Topic: Unfinished Business

Charlotte Ravenlock

Date: 2006-05-24 16:44 EST
Damn you, Brian. Damn you, Damn you, Damn you! Charlotte's thoughts raged war inside her head. To say she was angry would be an understatement. Brian was so fucking selfish...and this time he'd pushed Charlotte to the edge. She was angry! She hurt. She hurt so, so much.

But with each step towards the Den of Shadows, her anger grew. In Charlotte's mind, Renna was the cause of it all. Everything.

What was she doing? Hell if she knew....but Charlotte had to see that grave. She had to 'talk' to her. She knew it was possible....Renna talked to Lucy. Charlotte would make Renna talk with her, too.

She'd cried for the better part of the day....and she knew her tears wouldn't cease for quite some time. But for the moment, she was dry eyed. Brian had hurt her in such a way that Charlotte didn't even know what to do. She knew, of course, that she couldn't live with him anymore. Sure, they loved each other still.....but he -didn't- love her enough. If he did, she'd come first. That obviously wasn't the case. Renna came first. Damn her.

Stepping into the building, Charlotte was immediately aware that she'd tripped some sort of ward. Brian had placed them himself...of course she'd know. But it didn't matter. This wouldn't take long. She walked down the halls.........completely detatched from the world. Without Brian, Charlotte wasn't whole. There was a piece of her missing....the piece she needed to survive. And as it was right now, Charlotte would beg for death if it was offered.

She continued down one hall....then another; led only by her instinct. She was close: very close. Being a mage, she was able to tell when she was near power......rather, the remains of power. The hall opened up into a small the outside. Strange, yes. There they were. Charlotte halted at the gravesite, standing over the headstone. It had been taken care of! There was a flower.....DAMN HIM! She kicked it off the grave stared down at the place Renna's body lay.

"So Renna. We meet again."

Her fingers raked through her hair. "Well, you got your wish. He's all yours. All yours." Her hands began to shake as she held her head. She looked away as she knelt; gazing upwards to keep the flow of tears at bay. "You happy now?" Char glared at the ground. "YOU HAPPY!? GODDAMN YOU RENNA!!!"

Charlotte stood again and paced around the grave, wringing her hands in front of her; a sob rose in her throat. "I hate you," she whispered. Her words dripped with venom. And then...she didn't know what overcame her...but it was instinct! Charlotte aimed her hands at the ground...and she felt the energy form in her hands. When her fingers stung from the pulsing electricity, she screamed and released it about four feet away. A ball of white light exploded into the ground, sending tremors in every direction. When the smoke rose, a hole was left in the grave about 2 and a half feet deep. Even the grass surrounding the grave was charred and dead.

"Did you only exist to torment me?!" She shouted. Tears poured down her face. She fell once more to her knees and dug her hands into the dirt. "Why? Why must you take everything from me? Even in death you steal the only thing I ever held dear!" Collapsing to lay prostrate on the ground, Charlotte sobbed.

Seconds, minutes...hours. She didn't know how long she lay there. But it was long enough for her anger to push its way to the surface again. And that wasn't a good thing. Pushing herself into a sitting position, Charlotte wiped her face.....and stared at the ground where Renna's body lay 6 feet under. Her eyes flashed wildly......and she began to dig.

Damn that fucking attention whore.

(to be cont.)

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2006-05-24 19:40 EST
Brian watched Charlotte leave, and soon after left the Inn. He wandered about town for the better part of the day, absolutely clueless to anything around him. Before he knew it he was right back where he had started, in front of the Inn. Looking up to the sky a moment he recalled her words.

"How can you be so selfish!

"No matter how many times I tell you that you're everything that I ever wanted, you'll never believe me!"

"I can't believe you!"

Brian knew he hurt her, he knew it was a mistake to decide break it off without first voicing concerns with her. She was correct in every sense, he was selfish and was a fool. But given what was coming down the pipe, Brian did not want her harmed for beign close to him. So much had happened to her, so much more was going to happen. Brian needed to harden himself, and being married would not help that.. That's what he tried to tell himself.

In truth Brian was deeply afraid. He was afraid of what might happen, especially in regards to Lucy and Charlotte. Brian loved Charlotte, that was without a doubt a certified fact. He loved her enough to easily die for her, but to marry her.. He actually had to think about that. Their relationship was far from perfect, outside influences, fighting, helping others, and ignoring themselves. It easily took it's toll. Yet she was still there, and what she said rang true. Brian knew that he was everything she wanted in life, but did he truly believe that?

While confident and brash on the outside Brian was deeply insecure and when Darkin was stripped from him those emotions and feelings grew. His insecurity was very much becoming a problem, and he didn't believe he could make her happy. Not to mention his swings in mood and changes in attitude. It was not a good time for Brian, so was that a valid reason for him to do what he did? Hardly.. It was selfish as hell and he knew it, yet he did it anyways. Brian truly wasn't as smart in affairs of the heart as he was with a sword, that much was so obvious a blind man could see.

Brian thought back to what an information gatherer once told him.

"If ya have any doubts why bother?"

Which made sense, but was far from reliable advice. Brian was sure Charlotte had some doubts as well, yet there she was. She was far stronger than he was. This was also a first for each of them, as Brian was never truly engaged before and neither was Charlotte. Brian thought back to his change in work, and all the chaos in their lives. In truth it wasn't what Charlotte deserved, and Brian knew it was going to get worse for a time. He didn't want Charlotte involved, or close enough that she might be harmed instead of him. Things were hectic enough with Renna and Lucy, and since Brian and Katharine were planning a direct assault against whatever was left of Darkin within Lucy he knew hell was going to break loose, and Charlotte would be in the middle of it.

Selfish, exactly to point.

Still after all that she said she would be there.

"I'm an idiot..."

Then it hit him... Something tripped a ward in the Keep, in the olde Den that was to be Charlotte's new School.

Brian ran to the stables, and grabbed his horse and was soon off. He knew the workers had the day off, and weren't set to finish the dorms until the week's end, and then furniture would be delivered. Brian was about twenty minutes out of town, when he felt yet another ward trip. Bringing his horse to stop, Brian hopped off and used a Warp Cudgel instead and in moments was standing at the entrance to the keep. Leaving his horse, he made his way inside and headed towards the corridor.

Pulling a leather cord from his pocket, he slipped it through the ring and tied it around his neck. Then he followed the corridor for a time and came to the area where the graves were. He heard noises and what sounded like scratching, drawing his sword he cursed softly to himself, swearing that if it was "Boots" he could skin her alive. Slowly he made his way through the corridors towards the clearing. Instead what he found wasn't "Boots" at all, instead it was Charlotte impersonating a mole and doing one hell of a job at it. He deep down he had a feeling it might have been her, given the anger she harbored for Renna. Charlotte's anger was completely understandable, especially since Brian was off and running everytime something happened concerning Renna, Emma or Lucy. Given the atrocities commited by Renna, and the blind eye by Brian and that fact that in truth at one time he did love her. In truth much of that anger needed to be directed at Brian. After all, it was he who allowed Renna such access into their lives, it was he who went back time after time, and it was he who convinced he to take in Lucy. Brian sheathed his sword and watched her wordlessly. It killed him to see her this way, and to know mch of it was his fault. She truly deserved every bit of attention he had to offer, and hardly got her due by any means.

It was there, that Brian decided it needed to end. All the loose ties, all the running off at the first sign of trouble, the lack of attention and the fear and insecurity. Brian let it all run the show since his return, and allowed it to move into his personal life in a bad way. As far as Renna went, Brian was also getting tired of that as well and in truth the dealings with Lucy and her lack of control were getting out of hand as well. Those would have to be attended to at some point, but for now it was all kicked aside.
He didn't want anything else. Slowly, he made his way towards Charlotte and the graves. He didn't really know what to say, he just knew he &*^%ed up in a major way, and needed to make sure she knew exactly how he felt, and that he didn't want to lose her.

Quieting down, he collected himself and strengthened his resolve. Neither Renna, nor Lucy or that damned artifact would stop him. He played into their hands too many times, and this time he had to stop it. It was time to stop being weak, and letting everything else dictate what he would do. Of course that might have come to little to late. Still in any event, he waited.. And he decided then and there he would wait, for as long as it took. He truly did love her, enough to do anything for her. But if it came too little, too late and she no longer trusted in him and no longer wanted to be with him.. Well he couldn't blame her by any means. After all, this was his doing.

"Charlotte? Please stop this. It isn't her fault. I was wrong for what I said, and wasn't thinking. You were correct, I was selfish and I was scared. I'm still scared, but I know I love you and I do want to marry you. I'm sorry i hurt you with my words and actions.. Please just talk to me. Just you and I.. Please?"

Brian didn't know what else to say, but he was sure it would all come eventually. He knew however, that this woman was deeply special to him and she meant more to him than he could ever say.

Charlotte Ravenlock

Date: 2006-05-27 11:23 EST
She'd had no idea why she was digging...she just was. Simple as that. Perhaps it was so that she could desecrate Renna's body...who knows. Her hands grew muddy, her face smudged with dirt and tear stained. There was hatred written all throughout her features. Pure hatred.


She froze at the sound of Brian's voice. How dare he come here! She knew he would, but there was the hope that he'd just stay away. Bitterness immediately hardened her heart in that moment.

"Please stop this. It isn't her fault."

Charlotte could have screamed. Wasn't Renna's fault?! She had everything to do with it! Turning to face him, looking absolutely disheveled, Charlotte cursed loudly. "Damn you, Brian. What the hell do you want?"

"I was wrong for what I said, and wasn't thinking. You were correct, I was selfish and I was scared."

"This isn't the third grade. You can't just say sorry and make it all better." Charlotte's lips twisted in a sick sort of smile. "And what, you're not afraid anymore? That's bull."

"I'm still scared, but I know I love you and I do want to marry you."

Her chocolate brown eyes widened in rage. "How can you say you love me?! You don't! I hate you!" That was very far from the truth, for Charlotte still loved Brian deeply. But the more love you have for a person, the more pain you feel when they hurt you.

"I'm sorry i hurt you with my words and actions.. Please just talk to me. Just you and I.. Please?"

She laughed. Yes, she laughed. Abandoning her attempts to dig up the body of Renna, Charlotte stood and wiped her hands on her skirts. The man was out of his mind if he thought she was going to talk to him for even one more minute. She walked calmly towards him and stopped mere inches form his face.

"Fuck off," she whispered. Her eyes burned with tears again as she stalked away. Then, for good measure (and also so that he wouldn't be able to follow her) a loud, resounding crraaaack! echoed through the halls. She'd disapparated from the Keep.

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2006-05-27 18:10 EST
Brian stood there in silence and listened to Charlotte intently. He knew he was in for it, and knew he deserved every bit of it. He wanted to respond so badly, to what what he felt. To let he know just how much it hurt him to see her this way, to know his words did that to her. Hardened eyes softened from the sight of her.

"This isn't the third grade. You can't just say sorry and make it all better. And what, you're not afraid anymore? That's bull."

The twisted smile apparent as her words hit home, Brian opened his mouth to try to reply, to try to say anything and was just as quickly cut off.

"How can you say you love me?! You don't! I hate you!"

Brian tried once more to speak, he wanted to let her know that he did love her. He said something foolish, and truth be told was deeply afraid. But his love for her was something that would never change. He had never said he didn't love her, and he didn't blame her one bit for her words.

She laughed... He really was at a loss at this reaction, in truth it wasn't what was expected. She stopped just short of him, he could see the rage so evident in her eyes. The pain that ran deep within her, and it cut him yet again deep inside. Then she spoke.

"Fuck off"

With that, she turned and vanished.

Brian stood there for a few moments, and just stared ahead lost in thought. He lost her... He had really done it this time.

"Sonuva bitch..."

He sighed and kicked at the dirt a bit, his hand rising to fiddle with the ring he had once given her. His eyes then panned to the disturbed grave, as he made his way towards her, and fell to his knees and began to set everything back as it was.

"Well I screwed this one up up something fierce."

After a few moments he was finished, yet he stayed there. He knew he needed to do one last thing before he left.

"Ya might as well come out, Ren. I know you're here and we need to talk about everything. So come on out, I have a fiance' I need to find."

Lucy Ravenlock

Date: 2006-05-27 18:35 EST
Renna appeared indeed over the very grave that was set right once more. She was adorned in her now usual black plated armour, arms crossed, eyes set soft upon the man that was placing the muck and dirt back where her body resided deep in the ground.
The air grew colder and danker and it became devoid of light almost, the more she stared to him in silence the more she smiled.

What words could she say to him?

"Aru... Mu..." Renna's command was gentle.

Like the Black Monks before them the newly dubbed Black Priestesses appeared either side of the graves. In silence they stood and bowed towards their Queen, the Mother of their Mistress.

"You summoned us-" Mu spoke first.

"Our Queen..." Aru commented last.

Renna did not give them second glances instead all three stared upon Brian in total silence. And that was enough for Renna to move forward first. Giving her daughter's minions silent commands, before they bowed... And shrank back into the ground.
Newly created, they would show themselves to Lucy while all of this transpired.

A sigh...

"Brian..." She gave a most comforting tone, she knew everythng that had happened and well... Perhaps in some small way she felt sorry for him. She knew how he felt.

She loved Toby, and was rejected for the things she did too.

So alike; perhaps.

"... This has nothing to do with me, why do you even bother to want to banter with me? I don't want you dragging me into your silly love life."

Harsh? But she said this with care.

"What is it we need to talk about? The fact that you cannot keep your little life together? Do you know how much you have fucked this up? You have any idea how much I have lost for you men? Get out of my sight, Brian and chase the woman you love... Your sight sickens me."

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2006-05-27 20:14 EST
Brian knew she was there all along, he also knew she had to know whay had occured and more. His eyes narrowed as he made note of the new creations. The feeling he recieved from them was familiar and frightful all the same. Pushing that aside he looked to Renna, as he rose to his feet.

"... This has nothing to do with me, why do you even bother to want to banter with me? I don't want you dragging me into your silly love life."

She had a point. Still he didn't intend to drag her into anything, as it stood it was always a tug o' war between the two, with everyone else caught in the middle.

"I know, but we need to talk none the less."

"What is it we need to talk about? The fact that you cannot keep your little life together? Do you know how much you have fucked this up? You have any idea how much I have lost for you men? Get out of my sight, Brian and chase the woman you love... Your sight sickens me."

"I intend to do just that, Ren. I am not coming back to the Den, I'll have the workers leave it as it is. As for Lucy she can remain at the Abbey. She is far too influenced by the gifts we left with her. I put many things in front of what was truly important, and I can't do it anymore. I know what you lost for men, and I know what men have lost for you. Just as I know what I did as well past and present. I know how much I messed this up and I know I should have walked away from this a long time ago. Still I am dealing with this now and with any luck I can get back what I lost. As far as Lucy goes, she is your daughter far more than she is ours. She craves your affection and needs more than I or Charlotte can rightfully give her. Especially in the reckless use of her powers. Anyways, I am tired and I am done. I know you didn't ask for this from me, I commited to doing whatever I did on my own. Still I am done and have to prioritize my life again.

"Anyways, I am tired of feeling incomplete. I need to find Char. Anything else is secondary."

He turned and made his way out of the clearing, and moments later left the keep. His next stop, the Inn.