Topic: OOC: Comments, Comebacks & Praise

Lucky Clover

Date: 2011-05-21 17:16 EST
Welcome to Casa de Clover -- where all your dreams come true! ^_~

I'm pleased to have a folder for Clover and all her exploits.

Many thanks!

To Toby Aradam, Mayu Tsuzuki and FearTheDarkness for being among the first people for Clover to interact with and making my return to RP so much fun.

To Gideon, RatherIndifferent, Catlin, Bylah, VikiChylde and Evertt Ogden for allowing me to lurk on play so often that it inspired me to write 'The Lucky Sailor.'

To Cor & Alain Muns for reading the post before my posting it & encouraging me with their feedback.

To Harris for making Clover his Supervixen for Alpha and to every awesome customer that's made the job so much fun to play!

To Mataya and Tasha Van Blaudin for incorporating a little of Clover's blessing for luck into your writing (really, nothing thrills me more)!

And lastly... just to everyone who I've gotten to play with or who has given me positive feedback on Clover or posts. You folks are awesome!


Date: 2011-05-21 17:24 EST
Congratulations on the folder!

On a side note - wait, did I get married to David and Riley without noticing? ::laughs::

Lucky Clover

Date: 2011-05-21 17:34 EST
Congratulations on the folder!

On a side note - wait, did I get married to David and Riley without noticing? ::laughs::


I don't know what you're talking about.


Lucky Clover

Date: 2011-06-04 23:57 EST
It seems when I first put my folder together I forgot to bring over "The Lucky Sailor" which is really where all the Clover forum stuff began.

So Yay for it being added now!

Alain DeMuer

Date: 2011-06-22 07:39 EST
Harris, Clover, awesome thread with "Labor Pains!" It's a great read, and not at all the angle I expected from an FLA story - which is a good thing! =) Keep it up, you guys.

Edward Batten

Date: 2011-06-22 09:14 EST

And here I thought he was rejecting the FLA just to be contrary.

Lucky Clover

Date: 2011-07-01 09:39 EST
Out of town for a bit of a holiday. Probably won't see much from me for a week. ^^


Date: 2011-07-25 15:09 EST
I am stopping by to express feelings of gratitude to Harris and Clover's player? The enjoyment I had in reading (and participating in) Harris and Clover's little fishing adventure they had down in Dockside, it was enormous to say the least. It was a very quaint and fun little play, filled with talent, and I couldn't be happier that I decided to slip in and just play a small little role in the ever-complicated chore of fishing what should have been very simple, you would think!

But it was one of the most fun little cameos I have done, and I enjoyed it as much as I did lurking and reading the actual event playing out. Humoring the legend that is Clover being out in public and not being able to turn an eye from her. It was something I took very seriously, as much fun as I was having. I just wanted to say thanks for logging it, thank you for editing it, and the "cameo-blue" text color was certainly a nice touch.

Nothing but love.

Lucky Clover

Date: 2011-07-25 17:18 EST
Thank you for the love! I really enjoyed the little pop in you did. ^^

I have to apologize that it took me so long to get it up! I have been a serious slacker.

(And semi continue to be, but there are more logs on the way!)


Date: 2011-07-26 23:35 EST
I *just now* visited your OOC thread, I am ashamed to say! <3 you tons and you are soooo welcome for the rp when you first brought Clover back. I am very happy that our chars met and have become such great friends, though they never see one another anymore. ;p

::sprinkles belated glittery fairy dust stuff or something all over the folder::

Alain DeMuer

Date: 2011-07-28 09:42 EST
I probably sound like a broken record, but now that it seems to be wrapping up, I wanted to say it's been a pleasure reading it and playing a role (however small) in a story with you two!


Date: 2011-07-28 19:29 EST
Appreciate the opportunity to play off of your idea, Alain! It was great fun!

Lucky Clover

Date: 2011-08-15 19:03 EST
I continue to be alive, things are just progressing very slowly.

Lucky Clover

Date: 2011-08-20 15:21 EST
Schedule is getting all sorts of busy. The progress of the "Be Mine" thread will go slowly... what with needing creativity to align with free time.

For the time being (as has been going on) Clover won't be out and about for live play. A pity cause I miss playing Clover with you awesome people!

Lucky Clover

Date: 2011-09-24 11:31 EST
Tiny post added to the Be Mine thread to progress the SL. Tiny, tiny. But better than nothing.

Fiora Shantalaine

Date: 2011-09-25 10:38 EST

A Lucky sighting!

"How very" ::Uses her Ben Folds' Voice:: "Lucky..." (All Smooth and Butter Melting!)

Lucky Clover

Date: 2011-10-13 10:07 EST
I have to brag about the beautiful image I have for Clover in her profile! <3

Dean Winchester

Date: 2011-10-13 18:19 EST
I have to brag about the beautiful image I have for Clover in her profile! <3

Very nice, Clover. I like. :smile:

Lucky Clover

Date: 2011-11-10 12:18 EST
So! I am semi-getting my but in gear. Working on another post for the Be Mine thread!

In the mean time! I openly invite your characters to post in the Which Way the Wind Blows thread to express their reactions to Clover being gone or just Clover related thoughts if anyone is having them.

And it doesn't have to be a Clover heavy post... it could just mention her in a passing thought along with other things.

Lucky Clover

Date: 2012-02-28 20:16 EST
Sorry to say, this is the end of Clover. I thank you all for your time and support for the little goddess. <3

Dean Winchester

Date: 2012-02-28 20:39 EST
Sorry to say, this is the end of Clover. I thank you all for your time and support for the little goddess. <3

I know we haven't played together in a while, but I enjoyed it when we did and will be sorry to see Clover go. I wish you luck in all your endeavors, RP and otherwise. Keep in touch! :smile:

Marc Franco

Date: 2012-02-28 21:43 EST
Sorry to say, this is the end of Clover. I thank you all for your time and support for the little goddess. <3

Harris insisted that I read this folder a while back and it became a 'must read' for me immediately. I am very very very sad about this. I hope you're just moving on to other characters and not leaving entirely!

A. Dagger Sasc

Date: 2012-02-28 23:42 EST
Pardon me for referencing another character for a moment, but I have a point to it. There used to be a very active character to the inn, named Kairee, and she is this very beautiful presence I thought you just had to take notice to when you entered the same room. It was different than just a pretty woman. There was something magic, literally or otherwise.

I say this because not a lot of women were like that, or are like that, and I noticed this especially when she stopped coming around as frequently as she did. I'm starting to see her back a little more now, though. I won't say Clover was a replacement or a copy of her. But that really rare presence I mentioned, I haven't since seen it done by anyone else. A lot of pretty girls, but none of them confidently pose on the back of, let's say a piano, like they "know" they're special, and should be treated as such... knocking it back to basics, like how a lady should be treated. This is how I felt Clover was all the time.

Clover said she could be better than most women without actually saying it. You gave those women top-billing in the old movies. Clover would have sure fit in with the best of them, too... in with those great ideas for great stories.
I personally would have loved to see much, much more of her, but that would be selfish of me. You wouldn't have done this if you weren't sure, and I wouldn't want you playing her if you are ready to move on. Fortunately, like the farewell post suggests, the time she spent here in Rhydin with a few friends and the like was enchanting, and it will be remembered. I just had to voice my gratitude that I was able to play with her, if only very briefly, because she was very special.

I miss her already.


Date: 2012-02-29 00:55 EST
It was a beautiful ending to a beautiful life. The return of her memories and finally being free. <3

Clover will be missed but she will never really die because she will be remembered by the people's lives that she touched.

Gypsy Lore

Date: 2012-02-29 08:02 EST
I?ve never played with you but I have read your folder and I want to add my own sorry good-byes. It?s a shame if you are leaving the boards for good, players like you will always be missed.

Good luck to you Ms. Clover.

-Player of Vera

Calix Aleta

Date: 2012-02-29 12:12 EST
Hate to see another good player head off from the site, as well as another good character as well. I had fun the few times we got the chance to play and talk. Good luck to you in what ever you chose to do, and always keep this in mind.

You will be missed here and are always welcomed to show up, even if it is to bs in the lobby!

Lucky Clover

Date: 2012-03-01 11:03 EST
Thank you everyone for your kind words. I really can't effectively express how they warm my heart but to say it involves happy tears. I'm sorry to see Clover go, but I'm glad I was able to at least wrap her story up. I thought it a better decision than just leaving her story unfinished, knowing I wouldn't have the same spirit to return her to her full glory.

Clover's story has ended, but I'm still around.

Here's to you and all the support/love given to Clover and myself.

Again... Thank you!