Topic: "Reborn ....Again."


Date: 2006-11-25 13:02 EST
~~Lasherette had stayed the last few days with Ivan. When he had to leave her, and was not able to take her with him, she entertained the little one. That's all Lasherette called her. Ivan hadn't given her a name. But she helped her busy the time away. At night Ivan would instruct Lasherette over and over again in her lessons. Lessons never taught to her previously.
Lasherette wasn't even aware that Ivan knew that she was terminal with consumption. She did go to the castle once, in the evening, but he was not in. It wasn't long after that she was attacked in the back alley of the Inn....losing the baby she carried...and fell gravely ill. That is where David came into the picture. As much as she loved and adored him after he made her...she remembered the words her mother told her as a child. "You cannot make some one love ye Lass....remember that. No matter 'ow much you love can't make 'em love ye back."
Such was the case with David. But he did heal her...gave her life when she believed she was truly hours away from death. And he gave her asylum from the Dragon Slayers....who eventually killed her son and ex. He was there to comfort her, but it wasn't after that....and it was over between them.
Ivan.....thank the gods his temper has gone from a boil to a simmer for a bit. He truly is trying to teach her....his way. The right way. She didnt know what his final plan was for her...all she knew was that she never wished to leave him. As a mortal he had drank from her many times, bringing her close...only to turn away from her. While she was weak, she never died...and he stayed with her the entire time, every time. She loved Ivan...from their first meeting, when he tricked her into allowing him in her home. From the first time he drank from her....she would claw at him, trying to hold him to her, but he was far too powerful, and easily pushed her away from him.
Ivan is a killer. He enjoys the hunt. He enjoys toying with people. However....Ivan also has a soft spot. And that is what kept him from killing Lasherette when he heard what she had done! They had not been together in quite along time. She heard from his sister, that he had gone back to their ancestral home to take care of some things, then did some traveling to France. How Lasherette loved that trip they took to France.
She dreamt of it afterwards, far to many times to count. They never discussed Alex....though she is certain he knew about him and Drake. And she will not speak of them, less he ask.
This little one now who resides there, within the Castle with them. An urchin off the streets. You wouldnt know it by how she looks. Finest dresses she'd ever seen on a child so young! The more time she spends with her, the more she yearns for one herself. Life has not been just when it comes to Lasherette and children. And she loves them so. Though to look at her, Lasherette appears quite the vixen Vampiress...but those who love her, truly love her....know differently.
If he intends to keep the child...he needs to name her. Lasherette thought she looked like a Brigette, or Kathleen...(Katie for short).
She loved watching Ivan with the child. She wouldnt stare outright, less he was trying to teach her something. But he did have patience...something Lasherette always lacked. So he now had two females to deal with. Impatient little things at that.
In the evenings he insisted they dine together...sometimes he would take Lasherette out with him...others... he would go alone. Lasherette, learned along time ago not to question Ivan about his affairs. Nothing brought his blood to a boil, quicker than her questioning him...on anything. Less, it was something instructional, which she didnt understand.
Once upon a time, she came very close to being Mrs. Lord Ivan Wallace of Fermanagh. They had similar heritages. Something that had always bound them...and now...she was bound to him by blood.
The same blood that flowed through his veins, flowed through hers. He spoke of David still being her maker....but in her eyes...she was Ivan's. She even appeared a bit differently than she did after David changed her.
But this time when she went through the change, it was far more painful than when she went through it with David. As she lay there with her eyes clamped shut, gritting her teeth as they elongated, feeling her nails tearing into the coverlet...she felt David's blood was fighting Ivan's. And yes....she had far more of Ivan's in her than David's, perhaps that was what Ivan was referring to.
All she knew was that she was with Ivan...and with Ivan is where she wished to stay for all eternity. He has changed somewhat with her. While yes, he was furious with her, for going to David...they laugh more now than ever. He isn't as distant as he used to be. He is still firm, no pulling anything off on him. Yet....he looks at her with those steel gray eyes...and studies her face....her movements. She can feel his eyes upon her. Sometimes smiling even.
It was time Lasherette had some peace, calm and love in her life. For most of what has befallen her, was not her doing. And Ivan knows that, she needn't speak a word. He will see a memory in her eyes, and pull her to him, holding her tight and close....arms like steel about her...kissing her cheeks and the top of her head.
Then there was the lover in him.......::sigh:: Journal~~ I shall have to finish you here. I must go play with Bridgette or Katie, "Afternoon Tea." Through play, she is learning the ettiquette Lash wasnt taught till she was at the yongest 12. Yes, with that blonde hair, cornflower blue eyes, and cherry lips....she will be a real knockout some day. Gods help the beau who is the first to come calling for her. But....there's still time before that...and who knows...but she was certain Ivan considers her his daughter. The look in his eyes as he looked at her....made Lash wish he was the father of her own child. One day...One day when he is ready.~~