Topic: A Great and Terrible Beauty

Saga de Deso

Date: 2009-02-22 13:12 EST
(OOC Note: Storyline open for those that have been welcomed to visit the Library of Dark Lore. If you've received a card or a vocal invitation to visit the Library then feel free to post )

She if anything avoided much of the grounds of Dark Lore castle. Named caretaker and keeper now of the castle as the owner, the Mistress of Twilight herself, Seirian Caradoc had provided ownership of the castle to the dark sister. She cared for none of it save for the library.

It was strange that the beautiful creature of Twilight would give Saga such a gift. After all the library of Dark Lore was hers...and only hers. She had existed longer then even the Twilight mistress had and the writings in the room... the detailed scrolls and elegant penmanship she knew as easily as the canvas of a lover's flesh. The writings were her own.

So many names so many titles had she gone through in her life... it only seemed appropriate that now she would be named Saga. Witch. Legacy. Story writer. She rarely offered the remainder of her name because it meant nothing to her, a mere clan name.

Words twisted on her tongue, rolling out as smoke and silk to caress the air past her lips, the bone hilt of hip resting against the corner of a book shelf as oil slick eyes settled their dark pools on the glistening jar in the midst of the room. Clandestine and her calling. Untouchable to all save her.

The smile twisted on her lips, razor blade sharp at the contours of her lips. Gaze dangerous while strange colors would dance in those dark pools. An interesting turn of events for the one created as Beautiful Evil. They all had come from some where. All forged in one destiny or another.

Teeth gritted a crashing lightning line of ivory as she oil slick eyes shut. Silver adorned fingers curling and tearing at snow and soot mane. When her eyes opened they were polished opal. Blind save for the vision that she saw. Seer. Oracle.

Scars went like rivers on a body that was a continent of flesh. Her fingers traced patterns, smoothed lines of age... the feral promise as nails dragged and learned bird bone fragility. Tongue tracing old scars that once had burned. Scorched ruins of the earth. "I will save you from your pain... free you from this torture." Her words a promise, venom and bliss. There was a danger in a freedom to take them both...

Eyes stared, wide open to the ceiling as the darkness devoured the crystalline light of her blind eyes. Oil slicks surrounding for strange colors to glimmer in dark pools. A coil of body as the pain lanced through her, nails clawing at her sides to save from the mind numbing pain of those visions. So much stronger...

Saga de Deso

Date: 2009-02-23 06:20 EST
The following evening had been much kinder. Without the visions. She had made conversation with a few from the Inn, had even invited them to the library. She was there now at the Library of Dark Lore- the state of the candle proving the time that she had lingered there awake, writing for so long. Exhausted from it she leaned back against her chair, body arching to ease the tension of leaning over the desk for so long. The sinuous grace of her body stretched out, long and lean against the black shift worn. She had been writing for hours now and the results of those long hours were starting to catch up with her.

She looked over her writings before the quill was tucked back into its holder. Rising as she let the pages remain open to let the ink dry. The prowling gait of steps led her to stand again before the strange looking jar on its stand. More so then the library, more so then Seirian's request the jar is what kept her here. So many would have believed that it was supposed to be a box... but those that did their research correctly would know, it was truly a jar. Then again perhaps it had been a box once, just another strange creation that could alter it's appearance to throw the searchers of it off. As precious as the holy grail. It stood out from everything else but graciously not enough to be wary over, suspicious of.

Oil slick eyes narrowed as she looked it over, lips pursing as she shook her head and disappeared down an aisle of books. Far away from it as possible. Silver adorned fingers reached down to brush the shaggy stiff coat of one of the Irish Wolfhounds that lingered in the library with her. She smiled absently to herself, so many would expect the witch's familiar to be a cat... but then there were many things wrong about that. So much that was wrong. She considered the words of the other. Lying eyes. Of course her eyes would lie to work in ways that lips could not. Words held far too much power in them to risk a lie. A gleam of light struck and danced across the cuff of iron worn at wrist. Like a circle of salt for others.

The thought was pushed from her head. Bound. Trapped by the will. Made to do so by the Order. There could be worse responsibilities then to maintain the Library of Dark Lore, now couldn't there be? A quiet sigh exhaled and she settled on the floor beside the hound, fingers coaxing a soothed growl from the beast as she drew down another book and began to read.

Saga de Deso

Date: 2009-02-23 20:07 EST
She was still reading when she sensed the presence of one of her own.

"You're not welcome here."

A civil murmur from the smoke and silk voice without even lifting oil-slick eyes from the pages read.


Annoyance crept like blue veins of lightning through her eyes as that gaze set to the man. She held up her wrist to him, the one shackled by the pure iron cuff.

"I am behaving. I am obeying the rules. I am staying by my... construct. What do you want? I asked to be left alone. I am doing as the Queen of Darkness and Desire has wished. Now leave me be."

He bent down towards her, a glittering creature that was not withheld from his true existence. She sneered at him, teeth baring as if a savage creature rather then that which she was. Beautiful Evil caged.

"Should I call you by your true name and bind you even more then just by the shackle at your wrist? Seirian has done will with you... you are no more then that beast at your feet. Good night, Saga. I hope you dream well tonight..."

The book was raised as if to throw at the smug back side of his head. A sigh as she dropped the book to her lap, well aware of the consequences. A look around the library as senses made her aware that no others would trouble her tonight. Truth be told... there could be worse prisons she could be in...

Saga de Deso

Date: 2009-02-24 13:04 EST
The smell of candles burning, the dripping of wax and the sweet aroma of incense drifted through her awareness as she woke up.

Fingers smoothed through her hair as she lifted her head away from the belly of the beast she had fallen asleep on.

"Apologies, Mitho."

The wolfhound turned his head, lifting it from the floor as he softly snorted at her and flopped his head back down. The massive beast did not care.

She rose slowly and looked around the deathly quiet library. Still and quiet. Peaceful.

Even Saga seemed to tiptoe through those late hours of the night. The witching hour. Surely some of the rumor mill and misguided would assume she would be up to prepare some twisting of a dark spell.

Instead she moved to the window, curling in the window seat as she pushed the window open a bit. The cool breeze caressed her skin and she bathed in the glorious touch of moonlight and winter against her skin.

It was those rare moments in which she remembered. A lean was taken near the window pane as she stared out into the night, oil slick eyes watching the grounds of Dark Lore Castle where unknown beasts and shadow creatures perhaps would roam.

All in due time the library would have it's visitors. For now the library existed like a quiet, slumbering beast. Peaceful. Waiting. The library that never closed no matter the hour. Saga knew there was work to be done... but for tonight, she felt as patient and sedated as the library itself... waiting on the time of visitors. Time passing by as fleeting as starlight and the ever changing nature of the moon.


Date: 2009-02-24 22:30 EST
Taking his invitation card, and moving through the dark ways of the world, Khest, Lord of The Forest of Misery, came upon the gated confines of this mighty and black place. This Library of Dark Lore, which was more to his eyes, a great, and grim fortress. Oh and how he felt the power and shadows deep were here. This Witch lived more like a Dark Queen, then mere Witch. He walked up the twisted path to this unholy edifice, undaunted by whatever guardians were in place.

Infact, he was beginning to think if this Saga was indeed from some corner of Ravenloft, prehaps she was an escaped DarkLord like him? Many questions he would ask of her, most stirred he was in his heart about this dark beauty. He would have to tread carefully with her, Saga was not a weakling she had power and he liked that.

Only her beauty was greater, he did infact feel some desire. And he wanted more...

He came upon the great doors to this mighty place, and took one of the door knockers and slammed it on the door. And there he waited for someone to let him in. He would be the Libary's first appearent visitor. And undoubtly its most frequent visitor too.

Saga de Deso

Date: 2009-02-25 06:27 EST
The hours had passed and she had remained in the same spot. After the visit to the Inn, the pleasure of liquid libations of her normal whiskey bottle and the addition of shots with Jack, Saga was content to enjoy the pleasure of the quiet and the calm.

Her favorite place to reflect had become the window pane, the window left slightly ajar save for the glint of cold. There were memories of when she had been cold. Near frozen. The Ice Thorn. Body frozen and heart equally as cold. The winter of her spirit had come to pass though. Seirian and the rest of the Order had graced her with that much of a favoring.

Oil slick eyes moved over the library. She would have to replace the candles soon. Fleeting thought, more so memory curled a slight smile at her lips. It had been awhile since magic and power had licked at her flesh, rolled along her in waves. It was a welcome sensation.

The sinuous grace of her motions were sleek and silent as she moved to replace the candles, relight a few more. A look around. So many names she had gone by, so many titles. So many thought they knew what she was. Two knew the truth of her... but not the full story. It was after all as epic as her name.

The sound of the knocker sounding against door startled her out of her reverie. Seemed someone had decided to make used of their card.

"Come, Mitho let us see who it is."

A murmur to the shadow coated wolfhound as she moved to the door and brought the heavy wood and metal of it open. The bone hilt of hip resting against the door as those oil slick eyes lifted to consider the one that had arrived. A brief quirk of lips before it was gone from her lips.

"Evening, do come in. Welcome to the Library of Dark Lore."

The door was pushed open to allow his entrance. Greetings made she turned on her heel and walked into the mouth of the library.


Date: 2009-02-25 14:14 EST
The ShadowKing, Khest, entered the dark, great hall of the Library, though this was understatement. This refuge of forbidden lore was more a great fortress then library. He most indeed in awe of its size and construction, only those of great and twisted vision and power could even conceive of such a structure as this place was.

He did follow the Witch, this Saga, that so intrigued him. His footsteps echoed in the halls of this silent tomblike library. He could feel the age of it, the power within its walls. He walked just a little bit behind his lovely guide. What dark delights and horrors would she have in store? He could only guess.

"I am most impressed with your home, Saga." He whispered almost reverently as if in some unholy temple.

"This place, this grand fortress you call Library, rivals even my home, DarkSpire, I feel at home here to be sure. How did you come be such a marvel of darkness? If I may ask?"

Truely this woman had his full attention, she fascinated him. He contiuned on, following her to whatever destination she had in mind. Khest would enjoy spending time here in the twisted dark passages and finding secrets hidden. He did not care if such things would damn him, he was damned, cursed from birth. He moved to her right side now, walking along the hallway. Now and then admiring her dark and lovely form. In his mind, he found someone worthy of his time, and equal prehaps. Time would tell on that matter..

Saga de Deso

Date: 2009-02-25 17:31 EST

"It is not my home. I am just the caretaker of this place. The library though... is mine."

A roll back of bare shoulders as she looked his way as he fell in step with her.

She mused over his words, chuckling silently before the silk and smoke of her voice rolled out in that nonchalant manner. "A marvel of darkness. I do not know of all of such that you speak of. I am merely myself. A saga. The dark lore that breathed life into this place. The library holds all my research and all my knowledge. Experiences on pages."

A murmur, side glance to the jar centered on the podium as she turned past it down one of the row of shelves to straighten out the books.

"Any particular bit of research or topic you wished to look into?"

Oh certainly she was stepping into a pit of snakes with that inquiry. Worse things had happened. Arms folded over chest as brow lifted in question. A lean against the book shelf.

She was patient and considerate. Powerful yes but by no means exposing full potential. That had been... subdued... stifled. Her kind did not consider her 'Beautiful Evil' for simple means after all ... however the presence of her was not the standard expectation of 'evil.'

Wicked and Lovely always. The expectation that a woman of her caliber at full potential could just bring mankind down to knees... and well that wasn't just in the cards for arrogance and pride when it came to the Order. No... not at all. Equals? Perhaps... but Saga's thoughts always would venture elsewhere.


Date: 2009-02-26 21:04 EST
He turned to her, and asked quite matter of factly, business-like, he needed information, and prehaps Saga's Library would help his search. He pondered how to ask this, as it was a delicate question.

"Saga I would like to know if your Library carries a extensive section on True Alchemy and how to create children when the perspective parents are both Undead."

He paused, then spoke again.. "My Wife and I, seek to have children, I know something of True Alchemy, and the Living. But I need more information to study the effects of True Alchemy and The Undead."

Khest remained silent as he awaited Saga's awnsers and suggestions on the matter.

Saga de Deso

Date: 2009-02-26 21:36 EST

The request and research topic had her pausing and pushing away from the lean against the library shelf. Those oil slick eyes swirled with the strange colors glimmered like blue veins of lightning in the dark pools. Like a storm in the distance.

"It is dangerous alchemy that you deal with... why not just mark one as your own to claim as a child of your choice?"

Ever strange was the one that spoke of wife and family when the Shadow King had near bathed her with an aura of his own desire and need to possess and claim.

The thought left her silent as she motioned him to follow her. Deep into the darkness of the library. Snaking through shelves with the sinuous grace of the creature and creation that she was. They would call her witch for it was the best notion to put their minds at ease.

The truth sometimes was hard to swallow. The books she stood before radiated their own aura of ancient power. Silver adorned fingertips touched upon the tomes. Snow and Soot locks of hair trembled like serpents awakening.

Pause of palm. A hushed exhale Glance over her shoulder as those oil slick depths settled on him. The devouring depths of her eyes held a nature that gave the thought that maybe she could see well into the hearts of men.

"You must be certain of this. These spells and concoctions can leave one changed. Can alter in ways unexpected. Are you prepared for the consequences? Tell me now if you are willing to take on a risk that is beyond your deepest fear and most horrible of nightmares. This is not a time for bravado."

She waited, the level of her gaze heavy and weighing as a death scale of justice.


Date: 2009-02-27 14:40 EST
He gave a deep and hidous laugh, Demonic and cold it was, echoed through the quiet, tomb-like Library and its dark halls. he was amused at her warning him of things Nightmarish and Fears. Khest ceased his laugh, his visage truely dark in this place as he drew in the dark power of this place. He looked down to Saga, and smirked, his eyes alight with Green Flame.

"My dear Saga I do find your warning to be as entertaining as it is unnecessary. I am damned already, marked and twisted from the day I was born. I have no Soul to send to Hell, for I was not born with when. I was twisted in Birth as a Caliban, for being the bastard Son of a cruel Human Male noble and a Half Vistani Gypsy woman, who was a slave to this man. I was cursed with the sight of My Mother's people. That too is a curse, for no male of Vistani blood is to have the Gift of the Sight. Those that do, are also damned to bring ruin to the world.

I was cursed for my cruel temper and service to a powerful Lich WizardKing, for I did horrific deeds in his name. I was his most powerful of Minions, and prince of his Realm. It was not until foolish Mortal Men with Holy Words, Holy weapons and rightous fire that came to murder my Vampire wife, that I truely turned to greater evil. For after her death, I spent years hunting down those men. And when I found each one, I tortured them by killing those they loved most dear. Their families and friends slaughtered by my hand, their blood washing over my flesh.

And after I was done with their closest families and friends. I turned on the very towns from which they came. I and my men, killed thousands, burned their homes to ash, slaughtered their livestock. And salted the ground so nothing would ever grow in the fields again. Five towns ruined and wiped from the Lands of Ravenloft. But never did I kill those five fools. I left them broken, they ended up, each of them ended their own lives. For they were so at a loss of having all they knew taken from them. They in turn arose as tormented ghosts, haunting the ruins of their homes.

Yet it was not enough, I was still hollow. But I was repaid for my vengence, I was cursed one last time, as a Ruler of my own Dark realm. To rule a land of gloomy woods and fetid swamps, and all from my dark, decaying fortress. To brood and remember the loss of my first wife for all time. Then after so many years I found a way to free my land and me from the Misty Prison. But at a great cost, for I must feed the soil of my land with the blood and souls of 13 living beings, each Full Moon, on the second night of the Full Moon.

If I do not do so, back I and my Kingdom go to the Misty Prison. That is the only thing I fear, for I fear nothing else. You do not need to lecture me on Darkness and Nightmares, for I am both, and live both. Now if you will show me to the knowledge I seek, I again shall seek dark knowledge. And try to fill the void still in me, for myself and my new wife, we shall have a child, made of her and I. Nothing less, Saga..."

He did finish his oration, and he was quite insensed by her lecturing of him. Khest was no whelp apprentice, he knew much and did many dark things in his existance. He waited for Saga to direct him to the tomes he needed to research. In a sense he suffered from one other curse, Hubris. But he would never see that in himself. Anything else was weakness to him and his twisted foul mind.

Saga de Deso

Date: 2009-02-27 19:38 EST
While he was laughing those oil slick eyes were watching him with a lack of humor. Expression unreadable as a brow arched, head tilting in calm consideration of the Shadow King. Oh she had seen many like him. Arrogant, vain, foolish. All to believe they were the ones that knew all of the nature of the world. Of evil and darkness. Nightmares and utmost terror.

A dismissive shake of head as she regarded his eyes, his expression. A calm smile even as the darkness of the library seemed to cling to her form. Caress and crawl around her. There was power that was kept and restrained in those dark pools of her eyes. She would offer nothing of herself or the knowledge of who and what she was. Leave the arrogant king to wear his crown when the world would see him as the court's fool.

She listened to his epic story. Biting the plush comfort of her lower lip to save from snickering or laughing herself. The regal way of her grace and demeanor had taken years of finesse. A masterpiece. She played her role perfectly in the art of the play that was this life. How many roles had she played? So many...

Humorous the fact that he was disgraced by her presumed 'lecture' where he was offering his oral story to compete with the Odyssey itself. Saga briefly considered dismissing him from her library to let him seek his own research far away from her research. But she was the owner of the library and ever one to stand beyond what was considered simple and foolish.

Sigh exhaled a tome was plucked from the shelf. A few pages touched, caressed. The words seemed to imprint and paint themselves across the air and then before the Shadow King's eyes the words settled on paper.

The tome was replaced on the shelf as she offered him the sheets of papyrus with the alchemy notes he needed to strive for his own desires.

"There you are. May it not curse your child's birth."

She moved away from the shelves with those ancient tomes, a light smile slicing her mouth open with it's razorblade nature. Those eyes were unfathomable then... dark and deadly as a storm that could destroy and devour. The warning had been issued... she could no longer force them to heed her...

The exit door of the library was held open.

"It is late... and there are matters... to attend to. Merry Part."

A bow of head as he was escorted out. There were other visitors to plan for.


Date: 2009-02-27 20:11 EST
He just glared at her, she too was arrogent, he was not blind, she thought herself the sole expert on Darkness. He turned on his heel, and as he walked out he spoke a warning himself.

"I leave you to your little library, Witch, I will seek my anwsers elsewhere. Ply your trades and arrogent stares to someone else. There are other places in this world and other planes where I am known and would be allowed to look for myself. And without the owner of such places wishing to laugh at me.

Furthermore.. Do not stand in my way, when I bring death and pain to this land. And do not doubt that I can, for I have and I will again. If you stand before my armies, you will be crushed.."

And he was very serious about that, he never bluffed, he always delivered on a promise made. He left behind the Library and its owner, he would find his anwsers elsewhere.

Saga de Deso

Date: 2009-02-27 22:01 EST
Never was there a solitaire expert on Darkness save for the Darkness itself. His words of departure were answered by a subtle lift of brow.

One who had laughed before at her now bristled at her own attempts to restrain mirth at his display of bravado and intensity. With the warning the corner of eyes pinched, tightening as those oil slick eyes moved to dangerous slits.

Breath exhaled quietly. Temper never released in such a fashion. Ice more then Flame always. She left her sister to the nature of the fire.

Death and Pain the Dark Court had made her familiar with those wicked promises. The door was shut behind the Shadow King as she turned on heel to fall back into her research. The ink fell on white sheets... the yin and yang nature of dripping rivulets. Her own story forged on those flawless pages...

Saga de Deso

Date: 2009-02-28 07:06 EST
The research had near become exhausting to a restless spirit. Who really could concentrate any longer with all that moved in her head. The bridge of nose was pinched before the freshly penned pages were dusted. Breath exhaled to blow away the excess dust.

The desk was finally withdrawn from, silent steps moving her as near a haunting wraith through the library. Peaceful even as her skin still seemed to glow. Moonlight and shadows. Focus was likely to elude her with the presence of her energy humming like a livewire... all due to the presence of the Hunter.

Certainly a break had been taken earlier to rid herself from the dark library and visit the 'freak show' as Jochin had called it. The evening was reflected on as the sinuous prowl of her steps led her outside into the gardens that led their gnarled and thorned path in half moon around the Library of Dark Lore. A smile at her lips... she remembered that she had stated her purpose that night was to entertain herself with some 'midway games'... and oh... she certainly had played on the midway.

A clove and match had thankfully been snatched from her personal effects prior to leaving the library and she took this moment to bask in the simple indulgence. A spark of flame in the dark as the clove was lit and the smoke exhaled to draw writhing patterns and arching designs in the sky.

Her steps led her through the twisting nature of the garden. Orchids, Lilies, and strangely colored roses grew here in that garden of Twilight. Fingertips gently moved across the petal of a sterling silver rose as she exhaled breath of clove intoxication and smiled in the languid nature of pure relaxation.

Contemplative and Intrigued she remained still, thriving on the nature of the night and the events of it. Briefly her mind touched on the Killer with his brittle bird bone ways and lethal fashion.. his game had already begun and the little Dove didn't even realize. A click of tongue, oil slick eyes drifting.

How long could a touch remain on flesh... the intimate imprint of a caress? Would it linger like a tattoo on skin before fading into memory...and what of a kiss. Drowning intoxication that made her glow. Eyes shifted, dark pools licked by a dancing ribbon of color as they rested on the iron band at her wrist.

The Hunter would be dangerous for her. Exquisitely dangerous in a way that she would continue to dance upon that thin line in his presence. All that had once been so silent within now was awakened and thriving. Intensity of the nature of that which she was... she looked down the twisting path of the gardens and wondered on paths that intertwined and those long hours of research in the library.

All in due time.

Saga de Deso

Date: 2009-03-02 05:32 EST
The night had come, hours far past since the grace of thoughts in the garden. Arms had crossed over her chest, relaxed pose as her head tilted and she mused over a certain shelf of books.

Whatever might a Hunter scent off of those shelves would be intoxicating. Overwhelming. Near an addiction. Saga knew well enough of the world to realize he would not have any sort of complaints.

Shoulders rolled back as those oil slick eyes lingered on the books, mental checklist and memories. Her body ached but hardly from pain... no that evening had long crossed over into depths of pleasure.

A quiet laugh escaped her lips before hushed. Joy in those darkened corners. It was best to find the appropriate book for Jochin's research. That was what he had come for after all.

The vision came without permission or authority. It had no care for time or consideration of the safety of her. As ever it brought her to her knees, fingers clutching at the paradox of coiling mane. Those eyes turned from dim light, closed as the milky opal blindness overtook her eyes. It was not always the future that she saw...

Bare footed she walked against land so familiar and yet still unknown. A black sky and somewhere... there was screaming. Anguish and torment of the fallen. Victims and Villians. The sky carried the charred aroma of burning flesh. It reminded her of a spit with plucked chickens being roasted. So much burning. A crashing chaos behind her and she darted out of the way, down to hands and knees near like a predator as mouth twisted in a startled scowl. She had lost the will to understand horror a long time ago. Thus was the lacking nature of surprise when it came to being near the one who was as merciful as he was unforgiving.

A paradox like she. Their burned remains were burnt offerings in her mind. She was not of their level, they had held a higher status then she... but she was still crafted with a purpose. A curious mind could often be mistaken for a mind of evil and corruption. The beautiful evil to distract mankind.

She crawled on hands and knees towards the charred body of one. They said hell hath no fury... but then did those that spoke of such things know how blinding and burning the light of Heaven could be? Her name, her true name was called out in warning and plea. Ignored.

Her hand reached out to grip upon fragile trinket beside the burning corpse. Cloak unpinned and thrown over the form to snuff out flames while other hand with new trinket was lifted for examination. The sky seemed to be raining blood... but then no... it was just the result of what she held in her hand.

A solitaire feather soaked in blood, dusted with ashes with the cindered aroma of burning. Like a candle snuffed out. They fell all around her. Fingers clutched the feather, a look back as her arms were gripped and she was dragged away screaming in defiance. But those dark eyes... oh they recognized that face. The name on lips but the blow came from rough hands and spilled her into the embrace of darkness

Gasping she slumped down to the floor as the vision released her. Head pounding as fingers raked through her hair. It was rare for Saga to be spooked or even shook up. This was not one of those times. Visions could be near to revelations. Something of her past. Perhaps some paths twined and interlaced for far longer then realized. Silver adorned fingers reached up, touched the solitaire blood red feather in her hair. Unsteady she climbed and clawed her way to her feet before darting down one of those darker rows. Deep into the belly of the beast that was their library. Perhaps it was time to look back on the past...

Saga de Deso

Date: 2009-03-05 19:56 EST
There was a silent power in the library, the grace of literature a potent addiction. Saga herself welcomed such very sweet bonds that held her here.

Fingers curled around the iron cuff that circled her wrist as the oil slick depths poured over the page. Legacy. History. A story of angels and demons and curiousity that would not kill a cat but bless a woman with a name and with gifts. Beautiful Evil, Giver of Gifts.

Her hair spilled in thick coils to curl and pool around the edge of the book as she leaned over the ancient tome that was secretly locked away in the hidden chamber of the podium in which the pithos rested. Soot and snow tendrils were a blissful, bewitching harmony of black and white. Yin and yang.

Thoughtfully fingers caressed and stroked the blood red feather resting in the balance of black and white. Standing out as a memory, a nightmare, a beckon, a reminder. Curse and Wish.

Her eyes closed and briefly the glimpse of blood coated fields and ashen skies snapped a photographic nightmare behind lids. Another blink and it became snapshot of a forsaken one.

Angel. The visions slowly had become a puzzle fitting together. Still a few pieces of the jigsaw were missing.

Silver adorned fingers ran along her face as she exhaled a frustrated sigh. It had to be here... somewhere...

Saga de Deso

Date: 2009-03-07 07:25 EST
The expected passage in the ancient tome was found. Fingers moved swiftly as her eyes scanned the pages. There was always recollection to keep the stories and save them, put them on paper.

It was not something that people looked on kindly. Fear tended to do that to the human spirit. Nothing lasted forever, all knew this but kept themselves carefully embraced by ignorant bliss while others... just quietly accepted it.

The passage was there and describing easily the imprint of the blood coated fields and cindery smoke black skies. Which only would mean the answers would be there in the next turn of pages.

Jaw clenched as she fought the urge to scream, pupils dilating against the backdrop of oil slick eyes with the ever present colors to mingle in dark pools.

Pages were missing. Torn away. Lips pursed as her eyes narrowed to dangerous slits. The missing pages had to be found, someone didn't want her to remember bits and pieces of her past... or to keep her quiet of that which was seen. Well, Saga just couldn't have that. The tome was slammed shut and tucked away to it's safe spot. She would still determine it as safe, a feeling that the pages had been taken from the book long before she had inhabited the library again. Rising to her feet the sinuous grace of her movements made her a stalking predator to walk the night.

There were more then one reason why there was evil in beauty and beauty in evil... and she was the multi-faceted vision of this truth personified.

Saga de Deso

Date: 2009-03-27 06:42 EST
Never trust the heart of Man. That was the manipulative touch of advice she recollected from her past as she sat in the garden, oil slick eyes drenched with a ill understanding of prior advice. Time long had passed since those 'gifts' were given to her. Surely part of it had been curiousity which was more then one reason why the madness of the world ran rampant.

A dabbling in it all. Purely unintentional. She sat with the rain dusting her skin in mist kiss, leaving droplets of water to cling to snow and soot mane as unnatural jewels. For those hours there were no strange colors to prowl in the dark pools of her eyes as stray cats would prowl in alleys. No. Instead those eyes near were obsidian glass. Dark mirrors that would reflect back the images of the those regarded while offering nothing of herself.

She had learned that some just didn't enjoy staring into mirrors. The raw exposure of the Truth they saw in their very own eyes tended to be unsettling to some. Still with the gifts she was graced by, Saga learned more and more each day that the sevin sins could make a man's words lies but oh his eyes would ever betray. And where there wasn't the truth in a man to be exposed by his own revelation of staring in the mirror well others were far too willing to point out it for them.

The nature of Man after all was to survive no matter the cost. No matter the price. Always Look after yourself.

Sharp the smile that slashed her lips. Razorblade intentions as whatever emotion that had settled and found a home in the dark belly of the Beast had been severely devoured and shredded.

These were the things to learn from. A reminder. Created to destroy, taunt, and manipulate them. Not the other way around. Then again even some hunters of the night would lose their mark, go off the scent to be led into the embrace of their own dark disturbance and fear.

It was an amusing thing, this way of Man. Her head bowed as she closed her eyes, silver adorned fingers stretched out to capture a pool of Heaven's Tears in her palm.

So significantly it all was becoming accomplished. Puzzle pieces snapping into place... fit so perfectly. These were the murals this life would paint. A masterpiece of pain and deception. All the Price. Ever the Price.

Ill thoughts, Ill words, Ill deeds

Saga de Deso

Date: 2009-04-01 06:39 EST
Surgery. The mortal instruments of thin blades. Strange that the instruments of death in such as the occupation of a surgeon could save. It was a fascination, a twisting curiousity that brought her to request a visit of the Clinic to watch Spider at work. Everyone had their own talents.

Oil slick eyes drifted over the garden as fingers gripped down on marble carvings. Figures that belonged in cemetaries rather then gardens. A murmur of protest but then visions never took orders did they. Not to fight, she relented. Gave in to the vision....

The blade cut deep, spilling red on the white table. Her eyes were wide as she protested. A watching of those feathers to fall. The laughter assaulted her ears. Cruel. This they deemed Humanity? Corruption. The reaping of Souls. They were not Death. She struggled against her bonds. Teeth gnashing in anger. There far in peripherals where she couldn't strain against the bonds that held her... scarred flesh... burnt shoulders. The rendering remainder of wings.

The vision twisted turned into dark shadows and the library itself looming. Sin and Bliss. The crimson taste of blood. Savage and Cruel. Indifferent and Noble. Withdrawn and Dangerous. As a storm about to break...

The vision broke and she licked her lips. Tasting blood in her mouth. Visions giving her mind just one more caress. Storm cloud eyes.

So it seemed he was to return...

Saga de Deso

Date: 2009-04-05 07:22 EST
Flowers on her tongue. Limbs kissed by morning dew. The martyr worship of lashes parted altars to reveal the spill of oil, the way the light reflected in morning lick brought forth the strange colors of amethyst and sapphire in those dark pools. Silver adorned fingers outstretched, found a touch of Spring.

The thought had a slumber better blessed for dreamers to clear swiftly. The witch rose to kneeling. A look around. She was not home. Nor anywhere near the library. Awareness. The Fae Circle.

A hiss of warning crossed the ivory barrier of clenched teeth. Instinctive a rub of fingers across the iron cuff at wrist. There was no agony of Bronwyn's Tears to spill. She was the Chosen. All for what she was.

Too many were confused. Not Persephone. Not a Delphi Oracle.

She was not in her homelands which meant that wrist cuff had been tapped like a blade summoned or a mirror call. Her gaze altered, opened to truly see. It was the only time that Gift was called rather then ensnaring her without wish.

Milk white those depths. Truly to see one had to appear as blind. Those depths went unseeing in order to see beyond the veil and the Masquerade that the Fae would play as they duplicated their world to mimic the human world.

She knew the truth. Cruel and Savage. Thoughts would betray. Strayed to Rook. To Shadow. Storm and Spawn. Killer and Spider.

Only one could follow in the Dead Lands but solitude marked her path. This her duty. He waited, the one that even the Fae that held the Beautiful Evil in her possession as a prized piece of a museum of darkness would fear.

The Mistress of Twilight... Ruler of Sin and Darkness would have knelt... but these were not her people. Saga stood her ground. Curse burned the tip of tongue as soul devouring eyes turned, rested on those of Seer.

The lines had been trespassed, broken. This was not right. He spoke True Name. The name that would bind her worse then silver and mist kissed the cruel line of cheek bone as a tear would.

A moment passing. A close of eyes. Lips moved in soundless chant, prayer, burden.

Dual Opal held fissures of torment stained black. Black that would bleed. Onslaught of the Oil-slick nature.

A touch of hand to ground and found not grass but carpet. That cruel twist of aroma, death and spring replaced by the dusty scent of antiquity. Home.

Boneless she sank. Collapsed. Faded. Soul-sick lacking remedy.

Saga de Deso

Date: 2009-04-15 17:41 EST
Window perches seemed to be her favorite places any more. The window had been opened with a click and a clack of silver against the pane as those long, graceful fingers extended out. Her fingers Reached to catch the rain as it fell in torrents, thunder protesting in its assaulting rage of sound and lightning slicing the grey sky as jagged knives.

She perched as a gargoyle might or corpse summoned from the grave, wisps of fabric twisting and tangling along her sinuous figure. Hiding the necessary, she was hardly modest but she as well knew the importance of covering certain items during such weather conditions. The bone hilt of hip cut a resting wound against the window, muscles moving beneath the pallor of flesh as a rolling beast seeming to awaken from restless slumber. The storm reminded her of him of his eyes. Storm gray, cemetery possession he was the Scribe and the Passion and the Fury. Loathing and Hatred could ever bind as much as Lust and Love might.

Still he was bound to her as much as the iron cuff that shackled her wrist. She would not consider his gifted presence as being a favor or a boon from her ?Mistress? for her good behavior. The presence of Stormy it seemed was the intention of a gift given to subdue the prison that the Library had become for Saga. The irony in that was the Witch saw the Library, her own forging and writings, as hardly a prison. Far from it but she would play along as she always did.

Her thoughts drifted, savage grin cutting as a razor blade sharp and white against the setting of lips stained blood red as she looked upon the storm in its fierce moment. A shudder of delight licking along her spine as her head crooked. Avian and Magpie intent as the feathers of her hair seemed a cruel paradox of the illusion cast of Yin and Yang. She made a mockery of so many peaceful things. Thoughts would twist and twine with the protective worries of the Killer, then to unwilling protection of Stormy. It was unusual how both would protect and serve. Unrequited lovers of her past that she had found again.

There were no disputes. No anguish or dismay. She did not burden herself with the sins of her past. Beautiful Evil, Wicked Lovely. She was what they had intended her to be. Everything they had wanted her to become. It was funny that curiousity that never would kill a cat would cause such trouble. That curiousity would easily become ill willed intentions in the face of fiction, fables, legends, lore. In the claim when one marked your actions and embraced them with scrolling lines that the world claimed as religion.

A vision seen hours before. The spill of wine glass became a river of blood that coursed along the canvas of wood from table that was no longer table but flesh. A feast, Carnage of Pillage and War.

Death ever present, Famine still was elusive? and she was far from Pestilence despite the cruelty in her eyes. Oh? the Four Horsemen were strange bedfellows to be had, but perhaps the past of her own bedfellows would given them that mark, that brand as Incarnations of such very Immortality.

Who was which, which was Who. Questions left unanswered. She after all? was but a Messenger.