Topic: The Hardest Ride

Rory OCorr

Date: 2005-10-18 22:53 EST
Breathlessly, covered in scratches and dirt; Caelin O'Corr had finally reached his brothers on their cattle drive. He lept from his steed upon reaching the encampment and collapsed to the ground, weak from the exhaustion of a nonstop four day ride. Mark, Chuckie, and Rory rushed to Caelin's aid, pulling him up and bringing him into one of the tents that had just been recently set up at dusk.

After some water and giving Caelin time to calm down, he burst into telling the story of what he had seen, and the news that Morgan, Mary, and Rebecca had rushed to him via carrier falcon. After a swift retelling of the events at the inn, and the additional news of the stabbing/shooting late at night, the Brothers O'Corr wasted no time in their leave of the campsite.

No tents were taken down, no supplies brought along besides what was still tied down to the horses. Rory, Flynn, Jack and Chuckie were the frontrunners, the rest of the Brothers trying their best to keep up with them. Jack had ridden up next to Rory, and after a few hours of silence, he looked over and spoke.

"Yer gohnnae naeed ahll ov uhs." Jack, who had consciously and earnestly made an effort throughout his life to erase almost all traces of his accent, now adopted it as a sign of support and familial touchstone of sorts.

"Aye." The word was quick and its end was almost bit off, Rory's jaw clenched hard, tears starting to slowly seep from the corners of his eyes.

"Yer gohnnae naeed toime t'plahn i'. An' y'knouhw i'."

A brief nod from Rory after a few moments. He knew Jack was right, his immediate reaction was to hunt Ahriman down and slaughter him right away, but if the mindwitch was close, and if Ahriman somehow found out that Rory was back, he would put himself in danger, and then he wouldn't be any help at all to Charna.

"Saee 'er faehrs', maeke shuhre shae's ahlroigh' an' knouhws tha' yer bahck an' t'aehre t'kaeep caehre ov 'er." A firm nod and Jack clammed up, knowing his brother would use the rest of the time to plot and plan the revenge he would most surely take, employing the O'Corr family and any other contacts he could muster.

The return of Rory O'Corr to Rhy'Din seemed like it would prove to be most interesting, to say the least.

Rory OCorr

Date: 2005-10-19 20:54 EST
For the next few days, Rory was uncharacteristically silent. While the other O'Corrs tried from time to time to raise their brother's spirits, they couldn't quite manage to do so. None of the irishmen wanted to "cheer" Rory up per se, but they at least wanted to get some words out of him.

The first two days of the ride were virtually nonstop; only when the horses were near exhaustion and Jack and Flynn demanded that Rory stop and let the creatures, and themselves rest, did the gypsy rogue finally cease. It was hard riding too, the fastest any of them had ever seen Rory ride, and this was a cowboy who loved going as fast as he could.

The third day was filled with a torrential rain that refused to let up. Chuckie rode up next to Jack and shouted into the gale-like winds, "I'sloikeroidin' ahgaeins'naeils,Jahck!" Jack nodded, grimmacing at the predicament they all found themselves in. Rory wouldn't be deterred from continuing onward though. Through muck that sucked and slopped at the horses' hooves, a river that had earlier been shoulder-high for a man, with the rain was now up to the horses' hindquarters, thickly wooded trails that had previously took the Brothers an entire day to traverse for fear of an errant branch sticking them or the horses were galloped through at breakneck speed.

The fourth and final day was barely a day at all, Rory and Co. made it home before noon, having broken camp before the sun was up. The sisters had been preparing for Rory's return. Knowing that he would be enraged and most likely want to smash many a thing, Mary and Morgan had removed all of the valuable items from Rory's rooms, the main hall, and any other areas they thought he might tantrum through. Replaceable trinkets, commonplace vases and other easily discarded artifacts were placed throughout the house to bear the brunt of Rory's anger.

Sure enough, Rory stormed into the house much quicker than anyone thought, howling and smashing into whatever he could get his hands on. Vase after vase hurtled into the fireplace, through windows, and against the well-worn wooden walls of the O'Corr Estate. After Rory was out of things to break, the Sisters were at his side, consoling and hugging him.

Morgan gave her brother a kiss on the cheek and reassured him, her words dripping with the most loyal of venom, "Wae'll geh' t'bahstaehrd an' 'is moindwihtch ahs wehll."

A slow nod was all that Rory replied with, more of the rage-induced tears making miniature trails down each cheek.

Word had gotten to him that Charna had more or less recovered and being watched, the only reason he hadn't immediately gone to her side, and he spent the next few hours before nightfall planning and conversing in low tones with his brothers.

After which he planned to head out and find Charna, make sure that everything was okay, that his beloved was fine. There would be hell to pay, blood to be spilled, lives to be taken.

Although Rory had hung up his Peacemakers years ago, The Gunslinger was back.