Topic: Renna, The Betrayer, Queen of Shadows

Lucy Ravenlock

Date: 2006-04-14 08:22 EST
Renna sat in her Main Room which hid behind the alter through a small and narrow passageway...

Placed upon the large bed - which now was useless to her skeletal undead form, was her new full bodied plate armour and also a new brown monk's robe. This was to tare her apart from her army of Black Monks, so brown was the next obvious and natural colour to use.
Slowly rising the Black Monk's robe she currently wore, she let show off now her full bare leather armoured skeletal form. Her leather armour hanging barely to her boned and pointed shoulders, nor even to her colourbone.
Dropping the robe to the ground she began to make away with the gauntlets and boots which covered her hands and feet as of present, too now away with all armour. Now she stood, a complete - naked - skeleton. Gripping out at the new plate armour designed to strap to her bones and act like a hardened skin to ward off close combat blows, the bracers, chest plate, shoulder guards, wrist guards now were all dawned on her form... The armour was heavy, but tight to her form...
Grabbing the brown monk's robe she slowly slipped it on over the armour, leaving the hood down to let loose to the air, her grinning fleshless skull, now covering the armour in the sounds of rattling bones, and tinkling armour.
Turning to the heavy wooden door, a shadow arm slowly dragged it open, the bottom of the door skipping across the stoned floor of her room, now making her way up the narrow passageway, to stand now atop of the alter, stareing down at the mass of Black Monks that sit upon knees, their hood's bowing to her as she made her pressense known, with a slow raise of her arms, the sleeves sliding back to reveal the armour across her forearms and wrists, the bare skeletal hands outstretched as she embraced now her Coronation into silence.
"My friends..." Her voice raspy, incorpreal, and wraith-like, it was nontheless spoken softly. "We have the lands for our own... but this is not the end. This is just the beginning." A dark, slow laughter as her jaw fell wide. It continued on for a few seconds before she continued speaking. "The southern lands have fallen. We rule them now. I rule them now!"
A roar of snarling, screams and rustle of robes echoed harshly against the bare-walls of the Main Underground Hall, they stood now their hoods falling back to reveal what the darkness hid so well... All. Skeletal faces stared back at her, but the exception, that their right arm was the very same substance as her own shadow arms. They stood, moving in a frenzy.
The pentagram carved upon her forhead, glowed, and released the blue mist of mana which resides in her soul. The energy that allows her to cast her shadow arms, and to use all of her abilities, arms fell as she fell to her knees, the bones rattling and the armour shifting about her form, head lowering.

Two Black Monks now came to her, in one of their a hands plain silver circular crown with four long spikes spaced seperately and evenly upon the ring. While in the other set of hands a Black Monk held a hammer and four U-shaped bolts.
They arrived atop the alter moving either side to her, one placing down the crown atop of her skull while the other set the bolts down over the it, and onto her skull, bringing back the hammer and gently tapping it down into the bone, doing the same three times untill, it was securely hammered into place and through her cranium.
To make sure that it was indeed secured through her skull, they phased a shadow arm through her skull, and delicately bent the two ends together inside of where the brian used to be before it rotted away, turning them from their U-shaped bolts to now perfect circles.
Moving away from her they too fell to their knees with a rattle of bones, all the other Black Monks following suit.
Renna stood slowly, her head tilting up to regard the crowd with her socketless eyes, her bones fingers rising up to pull hood onto the crown's spikes, percing them through the fabric, but not letting the hood cover her entire face... She showed off the carved symbol on her forehead... The symbol of her kingdom. The pentagram...

A look from side to side at the crowd, tilting her head back jaw shaking up and down, her cackle, grew, and grew into a full blown psychotic laughter... Her minions joined in, causing their snarls, laughter, and hisses to echo out of the Fort and into the forests around it.

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2006-04-17 05:01 EST
Quietly he made his way through the upper hall, and down the spiral staircase leading into the lower level. The monk's robe he wore was bothersome as hell, and he cursed himself for returning to this place, but after all who was he to miss a party and the possibility of cake.

Pausing a moment at the bottom of the staircase, he moved aside as some Black Monks passed and headed towards the Throne Room. A quick tip of his hood to better conceal his face and he too was off down the path, following the Black Monks. The lower level was abuzz with activity, monks and guards were moving about the various halls and rooms. The slim hall made passing a bit difficult with the previously mentioned activity, and caused him to pause a few times along his way.

The sounds from the Throne room reverberated throughout the lower level and grew louder as he moved closer. Soon he was at the entrance and peeked inside. Rows of monks were all in rows along the stoned floor on their knees, everyone seemed to be fixated on the Altar. Moving inside slowly to the far back, he also took to a knee and watched on.

Renna moved inside the room and proceeded to address those gathered.

"My friends..." As she paused, he took a quick moment to glance about the room and those gathered, being careful not to draw attention to himself. Renna then continued.

"We have the lands for our own... but this is not the end. This is just the beginning." Renna then laughed to herself a few moments. while she did so, he thought to himself yet again. "I do so hope the end will bring cake, I really like a good cake." He shook his head at his own stupidity, and watched on.

"The southern lands have fallen. We rule them now. I rule them now!"
This was followed by the roar of the gathered monks as they stood, lifting their hoods and going into a frenzy. Each with an arm raised towards her. It looked like some of the crowd he had once seen at the arena. He sighed softly to himself as he noted the continued lack of cake.

Ducking a bit and taking a lean to the far wall, he watched as Renna fell to her knees and the crowning took place. In moments, the gathered monks fell to their knees and Renna was cackling loudly, her head tilted back as she did so. That was his cue, as he quietly made for the door and was soon headed down the corridor to the staircase. The sound of Renna and her monks was just as loud near the stairs as they were inside throne room. As he climbed the stairs, he lifted the hood and was soon in the upper hall and out of the fortress. Brian paused moment and looked around, letting his eyes adjust to the light. "Well she got her wish, got her crown. God save the Queen or something.."

Brian walked down the path leading away from the Fortress, he kept the monk robe on, and walked with his hands folded in front of him. "Bless you my son... Damn I always wanted to say that." laughing as he continued on. After a bit of time he paused and looked down to the ground, his foot moving back and forth along the ground. "Still.. I didn't get any cake..." he sighed and continued. After all he really did like a good cake, and cake always went well with a coronation. Even if it was the coronation for the Queen of Shadows. Brian would have to talk to Renna about that sometime.

Lucy Ravenlock

Date: 2006-04-17 06:40 EST
The laughter eventually died down and Renna finger bones fell to her sides and swung there idly, head tilting down and mentally she closed off her shadow sight from the world, hearing the bustle of the crowds below... But something did catch her senses, opening back her shadow sight to see once more Renna's head titled towards the door noticing that one of her Black Monks was leaving...
She stared at the entrance, glancing down now to the monks that now looked to her with all silence - they knew something was wrong and their mistress would need to calm them, assure that everything was alright... But it wasn't; no one crashed her coronation - hand outstretching towards one of her monks whom quickly made his way up the alter to kneel before her:
"There was an intruder in here. I am very displeased," A shadow hand slowly went down to strangle the Monk, and he flailed in her grasp as she now raised her voice to her minions, "Give word to my garrison at each village, tell them, to dig up every dead body they can get their hands and bring the bodies here!" Throwing the Monk down the alter he tumbled and fell, now directing her raised tone to the idiot whom let whoever it was in without her permission. "Gather five of the strongest, send them far south, send them past Cadentia into the deserts and report to me any findings. From the smallest oasis to a small flush of green on it's sandy grounds... Is that understood?"
The Black Monk simple scrambled to knee before his Mistress submissively, giving a simple nod and turned to snarl at the masses to gather up his small task force.