Topic: An Unexpected Caller


Date: 2010-02-08 11:46 EST
Forcythia Lia'Tir'Si'Ell had grown homesick for family.

The letters coming in from her cousin were becoming less and less frequent, once again. It was a cycle with Carley - writing less and less until finally Forcythia was left sick with worry over the little elf. She knew so little of Carley's life nowadays, and the letters she did receive would create more questions than they would answer. It had been far too long since Carley visited her, and the nature of her last visit to Cadentia was less than pleasant anyhow. It was less about visiting and catching up and more about healing broken hearts and drying tears that wouldn't cease falling. Forcythia was beginning to think that her cousin truly was busy nowadays, however, and not simply trying to avoid her as she had in the past. The problem with that is that if Carley was so busy, she surely wouldn't have time to visit her in Cadentia any time soon!

The last straw had been when Forcythia had received a brief letter from Carley vaguely detailing a change of address. It nagged at Forcythia, leaving her to wonder why the sudden move? And where! At least beyond the simple address she had been given. There were things Carley weren't telling her, and it was starting to drive her mad. She longed to know her cousin's life, to see it with her very own eyes... it was for this reason Forcythia finally took the plunge into Rhydin City.

The carriage ride had been uneventful. Rather boring, in fact. And upon setting foot in the city itself? Forcythia found herself rather nonplussed. Given how fond of it Carley had seemed and the fact she so stubbornly was taking root here she expected the place to be a utopia! Yet it seemed so very unremarkable to her... There had to have been more than meets the eye. Oh and the snow! The cold! It was horrific! Already she missed the desert sands, even though she had the forethought to dress appropriately for this sudden shift of weather. There was no time to search the city for its wonders though, no. Not now! Nor could she let this cold get to her.

Forcythia Lia'Tir'Si'Ell was on a mission to find her beloved cousin.


Date: 2010-02-08 12:40 EST
What a sight Forcythia was, wandering the Battlefield Park Aerodrome. Graceful and elegant - length accentuated by tall black boots, a plunging neckline, a long emerald colored faux-fur lined coat, and two long braids of golden brown hair. She drew many eyes her way, and naturally, she was very well aware of this fact. Smiling and preening, she walked proudly. At the very least, she figured, those in this city had very good taste!

It didn't take very long at all for Forcythia to find a gentleman willing to assist her in her search for her cousin. A dwarven man, with bushy hair and greasy hands who worked on one of the many airships. His eyes never left the tall, pretty elf, and he doted on every lyrical word she spoke.

"You see, my cousin works on one of these airships, but I have never had the fortune of seeing this airship for myself." As Forcythia addressed the man, she dug around in one of her coat pockets with a gloved hand. "I am here to visit, but this is my first time here. To both this city and this dock. I am afraid I know not where to find her..." A carefully folded piece of paper was pulled from pocket.

"Just to visit? That's a shame. City could use more pretty faces like yerself!" The dwarven man grinned crooked teeth to Forcythia, to which she giggled modestly. "Ye don't know anything about yer cousin's airship, lass?"

"Not very much, I am loathe to admit." She placed that fault upon her cousin. The paper was unfurled, so that she might look over it. "I only know the name - Luinista. Have you heard of it?"

Stroking his beard, the dwarf pondered the word carefully. "Luinista... Luinista..." Looking over Forcythia once more, it all clicked. Those bright blue eyes! Snapping his fingers, he barked out a laugh. "Yer cousin! She's the wee lass!" He held his hand down low. "Runnin' 'round like there's a fire under her tail all the time!"

Forcythia smiled rather brightly as the man seemed more helpful than she initially thought he might be. "Yes! That is her exactly!" She slipped the paper back into her pocket. "That is my cousin - do you know where I might find her or her airship then?"

"Oh yes." The dwarven man nodded and turned to point. "At the opposite side of the Aerodrome, she's got her ship at Dock 13-B. With the signs ya can't miss it!"

Turning to look where he had pointed, Forcythia nodded before smiling at the dwarven man once again. "Thank you so very much for your time. I do appreciate the help!" Departing with a wave, she turned to walk briskly in the direction he had pointed out.

She was getting closer, yet...


Date: 2010-02-09 03:09 EST
On the deck of the Luinista there was some horsing around going on as opposed to work! Both Nort and Bothe had hold of a heavy crate each, held high above their heads. They were lowering and lifting their respective crates as if they were weights, with Bothe doing so more easily than the half orc. "...98...99...100!" With a victorious grin of bright whites, the large man let his crate drop to the ground with a loud crash. Let's just hope nothing fragile was in there? "Bothe wins again!" Doing a fist pump, he sneered at Nort, who was cursing and letting his crate drop down as well. Thunk!

Nort wasn't happy at all to lose to Bothe. After he dropped his crate, Nort threw up his arms in exasperation. "Th' hell was that? Yers was lighter, Bothe! Cheating @#(#%@!" He knew that wasn't the case, but he was being a sore loser about the whole thing.?Nort's lower lip curled upward and made his small tusks seem much more prominent.

Bothe didn't seem perturbed by Nort's lack of good sportsmanship, as he was used to it at this point. He did always win, after all. "Go ahead and try lifting it then, man!" He gestured to his own crate, likely twice as heavy as Nort's. Bothe did love to show off.

"The hell is goin' on out here!?" Carley stomped out from the bridge, bright blues narrowed in annoyance. "It's like a damn earthquake! Are you two throwin' crates around again?" Hands on hips, bright blues snapped between Bothe, Nort, and the two crates nearby.

Nort completely ignored Bothe and immediately looked over at Carley. "Wasn't me. Bothe was tryin' to figure out what was in the crates by shakin' 'em and throwing 'em around. Idiot probably broke everythin'." Nort had no problems trying to make up a story and throw Bothe under the proverbial bus. He even pointed at Bothe. His fault!
Grayson had been standing nearby, holding the checklist that Bothe and Nort were supposed to be going over as they moved cargo onto the Luinista. "They were, Carley." Grayson nodded at the little elf, and Nort promptly shot him a glare.

Carley rolled her eyes, not believing Nort's story one bit. Grayson's words had simply been a confirmation of what she already knew to be true! "Tch, guys! Ya can't be doin' that! There could be stuff in there that breaks easily and I can't really afford it if ya break something expensive! If I get complaints about the cargo after it's been delivered? It's comin' out yer paycheck Nort! And Bothe!"

Carley's words went in one of Bothe's ears and out the other. He'd have normally told Grayson to shut up for his tattling and plotted to make him pay for it later by noogie or wedgie, however, his attention lay elsewhere. Distant blue-green eyes had settled on something not on the Luinista. Something he rather fancied, in fact. "Hot damn..."

Nort mumbled something about breaking things and paychecks. He had been about to reach out and slug Bothe in the side. It'd been his idea! Nort had just gone along with it, which naturally meant it was Bothe's fault. He cocked his right arm back. However, upon seeing Bothe's attention was completely elsewhere, his arm slowly lowered. "Hot damn what?"
Grayson sighed a little. At least he didn't get in trouble for just loafing around and watching the contest of strength. He wished he could lift something like that in front of Amelia. His thoughts drifted to her, completely unaware of what Bothe was looking at.

Bothe upnodded for Nort's benefit, towards a rather attractive elven woman wandering the docks, looking somewhat lost. She wasn't just pretty either, no, Bothe thought her beautiful! Her long hair, graceful limbs, not to mention that was a hell of a rack! He grinned a rather dopey grin as he watched the woman unabashedly.

Carley, meanwhile, had wandered over towards Grayson. About to ask a question, she paused, seeing that look on his face. She knew that look... "Thinkin' about yer girlfriend again, Grayson?" She teased him with a grin and moved to stand near him so she might have a peek at the checklist in hand. It seemed everything was going well, and things were getting loaded up faster than they thought. Even with Nort and Bothe's horseplaying.

Nort turned to look after Bothe upnodded. It didn't take him long to spot that beautiful elven woman. He stepped over more toward the railing of the deck. A low whistle passed his lips. "Dibs."
Carley's words didn't register with Grayson immediately. He was thinking of Amelia's red hair, her face... he blinked. Then he smiled at Carley. It was a happy smile, with a touch of embarrassment. "Yeah. Sorry, Carley. We're going on a date tonight." That was the third date in?the last?four days.
Carley giggled a little at Grayson. "Don't apologize. S'nice to see you lookin' so happy." Her smile was rather genuine. "That's a lot of dates in such a short period of time though." The little elf waggled a finger at Grayson. "If yer thinkin' of asking for a raise to support this new addiction of yers..." It was obvious she was teasing him. Only recently could she do this, without him getting the wrong idea about things!

Bothe didn't even register Nort calling dibs on this woman. He was so... so entranced by her. He couldn't peel his eyes away, nor could he stop smiling. Then he realized one very important fact. This woman was approaching the Luinista! Who was she? Was she lost? Could he help her? She was carrying a bag! It could have been heavy! "Yo, Bothe's got this!" The large man reached out absently and pressed a large hand directly on Nort's face to shove him. Then he moved very, very quickly to step off the Luinista and intercept this beautiful woman.

"Thanks, Carley." The young man was actually quite relaxed with Carley after he'd met Amelia and started dating her. Grayson reached up and touched his bandana, light laughter escaping as he did so. "No! Amelia's paying for dinner tonight. I don't need a raise. Yet." He smiled at Carley. He was teasing as well.
Nort had been about to clap his hands in Bothe's face, at least until he had a large hand in his own face. He stumbled from the push. Some curse was muffled as Nort took a backwards dive onto the deck. It probably hurt.

Carley gasped in mock horror. "Yer lettin' her pay? The guy is always s'posed to pay, Grayson!" She couldn't keep it up for long, however, and started to laugh. "More I hear about her, the more I like. Not playin' damsel and expectin' handouts. I really would like to meet Amelia sometime."

Bothe's steps slowed as he neared the woman. When her bright blue gaze had landed on him, he started to move somewhat shyly. Highly unusual for the large, strong, usually confident man. He smiled broadly and waved to her, greeting with a simple, "Hello."


Date: 2010-02-09 10:55 EST
Forcythia eyed this man who had approached her, letting her gaze take its time. He was rather handsome, after all. His broad shoulders. His chiseled jawline. His sweet, sweet smile. It all made her heart skip a beat, as if Cupid himself had grazed her heart with the tip of his arrow. Sighing softly, she composed herself and turned to regard him. "Hello." She tipped her head in a polite nod. "Might I trouble you for a moment of your time? I find myself somewhat lost, as I am new to this city."

"She'd like you Carley." Grayson nodded a couple of times, still just a smiling away. "I wanted to ask you if I could show her the Luinista sometime..." Grayson had looked away from Carley and over at Bothe. There was a woman over?there too. Grayson had no clue who she was. "Is that a client?" Grayson pointed with his clipboard holding hand. Nort was still eating the deck, though he was in the process of getting up.

Carley nodded at Grayson. "Yeah! I can show her around, no problem at all." And when Grayson pointed, Carley turned to look. And stare. She had to be seeing things, right? Right??

"Bothe wouldn't be troubled at all!" He shook his head ardently at Forcythia. "Where do you need to go? I'll escort you there myself if need be!" Obviously Bothe had forgotten he was supposed to be working...

"That is so very kind of you to offer!" Forcythia beamed. "I am looking for my cousin - specifically her airship. I was told it would be here, at Dock 13-B, however this airship that I see does not look at all what she would have." No, Forcythia imagined Carley's airship as large, blue, and grand! And this airship here? It was anything but. "It is called the Luinista. Do you know where it is?" She smiled at Bothe rather prettily, hoping he might escort her personally.

"That #(*$%*&..." Nort wasn't that happy with Bothe. Once he'd gotten onto his feet, he looked around. There was Bothe, apparently chatting it up with the beautiful elf. Nort grunted. "Great. Real great. Tha's twice this week." He glared at Bothe. He wasn't going to stand there and watch Bothe get a date with the woman. No, Nort headed below deck.
Grayson was still watching Bothe and the woman, but he had heard Carley. "Great! I really want to show her where I work." Despite the enthusiasm, Grayson was a little distracted. He looked away from Bothe and Forcythia and then around the deck. "Where'd Nort go?"

"Somewhere safe, I assume..." Carley answered Grayson's question distractedly. She wished she was somewhere safe, right about now... but she knew this day was coming! It was about time Forcythia see her world. The timing was just a little... off. "Uh... maybe go find him, yeah? Work on the.. uh..." She waved towards the clipboard in Grayson's hand.

Today was Bothe's lucky day! He grinned eagerly and gestured to the ship behind him. "You have it right! This is the Luinista right here, yo. I work there. Bothe does most of the heavy lifting." He was rather proud of this fact, which might be augmented by the very thick arm he offered to the beautiful elf. "Allow me?"

A gentleman! Be still her heart... Forcythia tittered and giggled quietly before taking Bothe's arm. She was somewhat disappointed that this little run down airship was the pride of her cousin's life, but her thoughts were rather distracted by Bothe. "So you work for my cousin - Bothe was it?" She grinned when he nodded. "I do not envy you. She is rather bossy even when she is not in charge. I cannot imagine what actual power would do to her, yes?" The pair began their ascent onto the deck.

Grayson was confused by Carley's answer. He reached up and scratched underneath his bandana. Still, Carley wanted him to work and work he would. "Okay. I'll go find him." He looked at the clipboard he was holding. He headed down the stairs, to head below deck. "Let's see..." He started mumbling about various cargo that were on the list. He didn't even notice Cy, whom he bumped right into. Grayson looked up at the tall elf. "Oh, sorry, Cy."
Cy nodded at the young man. "S'all right, Grayson." He started to walk past, but turned and spoke as he moved.?"Think Crao wanted to talk to you when you get a chance. Him and the old man are drinking in the kitchen or something." Cy waved a hand dismissively. He'd only stepped into the kitchen long enough to drink a glass of water. Once on the deck, Cy headed directly over to Carley. He moved an arm around her. "Hey, Sunshine." Cy had quite obviously been working hard. He had some sweat on his forehead. His shirt was also a little dirty.

Bothe laughed at Forcythia's words. "Nah, Carley's not so bad at all! She's pretty fun to work for, and she pays us and feeds us." That was important to the big man. Speaking of Carley, her cousin was looking for her wasn't she? So he scanned the deck and pointed over at the elven couple. "Yo, there she is! About to mack her her man too, I see!" Bothe fist pumped towards Cy as Forcythia scrutinized the pair thoroughly.

Carley had been rather distracted, so she hadn't noticed Cy until he put his arm around her. She offered a faint smile to the tall elf. "Hey, hallaer." A pointed ear twitched, picking up Bothe's rather loud talking. She groaned audibly upon hearing his words. His words. To her cousin. She really wanted to kick him in the shin right about now. Hard! "Ya might want to brace yerself, CyCy." She glanced over to see her cousin staring at both her and Cy. Plastering on a smile, she waggled fingers her way.

Cy made a rather rude gesture at Bothe involving one finger of his gloved right hand when he saw the fist pump. It didn't last terribly long, as his eyes moved over to the elven woman with Bothe. She looked familiar, in an oddly vague way. Cy knew he'd never seen her before and thus that feeling confused him. Cy hadn't heard anything Bothe had said. When he looked at Carley, he was more confused. "Brace myself? For what?"


Date: 2010-02-09 11:02 EST
Forcythia gasped quietly at the rather rude gesture Cy had sent Bothe's way. "How uncouth..." She shook her head in mild disapproval, though smiled upon seeing her cousin's greeting, even if it were less enthusiastic than she had hoped for. "Bothe, could you be a dear and hold my bag for me while I greet my cousin?" Bothe, having ignored Cy's gesture, carefully accepted Forcythia's bag with a grin. It was then that the tall, beautiful elfess started to approach Cy and Carley. Pausing some distance from the pair, she extended her arms towards the little elf. "I believe I do deserve at least a hug for my troubles in coming here to see you, yes?"

Carley just sort of smiled at Cy before pulling from him, not answering the question. He'd find out soon enough. "Yeah, yeah, s'pose ya do Cythia." Carley grinned at Forcythia then approached so that they might embrace.

Well, that name was familiar. Cy's arm fell to his side, but only briefly. His hands soon rested in his pockets.?Carley's words made much more sense at that point. Cy stayed where he was, but he looked over at Bothe. He had Cythia's bag. One of his dark eyebrows slid upward as he watched the big man. He couldn't have been planning... he thumbed at Forcythia and Carley?while looking at Bothe. A silent question. He figured the question would be understood.

Bothe was content to sit back and watch the family reunion, all while grinning somewhat stupidly... He caught Cy's silent question, which normally would have been answered with smug gestures and fist pumps. This time however? He actually looked rather innocent. Confused even, at what Cy was implying.

Pulling away from Carley, Forcythia looked her over, but only briefly. Soon her bright gaze averted to the tall elf, taking him in. He was handsome for sure, but so rough around the edges. So uncouth. He was perfect for Carley. "I am happy that you two have finally started a relationship, given how fondly my cousin spoke of you in her letters, although I am remiss that this is the way I had to find out." Carley sighed but didn't interrupt her cousin. "Cy, was it not? I am Forcythia, though you may call me Cythia as most do." She stepped closer and offered a delicate hand.

That didn't seem normal to Cy at all, Bothe's reaction. He was thinking. At least until Forcythia started talking to him. His dark brown eyes shifted to look at her. Cy, of course, was very casual. Any shaking of hands or pleasant greetings were usually not his thing. "Cy, yeah. Pretty happy to be dating Carley myself." One of his natural smiles appeared, though it was more because he was thinking of what he said than trying to be pleasant. Normally, he'd have left it at that. Given that this was Carley's cousin, he at least reached out to give her hand a shake. He didn't pull his fingerless glove off for the gesture.

Forcythia's handshake was about as dainty as her hand looked, lacking any real power or gusto to it. Withdrawing her hand, her lip curled somewhat at the stains on her skin. Acquired from that dirty glove, of course. A pleasant smile soon reappeared, however. "I do look forward to getting to know you better, Cy. I did not have the fortune of meeting the last man that captured my cousin's heart, so this is a pleasant change." Her attention turned back to the little elf. "I am to be in town for quite some time now, so I should have plenty of time to catch up with you and all those important in your life. As you are working now, I will not linger long and interrupt your productivity. Perhaps Bothe here might escort me to where you are living now, that I might wait for you to finish work?"

Escort Forcythia to where she lived now? But she lived with Cy now! Carley's eyes widened a touch, almost panicked. There certainly was no room in the apartment for a third person, not to mention she didn't want her cousin knowing her business! Her doe eyes were directed to Cy, silently pleading for help.

Cy's arms crossed over his chest. "Might regret saying that, yeah?" He smiled a little at Cythia. What he'd said had been a joke. Cy was?not wordy, but that was nothing new.?Cythia was rather dainty and proper, it seemed to him. He listened as she spoke to Carley, and upon seeing those doe eyes of the latter, Cy came up with a quick story. "Letting her use my place right now. Been staying here on the ship while she does." The why, well, he'd leave that to Carley. It had been better than nothing.

Carley smiled and exhaled a breath of relief. Cy's story had been perfect! Unfortunately... Big Mouth Bothe was there and he had to live up to his legendary name. "Yo, what the hell are you talking about?" He laughed a bit. "You never stay here anymore! The two of you may as well be attached at the hip." Carley suddenly found herself wanting to push Bothe off the airship and into a propeller. Cheeks puffed faintly, she peered over at Forcythia.

It wasn't hard at all for Forcythia to piece together two and two. Why Carley hadn't told her of where she lived now. What Bothe had just said. Her cousin was living with this man! She frowned deeply at the young elf and shook her head in an obviously disapproving manner. "Oh, Carlisle..."

Cy shot Bothe a look. A look that might as well have been a fist, minus the actual contact. "Dumbass..." Cy muttered to himself and shook his head. He looked between Carley and Cythia. He wasn't really sure what to say. Maybe the truth would be better. Or at least part of it. He glanced at Carley. It was going to get out sooner or later. "She needed a place to stay. Wasn't about to turn her away when she needed my help. Don't think an inn's good enough for her." His eyes moved to Cythia as he was speaking.

Once again, Carley found herself smiling. Where had this come from? She wasn't aware Cy was so good at saying such things on the fly... Seeing Forcythia consider his words, she chimed in herself. "Yeah, he was just bein' a good friend, Cythia. S'not like it's all for hanky panky - I sleep on his couch." She nodded a bit, thinking perhaps that would help, not realizing Bothe was going to tell everyone that little factoid.

Forcythia pondered a moment before furrowing her brows. "So while an inn is not good enough for my dear cousin, your couch is?" Why did he not sacrifice his bed for Carley's sake!? "Oh dear, you have so much to learn, Cy."

Cy listened to Carley as she spoke, then turned to Cythia to see her reaction. One of Cy's eyebrows went up as Cythia spoke to him. He had much to learn??"Look." Cy spoke flatly. "Not gonna force anything on somebody. If she wanted the bed, she knows I'd let her have it. Even if she wasn't sleeping on the couch and was in the bed with me, it wouldn't be any of your damn business." Cy might have been just a liiittle agitated at what Cythia had said. Even so, his tone remained flat. There was no anger in his words.

Forcythia, Carley, and Bothe all looked very shocked at what the tall elf had said. Forcythia most of all, as she was rendered speechless, uncertain what to say to Cy. It was Bothe who finally broke the silence, not that it was terribly surprising. "Yo." He stepped closer to the trio. "What was that inn near your apartment? That nice one a couple streets over." The question had been directed towards both Cy and Carley, though it was the latter who spoke up to answer.

"Nn... Mead and Oak, I think?" Carley pondered a moment before nodding in the affirmative. "Yeah, Mead and Oak." She wasn't about to address her cousin or Cy for the moment, or touch upon what he had said. She really wasn't sure what to say. It had surprised her.

Bothe nodded and smiled brilliantly to Forcythia. "How about you let Bothe escort you to that inn and get you set up? You wouldn't be comfortable cramped up with those two anyhow." He nodded his chin to Cy and Carley. "But you'd be close so you can all still catch up, yeah?" Forcythia thought that sounded just fine, not to mention she found herself feeling a bit uncomfortable. She didn't want to linger any longer, so she simply smiled and nodded to the big man.

Cy simply listened for a moment. His expression didn't change, nor did his arms unfurl. Bothe made up for running his mouth with that suggestion of his in Cy's mind, so he upnodded to the big man. He glanced aside at Carley, briefly. Really he wasn't sure what she would say to him about his words, if anything. Even later. Cy apparently, had said all he wanted to say.

Bothe offered his free arm to Forcythia, which she gladly accepted. "I'll take care of her, Carley, don't you worry!" The pair began to depart, their pace casual.

Carley wasn't terribly worried about Forcythia being in Bothe's care. He was rather tough, after all, so she knew he'd keep her cousin safe. "You better, Bothe!" Her gaze shifted to Forcythia as she departed. So quietly at that... "Hey, Cythia!" She flashed her a smile. "I'll drop by soon as I'm done here, 'k?" Forcythia seemed happy to hear that and nodded as she continued her departure with Bothe. When the pair were off in the distance, Carley averted something of a bland gaze towards Cy.

Cy watched Bothe and Cythia go. His arms finally uncrossed when he looked at Carley. Her expression prompted him to speak.?"She was the one being rude." In his mind, at least. Of course, Cy had been rude right back. "Not letting somebody I don't know talk to me like that."

Carley's expression didn't change very much. "Tch, just don't go punchin' her in the face or nothin'." Pivoting on the ball of her foot, she departed towards the bridge. There was a lot of work to be done, after all. She couldn't let her cousin's untimely arrival impede that.

He had no intention of doing that. He'd just been annoyed at what Cythia said to him.?He rolled his eyes as Carley departed. "Whatever." Spoken quietly and to himself. He stalked off toward one of the Towers.


Date: 2010-02-09 11:57 EST
Forcythia was rather silent as she walked with Bothe. Her thoughts had been rather distracted, thinking of her small cousin. Had she been so wrong to show up unexpectedly? She thought it might have been a nice surprise, as was usually the case when Carley visited her. But Carley didn't seem very happy to see her... nor was the little elf entirely like she remembered. Running her very own business. Living with a man. Why did she feel so terribly bothered? Her worries and ill feelings escaped her in the form of a rather forlorn sigh, something Bothe was quick to pick up on.

"Yo, what's bugging you?" He had been watching Forcythia for a time now. She didn't look very happy at all. "Worried about Cy and Carley living together?" Bothe figured that might have been the case, so he offered a reassuring smile to the elf on his arm. "You don't need to worry about that. Cy's actually a pretty good guy, especially to the boss! Keeps her safe and makes her happy."

"I am uncertain if it is simply that." Forcythia shook her head before allowing her gaze to drift over. "I do not know why I feel so troubled, Bothe - only that I do."

Bothe considered Forcythia's words, as well as a few other things. In order to get a reputation for having a Big Mouth, one had to have something to run their mouth about! That involved having to listen to a lot of things. He pondered on the various things Carley had told him about her cousin. It hadn't been much, honestly, but enough that he was starting to wrap his head around things. "Bothe's mamma was worried when he left the nest too."

Forcythia pursed her lips somewhat, confused by Bothe's statement. "Pardon?"

How could he put it...? "You know the little birdies that fly in the sky?" Bothe pointed upwards. "Mamma and poppa birds make a nest, lay their eggs, then their baby bird hatches. That baby bird can't do anything for itself. Can't fly, can't eat. Nothing. Not without their mamma bringing them everything they need and taking care of them. Their mamma has to do this for a long time, so that the baby bird can grow up big and strong." Bothe flexed a little to emphasize that part of his little story. "And one day? That baby bird isn't a baby anymore. It's a grown bird, with big wings ready to take flight into the world outside the nest! That world is dangerous, but the mamma bird has to put faith in her baby. If mamma birds didn't let their babies go and hovered too closely, whenever we look in the sky? We'd see birds flying into each other all the time - BAM!"

While she had been worried about the story at first, thinking perhaps Bothe had the same fixation of birds her cousin did, Forcythia was able to make sense of his words. "Hm." She pondered them over, though had little to say of them for now. "Thank you, Bothe. You have given me much to think about."

Bothe grinned rather brightly. "Bothe's happy to help!" There was more he wanted to say, however. "Hey... Cythia?" He turned away from her, but only for a moment. "You don't know this city well at all, right? Well, it'd be a shame if you sat around in some inn when you aren't with Carley. There's a lot to see and do here. So I was wondering if you might want someone to show you around during your free time?"

Forcythia was somewhat surprised at Bothe's offer, but it wasn't an unwelcome surprise at all. The man seemed rather sensitive and astute, on top of being very big, strong, and handsome. It wasn't an offer she might take usually given the nature of her trip, but if she were to give Carley room for her wings, so to speak... Perhaps she ought give herself room for her own wings as well? "I think that you are very sweet to offer, Bothe, and I would be happy to take you up on that offer." She smiled at the man. "Getting out and about will likely be very good for me. This is the first time in quite a while I have left Cadentia."

Somehow, Bothe's grin grew bigger and brighter. She accepted! "Yeah? Bothe's never been to Cadentia before. Tell me about it?"

Bothe was happy with simply listening as Forcythia spoke of her home as they continued their walk to the Mead and Oak. He listened carefully and hung on every word she spoke of sand, cacti, and colorful Bazaars.


Date: 2010-02-12 17:58 EST
Carley had only ever observed the Mead and Oak from the outside. And from the outside? It looked rather fancy. The inside? It wasn't much different. Inside it was the scent of the place that struck one, first and foremost. There was no dust or must or lingering scents of alcohol in the air. It was clean. It smelled of cinnamon, spice, and home made cooking. The carpets were plush and spotless. Wooden walls, counters, and stair banisters were buffed to a shine and unscuffed.

Really, it all made the little elf feel rather uncomfortable and out of her element. Had Bothe really set her cousin up in such a nice place? At least it was suited for her...

Roaming the hallways in clothing still dirty from her work aboard the Luinista, Carley checked and double checked the room number written on the paper she carried. The last thing she had wanted to do was knock upon the wrong door, as this seemed the type of place one could easily be kicked out of if they didn't maintain proper etiquette and appearances. Room 24. The little elf hoped that Bothe's handwriting was reliable as she knocked at the door. She bounced on her toes somewhat as she waited, gaze roaming down one side of the hallway, then the other.

A delicate click preluded the opening of the door. Standing there with a brilliant smile was Forcythia. "Carley, I am glad you are here! I wondered when your work would permit you to arrive." She shuffled aside and gestured with a hand. "Do come in?" As Carley wandered inside, bright blues widened as she took in the sights. The bed, the curtains, the furniture, it was all terribly fancy. "Bothe was so kind to put me up in such a lovely place, do you not think?" Forcythia closed the door after Carley had entered.

"It's... a little froofy for my tastes, but it's a roof over the head at least." Carley grinned. It had been nice of Bothe, in fact. Too nice? "I'm sorry it's gotta be this way, it's just that... the apartment with me and Cy is so small and ya probably wouldn't be comfortable there at all." Nor would she or Cy likely be comfortable there with Forcythia, but she didn't say that, of course.

"Do not be troubled over such a thing." Forcythia waved her hand dismissively. "I wouldn't want to intrude anyhow."

Carley peered up at Forcythia, eying her skeptically. That seemed rather unlike her. Had Cy rattled her so with what he said? That still didn't seem right... "Hey, Cythia... about what CyCy said..."

"Do not trouble over that either." Shaking her head quickly, Forcythia sighed. Turning her gaze upon Carley, she started to regard her cousin rather carefully. There was something sad, nostalgic about her features. "Rites of passage or no, you truly are an adult now." Rather confused by Forcythia's statement, Carley wasn't sure what to say. So for now? She said nothing. "I never saw it..." Trailing off, Forcythia shook her head again. Now wasn't the time. "Nevermind me, Carley. I am reminiscing, I'm afraid." She smiled, then. "You have come to take me away from this stuffy room, yes?"

That was strange. Very strange. But Carley didn't want to poke and prod. It wasn't often her cousin seemed so... reserved in what she said. "Nn? Oh, yeah." She nodded distractedly. "Figured we could go out and eat somewhere, just the two of us. Talk, catch up, all that." Grin. "You could use more greasy food in yer diet anyhow."

Forcythia wrinkled her nose at the talk of greasy food, but only slightly. "Perhaps... just allow me to get my coat? Then we may depart." Moving gracefully, she ventured over to a closet to pull out her coat and slip it on. "You simply have to tell me more of your ship and of your crew! Particularly your friend Bothe..."

"Yeah, sure." Carley was starting to feel the pangs of hunger, so she didn't think much of the statement for now. "I can introduce ya to everyone later, too. Maybe tomorrow? You can see firsthand what it is I do."

"Excellent!" The idea of that made Forcythia rather pleased. "I look forward to it. You are ready to depart now, yes?"

Rather than answer the question immediately, Carley turned and reached to open the door. Standing back, she bowed to Forcythia and gestured outside with a flourished wave of arm and hand. "After you, m'lady!"

"...that is hardly funny."


Date: 2010-02-17 13:28 EST
Forcythia stood outside the apartment her cousin currently lived in. The apartment her cousin currently shared with another - and not just any other - a man she was dating. It felt as if time had passed too quickly, like it was just yesterday that Carley only reached her knees and followed her around everywhere, squeaking happily as she had been so content with Forcythia back then. Those days had long passed, however, and Forcythia found it rarely helped to keep waxing nostalgic about it all.

Where had her cousin been anyways? They had been set to meet, but Carley had been tardy. That was most unusual for the bouncy blonde. Was she hurt? Sick? No. It couldn't have been something so grievous. Forcythia sighed at her thoughts turning so dark so quickly. Like a mother. It wasn't a habit so easily dropped, though she worked on it, day by day. It might have been simple. Carley may have forgotten entirely, or something minor came up. There was of course, only one way to find out. Sucking in a breath, Forcythia reached out to knock at the door. With that done she took a step back and rolled back on her heels, patiently waiting for an answer of some kind.

Cy had just finished a relatively simple dinner that he'd prepared. An empty bowl sat on his work table with a silver spoon inside of it. That'd been where he'd eaten the soup he'd made. He was holding up his sketchpad, the one that Carley had gifted to him for their Valentine's Day. His pencil moved over the paper smoothly. He was working on a picture of a teenaged girl. His mind was very much focused as he drew, remembering details of his beloved niece as she recently looked. The knock drew his attention away from the paper. Carley wouldn't have knocked. She had a key.

Sketchpad set down, Cy got up and moved over toward the door. There was an audible click as he unlocked it and pulled the door open. Forcythia was not someone he really expected to see, but he wasn't overly surprised. He figured she was looking for Carley. "Hey." Cy was as wordy as ever.

Forcythia lifted her gaze to regard Cy, uncannily similar to her cousin's. Her sense of style might have been considered a little odd by some as well, but she still dressed attractively. The blacks and greens she wore hugged her figure, and the plunging neckline Carley so often made fun of her for was ever present. "Quel undome, Cy." She smiled pleasantly and bowed her head. "I do hate to come uninvited and disturb you, but I was to meet Carley some time ago and she never showed so I became somewhat concerned. I trust all is well, yes?"

Cy's dark brown eyes took note of just how much alike Cythia's gaze was to Carley. It almost felt like it was the little elf looking at him, not her cousin. She was rather pretty too, but it was something Cy didn't dwell on. His attire rarely changed, save for being exchanged with clean garments. He wore a dark green, long-sleeved shirt and dark blue jeans. "Said she had to take care of some things on the Luinista when I was leaving. M'sure she's fine."

"I see. That does make sense. Bothe tells me how much work she puts into it." Forcythia smiled dimly and refrained from commenting on her fears about the possibility Carley was working too hard on it. She was always a hard worker though, so it probably wasn't that. "Do you think that perhaps she will come here when she is finished with her business upon the Luinista?"

"She works real hard to make sure everything's going right on that ship." Cy knew that firsthand. It was something he admired about Carley, even if he unknowingly shared the same fear that Forcythia had. His expression became thoughtful as he considered that, but it lasted only a moment. "Imagine so. Don't think she'll be going anywhere but here once she's finished."

"Do you think perhaps I might wait here then, for her arrival?" Forcythia tilted her head to the side somewhat in a curious manner. "While it may be too late to pursue our original plans I have my doubts she has eaten tonight. At the very least I hope to take her out to eat." Not to mention she had been spending a rather large quantity of her time with Bothe. Forcythia was starting to feel somewhat guilty for that, and the shadow of the emotion flickered across her features.

"She probably hasn't. She skipped dinner once a few nights back." It reminded him again of how he thought the little elf was possibly overdoing it. The concern in his voice was slight, but there. He wasn't going to tell Forcythia that she couldn't come in, so he pulled the door open further and stepped aside. "Yeah, sure."

Forcythia sighed at the news of her cousin skipping dinner, but didn't comment upon it. Instead, she stepped inside, those long braids of hers swaying gently as she moved. She peered around the place curiously, noting boxes in the corner and the way the place didn't really seem kept up. It seemed more likely to be a crowding problem than anything. Carley hadn't been lying when she said she wouldn't have been comfortable there, cramped with the pair. Arching a brow at the sight of the Crimson Flash poster on the wall, she shook her head and turned to face the tall elf. "I feel I must apologize to you, Cy. We did not get off on the right foot."

Cy closed the door after Forcythia was inside. He didn't lock it, however. He doubted it'd be a terribly long time before Carely came home. An apology was something that Cy had really not been expecting. His dark brown eyebrows rose up slightly before he shook his head. A dismissive wave of his hand accompanied the head shake. "Don't worry about it. Was a little rude to you and that wasn't all right. Amin hiraetha."

"It wasn't entirely without cause. I overstepped my bounds. Amin hiraetha." Forcythia nodded her head to Cy in a genuine manner. "I find myself still getting overprotective over Carley, especially as of late. She is more than just a cousin to me - I played the role of mother for many years and I struggle to let go of it sometimes. But it is as Bothe says. I have to let her spread her wings and fly without holding her back." Taking a tentative step towards the couch, she gestured towards it. "May I?"

"Course. Make yourself at home." He gestured toward the couch not long after her. Motherly feelings he could understand, even if he couldn't empathize with them. "M'sister raised me. I get it." Gwed often acted in a way toward him that he imagined Cythia did with Carley. The fact that Bothe had come up with those words made Cy lift one of his eyebrows. He didn't offer any comment, however. Soon he was thinking of how very literal those wings of Carley were.


Date: 2010-02-17 13:29 EST
Forcythia exhaled a small breath of relief. "So you do get it, then." She smiled widely. "I am sure your sister continues to fuss over you to this day." She rounded the couch and sat down on one of the cushions. Smoothing her skirt out, one leg crossed over as she sat very much like a lady would. Her attention soon rested on the grey teddy bear that sat on the opposite end of the couch. That was a familiar sight, for certain.

"More than she oughta." Cy moved to take a seat in the chair near his work table, though he didn't touch anything that was on the table itself. He noted Forcythia's very ladylike pose when he looked at her. When he noticed she was looking at the teddy bear, he spoke up again. "Got that for Carley. For the holiday."

"Zeddy." She even remembered the name. It brought a grin to her lips. "It is very near the spitting image of the teddy bear she once had. But I suspect you know this and that your acquisition of this particular bear was not a coincidence." She gestured to the bear before her attention turned more fully on Cy. "I suppose she also told you of how her evil cousin threw it away, yes? And neglected to mention the fact it was beyond repair... the face was rubbed off, it was missing a limb. I offered to get her a new teddy bear when she wouldn't stop pouting about the first, but she would not have it." The memory of how angry Carley had been over it all made her laugh.

"She told me all of that. Minus the part about it being all torn up, yeah." Cy glanced at the teddy bear. He chuckled faintly. He was thinking of how Carley might have looked then, pouting over the loss of her Zeddy. Cy's head shook slowly before he looked back to Cythia. "Was really happy about getting this one." Carley's reaction to the gift was etched into the tall elf's mind.

"Oh I imagine she was! Particularly as a gift from you, and on that particular holiday..." Forcythia was a fan of Valentine's Day. This previous had been no exception, as she had received many a thoughtful gift. Her smile turned somewhat fond, thinking on one in particular who had gifted something to her. "Carley has always spoken so highly of you to me. Now, and even in her letters. It was always 'CyCy this...' or 'CyCy that...'"

"Didn't know she was talking about me that much in her letters." Cy chuckled again. He was a little surprised to hear that. Not that he didn't know Carley often thought of him. He thought it was much like he often thought of her, even before they were together. "Carley means a lot to me." That was really an understatement. He looked at Forcythia very seriously when he spoke again. "I'd do anything for her. Anything." The word was reiterated for emphasis.

Forcythia studied Cy rather carefully, as he did indeed look and speak seriously. With a faint smile in place, she nodded. "I am sure she feels much the same way about you. It is obvious you two care for one another deeply. And I am glad to hear you say such a thing, Cy. I am afraid that if you were to ever break her heart I might have to swear an oath against you." One corner of her lips twitched upwards, her smile enigmatic. A tease, perhaps? Or was she truly serious?

Cy's head tilted ever so slightly. He was unsure if she meant what she said or if it was simply a joke. Either way, he nodded in response. "Wouldn't blame you." As he leaned backward in his chair, the silver chain around his neck shifted. "But I won't be breaking her heart. Not unless I stop breathing." Of that, he was confident.

"Then do take care to remain breathing." Her expression seemed to relax. "I do not wish to watch Carley struggle through another broken heart. She changed so much because of it." Though perhaps they weren't all bad changes... "She grew so much, so quickly, I nearly didn't take notice." Forcythia shook her head somewhat. "How did the two of you meet, anyways?"

"People tend to do that when you aren't looking, yeah? Grow." It reminded him of Morwen. She wasn't all grown up yet, but she was certainly a far cry from the little girl he once knew. "Heh." The thought made Cy smile and he glanced at the floor. When his eyes returned to Forcythia, he spoke again. "We met at some tavern. I'd been wandering around a while trying to find someplace steady to work. Hard to have many skills people want in the cities after you've lived in a forest all your life. Guess I'm lucky all that tinkering paid off since she needed an engineer. She offered me a job on the Luinista and I took it."

Listening attentively, Forcythia tittered in amusement. "So no love at first sight then, hm?" A more obvious tease, this time. "It sounds as though things worked out well in your favor, Cy. And Carley's as well." Feeling more at ease, her smile blossomed further. "You say you lived in a forest for all your life? Truly?" Her brows knit, more in contemplation than anything else. "I don't get that vibe from you. You strike me as being rather well learned and traveled."

"No. No love at first sight." Cy shook his head and chuckled. He leaned his weight back against the chair, but not much. It was sturdy, but he didn't want to tip it over. "For a real long time there wasn't much I knew but the forest, yeah? Learned what I could from books when our village traded with the humans. Taught myself, I guess." His eyes went toward the ceiling as he thought further. "Got sick of it. More to the world than the woods and I wanted to see it. That's when I started traveling." It was a simplification and minus some details, but it was the truth.

She started to nod thoughtfully. "I was sometimes curious what lay beyond our home's borders when I was younger. I only wish I didn't have to find out the way I did, or Carley for that matter. There is so much good out here but just as much bad lays alongside it." Her smile shifted to something rueful. "I know all too well why your sister would fuss over you, even now." Shifting in stance, Forcythia uncrossed a leg only to cross the other over it, promptly smoothing her skirt again.

Forcythia's words made Cy curious. There were questions he considered asking, but did not. "Can't ever really get away from the bad at all, even if you stick to one little part of the world. Better to see what's out there if you ask me." Despite what he'd said, Cy nodded. He understood why Gwed worried, even if it did get on his nerves from time to time.

"Well I have actually enjoyed the traveling I have done, though I do admit I believe I've found a home in Cadentia. I just cannot ever forsee leaving it for good." To her the desert was so alive, so vibrant! Even though there weren't many there nor was there much green to be seen... it was always how Forcythia felt about the place, peculiar or not. "I believe my cousin considers this city her home, though she travels on the Luinista now. Do you consider it a home as well, or were you hoping to move on elsewhere someday?"

He remembered some of what Carley had told him about Cadentia. He thought about it for a moment. "Never really been to a desert. Read about them, but never been to one." It took Cy a moment before he actually answered Forcythia's question. It was something he hadn't really considered. "Don't know that I really have a home." Hurin Taurae certainly wasn't home, even if family resided there. "Gonna sound stupid, but wherever Carley is, that's close enough for me." His shoulders lifted in a small shrug. "If she were ever gone, well, I'd figure something out."

Forcythia addressed the former statement first. "Truly? I believe you would really enjoy Cadentia. I hope someday you and Carley can come visit then. If you are big into tinkering and ma-sheens you would adore Kitty Kat's Hovercycle. Though..." She trailed off, smiling widely. "...good luck getting her to let you ride it." She laughed, briefly. "And I do not believe that sounds stupid at all. It is sweet. You two really are very close..." As she trailed off this time, she seemed to be pondering something rather seriously.

A hovercycle? Cy's expression immediately became one of interest. While he didn't know what one was, he could guess. He knew what a bicycle was. He even knew what a motorcycle was. "Wouldn't mind looking at it least." He considered asking Forcythia more, but the way she had pronounced the word machines had him thinking it wouldn't be a terribly long conversation. "We are." Carley was one of a few he could say that he was very close to.

"Hm." Struggling with some inner turmoil, Forcythia cast a glance aside to the door before peering back at the tall elf. "Very close..." Considering Cy seemed a very confident and very attractive elf. She wasn't stupid as to what that likely meant regarding his past history with women. "I wish to speak frankly with you Cy. Is that alright?"


Date: 2010-02-17 13:32 EST
Cy was a little puzzled as he watched Forcythia. His dark eyes shifted to glance at the door not long after hers did. He figured whatever it was she wanted to talk about, she didn't want Carley to hear it. The tall elf's head dipped into a nod at her question as his eyes returned to Forcythia. "Feel free."

She nodded, a pleasant smile set in place. "While you may be experienced with women, Cy, I feel that perhaps you should know that my cousin is not so experienced with men." Forcythia began counting on her finger. "There was Glenn, who was her first love. They were together for quite some time, but Carley did admit to me that she did not have relations with him. Then there was Amiel, I believe his name was? They weren't together long and all and I do not believe she had much care for him as she so rarely spoke of him in her letters. Then there is you." Her hands settled in her lap. "I do not want her to feel pressured into something she is not yet ready for - not that I believe you are the type to do such a thing willingly, Cy, but people sometimes get caught in the current of the moment and find themselves unable to fight as they are pulled under." She had been caught in several moments as of late, but of course she felt no need to mention this.

Him, experienced? He had no clue why Forcythia thought that. The surprise in his expression was evident, but probably not as much as the red color that settled on Cy's face. He glanced away from Cythia for a moment. "Know about that. She told me." Those words were more quiet than his previous ones. Still, despite the embarrassment, there was something she said that caught Cy's attention. Being caught in the current of the moment was becoming problematic, at least for him. The night before was a perfect example. "Uh... yeah. Don't worry about that."

Forcythia watched Cy ever so carefully. Scrutinizing every movement and every flush of color. The quiet of his tone. The aversion of his dark eyes. Oh ho ho! She was starting to have some suspicions. "I am glad to hear she is honest with you." She smiled and nodded. "Although now I have other concerns..." She wouldn't outright accuse him of anything, at least. "You are aware of birth control, yes?"

The red in his cheeks wasn't going to go anywhere. It wasn't a subject he could talk about without feeling at least a little uncomfortable. Knowledge of herbs had, of course, meant Cy had stumbled across various plants that were used for birth control. So, he nodded rather than answer Forcythia's question in a vocal manner.

Still watching Cy carefully, she smiled and nodded in an almost motherly manner. "There's a tea that works wonders, and a cup a day keeps the baby away!" She laughed lightly at the motto, as if it were terribly amusing. There was another matter, however, if Cy was as she expected... "Do not worry overmuch about it, Cy. When the time comes you have plenty of male friends you can seek counsel from. Like Bothe, for instance."

The motto, as was the rest of the conversation, was embarrassing for Cy. He lifted one of his hands up and rubbed the side of his neck. It felt pretty hot. With how things had been going lately, the tea seemed like a good precaution. There was no way in hell Cy was going to ask about it, though. When Forcythia suggested he could ask Bothe about things such as the subject at hand, he had to bite his tongue. He wouldn't ask Bothe for advice if he was the last man in Rhydin. Crao. Crao would be the better person to ask. "Yeah." It was a rather profound reply.

Forcythia seemed to have more to say to Cy, but before she could sneak another word in? The door to the apartment opened, and there stood Carley. As the little elf stepped inside, Forcythia turned to regard her with a warm smile. "It is good of you to finally join us, Carley! I was beginning to wonder where you had gotten off to." As she stood, Carley closed the door and glanced between the pair.

It was hard for Cy to conceal the fact that his face was so red. When he turned his head to look at Carley, his eyes almost immediately left the little elf. He did, however, greet her. "Hey, Sunshine." Mentally he was willing his embarrassment to go away. Unfortunately, that had no effect on the emotion.

Carley furrowed her brow a little. Was Cy looking redder than normal? He had turned away so fast... "Hey, hallaer." She smiled in his direction, though he couldn't see. "Hey Cythia."

"That is all I get?" Forcythia acted indignant, stamping a foot. "You stand me up and that is all?" When shock and surprise appeared across Carley's face, Forcythia laughed in amusement. Carley immediately started to pout. "It is fine, Cy here told me that you were busy with the Luinista. And I can imagine you have not eaten." She started to wander towards the little elf and the exit. "Cy has already consented that I whisk you away for a proper meal."

Cy's attention returned to the cousins. He rubbed at his neck again. Not long afterward, he was on his feet. His focus shifted entirely to Carley for a moment. He asked no questions, but he did smile faintly. "Have a good time, yeah?"

So much for getting out of this, then. Carley snorted quietly before grinning at Cy. "Alright, I will..." She thought she smelled some sort of... food, in the air, so she figured he likely ate. He'd not starve. Hopefully. "See ya soon then." Flashing a cheeky grin his way, she blew a kiss in his direction before turning to open the door. "Yer gonna at least let me pick where we eat, yeah?" The little elf addressed her cousin.

"Of course - but none of that greasy food, yes? I felt somewhat ill after eating it." Forcythia turned long enough to wave at Cy before stepping outside.

The kiss blown to him made Cy smile, even if he was still slightly flustered with the end of his conversation with Forcythia. He lifted his left hand to slowly, almost lazily, wave to the departing elves. Some cold water on his face was sounding good right about then...