Topic: Another Year, Another Yule

Claire Gallows

Date: 2017-12-24 16:42 EST
The Christmas prior had been a somber, small Christmas, a quiet thing held in the guest house of Caelum Manor. This year, with Caelum Manor sold and a new home purchased in New Haven, there was much to celebrate. If 2016 had been a year of sadness, 2017 had been a banner year of good things to come. As such, the newly ordained Underwood Manor in New Haven was decorated with lights, garland, and several trees to really fill the place with holiday cheer. Under the entryway's tree were a number of gifts for friends and family alike.


Claire Gallows

Date: 2017-12-25 00:02 EST
Underwood was a veritable smorgasbord of food throughout the day for those coming and going. Whether you stop by for a few minutes or a few hours, assuredly you'll have to eat something.

Christmas Eve
Citrus Batida
Slow Roasted Pork & Caribbean Rice & Peas
Winter Fruit & Cucumber Salad
Rutabaga Carrot Mash
Sweet Potato Creme Brulee

Christmas Breakfast/Brunch
Pancake Bake with Cinnamon Streusel
Sausage & Cheese Grits Quiche
Country Ham Hash
Christmas Sunrise
Citrus Salad with Granola
Sweet & Spicy Sheet Pan Bacon

Christmas Dinner
Whiskey Sour
Crab Crostini
Roasted Dry Rub Turkey with Gravy
Cornbread Yeast Rolls
Sauteed Green Beans
Mashed Potatoes
Smoky Cranberry-Apple Sauce
Peanut Butter Banana Sandwich Bread Pudding with Dark Caramel Sauce

Claire Gallows

Date: 2017-12-25 17:23 EST

The twins were sure to try and rouse Claire and Cooper at some ungodly hour. Cooper managed to shoo them off with directions to go wake grandma up instead and it was then Claire thanked the gods for mothers-in-law. That nabbed them another 30 minutes of sleep before they begrudgingly got up and started the day. Reds, whites, and greens were the colors of the day and in a show of rare coordination, Claire managed to wrangle all three kids into their Christmas outfits.

Claire Gallows

Date: 2017-12-25 21:11 EST
For Serah and her wee bit
With absolutely no idea what to get Kaleb, she added in a bottle of bourbon and a gift card good for any Rhydin Chamber of Commerce merchant.

Claire Gallows

Date: 2017-12-25 21:14 EST
For Terry and the rest of the Team Dirty crew:

Cooper Gallows

Date: 2017-12-25 21:46 EST

Cooper Gallows

Date: 2017-12-25 22:24 EST

Addie MacKenzie

Date: 2017-12-26 00:01 EST
Addie and Ro dropped by at some point, likely when Raven and the rest of the Wyatts were there. Armed with cookies and a few modest last minute gifts, Addie dropped a few things off then headed on her way to make a few more deliveries.

For the lady and man of the house, a bottle of wine wrapped in a bow and a plate of homemade cupcakes.

For the Wyatts, cookies and some custom gifts for the newly official family.

She moved on from there, dropping by the Allen house;

Then circled back to close the day out with her girls and Ro;

Serah Farron

Date: 2018-01-02 16:43 EST

For Claire:
A wooden plank with words carved into it.
A mother's necklace with a pendant with each of her child's name on it
A handmade bracelet (looks a little old - may need explanation)

For Cooper:
A wooden plank with words carved into it.
A silver engraved money clip
A hat care kit

For the Kids:
Each child will get a 24k bracelet with their name engraved onto it. Enough chain for it to grow on them. (even the baby get one!)
Each child gets a plush white bear that turns colors in the dark. They glow a soft luminous light that can be changed by the parents with instructions.
Alex and Avy both get dreamcatcher blankets with their names stitched (into the scroll part). Jacob will get a swaddle blanket with his name stitched on it.

Claire Gallows

Date: 2018-01-02 17:44 EST
December 25th


It was the start of a veritable horror movie, the slow opening of the door. The eerie pair of giggles beyond added to the creep factor in the dim twilight. The hallway was dark, the crack of the door giving nothing away as to way was on the other side. All in all, it was the start of something very, very scary.

6:00 AM.

Christmas Morning.

"Hnnnnnnnnngh, go back to bed, you two..." Claire groaned, flopping her arm over her head to try and block out the noise. Next to her, the sleepy gurahl didn't budge an inch. If he was awake, he gave nothing away.

"But Mama, is Chris-mas," Alexander protested through the crack of the door. Evidently Christmas meant getting up at the butt crack of dawn. There wasn't so much as a crackle from the baby monitor on the bedside table. Baby Jake was still asleep. He took after his father like that, sleeping soundly through the night even at three months old. It was nice. The twins? Not so much.

Cooper? Winter was full on and that made the big gurahl all but a corpse. The night before had seen him consuming a big meal and then letting his beautiful wife wear him out properly before he became the picture of a coma patient. Not even the little giggles of the children could rouse the man from his slumber, as there was no danger to sense. Eventually Claire's own stirring made him do so, but only to slump over from his side onto his back rousing a deep, baritone snore form him that last a handful of seconds before it faded away.

This was the life.

Claire's hand flopped across Cooper's face to smother the snore until it went away though there was no ire in the motion. Even the small pull of her smile said she had nothing but fondness for her bed partner. She heard a quiet little tap tap tap on the door to indicate that the twins still hadn't gone away and softly she groaned.

"Go see if K'un?i is awake," Claire mumbled. That seemed to be all the twins needed and soon two pairs of toddler feet went running down the hall. "Quietly so you don't..." the baby monitor crackled, "wake Jake..."

With a huff, she rolled over against her husband and set about waking him extra specially for Christmas.

Needless to say, Claire and Cooper eventually shambled from the bedroom with half-lidded eyes and rather large smiles. Today was clearly going to be a good day, since they got off on the right foot. The cowboy kissed his wife one more time while helping her into the warm fleece robe he'd bought her at the start of the winter, letting his hands rove down for one more possessive squeeze before an arm was slung around her slender waist. It made leading her out of their room and towards the sounds of their family easy enough, the creak of his weight on the steps a telltale sign of their impending approach before his big voice was heard.

"Well, did Santa come?"

"Santa for Mama, Santa for Papa, Santa for Awex," Averia piped up when they came down the steps. It wasn't often the little girl spoke up but when she did, she was remarkably clear for how rarely she liked speaking. Claire stepped over to see just what Avy had found, not daring to scoop her up since it would take her away from the presents beneath the tree. Mia had Jake in a high chair in the dining room, feeding him breakfast. Their whole little family was there. Avy continued, "Santa for Avy and for K'un?i Mia and Santa for Jakey."

"Man, Ol' Kris Kringle sure was busy last night. And from the looks'a things, you two little squirts sure were good this year." Cooper squatted behind Averia and grabbed the little girl's shoulders, popping her on one rosy little cheek with a noisy kiss before leaning to ruffle Alex's hair. "Looks like everyone was good this year."

He rose up again to the tune of twin giggles, giving Claire a squeeze on her butt as he passed to kiss his mother and son good morning. "Happy Yule, mama."

"I bet Papa's got coal in his stocking, what do you think?" Claire asked, setting off a titter of giggles from the twins. Alex went to the fireplace to check the stockings that had been hung up there. All in all it made for a picturesque Christmas morning, toddlers in footie pajamas, parents in robes and pajamas, and a wee little baby in an elf onesie. Like Christmas elf, not one of those dagger ear highborne elves. Alex and Averia were more than content to play Santa, passing out presents with a little help in reading who they were for. When they were surrounded by messy little piles of prettily wrapped boxes and bags, Claire gave them the go ahead to tear in. "But don't wear yourselves out, we're having breakfast right after this... before any candy."

Cooper was content to sit and watch it all, more so when he was passed Jake and had the little boy cradled in one arm. His crooked smile was all the wider for the happy squeals of the children, causing him to pan a look Claire's way more than once. He left the lectures to his wife for the time being and soon enough passed the baby back to his mother do he could nudge a few boxes his wife's way. "Go on now. Yo' turn."

The kids were still working through their piles and here and there, Claire snapped pictures on her phone. Still, Cooper's declaration drew her attention back to the stack of gifts nearest her and with a sheepish smile, she tore into a few. A Redskins hoodie, plush and warm for her adopted NFL team. A pair of customized glasses that had her laughing out loud at the Claire's measure. A wooden (and likely hand carved by the hubby himself) hair pin depicting the tree of life, she stuck that right into her hair then and there. A pair of boots that would assuredly need to be broken in real soon. And what looked to be... a set of keys with no major identifiers to declare what they were to. She perked a brow and turned an expectant look toward Cooper, holding the keys up. "Eh?"

"Garage," he informed her without giving any more away. Instead, Cooper pointed towards their garage and gave a coy smile. Within? It had started as a Harley Sportster but had been heavily modified by the cowboy's hand and ingenuity, with all the sound and power of a combustion engine, but the clean burning creativity of something electric. The seat had been moulded for the pink-haired warrior's contours, done in the Team Dirty pink on black.

Still stunned, she pushed herself to her feet and traipsed through the kitchen and over to the door to the garage, a stunning multi-vehicle (and newer) addition to the much older main house. Curious as well, Alex came with her, beating her to the door to throw it open and take a look into the darkness. Claire reached past him and flipped the light on, her breath stolen by the low gasp she let out.

"Holy..." She cut herself off before dropping the f-bomb in front of the kids or her mother-in-law, and quickly hurried down the short set of steps into the garage. What followed was a ten minute examination of the bike, sitting on it briefly to start it up and let it rumble. She dismounted with a grin and returned to wrap her arms around her husband, murmuring her thanks into his beard. "You've got stuff to open too, ya know."

He squeezed her tightly, chuffing a rumbling laugh when he felt Alex join in and wrap his little arms around his thick calf. Claire nuzzled his beard and it allowed a kiss to her ear and a soft murmur. "I opened what I wanted this mornin' aw'ready. If'n I can get some more'a that later, it'll be the best Christmas ever." Cooper was a man of simple needs.

Another kiss touched her lips before Alex was scooped up in an arm and he was walking them both back to the living room. He sat before letting the squirming toddler free to dive back into his treasure trove of presents. The big man was quite pleased with himself as he began to tear into the small packages left for him.

"Later, baby. Once the kids crash." She promised him softly, grinning. As they returned to the living room, she offered a warm smile to Mia then retook her seat on the couch, tucking one leg beneath herself so she could turn toward Cooper while he opened things. Bourbon marshmallows, some whiskey-ish memorabilia, and a wood paneled flask made up the lion's share of his gifts. When he was done opening, Claire made a show of eyeing the tree. "Avy, doll, where's the pictures you and Alex did?"

"I'll get 'em!" Alex said, popping up from a pile of torn paper. Avy pushed her brother down and shook her head.

"No, me!" And so went the Great Toddler War of 2017, raging for all of three minutes until Claire cleared her throat and brought it to a halt.

"How about you both bring it?" The pair found that agreeable and thusly disappeared behind the Christmas tree, giggling and rustling in the branches until they emerged, both tugging on what looked like a construction paper wrapped packet of... more paper. Careful not to tear it while bringing it over, the twins deposited it on Cooper's lap and then lingered there in front of him, wide eyed and expectant while he opened it.

Cooper watched the unfolding scuffle with a blink and no small amount of wry amusement, before Claire did her mom duty and set the pair straight. The bundle of whatever-it-was drew a curious look from the children to his wife, then over to his mother as if Miakoda would have some insight into what this last gift was. But soon enough the gift was placed in his hands and the cowboy was taking a moment to thoroughly enjoy the random, nonsensical doodles that covered its surface in random colors. The callused pads of his fingers skimmed gently over the surface, drinking it all in, before carefully opening the package and pulling free the packet of papers within. It took a few moments for him to skim over the contents, less so for him to softly gasp.

His eyes snapped questioningly to Claire.

Claire had clued Mia in a few days before when the papers had been drafted, that way she wouldn't be fully caught off guard too. That she had kept the secret warmed Claire's heart more than she could say. The construction paper on the outside was covered in Avy and Alex "art", clouds and trees and scribbles that made no sense even if Alex swore they were people. Claire's teeth had pinned her bottom lip, her breath held as he opened it. Inside, papers requesting official adoption of Averia Luna and Alexander Lucis by one, Cooper Gallows. Her gaze found Cooper's for a long moment to drink in his expression and his reaction before she softly nodded. "I spoke with Regis... he'd like a chance to speak with you but he is supportive..."

He didn't speak. His mouth had gone dry. Instead, the only sound when Claire was done speaking was the soft rustle of the papers in Cooper's trembling hands. He wet his lips with his tongue a moment later and opened his mouth to say something, but stumbled over his own tongue when words failed him. Dark eyes shifted from Claire to his mother, who was already in tears, and then back down to the twins who were beaming up at him, proud of their gift to Papa. The first sign of emotion was the single tear that formed and rolled slowly down over his cheek and into his beard.

"I..." What could he say in a moment like that. In the end, he stopped trying. He settled for scooping Alex and Averia into his arms and hugging them close to his chest. It made it harder to see him crying, something only evidenced by the shake of his broad shoulders.

Claire chewed at her bottom lip, her lashline burning with the threat of tears that wanted desperately to spill over. There wasn't a single doubt in her mind that Cooper would be anything but agreeable but part of her wondered if she should have not blindsided him with this. Call it a Christmas surprise, she supposed. As he scooped the twins up, she scooted over on the couch to wrap an arm around his broad shoulders while the twins hugged him as best as they could.

"Papa?" Avy asked against the cowboy's beard in the middle of the tender moment. Claire eased up a little and as soon as she did, Averia rocked her head back to pucker her lips a few times. "Tickley hairs in my mouth."

That? That produced a low round of laughter, causing Cooper to draw back and kiss both of the twins' heads before burying his face against Claire's neck. He kissed her there and murmured softly into her skin. "Thank you. Thank you so much. This... I want this. I really want this..."

When he turned his affections her way, she tightened her arms around him and held him for a few long moments, rocking a little side to side. "You're their Papa, babe. You love them. They love you. We love you, very, very much. Thank you for everything you've done... everything you do for your family..."

"Our family." The words were gentle against her flesh. "We'll bring Regis here fo' their birthday. I'll make it happen. He should get t' see them when we have our talk. 'Til then, let's just enjoy this. Our family. Our babies." One hand lifted to tangle in her hair, turning her face so that he could kiss her firmly on the mouth. "I love you."

"I... we... we can try..." She said softly with a little nod, conceding at the very least an attempt if they could. There were serious doubts in her mind whether Regis would be willing or able to leave Lucis in favor of Rhydin but for now she was just going to bask in the warmth and light of their little family Christmas. She kissed him for a handful of long moments before gracing him with a wide smile. "We love you too... now, wanna help me pick up wrapping paper?"

"Yeah." His smile bloomed again, crooked. "Let's get this place cleaned up and get the monsters fed. Then maybe mom will be willin' t' wrangle them fo' a bit so we can get a shower." A soft kiss topped each of the children's heads before Cooper released them back to their toys and rose to his feet. "S' still plenty goin' on t'day."

Claire Gallows

Date: 2018-01-02 17:46 EST
December 26th

Claire couldn't recall the last time she had left the children in Rhydin in order to go off realm. Even Valhalla seldom called her away these days. Needless to say there was more than a little apprehension as she and Cooper readied to make the trip the Lucis. It would require a halfway through the Unseen Realm before the final step to Eos and she had called ahead to make sure that their rendezvous point was absolutely secure. Armed and armored in her own way, she kissed the babies goodbye one more time, trusting them to Mia, the Glaives, and a contingent of security that had a habit of watching the Underwood Avenue manor. That left her and Cooper to the flickering blue portal and her vague worry. A hand sought his. "You sure you're ready to do this?"

For a few moments, when the decision had been made to go, the gurahl had been more anxious than apprehensive. The closer they got the to the departure, the more those two feelings changed course to the opposite direction. For his part, Cooper kept himself light in load for the trip, favoring carpenter's jeans over the normal fit and swapping his cowboy boots for something more utilitarian. Only a single pistol and a long knife went with him, both holstered/sheathed behind his back beneath a layer of heavy leather jacket. The Stetson? He wore it. When their fingers finally laced together, he offered her an encouraging smile sidelong. "Ready as m' gonna be, Slugger. It needs t' happen, though."

"It does. Everything will be fine." Maybe she was convincing herself. A moment later they stepped through the portal. Everything condensed, falling in upon itself as reality warped around them. Through the crux they went until their boots touched black sand, far from the empty city up the shore. They didn't linger long, perhaps a handful of heartbeats before she reopened the next doorway, this time gold and grey, to Eos. Without ever letting the cowboy's hand go, she took a deep breath and stepped through. The distant sound of the sea met their ears first, a warm hint of sea air following for their noses next. They had been expected but it made it no less jarring to find a pair of glaives (similar to the ones who had come to oversee the twins) standing right in front of them, weapons at the ready but not overtly threatening.

Cooper was silent and matched his wife's steps exactly for their trek through the portals and to their ultimate destination, drinking in what he saw in wordless awe before he found himself confronted by a pair of armed men. He fought of the urge to scowl, then denied himself a smile, before finally settling on a respectful nod to the pair. The big man didn't look at his wife or otherwise show any sign of uncertainty. He could be respectful, but he wouldn't give them an excuse, no matter how small, to think him weak.

"We're here to see King Caelum." She told them, as if they didn't already know. Wary, as they should have been, one lifted his chin and offered the couple a quick once over.

"W-we need to see your identification." He stammered out. Claire rolled her eyes.

"Really, Antonius? I trained you when you were still a recruit, taught you myself how to shoot that gun you're holding. You know the King is expecting us and you know I'm low on time here. Please can we see him now? I said please, you know I don't do that often." She rambled off a quick and jarring string of words to throw the poor young man for a loop. His cheeks reddened and for all that he should have been an elite soldier, he instead looked more like a scolded boy. His partner looked more than amused at it.

"...Sorry, Commander. Just had to be sure, you know?" Antonius said, turning with a gesture to follow him. Their path took them down a marble lined hallway, half open to the tropical breeze outside. It was a pleasant reprieve from the cold of Rhydinian winter and Claire basked as much as she could. They turned a corner and took three steps down into the sitting room where a handful of people were gathered. They inevitably looked up when the glaives led the Gallows in and all rose to their feet at once, save one. He was slower to get up, not out of disrespect but likely due to the intricate brace on one leg and the cane he leaned on once he got up. His dark hair had gone mostly grey and the laugh lines and crows feet in his expression were much deeper than Claire recalled. She couldn't help but smile at the King, her hand tightening on Cooper's as she led the cowboy over to the older man.

"Regis..." She said fondly, embracing him when he opened his arms to her. Old as he may have been, he still squeezed her fiercely before letting her go but still touching an elbow gently. Claire turned just a bit to include Cooper in their reunion. "Regis, this is Cooper Gallows. Cooper, Regis Caelum, Noct's father."

The gurahl's mouth twitched with the dressing down his wife gaze the young man, but he didn't smile or chuckle, though he wanted to. There was no need to embarrass him further. Instead, he moved along at Claire's side and took everything in, passing a dark, critical gaze over the assembled men. He released her to the affections of Regis before he was finally introduced, which saw him reaching out to offer the King a massive hand. "S' both a pleasure and honor t' meet you, yo' majesty."

Regis looked at the offered hand then up at the man who had given it, craning his neck to really take Cooper in. His hand, much smaller than the gurahl's but still plenty strong in grip, took the offer for a firm shake. "The pleasure's mine, Cooper. If I may call you Cooper? Please, do sit."

The room was comfortable and decorated with rich taste. It didn't surprise Claire any and after Cooper had spent so much time at Caelum Manor, it shouldn't have been too much of a stretch for him either. She took a seat, crossing one leg over the other comfortably but waved off an offer from a uniformed woman bearing a tray with glasses of what looked like sparkling water. The same was offered to Cooper as well once he sat. Regis joined them a moment later in a plush armchair. It was Claire's turn then to speak. "You look well. How're things?"

Regis chuckled. "Flattering an old man, how I've missed you, Light. They're... as well as they have been. Little headway has been gained but none has been lost. But you've not come to talk war and peace but rather... my grandchildren, yes?"

"Sure thing." Cooper nodded and sat when he was invited to do so, taking up a spot next to his wife and leaning forward with his hands on his knees. He smiled crookedly and shook his head for the offer of a drink, his smile widening for the affection between the older man and Claire before the former cut quickly to the chase. "We have."

"We appreciate you letting us come to visit. I know you've been... cautious, all things considered." Claire began. It had been like pulling teeth to get a physical location out of Cor when she had called to set this up. "But we thought it was important to meet face to face for something this important. I had the papers we discussed drafted and gave them to Cooper for Yule. He's more than amenable..."

Regis's gaze swept from Claire to Cooper, lingering on the large man for a few long moments. "We thought it may be advantageous should the Empire seek them in Rhydin. May the Nine have mercy on their souls if they do, but to carry the Caelum name at this time is to bring danger to them. It's my understanding you have been involved with them for a long time?"

"Claire and I were friends fo' a time befo' Noctis' passin', after I had done some things t' help her sister out. I was livin' in the guest house and, given that I never thought I'd be able t' have a family'a muh own, I looked after Alexander and Averia from time t' time. I've been 'round them since befo' they could walk. What happened t' their father, yo' son, was just one mo' reason t' stay close. What happened from there," Cooper spoke plainly but lifted his hands from his knees to gesture. "Here we are. I've been a part'a their lives fo' a long, long time now. I couldn't love them any mo' if they were muh own blood. I could make some impressive, flowery promise 'bout what I would do fo' them, but words are words. I'll say this: they'll never want fo' anything in the world, be in shelter or protection or love. There's no better place fo' them, 'til they or Claire want otherwise."

"I see." Regis said. All of that and Cooper gets an I see? Claire looked smug as if she had called ahead of time Regis's reaction. Her eyes were on the King rather than her husband, her hands settled atop her knee, clasped loosely. The look she gave him very clearly said I told you so. For a few moments silence lingered between them before he spoke once more. "They are very dear to me... especially after we lost Noct. Someday I hope they'll be the future of our kingdom... but for now, they need to stay as far away from here as possible. With people that love them and protect them... and maybe spoil them a little. They're only babies after all."

"You know all about spoiling." Claire stage whispered, prompting a flash of an almost impish smile from the older man.

"I regret none of it." He told her then looked back to Cooper. "Light's the closest thing I've ever had to a daughter of my own. You swear you'll look after them? All three of them."

"M' always gonna support them, fully, in whatever way they need." Cooper nodded solemnly to Regis. "Rhy'din may be where home is now, but they're gonna know their heritage. Lucis. Noctis. S' somethin' very important and they'll know, I promise you that." One of his massive hands rose to rest on Claire's knee, squeezing lightly. "They're muh life now. I couldn't really imagine muh world without them, so you've got muh word that I'd move mountains or heavier t' keep them safe and happy."

"Cooper kicked my butt back in to shape after... Noct passed. Made sure the twins were seen to when I didn't think I could do it myself." Claire told the King, setting her hand over top of Cooper's. "Refused to let me be anything less than what they deserved. I know in my heart that this is the right thing to do for them. Not to remove the significance of their past but to protect it, to protect them so that in the future we can revisit it."

"Very well..." Regis said, inclining his head to the pair on the couch. He quieted for a moment before turning a look to the twins' mother. "Have you brought me new pictures of them? Surely they've grown so much since the last time I saw them."

"Actually..." Claire paused, tipping a look over to Cooper to see if he wanted to make the offer.

Offer? He might have supposed it was supposed to be an offer, but...

"They've got a birthday comin'. Claire and I talked 'bout it and we agree that the best pictures fo' you of the twins should be ones you're in with them. We plan on makin' special arrangements so that their grandpa can spend their special day with them. Like I said, m' gonna support them fully in whatever they need. What they need, is some time with you. And, really, I'm inclined t' think you need the same."

Claire's teeth nipped into her lip to try and hold back the hint of a smile at the surprise that spread across Regis's expression. His dark browns lifted, creasing the lines in his forehead as he looked back and forth between them both. He then glanced over one of Claire's shoulders to one of the men that had lingered at the edge of the room.

"I'm... I don't know..." He hesitated. To leave Lucis was to abandon his people. Not that there were many left at this point. The Empire had taken over most of it by now. Before he could decline, Claire spoke up.

"I'll ensure that you're able to return at a moment's notice if needed. That said, I can make sure that you have the time with them you deserve. Cooper's right, you both need it. So say yes, for them." She insisted, imploring him with her demand of a man she had no right to command. His shoulders sagged but after a moment he nodded.

"Alright. If only for a little while..."

"Not just them. Say yes fo' you too." Cooper gave the man a meaningful look. "You've lost a lot. But you didn't lose everything. S' time you got t' see one of those things you're fightin' so hard fo'. Love is mo' a strength than it'll ever be a weakness. Shit, love's no weakness at all.|

"Language." Claire said with a snicker, gently elbowing her husband as if she hadn't dropped her fair share of f-bombs in front of the King. Regis afforded her a smile for it then looked back to Cooper, his mouth a shadow of the smile of a moment ago.

"It's love that keeps me here too. For the people that are still fighting, for the families of the men you see here, for the people my son died for. If I had a bullet for every time I wanted nothing more than to leave here to go see those sweet babies, I would have won this war long ago. But alas, it isn't so simple. Just the same, I thank you for your proposition and agree more gratefully."

"They're gonna be over the moon t' see you." Cooper grinned, wide and crooked.

"You won't believe how big they are." Claire added, her smile echoing Cooper's.

"Oh I would. They have a habit of doing that, sprouting right up. Before you know it, they'll be driving and dating and it's all downhill from there." Regis shook his head and chuckled before fixing Claire with a level look. "Your time dwindles here, yes? Should you be going?"

"I..." She didn't want to go. But he was right, the less time she spent on Eos, the less chance the Nine would take issue with her presence. "Unfortunately. But I'll give Cor a call tonight to set up the logistics for everything, okay?"

"I look forward to it." Regis said earnestly, rising to his feet. Everyone else in the room rose too, Claire included. She stepped forward to hug the man again and when she let him go, he offered his hand to Cooper once more. "It was a pleasure speaking with you, Cooper. Truly."

"Avy's not allowed to date." He tried not to smile at that, even if he meant it. When Claire and Regis said their farewells, he accepted the older man's hand with just as much enthusiasm as their introduction. "We're family now, Yo' Majesty. The pleasure was all mine and we look fo'ward t' seein' you real soon."

"I wish you all the luck in that. I mean it." He gave Cooper a grave, almost serious look and then relented with his smile. With their goodbyes given, soon it was a matter of shuffling back down the hall, this time with Regis on their heels to say goodbye a few more times. There were promises made of speaking soon, really soon in fact, and before long, Claire was bidding goodbye to their glaive detail before opening up a new portal back to Valhalla. She turned her hand up to Cooper.

"Let's go home."

"Home," he agreed and took her hand.