Topic: Destroyed, Afraid, Broken... Toby.

Lucy Ravenlock

Date: 2006-03-30 06:45 EST
An eventful day for the Shadows, they watched a great battle! Brian Vs Renna, it was longly waited and Renna was finally going to show him who was boss around here, and that simply going around threatening her was quite enough. Well, she deserved it, she plotted to kill Brian and Jewel with Tanzin, whom now, is on the revenge list.
The battle fierce, mighty, Renna was hurting him than he her and all she had to do, was stay away from that Darkin Gauntlet he had. That was no problem, untill his family started to butt in, along with Tanzin, the betraying bastard.
A simple chi blast was launched from the gauntlet, easily, she held it back, after all magic against magic seemed to cancel out quite well... But Renna's crush interest was there, Toby (Aka Emerson), or otherwise her piano teacher. He came for reasons unknown, but infact, was there making sure it was a fair fight... Fat chance. Tanzin attempted an attack on Renna AND Brian, perhaps wanting to expose of the two at the same time - but for only Toby to step in and now get Tanzin's unwanted attention.
Too Jewel attempted an attack, trying to get her from behind, Tera witing on the side wanting to strike...
As Toby and Tanzin fought Renna did the only thing she could to the people she truely trusted. She threw the chi blast at Tanzin, ignoring Brian, trying to stop the fight between Toby and the man... But left herself open for one attack. A punch to the face with that gauntlet... That was enough, arm disolocated, ribs shattered, Renna fell for the first time during the whole fight, unlike Brian.
It was, unfairly played by them, but they got Renna againt the ropes, and she lost. Again. But her life was spared by Jewel... Trying to calm down the crazed Brian and almost get hit herself...
Kicked, litterlly when she was down, further causing injury... She was thrown around like a rag doll, and why? Because she protected Toby, and innocent man. How funny it is when her humanity steps in, it seemed to be her only downfall.

But it was the end of the fight, Renna had lost and Brian got what he wanted. He defeated Renna, even if it were unfairly. Does this make Brian less of a man? Obviously, since Renna did not even include any of the bystanders unlike he.

Unjured, bleeding, screaming, Kairee was he savour - very reluctantly. As she laid there bleeding, Toby running off to get some medical attention, leaving her there to bleed and waste away her blood... It one innocent girl who did not know Renna to tend to her... For company...
Charna, Grem, Miles, they all just seemed to watch, and she kenw what they were thinking.

She deserved it.

Deserved to be beaten unfairly? Hell no. But that was Renna's thoughts, maybe these people in this land liked to be whimps about things and allow people to interfear.

The girl, was unknown to her. She was new, and Renna thanked her mentally, but not showing it. Kairee healed her broken ribs, dislocated shoulder, and internal injuries with the use of magical healign abilities, but stopped healing the bruises, and taking awy the pain... For Renna to suffer it.
She had been sorely beaten not by Brian, and the three others. But by everyone, in the RDI. Everyone contributed to her pain and right now, Renna was not only afraid to die again, this time forever... But afraid to be remembered for what she was. And that was the first time ever she had thought it.

Toby returned, and even her ex-son-in-law Kaz, with baby Kouta... H tried to cheer her up. Kaz did i for a while, but when seeing Toby, she limped away, now realising her hip joint was cracked, and with each movement she made to get away into the alley was painful.
He followed and why? She found out. He admitted to be her only friend, he was kind... He taught her how to play the piano despite her reputation...
And now, he was here, comforting her... Making her feel that one thing scared her more than anything, she made him feel love. The same love she had for Ayreg.

That night, she laid there in bed. She had too bound her right arm and shoulder with bandages to prevent too much movement, and to cause it to bruise further. As were the same with her wrists. She even bandaged her right eye which seemed hazey since the attack, and somewhat swollen. And what had she used to walk properly? A thick, gnarled stick she bought, as she virtually dragged herself, to the shops to get one.
Stareing at the ceiling Renna just relayed the battle. She had him, and whatever Brian said, she had him good. Why? Why did people interfear? Because they loved them? Did Toby do the same for her?

Something was conflicting in her now... Ayreg and Toby... Two very different loves, to two VERY different people. Shaking there, alone in her room, images of people stareing to her bleeding form on the couch, wishing to just die. Wolf, even commenting how much he was finally enjoying to see her like that.
Renna had it coming to her... "....Not like this...." She whispered, as she began to cry again, her hands went to her face. The defet against Maria, was understandable, she was out classed... But now when she wernt.. People butted in. Renna would have not killed Brian, she did after all made him proimse to kill her some day, and let it be him, not for her to kill him.

Afraid, she looked to the door... Afraid to even leave the room... Afraid if they would attack her in that gang again... Afraid. Renna was afraid and she deserved every damned moment of it...

Lucy Ravenlock

Date: 2006-03-30 06:59 EST
Renna's cries were just constant. Rockin back and fore on the bed - a feeble attempt to imitate a mother's caring rocking. Her eye that was not bandaged was red rom crying, it was painful, her cheeks were painful... And that was because she just could not stop rubbing her eyes and cheeks as she cried, trying to remove the tears, trying to look strong... But now fear of all things was just beating Renna down...
Had she fall asleep would she dream of them?
"No... Can't sleep..." Renna whispered, looking about the room, thinking now that they would finish her off... Everyone, in the RDI... And why? She saw images of them standing there, Grem an Charna sitting down like they did, watching... Wolf smirking... Ayreg uncaringly tending to HIS female puppet, Brian with that gauntlet waiting, smirking, with Jewel, Tera, and Tanzin surrounding her bedside. Just... watching her.

A hope of death to her.

Revenge was something Renna loved to feel, but right now the thought didn't even cross her mind. She just wanted to get away and brought the bed covers up to hug her form, shaking... Shaking... Head turned away.
"Leave me alone..." The woman begged, but at the same time she screamed for Brian's blood to litter the floor. Screaming! Her hands went to her head and she just gripped her hair.

'Let' be friends?'

'My god... Someone help this poor woman!'

Poor woman? Friends? Words which normally Renna was cringe to, but they were true. The poor woman... She had no friends. Just one. A friend. Icer... She was there in the Inn and had better things to do... This was the horrible truth for Renna. She had one, friend. One, person. Brian had loads, Tanzin probably had more... Heck, AYREG probably has even more! And he's caused more havoc than she has done in her life time.

'I like you...'

Toby's words... So foolish. He just met her?

"No one really likes me... No one likes me... Everyone hates me..." Renna's lips moved everynow and again, silently...

She needed to vent... She needed to get out of this room! Her strong will although knocked down was rebuilding itself to push her out... And downstairs... To vent her feelings onto th piano.