Topic: Night summoning (18+)

Lani Valendria

Date: 2009-07-31 06:28 EST
The Valendria witch woke with what seemed was fire in her veins, skin slickly coated with sweat. Dream fevers of dark shadows of the marketplace.

Exhaling a sigh, hand moved through the strands of twilight and shadow as she eased out from underneath blankets.

Her feet were soundless as they stepped on floorboards. The dusk marked nature of her naked flesh seemed to drink in the moonlight. Sky Clad.

The memory of the word brought a smile to her lips.

Silent as a predator in the night she would dress, and for the first time in years she used shadows to move rather then doors or windows.

Night Witch. Twilight Spellweaver. Sister Dark.

Many names.

Some worse then others.

In the marketplace she was a dark temptation. Old habits guided her hand but her focus was drawn to the thought of one.

Growling voice of low baritone that held the wicked poetry of the men of her people. The raw intensity of eyes. Shirtless his body drenched in moonlight and shadows would beckon her touch.

Shadow meetings it seemed was their calling.

Spice and Shadows. Love and Lust.

What did the witch know of love.

Ever eluding.

Match sparked along the light post, lean taken as the clove was lit. Breathing out those ash born wolves.

Brow furrowed, eyes closed as her thoughts unwillingly turned to the male she last had crossed paths with. Kaleb.

He was a mystery. Born of shadows and twilight like herself. Yet there was more to him.

Kaleb had captured the witch's attention.

In the dark paint of moonlight and shadows she no longer cared if it was a quarter til' or a quarter past midnight.

If anything she knew what she had answered.

Knew the silent whisper in her soul.

This what she was born of...

A night summoning.

Lani Valendria

Date: 2009-08-01 11:26 EST
The Marketplace became a loiter for her in the thickest hours of night where sin and desire seemed to shimmer in the air, clung to the stars.

Stocking had been smoothed, the hem line of dress drawn over the bit of black lace as she sat down on the side of the fountain.

She didn't see him watching her through the water, but felt it. Crawling on her spine.

A glance spared over shoulder, his glance away. The game they played better spent on children in the fresh awareness of spark of interest, love's pure smolder in young hearts.

This smolder though was dark fire.

He had warned her had he not?

She knew well what he was.

From the book of shadows, the book of spirits, there ever was a written bond mentioned of demon summoning, of a demon to take on a witch as his familar, his protege.

Laniandra understood that dark allure and how witches and demons would always be tied together by darkness and sin.

As he disappeared in shadows and her spirit quivered with a thread of disappointment all she knew was seduction, addiction... wild temptation.

He was there then behind her,hands upon her waist fingers tracing her sides. His whisper sultry warmth at the shell of her ear.

She would heed his warnings but would not resist.

Could not.

Dark hours.

There was no longer light for her.

Only Shadows. Only Darkness.

But this Twilight held not despair, lacked sorrow.

Wild and Wicked. Savage and Intense.

A turn of head to speak words that were silenced.

His lips on hers, her fingers played over his in that dark symphony that they forged now.

Sealed in the fate of a kiss

Lani Valendria

Date: 2009-08-07 13:40 EST
The disturbance of hours as the sensation infiltrated her spirit. Pain. Anguish. Remorse. Confusion. Fear.

A thick assault on senses. It prowled and cut, sliced deep to awaken the Shadow Weaver from her sleep.

Black diamonds snapped open, the pain was near unbearable. Worse then it had been in the Inn when she had sensed the gunslinger there on the porch.

Knew the woman's presence as well as she knew her ley lines. Tears that seemed to fall for the hidden emotions shared in torment of Madison had fallen down her cheeks.

Anymore that Empath gift seemed stronger. Developing ten fold.

Naked she walked down the steps to the bottom level of the broken down place she had claimed as home. Rolled away the carpet to expose that symbol.

Witch's token.

Haunted eyes became black glass, shimmering stars the shade of smoke. Reflecting and yet offering nothing.

The knife seized from the table.

Whispers in her mind, outside in spirit call. Ignored.

Blood dripped crimson jewels in intimate kiss to that summoning circle.

It'd keep her safe even as it could damn her again.

Smudge and smut up her spirit even more.

Dark magic, Twilight energy was not Black magic but still it would leave an imprint.

She called to them, whispers thick on a honey born tongue of darkness. The blade dropped, arms thrown out wide. Naked as the day born save for those trinkets worn.

Night summoning demons... and dire wolves.

The eerie howls of the wolves would answer after an hours coaxing.

Laniandra no longer cared when the clock chimed its twelve tones. Midnight.

None of it mattered. Save for Silence and Shadows.

It didn't matter what she summoned... who she summoned.

She just wanted that pain taken from her


Date: 2009-08-07 16:35 EST
The deep of night...the time he loves the best.

Especially at the so-called 'witching hour,' the time of night between one day and the next.

The undead, the predators of night and their prey, and, of course, demons. All of them engage in the darkest dances of all, a siren song and symphony of life and death that is totally unknown to the creatures that stroll along carelessly in the daylight hours.

Come with me to Ghost Town, she had said. And so he had.

But as he is leaving, he can feel another call. A summoning, if you will.

A summoning to call a demon, and not a care in the world which.

He can feel it, calling to that deeper, darker pit of himself, awakening a darker nature that he had been all to aware of since the day he was born.

Guardian or not, he is, still, irrevocably, a demon - nothing that anyone can do will change that.

For his entire life, he had been all to aware of its desires. For much of it, he had let it reign free, never paying any mind to his human half, another cog in the evil machine.

Since his human half had been awakened, he had had to struggle with it, force it down, save for those few occasions that he needed it or it got out when he lost control. Since becoming a Guardian, he had found it easier to control, but he still had not found a way to peacefully coexist with it.

And now he's met Lani...and for once, both demon and human are in complete agreement on something.

Somehow, something about her appealed to both sides of his divided self...something about her had managed to unite both parts of a conflicted being into one.

It is the demon half that is called now, though, and he can hear a voice - a woman's voice - behind it.

Irresistable. Beckoning. Calling.


As much as he wants to resist, the demon in him answers the call, and he is pulled along with it.

What appears in the summoning circle, therefore, is not the human form of Kaleb James Holliday, Guardian, but Geryon, the demon.

A ten foot tall, hulking, demonic vision, straight from the depths of the Inferno. Skin like stone streaked with molten rock, the sheer heat of him enough to start the floor beneath his hooved feet smoldering, fire that streams from his form.

"Who is it that calls..."

The demon stops, its deep, rumbling voice like stone grating against stone grinding to a halt. The look on its face is all too human as he sees who calls.

There is a brilliant flash of sapphire light that consumes the demonic form, and a moment later before the skyclad Lani stands Kaleb, looking and dressed as he was when they parted. "Lani...?"

Lani Valendria

Date: 2009-08-07 22:30 EST
She had not expected an answer, but there the Valendria witch was in all twilight nature of spirit. The darker part of her that she kept locked away.

When the demon arrived the dark depths of black diamonds offered no shimmer of stars as they often did. Instead Pitch Black. Drowning pools as slick as oil. Voids that could devour.

This was the Shadow Weaver, the Twilight woman in her dark way.

She had brought that demon with blood. With call for a demon could ever take in his possession a witch, and a witch would ever summon a demon.

Her palm closed over her sliced wrist as she listened to him ask who would dare summon.

Laniandra knew that sensation in spirit was not fear but a dark delight.

Then a breath hissed in with a wild bit of shock as the demon altered.

Was this a trick?


It might have been exhaustion, or surprise or so much all that could wear out the soul... but the witch suddenly fainted.


Date: 2009-08-08 16:26 EST
He sees her eyes roll back, sees the sudden relaxation of the muscles.

Eve if she hadn't fainted, she wouldn't have seen him move as he breaks free of the summoning circle with ease borne of long experience and catches her before she can begin falling to the floor. With all the speed and grace of a true night creature, he is there, sweeping her off of her feet and into his arms.

He is all too aware of the feel of her form, her silky naked skin and warmth cradled against his bare chest as he holds her there, in the darkness of her basement, next to the summoning circle. He doesn't know what she was thinking, but whatever it was, she wasn't expecting him. Or his other half.

Even as these thoughts cross his mind, he is carrying her, cradling her head to his shoulder, up the steps to the upper level of her place, smoky grey eyes catching candlelight and gleaming inside as he looks down on her sleeping face, worry and concern filling them.

Not only for her current state, but for what it was she was attempting to do.

And why.

Lani Valendria

Date: 2009-08-08 21:19 EST
A hundred candles lit the interior of the upper level of her home. Keeping the Light and chasing the shadows. She came to with that sensation of heat, of a body against her own naked flesh.


Dressed was that wound that had brought blood. Aware of her present state she learned the grace of movement again, crossing the room to draw a robe on. Only then would she kneel beside him, fingers claiming his face in her hands.

"Why did you answer the summon?"

Laniandra knew he was a demon, but this was unexpected for him to answer a summon to take that empath nature from her soul. The pain was untolerable. Far more then she ever thought she would have to experience.

To feel nothing would be more tolerable then this pain. Head bowed and tears spilled, miserable at the dark revelations he was witness to of a witch's soul.


Date: 2009-08-09 09:03 EST
Smoky grey eyes were downcast as she dressed herself, a show of modesty, though he knew not why - he had already seen everything, and to be sure, he thought it a pleasurable sight, but he had not been invited to partake in it. So he has been watching her, careful to keep his gaze on her face, save for when he had bound the wound she had made to perform the summoning.

A dangerous business, that - calling a demon unnamed.

He looks at her, his eyes catching the light again and gleaming from within with the reflected glow as his gaze locks on hers. "Ya called a demon, but didn' name one specif'c'lly. Y'should be more careful, mon amant, if yer goin' t'be doin' t'at...y'never know what might show up."

His own hands take hers in them, wrapping around her wrists before sliding up her arms, over her shoulders, fingers finding her chin and tenderly lifting her head again to meet his own gaze, eyes regarding her carefully. From within comes that cool, sapphire gleam, a light quite different from the more animal-like reflection they so often give off as they catch and reflect ambient light, the better to aid his vision in the dark. A trait of all night creatures, it seems.

When he speaks again, his voice is soft, gentle. "When ya call a demon wit'out specifyin' a name, we all hear it, an' whoever feels t'e pull of it firs', strongest, is t'e one t'at'll be answerin'. I don' know what you were callin' for, amour, but I was t'e one you got. I'm just glad it was me an' not anyone else...I wouldn' want t'lose you."

He sees the tears, and he pulls her closer, gently, placing his lips against the trail of one, tasting the saltiness of them, before he whispers to her softly. "What were you summonin' like t'at for, mon chere?"

Lani Valendria

Date: 2009-08-09 10:44 EST
Modesty it was an odd thing to have from a man when in the presence of the Valendria witch. Touched by his respect, while she was comfortable in her own skin she did not wish to be there naked before him constant. Those dark urges held a deep price.

Laniandra if anything did not wish to be seen as just a body, a bed warmer but more. While she did not believe Kaleb to be that sort, still she carried a level of caution in such matters.

"I know it was dangerous, my emotions were wild and uncontrolled. Emotions not mine. I was reckless."

Black diamonds touched on his own eyes, the shining radiance of them as she sighed softly, shoulders slumping.

"Forgive me... I did not wish to concern you. I do not wish to lose you either."

Even so early she knew the honesty of the words on her tongue.

She trembled in silence as his lips found the salt of her tears. Her head turned and captured her lips with his own. Sharing the salt of her tears even as her arms wrapped around him.

"This pain, this torment, such anguish...I only wished for it to end. It is not my own, it joins my own... so... difficult to endure. I am not strong enough."

A whisper hushed, moved her lips in a pattern at chest, over heart. How he already had drawn her completely, like she was already his...

She knew of the summoning. Knew that when one called a demon they wore the demon's mark for their favor. Her voice went low, soft the dark honey became husky.

"I would wear your mark"


Date: 2009-08-11 18:47 EST
As she explains to him what she was summoning for, his grey eyes brighten, widen, catching even more light and reflecting it back out, a greenish-yellow, shine from the backs of his eyes. Suddenly, it clicks - why he had been called, and had heard it strongest, had answered first.

Not because he had been closest...because he is what she was looking for.

In a way, at any rate.

"Yer an empath...?"

He had been given two gifts when Lupinius had bestowed upon him one of the five ancient Amulets of Avalon - greater control over his demon half, and the ability of empathic and mental healing. A way to touch a mind so as to ease its pain, to find some measure of peace.

It had been a long time quest of his, that sort of inner peace...and while he knows he is far from getting there, he is nonetheless well on his way.

And here, he has the chance to use his gift, finally. He has not been able to Not that he'd ben especially looking for a reason - he sees himself as the major muscle of the Guardians, as well as the darker side of things. When things get seriously bad, he can expect to be called.

All because of that damned demon inside him.

But here, finally, is one thing - one woman - both sides of him agree on, can find a common ground with.

He has been a demon for too long to be ignorant of the traditions - summoning a demon is dangerous, not only for the obvious reason, but because in exchange for the favor, a demon can claim the summoner for their own.

That price can be perilously high...but then, Kaleb is still not an ordinary demon.

His eyes meet hers as he pulls her close agains him where they sit. His voice is low, as husky as hers, and there is, interestingly, a slight smile on his lips as her request becomes clear. But still, he has to ask, though he wants nothing more than to make her his - not only because of her beauty, not only because he wishes to make her happy, but because when he is with her she makes him feel...whole.

"Y'know, mon amour, what it is yer askin' me for."

Lani Valendria

Date: 2009-08-11 19:46 EST
Weary, the black diamonds lifted. There was so much anguish, so much pain she had experienced. Much of it hers, some of it belonging to others.

"Oui. An empath."

A not so secret talent of the Valendria witch. Some knew of it but others found it impossible for such a twilight and shadow based witch to have such a perplexing ability as being an empath.

She looked to her wrists, saw the wounds that never would completely heal. The jagged remains of bone shards that had healed from when her wrists had been shattered after being crucified.

The Valendria Witch knew the price, the cost of the demon summoning. She once had known what it was to near become consort to a demon. This was different.

Laniandra had been prepared to give it all up. Bind herself to a demon to stop the pain, the torment.

So Lost inside. Dark and despairing in that anguish she hid so well. She did not care that she would give herself to a demon and be his, wear the mark...

Yet now, seeing Kaleb she thought otherwise. That deep despair seemed to fade, to be filled instead by something far more wonderous and complex.

Startled she looked up to him, cautious and careful. Fear in her eyes mated with an undesirable need to feel what he sensed in her. Wholeness.

"I know the price..."


Date: 2009-08-12 01:08 EST
He nods, then, pulling her up as he stands, hands encircling her waist, his eyes fixed on hers. Grey the shade of smoke and fog meets a vision of ebon beauty as his eyes fix on hers, hands pulling her close against him. Despite what she has asked him for, he is determined that it shall not hurt her.

The mark of a demon can be a painful burden.

He, however, is not just any demon.

His hands move up her body, pulling her flush against him, molding her curves to his body. A part of him relishes the sensation, and another does it because the best way to do this is to have her as close as she can get.

There is another way, of course, to be closer, but he will not ask that of her, until she is ready. He doesn't need to be that close, no matter how much he might want to be. As his hands reach her shoulders, he leans his head down, and as both of his hands move up and over her neck, his thumbs find their way under her chin, raising her lips to meet his. As his lips touch hers in a long, lingering kiss, it begins.

It starts in her mind - a warm, liquid feeling that is at once relaxing and invigorating and...cleansing. He cannot take her memories, or all of her feelings away, but perhaps he can help her understand, and he can at least free her from the pain of it.

That he takes upon himself, absorbing it, sending it to the demon.

He can handle it, will in fact enjoy it and feast on it, and finally be rid of it.

It is a long process, and as he is slowly, lovingly removing her pain, stripping her free of her anguish, his lips still move against hers, with hers. She, being an empath, would be able to see every event that had led the two of them to this moment, the climax of a long journey that both of them had undertaken at great cost, with great sacrifice, to finally reach each other.

Why would she be able to see it? Because she is an empath, certainly - but also, to make a point.

You see, mon amour...every'ting happens f'r a reas'n. No one ev'r said it'd be easy...only t'at it'd be wort' it.

His fingers find their way to the back of her neck, pressing lightly there, and from that tender patch of skin there would come a moment of exquisite heat that travels over her skin, spreading out to engulf her body in what feels pleasurably like the flames of desire, echoing throughout her soul.

And a moment later, it fades again. Where she had felt pain and anguish would be the beginnings of a new life without it, if she so wished. He had not, however, stripped her of her empathic abilities - he had simply joined her to him, and in so doing, on the back of her neck would now be found his mark.

((Above image copyright 2008-2009 - used without permission for non-commercial purposes.))

Lani Valendria

Date: 2009-08-12 06:29 EST
The moment came of fight or flight, a panic struggle in the vulnerability of the witch's soul. Trust was hard to come by when it came to the witch. Giving her heart, her soul had been a tricky thing when they all but left her behind every time her heart was offered.

Or broke her heart leaving her shattered. Her body was her sin, she knew that well. That she could offer the body and feel nothing in the soul, in heart for those hours. She had tired of that life.

When he drew her close there was a tension as bodies pressed flush to each other. Till that kiss met her lips and that sensation filled her mind, and poured through her soul like liquid sunshine.

She reveled in it. Oh the Valendria witches would protest the nature of the witch to give herself to a demon summoning. No longer did she care what her 'family' thought. The Valendria witches had tried to kill her over and over again... and now even now they had Laniandra's Sister of Light all but bound.

As the kiss finally ended she had to wonder how oen could not want themselves to be bound by spirit when this moment was so lovely. Intense and physical and captivating. A brow lifted as a quiet laugh escaped, dark honey gone husky with surprise.

Well enough she knew of the other option for that demon marking. The realization left warm heat spilling through her as her fingers trailed patterns on his skin. Oh she could only imagine how the other option would be.

"Oui. Worth the price despite all that is offered for it."

The witch would find that she would not mourn over what was lost for in return what was found... was far more significant.


Date: 2009-08-19 18:37 EST
He does not let her go so easily. He knows about joining, knows that she belongs to him now, but in return he likewise belongs to her, is bound to her until death. His death will not come easily - it is hers he is concerned about. But wherever she goes, whatever she does, he is only a thought away - all she will have to do is wish him to be there, and it will be so.

For just a moment, his eyes still closed, his being drained somewhat from the joining and the effort of siphoning off her pain, a part of his mind questions. What exactly was he thinking? Not only to be bound to another, but to be forever worrying, never knowing when that final moment of mortality might come.

He opens his eyes, swaying slightly on his feet as he looks down into her eyes. Those deep, black orbs looking back at him, her lovely features, and the laughter in her smooth and somehow husky voice...the delicate feel of her wrapped in his arms...

He feels his heart pound harder, a feeling of warmth that flood through him and maches his heart, his very soul ache.

It is that feeling, more than anything else, that tells him he will not regret what he's done.

And at that moment, the energy he has used catches up to him, making his legs tremble, his head swim, as he begins to go limp in her arms. Before the darkness claims him, though, he manages to whipser to her.

"Oui, mon amant...wort' it t'me as well."

Lani Valendria

Date: 2009-08-20 06:15 EST
It long had been since there had been worry over her ending. He did not know the stories, had not heard of the life of a Valendria witch. If there had been a moment to look upon her and truly see the scars worn, he would know...

She was no stranger to death.

Yet still now she stood there, soul weary and spirit exhausted but there alive. Unwillingly or not. His fears well were nothing he really had to be concerned with.

While that wild tap of empathic gift had been turned off a bit, it wasn't to say that Laniandra wasn't aware of him, how much he gave to her. So much of himself.

There was a brief moment that black diamond eyes shifted over the common room with its hundreds of burning candles.

Weaving an incantation on her tongue even as she felt him go limp against her.

She was a Shadow Weaver after all.

The room went pitch black as the candles were snuffed out and she drew that darkness to her.

Giving her the strength if only to move them. It was just a side step, a give over to that dark bit of shadow to have placement from point a to point b really.

Back there then the pair would be in her private chambers.

Exhausted with this man,this strange demon in her arms she collapsed on the bed.

One perplexed, tender look as fingers brushed the dark bits of hair from his handsome face.

A whisper.

"Oui. Worth everythin' in dis world, mon amour."

Curling with that last bit of strength to draw the covers over them both, she herself succumbed to exhaustion and the thick dark of shadow sleep.


Date: 2009-08-27 15:41 EST
No dreams, this time. Too often has he dreamed of Julia, the final attack upon her, the way she withdrew into seclusion.

A good woman, a light to those in darkness, driven away, dimmed.

That dream does not come to him, and he sleeps peacefully for the first time in many years.

As the murky depths of the exhausted sleep he is locked in finally reliquish their hold on him, he keeps his eyes closed. As always, he lays still, becoming aware, bit by slow bit, of his surroundings, taking the time to relish this place, this slow, languid feeling of laziness and warmth.

The room is not his, he becomes aware. And neither is the deep, slow breathing he hears next to him. In that languid place he is in, he becomes aware of the seemingly delicate, curvaceous body curled up against his, his arm wrapped around her waist, as if holding her against him, her back against his chest.

The steady rise and fall of her chest, her back against his, the deep, relaxed feeling of sleep.

He opens his eyes.

There next to him is Laniandra.

He doesn't remember anything after the sheer exhaustion of the bonding last night had claimed his mind, dropping him into its black depths. How he got into her bed is a mystery to him. This woman must possess strength indeed, if she had managed to move him. He's not a goliath among men, certainly, but he still outweighs her by a good portion.

Fascinated by her, he watches her sleeping. On the back of her neck, he sees the mark left by the bonding, the demon's sigil. MArking her as his.

And at the same time, laying her claim to him.


He feels the sudden urge to place a kiss there, on that spot, and resists. He doesn't want to wake her, doesn't want to disturb this tableau before him. Not moving, curled up against her, he watches her sleep, a peaceful smile on his lips.

Lani Valendria

Date: 2009-08-27 21:51 EST
Stirring in his arms the black diamonds of her eyes would open slowly. Safe, secure in that embrace. A twisting move in his embrace to face him then.

Dusky her touch spilled down his arms, moved to his chest. Drifted lower. Learning of him. Every inch.

Her lips found his then in a chaste kiss. Sacred and sensual in the sweet dark of night.

Smiling then into that kiss before it was broken, her eyes moved to meet his.

Sigh of contentment.

Here now in this moment, through this bond she could feel safe. Secure. Perhaps loved.

So loved.

That was her secret.

A secret not so much hidden anymore.

"There can be peace in the darkness here with me, Kaleb. Let me take it all away."

Whisper in the morning light.

Sun born confessions and promises.

"Mon amour."


Date: 2009-08-30 00:58 EST
(delete please, accidental post)


Date: 2009-08-30 01:01 EST
He smiles at her, thinking that he should have taken the chance when he had it, to place the kiss on that bonding-mark. Ah, well...plenty of chance to do that, later.

Her touch is gentle fire, pleasing and warm and teasing, as she explores the length of him. He fights a pleasurable shiver at the feel of her fingers on him, touching and raising goosebumps at each point, the sensations vibrating through nerves already sensitized by the magic that has joined them in a way that is more intimate than nearly anything else.

Moreso than all acts but one, that is.

He had been in love once. A love not retunred, that never could have been and never can be.

He would have died, and gladly, to protect that. but he had failed.

He's never gone past a day without thinking of it.

Until now.

Now, her curled up next to him, he thinks, even as her lips offer it, he can find a peace that has eluded him for so long.

Peace in the darkness, she had said.

Let her take it all away.

She had turned in his embrace, a long, lovingly slow thing that had allowed his hands to feel still more of her curves, allwoing him to explore without really moving at all.

Gently, his arm tightens around her waist, dragging her closer to him in the bed they are now sharing, so that her body again molds with his.

So close, her eyes are. Her lips. Her warmth, her heat, like the soft fire of her touch, threatening to consume his mind, as well as his body and heart.

A single moment of silence in that instant, so quiet he can feel his heart as it speaks to him.

As it never has before.

Eyes filled with reflected morning light gaze longingly into hers. His voice is soft, almost reverent in its tone. "Mon amour...b'leive it or not...y've already taken it all away. T'is..." his fingers slide up her spine, slowly, until they reach the nape of her neck, to the mark forevermore branded into her flesh, "...t'is has done that."

Dare he say it?

Yes. It is what he feels, soul-deep.

"Je t'aime, mon amant."

Lani Valendria

Date: 2009-08-30 07:00 EST
Even in her twilight nature her smile could be a glorious thing to witness. Unlike her sister of light, Laniandra still possessed a dark fire. That smoldering within her quick sparked soul.

Those words she had not heard for so long it brought her eyes to raise to him. Questioning in silence. That look in his eyes then, his expression she found was something genuine.

He meant the words.

"Je t'aime. Je t'adore."

A whisper at his chest, lips brushing his chest even as she was pulled to him. Bodies molding together.

How much closer could two be save for the evident joining of physical bodies.

Dusky touch rose from its descent to trace every fiber of his being. Wanting more of him and yet still she would keep herself from that final unity.

It was meant sacred she believed. Joining of the bodies to not be just about the moment but about bliss, about completion, becoming soul bound. Made whole.

The notion left her whimpering against his chest with contentment. Hand raised and curled in the dark of his hair. Stroking before grasping those tendrils lightly as her lips found his own again in hungry claim.

She belonged to him and yet she found in his presence she was unsatiable. Ever drawn, ever wanting, ever yearning, ever to burn only for him.

Laniandra knew then it was not just the bond and brand that made it so. She was his entirely.


Date: 2009-09-15 23:43 EST
That darker part of him, the demon, for once, does not cry out in protest as she curls against him, as they are entangled in one another. There is not even a hint of aversion to the love he feels, the passion, the desire, unquenchable, that seems to take hold of him as they come ever closer to each other.

Could it be possible that the inhuman part of him has fallen as hard for this dark-natured witch as his human half has done?

A cure for the restless half, that part of him that is all brutal strength and bloodlust.

Something to sate the demon.

It is only a small part of his mind that wonders at this turn of events. The rest of him focuses on this lovely, desirable woman in his arms, pulling her closer to him as he returns the kiss as hungrily as she gives it. One hand finds the nape of her neck again, fingers tangling in her thick hair, fingertips stroking the branded mark on her neck. The other roams carelessly down her back, stroking softly over warm, smooth skin, a soft, almost whimpering sound escaping his throat as they come even closer to joining.

Even demons need to breathe, a fact that he forgets until his heart and lungs begin to send out signals of need that are almost unheard as emotion overcomes him.

But at last, he is forced to move, breaking the kiss. He moves not a millimeter further, grey eyes focusing on her dark orbs, their bodies pressed together so intimately that she could not fail to feel the stirring in his groin against her.

A soft, almost growling sort of chuckle comes to his lips, as he moves them aginst her, whispering softly to her. "Y'should be careful, mon amour...y'might end up startin' somet'in', kissin me t'at way." Still, he looks in her eyes, a soft smile on his lips as they find hers again, kissing her tenderly.

Lani Valendria

Date: 2009-09-16 06:10 EST
Demon seed. She might have been meant for it. This moment. Bonded to him. His duality of demon and man.

Laniandra feared nothing when it came to him. Desired all that was him. Even the demon called to a darker part of her spirit.

The wild thick darkness of a soul that was not meant to be tamed or broken but left to be uncontrolled.

This was the part of her that wanted the demon as much as the man.

Her body entangled and intertwined with his, mouth on his was sweet victory that became a dark burn.

Was it any question then why the dusky flesh of her lips would rise to meet his with a smile saturated with night invoked passion as a kiss was broken.

Black diamond eyes lifted to meet grey as he spoke. Her hand was bold. In her mind she knew she drew upon that part of her soul that was of times past.

Of a witch that could claim ownership of a pool table, break a heart, saturate a night in sin and desire, pleasure and need.

Dusky fingertips brushed a caress to that stirring sensation, the hard presence of him.

Corner of mouth curled, laughter soft and hushed. Bedroom intimate as she whispered at his mouth.

Fingers curled around him, finding hard member to claim as her own.

"I always finish what I start, mon amour." A lift of brow. Smile growing. Juding all reactions as thumb and fingertips coaxed that sensation to truly start it into something more then just a bond between demon and witch.


Date: 2009-09-18 00:24 EST
He hadn't counted on her being quite so bold, though he probably should have - a demon's bond give insight to the soul and heart in ways that most other magical connections just can't manage.

After all, a demon's bond is meant for possession.

Her hands on the hardened length of him, moving over his skin, stroking with fingers and thumb and palm would cause a dangerous throb in that place, a hearty,eager twitch in her hand as his grey eyes catch light, reflecting it back out, an unnatural gleam that would shift from silvery to sapphire blue in an instant.

His lips are still close to hers, whispering back in that soft, intimate caress of their lips together as his hand moves down the gentle, smooth curves of her body, finding its own way between them, brushing against the arm that ended in her hand upon him, caressing in the most intimate way.

Her boldness is infectious to him, and though a blush touches his cheeks, it is not of embarassment or shyness - it is of excitment, of anticipation.

His own fingers find their way to her core, finding slick, wet heat, sliding smoothly between the folds of her skin to rub her teasingly in that most intimate place, tracing lightly along the moist center of her, just enough to slide the tip of a long digit into the most heated, intimate part of her.

All along, his smoky grey eyes are fixed on hers, both challenging and inviting, the smile on his lips the equal of hers. His voice, when he speaks, is lower, huskier, and is almost breathless in its intensity. "I cert'nly hope so, mon amant, 'cause ye've surely started somet'in, and I full 'ntend t'see it t'rough."

Lani Valendria

Date: 2009-09-18 12:11 EST
Silver light. Blue smolder. Sapphire and Silver. Hues that would draw her more then twilight. There were stars in the black diamond depths. Shining bolts of energy within those dark depths.

Smile found a sensual curl. For a moment Laniandra found that part of her soul that had long known of hours of bliss and desire.

Fingertips stroked, curled, and possessed that part of him as he had possessed and claimed her soul. Her heart.

Eyes on his as she gave herself to him, a hushed moan as hips lifted in invitation. Fingers spilling within her, the moist heat enveloping his touch as she closed her eyes.

Challenges. Invitations. She claimed both. Body warm with hungry passion invoked like an incantation. Those dark eyes held something more an energy that was not just witch, not just part of the bond. Did he understand? Did he know?

Could he see it within her... that the darkness was not just for a witch's invoking but something older. Ancient and Savage.

Hips rolled even as her fingers curled to hard length. Bold so very bold. A part of her soul so long kept in slumber would wake up then.

Knowing smile.

"Then see it through..."


Date: 2009-09-23 23:56 EST

Invitation, and challenge.

Kaleb is not one to shy away from either. Nor is he one to shy away from anything else, having lived a life without fear of anything but himself.

And now, it seems, he may have found the cure for that, as well.

What is it? Is it the woman who is beneath him, poised for entrance, inviting him in?

That is the cure for the man.

The demon within him, the bonder and bonded, sees the ancient, savage power. An unknown, but magnetic, drawing force that is as alluring to him as blood to a shark.

But even the demon knows that such a thing cannot be possessed.

Uncaring for that...the demon wishes to join with it, in much the same way as the human is wishing to join with the woman that is the power's vessel.

Both are ready to consummate this bonding, ready to be joined.

Her scent, her dark curl of a knowing smile, and that primal power he can see and feel held within her are what beckon him forward.

As he moves forward, instinct guides his movements, and he allows her to guide him until he feels the fiery, moist heat of her core enveloping the hardened head.

No hesitation, no second thoughts. Instead, a burning sort of sensation fills him as he moves steadily, slowly, pressing his hips down and forward, the thick, hardened length of him guided inside her, his passage eased by slick, heated moisture, inviting him further in.

He does not stop until he feels the solid connection as their hips meet, feels her shaking deep inside, squeezing tight.

it is only then he pauses. Throughout he does not take his eyes from hers. In them could be seen, now, a flickering, almost reddish light, silver and sapphire and flame all dancing behind his eyes.

There are no words.

Only a low, rumbling, grating sort of growl mixed strangely with a human's moan as both parts of his revel in the sensation of being inside Lani.

Lani Valendria

Date: 2009-09-25 07:13 EST
Power. It was a tribal, unruled presence bonded with her own magic. Energy that would speak like morphine to an addict. That darker part of her was provoked to want the demon within him to be awakened. Unleashed and within her.

The thought brought a low moan from her, eyes near to roll to the back of her head. Her fingers grasped him, magic burning darkness in her touch even as she would guide him.

Slow, sensual torture this. The witch let him fill her till he was deeply impaled within her. To the hilt. For a moment she would not move, the sensation awakened again that dark of her magic that was tribal and wild dark.

Her energy called out to the demon within him. Unspoken desire spilled into that magic. Daring, drawing that demon to take her in such a way completely.

Black diamond eyes opened. The night sky on the darkest, longest night pinpricked by stars of energy. Met his own. She savored that sensation before her hips arched up to him. Wanting that sultry friction to have him ever and always. All over again.


Date: 2009-10-02 20:17 EST
So many things, so many senses being touched at once.

The subtle, sultry movement of her body beneath his. That delicious, slippery, warm friction as hips move against his. The darkness in her eyes, as beautiful to him as any starry nighttime sky. The way fingers dig in, the subtle scent of warm, feminine skin and the musky smell that seems to rise from her pores to greet and tease his already sharpened senses.

Other senses, too. The bonding between them, a connection he can feel as if it is a fire, strengthening the more sensual feelings, the already strong physical being boosted to proportions unknown to him prior to this moment.

Under that, the demon, feeling the darker energy contained within, tugging at him, beckoning, almost demanding his attention. Unable to stop it, with so many senses demanding his attention, the demon looks deeper, searching...probing...

A touch is all it takes to sense the demonic taint of energy deep within Lani, and Kaleb can sense the demon boiling to the surface. For just a moment, he tries to hold it back, push it down, until some tiny part of his mind touches hers through the bond and sees that - incedibly - that is what she wants...

That knowledge, combined with that delicisous friction caused by her hips arching up to meet his, brings the guards down, and with a cry that is equal parts pleasure, pain and longing, the demon explodes out of him, enveloping them both in brilliant, sapphire light.

A moment later, she is pinned to the bed by the huge form of a fiery demon, perched above her, skin like molten stone, lodged deep inside her, blazing eyes staring into hers, moving its own hips back to meet hers with a single thrust, burying himself as far as he is permitted...

Lani Valendria

Date: 2009-10-10 07:19 EST
How long had that nature of the demon been within her long before the mark had been maded by Kaleb on her flesh? The witch blade had its presence that was forged of the demonic. So long with it in her possession had left her influenced by its sway. Had changed her.

Her body was meant for his. The way every bit of their flesh would fit like missing puzzle pieces. Meant for each other. It seemed to make sense as he filled her. His movements and her own causing that deep friction that left her shaking to the core.

There was such power and emotion in that moment. The heat and desire a wicked, delightful smolder in her soul. Her eyes closed in savoring of feeling the demon stir within him.

Black diamond depths would snap open when she felt herself pinned down and held to the bed. There was a passing moment of fear, a passing moment of adjustment.

Laniandra though... was a Valendria witch. Meant for this part of him as much as all the others. She was crying out then but the sound was not of fear or panic but of the deepest pleasure. A bliss she never thought obtainable. Demons like witches...were meant to be sinful... and she would sin indeed beneath the demon. Over and Over again.

Arms embraced him and the witch writhed and stirred beneath him, making it as known to the demon as it had been to the man that she wanted all they had to offer. Every single inch.


Date: 2009-10-31 16:00 EST
Demon and man move as one, a perfectly blended mix of the two. The sensual knowledge and emotions of the man, for the very first time, meet and blend perfectly with the ferocity and lust of the demon.

Sensing more than anything what she wants, the demon above her obliges with enthusiasm, moving to bury every last bit of his length within her, moving just slow enough to make the movement sensual wbut with enough speed and roughness to make it clear that the man isn't the only one in control.

The deep sound that comes from the fiery form is just less than a growl, more than a moan, but the sound is definitely one of pleasure as he draws back, then thrusts forward again.

Huge, clawed hands sieze her wrists and draw her arms up over her head as he stares down at her, moving to pin her completely beneath him as he enters and withdraws, enters and withdraws, moving faster...then slower as he senses her getting close to the point of climax, just enough to prolong the suspense, slowing near to the point of stillness, before moving again.

Keeping her pinned beneath him as he moves, the expression on the demonic face a strange combaination of ecstatic pleasure, animal lust and love all sombined into the odd canvas of a demon's face.

Lani Valendria

Date: 2009-11-07 08:09 EST
The sensation was like none other ever experienced or known. Breath breathed in. Drawn into her lungs in a shaky release as the demon was above her. A witch could summon a demon, and a demon could claim a witch... but this was so much more.

Kaleb was there with her, inside of her, just as the demon was. Never could she imagine such bliss.

Deeply bonded, impaled by the demon as much the man she moved below him. Matching ever thrust with every rise of her hips. A study in demonology this all seemed and she wished and wanted for more.

A cry out to the night as that pleasure shook her to the core. Nails gripping with a dark wrought passion. His name on her tongue, the demon summoned name called out after. Possessive and needing that final moment of completion.

She could not be sated. There was more. Always more that she wanted from him.

Black diamond eyes locked upon the demon's visage as he claimed her wrists. A wicked light in her eyes as body arched and moved beneath his own. Rising to find that fiery demon kiss.

It was enough to send her over the edge. Past that point of no return. And none of it mattered save for this.


Date: 2009-12-18 00:56 EST
The demon has sampled many hedonistic pleasures in his lifetime, always for its own darker needs.

This is different.



For the first time, Kaleb and the demon within him understand, completely. Each sees the other through their own eyes, sees the world through the other's eyes.

Feels what the other feels.

Neither the greater, neither less.

An intense pleasure, as Lani arches beneath him, as she arches up for that fiery kiss, flames that consume but do not burn.

Feeling her tighten around him, that shuddering, fiery sensation of release, is enough to push him over the edge with her, as a sensation that is like a blaze that ignites every nerve ending in the demon's body, in Kaleb's body, races through him, adding fire, adding fuel to that final explosion.

There is no shining of sapphire light this time, no change of the shape above her or inside her, and yet in that final moment, it is the man's lips that find hers, that embrace hers, as his seed is spilled within.

The man's voice that cries out her name in that moment of greatest, final ecstasy.

Lani Valendria

Date: 2009-12-27 17:49 EST
Darkness and shadows, night magic was a curiously cold thing. Hardly unpleasant but it held an autumn chill claimed with the same heady spice aroma of grotto born additions.

Everything about the Valendria witch was claimed so. Sweat glistened like shards of tiny light at her skin. Stars to the dusk of her flesh.

Those black diamond eyes were alert to her surroundings but still she felt wild eyed and deluded with bliss as the sensations of that unescapable fire and heat poured and pooled through her.

Wicked sin.

It was only when the flames and heat subsided without their touching burn did she look up to the demon and man she had bound herself to.

Dark depths searching as she smiled to him.

"There now, mon cher, we are forever..."

Bound. Joined. Unseparable in so many ways