Talomar Longden

Date: 2006-03-04 12:43 EST

There has seemed to be a rise in popularity of the Vampire citizenry of RhyDin. "Dreams and Nightmares" has not been very active lately, yet it seems to be a good choice for a folder to place the Vampire stories/thoughts/diaries that might not fit anywhere else.

Vampires of the realm, feel free to post here.

Count Talomar Longden's mundane ))

Talomar Longden

Date: 2006-03-04 16:21 EST

Friday, Oct. 28th

The day after I had raped Eiellani Rose Wintermorn I found myself rather morose; a feeling that was quite foreign to me. I sat in my favorite leather chair in my study, savored the taste of a fine cigar, and sipped the red wine that Philippe had poured for me at the hour of ten in the morning. By all rights, it should have been a perfectly wonderful morning. Rapes had always left me invigorated, so I wondered what was the difference this time?

I wondered if I was simply getting soft, and that caused me no little worry, for I could not afford to be ?soft? in several of the business enterprises in which I was engaged. No one had ever accused Count Talomar Longden of being soft about anything, and I had no intention of having such rumors start now. I got up off my chair and walked to the leaded glass window and swung it open to allow some fresh air inside. I so loved the view from my study window. It gave me a wonderful view of the road leading to the entrance of the castle. Of course, Philippe would punish himself for not being present to serve me, but I could not wait to have fresh air enter my lungs. I felt like I needed to purge myself of a feeling that I?ve never before experienced ? shame.

Eiellani was not like the other woman. She was pure and innocent, and in no small way I found myself feeling as though I had profaned a treasure beyond price. I blame it all on her twit of a husband. If he had only accepted my invitation to join me for a drink and food, I would never have considered doing to Eiellani what I had done. It was his fault and I should kill him for being the cause of such fear and harm to his wife. I would do that immediately if not for the fact that it would turn his wife forever against me.

I set down my glass and went down to the grand hall in search of Philippe. I found him there and told him to gather all of the servants into the hall. When all forty-four had gathered before me I informed them that the Lady Eiellani was to be taken care of as if she were my wife. Her wounds would be treated as if they were my own, and her horse was to be cared for as if he were my own stallion. Anyone who would be caught not fulfilling this command would be dealt with so severely, they would curse the day they were born.

Needless to say, Eiellani was treated as a queen and her healing went well and quickly. As for me, I couldn?t bare to see her again. I avoided her, and thankfully the castle is so large that such avoidance is not a great problem.

She stayed at Longden Castle for two weeks to heal, and then we returned her to her husband. I find myself missing her presence. I must think of ways to see her and make amends.


Talomar Longden

Date: 2006-03-04 16:23 EST

Sunday, October 30th

It was time for me to once again make the journey to the Inn, a place I greatly detested. Too many of the common people gathered there and I hated to listen to their sniveling and whining; besides which, the place stunk. Particularly annoying were the complaints heard from the women whenever men argued amongst themselves, and with any luck, actually got into bit of a fight. The women say things like ?the testosterone level is getting high? or ?Children? or ?boys will be boys? or some other such nonsense, when in fact what they are really announcing to the world is, ?Hey, none of the men are paying attention to me so I had better make some dumb-ass comment to let them know I?m still alive.?

Anyway, I had allowed enough time for the silly elf from Middle Earth to win Eiellani?s heart and to take her away. As I might have expected, he failed miserably at both. What bothered me was that as long as she was within reach, I wanted her. That is why I went to the Inn. I thought perhaps I could frighten her away, and thus end my desire for her. It was a simple matter to climb to her window, break it and toss in a little greeting.

She still didn?t depart from Rhydin. However, the interesting thing was that I learned that she and Earendur were having relationship problems and that perhaps they weren?t truly married. I was determined to pursue a course of action based upon that information.

I must admit, it was fun scaring the crap out of her little lover. I heard he may have even cut his hand on the shards of glass.


Talomar Longden

Date: 2006-03-04 16:26 EST

Tuesday, Nov. 1st

Philippe, like the professional valet he was, could always tell my moods and act accordingly. Today, sensing my melancholy and knowing the source, he suggested quite matter-of-factly that I make my move and arrange to speak with Eiellani. ?How am I to get her to voluntarily speak with me?? I inquired.

?Why, m?lord, it?s a simple matter. Merely go to her in a distressed state - perhaps wounded. She kindhearted and will not ignore you.?

?And just what wound would you suggest, Philippe??

At that Philippe grinned. ?If it were me, m?lord, I?d go to her with a wound obtained from that elf friend of hers.?

Philippe was a genius. What would I do without him? I suggested to Philippe that I would like my carriage in front of the castle, and to place inside a white shirt and my sword. My horse was to be tied to the rear of the carriage. As always, he was only too happy to comply with my orders, doing everything more proficiently than I could have expected, and with utmost professionalism.

I rode to the Inn and as anticipated, soon had the elf brat at my tail. He, of course, being the rash character that he always is. He drew his sword and immediately started a fight. He did more slashing and thrusting, hopping and jumping than a band of raging gypsies. It was quite comical actually. At the appropriate time I allowed the tip of his sword to cut my forearm. It bled well and was quite adequate for my needs.

I put on the white shirt, let the blood from the wound properly soak the arm, then rode my stallion to see Eiellani. Just as Philippe predicted, she tended to my wound. What neither I nor Philippe could predict was the news she had for me.

She was pregnant.

I could not be a more happy man.


Talomar Longden

Date: 2006-03-04 16:28 EST

Wednesday, Nov. 3rd.

?The lady is sound asleep in her suite, m?lord. She must have had an emotionally tiring day.? Philippe de Bouillon, his faithful valet, brought over the port wine in the crystal decanter as he spoke.

He refreshed the glass that Lord Talomar was holding out to him, then bowed, took a step backwards, then returned the decanter to it?s precise place on the dry bar in Talomar?s study.

Talomar had his black silk robe pulled over his evening clothes. ?I can?t believe the rudeness; the inurbane, incondite, mannerless, uncouth behavior of that pig of an elf. The way he treated Lani was inexcusable.?

?I?m sure it was, m?lord,? Philippe replied as he flicked a speck of dust off his otherwise impeccable butler?s uniform.

Talomar sipped his port and leaned back in his leather chair. ?He and that friend of his, what?s his name??

?I'm not sure, sir. I can find out if you like."

?No, don't bother. Anyway, what a pair of twits.?

?Two of a kind, m?lord??

?Yeah,? Talomar huffed, ?like two balls in the same scrotum.? He took another long sip of his port. ?For a while I thought they might both attack me at once. I was actually pleased that they elected not to, for I might have had to reveal more about myself than I would like to at this time.?

?That would have been unfortunate indeed, m?lord.? Philippe took the empty wine glass from Talomar?s hand.

?Yes?it would. I don?t believe that m?lady Lani is ready to know much more at this time. Little by little, Philippe. That?s the way she should hear of the Longden secrets.?

?Of course, m?lord. There?s no hurry.?

Talomar nodded, deep in thought. ?Those two went off together, practically hand-in-hand. Do you think Earen and his friend are gay, Philippe??

Philippe allowed just the slightest smirk to crease his lips. ?I would not be surprised, m?lord.?

?I think they are,? Talomar said as he lit up his last cigar of the day. ?In fact, I?m sure of it. No wonder m?lady Eiellani couldn?t stand being with him; he had more affection for other men than for women. No doubt that?s why her pregnancy disturbed him so. You never know about those elves, Philippe.?

?Queer little creatures,? he responded.

?I?ll have my 'night drink' now, Philippe. Then you may retire.?

?Of course, m?lord.? Philippe went to a secret place in the book shelf and tilting a certain book, one of the wooden wall panels slid aside to reveal a large safe. Philippe rotated the combination lock to the correct numbers, then inserted a key that he kept on a chain around his neck. The safe door opened, and he reached for the decanter of Talomar?s ?night drink?. He poured a small amount into a shot glass, returned the bottle, closed the safe, and returned the book and wall panel to their proper positions.

?For you, m?lord.? Philippe held out the glass.

Talomar took it and swallowed the contents in one gulp and handed the glass back to his valet. ?Good night, Philippe.?

?Good night, m?lord.? Philippe departed Talomar?s study.


Talomar Longden

Date: 2006-03-04 16:33 EST

Monday, Nov. 7th

Earlier this week I had my first real date with Lani. I felt we had to get to know each other better since we are, after all, going to be married. Besides, she had given me a wonderful present of a gold pocket watch earlier in the day, and I had something that I wanted to give her. I had no intention of entering this marriage without performing all the compulsory rituals, for I would not have this marriage laced with any ambiguities that could later challenge its legality.

I took her to the Fountain Bleu restaurant on the east side of Rhydin. They are quite professional and discrete, and the owner is a friend. I proposed to Lani and she accepted. This made me very happy since, of course, I do love her and find her absolutely fascinating. It seems that every day she does something new that surprises me. She will make an excellent Countess.

For example, Philippe came to me earlier tonight. The conversation went something like this.

?Sir, may I be permitted to express something that?s been on my mind,? Philippe asked as he brought my slippers to me and laid them perfectly parallel on floor in front of my feet.

?Of course, Philippe. You know you always have my ear. What?s troubling you?? I leaned back and sipped a fine glass of red wine.

Philippe stood with perfect posture and looked straight ahead across the room, not making eye contact with Lord Talomar. ?It has to do with your fianc?e, m?lord. She has effectively taken control of the entire staff. In fact, she has been rather forceful with me of late. She is making demands of me.?

I couldn?t stop laughing. ?Wonderful! My soon-to-be wife is already acting like the Countess that she will be, and I haven?t even have had to groom her for the position. Oh, she might need a little instruction hear and there, but she?s taking to it marvelously. I couldn?t have chosen a better woman to be my wife. How ironic. Her former ?husband? (the word put in quotes with my fingers) caused me to rape her and brand her and she turns out to be my perfect partner and bare my children. I actually wind up loving her. How strange is life, Philippe??

?Very strange, sir; but about her attitude toward me??

?Oh yes. I was getting to that. You are to receive every single request from my fianc?e as though that request is coming from me. Treat her with the professionalism and courtesy that should be shown to any countess. Is that clear, Philippe??

?Of course, sir. Her every directive shall be carried out perfectly and it shall be my pleasure to do so.?

?Thank you, Philippe. I knew I could count on you. You may go now.? Philippe bowed and began to leave. ?Oh, one more thing, Philippe. Tell Lilia to tell Lani that I should like to see the nursery tomorrow. I?m curious to see what she has done.?

Philippe looked totally surprised that the Count would actually want to visit the nursery. ?Of course, m?lord. I?ll let Lilia know.?

I must say that I haven't had such a good week in a very, very long time.

Perhaps centuries.


Talomar Longden

Date: 2006-03-04 16:36 EST

Saturday, Nov. 26th

The day for the wedding approaches quickly. My betrothed works furiously with the servants to make all preparations. I've given her free rein to plan the wedding of her dreams.

It's the least I can do.

Unfortunately, due to the inclement weather of this time of year, we shall have to use the castle chapel. It is my least favorite of all the castle rooms, for it is there where my humanity was compromised; and it is there where I last beheld Dominique.

She resides there still. I can feel her, and she calls to be released. Her fury is raging because I'm marrying another and a child is coming. Dominique will not kill this offspring, for she is powerless in her prison. Let her rant and rave all she wants.

Which reminds me, I'm having Dominique's bookcases duplicated and the originals returned to he study. I have no idea what curse she may have placed upon them, but I shall take no risks with this child.

I've instructed Philippe to get a priest here to Longden Castle. The Chapel shall have a priest once more.

My lady wishes it.


Talomar Longden

Date: 2006-03-04 16:37 EST

Sunday, Dec. 4th

I've discovered that my Fianc?e has invited that snot-nosed, glamor boy, Gavilean, not only to our wedding, but to walk her down the aisle. A poor choice she has made but there is little I can do about it at this time as she seems settled upon him and I wish not to upset her being this close to our wedding.

If that wasn't enough, I discovered that the common whore, the slut who turned me down at the inn is infatuated with the same man who has befriended my soon to be wife. She said her name is Inara. That woman needs to be taught a serious lesson.

I've asked Philippe to invite Gavilean and "his guest" to spend the night before the wedding at the castle as "a convenience" so that they would not have to travel here on the day of the wedding. When they do, I've arranged for Philippe to abduct Inara and hide her away in one of the cells in the deepest part of the castle. Philippe will tell Gavilean that his friend had been suddenly called away and didn't wish to disturb him in the middle of the night. He will see her no more, at least not in the condition he remembers her. After her branding and torture and weeks as my whore, she will learn her place in society.

I've also purchased a residence in the WestEnd from which to do some of my more public business affairs. It will be much more conducive to the type of work I do, and will have the added advantage of isolating Lani from that which she knows nothing about.

All in all, things are going quite well and I shall soon be married - if Dominique doesn't interfere.


Talomar Longden

Date: 2006-03-06 19:35 EST
Monday, March 6th

Who has time for writing these days? Sure as hell not me. I must admit it?s been quite some time since I?ve picked up this quill to scribble some thoughts in this diary, but some of us in Rhydin actually have a life and can?t sit around the Inn all day, scribbling silly notes. It seems that since my marriage to Lani Wintermorn I haven?t had a moment?s peace. Not that Lani?s at fault, but the marriage seemed to set off a series of events that has affected everyone around me.

Of course, I?m above distraction and remain perfectly at peace.

So many people have come and gone in the last few months. I?ll make a brief mention of the important ones. All the unimportant ones are dead or pretty much dead, and soon to be forgotten if they haven?t been already.

PHILIPPE DE BOUILLON ? the Deceased Valet
The night of my wedding, my personal valet, Phillipe de Bouillon was careless. Not long after the last of the wedding guests had departed from the Chapel, I went to the hallways behind the altar and I discovered his very dead body hanging from one of the two arms of a rusty wall sconce, the arm of the sconce driven through his back and into his heart. My dear Philippe was a powerful vampear, but he was no match for Dominique and her rage over the fact that I was marrying once again. I took down his bloody body and laid my dearly departed Philippe in a vault in the lowest level of the castle. May he rest in peace.

My wife and I couldn?t be more different. We?re so different I don?t think we?re even on the same fuckin? planet. She talks to birds, I bite their heads off. She enjoys ice carvings, I would rather cut the arms off the damn carver for creating that garbage. She decorates and I destroy. She likes to help people and I prefer to damage them. So, why the hell did I marry her? Who knows, maybe because I felt sorry for raping and branding her. Or, maybe it?s because she?s pregnant with a child who just may be mine. No. That?s not it at all. I think I momentarily lost my mind. I?m getting a divorce as soon as the legalities can be settled.

Oh fuck.

There?s someone at my damn door.

Whoever said that keeping diaries is good for one?s temperament is full of shit.

I?ll be back. . .

Talomar Longden

Date: 2006-03-08 18:21 EST
It was my lawyer at the door. Only a lawyer would have the damn nerve to bother me in the night when I?m sitting here in my robe and with my diary. He said it was the only time he could get out to the castle. You?d think that with what I pay the bastard he?d pitch a tent in the toilet just to be here when I need him.

He said, ?Count Longden, I have the divorce papers that you requested. All that?s needed is your signature and hers, and since you still have her Power of Attorney from before the wedding, we can take care of the entire signature process immediately.

?Good. The sooner the better. Let me see those papers. Does it stipulate that she take those damn doves out of my solarium??

?Yes, m?lord. It?s right there in item 13.?

?Good. And she gets her horse, dogs, cats and every other blasted four-legged creature on the grounds except for the horses that belong to me, Maria, and the staff; right??

?Yes, sir. She has to remove them when she goes or else you get to dispose of them in any way you desire.?

?Good, and we?re providing enough yearly income that she can live very comfortably and take her maid with her??

?It?s all in there, sir. With what you're providing, she?ll be one of the most well off persons in Rhydin. She could continue to live as a countess should she so desire.?

He nodded and examined the papers for one last time. Item 19 read that he would be permitted unrestricted visiting rights to the child she was carrying, and that the child would spend one month with him in the summer and two more weeks spread out over the winter months. Should she fail to comply, all funds would be cut off from her permanently.

Besides, he'd just have her eliminated and then she wouldn't need the money.

?This looks good, Fran?ois. I?m sure she?ll be happy to be free to find that certain someone who has something in common with her, or who at least won?t mind her stimulating breakfast conversations with chipmunks.?

I signed the papers and Fran?ois added his seal left to present the papers to Lani and to file a copy with the local government office.

I?m so glad that?s out of the way.

Now?back to the diary.

Talomar Longden

Date: 2006-03-15 15:32 EST

Okay, now where was I in this piece of shit diary of scattered thoughts? Oh yes, I was just making mention of the significant (and not so significant) others in my sordid life.

MARIA COPPERFIELD ? My Ex Personal Valet
I never thought I?d be able to replace a valet such as Philippe, but Philippe couldn?t begin to hold a candle to Maria. I fell in love with her the moment she walked into my life. She has not only been the perfect valet, but also the perfect companion, lover, protector, and friend. She has been like a wife to me in every way. She has an appetite for sex that might even be said to match my own, and a body that makes that appetite into a masterpiece of delight. She has shared my bed nearly every night since I?ve been married to Lani, and every night I?ve wished I was married to her instead.

I was particularly impressed with the way she fought Lord Ayreg, the Death Knight. From what I?ve heard from those who watched the match, old Ayreg suffered the greater wounds. Maria did ask three times if he wanted to end the duel before he finally conceded; yet that was because of the cold and not because he was punishing her with his skillful swordplay. Yes, Maria did well for herself and I?m quite proud of her.

But that was then and this is now, time moves onward, change is here to stay, and all that other trite crap. Let me just say that I met Tara Rynieyn, we fought, we lusted, we fell in love and decided to marry. When one is to marry someone you really love, you can?t have Maria around as your personal valet and feeder. She?s just too damn sexy for any man to resist (perhaps with the exception of Lord Ayreg who seems to have the enviable ability to resist anything in skirts). Heaven knows, I tried to keep Maria, but there?s too much intimacy between us to just turn the feelings off. So I?ve sent her away to a friend who could use her many skills ? a Baron Merrick du Lac. I would wager that he should henceforth be forever in my debt.

Wil is my inside agent with the Interstellar Intelligence and Security Commission (I.I.S.C.) and is instrumental in obtaining my trade lanes in the other three quadrants of the galaxy. An "interstellar gopher" would be an apt description of him, yet I would never give him such a derogatory label for there?s none finer at getting things done, no matter what those ?things? might be. Espionage, murder, negotiations ? Wil is unequaled and fully dependable.

With Savage on my team, I?ve got the entire resources of the I.I.S.C. at my disposal, including their Decimator Class ships which are utilized to remove obstructing planets and other undesirable large masses of rock from my trade lanes. With such a ship at my disposal, I could hold all of Rhydin captive with the threat of annihilation. It?s an interesting alternative that I?ve been pondering.

Talomar Longden

Date: 2006-03-15 15:52 EST
?Tal, if you?re bored, go climb a mountain.?

?But father, why should I climb a mountain?? asked the handsome youth of fifteen years of age.

?Because it takes some effort, Tal; and when you reach the top, you?ll have the good feeling of having accomplished something.? The distinguished looking aristocrat ruffled his son?s black hair. ?And beside, you?ll be higher than any other man.?

?But what if there is someone who is higher than me, farther??

The wise man looked at his son and smiled. ?Then the next time you?ll select a higher mountain to climb.?

The words of my father stuck with me, and I?ve been climbing higher and higher mountains ever since.

Long ago (306 years to be exact) I was born in a mountain castle deep in the forests of a large kingdom on a planet that was not so very different from Rhydin. I will not record the name to protect the place from my enemies.

I had a brother. His name was Valerin, and he was the 'good brother'; younger than me by four years. He was the favorite of my parents, for I was the one who always got in trouble. It became apparent to me that with my parent's favor upon Valerin, I needed to establish my own future.

I discovered that I could be quite persuasive and charming in negotiations, and I started a little produce trade business between the local kingdoms. It was at that time that I met my first interstellar trader; a man named JorDan. I reasoned that if money could be made trading between kingdoms and countries, then even more money could be made trading between planets. So I climbed a higher mountain and went to work for JorDan.

But he was a wimp of a man and didn't realize his full potential. A funny thing happened. While traveling through space to deliver a particularly rich load of cargo, he suddenly discovered he was outside the ship and looking at me through the window yelling to be let back inside. I waved, blew him a kiss, and flew the ship away. I have to admit that I put him there, but he was worthless at making money and just useless baggage. So I used his ship to trade between planets...for a while.

Then I discovered that it was far easier to get cargo off other trading ships than it was to go all the way to the planets and deal with the bureaucracy and atmospheres.

I started space piracy, and it was not long before I had a reputation and others wanted to join me. We became known as 'Longden's Space Pirates'. Our wealth increased dramatically and I invested that wealth in buying more ships, property and investing the rest in research and technology.

Around that time my good brother felt it was his obligation to arrest me and bring me to justice. It's a long story but let?s just say that Valerin wound up dead and I got my castle back.

Talomar Longden

Date: 2006-03-15 16:06 EST
My main operation was on a planet called ARES II, and we grew so large that I saw the need for some legitimacy. I formed the Space Equipment and Commodity Trade ORganization, or S.E.C.T.O.R. I became the C.E.O. and I was now doing less of the pirating myself, and assumed the role of the visionary of the organization.

The ?commodities? we traded gradually came to be where the greatest income was made ? pharmaceuticals (also known as drugs), defensive equipment (also known as weapons), and personnel (commonly referred to as slaves).

Trade routes began to develop between planets and I used my power and fleet of fighter craft to dominate these trade routes and limit the competition. The political forces on various planets soon caught on to the fact that if they were located on a trade route, it would mean tremendous wealth for that planet.

So I got paybacks - big paybacks. I didn?t accept every request from a planet. It had to make sense. But if a planet wanted to be part of a trade route and that route made good business sense, the amount of upfront money I received and the paybacks for every ounce of trade conducted on that planet gave me more money than I ever dreamed.

And still I kept looking for higher mountains.

I had eventually discovered a new nexus in space that brought me to Rhydin. I was investigating the wealth and possible trade options with this planet when I met a woman at a slave sale in old Rhydin. We found ourselves continually doing business with slaves (me selling and she buying), and it drew us together. Such a romantic way to fall in love.

Her name was Dominique. I had never seen such beauty and strength in all my days. No woman could compare to her. What I didn't realize was that she was a very prominent vampiress of great powers.

We married my wealth and her powers together in a magnificent romance, and it was Dominique who turned me into one of the unalive ? a master vampire who walks in daylight. That in itself is a story for another day, but I was twenty-eight at the time.

That was nearly 278 years ago. Since that time I?ve put many others in charge of the day to day affairs of S.E.C.T.O.R. and I?ve retreated to the castle that Dominique and I shared. I?m no longer a space pirate. I have others doing that for me. I no longer handle the daily affairs. Others are doing that.

I?m the visionary. I keep searching for taller and taller mountains, for I need to be on top. Nearly seventy years ago something terrible happened to Dominique, and she was taken away from me. Someday, when I'm in the mood, I'll record that story in this diary. For now all I will say is that she is still powerful and she still loves me, even from the spirit world.

Anyway, after she died I concentrated on the business and built S.E.C.T.O.R. into the largest and wealthiest organization in the galaxy. In my depression over the loss of Dominique, I appointed a General Jimar Sinareth to oversee the day to day business, and I stayed here in this Rhydin castle that Dominique and I had purchased together.

I felt closer to her being here, so my travels to other places had become a rare thing. That's why I hired Wil Savage. He represents me at meetings and in negotiations, and he's got the connections with the Interstellar Intelligence and Security Commission.

The other pages of this diary will finish the story, but for now I must stop. . .

. . . and feed

. . . and sleep.