Topic: A Still Frame of Mind


Date: 2009-07-05 21:32 EST
The day prior, Cy had purchased a camera. Carley had more or less told him he was going to be visiting his family. While at first Cy figured he'd just a find a way to get out of doing it, subsequent conversations with the short elf made him change his mind. Upon his decision, Cy decided he wanted to get a gift for his niece, Morwen. She had always wanted to see a big city, but her mother, Cy's sister, wouldn't let her leave the village. Cy thought he had figured out the next best thing. Take pictures of the city. Along with the pictures, Cy intended to give his niece the camera as well. He figured she'd be thrilled even though she was grown by now.

Since Cy was still learning his way around Rhydin, Carley had offered to take him to various places where he could get good pictures. They spent nearly the whole morning going to various places in the city. One picture Cy that turned out great was of the fountain in the marketplace. He'd told Morwen about one he'd seen when he and another guardian had visited the closest town to Hurin Taurae. The young girl desperately wanted to see it. Cy, at that time, knew of no way to show it to her without her being there. This time was different. She'd be able to see what one looked like with her own eyes.

Cy was staying at a small inn near the aerodrome called 'The Crash Landing'. He was in his room, thinking, and working on a few things. He was glad that Carley was no longer angry with him. The look she'd given him when he pulled her away from the door of the Red Dragon... he hoped to never see it again. At the time, it hurt him. All he wanted was for her to be safe. He was confident he had done the right thing. Really, all that mattered was that no one seemed to have been seriously hurt during the incident. When Carley had explained how Cy had made her feel, the guilt was immediate. He knew now that Carley realized he didn't think she was defenseless. He'd never intended to make it seem that he had thought that.

Thoughts of their talk at the Teas 'N Tomes made him think of something else. They had the girl at the counter take a couple pictures of the two of them together. Cy chuckled. She'd gotten him to make a dumb face by kissing his cheek during the second picture. He shook his head. Cy kept his memories close. The past belonged in the past most of the time, but some things should never be forgotten. That's what he thought, at least. He'd taken the film to get developed not long after he and Carley parted ways earlier. To his surprise, he was told to come back in just a few hours to retrieve the pictures. When he returned to get them he also purchased two very simple wooden frames. The man at the shop had told Cy that many people kept their pictures in them so they wouldn't be damaged.

He'd also gotten a small blue box. Just large enough for one of the frames to fit in. He had put the picture of Carley kissing his cheek and him looking surprised in one of the frames. That specific frame was place into the box. Once the box was closed, Cy wrote 'Sunshine" on the outside of it with a black marker. He planned to leave it in Carley's cabin on the Luinista the next day. The second frame, well, it was already sitting on the lone table in Cy's rented room. He looked over at it. Carley with her head over one of his shoulders, smiling brightly. Himself, standing there, with a bright smile of his own. He chuckled. "Heh." Memories were indeed something to preserve. Moving the blue box over to the table, Cy sat down on his bed. He'd take a little break before getting back to work creating himself a new gun.