Topic: R.I.P.?

Charna Lyndria

Date: 2005-09-30 23:24 EST
Anxiety. Everyone experiences it at least once in their life, and most of them can afford to ignore it. But the Vixen was not one of the aforementioned privileged. Besides, this feeling, this apprehension that had shaken her very core for more than a week, was not an emotion easily looked over. It was just a matter of waiting, now. She was sure of it.

It'd been an interesting week in RhyDin for Charna, what with the non-wedding wedding party, "buying" a pistol from a pirate, meeting her new nephew, and getting to see her brother, Nitsu, again. All the while, though, that foreboding had been tying her stomach up in knots.

The Inn was quiet. Kina and Antonio had left nearly twenty minutes ago with the children in tow and Arts had been called away by the night only moments earlier. The Common Room was empty except for little Miss Charna, who was smiling over the fact that from her spot at the bar, she could actually hear the fire crackling. On any other night, the calm might have disturbed her, but today, she'd been caught in a particularly mellow mood. She was just settling in for some serious introspection, when she realized it was a little stuffy in here. Guess conversation usually helped to cover that up. A shrug of bony shoulders, really for her own benefit, as she stood and moved across the wooden floors, out the door, and took a lean against the porch railing, looking out over the surroundings.

The blue-greens taking on that rather dazed look, the reflection process started up again...only to be stopped once more. It was too beautiful a night, the skies too clear and dark and full of winking stars. She couldn't just stand here. With that notion, she slunk down the steps and onto the much used path that, if taken straight up, would lead her to the main roads of RhyDin city. was the time for thought. With her stare set straight ahead, contentedly ignoring the autumn chill against her cheeks, her focus was free to wander. And wander it did, so much so that she didn't even realize how far she'd actually walked until she paused to re-tie one of her boots, and have a glance about. No one about, really, which was odd, especially since it was approaching 5 AM, and normally the market was just starting to come alive. A store display catching her attention then, causing her to turn her back to the street.

Bad move.

Before her mind could even process the fact that their was now a second figure in the reflection upon the glass pane, a muscular arm had slithered about her midsection and yanked her back against a broad chest. No time to panic, Charna. Dagger released into her left hand, which snapped up and poised itself so that the blade was at the throat of her assailant. She didn't need to consult the mirror-image in front of her to know who the brute behind her was. Plus, he wouldn't leave her wondering for long. Ignoring the dagger, the man tilted his head to the opposite side, his hot breath against her neck.

"Hello, my pretty pet. Be a dear, and put the toy away, eh? Let's make this as easy as possible."

That's when she became acutely aware of something circular being pressed into the center of her upper back. Something solid. The barrel of a gun. Her eyes widened at the knowledge. Here she was, armed only with a weapon just slightly bigger than the average throwing knife, even after she'd made a point of buying a pistol of her own earlier in the week. And now she was being kept in check by Ahri, the very man her brother Nitsu had to talk her out of hunting down only three nights prior to this moment. She held her stance, though. The weapon wasn't lowered.

"Charna. Come now. Be a good girl, won't you? I've waited long enough. I mean, wouldn't you agree six years is far too long to wait around for your wife-to-be?"

The scum of the planet even had the audacity to kiss her neck, and to let his hand roam over her most intimate areas. She felt sick. She felt a lot of things, none of them good.

She looked to the reflection once more, studying her face in the dark glass. Watching his evil fingers trying to pull the last shreds of dignity away from her. Was this a preview of what was to be? No. It couldn't be. Things were different in her new life. She had a say in the matter.

The lines she'd had stuck in her head for some time resurfaced. They'd been waiting, just like she had:

...If of herself she will not love,
Nothing can make her:
The Devil take her!

Here was the Devil, come to claim the one that would not love. Or, rather, the one that would not love him. But the Devil underestimated her. They all did. They still saw her as an animal that could be broken in and broken down. They thought they smelled fear on her.

She looked deep into her own eyes with the use of the mirror-like window pane and her decision was made. The Devil would not take her, not without a damn good fight. She weighed the pros and cons of the step she was already gearing up to take. Words, soft and calm, whispered into the night.

" 'Tis a far, far better thing..."

A thrust of her left hand up, and slightly to the right, her blade nestling into its new home, namely, Ahri's neck. A warm splatter of crimson upon her shoulder and collar, which was met with a smile. His arm wrenched away, and she knew she had won...

Until his own reflex kicked in. In a violent jerk, the trigger was pulled back. True, he hadn't the time to line up the shot this time, yet all the same...

Charna Lyndria

Date: 2005-09-30 23:52 EST
Her body lurched forward, into the now very broken glass. Her mind wasn't working fast enough. Why was it broken? And what the Hell was that burning? Was she on fire? She opened her mouth to cry out, but she couldn't muster up anything vocal. That's when she knew that this was really, really bad.

The invisible fire still attacking her torso, she slowly noticed the dark flood all around the gruesome scene. The liquid was warm, sticky, rich, and of such a deep red color at points it almost looked black. This wasn't the first time Charna had seen her own blood, or even been covered in it. But this was..this was too much of it.

She sputtered, trying again for an audible yell, wincing all the while. She rocked to the left, more shards breaking off into her flesh, before falling to the ground. Not one part of her was all right. Every fiber of her being was screaming out in silence, the echoing of their unheard voices almost too much for the fragile form to bear. Her vision was blurring from the agony, her eyes stinging with tears.

From her new vantage point, she could see Ahri staggering about, groping at the his own wound. She could also see two creatures emerging from the over-bearing night. Calypso recognized immediately, followed by the bodyguard. They rushed to their boss's side. Calypso turned. She was seething. Charna knew the mind witch would like nothing more than to finish her off right now, to just obliterate her. But she couldn't. First of all, it'd be directly in violation with Ahri's command. Secondly, she was going to need that energy. If Ahriman wasn't dead, yet, they could still heal him. He would get better. He would live.

They were hasty to carry him off. Calypso threw one last disgusting smirk to the crumpled Vixen, weighed down by her own blood. As far as Calypso was concerned, the girl was as good as dead. Hopefully a vamp or something would have a feast on her.

The pain was getting less intense, or maybe she was just getting less conscious of it. There was a steady, tormenting, dull pain still coursing through her nerves, but as the blood trickled out, there was less to feel.
The shadows moved in. There were too many things to think about. She'd had bad before. This was worse. Hadn't she promised Nitsu she'd squeak by? Would he forgive her if she lied? And what of her family? She'd promised Fayte protection. Hah. She couldn't even protect herself. And Rory. She'd never given up on him. Was he going to have to give up on her?

Too much more, so much more. Thoughts pummeled her. The intensity rose and faded...then came back. A feeble movement of her lips. And then things got very, very dark.


Date: 2005-10-02 16:00 EST
Dawn found a small crowd of street creatures morbidly circling the bloody mess on the street, some looking quite hungry. Wisper headed in from a late nights walk shooed the curiosity seekers away earning growls from some of the more feral of the lot. She was shocked to see what was lieing in the midst. The bloodied form of her newest Apprentice was not high on her list of ways to end an evening.

A brief check was made for signs of life, shallow breathing and weak pulse noted, and a flutter of a hand and a flash of light had the pair vanishing, headed for the temple and the healers, leaving behind the bloodied ruins of the shop window for the athorities to deal with.

Charna Lyndria

Date: 2005-10-07 03:42 EST
It'd taken her four days to regain consciousness after Wisper had gotten her to the healing temple. The second they'd arrived, a team of skilled healers had been put together. They'd worked on her for near six, consecutive hours; picking out the shards of glass, stopping the bleeding, repairing vital tissues and organs that had been in the bullet's way, stitching her up, cleaning up the gore, and dressing the wounds.

"Easy does it...easy...."

She took hold of the arm offered, easing herself up out of the bed. The healers were discharging her today. She would get to go home to Lion's Pride, where Susan, her maternal figure, plus the twins, Deimos & Hades, would stay and look after her.

It'd been almost two weeks since the "incident". She tried not to think about it. The healers didn't make mention of it, either. She'd already made the decision to have these marks removed. They would be the first scars she'd ever had erased. They weren't worth keeping.

A shake of her head as they got her ready for the transport. They had her on plenty of medications for all sorts of things, but mostly to accelerate the mending process. Some were pain killers, yet she was still terribly sore. It was pain she could handle, though, and it had definitely settled down from what she was feeling up to five days ago. Then, she had trouble even sitting up.

Most of the gauze strips on her face and arms had been taken off, since the gashes underneath them were healed up enough. The large bandage wrapped about her waist was still in place, though. The healers insisted it stay there until all the stitches in her abdomen were ready to be removed.

A final round of goodbyes to the team who had worked so diligently to save her and piece her back together. She was grateful beyond words, not to mention very sorry that she caused so much extra work for them. She'd have to send them a gift.

A wave, and then it was off they went. Back to Lions Pride. Back to RhyDin. Back to most of her family. She'd get to see the Inn again, and all her friends there. She'd rest. She'd recover. Then she'd finish what had been started when the tense civility had been demolished.