Topic: Musings of a Merchant Prince

Antonio Falconne

Date: 2005-09-27 00:14 EST
Antonio Falconne leaned back in his leather-upholstered office chair, and sighed softly as he rubbed his tired eyes. There really was only so much paperwork that one could concentrate on in a single sitting, and he had lost the ability to truly focus on ledgers some twenty minutes ago. Finally admitting his limitations to himself after attempting, unsuccessfully, to read the first paragraph of the topmost of a large stack of business proposals for the fourth time, he stood up from his desk.

A languid stretch is followed immediately by a frown, as his eyes are drawn down to his midsection. At thirty-seven, he was still a fit man, but the first signs of age were upon him -- the gray hair spreading back from his temples, and the slowly developing paunch at his waistline testament to the forward-marching parade of time. He thought briefly about the fact that his gut seemed to be spreading a little faster these days. He slapped his stomach with the flat of his right hand, grinning sardonically at the jiggle.

He crossed over to the drinks cabinet, and poured three fingers of Glenmorangie into a rocks glass. The first sip was savored as he strolled over to one of the exterior windows, gazing out the open pane at the moonlit night, relishing the crisp kiss of the autumn breeze on his face.

Gods above and below, but life had certainly become more interesting since this time last year. If anyone had told him, at that time, how much his world would have changed in the next twelve months, he would have arched an eyebrow and laughed.

Not that he was disappointed with what the Gods had brought into his existence -- far from it! His whirlwind romance with Kina - he still smiled broadly to think that he was now married -- had made him feel more alive -- more vital -- more needed and loved -- than he had felt for as long as he could remember. He would not have believed that he could so quickly feel so connected to another being at so many different levels. He loved her so completely that it quite frankly scared him at times.

Another sip of the amber single-malt slipped warmly down his throat, and he shifted his weight to his other foot.

A wife. Two absolutely gorgeous "adopted" daughters. A "sister-wife" (still getting used to that). A pegasi breeding facility. A kender nanny. And now, a sight-impaired winged elf-child as a ward, who was deathly afraid of most humans, living in his house that was primarily staffed with humans. He permitted himself another chuckle, wondering how that was going to turn out.

And business -- business was better than it ever had been before. New suppliers, new markets, new customers willing to fork over obscene amounts of money for the rare luxury items that made up the vast bulk of his stock-in-trade. Amazing how much some people would pay for the privilege of eating fish eggs...

He drained the glass, setting it aside, then leaned on the windowsill. He must have really done something right in another life to deserve the amount of happiness he felt now.

A soft touch on his shoulder made him smile. His catling bride always could sneak up on him when she wanted to do so.

"Come to bed, love." Kina said, a smile on her lips, and a twinkle in her eye.

He leaned forward to give her a kiss, then twined his fingers with hers, and walked with her through the door that led from his office into their bedroom. THEIR bedroom. Yes. Life was good.