Topic: l'?criture de l'?me

Vanessa Emili Winters

Date: 2009-08-17 00:18 EST
Sometimes you think you know everything, that you have everything figured out. But even immortals arent with out flaws.And we hardly know whats coming, ye s we like to say we know most of us whove beena round a few hundred or thousand years..That history repeats itself the humans will always make the smae mistakes that blood,war and sickness will come and go.And yes that last part may be true. Blood war and sickness will come and go, but humans can surpise me still.

I am even more suprised by immortals. Humans change more than any one else, but even we who never age and hardly ever die see to change in slight ways. 300 hundred years and change.I figured Id always be the same. A hunter a killer. But I changed. My life changed me. When I came to Nosgoth things changed so dramaticly. I found love, and a fmaily.

Things changed long ago when I decied not to be a monster, to be so different from my kin. Most of my kin. ould have never seen myself here. So long ago all I knew of the world was the old world not this one, old blood fueds and old family ties. All gone now, old enemies nothing but dust. I never thought Id know lovelike this.

Runes brought light to my world. Magic and peace as well. I have found myself with him. I do not feel so alone any longer, nor do I feel as I had for so long like some wild animal. Something to be feared. The fierce V is stillt here hidden behind my violet eyes, but I feel less like ehr now, more stable.

A great love and a great family. No more darkness and mosnters in it. Just light and all that surrounds it. For onc ein 300 years I know what it means to be loved fully and respected and accepted as well.

Rune Walsh

Date: 2009-09-21 23:57 EST
From the moment he first laid eyes on Vanessa. He knew that she would be the one for him. How right he was as he managed to win her turst and love. Since they had been together, they had been through hell together. From her past catching up to her, to him fighting for her. To where they were now. Bonded..mind, body and soul.

While she would go out trainning, or just out for a walk. Rune would be in the tower, helping Ghallon in the trainning of the childern of Nosgoth. With his nights being spent with Vanessa. He knew that they still hadn't moved to the next level. He also knew that it was eatting her alive. Which he always remineder her of one thing. He was and would always be her's.

Vanessa Emili Winters

Date: 2009-09-22 01:40 EST

Peaceful. I never thought I would find myself feeling so peaceful. After all this time.I think I understand. Its taken me some time tos ee that taking our time is really what is best.It ahs driven me a little crazy, but.In the end we have a life time together. I already have his heart. After all my past, and everything with Elliot and the DeShards coming back to haunt me and hunt me. He has staye dby my side. It is not right of me to want to rush him. Hera and Jade helpped me come to that, I can nto claim that I came to it on my own.

I spend my days training,or running patrols in Rhydin. At night I am here in Nosgoth. Sometimes though rarely now I go to Rhydin to meet with,Shea ,Jade or Hera. To run patrols, have drinks and some girl time. I think sometimes of all he has given up to be with me, he gave up his life as a mortal. The change was not so hard for him as it had been for me, different times, different people. I am not the creature I was then. All in all I am at peace, happy here in this wild place. The longer I am ehre the more I feel its power. Rune says that soon I may get training from Ghallon, it is a high honor as I am told. Most of the people ehre have had his training, Shea told me to expect anything from him. Jade said to watch out for his right hook and Hera said he can be as sly and cunning as his brothers. I suppose we shall see. Till then, I am so peaceful.