Topic: She is coming!

Lucy Ravenlock

Date: 2006-07-10 10:37 EST
It sifted through the multi-verse like water through a semi-permeable membrane, and it indeed took along while before it had actually hit the surface of the Universe that Rhy?Din belonged too, and finally Rhy?Din itself. A surge of power; a power so familiar to the Shadow Demons that maybe it was a message that SHE was finally coming and SHE will be the end of all life as everyone knew it. Bold words to say but the power felt was familiar ? and people knew, its senses.

It was her.

She was coming.

Something Dark.

But faint?

A life force?



And down in the Den in the Southern continent of Rhy?Din, close to the Forest of Devay and forty miles down from the Southern Gate of the City of Rhy?Din itself? Hung Mina from the ceiling ? forever stuck there. She was the Clairvoyant ? the eyes and ears of Lucy?s little growing empire and as of late, her powers had grown and were able to touch upon the very corners of this world with some little success. Nothing like Lain though ? she was a powerhouse detection system and probably nothing in this world could come as close as she could in detecting power signatures and life force? Even though she did have her off days too, like Mina did most days.


The message?

What was it?

It was fragmented ?

Broken ?

A whisper in the nothingness of space?

It was like the wind?


Mina screamed that morning and woke everything up in the Den ? well, that was of course if the Undead actually slept at all? But Lucy was resting atop of her bed inside the hidden room the back of the Throne Room, which was once her Mother?s ? curled up in dead creator?s clothes and smelling Renna there, finding what little comfort she could. Aru and Mu were just shocked ? confused ? startled, they thought they were under attack and came rushing into the Throne Room to see Mina lying lifelessly upon the altar?s steps, in a mass of hair.


?She?s coming! She?s coming! She?s coming!? Mina screamed in that ghoulish high-pitched yelp it could barely be understood by the others...

And with that she drew into a silence of unconsciousness, before the Queen and the Twins could get to her in time.

And now gone? Like it were never there.

Lucy Ravenlock

Date: 2006-07-12 14:39 EST
Almost a week past?

And still nothing.

No one came.

However Mina was wide awake and back upon her hanging perch above Lucy?s throne, she looked well ? as well as the dead could and she, Lucy and the Twins discussed what had happened to her and what she had felt.
The Clairvoyant could not explain this and she merely put it down as to her ?feeling the great powers long since past.? Kind of like a large moving footprint of some ancient and powerful being that had managed to travel through the Universes and directly to her; such powers, could overload a mental being such as Mina. Or even Lain?It was unfortunate however, Mina had taken the full front of such an attack and had left her impotent of her powers for quite some days now.

Lucy was sat upon her Throne while the Twins ? with their bruised faces sat upon the ground either side of her.

Why did they have bruised faces?

Because Arumu and the Doll had once again engaged into combat over Alex?s ?love.? This time Lucy tolerated none of it and so the Twins and the Doll were punished, the Doll was more so chastised as she was virtually nailed to one of the walls inside of the Red Dragon Inn in an upside down crucifixion. Leaving her there after Lucy was finished with her.

Lucy could not put her finger on it but for some reason she felt the needs and desires in consuming more flesh than usual ? and for reasons unknown ? came to feel?

Darker and less emotional? As the days crept on she felt her very Humanity being suckled away an inch at a time, never giving back what was lost. And even at one point fell into such a blood-lusted rage that she even attempted the consumption of a blind woman!

Something was coming?

Lucy couldn?t tell what? Grasped in her hand was the re-smelted version of her short sword given by her Father, Brian Ravenlock ? it being destroyed in the last skirmish against Jewell and now had only very recently been recreated back to its perfection.
She hummed lightly ? trying to sooth the beast within wanting to get out, her eyes scanning over her Army that lay chained across the walls of her Fortress.

Groaning... Moaning for flesh.

Sighing to herself Lucy stood and sheathed the sword underneath the cloak in a hidden holster...
Walking into the hidden room at the back of the huge Hall behind the tall Altar, flopping onto the bed? Curling up into her Mother?s cloak like she did everyday and cried herself to sleep

That was of course if the Undead did sleep.

Lucy Ravenlock

Date: 2006-07-12 15:06 EST




Lucy Ravenlock!

Hrmmmm-huh? Wh-who?s there?

I?m coming for you.

Coming? For? Me?

Yes, my dear. I am coming for you.

Mother? Is that you?


Who is this? Where am I?

In your head.

My head? Get out of my head, now!

What?s wrong, Erich not giving you some?

Shut up! Who the hell are you to go probing in my mind!

I am coming to claim what is rightfully mine.

Right?Fully? Yours? Who is this?


Because I asked.


Because? I-I want to know?


Stop it! Stop saying why!


Why ? why are you saying why? Stop it! Why what? Why are you? Stop! Your driving me insane!

Not that you are not insane, right? Lucy? Killing people, why do you do it?

Because it?s my destiny!

Not your destiny, my dear?

What? How would YOU know? WHO are you!?

I am your death, Lucy Ren... I am going to kill you. There shall be only one - and it shall be me... You failed your purpose Lucy, you did not bring her back... I will bring her back.

I am coming for you.