Topic: Winter.

Kina Kitty

Date: 2007-12-10 13:50 EST
"Katy make sure your brother has his mittens on before you go outside."

"Yes Mamma" It was a reluctant grumble, the girl was eager to get outside into the snow. "Come on Dom'nick, hurry before someone takes the good hill!"

Kina finished bundling Elizabeth into her snowsuit just in time for the other children to race out the door, Katy tugging their sled behind her. It was Katy's first day home from school for the winter vacation and the night before had seen several inches of snow fall around the Falconne's home.

The nanny had the week off and Kina was feeling overwhelmed with all of the children, so on her way outside with the baby, she stopped in Antonio's office. The place was bustling as always, but the catling caught her lover staring wistfully out the window watching the snow.

"Care to come out and play darling? The children want to build a snow pegasus and go sledding."