Topic: A New Partnership...

Charna Lyndria

Date: 2005-08-27 17:04 EST
Charna couldn't begin to express how thankful she was that Lions Pride was open again. While Antonio's property was more beautiful than anyplace she'd ever seen before, and Wisper's shop was a joy to stay in, Lions Pride was one of the only places she really considered a home and didn't feel she was imposing.
Plus, since her saddle was done, she could finally practice her pegasi riding.

It was her first night back in her rooms, and already, she'd "misplaced" Mischief the ferret. With her hands on her hips, she sighed exasperatedly.

"Chief, get out here! I give up, okay!? Besides, we need to practice!"

She could hear him dooking, or that what the person at the shop had called it, which kind of sounded like a chicken clucking. It was his "happy" noise, his chuckle, and now it was directed at her.

She hid a grin, and kept pretending to wander blindly about the room.

"Chief, c'mon! Where are you? "

The sound was getting louder, closer. Or rather, she was getting closer to it.

"Oh, Chieeeeeeef...."

But by the time he realized she was that near-by, she had already snatched up the blanket he was hiding under. He let out a loud chirp of fright before she deposited the whole mess, including him, on the bed.

"You're done with training, but you still have to keep practicing. Gotta keep those skills sharp!"

Big, wicked smirk.

Charna Lyndria

Date: 2005-08-27 20:17 EST
"Right! Now...I've set up Rory's clothes over there, and you just do what you do best, and I'll time you from here, okay? Remember, furtive and playful. And always quick!"

The ferret was looking over the target, namely, a "body" consisting of clothes, stuffed with sheets, and rigged on a coat rack.

"Ready, Chief? Only the important looking stuff. And hit the main areas, yeah? And REMEMBER, we don't steal from friends, only from marks. Okay. All right. Ready?"

He threw her an impatient look, but nodded his little furry head, anyhow.

"Okay...Then I'll give you the cue...which is looking to the target..."

Char focused her eyes on the "man".

"And scratching the side of my this."

Scratch, scratch. And Chief was off!

Charna Lyndria

Date: 2005-08-28 19:32 EST
Charna counted carefully under her breath, all the while watching her fuzzy lil' friend's progress. She looked at her handiwork, too, being the little pouch strapped onto the creature's back. By now, Mischief had scurried up the pant leg, and up the torso to the shoulder.

A pretty little ferret dance around the dummy's neck, clicking happily all the way. It was his brand of seduction, his way of charming the mark.

More playful rapid movements, now around the chest. He disappeared inside the dress jacket, then emerged again, and dashed into a pants pocket. The transfer had been quick, too quick for the untrained eye to pick up on the fact that the pouch on the ferret's back was now a little bulkier.

When the tiny head popped back out of the pocket, it was apparent there was he was yanking a satchel out with his teeth.

:Here's the challenge: thought Charna, seeing if Chief could finally master the quick getaway.

Charna Lyndria

Date: 2005-08-29 18:50 EST
She kept up the steady counting, eyes narrowed on her little protege. He seemed to be stuggling...he was snagged on the pocket. She was just about to swear (Not at him, mind you), when the satchel finally shifted and sprang out, plummeting to the floor with the little devil still attached.

"Chief! Chief!"

She was waving her hands wildly, wincing, and just about to jump into action when the ferret did a beautiful twisting display, mid-air, and managed to grab onto the pants leg, again. He then used a sort of sliding, scurrying tactic, satchel in tow, until he reached the bottom of the leg, and hopped off.

Then, in true thief style, he darted away, half-dragging the bag, into the hall. For nights at the Red Dragon, he was trained to run up the stairs and hide in her room. That's when either Ares, or Char herself, would step in to keep the little ferret safe, and to keep the mark from getting to the stairwell.

The crimson lips adopted a smirk, nodding her head in approval as the ferret, looking a lot like his owner, slunk back into the room, looking mighty proud of himself.

"Good boy, Chief! But, what do you think about making the pouch on your back bigger, and just moving coins from the satchel into your purse?"

A shrug from the ferret, or something mighty close to one, as he wriggled free of the loot purse, and snuggled up on a cushion.

"You're right. We'll discuss it more later. You take your reward nap."

A short but sweet song as she started to prance out to find Ares, delighted that the training was a success.

" Just wait, Mischief. We're going to make a killing in the Common Room!"