you want him to be that Toren so he won't leave! The princess closed her bedroom door quietly behind her, but dashed for the bathroom in the blink of an eye giggling the entire way.


Date: 2007-06-28 11:26 EST
He smiled to himself as she left and let himself into the room that was to be his for the night. True to her word, he found clothing laid out for him on a grand bed. It was more luxury than Toren had ever known. He moved through the room, inspecting things and eventually finding his way into a bathing chamber. Again, true to her word, Toren found a bath had been drawn with warm water waiting for him.

It would be good indeed to wash the dust of the road from his feet. He shucked out of his clothing and eased himself into the bath. The exciting events of the day and the warm water around him gave Toren a deep feeling of satisfaction. Weariness set in and it was no time at all before he drifted off to sleep, right there in the tub.

Shi Nayne

Date: 2007-06-29 21:51 EST
Sleep did come easy for Shi'Nayne that night, a new comfot zone had been found with this Toren and she liked it.

At the crack of dawn Shi'Nayne was up and getting ready for the ride to the Lighthouse. The easiest way would be to follow the river north once they hit the shoreline.

Today she dressed for travel, not the whimsical finery she'd worn out when she'd first met Toren. No today she wore her leather armor set. Nothing says comfort like softened leather, especially with the extra padding in just the right spots to make travel all the more pleasureable. True to her nature, one must have some cleavage can take the drow heritage out of the underdarke but some things come naturally no matter how hard you try and wearing reveiling clothing from time to time was one of them.

It wasn't long before Shi'Nayne was dressed and ready to go and found herself standing in front of Toren's door knocking politely.


Date: 2007-07-02 19:35 EST
Somehow during the night, he'd found his way to the bed. Crashing there ended up being a nice thing and he slept soundly until the first rays of sunshine found their way into his room. He rolled over, tangled in the blankets of the very fine bed. For a moment could not recall where he was until he'd blinked a couple of times. Oh yes.


He half smiled to himself, pushing his tangled red hair out of his face. He rose from the bed and crossed to the wash room for the morning routine. Even though he'd bathed the night before, tossing some cold water on his face and dousing his hair in water was refreshing. It also helped alleviate the tangles that his long hair had acquired over night. He found his clothing clean and waiting for him just as Shi'Nayne had said. He had only just pulled on his breeches when he heard the knock at the door.

Crossing the room, he finished hitching up his drawers and opened the door only after they were secured at his waist. His shirt was still in his han. His eyes widened a little; a half grin on his face when he saw his visitor. "Shi'Nayne." He cleared his throat as he tugged on his shirt; stepping into the hallway since it wouldn't be proper to invite her inside the room he occupied. "You look rest and very fine today."

Shi Nayne

Date: 2007-07-03 14:16 EST
When he opened the door with his shirt in his hand, she tried very hard not to stare, but WOW ok...DOWN girl. DOWN!

"Well good morning to you too," she couldn't help but grin..."Ready to ride? I've got some fresh fruit waiting for us to munch on while we ride. Never know the seed from one of our apples might cause a new life blossom." The princess gave him a sly wink before she continued, "I hope you slept well and you found the room comfortable?"

Some of her elite guards waited for the couple to finish talking before they would silently follow behind them. Shi'Nayne allowed them to follow only until they reached the outskirts of the city, then they would fall back to the castle. Something they did not enjoy but a command was a command no matter how much they disliked it. Their princess wasn't leaving Mana but still there were dangers no matter how well maintained a country was.


Date: 2007-07-07 07:25 EST
"Fruit sounds very good." The smile flickered at the mention of new life and her sly little wink. "The room was beyond comfortable, Shi'Nayne." He realized he was staring and moved his eyes away. "Let me fetch my bag." He quickly stepped back into his borrowed room, retrieved his satchel and then rejoined her in the hall. He fell into step with her, aware of the guardsmen who followed. He found the sensation of being watched an odd one but he understood the need. She was the child of the ruling family. She needed to be kept safe.

He mounted the horse given to him and seemed to be able to handle it well enough. Having the upbringing he did, it would have to be a very unique horse for him not to be able to handle it. He treated the animals with respect but a firm hand. The activity of riding came as a pleasant one. And with the knowledge learned last evening, he was very eager to find this lighthouse.

Would there be confirmation or heartbreak within the walls?

Shi Nayne

Date: 2007-07-08 09:28 EST
"I have consulted my map and have found the Lighthouse to be at least a 3 day journey from the castle. It is in the far Northeast Corner of the realm on the river. There are several ways we could travel of course. One is along the road which will take longer for us to get there since there really isn't a direct route. We can travel straight east and then follow the river north and then there is the most direct route which will make us travel some road, some cross country. That will take us through mountain valleys and some mountain travel, nothing to treaterous. All in matter which way we look at it, at least 3 days of travel. I honestly have no personal preference. All work for me so I thought I'd give you the choice, how would you like to see this land I call home?"


Date: 2007-07-08 09:36 EST
He gave each option due consideration before finally making up his mind. "Let us be for the direct approach. We can choose another way back, yes?" He glanced at her. Three days, one way. Why did it give him such pleasant delight to know that he would be spending this time with her? He schooled his expression into a comfortable casual smile. "I am looking forward to being introduced to this Land, Shi'Nayne."

He kept his horse along side hers, making it easy for them to speak during the journey. "You do seem to have quite a love for the Land that seems to go beyond a Monarch speaking of her realm."

Shi Nayne

Date: 2007-07-08 20:44 EST
"Then the direct approach it is! Part of our journey will be along the road of course, but tonight we will sleep in an inn to the north...from that time forward we will be out in the open wilderness," here she smiled just a bit before continuing, "which is where I love to be. This land is a part of me, no matter how you look at it. My mother and step-father, I really think of him as my father whether or not he *made* me or not are the sworn protectors of Mana. While they've been away Mana was left in my care and I will one day be Queen but hey I take it all in stride one day at a time." She shrugged a little bit then grinned...


Date: 2007-07-11 19:56 EST
He smiled at her as they rode. Her voice seemed warmer when she was talking about the land. It was a sobering thought that he was in the presence of the ruling voice of the land. She who would be Queen. He glanced at her and smiled at her shrugging grin.

"I am sure you are a fair and just ruler. You have been nothing but kind to me since we met. And for that, I thank you." He offered a smile, something a little deeper and heartfelt. "Do you really think that the wilderness is the best place for a Queen to be?"

Shi Nayne

Date: 2007-07-12 14:33 EST
"Thank you for your support and yes the wilderness is the BEST place for me to be. Here I am the closest with the Land." She said this wistfully, "I know we will find the answers you seek Toren. I do have such a good feeling about it. By the time we reach the evening meal we should be at the Falling Leaf inn. There we will have food and shelter, then tomorrow we head into the wilderness. We'll have a good time while we ride, there is no other way to be!" She kicked Jade into a fast trot, her silvery white hair bouncing in silken waves behind her as they disappeared around the turn.


Date: 2007-07-12 16:16 EST
He shook his head at her words and antics. She did seem free out here. He'd never seen her in action in court but he had a feeling that this was the real her - free and unafraid and eager to simply explore and commune with the land. He felt a pull himself for doing such things.

He urged his own borrowed mount on with a firm heel, shoulders arching forward slightly as the animal obeyed. He followed her around the bend, grinning. It was truly a good day. He looked forward to this evening and the inn she mentioned.

Shi Nayne

Date: 2007-07-16 22:15 EST
As promised, just as the sun was saying it's glorious good-bye over the flower strewn hillside, the pair arrived at the Falling Leaf Inn. Laughter could be heard dancing across the evening breeze, tickling you upon your approach to the front door. The sound was infectious, which made Shi'Nayne smile brightly...her emerald green eyes twinkling with their own inner light seeming to pale the magnificence of the sun's descent. She quickly dismounted from her horse, beckoning Toren to do the same.

"Come Toren, I believe the harper is here this evening. What a fine tale he shall weave for us!" She grabbed him by the hand leading him eagerly inside where shouts of..."Hail Princess!" Could be heard by all. The stable boy quickly took the mount of his princess and her guest, this would be a fine evening for all at the Falling Leaf Inn!


Date: 2007-07-16 22:20 EST
He let her lead him along, brow up at the laughter and excitement. She was not one to disappoint, it would seem. He was smiling himself by the time he was led into the tavern. Was this a place for a princess? Of course not. But that's what made it fun.


Of course right.

His fingers tightened around her hand as he followed, eyes moving to take in his surroundings. The scents and good spirit of the tavern enveloped him, making him feel more at home than he had ever truly felt.

Shi Nayne

Date: 2007-07-17 15:37 EST
"Hello there Jobe! I see your inn is in as just a good a shape as ever!" Shi'Nayne was all but bouncing she was so excited to be here.

"Your highness it has been far too long since you have graced us with your presence. I see you have brought a guest with you! Hello there young lord." Jobe extended his hand in welcome...

"Jobe this is Toren, he is a friend of mine. We are traveling north in the morning. I was hoping we would be able to have the inn's hospitality this fine evening."

"Like you even need to ask! But of course you shall stay with us. Come, Lilian has a tastey boar roasting over the pit in the kitchen along with a savory stew of vegetables...the finest mead this side of the Red Dragon Inn. Now have a seat you must be sore from riding all day. What be your fancy? Mead,"

"I think I shall have a goblet of your honey mead. There is none better." Shi'Nayne looked at Toren expectantly, gesturing him to make a decision.


Date: 2007-07-17 17:00 EST
Toren took the extended hand in good grace. "Sir, it is a pleasure to meet you." Then he fell silent during the introductions where he was introduced to those that Shi'Nayne obviously knew. He found himself quite hungry at the mention of food and was happy enough to make his drink order with haste when gestured to do so.

"I will have what she is having, if you please good sir." Toren assumed that the Princess would know what was best and if that be mead, then so be it.

Shi Nayne

Date: 2007-07-20 15:28 EST
It was a grand evening, the mead flowed like water would across the rocks into the waiting pond. So much merriment, such good times were had that evening. The food was absolutely delicious as promised. Of course Shi'Nayne couldn't ever remember having a bad meal at the Falling Leaf.

"Toren, having a good time?" Her eyes were bright with happiness.


Date: 2007-07-25 20:54 EST
How could he not have a good time? He leaned in toward Shi'Nayne with a chuckle, eyes holding a slight shine of perhaps a bit too much ale. His hand touched her back as he nodded. "I am indeed having a good time." His smile was easy. "I am liking this land more and more with each passing day."

Shi Nayne

Date: 2007-08-02 18:54 EST
The mead flowed into Shi'Nayne glass as one would drink water, she didn't care. She had wonderful company, fantastic songs and wonderous tales of adventure to keep her more than happy.

"I am so glad you are having a good time," she said as she leaned in close to whisper in his ear. The noise level at that particular time made it impossible to carry on a normal conversation. The tip of her nose rubbed against his earlobe, causing her to tingle in such a way...Must NOT get your hopes up! Down girl down! What would your parents think of such behavior. Well her mother, Samleanus would actually be proud of her and no doubt Arch would nod in that way of his but keep and eye on the pair.


Date: 2007-08-17 06:40 EST
Her voice in his ear was bad enough; then came the little nuzzle of her nose against sensitive skin. It felt better than it had any right to feel. He turned his head so he could look at her, his eyes seeking hers in that moment of surprise. He caught himself as he started to lean in toward her, his eyes dropping to focus on her lips, his head tipping just so.

Not .. Appropriate.

He drew back with a deep breath and looked away, warring with ale enhanced inclinations that he'd kept in check quite well prior to now. He almost took another drink but decided he'd had enough. He pushed his tankard back and drew in a breath. "When do we leave in the morning?"

Carrying on a normal conversation was hard enough in the din, but doing so when thoughts coursed along inappropriate avenues was even more difficult.

Shi Nayne

Date: 2007-08-27 22:37 EST
There it was! The look she'd been craving for all these years, then nothing. Wait? Could it be the mead? Yes her mind was a bit fuzzy, perhaps it wasn't there at all. Yes, Toren is a friend...well she hoped so anyhow, especially if he was *the* Toren from her childhood.

"Hmmm...Yes, tomorrow. I do believe it is coming sooner than we think?" She grinned at him, then sighed just a little..."Yes tomorrow morning after we break fast, we can travel perhaps a mile up the road before we fork off into the wilderness." Here she gave a wistful sigh, one of someone longing for the scent of the pine trees, the hum of the insects and the song of the birds as they wisked from branch to branch.

"Perhaps we should be off to bed now?"


Date: 2007-08-29 18:44 EST
He could hear her voice and could imagine her smile when she spoke. Her voice was soothing and gentle, friendly .. familiar. It was a struggle to keep certain images out of his head at her innocent question including the words 'we' and 'bed'.

His eyes swung back in her direction, gaze taking her in; the whole moment really. The music, the laughter, the sound of tankards clinking one against the other, the scent of ale and leather and wood and women, the touch of a flickering light as it danced in her silvery hair. Without thought, his hand lifted and brushed along a stray lock of her hair before gently pushing it back away from her face.

"Yes. Bed would be the wisest choice, I think." No more ale. That would be his undoing for sure and for certain.

Shi Nayne

Date: 2007-08-29 22:12 EST
As his fingertips slightly touched her skin as he brushed back the errant strand of hair, tingles ran up and down her spine, emotions were flooding her senses. Shi'Nayne leaned closer to him, not even realizing what she was close, then the inn door slammed as one of the patrons' wives showed up screaming and a hollering for him to get home. He had cows to tend to in the mornin' and how would they get milked if he was here all night long boozing it up with his friends?

Shi'Nayne couldn't help but giggle, she hid her smile behind the back of her hand as she leaned into Toren. Oh she couldn't let this lady see her laugh, but of my goodness it was funny. "Come on Toren, before I burst with laughter," she whispered into his ear. She grabbed hold of his hand and led him as quickly as possible for the stairs. Once they reached the top and had ducked around the corner, Shi'Nayne let out a whoop of laughter. She couldn't help herself. "Oh Toren, did you see his face? Oh it was so funny. I nearly burst I was trying so hard to hold myself together."


Date: 2007-08-30 07:22 EST
So very close. He felt her drifting closer, could catch the scent that was her even through the crowd and the commotion. Inappropriate thoughts danced on the edge of his consciousness, his hand started to drift down as if to perhaps begin to slide into her hair.

*WHAM!* The door and screaming started. It had the effect of a cold splash of water and his attention shifted from Shi'Nayne to the poor soul being berated by his wife. The whispered words of Shi'Nayne drew him to his feet and he moved after her, leaving the scene to those who seemed to find it commonplace. His fingers caught by her hand, he followed up the stairs and then around the corner.

Her laughter made him smile, a chuckle joining her laughter as his eyes darted back at the way they'd come. "I think it will be a very cold night for the man indeed." His fingers tightened around Shi'Nayne's hand. "You were much more gentle with the suggestion of sleep and how the morrow will come soon." His tone carried a hint of teasing.

Then it happened; he wasn't consciously aware of doing it but his hand tugged her from where she was laughing to draw her closer to him. His free hand ducked around behind her head, he bent forward and lower with intent. His eyes focused on her smiling lips wondering what they felt like, what they tasted like. For once he quelled the 'inappropriate' warning that sounded in his head. She was a princess, yes. She ruled the land in her mother's stead, yes. But she was also a woman. And so long as he focused on the latter, it didn't seem such a breech of etiquette to hold her smaller body against his as his lips finally found hers.

Shi Nayne

Date: 2007-08-30 21:19 EST
It happened. His touch, the softness of his lips against hers, the tingling sensation that encompassed her body but such a simple thing.

A kiss.

Shi'Nayne had been kissed before, heck she'd been engaged as well. Romance was something she'd had in the past, the long past and had more or less given up on. Now here was Toren, kissing her and it felt so good, so right. Before she knew it, she had her hands up and around his neck twining through his hair. The attraction she had for him was now definately mutual, no doubt about it in her mind. The inn could have burnt to the ground around them and Shi'Nayne would not have cared, she had some serious tunnel vision now and it was completely centered on Toren.


Date: 2007-08-30 22:59 EST
It was one of those rare moments that come upon a soul so infrequently that it would be remembered later with a fond smile...if he remembered anything. The scent of her hair, the smooth silk of her skin, that scent that was simply her. So many bits that made up the whole of the experience. Her weight leaning into him and the sensation of her fingers in his hair made him tighten his grip. His one hand let go of her fingers so he could rest it on her waist and then slide it around behind her to the small of her back, lifting to press her against him. Once started, he did not wish to end the touch of their lips against the other. It was an intoxicating moment.

He didn't want it to end and encouraged it to continue, the kiss turning warmer and seeking new depths. He turned them slowly until she was pressed against between his body and the wall, his one hand still behind her head as lips left hers to travel along her jawline toward her ear. He didn't seem to care at the moment that they were in a hall and not anywhere at all that was considered private.

The only thing that mattered was her touch. His lips found her ear, teeth nibbled on her earlobe a few heartbeats before his kisses once more trailed back to her claim her lips once more.

Shi Nayne

Date: 2007-09-01 10:31 EST
By all that's holy! Went through her mind for a split second. Not in a bad way of course, in a way of a woman who had been waiting for a moment like this one. The chemistry between them was electrifying, the sensations running through her body made her weak in the knees. Thankfully Toren was holding on to her or she would have been a puddle on the floor. When his lips traveled so deliciously to her jawline then tantilizingly slow back to her lips it was almost more then she could handle, a soft low moan escaped her lips before he encompassed her once again. Her hands were now resting on his waist and tightened as the kiss between them deepened, encouraging him letting him know she was wanting this as much as he was.


Date: 2007-09-01 10:40 EST
How could something so right be so .. incredibly .. wrong? He sought those depths within the kiss, holding onto her as if she were a dream that would fade if he did not have a good tight grip to keep her tangible. Fervor? Yes. Need? Definitely. Desire? Assuredly.

Breathing, curse it! He let his forehead rest on hers, his lips still almost brushing against her own. "Shi'Nayne." Her name came out as he exhaled, given life by breath alone. Another little kiss followed, almost chaste in how brief and gentle it was. Her body felt so right against his and he found himself longing to feel the touch of her skin against his without the barriers of clothing.

And that was the wrong of the moment. He barely knew her. She'd been kind to him, helped him .. was helping him. And he repaid her trust like this? Holding her like a common man groping a saucy tavern wench. She deserved better than that. It was with effort that he spoke his next words, whispered with tinges of regret. "I .. should see you to your room."

Shi Nayne

Date: 2007-09-01 10:54 EST
"Oh..." Came out before anything else could be said between them, the disappointment of going to bed alone. Again. Perhaps it was the ale they'd drank? But...No...It couldn't be just that could it? They'd been so close so many times and now the barrier was broken, but?

"Yes...I guess you are right." Her hands gripped his waist but for a breath longer before they fell to her sides. Her emerald green eyes looking into his, full of regret for the moment they were in at that time, a look of longing still there searching his to see if he was feeling the same.


Date: 2007-09-01 11:02 EST
Was he imagining the regret in her eyes? He wanted to believe not. Her words filled the awkward moment between them, her hands on his waist seemed rather at odds with her verbal agreement that his logic was correct. He should see her to her room. He did not want to see her go and did not wish to spend the night alone but it was the only proper thing to do. She should rest and sleep for the day's travel ahead of them. And she should do these things in her room.

Duty was a double-edged sword. He had taken it upon himself to see to her safety but it was not her safety he wished to see to at the moment. He did not immediately move, instead allowing himself another moment of savoring the feel of her body pressed between him and the wall, he stepped back with an almost ragged breath. Control. He needed control. He took her hand and led her down the hall to her room, no words for he could not think of a single one that would properly fill the moment without sounding forced.

At the door that was hers, he let his eyes wander her face to drink up the little details that were so often missed. His fingers brushed over her lips, an action that was surely more than a little forward. "Shall I check the room to ensure there are none present who would do you harm?" Any excuse perhaps to delay the parting.

Shi Nayne

Date: 2007-09-01 11:14 EST
The small walk down the hallway seemed to last an eternity, only his fingers grasping her hand seemed to keep her on the level. If nothing else the simple contact meant more to her than anything else. If he only knew? If he could only understand? But, how could he? He'd been through so much to find out his background, his true family and here she was feeling sorry for herself over the lonliness of being a royal. Many shout your name, many greet you with well wishes, but none ever got close to her. She was in a sea of people, but on the island totally alone. When she'd come across Toren, she'd kept her identity from him in hopes of normal contact with another person for a change. Even when he found out her true identity nothing really changed. Well except she had to get him out of the whole *Your Highness* bit. Once they got past that it was like it had been back in the cave.

But now, he wanted to check her room for possible intruders. This almost took the wind right out of her sails, being protective of the princess. Until he reached up and lightly brushed her lips with his fingers, that spoke more to her than the words he'd just said.

"Yes please...that would be very kind of you."


Date: 2007-09-01 11:22 EST
It pleased him more than it should have that she allowed him to enter her room. It spoke that she did trust him and that she was willing to allow him the honor of seeing to her safety. He gave her a gentle smile and entered the room ahead of her. It was a standard inn fare, bed, small table, wash basin. There was a strange sense of delight that she would not mind sleeping in something so common. It further endeared her to him.

He stood for a moment in the middle of the room, eyes closed to seek the center he desperately needed. Simply tell her the room was safe and then leave. Two very simple tasks.

"Shi'Nayne." He found he could not honestly say the room was safe for her, not with the thoughts coursing through his mind. He turned to face the door so he could see her when she stepped into view. "There is none in the room save me." That was honest at least.

If she hesitated, he would know she wished him to leave. If she did not wish for him leave, he hoped she would be quite clear in her wishes.

Shi Nayne

Date: 2007-09-01 11:34 EST
Such a simple thing really, Toren would check her room and then leave. Not so simple in the end, not when you really didn't want him to leave. She stepped into the room and closed the door behind her, as if to look behind it for possible intruders. "Seems you missed an area to search. Anyone could have jumped out from behind the door and attacked us. Toren, I do not think this room is entirely safe for me to stay in alone. I would feel much better if you stayed with me." As she said the final words she turned the latch on the door locking it. "Unless of course you really do want to leave?" She looked at him over her shoulder, her eyes looking like emerald jewels, her silvery hair glistening in the moonlight that managed to sneak in between the folds of the curtain covering the window. "Because I want you to stay." She leaned against the door now, watching him through lowered lashes...hoping he wouldn't think less of her...but she found herself literally aching for his touch once more. As if to start getting ready for sleep, she started to unlace her bodice...her eyes never leaving his.


Date: 2007-09-01 11:45 EST
She certainly had a way with .. clear.

"Seems you missed an area to search. Anyone could have jumped out from behind the door and attacked us. Toren, I do not think this room is entirely safe for me to stay in alone. I would feel much better if you stayed with me."

He found himself starting to smile. Never no mind that from his position in the room he could easily see behind the door. She had to know that but used it for her own reasonings, just like he'd offered to inspect her room. He heard the latch settling with the lock falling into place leaving them not just alone, but the sort of alone that would not be easily disturbed.

"Unless of course you really do want to leave?" She was leaning against the door, looking at him in that way a man wants to be looked at. Want to leave? There was a reaction starting and it was not to leave. His eyes found hers and, by the gods, he was not strong enough to resist the pull. He took a step toward her as she spoke again, "Because I want you to stay." Closing the gap between them was an easy task. Just a few steps and then he could feel the warmth of her body.

The bodice. Laces. He found himself in front of her, his own hands mingling with hers as she unlaced her bodice. There may not come a lot of sleep ahead, but he was fairly certain that they would both wake .. very .. well rested. He caught her lips again and let himself get lost in the moment. For when a mere mortal was in the presence of a goddess, was it not appropriate to enjoy it and pray she enjoyed his attentions?

Shi Nayne

Date: 2007-09-01 11:57 EST
It wasn't long before the bodice and the rest of Shi'Nayne's clothing was cast to the floor, Toren's clothing was intermingled with hers as well. The pair didn't make it to the actual bed for quite some time. Too much time would have been lost between them to simply walk to the bed. This Shi'Nayne loved, the attention she was being given and she of course reciprocated...lavishing Toren completely time and again during the course of the night.

She really wasn't sure when they finally fell asleep on the bed. But she was sure it went from exhaustion to sleep, not because she had wanted to stop, but because their bodies were finally spent and could not respond any longer.

To say that she was well rested was an understatement when she finally awoke the next morning. She stretched out like a lioness feeling completely and utterly...happy.


Date: 2007-09-01 12:03 EST
The simplest of touches became the richest of treasures for him throughout the night. Being with her, feeling her and being touched by her .. it was magic beyond anything he had ever felt. With bodies rich in sweat and failing in strength, they finally slept in a comfortable tangle of limbs.

He felt her wake, felt her body stretch in that languid feline way she possessed. It drew a smile to his face even before his eyes opened. "How did you sleep, Nayne?" He opened his eyes and propped himself up on an elbow to look over her form. His hand settled on her bare stomach, his light skinned fingers a stark contrast to her dusky complexion.

Shi Nayne

Date: 2007-09-01 12:16 EST
"Mmmmmm" was the first thing he heard come from her tantilizing lips, one of complete satisfaction. "I slept rather well." She turned her head to look at him fully now, the tip of her index finger running over the outline of his lips. "No regrets?" She asked him a little wistfully, hoping of course for the best absolute answer there could be. "I know I have none and wouldn't mind spending another day at the inn if we didn't have to get going."


Date: 2007-09-01 12:26 EST
"I do have regrets." He tipped his head closer to hers so he could whisper his explanation. "I am sorry we did not do this .. sooner." His hand drifted lightly over her stomach, moving a little lower.

"Are we on such a tight time frame that we could not steal a day for our own ends?" Yes, he was eager to find this lighthouse she spoke of but for the here and now, he had no desires to leave the comfort of the bed with her laying so perfectly displayed next to him. There were things he wished to explore and skin he had not yet begun to touch enough. "Perhaps I could hold you captive a day."

Shi Nayne

Date: 2007-09-01 12:35 EST
No answer was given, her hand reached up behind his neck pulling him closer to her and she kissed those lips of his, the ones that had sent her soaring to new heights only hours before. After many long minutes she whispered softly, "If you are willing to wait another day, then so am I." She kissed him hungerily this time, letting him know right where her mind was taking her on this fine morning.

The maid wisely did not even try to open the door, instead she left a note on the door saying, refreshments would be waiting for them in the inn below.


Date: 2007-09-01 12:39 EST
She was proving to be a most willing captive, he found as he leaned down to accept the kiss. It was a long moment of enjoying her flavor and the silky touch of her lips on his before he could even think about speaking. Thankfully, she did the talking for them.

"If you are willing to wait another day, then so am I."

He smiled and set about to show her exactly how willing he was to wait another day, turning her so she was under him once more and shifting his body to make the demonstration of his desire that much easier. Time had no meaning for him that day. It was simply touch, be touched, kiss, be kissed, and thoroughly enjoy the woman who had opened herself to him.

Shi Nayne

Date: 2007-09-01 13:46 EST
Somewhere during their day, food was brought to their room...otherwise the pair was left alone to their own devices. Which made Shi'Nayne totally happy. She'd grabbed one of his shirts which was rather long on her given their height difference and had taken to wearing it when they weren't *occupied* with one another.

This happened to be one of the times when they were resting and it was a question that had popped into her mind more than once.

"Toren will you leave if you are not the son of Mike and Demmi?"


Date: 2007-09-01 14:01 EST
"Toren will you leave if you are not the son of Mike and Demmi?"

It's not what he expected to hear come out of her mouth. He lay with her, comfortably exhausted. For a good part of the day he hadn't even given thought to who he was or why he was here. It was all about her and him and just being together. He lifted his head so he could search those enthralling emerald eyes of hers. He caressed her neck, fingers trailing from there down along her collar bone.

"I haven't thought about it." He had to be honest. Searching for his heritage was important and he wanted to know where he came from. How had he ended up where he had grown up? Why had he not been allowed to know his parents? As important as that was, though, he was finding himself more and more occupied with the idea of being close to Shi'Nayne. "Would it .. matter to you if I weren't?"

Shi Nayne

Date: 2007-09-01 15:40 EST
"No it would not. I've not had that in my mind at all. I find myself attracted to you on so many different levels." She half way closed her eyes loving his feathery touch upon her neck. "If you are not the son of Mike and Demmi, I will still help you as I promised I would. Not because I have to, but because I want too."


Date: 2007-09-02 11:16 EST
Her words gave him a reason to smile again. He leaned in and kissed her, hand drifting down her body. When he spoke, it was with his lips still brushing hers. "I may not know where I came from, but I am enjoying where I am at right here," he kissed her lightly again before continuing, "Right now."

Shi Nayne

Date: 2007-09-05 19:48 EST
The words spoken so softly to her, these words made her smile all the more, so much so that a giggle escaped her lips as she watched Toren.

"Hmmm...Yes, I like where you are right now as well," Shi'Nayne rubbed her nose lightly against his, "very much. Tomorrow we shall travel and enjoy the countryside and one another's company. For now I think I shall rather enjoy this room."


Date: 2007-09-08 19:49 EST
How could a man not enjoy the moment? He set his attention to simply enjoy her, enjoy the moment and ignore the questions about the future. For once he did not care who he was. He found he only cared about seeing her smile again, about trying to get her to make those happy pleasant sounds she'd made recently, and about simply being with her.

Everything else would sort itself out on the morrow.

Shi Nayne

Date: 2007-09-08 22:08 EST
The next morning found Shi'Nayne in a tangle of arms, legs and sheets strewn about her bed. She woke up with a brilliant smile gracing her lips as flash backs of their wonderous day and evening ran through her mind's eye.

"Toren...Darling...Toren...It's time to get up. The day is being stolen from us breath by breath. We must get on the road." She nudged her lover trying very hard not to giggle at that moment. He looked so wonderful to her, so much so that she'd love to steal another day but it just wasn't possible. She wanted to get to the Lighthouse, if he was the Toren from her childhood he would be even dearer to her than he was right now, if that was at all possible.


Date: 2007-09-08 22:15 EST
"Toren...Darling...Toren...It's time to get up. The day is being stolen from us breath by breath. We must get on the road."

He rolled slightly, eyes unwilling to open for a moment. His arm snaked around the warm curvy body tangled with him in the sheets, curling around to tug her against him in his sleepy state. His deep voice was a low gravelly tone, "Mmm...I don't want to get out of bed." He knew even as he said it that he would have to untangle himself in spite of how comfortable it was.

"How far off is the Lighthouse?" He slowly released her and began the task of unwrapping himself from the sheets and her body. "I don't mean to be brash or rude but perhaps there is a quicker way to get there?" His eyes rested on her, enjoying the view.

Shi Nayne

Date: 2007-09-09 19:47 EST
"We are on the most direct approach. We will travel more direct north now and skirt two different mountain ranges that will slowly direct us a bit to the east. We will be at the far northern tip of Mana on the east side right along the river. We will have several small mountain streams to cross but nothing like the river where the LightHouse is perched. Oh no, that is a sight to see. It is breath taking."

Shi'Nayne slid her bare feet to the floor and ran into the bathing chamber to freshen up. It would be a long ride ahead for them. No telling when she'd have the luxery of a bath like this one. But then again those mountain streams were invigerating. "I shan't be but a few minutes, then we can get our horses and leave at once. We should be able to reach the valley between the two mountain ranges by this evening."

It wasn't long before the princess came out of the bathing chamber, her hair wet from washing it and clothing damp in a few spots as well. "I am ready when you are. Two days and we will be looking at the LightHouse."


Date: 2007-09-09 20:52 EST
"We are on the most direct approach. We will travel more direct north now and skirt two different mountain ranges that will slowly direct us a bit to the east. We will be at the far northern tip of Mana on the east side right along the river. We will have several small mountain streams to cross but nothing like the river where the LightHouse is perched. Oh no, that is a sight to see. It is breath taking."

"I shan't be but a few minutes, then we can get our horses and leave at once. We should be able to reach the valley between the two mountain ranges by this evening."

He hated to see her go but watching her leave was full of it's own pleasures. Her white hair drifting in a tangle across her dusky skin as she moved, the curves that drew the eye and teased the mind, that sway that was all but inviting. She may not have meant it but he was of no mind to leave anytime soon.

But with her gone, he could focus on his own morning ritual with the water pot and basin. She hadn't understood his question about a more direct path - he'd been curious about why they did not magically arrive to their destination. Perhaps she wanted to enjoy the over-land trip instead of quickly arriving. He shook his head and refocused on the water; splashing some of the crisp cool liquid onto his face to further chase thoughts of a bare Shi'Nayne from his mind. A simple little tug of magic and he was soon as clean as if he'd spent an hour submerged in a fragrant bath. His long hair secured at the base of his neck, he was pulling on his pants when she returned.

"I am ready when you are. Two days and we will be looking at the Light House."

He smiled as he laced his breeches. His goods were already 'packed' and he had only his shirt and boots to put on. His sword lay silent in its sheath. "I am not ready to leave but will be prepared for the journey in short order." He pulled on his shirt and then wrapped his belt around his midsection. The sword settled into the baldric, he gave a nod. "After you, Nayne."

Saying her name in such a familiar fashion made him smile. Yes, she was a High Princess but now, she was also his Nayne.

Shi Nayne

Date: 2007-09-10 22:12 EST
The smile she gave him was a coy one, the corner of her mouth tugging just so as she walked past him to grab her effects. Sword belt in place, money pouch, wine skin and of course her floor length cloak. No self respecting elf would be caught without one. Ok so she wasn't 100% elf and well, being half drow...oh nevermind, in her mind she was half elf. People always took a step back when the word drow was used, so she steered clear of it.

Once they were mounted on their horses and headed down the road in a rolling canter the innkeeper sighed happily. He was glad to see his princess happy, he was also glad to see them gone. One never knew when someone would come along to try and snatch a royal. He did pitty the fool who would try such a thing, he'd seen his queen mad once and well he'd rather not see her mad again. If the rumors were true Samleanus was back. She would make her way back to Mana eventually and when she did, there would be a week long festival to rejoice at her return. Probably why her people didn't mind when she was gone for a while, there was always a good party afterwards!


Date: 2007-09-12 18:49 EST
Toren smirked and followed her out of the room. Yes, he'd seen the smile and was now very much looking forward to getting on with this journey, no matter where it lead. If she were there, he would be happy to follow.

Shi Nayne

Date: 2007-09-12 20:22 EST
They traveled most of the day, only stopping to rest the horses and to ease an aching back from all the riding they had to do. The difference in their travel happened as soon as they went off road. The countryside was quite breathtaking in this part of the kingdom. Rolling meadows filled with all the colors of the rainbow. Sparkling brooks dancing inbetween rocks down into the waiting pond full of dragonflys and fish darting about for their meals.

Yes the travel was rather enjoyable, Shi'Nayne seemed totally at ease with the world today.

Once the sun started to slowly fade away in the west, she looked to Toren with a quick smile. "I think we should look for a place to camp don't you?"


Date: 2007-09-12 20:39 EST
The countryside was indeed breathtaking. Toren had little to compare it with. He had traveled but not for an extended length of time and his bouncing between realms had never landed him anywhere quite so exotic or beautiful. He rode with quiet confidence and a peace that warmed him deep within his soul.

Even if he was not this man that Shi'Nayne hoped, he decided he simply could not leave this land. It seemed to sing to him in his veins and whisper to his very soul.

"I think we should look for a place to camp don't you?"

Her voice was a music as well, gathering his attention. His chin lifted in a slight nod. "It would be wise, yes." Any excuse to dismount and be near her, yes he would take it. That, and he was growing weary of the saddle.

Shi Nayne

Date: 2007-09-12 22:31 EST
"Hmmm...We are right before the entrance to the valley, I bet we could find a small cave for the night if we look hard enough." She kicked Jade into a bouncing trot as the pair went in search of a campsite. It didn't take too long, perhaps another half hour or so before a cave was found. Not large enough for the horses but easy enough for Toren and Shi'Nayne to stay in for the night.

"I think this will do quite nicely." She dismounted, then pulled off the saddle, blanket and bags so her horse could rest comfortably, before she even started to set up their camp.


Date: 2007-09-17 09:14 EST
The cave reminded him somewhat of the cave where they had first met - or rather, where they had spent their first night together. He gave a nod. "I think it will do just fine as well."

Quickly dealing with the horses first, he soon had his mount turned out to enjoy some of the surrounding grass. Then he went into the cave first to ensure it was safe and not already occupied by something big with claws. Satisfied that his Nayne would be safe, he set up the bedrolls and then moved outside once more.

"If you would like to gather some firewood, I will see about our dinner."

Shi Nayne

Date: 2007-09-17 09:21 EST
"Sounds like a plan!" She blew him a kiss and with a wink took off into the nearby wooded area looking for firewood. Yes they could have done things differently, but it was much more fun to get back to the basics. She hated to do everything with magic, she was a hands on kinda girl.

After a quarter hour or so, Nayne returned with a bundle of firewood and some dried out moss for starter. "I think this will do just fine don't you?"

Shi Nayne

Date: 2007-10-16 12:12 EST
It wasn't long before Shi'Nayne had a nice fire going and not long after that darkness had settled in around the campsite. It had a cozy feel to it, that was for sure. Nayne liked being out here in the wilderness with Toren, just the two of them. Sometimes she longed for having a simpler life...simpler ways of doing things. But, her birthright didn't allow such a thing, she was born to royalty and being a royal had obligations.

She sat with her knees tucked up, with her head resting on her hands while she watched the flames dance across the shadows of the night. Once the wildlife was used to them being there, the crickets started with their song and the frogs were croaking to their own beat. It made for a nice ambiance. Toren sitting next to her would be icing on the cake!

Shi Nayne

Date: 2007-11-06 14:49 EST
From the shadows the pair was being watched, bright eyes shining with a fire all their own. Intrigued was the right word for the sight before her. It had never seen these beings before. Mostly she wanted to just see them up closer, but was afraid of their reaction to her. Perhaps she should show herself? Perhaps they would run in fear? Perhaps? Yes perhaps I'll just wait right here and see what else might happen? No evil could be felt from their aura, which is why she was even more intrigued than ever. Before evil of some sort always imminated from anyone traveling through her area. Not this time.


Date: 2007-11-24 08:22 EST
He didn't have too much trouble finding more firewood for the fire and he came back through the trees with the armload he'd acquired. "You've been busy. Sorry it took me so long." He gave her a smile as he set the firewood in a nice pile near the fire for easy reach when needing to feed the fire when the current flame went down. He cast a glance at her once done and shifted his position closer to her, settling down near her on the ground. "Is there anything I can do for you?"

Shi Nayne

Date: 2007-11-27 20:41 EST
Nayne's sensed something but wasn't quite sure what it was? Odd...Funny feeling tingling along the back of her neck as her eyes tried in vain to scan the nearby wooded area. The fire threw off her night vision so everything around her was a big ole heat blob. Not far off from where she was sensing something or perhaps it was just her nerves, Toren emerged with an armload of firewood. She knew he could have created a magical fire, but there was something to the smell of wood burning, the crackling and popping sounds giving the flame a life all it's own. Yes, there just wasn't anything like a good old fashioned fire. Of course it did scream out to any creatures or nastys..."HEY! We are over here, see the fire! We lit it just for you to come find us!" Somehow that didn't really bother her, she had Toren with her and well, to be completely honest...She'd not felt this safe with any one person in a very long time.

"There is something you can do for me." Her green eyes twinkling with delight, "What does a princess have to do around here to get some food?" It was all she could do to not crack up at her own wit.

Sensation gone, tingling on the back of neck disappeared...but the pair was still being watched. The being perked up when she said the word, *Princess*.

Shi Nayne

Date: 2007-12-09 21:31 EST
Princess? Princess! Amazing that royalty would end up here. Of course royalty of the past was not always a good thing. Perhaps watching these two would be the best thing to do? But, no evil was sensed? This just didn't make sense at all. Everything pointed to them being in tune with nature but the word royalty often meant something else entirely. Yes closer scrunity would be required.

It wasn't long before Shi'Nayne and Toren were suddenly shocked by a grey cat waltzing into their camp just like she owned the place.

"What the?" Shi'Nayne looked at Toren totally perplexed, how had they not known a cat was near them?


Date: 2007-12-10 06:35 EST
"That princess would just have to ask." He didn't have a whole lot but they had some provisions from the Inn. He kissed her cheek then moved off to start getting dinner together for them. Before too long, things were smelling good.

"What the?"

He turned with a slight frown. A cat? He chuckled a little. He didn't find it strange that there was a cat or that the cat was a surprise. His eyes went to Shi'Nayne. "Apparently she is hungry too." He didn't really know if the cat were female, it was just one of those things he assumed.

Shi Nayne

Date: 2007-12-10 15:06 EST
The cat just waltzed right on up and settled herself on a nearby tree stump watching the pair. As if nothing was amiss she started to groom her paw with her tiny pink tongue ignoring them both completely.

"Well I guess she told us huh?" Shi'Nayne said with a laugh. "You are probably right, she smelled the food and decided to join us. Speaking of food, it smells delicious."


Date: 2007-12-10 22:54 EST
He chuckled at the feline's manner. "Felines have a way about them, don't you think?" He put himself to the task of getting the food off the fire, setting some on a tray for Shi'Nayne together with some warmed cider that he'd brought from the inn. He put some morsels of meat on a bit of bark and set it out for the cat. Then he turned his attention to his own meal.

Once he had things situated, he reclined next to Shi'Nayne and smiled at her. "Is her royal Highness happy?"

Shi Nayne

Date: 2007-12-11 08:19 EST
"No doubt about it. My Uncle Mikey's cats were hysterical. He had quite a few, loved the felines more than magic I think," she said with a grin.

"Hmmm, her royal highness is quite happy. But, I think I shall be happier once my belly is full and we are left to our own devices with one another's company." Her eyes were full of promise with just that hint of desire dancing along the edges. "Are you happy?"


If the cat could hurl she would have done so right there on the spot. Wow these two were really into each other, that was obvious. The Uncle Mikey comment did raise some interest though. There had been talk of a mage of great power residing with his wife and child in a lighthouse a long time ago. Perhaps this was the same Mikey?


Date: 2007-12-11 09:14 EST
"Am I happy?" He looked down at his own food for a moment while formulating his reply. "I am, yes." It was simple but it carried a wealth of meaning. He tried to articulate better. "Growing up I was not mistreated and as such, was happy. I felt like there were things missing because I did not understand a good many things. Since coming here, since meeting you, I feel like things are starting to fall into place." He smiled at her, his hand lifting to touch her cheek. "I don't know if I am who you think, and the man I am hopes you'll be happy even if I'm not."

Was he really this child lost so many years ago? Would he find links to his past that would confirm it? He sincerely hoped so. "Even if I'm not, I do not believe I wish to continue searching beyond the House of Light we are traveling to. I am more of a mind to simply remain here, being me and hoping for the company of a very beautiful woman by the name of Shi'Nayne." His voice had dropped as he spoke until her name was uttered with only the faintest whisper just before he kissed her.

Shi Nayne

Date: 2007-12-11 11:40 EST
As he spoke to her, Shi'Nayne's heart soared with each word...everything felt completely right with the world. The cat totally forgotten as his soft lips touched hers. If she could fly she would have been up and among the clouds at that very moment. Perhaps someone had cast a timestop spell upon them, or perhaps that was wishful thinking on her part. The moment she wanted to remember forever in her mind's eye.

Shi Nayne

Date: 2007-12-26 18:58 EST
With all the lovey dovey stuff going on the cat cast them a disdainful look and trotted off into the trees. *Interesting, most interesting indeed! He'd called her your highness. So perhaps she is royalty, perhaps she is the one I've been looking for? Maybe, maybe not. Tomorrow would bring more answers. For now, off to have a proper meal for tomorrow I travel!*


Date: 2008-01-01 08:49 EST
The touch of Toren's fingers to her cheek remained after the kissing stopped, his forehead touching hers. He almost forgot his food except for the rumble in his stomach. An embarrassed smile flickered. "Come, let us eat and then enjoy the night, Shi'Nayne." He straightened a bit an only after a glance around did he notice their furry little friend was gone.

"Looks like our friend had business elsewhere."

Shi Nayne

Date: 2008-01-01 11:33 EST
Tingling sensations ran up and down her spin, sending tendrils of longing down to her very core. His fingers felt like feathers caressing her cheek as she stared deeply into his eyes.

"Hmmm, yes something to eat would be...benefical." She watched him, loved the way he moved...she loved the way he just...well, yes she was falling in love with him. Be damned if he was Uncle Mike and Aunt Demmi's son...Son or not she was falling for him. Hard. His voice broke her out of her thoughts, she glanced around the campsite quickly, "Seems you are right. Perhaps we are boring," she said with a chuckle.


Date: 2008-01-02 17:31 EST
Beneficial. Toren chuckled at her choice of words as he straightened and then looked once more to his food before him. "Indeed. I would be distraught if you were to faint away due to lack of proper nutrition." He cast a sideways glance at her, a boyish grin on his features. Perhaps he was about to say something else, perhaps not. He finally settled back beside her and began eating.

It was more peace than he'd felt in all his years. He relished it and hoped it would last. Hopefully this House of Light would not cast ill shadows on what was happening between himself and Shi'Nayne. The thought brought him up short. His eyes turned to her and studied her carefully while he ate. She seemed eager enough to share time and their more intimate times seemed to be laden with more than simple lust. He brushed a lock of hair away from her dusky skin, loving the way her skin felt under his fingertips.

"I cannot image why the cat would think us boring. Perhaps puss just wanted her own meal quite alive instead of roasted and set before her."

Shi Nayne

Date: 2008-01-05 20:22 EST
Shi'Nayne watched him out of the corner of her eye, not able to stop looking at him. Wow what's wrong with me? Oh yes, that's REALLY like him. No doubt about it.

"Perhaps you are right, perhaps she wants to catch her own field mouse for dinner or a rabbit? I of course prefer mine cooked to raw any day." Nayne shivered at the thought for a brief moment as she finished off her meal.

"So what shall we do after dinner?"


Date: 2008-01-06 08:54 EST
"After dinner?" He gave his diminishing food consideration before answering. His tone was careful though it carried some bit tones of jest. "It would do good if we were to rest up for the journey ahead, do you not agree? Although I am not very tired just yet. Perhaps something to hasten fatigue would be in order?" His eyes slid in her direction.

Shi Nayne

Date: 2008-01-08 14:18 EST
"Hasten fatigue? Well we could always run a few sprints around the area, you know to check things out. Make sure no giants, trolls, wolves or whatever else might be in the area is out there." She batted her eyelashes all innocent like, trying real hard not to laugh. "Actually as much as I hate to say this, we probably should check out the perimeter, unless of course that wonderful magic of yours can protect us throughout the night?"

Shi Nayne

Date: 2008-01-16 16:01 EST
As the pair played footsie with one another the cat was out prowling the forest for a proper meal. One that was of red meat, non cooked variety. Thankfully she didn't have to feed as often as her current *form* implied she would need to.

With a mighty leap from the tree limb, the cat transformed into her real form bringing down the unsuspecting deer in a flash. The deer never knew what hit her. Nothing was left behind for the savangers except for exceptionally clean bones.

*Now I should go see how my neighbors are doing.*

Transformation complete, the cat walked through the forest once again to scope out the newcomers.

Shi Nayne

Date: 2008-02-29 09:56 EST
The cat climbed the tree and looked down upon this little campsite the two had claimed as their own for the night. Watching them together left a certain longing deep down for companionship of her own. But that had ended a long time ago and her love was long dead to this world.

Nothing happened to the pair during the night and the morning came with a dense fog covering the surrounding countryside. Everything was wet to the touch and the feline was NOT a happy camper about this.

Shalee woke up wrinkling her nose at the moisture that clung to the very air itself. "Well I don't know about you but the sooner we break camp and get going the happier I'll be. This dampness is not good for us to linger in. We sure don't want to get sick or anything silly like that now do we?" So the princess cheerfully helped Toren break came and before too long the pair was riding through the forest once again heading for the Lighthouse. The irony of it being a beacon of light for those on the river to avoid the rocks and what it held for the possibility for Toren finding his past was not lost on the princess. She wondered if he even knew what a lighthouse was truly used for?

"If we push it Toren we should make it by sundown or shortly thereafter."

Shi Nayne

Date: 2008-03-20 13:10 EST
So the decision to push it was made, the pair broke camp with record speed and hastened to saddle their horses. The excitement of finally getting to the lighthouse was even getting to Shi'Nayne. She hoped he would find what he was looking for and even if he wasn't the Toren from her childhood, he said he'd stay with her. This lightened her heart with such joy she almost burst from the inside out. The horses sensing their riders enthusiasm set them off at a brisk trot/canter into the wilderness surrounding them.

As the pair departed so did the cat, she ran from branch to branch and would occassionally change forms so she'd keep up with them. This was too interesting to pass up.

Shi Nayne

Date: 2008-05-09 15:04 EST
So off they road and push it Shi Nayne did, it was obvious by the eager look she received from Toren that he wanted to reach the LightHouse as quickly as possible. Or at least she read his look as being eager, or so she hoped.

The pair road all day long, even eating while in the saddle...only stopping to water the horses, give them a bite of grass then back they went. Shi'Nayne was excited and nervous all at the same time. She wasn't sure what in the heck to think. She only hoped his answers were in the LightHouse...Whether he was the Toren from her childhood or not, she felt a connection with him. Every once in a while she would glance at him while they road, taking in his strong profile and even smile. Yes, she felt a trust with him, something that she'd not had in a long time. Ever since Nalithan left, she'd not let another man into her life. Not until now.

Just as dusk was settling across the land, Shi'Nayne gave out a little shriek of delight. "There it is!" She pointed to a large structure in the distance. "Oh Toren there it is! Come on, we will be there in under an hour's time." She kicked her mare and took off at a canter.


Date: 2008-05-31 17:46 EST
He was eager, to be sure. Yet he held counsel afraid to let hope get too high. Yet he knew by the way she looked that she could see the hope rising in his eyes. They pushed hard, trying to make their destination with all due speed. At her excited exclamation, a smile unlike any other broke out across his face. Then she was gone, riding her mare at a canter across the land. He urged his own mount forward and leaned low. "Ride hard, my friend and you will soon have rest." He felt the leap of the animal as the horse lit off after Shi'Nayne.

Shi Nayne

Date: 2008-06-11 10:29 EST
At the pace they set for themselves, they were at the lighthouse around half an hour's time. Something had gotten into her mare, perhaps it was the thought of a dry stable or the end of a journey that gave her extra life. But, nontheless, they had made it.

As they neared the lighthouse, Shi'Nayne slowed her mare to a trot taking in the surroundings and remembering when she'd come here as a child. Remembering Auntie Demmi and Uncle Mikey, how they'd babysat she'd watched the way they worked magic together in wonderment. They made it look so easy. She could work magic herself, but nothing like her sister Shalee. Hers were a few magics, that did not require was a natural magic, nothing that she'd cared to develope. Maybe one day she would, who knew?

"Toren, welcome to the House of Light, where Lord Michael and Lady Demmi happily lived for many years together." As she made this pronouncement, numerous shapes started to take form in the entryway, their eyes shining in the moonlight, watching them. One by one the shapes took on a feline form and before you knew it...the horses were snorting and stamping their feet as a dozen or so housecats made their way to the pair.


Date: 2008-06-26 06:35 EST
"Toren, welcome to the House of Light, where Lord Michael and Lady Demmi happily lived for many years together."

He stared in wonderment at the sight before him. His readings had indicated that the House of Light was a pillar against the darkness. He'd not been sure as to whether or not that was literal or figurative. It was a little of both perhaps. Tall indeed, it was unlike any other building he'd ever seen. His fingers tightened around the reigns he held. His voice was reverent. "Amazing."

Caught up in that moment, his attention dropped to the flow of cats only when his horse snorted and shifted with a stamp of hoof. "Cats." He bit his lip and slid from the horses back. "Who tends to these animals?" They didn't look exactly uncared for.

Shi Nayne

Date: 2008-06-26 09:41 EST
Shi'Nayne let out a girlish giggle when she recognized the cats come out from the doorway. "Oh Uncly Mikey loved his cats, he always had them as long as I can remember. No doubt he has some kind of magical spell in place to feed and care for them. We have a few at the castle ourselves, decendants from his original pair." She dismounted, then removed the saddle and bridle from her mare. "Go ahead, look around I'll tend to the horses." Her emerald green eyes shining brightly in the moonlight as she glanced at her lover through lowered lashes.


Date: 2008-07-05 18:12 EST
"You don't mind?" He hated leaving her with the chore but he felt himself drawn to the structure. Toren never thought of himself as a cat man, really but to think that maybe these cats had some link - real or imagined - to his parents...well, that was enough to change his outlook. He felt certain vague sensations, of an almost familiar magic. But how could that be? "Maybe I should help and we go in together?"

Shi Nayne

Date: 2008-07-06 08:42 EST
"Of course I don't mind and you should take those first few steps alone, don't you think?" She tilted her head just so, looking at him with expectantly beautiful green eyes. "Go on honey, this is what you've been waiting for. I can feel it."

She turned from him and grabbed the reins to both horses moving them over toward the stables. Amazingly enough they appeared to be still intact. No doubt another one of Uncle Mikey's amazing ways to make his life easier. He probably had a garage around here someone where that old Honda of his. Wow, she'd remembered the terms accurately?!?! Well he'd schooled her in it long enough, he'd be proud. Yes he would!


Date: 2008-07-06 10:28 EST
He watched her go and then turned once more for the tower that stood so tall. The house of light? It felt right. Somehow it just felt so right. He didn't want to get his hopes up but he felt his feet carrying him toward it while Shi'Nayne dealt with the horses.

Toren regarded the cats as he neared. He didn't know the first thing about cats, really. He knelt down and put his hand out to see what they would do. Were they really cats that were descendants to those that his parents might have known? Were any of them old enough to perhaps have been actually petted by the hand of his parents? He looked up at the light house, heart swelling. He wanted it to be true more than anything now. The idea that he was so close to something that perhaps his parents had been a part of magnified his hope.

Had he really come home?

Shi Nayne

Date: 2008-07-06 20:32 EST
Shi'Nayne wanted to look over her shoulder to see what he was doing but decided this was a time for him to be alone. She wasn't sure how to say that to him, but that's what she felt. She so wanted him to be the Toren from her childhood, she wasn't sure why. Maybe he'd stay if that's the case? Because she knew deep down he'd still want to search for them, so the selfish part of her wanted this to be right.

When Toren approached the cats, they sniffed at his fingers that he offered to them. A couple actually licked his fingertips and playfully slapped at his hand. Much purring and leg rubbing was going on as if welcoming him home.


Date: 2008-07-07 18:55 EST
It was strange, the petting of cats and welcome he received. He found himself smiling and trying to get everyone some attention even though he still thought of himself as a 'non-cat' person. These cats were different though. Would that change if he weren't the right Toren? He didn't know but the thought caused his eyes to lift to the door ahead. Were there memories and answers beyond or more heartbreak?

There couldn't be heartbreak. He found his time with Shi'Nayne enjoyable, more than enjoyable, and he would stay regardless even if a small part of him wanted to seek answers. Did the past matter really if the heart had found that missing piece? He wanted to believe he could be happy with nothing more than Shi'Nayne next to him.

But the door beckoned.

He stood with one final pat to the larger of the toms and brushed his hands off. A quick breath and he took long steps to bring himself to the door and then through. As it swung open further, it clattered against the wall from a combination of his force, the wind and a spark of magic that had not come from Toren himself. He looked upward, eyes taking in what lay before him with a sense of awe and some part recognition.

The phantom voices of a childs laughter, a woman's song and a man speaking mingled for a moment only to be chased away by the wind and a cat's meow. Toren stook another step inward, tipping his head as his gaze lingered over things long forgotten.

He was unaware that the amulet he wore pulsed a white light briefly - a silhouette that was there and gone in a heartbeat.

Shi Nayne

Date: 2008-07-14 14:54 EST
Shi'Nayne stayed by the horses, she really wasn't sure what to do. Should she rush inside to be by him? No...she knew he needed some alone time. There was no doubt about that. I mean that's what she told him. So ok, brush down the horses...Take off saddles and bridles. Yes, focus on the horses.

"That does the trick right Jade? You need a good rub down after the journey we've on, huh girl?" The mare nudged her owner with her nose then drank deeply from the water bucket.


Date: 2008-07-18 14:56 EST
Inside he stood for a moment, letting his surroundings sink in. A main floor room, large and open stood before him. A staircase along one wall went upward hugging the curve of the wall itself, disappearing into the second level. There was no dirt, dust or other indications that this place had stood empty for any amount of time. It smelled fresh, as if someone had just opened all the windows to allow a breeze access.

He stepped farther inside, his boots silent on the hard floor. Some cats circled him while others watched from various perches. Furniture and other details seemed at once familiar and oh so strange. A dining room table, carpets, a fireplace that he just knew was enchanted, a picture on the wall .. these and more haunted him. He moved toward the wall holding that image and he found himself smiling. It was a landscape and for some reason, he simply knew it was of this land.

Toren turned away after a moment to seek further into the House of Light. Up the stairs he carefully moved. He could see that although the staircase seemed to even out on the second level they still continued upward after a few feet still hugging the curve of the wall. He simply knew that they went all the way upward to the very top. He also knew that a couple of floors higher he would find private chambers - beds and study rooms. There would be a library. He caught his breath as he continued upward, the second floor largely empty except for windows scattered throughout.

His chest tightened when he reached the next level. It was indeed a more private area. He did not immediately notice many of the details. His eyes focused on the large ornately framed picture. It was of a woman smiling, holding a child while nestled up against a man. Her hair was a strange mix of colors and her eyes were so silver they almost gleamed. The man was strong and tall, smiling as well and had his arm around the woman holding the babe. A babe with red hair. A babe with one green eye and one brown eye. A babe wearing ...

Toren's hand lifted unconsciously to touch the amulet he wore. A flicker of a frown passed over his face, head tipping slightly. Then the frown was gone, replaced by a smile.

"Mother. Father." He blinked away the wetness in his eyes, tried to breathe around the tightness in his chest. "I'm home."

Shi Nayne

Date: 2008-07-25 10:33 EST
Nayne stayed outside for a while with the horses, making sure they were completed refreshed. When she put them in their stalls there was fresh hay and feed in the buckets along with spring water from the nearby well. She couldn't help but chuckle, Uncle Mikey never liked to lug anything around so he'd set the stable up to be no different then his office. Once she exited the building, the princess took a deep breath not knowing if she should go into the LightHouse or not. Did Toren have enough time yet? Did he find the answers to his questions or did this place cause more questions then answers for him once again? So much apprehension clouded her mind, that she wasn't sure whether or not to proceed. One of the cats, a calico came from out of the barn and pushed her head against Nayne's back leg as if to get her to move forward.

"What? Oh I see, you don't want me outside anymore? Is there danger in the area?"

The calico blinked her copper colored eyes at her, then head butted her leg once again. "Ok I get the picture, I'm going inside." Once Shi'Nayne headed toward the Lighthouse's entrance the calico turned toward the trees hissing at the blue/grey colored cat up in the branches, who was watching the scene below. The cat chuckled lowly, which sent the calico scrambling for the protection of the Lighthouse, she streaked by Shi'Nayne and dove into the covers on the chair.

However, Shi'Nayne didn't see this happen she was too busy looking about her in wonderment. It looked the same, all of it. Once she got her bearings, she went in search of him..."Toren?"


Date: 2008-07-25 19:59 EST
The familiar voice came to him through the pounding of his own heartbeat in his ears. Toren couldn't turn from the portrait, his eyes hungrily consuming the images of his parents. He lifted his voice so Shi'Nayne could hear him. "Up here, third level."

Toren took a step closer to the portrait. Reverently his fingers lifted to brush lightly over the face of his mother. She was beautiful to his eyes and yes, he dared to believe she was his mother. There was something in the way she had been caught to canvas that would not allow him to believe anything else. That and the amulet that hung around the child's neck. If it was not the self-same one he wore, then there were multiple ones in existence throughout the land and beyond.

His eyes moved from his mother to regard the man that was his father. Broad shouldered and obviously strong, he wore such a smile that Toren felt a warmth within. It was as if the man in the portrait were smiling right at him personally. Toren caught his breath and only after several more moments could he turn his attention away to the rest of the room.

But there was Shi'Nayne below. He should greet her and show her what he found, get her opinion to confirm his own solidifying beliefs. Toren turned to the stairs, intent on hurrying down in order to share this moment with her. "You have to see what I found, Nayne! Hurry!"

Shi Nayne

Date: 2008-07-28 11:46 EST
When she heard his voice, it brought a smile of relief to Nayne's face. He didn't sound upset, he sounded excited perhaps? Anxious? Well she couldn't tell unless she saw his face. On the 3rd floor? No problem she could do that. Then he called out to her once again...

"You have to see what I found, Nayne! Hurry!"

Ok that's all she needed to hear, Nayne bolted for the stairs...the cats scattered out of her way in her zeal to reach him. By the time she reached the 3rd floor she was out of breath. Cats were squalling and the stars outside were extra bright. Ok maybe that's an exaggeration but it sounds good.

"Toren? What have you found?" She rushed to him and came to a sudden stop when she saw the picture that had captured his attention. "That is Uncle Mikey and Auntie Demmi, with Toren." She noticed the necklace the baby wore, it matched his own. "Toren, it's you. Has to be. Look at the necklace."


Date: 2008-07-28 13:45 EST
He met her at the top of the stairs and then took a step back, as she asked, "Toren? What have you found?" With his hand resting lightly at the small of her back, he stepped aside so she could get a full view of the picture. "That is Uncle Mikey and Auntie Demmi, with Toren." He smiled at the little pause as the necklace seemed to register. "Toren, it's you. Has to be. Look at the necklace."

Toren's smile grew wider as he nodded. "That is what I .. I believe so too." He slipped his arms around her and hugged her close. "Providence has brought me back, put you in my life and led me here to the Light House. Not a house of light as I incorrectly translated." He spun her around and then set her down again lightly. "I am home!"

Shi Nayne

Date: 2008-08-01 10:12 EST
The relief she felt must have been ten fold for Toren, somewhere deep down inside she had so prayed he was their son. With Toren back it also seemed as if Uncle Mikey and Auntie Demmi were here too.

"Oh wow...I'm...I'm...Oh wow." Nayne didn't know what to say but the happiness was more than reflected in her gaze at him. She hugged him tightly then gave him a soft kiss. "I'm thrilled for you and for us."