Topic: A Promise Kept and A Message Delivered

Amthyst Oak

Date: 2005-07-27 21:44 EST

She was finally going to get a pony! Granted it wasn't going to be as lovely as the one Tara said she could have. It wouldn't have the wooden shoes to compensate for its short legs, nor would it be gray, but it would be able to speak Yiddish. If everything worked out as it should, she would have a nice cow-spotted pony with soulful brown eyes who was fluent in multiple languages.

All she had to do was deliver a message to Kina.
Easy Enough.

Well, almost easy. It had been a long time since she'd been to Kina's stable. Now, she just had to remember where it was in relation to her own stable, Winged Victory--or was it closer to Rising Star or Rogue's Gallery? Oh! Now she remembered! A beaming expression brightened her impish features as she continued to hopscotch her way to Lion's Pride.

Hopscotching, she decided in reflection, was probably one of the longest modes of travel. At least she made it, though she was quite tired when she managed to hopskipstomp her way to the door of the plantation house. Taking a moment to tidy herself, she smoothed her hands over the front of her crimson and robin's egg blue sundress before thudding her balled up hand against what she presumed to be the front door.

Charna Lyndria

Date: 2005-07-28 00:09 EST
And who happened to be passing by the door at that moment in time?
Why, none other than Charna!

With Mischief, her ferret, on her shoulder, and Ares, the "puppy" now nearly 60 pounds, trotting along behind, she turned and yanked open the door with a cheery smile.

The smile only widened when she realized it was a familiar face staring back through the doorway.

"Oh! Amthy! How are you?"

She would've gone into a happy little bounce had Chief not been resting on her clavicle.

"Come in, come in! Would you like something to drink..or..?"

One bony hand jutted out to usher the pixie-lady in and towards the foyer. Before waiting for the woman to make any kind of response at all, she called out.

"Kina, love! We have company!"

Kina Kitty

Date: 2005-07-28 01:28 EST
"If its that door to door salesman again just shoot him!" this the friendly call from the catling as she wanders out of the office to see who the visitor is. "and if they want money..Oh its you Ammy!"

the catling hurries her step to where the two women wait "what brings you all the way out here?"

Amthyst Oak

Date: 2005-07-28 09:12 EST
At the creak of the opening door, Amthy was all smiles with her head tilted back and her hands templed before her chin. "I'm doing quite well, thank you, Charna. You're looking very lovely," she said politely even as a croon bubbled up at the sight of all the animals. She had a fuzzy place inside for all things cute and cuddly.

At Charna's invitation, the Pix started to make her way inside. Cheeks puffed out and a thoughtful expression creased her brow as she looked around the foyer. Before she could get out the question, 'Is Kina here?' it was answered for her as the catling was summoned.

"I wish I could say my visit had been due to better circumstance," Amthy replied woefully, her hands extended toward Kina as she walked toward her. "I have some news to pass on that I was made privy to just this evening."

She looked from Kina to Charna, and back again. "Where are the cubs?"

Charna Lyndria

Date: 2005-07-28 11:06 EST
Charna didn't quite like where this conversation was heading. Just the slightest furrow to her brow as she looked to Kina, as well.

"I thought they were upstairs with the nanny?"

Casting an equally puzzled look to the pixie, she reached up to pluck the persistent Chief from her shoulders.

" What's wrong, dear? What is speak of?"

Kina Kitty

Date: 2005-07-28 13:28 EST
The catling just nods to Char's statement that the cubs are upstairs, then leads the pair into the office. All serious discussion had to be done in the office as that was the only place she had Wisper ward against prying ears.

"Shhhs... let me draw the curtains so noone can see us talking."

Amthyst Oak

Date: 2005-07-28 13:30 EST
"Upstairs?" A relieved sigh left her at the news, and her smile returned. "I met the most peculiar man tonight. Jewell said he was good looking, but I'm not entirely sure about that. He had a certain," she made prompting gestures with her hands as if searching for a word, "I don't know what. But! He is getting me a pony, so I don't think he can be all bad." She drew in a breath, "though he is getting me a pony on the condition that I relate this news to you, Kina."

Chagrinned, she twisted in place, "I just realized something," she glanced over her shoulder and back to the door. "He might have followed me."

Eager, she followed Kina to the office. The sooner she delivered the missive, the sooner she would get her pony. That is if she got her pony at all now. If he had followed her, there was hardly a reason to give it to her!

Kina Kitty

Date: 2005-07-28 13:39 EST
A soft sigh and shes droping into her desk chair, one of those massive spinning leather ones on wheels. Normally it amused the cat greatly, But today it seemed to be lacking that charm. Golden eyes skim over amthy and then shes shakeing her head "Well iffin he did its too late to do much about it. Now I need you to tell me everything that happened."

Amthyst Oak

Date: 2005-07-28 13:49 EST
The Pix remained standing, though she didn't stay still. Instead she paced a track on the office floor, wringing her hands anxiously. "Well, it started innocent enough, I thought. He tried to acquaint himself with Jewell, and after she left, he turned his attention to me. I was getting set to leave myself, and it struck me strange that he wanted me to stay. I didn't even know the man," she took in a breath, tucking a length of her hair behind her ear. "And then he said that he had a friend that he'd lost touch with, or at least that's what I believe he said, and that her name was Kina. One thing led to another and then he was asking where you were." She stopped pacing to blush several shades of red and a tint of blue, "I admit, I told him I could be bribed, but that was only because I wanted to see if he would try. Imagine my surprise when he shook a bag of coin before me! So, I tried to make it something difficult, so I asked for a pony."

Amthy was rambling, but she was trying to sort her thoughts. The easiest way for her to do that was to recollect everything that had happened. "He said he'd get me one just like that!" She said with a snap of her fingers. "But I wouldn't tell him where you were. Instead, I told him to tell me what it was he meant to say to you, and that I would pass it on. He said that someone was aiming to do harm to your cubs!"

With the last of that said, she spun to look at Kina, her hands touched to her mouth. "His name is Ari," she said as if it was an after thought, "do you know a man with that name?"

Kina Kitty

Date: 2005-07-28 14:29 EST
"No I dont sweetling.. remind me to go over personal safety basics with you again soon alright? There are some pretty dangerous folks about lately, and you are far too trusting... as for the pony... I'll get you two if you stay away fron that man."

The exhausted looking cat pushes fingers through long black hair "I have ta go talk to the cubs guards... Char look after Amthy while I do?"

Charna Lyndria

Date: 2005-07-28 17:23 EST
Charna froze in her spot, which was now besides the catling's desk. One hand rested on the wooden surface so that she wouldn't fall over.

A tremble of her bottom lip, turquoise gaze flickering from Kina to Amthy. She didn't even seem to be aware of Ares pawing at her feet. Finally, she regained the ability to talk.

"Hold on, Kina. said he had lots of money..and he gave you the name 'Ari'?"

She turned herself away from them, to look out at the drawn curtains.

" Was he tall...dark locks? Amber colored eyes?"

Amthyst Oak

Date: 2005-07-28 19:52 EST
Amthy puffed out her cheeks and squint one bright, luminous eyes thoughtfully. "Tha' sounds 'bout right." She made a motion with her hand, "So tall, incredibly self-possessed, even though he tried to demure--like I believed that!" A snort of a giggle as she shook her head the motion sending her inky hair from her shoulder. "He did have nice eyes, though I'm more partial to eyes of the purple variety. Why? Do you know him, Charna?"

Charna Lyndria

Date: 2005-07-28 22:50 EST
Her voice was low, and just slightly shaky.

"Unfortunately...Amthy, stay away from him if he ever approaches again. And Kina..I don't think the cubs are in danger. Not from him, at least. He's looking for Lions Pride. He'll do and say anything to find it."

She began to rub at her temples, whilst muttering slow obscenities to herself. After taking one big, deep sigh, she spun on her heels again a forced up a smile for the two.

"Well, thank you, Amthy, for the news. You might want to bring a friend with you when you retrieve the pony. Knowing Ahriman, he may try something."

"Kina...Have someone bring me a suitcase or two?"

Kina Kitty

Date: 2005-07-29 00:06 EST
"Hells No! You are not gonna be run outta your home by this creep. Amthy.. Go out to the stables and talk to Ou... tell him I said you could pick two ponies. Charna.. Ill assign a couple of the new guards to you as well..." head drops tiredly to her desk "Ill make more plans later... for now... No one leaves the property.. not even you Ammy... least not till we've made sure you were not followed."

Charna Lyndria

Date: 2005-07-29 00:27 EST
"But can't expect me to endanger you and the cubs, can you? Or the stablehands. He's not a good man, Kina!"

She knew as well as anyone, though, that the catling was near as stubborn as her. Maybe if she...

"I have someplace else I could stay. It's well protected, honest!"

She was just lying through her teeth now. But..wait..maybe the Alcina clan would take her in? Perhaps it wasn't a lie!

Kina Kitty

Date: 2005-07-29 01:04 EST
Kina just growls from where her head rests on the desk." I said No One Leaves... and I mean it. Try It and Ill have you locked in the cellars."

Amthyst Oak

Date: 2005-07-29 01:19 EST
Amthy listened to this all, eyes wide with surprise and a measure of concern. She hadn't even considered that the man might be trying to find Charna. Fingers pressed to her mouth, she made a low sound of dismay, "Oh, Charna, I'm sorry! What if I led him here? I hadn't meant to if I did," she said in a rush before looking at Kina. "I sorta mentioned the clubhouse, too, but it wasn't in relation to you or Charna, but he does know of its existence."

She nodded her head, listening to Kina. She wasn't one to argue with a person in an authoritative position. Pointing at the floor, "I won't go anywhere, I promise. Well, not that I won't leave this spot, but that I won't leave this house," she said in a ramble. "I should have pressed him to find out exactly who he believed to be the threat. I wasn't thinking...well I just wasn't. She's right, Charna, you should stay where people love you and will protect you, and right now that's here."

Charna Lyndria

Date: 2005-07-29 02:01 EST
"Amthy, love, don't blame yourself. I doubt he charmed you..but Ahriman has a way of making you slip-up sometimes. He did it to me, often enough."

She wouldn't try to fight with Kina anymore. All this business had been very trying for the catling. Even presently, Charna was cursing herself and her terrible curse she'd brought.

" I don't think he has followed, either. He's rash. He would've tried something. Or gotten a goon to do something."

She could keep arguing that it was precisely the fact that these people were the ones she knew and loved that made her want to leave..but it would fall on deaf ears.

Amthyst Oak

Date: 2005-07-29 17:24 EST
"Well, if you're certain he wouldn't have had me followed, either by himself or by someone acting as his agent, then there isn't any harm in letting Kina make sure the property is secure," she smiled pleasantly and canted her head to the side, "and if he didn't follow me, he doesn't know where this place you're safer here than somewhere else."

Rubbing her lips together, she cast a glance around the office. "I hate to be a bother, but I'm rather parched from hopscotching my way here. Do you think that I could have a cup of tea?"

Charna Lyndria

Date: 2005-07-29 19:29 EST
Char pursed her lips at Amthy's logic, which as much as she hated to admit it, was very reasonable.

At the request of tea, she turned to slink out into the kitchen, volunteering before someone else got the chance.

"I'll go get it. Kina, want anything?"

Blue-greens flickered over to the catling's head, which was still keeping the desk company. She thought she saw Kina gesture 'no', before the catling muttered something along the lines of "Make yourself at home" to Amthy.

With that, the vixen disappeared into the kitchen, leaving Ares and Michief to keep the other two women company. Charna was not only planning on getting the pix's drink, but on using the solitude to have a minor freakout.

Amthyst Oak

Date: 2005-07-29 21:35 EST
With Charna gone, and Kina otherwise occupied, Amthy made a leisurely circuit around the office. Nosy by nature, she fondled the odd knickknack and investigated books and papers. Not that she could read, but she was making herself right at home. Besides, Kina was there and could tell her when she was doing something bad. Amthy was a lot like a child in that respect.

"I wonder who Ari is," Amthy said mostly to herself, just giving a voice to the thought that kept on bouncing around through her airy little head. "Whoever it is, Charna doesn't seem to have a high opinion of him. I can't think of anything Charna could have done to make someone angry with her, but then I don't know her very well." Amthy was rambling, it, along with being nosy, helped her feel secure.

Kina Kitty

Date: 2005-07-30 02:32 EST
"Ari would be one of Char's ghosts...come back ta haunt her." Came the muffled reply from the desk, where the catling was now petting Mischief. She really didnt mind Amthy rifleing through the things in the office.. everything had pretty much been cub proofed so there was little chance of her accidently hurting herself.

"We just need ta make sure he doesna do her any harm this time, least none that we canna mend." Exhaustion was making it very easy to tell that the coman tounge of rhydin was not the catlings native tounge.. it gave her an accent almost as bad as Rory's.

Amthyst Oak

Date: 2005-07-30 12:58 EST
Since the office was cub proof, it was also Amthy proof. After a few more moments of poking around, she settled down onto a perch of her own. Smoothing her hands over her lap, she tucked the fabric of her dress around and beneath her knees.

"Are you worried, Kina?" Curiosity wound through her voice as she turned her attention to the desk. "What do you think he wants from her? Do you think he'd try to hurt you and yours to hurt her?" Her mind turning back to the warning about the cubs.

Kina Kitty

Date: 2005-07-30 13:36 EST
"Im very worried Ammy. Seems all I do lately is worry. The dark creepy things just seem ta be crawling out of the woodwork since the cubs were born." her head never leaves the desktop as she speaks.. and her hand continues petting the ferret the two acts seeming to soothe the catling.

"I dont know what ta expect from this one. He has Charna terrified. Where Is Char anyway?" Kina looks up for the first time since she put her head down. "She didna leave did she?"

Amthyst Oak

Date: 2005-07-30 13:46 EST
"I'm sorry to hear that things have been so difficult for you, Kina. Having children shouldn't be a time filled with apprehension." Luminous eyes turned toward the office door as she gave a scrunching wiggle of her pert little nose. "I believe she went to get tea," Amthy said slowly, "but that doesn't mean she didn't leave," she observed as she tucked her feet around the legs of her chair. "Ari seems to have her a bit shook up, so she very well might have."

Kina Kitty

Date: 2005-07-30 15:01 EST
A mutterd string of oaths in several languages slip past the catlings lips. then she is looking at Charna's "puppy"

"Ares... go fetch Charna back here please?"

Mischief was given another scratch behind the ears, and a half smile was given to Amthy. "Your welcome ta go up and see the cubs in the nursery while you are here If you like... I need to go organize the guards..." And then she is rising to her feet and heading for the office doors.

Charna Lyndria

Date: 2005-07-30 15:51 EST
Oh, Kina knew her far, far too well. Charna had been going back and forth in her head, trying to weigh the pros and cons of just running away right then. Ultimately, though, she'd just remained standing in the kitchen, hovering much too close to an exit. Her cheek were flushed with silent screams, and her eyes were just the tiniest bit glassy..

And this was how Ares found her. The Rottweiler, having been raised with this family, was particularly attached to them. Charna, his 'mother' and owner, was the one he followed the most and held in the highest regard. Kina he trusted and respected, and while she was not his actual "owner", he listened to all of her commands. As with Charna, if Kina said a person was "all right", the puppy would immediately back down. The cubs he adored and had unending patience with, even when they were pouncing on him and biting his ears. He protected them all fiercely, even though Kina usually asked for the protection less, and loyally loved them all.

His head cocked in a mix of canine confusion and concern, as he whimpered a little 'are you all right?' The sound made her jump just slightly, and her immediate reflex was to snatch up the tray with the tea that she had actually prepared, and give a smile as if to ward off any doubts about what was going on.

"Hello, Ares, my beauty.."

The same cooing voice she usually used to soothe him. He still didn't look convinced.

"Just took me a while to make the tea, s'all. Shall we head back in?"

She walked through the portal ahead of the dog, knowing he'd obediently follow, even if he did worry the whole way.

The telltale color in her cheeks slowly fading, and her eyes returning to their usual state, she tried out the smile for the women, again. She placed the tea tray on a table near the pixie.

"Sorry about that. Took me a while to find everything. "

Amthyst Oak

Date: 2005-07-30 20:38 EST
"I'd love to see the cubs!" Amthy crooned her bright eyes widening in anticipation. "I don't believe I've had the pleasure as of yet. Who do they favor--you or Que?" Head canted in question the motion sending her inky hair from her shoulder as she watched Kina rise and walk toward the door.

A warm, engaging smile tilted cupid's bow shaped lips at Charna's timely return to the office. "No need to apologize," she replied as she leaned forward with elbows on her knees to look at the tea service. "Thank you kindly, Charna."

Kina Kitty

Date: 2005-07-30 22:19 EST
A warm smile to the pair. "After tea will you take Amthy up to see Aysel and Katyana Char?. I really need to get things started.. as it is its going to be after darkfall before we finish checking the perimiter... Amthy you dont mind sleeping over do you?"

Amthyst Oak

Date: 2005-07-30 22:59 EST
"Oh, I love a slumber party!" She squealed girlishly, "we can paint each others nails!" She gushed completely captivated by the idea. Even though she wanted to get started with the games, she did realize Kina had a job to do. Charna and her cubs were more important that truth or dare.
"Do be careful," Amthy called after Kina as she twisted in her seat. A shifty eyed glance side to side before she snagged a sugar cube from the sugar caddy and popped it into her mouth. Quickly crunching down into it, she covered her lips with her hand, "if you take too long, we will come looking for you," she said in a goodnatured warning.

RDI Kina Kitty

Date: 2005-07-30 23:18 EST
A brief nod and the catling is off calling over her sholder " I wont be long at all" before heading out the front doors shouting for the stable hands and the guard captain.