Topic: Lucy's Control

Lucy Ravenlock

Date: 2006-05-24 07:31 EST

Shadows - everywhere.



In your mind

Lucy eyes opened and she stared up to the starie sky, transfixed on the big mass of shadows above... The lights cutting through darkness, her body shifted as she floated there upon her back atop of the surface of a lake not far from the Abbey.
She was neither cold nor shaking from the freezing waters that idly sent her where the faint current could, floating further and further from the shore, her mass of hair floating about her head in long tendrils, blinking those full red eyes to the void above.

She was singing, beautifully.

" In sleep he sang to me, in dreams he came . . . that voice which calls to me and speaks my name . . . And do I dream again?"

"You have come here in pursuit of your deepest urge, in pursuit of that wish, which till now has been silent, silent . . ."

"Past the point of no return - no backward glances: the games we've played till now are at an end . . ."

The Phantom Of The Opera... She felt much like that. An ugly being forced to be locked away inside of a place where no one can harm her, where she can harm no one...

That woman.


"Past the point of no return, the final threshold - what warm, unspoken secrets will we learn? Beyond the point of no return . . ."

Leaning up now, she slowly stood to stand atop of the surface of the water... Her toe tips barely touching the skin of the water as she floated upon it. Multiple pools echoing out the faint pressence of her vectors being pushed deep into the lake to hold there...

Like some siren singing in the night... She sung still.

"I have come here, hardly knowing the reason why . . . In my mind,
I've already imagined our bodies entwining defenceless and silent -
and now I am here with you: no second thoughts, I've decided, Decided . . . Past the point of no return -"

Like the Phantom...

She had learnt to it that as of late and only heard of it once in class...

But he was so like her...

"Damn you! You little prying Pandora! You little demon - is this what you wanted to see? Curse you! You little lying Delilah! You little viper!
Now you cannot ever be free! Damn you . . ."

Tears fell down her freshwatered cheeks.

Curse you . . .

Why do you sing to yourself?

"Stranger than you dreamt it - can you even dare to look or bear to
think of me: this loathsome gargoyle, who burns in hell, but secretly
yearns for heaven, secretly . . ."

Why are you talking in riddles inside of truths?

Gown wet, matted to her form, not careing if her young flesh was being revealed to the sticky white nylon of her loose gown. Hair dripping the water of the lake back down below her feet... Watching the ripples form out from under her...

The moon reflected just behind her, was distorted by her shadow...

"Hounded out by everyone! Met with hatred everywhere! No kind word from anyone! No compassion anywhere!" She sung out almost in a snarl.

Your hatred is strong...

That fate, which condemns me to wallow in blood has also denied me
the joys of the flesh . . ."

Drake...? Oh please. We both know it's of your Mother's fabrication...

"Watch me! I will show you! I will control these powers, I will control you! Just watch me!" Lucy screamed out in a fit, her flaoting form of the surface of the lake came to slowly drift towards the shore...

Feet connecting to the ground, she turned back to the lake and stared out... In silence.

Summon them.


Do it.

"Fine. If I do will it shut you up?"

Lucy extended out her hands - the vectors fallowing her mental commands, they slowly slithered out deep into the depths of the lake.

And like some large iron pot coming to boil...

The lake bubbled.

It steamed.

The surface bending upwards, it looked like something trying to break out of it's skin...



Black Robes.

"What have I done...?" Lucy stepped back, "What is this? Mother? Help me!"

What have you done now?

I'm showing her what she can do.

Brian has stated that he does not want my influence, and I am sure he does not want your's upon my creation.

The Black Monks crawled out from the boiling surface, still breaking through the surface...

"Mommy! How can I control them?! Mommy!"

Your not strong enough to control them. You summoned them child, it is your mistake to put right.

"H-How...?" She took a step back as they advanced her.

Kill them.

"But... I can't... They're, not alive... Are they? Then, maybe I can? Yeah... They're dead! It doesn't matter!" She grinned wickedly and then clenched her fists to her sides, bending her knees a little and releasing what one could call was...


The Monks fell without mercy, high in the air out of the reach of the Bblack Monks her vectors tore at them...

Familiar black tendrils moving into their spine...

Absorbing their energies.

Their Darkness.


Pity comes too late - turn around and face your fate: an eternity of this
before your eyes!

Return to the Abbey, child, you have cleaned up your mess and I do believe... Your becoming what Brian is hoping for you to become.

Just expect no praise from me...