Topic: Games Afoot

Shandren Hex

Date: 2005-07-19 16:03 EST
Hidden on the bluff near the falls the flame eyed half-tigress watched the activity below. The daily buissiness of feeding and exercising the pegasi happened no matter the weather and today was a particullarly gloomy and wet day. By rights she should have had a place down there. She had been the heir before those little rats came along. They were not even pureblood cats. Instead they were some sort of disgusting mutant catlike thingy, despite their feline apperance.

But soon they would get what was coming to them. The game was afoot and now that she had slipped the bonds of the dungeon the tigeress wanted vengance.

Shandren Hex

Date: 2005-07-31 16:26 EST
Evil plotting was such hard work. Especially when one had to sneak away to do it. But at least she was doing it in a newly repaired and fresly rat free bandits lair. She would have to remember to thank Artemus for that when she got home tonight.

So far the plans..a scribble of lines and pictures on the parchment looked sound to her. She really was going to have to get Art to teach her how to do more than scrawl the letters of her name, and badly at that.

The plan thus far? It was rather simple.. she would wait to attack the little rats till the ferver caused by the pale wifes problem died down. But she was not going to be idle while she waited. No she was going to attack the temple and get her things back first.

Now to wait for the dead of night to sneak down and use the portal...

Shandren Hex

Date: 2005-08-06 14:35 EST
Sneaking into the temple and reclaiming her things proved easier than she thought. With all the attention focused on the house the place was lightly guarded.

She had slipped past the guards, made the offering that opened the temple vaults to the preistesses of the shadow, and sliped away again carrying her blades cuddled to her chest lovingly like a baby.

And then she returned home, to wait some more.