Topic: IC :: Such Is Life -- Mundane Dailies

Claire Gallows

Date: 2013-09-09 02:11 EST
[[A place for one shots about the day to day non-work goings-on in the lives of Claire & Noct & Company.

It's the simple things in life.]]

Claire Gallows

Date: 2013-09-09 02:24 EST
September 9th

The text buzzed Claire's phone in her pocket and she slipped it out to check it.

SMS from Katten: do you want a bull terrier/poodle puppy?

Claire arched a brow, pondering that for a moment. She probably should have asked Noct first, but he was in the shower, and she really liked puppies. A quick text fired back to Katt had another coming in response.

SMS from Katten: When you have time come stop by the inn

So it was off to the Inn she went, taking one of the cars rather than her motorcycle. A hastily scribbled note was left on the bedside table for her beloved.

Running to town
Be back soon

Whistling under her breath, she'd gone inside before being met, practically at the door by a redhead with a box of puppies. Once the woman was convinced that Claire wasn't the type to eat said puppies, Claire had taken one with her. A wiry haired little thing, pure white. After some time spent at the Inn, she returned home, said puppy in tow. Noct was already asleep by the time she got there, as was the puppy in her arms. So for the time being, she pulled over one of the various puppy pillows that were scattered around their house, snuggled the puppy up in it and went to bed herself.

It would be fun explaining the latest addition to the menagerie.

Claire Gallows

Date: 2013-09-10 01:57 EST
September 10th

She had forgotten what it was like to have a new puppy in the house. Forgoing work in favor of beginning the arduous task of potty training the pup, Claire was up at the crack of dawn with the whining little thing. Once she got a cup or six of coffee in her, she didn't mind though. And the rest of the morning and afternoon was spent frequenting the yard, venturing out in the more heavily wooded parts of the acreage outside of Rhy'Din. It was peaceful and serene and centering. Just what she needed. Less chaos, more peace.

Thankfully, Noct didn't mind too much that she had brought home a new addition to the household and rather than a reproachful scowl or something of the sort, she was met with an amused chuckle and a shake of his head. She was quite alright with that.

Hours were spent traversing the trails that cut their way over the property, meandering and weaving through the trees and the clearings, along the waterfront and the dock. The itty bitty puppy had insisted on running with Doom, despite the fact the seven month old Bernese Mountain Dog greatly outweighed the newborn scamp by a solid forty pounds or more. With her arms folded under her bust, she had trailed along the private beach, wandering through the surf as the minuscule waves--if they could even be called waves really--lapped at her toes. The water was calming. And today, she was at one with it or so she was determined to think.

The mindset paid off only hours later when she succeeded in her first successful bid for an elemental tower on the Twilight Isle. And though she had yet to take possession of the aforementioned tower, it was hers.

She and water as one.

Claire Gallows

Date: 2013-09-12 19:37 EST
September 12th

Claire's day off. It had been a hell of a week and the reprieve from work and being in the city was much needed. Lazing around the house for a good portion of the morning, the afternoon was spent on a run, followed by swimming. In the pool, though, not the lake. The lake was already starting to cool off as the days got chillier and shorter heading into autumn. It really was a lovely day. Though it would have been better had Noct been able to enjoy it with her. The man worked far too much.

He deserved a break. Or something nice. Or anything, really.

Still in her swimsuit, wet footprints carried her into the kitchen where she ran into the cook. Just the one she was looking for.

"Cordellia...can you teach me how to cook?" She asked the middle aged woman. The raven haired woman turned heavily lidded forest hues toward the dripping wet Claire and arched a thinly plucked brow.

"Lady Claire wishes to cook?" Came her heavily accented reply. Claire nodded, a hopeful grin splitting her lips as she rocked forward and back on dripping feet. Cordellia pursed her lips, considering the request before looking back to Claire and narrowing her eyes at her.

"We is still having protection magics on kitchen, yes?" Another question, one that made Claire wince a bit. The protective enchantments had been placed on the kitchen the last time Claire had attempted cooking solo and damn near burnt the place down. Again, Claire nodded at the portly but classically beautiful woman.

"I am supposing I can try to teach." Cordellia said finally, still eyeing Claire like she may very well set the place on fire for just considering cooking. "But first, you is needing to put clothes on."

Grinning, Claire almost gave Cordellia a very wet hug but decided not to push her luck and instead scampered off to go dry herself and put on something more suitable for cooking. Once that was accomplished, she returned to find Cordellia setting out ingredients in preparation for Claire's first proper foray into cooking in years.

A few hours later...


She would have everything (including dessert) done just in time to get herself dolled up, go down to the wine cellar to pick out a bottle, and get the food set out. Even going so far as to pick out a dress to wear, she hoped Noct would enjoy the impromptu dinner date.

Claire Gallows

Date: 2013-09-16 00:15 EST
September 15th

Once she had possession of the key to the Tower of Water, Claire took some time to get acquainted with the place. Despite the overall eeriness of Twilight Isle, she found the Tower to be rather calming. Set near the edge of the lagoon, right in the middle of the water, she found herself to be quite at home. She had taken some of her study materials up there, leaving them for the next lessons she had with Zack. Other than that, just a few amenities were taken with her, should she choose to stay there at any point in time. Fingertips running over the aquamarine stone set in the key of coral, she left the tower behind her and made her way back through the portal.

Later that evening, Claire and Noctis made their way into the Annex after handling some surprise work. Barefoot and without an overshirt thanks to said work, she figured a few duels and a lot of drinking was in order. What she got instead was a little drinking, a lot of heckling, and a broken nose. Oh, and another ruined shirt thanks to the sheet of blood that had poured down her face. With the metallic taste prevalent in her mouth, she was coaxed away from further dueling with the promise of cupcakes and new shoes. Well, and a realigned nose and some healing for the black eyes she had, but she didn't really count that as much fun.

Claire Gallows

Date: 2013-09-17 01:13 EST
September 16th

While perusing a list of names for the still nameless puppy, Claire decided the mail was probably worth taking a look at. Mixed in with various junk mail, credit card offers, and other meaningless crap, was a pretty parchment envelope. Pure white with flowing black script, she tilted her head as she admired it for a moment before promptly ripping into it. Within was a black and white invitation and she couldn't help but smile as she read it.

Brynn Hawthorne and Charles Blackstone, September 21st.

Chuckling a bit, she sits back in her seat, adjusting the ice pack on her knee. A wedding invitation. Other than the impromptu ceremony she had witnessed at Beltane, she couldn't remember the last time she had gone to a wedding. And though she wasn't particularly close with the groom, and had only met the bride in passing, they were a couple that really deserved their Happily Ever After with everything they had been through. Of course, she'd known they were getting married, after all, it was all Charles could talk about. Seeing his face light up as he talked about his fiancee was probably one of the sweeter things she had seen as of late. Hell, she'd already told him she'd be there. It would be nice to just see something...good.

Getting married counted as something good, right?

Claire Gallows

Date: 2013-09-21 03:29 EST
September 19th

"Cordy...if I opened a restaurant, would you come cook for me?" Claire asked, rather bemused at the thoughts going through her head. She was supposed to be paying attention to the so-called cooking lesson at hand but really it was turning into Cordellia rapidly preparing dinner while Claire sat at the kitchen island and daydreamed.

"You mean cooking in the city? When would I have the times to be doing that, Lady Light?" Cordellia gave Claire a rather dubious look, brows knitted together and lips pursed.

"Oh, I was just wishful thinking. It'd be nice to have a place in town where I could go eat whenever I want and have whatever I want." Claire mused, mostly for her own benefit rather than Cordellia's.

"Yes, you is needing to be eating more, I am thinking. Too skinny." Cordellia nodded, reaching over to pinch at Claire's arm for emphasis. Claire was not amused by that. Somewhere in the back of her mind, Odin chuckled heartily at the exchange and sometimes, just sometimes, she wished she had the mental equivalent of duct tape for him. Silence is golden but duct tape is silver and all of that.

"Yes, yes, you always tell me that. If you make me more cupcakes, I'm sure I'd eat them and put on weight and all of that." Claire grinned hopefully, though she knew it wouldn't work.

"No, no, no, my lady," Cordellia fervently shook her head as she objected, her words dripping heavily with the purring roll of Italy. "His Highness is saying you must not be eating cupcakes all the time. Here, dinner will be done soon, you eat that, yes?"

Claire giggled, far too amused. Waving the portly woman off, she went back to her plotting, slowly formulating how she would pitch the idea to Noct. Even if Cordellia wouldn't cook for her, she knew she could find someone. Now, it was only a matter of bringing the plan to fruition.

Noctis Caelum

Date: 2013-09-21 12:42 EST
September 19th

While Claire was trying to convince Cordellia on cooking in the restaurant that she was wanting in town near the inn. Noctis was upstairs in his office taking care of business as usual, as he was going through the reports so far on how each one was doing, as well as if any of them were suffering losses. Minus a few minor problems here and there, such as Claire offing one of the problems. Things were going just as planned.

Despite trips back to his homelands here and there when needed, things were finally going someone peacefully there as well. But for the here and now his focus was on what was going on in Rhy'Din, without a clue that his dear Claire was plotting on how to pitch the idea to him of letting her have that restaurant.

"Ignis. I need you to take a few of the guys and check things out in town for me. Just a routine check, then head back to Lucis and keep me informed of how things are going there." Pausing to listen to his friend.

"Sure thing, Noct. See if you can talk Claire into coming back with you. We'll plan a quiet evening for you two. You know to welcome her back and all." Ignis was grinning a bit on his end.

"I'll try, but right now she is a little worried on what could happen. Take care." That was one thing that Noct knew could get bad in a hurry. More so if they both went back and Claire got her hands on Stella. Everyone back home already knew that would be something that Noct would handle if it happened.

"Alright, Noct. You two take care, and tell Claire that the boys miss having her around." With that Ignis gathered some of the boys and headed off to do a sweep of the various businesses that Noct had a percentage of.

"Will do." Hanging up as he shook his head for a moment, as he started to shut down everything in his office. Knowing that dinner would be ready soon, before heading down first to find Claire. Guessing he would find her in the kitchen pestering Cordy as Claire called her, to make cupcakes. With the old portly cook fussing at her to eat something other than those snacks. It actually got a smile on his lips as he could picture that.

Claire Gallows

Date: 2013-09-25 14:25 EST
September 24th

Weddings made Claire moody. That's all there was to it. Claire had bawled like a baby when she watched Brian and Jenai tie the knot at Beltane, and though the tears didn't flow nearly as freely at Charles's wedding, she was thoroughly sniffly and quite pensive as the event drew to a close. The ride back home had been a quiet one, with quite a bit of staring out the window and making offhanded comments about the scenery.

The leaves were changing, fall was coming.

And rather than think about the silly wistful thoughts running through her head, she decided to throw herself into anything that would take her mind off of things. Dueling wasn't holding the same allure as it had before, something she attributed to burn out and a hellacious losing streak. So, a match here and there would suffice and the rest of her time was spent high up in her tower or working on her projects. Anything but think about what should have been.

Her primary project revolved around intensive involvement with getting her restaurant up and running. Though, with more and more ideas on the subject, it was quickly becoming more of a tavern that served food. And that was okay with her. Beer galore. A head chef had been hired and Garrett was absolutely phenomenal, taking advertising into his own hands and showing the initiative to get out and spread the word about the restaurant that would occupy a renovated building in the Market. The Sassy Owl Saloon. Don't ask about the name, nobody has a good explanation for it. It just sort of happened.

The secondary project involved the construction of a training center on their home's property. Granted with the space they had in their home, she could have easily renovated an area of the manor, but she found building it from the ground up would be more satisfying.

Busy, busy, busy. Go, go, go. Anything but think.

Claire Gallows

Date: 2013-09-28 19:43 EST
September 27th

A fairly productive night of dueling and conversation. While watching her mentor, Melanie, win an Opal, Claire became thoroughly immersed in conversation with Noctis and Shadow in regards to another new project. Somehow, some way, they were going to turn the Dragon's Gate Baronial Manor into an orphanage. With some finagling of schedules, she was was able to arrange two men from her primary contractor's team to go out and assess the manor.

Ludo and Macarius were scheduled to go to Dragon's Gate the next day at eleven in the morning. Measurements would be taken, photos would be gathered, and expectations would be recorded so Jericho and his men would know exactly what needed to be done.

Despite the minor tiff after Fight Night, Claire and Noct took a long walk and had an even longer talk that eventually brought them to Twilight Isle and to her tower in the middle of the lagoon.

Maybe it was stress. Maybe it was something else. She just hoped she wasn't taking on too much.

Serah Farron

Date: 2013-10-05 21:19 EST
September 2nd

The day after Sadie's birthday she had talked with Barrett and in the end they decided it was best to just be friends. It wasn't a decision that made her all that sad. After all he was a friend and that was what she didn't want to lose. Spending time together as friends didn't hurt anything. She supported his desire to work with a smile and encouraging words.

It was the same night that the Hunters who had been following Aaron found her and the torture began.

Claire Gallows

Date: 2013-10-05 21:43 EST
October 5th

"Today...just...ugh." Claire shook her head, wiping soot off on her pants. The dancing of the flames reflected in her eyes, she looked on with an obvious air of hatred. If she had to, she would burn it all down really. Typically this sort of thing never elicited much of a reaction from her, but this was personal. Rubbing at a smudge of black on her arm, she only succeeded in spreading it further and gave up with a sigh. A touch of smugness was evident in her expression, perhaps amused at the fact that the fire couldn't be put out. Tends to happen when there's no water available. A haphazard glance went toward her accomplice and she exhaled a steady breath. This...this was okay with her. And that may not have been a good thing.

But for now it would do.

She could only watch for so long from afar before deciding it was too much. Her mission was accomplished, those left behind were paying the price. And those who had fallen prior to her arrival? Had she been able to, she would have brought them back from the dead just for the satisfaction of killing them again and setting their corpses aflame. Since she was no necromancer, she had to settle for just the latter half of that vengeance. It wasn't enough. Nothing would be enough when it came to this. The heat of the flames couldn't compare to the scorching heat of her stare but eventually she turned away and disappeared into the night.

Claire Gallows

Date: 2013-10-09 22:34 EST
October 9th

She stood there. Just staring. Staring long and hard at the dueling cork board. Claire knew her grace period was running up for her title. It had to be soon, right? And sure enough there was a challenge tacked to the board. It shouldn't have surprised her, really. That is, until she looked at it more closely.

"You're ****ing kidding me."

An incredulous snort sounded and she turned on her heel in disbelief. Muttering all sorts of curses and obscenities, she would have quite easily made a sailor blush with the things that spilled forth. For now, she would just pretend it wasn't there. Maybe go stare at a calendar for awhile and come back to see if it had been validated or not. When she returned, it was still sitting there. No other notes with it or anything. Just her mentee's challenge, staring her in the face. Not just her mentee--after all he said it's nothing against her as a mentor--but also her friend. Her best friend.

"What a douche canoe."

She muttered and shook her head, lazily scrawling her own note back. Eff it, she didn't want to deal with it. She also didn't feel like dealing with the inevitable teasing about her teaching abilities so she waived the last of her grace...all twelvish hours of it, and accepted the stupid challenge. A fired off text arranged the details and with a smack of her hand to the board it was posted.

She would deal with Zack later.

Serah Farron

Date: 2013-10-11 16:01 EST
October 11th

Stirring in unfamiliar sheets she woke with a very dim realization that where she was did not seem familiar. Little pieces of the night before began to fill in the blank areas that was clouded with sleep and sheer exhaustion.

Her talk with Diritas and the man who seemed to mouth off to get a rise out of people. She didn't know what to think of Diritas. She had thought he really had changed and that he was really trying but everything was against him. Right down to his own words and things she had been hearing about him from other people including her sister.

He was like Snow and she felt used once again. No he wasn't like Snow. He was worse. Snow never stole peoples souls and sent them off as assassins to kill off people. At least it didn't go as far as it did with Snow but the damage was felt to her core.

Rolling over in the most comfortable bed ever she looked to find a note on the table at the bedside. Reaching out she carefully plucked the note from its place.

Errand. Now she had remembered! The man had appeared right behind her and then things got dark. Not knowing the extent of what had happened she allowed the letter to slip past her fingers and she weakly drew her phone out. There was barely any battery left but without paying extreme attention she managed to find her sister's number.


"Lightning..." her voice was barely above a whisper to the phone.


The phone beeped as a last sign of life.

"Serah? Serah ans--"

It had cut off Claire's words as the battery gave and the phone shut itself off. She stared at the blank screen and while there was a phone in the room she was too tired to even get up. What efforts had been made to get the phone out of her pocket had drained what energy she had and her eyes were already closing. She could rest for a little while and call her sister once she was in the right frame of mind to do so.

Claire Gallows

Date: 2013-10-13 03:26 EST
October 12th

It had been a tumultuous couple of days. The clash at the docks, the panic of knowing her sister had disappeared again, finding out the truth behind said was all a bit much for her to take, really. Once she was sure that Serah was okay, well, okay wasn't the right word really. Once she was sure that Serah was safe and resting, she proceeded with her business as usual. Or at least the best that she could. For some reason or another, she was incredibly on edge and it took everything she had not to lash out at the first person to cross her.

Odin did his best to calm her but there was only so much her lighthouse in a hurricane could do. There was this build up of energy...and it was boiling in her veins. Work couldn't take her mind off of it. Dueling couldn't take her mind off of it, even if the efforts proved to be beneficial when she managed to win the Arch Mage Tournament. The saloon and her work with the Dragon's Gate baronial orphanage, while fulfilling, couldn't seem to keep her afloat either. Her efforts to keep herself centered and steady didn't seem to be working. But she couldn't give up that easily. She had people counting on her, after all. Noctis needed her. Her relationship with Serah was finally to the point that she didn't think she was walking on eggshells anymore. Zack and Raven were talking about making her a godmother to their baby when it was born in February. It was no time for quitting.

This was pivotal. Could she withstand the pressure without cracking?

Claire Gallows

Date: 2013-10-18 01:48 EST
October 17th

As if her days couldn't get any worse. Between assisting in the demise of certain unsavory pirates--or murdering, that was up for debate really--, she found herself subject to scrutiny no matter where she went it seemed. The one exception seemed to be the dueling rings and as her defense of the Tower of Water neared, she found herself more and more apprehensive about it. It had been a long week. had been a long month thus far. October was shaping up to be one of her worse months in her time here, and as she looked out across the Isle from the tower in the lagoon, she sighed softly.

"Perhaps I should just stay up here." She mused to herself softly, her voice managing to echo around the circular room. Her voice sounded strange, disjointed and lilting by the time the sounds made it back to her ears. Her gaze went further upwards, away from the rings and up toward the Celestial Tower, aquamarines lingering on the inaccessible home of the Arch Mage. She had a shot at that. Tomorrow even. Maybe it would make an ideal place to lock herself away and not come out until she had to. Her fingers ran over the key to the water tower, the pad of her thumb passing over the aquamarine inset in the coral.

First though, she had to push the thoughts of devastated sisters, dead pirates and their devastated daughters from her mind long enough to face her own student in the rings in hopes of keeping the water tower for her own. Granted, there was a small likelihood that she would turn around tomorrow and just trade it for Xanth's, but she felt that was a slim chance and the thoughts of having no tower at all to retreat to...that was a thought she couldn't entertain right now. For now, she would put a little mental glue on the cracks and hope it held for the time being.

Claire Gallows

Date: 2013-10-29 00:34 EST
October 24th

It got so cold here. The late fall chill reminded her of Lucis. The Lucis she had left behind what felt like so long ago. Really, though, it had practically been a lifetime ago. The better part of a year had been spent in Rhy'Din now, and Claire felt further and further from anything resembling home. At least in the form of Bodhum or Lucis. Gone were the days of Bodhum's relaxed summers spent on the beach, lazy days surfing, laid back patrols that she had taken far too seriously. Gone was the incessant fight of Lucis's war with its neighboring countries, high stakes tension that seemed utterly unyielding in its ferocity and ability to wear one down. Granted, it was a fight Noct carried with him each and every day, the frequent trips back and forth between Rhy'Din and Lucis clearly wearing on him physically, mentally, and emotionally. And when this happened, he shut himself away.

And Claire was as alone as she ever had been. And finally...she snapped. How would this ever work between them if he never talked to her. If the only time they spent together was spent with him emotionally unavailable and completely oblivious to the fact that she, too, happened to be a human being that needed love. She hated hated hated playing the needy girlfriend card. Absolutely utterly despised it. But as the tears brimmed, barely restrained by her lashes, she couldn't help but spill it to him. That she needed...more than this. She dared to look away from him for just a moment, all she needed was a moment to try to compose herself.

When she looked back. There he was...but down on one knee. In his outstretched hand was a black velvet lined box that he had evidently been carrying around with him for some time. Biding his time, simply waiting.

"Marry me?"

She had kept her eyes away from his for a long moment, fearing that if she met his gaze that she might break and cry. Slowly shifting to look at him once more, she blinked to see him...not where he had been but instead down on one knee. Her eyes widened with shock, her mouth hanging ajar as she stared at him like he was insane. "M-marry..." She murmured, just as her eyes slipped out of focus and she felt the world start to tip sideways. Or that might have been her doing the tipping as she fainted, her crumpling form sent for a crash course with the ground.

Claire Gallows

Date: 2013-11-04 02:48 EST
November 4th

The Arch Mage. The Baroness. The Fiancee. The Captain. The Future Queen. The Sister. The Guardian. The Philanthropist. The Champion. The Enforcer. The Banisher of Darkness. The Bringer of Light. The Redeemer of Souls. The Savior.

The masks Claire wore, the never ending shuffle of faces put on for those around her. It was an incessant juggling act, seeing how much she could take on. How thinly she could spread herself. It was a little bit like Jenga...pulling blocks from precarious positions to balance them atop and hope it didn't topple. It was a violent internal struggle, constantly at war with herself and her inability to reconcile all that was going on. It simply seemed like for every outward thing that went right, there were two that went wrong inwardly.

"Can I ever make things right?" She murmured to herself, taped fists pummeling the heavy bag over and over. She had spent hours working the various bags that had been conjured and hung in the Celestial Tower. Who would have thought the magical retreat would prove to be such a useful training facility as well? Her current focus though, seemed to be taking the brunt of her frustration, powerful punches sending the bag swinging. Far too much had filled her mind so it was a matter of draining her body until she couldn't think. The voice within her mind proved too distracting from her assault on the punching bag and her left fist came against the leather at an odd angle, the snap and shooting pain through her knuckle a sharp reminder of why she needed to pay attention. Wincing and yanking her hand back, she forgot about the swing of the bag and when it came back around, it clipped her shoulder and sent her reeling.

She will melt into darkness. As we all will. Yes, you will share her fate.

The words echoed around her, swirling through her mind as she felt a hot trickle down her cheek. Was it the pain of the fracture in the fourth metacarpal? Or was it the unnerving reverberation of the words heard yet unspoken? She brushed away the tear hastily, not noticing the faint glow and light blue outline of the rune within. Just as quickly as the tear was shed, the echoes faded and it was as if nothing had happened save for the dull throbbing in her knuckle.

"When an unstoppable force meets an immovable of them has to crack eventually..."

Claire Gallows

Date: 2013-11-05 15:36 EST
November 5th

I'm little, but I'm coming for the crown
I'm little, but I?m coming for you

"Keep your right up and the left down." Ezio's chiding met Claire's ears just as his fist met her jaw. She stumbled back a few steps, the headphone that wasn't in her ear dangling and swinging side to side against her chest, steadily piping out the melodic tune. Shaking off the blow, she straightened herself out, rolling her shoulders and doing as the Uratha requested of her. Her left hand, wrapped and padded, dropped low, the right brought up in front of her face.

I'm little but I?m coming for the title
Held by everyone who?s up

"If you're going to make it through Friday, you need to up the strength in your right to compensate for the non-use of the left..." He swung another at her face, this time missing as she dropped a shoulder back and dipped away. She retaliated with quick right jab for his mouth, his head snapping back as his teeth rattled mid-sentence. Rocking his head forward again, he gave her a grin, his normally pristine white teeth tinted red with blood. He nodded his approval to her punch and just like that had her legs swept out from underneath her. Her breath left her lungs with a harsh whoosh and she winced, blinking up to see him standing over top of her.

All work and no play
Never made me lose it
All business all day
Keeps me up a level
All work and no play
Keeps me on the new shit, yeah

"Good'n champ but ya forgot to block low. You're having to compensate, none of this runnin' seventy-five percent business, ya hear me?" Ezio offered her a hand and pulled her to her feet. A brawny hand clapped her on the shoulder, dusting her off so to speak. Claire did the rest of the dusting and gave her trainer a light nod of understanding. The fingers on her left hand straightened then curled repeatedly, stretching them fully then retracting them to the safety of her brace.

All work and no play
Let me count the bruises
All business all day
Keeps me up a level
All work and no play
Lonely on the new shit, yeah, yeah

"I know you're fast, but ya can't rely solely on speed. You're outweighed and out-experienced in this one, two strikes 'gainst ya right there. You will not, let me repeat; You. Will. Not. Let a silly injury hold you back. I've seen ya fight through worse, this is nothin' yeah?" His hand still on her shoulder, he leveled his gaze down at her, a steady and calm grey-gold tint to his irises. Slowly she nodded, allowing herself to believe him. He was right, wasn't he? He nodded in return and released his hold on her. A ninety-five pound weight difference between herself and her big deal. A former belt holder for the Iron Fists big deal. A boxer's fracture in her predominant punching hand...she could handle it, of course she could. Of course he was right.

And if he wasn't? Well...back to training then.

Lorde-Still Sane ]]

Claire Gallows

Date: 2013-11-14 18:52 EST
November 11th

"Again." li Fonti growled at Claire, pushing her into another six drill interval. Every muscle in her legs shook as she grabbed for the jump rope again, clutching it tightly and setting it in motion. She had spent three days moping over her loss against the Champions of Mythos Powerhouse Kelten Tarkenstone and now it was time to suck it up and stop being a baby. Skip, skip, skip, criss, cross, skip, double swing, single, criss-cross. Ding!

"Did you carbo-load like I told you to?" He walked circles around her as she twisted her torso, fifteen pound medicine ball in hand. Bending her knees just slightly, she watched him circle her, giving him a faint nod to his question. The Ding! went off again and she dropped the ball, taking the full thirty second break this time around. Fatigue worked through her frame but she continued to push forward.

"Yes, whole grain pasta...more than I thought it possible to eat. And been snacking on greens all day." She muttered to him, now circling him. With each step taken, she pulled her knees up higher and higher. Halfway through the drill, she switched directions, moving backwards instead. Ding!

"Good, good. And the cardio? You're getting that in after this, yes?" He watched her intently, critiquing her form here and there, reaching out to adjust her posture. She switched to jump squats, and oh those burned. Ezio bent over, judging her jump height and shaking his head. "Higher, Farron, you're making it nine inches vertical at most. Get higher or you're gonna get yourself knocked the fuck out."

"Nobody's knocking me the fuck in, out, here, there, or anywhere." She huffed at him. The next Ding! got her to switch once more. Leaving the hellish jump-squats behind and dropping to the ground, mini-pushups being her next target. She didn't look up at Ezio, her hard gaze trained firmly on the floor. Claire felt him nudge her elbow in closer to her body and she gritted her teeth, tightly pulling both of her elbows in for good measure. The two minutes went quickly and the Ding! had her hopping back up to her feet.

"We'll see, Farron, we'll see. I'll be watchin', don't you worry." He chuckled at her as she popped back up to her feet, clapping her on the shoulder to signal the end of another training session. She tutted her tongue against her teeth and afforded him a faint nod. Outside of the training room, she quite liked Ezio li Fonti, but within these walls, he sure could be a bastard. Checking the time, she huffed and bid him farewell before taking her leave. Snagging her warmup gear, she figured she may as well go watch the fights at the Outback before heading down to the Iron Fists Garden to fight Vinny.

It had worked out...just like she thought. Avoiding punches and throwing her own. Destroying defenses and dropping back when she needed to. She allowed him two points, taking a kick to the backside that wasn't particularly pleasant and trading blows in the final round. All in all? It surprised the hell out of her. Maybe it was the confidence boost she needed. Maybe.

Claire Gallows

Date: 2013-11-16 17:15 EST
November 16th

The crunch and crack of Mav's shoulders as they dislocated from the sockets was oddly pleasing to Claire. Listening to them twist unnaturally until they couldn't take it, her grip only releasing when she got the howl of pain to issue from his lips. It was perfectly justified in her mind and she was at peace with her actions. What she hadn't expected was for Kuori, a member of the local Watch, to come along and witness the spectacle. Claire had almost made it back inside when the goliathess called out to her.

"Claire!" It rang in Claire's ears, causing her to pause, hand on the door. Releasing a sigh, it had escalated quickly from there, up to and including the arresting and citation of Claire for the so called assault. Objects abounded from seemingly everyone except Claire. She was at peace. So whatever. The trip to Watch station, a station she knew rather well in fact, was simple enough. Processed, booked, and put into a holding cell, at first it looked as though she may spend the night there. That would have sucked.

Sitting on the bench with her elbows on her knees, she curved her back and sighed, staring down at her feet. Simply biding her time, she had already made the necessary phone calls and Waterman was doing what he could to speed up the paperwork process. Bail would be pushed through, the proper people would be paid and before long she would be free. All without an ounce of remorse. Funny thing, the justice system.

Claire Gallows

Date: 2013-11-25 14:17 EST
November 25th

Another week down. Another sweep. Another crushingly demoralizing loss. Being nice was getting her nowhere. Being sweet and encouraging and understanding produced no results. Come Monday morning, all of that was going to change. Claire's knuckles were taped tightly, the after effects of her assault upon hapless lockers at the Iron Fists Garden the night prior. It wasn't just Khoom's lost that set her off, it was the entire week. Team Dirty had won a total of three matches in four weeks. In her mind, they didn't even deserve the win they had pulled off against Top Flight. So now? Now it was time for everyone to get serious. Nothing like waiting to get serious about things until the season was half over, but whatever.

Before the sun rose, Claire was up and pacing the training center. Li Fonti trailed behind her, watching her cautiously. That was saying something when the Uratha she trained with was afraid to go near her. Each of her steps held a military precision and crispness that echoed through the emptiness of pre-dawn.

"You goin' all medieval on 'em?" Ezio asked quietly, the low rumbled baritone making its way to her ears. She squared the seven sets of boxing gloves, her hands resting atop the last pair, fingertips drumming gently. There was a quiet calm about her and perhaps that is what scared the hell out of li Fonti. Who knew really. The two-a-days were about to begin, four hours in the morning, four hours in the evening. Was eight hours of practice a day excessive? Maybe. Was it worth it? It better be.

"You bet your ass, I am."

Claire Gallows

Date: 2013-11-27 22:42 EST
November 26th

Immediately following Claire's loss to Koyliak VanDuran-Simon in IFL

The curtain of the interview booth rustles a few times. A hand shoots through the material and grasps at air before being promptly yanked back.

?Damnit, Zack! I wanna go into the booth and the know. I swear I'll beat you with that lady's clipboard.? A woman's voice can be heard just before an indignant huff and the yanking of the curtain open once more. Wobbling her way in, Claire Farron drops onto the bench and stares at the camera, squinting as she works on focusing her eyes. Her cheeks puff up before she exhales, making her bubblegum pink bangs flutter in front of her face.

?Name, Team Affiliation, and week?? A voice sounds from somewhere behind the camera. Claire's squinting intensifies but ever so slowly she answers.

?Claire, um Farron. And I'm Team Dirty. Captain and shit. And I don't know what day it is let alone what fucking week it is.? She manages finally, ever so slightly tilting to one side. A man's hand appears from the break in the curtain, pressing against her arm to keep her upright. She reaches up and pats at the hand gently, a fond smile crossing her expression before she quickly forgot what she was smiling about.

?So, Claire, how'd this week go? For you and for your team?? The voice asked. Though they had spoken once before, it still made her jump and she blinked a few times before leaning forward much to the chagrin of the hand holding her up at the moment. With a hard tug, she was sitting upright again and she huffed at whoever it was outside of the booth, glaring daggers at the curtain.

?Not so hot. Another sweep and um, I fought Koy. She sort of knocked me the fuck out. They say I'm concussed. I think I have brain damage now.? Despite this, she grinned ear to ear, an almost crazed smile as she tossed up a shaking hand to thumbs up the camera. As she dropped her hand, she blanked out, staring at the camera and huffing out a breath. Grumbling incoherently under her breath, she rubbed at her temple, blinked a few times and grinned once again.

?That's the third sweep of Team Dirty in five weeks, how do you feel about it and what is the team doing to try and keep in the running for playoffs?? That question had her scowling and she turned a rather sullen look right into the camera lens, managing to even focus long enough to huff at it and lean back. Setting her head back against the wall of the booth with a dull thud, she shrugged.

?I've got them doing two-a-days, working hard, and trying to turn it around, you know? Getting swept sucks, but sucking sucks more, so we just have to make a stronger showing in the last two weeks and hopefully knock the shit out of the Rock Hards and Mercenarii.? Another shrug, her eyes closing for a moment or two. The hand from outside of the curtain gave her a light nudge and she sat bolt upright, blinking a few times.

?Huh what? I'm good...I swear. Bite my ass, Zack.? She grumbled just loud enough to be heard. Outside of the curtain, a voice could be heard, male sounding but his words were unable to be distinguished by the booth's microphone. She snorted in a rather unladylike fashion and shook her head, jerking her thumb toward the curtain. ?I swear, he's going to be the first one I go after tomorrow.?

?Who was that?? She was asked, prompting a wrinkling of her nose and a look of disdain at the curtain, then at the camera, then at the curtain again.

?Zack Alcar. Best friend, teammate, general pain in the ass. But he means well.? Again her eyes began closing as she leaned in the booth, her words trailing off into quiet. When the sound of her voice died down, she was given another nudge, this time toppling to the side. Her limbs flailed every which way, her hands randomly smacking against the control panel on the side of the booth as she caught herself.

?What the fucking fuck?!? She looked bewildered as the lighting in the booth changed and the background behind her lit up with the Team Dirty logo. Seeing that reflected in the glass panel, she perked up immediately and grinned.

?Holy shit! Hey look! I'm pretty now!? She declared brightly, beaming from ear to ear just in time for the hand from outside of the booth to give the sleeve of her sweatshirt a light tug and a few indistinguishable words. Her smile faltered and her shoulders dropped before she eyed the camera again.

?I guess I gotta go. Doctor's orders say I have to get to eating cupcakes and petting my dog and resting while watching Dueling Wives.? She said sadly, though the prospect of cupcakes was rather enticing. Fluttering a wave to the camera, she grins and blows a kiss.

?Any last words?? The interviewer asked as Claire moved to slide out of the booth.

?YES! TEAM DIRTY FOR FuCKING LIFE!? She threw up a bunch of random hand signals just in time to get pulled from the booth by her rather exasperated companion.


Claire Gallows

Date: 2013-12-11 12:36 EST
December 10th

What was the point of doing something if you could send a substitute in your place? That was Claire's line of thought as she shut herself in the Celestial Tower, using the holographic version of herself to conduct her business. Watching from the peace and quiet of the ArchMage's stronghold, she kept close tabs on her not-self self, watching as she went through the motions of day to day life. She had perfected the image so that it was nearly impossible to tell that it wasn't her. Unless of course someone tried to touch her. She could maintain the guise and manage field manipulation to the point that she could appear to hold smaller objects, but at the end of the day if someone put their hand through her, she was sure that would give it away.

So she maintained her distance in all aspects. Sure, she could conduct training sessions for the team, a crucial building block if they were going to be successful this week. She could show up where she was needed, provided that she needn't do anything too physical. Hell, she didn't even have to show when the Magi from Lucis came to place the stronger wards on the Orphanage. Nevermind the rather dirty look she received from the elder. She was sure he could tell it wasn't really her. Whatever, she didn't care.

Of course she would need to actually come out for her teammates fights as well as her own. Not that she wanted to. Not that she even cared anymore at this point. She just wanted all of the IFL business done and over with. Playoffs were something she found herself not wanting to deal with anymore. It was good she had an assistant captain, because there was a strong possibility that he would need to take the reigns with this.

The ArchMage Tournament was coming up as well. Perhaps once that was done, she could expedite the inevitable challenge from the victor, defend her tower and hide away in it until the next tournament. She would be just fine with that. She would be safer that way. Everyone would be safer that way, right?

Claire Gallows

Date: 2013-12-27 17:10 EST
December 27th

No tower to retreat to. No sanctum. No solace. No stars. Instead, she had busied herself with Christmas and all of the celebrations associated with it. Heck, she had even paid tribute to Boxing Day even though she still didn't understand what it was. But at the end of all of it, she still felt incredibly lost and alone. Already working on packing up the Christmas decorations, she sighed softly as she carefully wound strings of lights into neat circles, completely unaware that they would more than likely find a way to become a tangled mess again before next year's Yule.

" you miss Lucis?" Claire's eyes stayed on her hands, slowly raveling the cord into a tight circle. Taking particular care to gently handle the bulbs, knowing some of the older strands were rather finicky.

"Oh sometimes, yes. Do you miss Lucis, Lady Light?" Cordellia was carefully puzzling together ornaments into a plastic tote, each one finding a spot to rest for the year to come. Would they be in Rhy'Din for another year and another Christmas? Who knew, it wasn't something Claire could force herself to think about at the moment.

"Sometimes...yeah. Yeah, I guess so. Do you ever feel like when you're too far from home that you're going to lose yourself?" Claire asked quietly, her voice carrying only enough to be heard by the woman at her side. Cordy paused for a moment, silently regarding the lady of the house while she thought over her answer. The pink haired woman fidgeted with the plug of the neatly coiled cable, feeling the dark gaze upon her.

"Where would I be losing myself? I am right here and I will stay where I am until I don't. But I won't be being lost, I'll be being where I intend." Cordy said with a smile and a shrug, turning away to continue her packing of delicate ornaments, including the new one they received this year commemorating their first proper Christmas. Claire paused in her winding and simply stared at Cordellia, her mouth hanging slightly ajar.


Claire Gallows

Date: 2014-01-03 16:12 EST
January 3rd

"'I got the opportunity to speak with dueling heart-throb, Claire Farron, who was less talkative than I'd hoped.'" Giovanni Diamante read from the article, a well groomed brow inching up his forehead as he shifted his gaze toward Claire. "You deferred all comments to Khoom?"

Claire nodded, wrinkling her nose. Dueling hearth-throb. That was a horrid title in her mind. Slouching over the conference table, she mashed her cheek against her open palm, elbow firmly planted against the hardwood table. Gio, the head of public relations for Caelum Enterprises, looked her over and sighed heavily. Judging by the look on his face, that evidently wasn't the correct answer.

"It does not speak well to your leadership abilities to avoid the press." He chided her. Claire watched him from heavily lidded eyes, the bags left behind by sleeplessness prominent under aquamarines that had dulled to a cloudy blue. His words seemed to go in one ear, bounced around her empty skull for a few seconds, then filtered out the opposite ear without sinking in.

"After the last interview, do you think it's a good idea for me to be talking to anyone?" Claire huffed, her tone dripping with irritation. Sitting upright in the cushy office chair, she immediately slumped backwards, her knees bouncing anxiously. Gio paused on that, considering her question as he looked the young woman over. She had potential, really, to be a media darling. A dueling sweetheart of sorts. But it would take work. She had a very Katniss Everdeen feel to her as of late. The people in Lucis had loved it but Giovanni wasn't as sure about Rhy'Din. Rough around the edges was common enough that polish was something truly missing.

"Let's work on that. If you would like to have Caelum Enterprises' backing for Team Dirty, we need you presentable. A face for the masses. Do you see what I'm saying?" He leaned across the table, a thin hand seeking to lift her chin and make her look at him properly. Dulled aquas met endless pools of copper, pulling her in like the snake, Kaa, in the Jungle Book. Giovanni's lips curled into a smile, almost shark-like and completely unnatural yet utterly entrancing. Her own lips curved as well, mimicking his smile and with a slight nudge of his fingertips against her chin, she sat upright, straightening her posture.

"I guess..." She muttered, still not fully convinced but feeling as though she had no choice but to acquiesce to Gio's request. Giovanni released his hold on her chin and sat back in his chair, pleased with himself as she rose and left the conference room. He certainly had his work cut out for him, but he was bound and determined to mold Team Dirty's rough and tumble captain into the media sweetheart he'd always wanted.

Jade Rose

Date: 2014-02-09 15:04 EST
February Ninth

"A date? Like a date date?" Lila asked, the cheshire grin growing on her lips as she looked upon her pseudo-sister. Jade huffed softly and gave a minuscule nod, crimson rising in the crests of her alabaster cheeks.

"Yeah but um, I like told him that it was just a friend thing though. Because he just got out of a relationship..." Jade began before being promptly interrupted by Lila, waving her hands about as she interjected.

"The best way to get over someone is to get under someone else!!" This prompted quite the laughter from Lila and Elle who was sprawled out on the bed nearby, laying on her stomach as her thumbs worked over the video game controller. Jade stared, aghast at the pair, red from ear to ear as she tried to stammer past that uncouth comment.

"There won't be any getting under anyone or anything!" Jade squeaked out, the alarm evident in her voice. Elle paused the game and rolled onto her side, propping her head up with her hand. Once her giggles subsided, she gave Jade an earnest smile and a nod.

"It's alright, we're just teasing." Elle said softly, reassuring Jade gently.

"I wasn't." Lila interjected again, grinning deviously. Elle shot her a look and glanced back to Jade. Sitting up, she clambered off of the bed and crossed the slight distance between the Inn room's bed and the modest sitting area where Lila was measuring Jade.

"I promise, we were just teasing. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with going as friends. Boys are pretty dumb anyways, they don't seem to get the concept of rebounds and moving on from one to another. Just take your time with it, nothing wrong with that." The oldest of the trio tried her best to be a positive influence, overriding the youngest's inappropriate comments.

"I've been asked out on a date before. I mean...I went out for coffee with Kraven that one time but I don't think that was a date or anything. And Max is super nice...I dunno. I don't know what I'm doing." Jade murmured, dropping her gaze to the floor. Lila quickly caught that and pressed a few fingers under Jade's chin to lift it.

"Ah, chin up, shoulders back. Just a few more things and I think I may have the perfect thing for you." Lila assured her, noting things in her mind before stepping away from Jade to go rummage through her backpack. Jade's cheeks puffed up with air and she slowly blew it out before setting about chewing her bottom lip.

"Deep breath, Jadey. It'll be fine. Who knows, maybe it'll be fun!" Elle pointed out.

"Or terribly awkward." Lila chimed in ever so helpfully.

"It'll be fine." Elle reiterated with a huffed scowl at the violet haired lass.

"Yeah...fine..." Jade whispered, apprehensive as ever.

Noctis Caelum

Date: 2014-02-15 17:38 EST
February 11th

Making his way to Caelum Manor as this was something that Zack was dreading, as the guards opened the gates to let him pull up the driveway to the massive manor. Parking the bike, before turning it off with a nod to the two guards posted at the doors. Waiting till he walked up the steps to them. "Zack Alcar. Noctis is expecting me." Getting the two guards to look at the other, then back to the man before them. Taking note of his rather bandaged up arms, before opening the doors and motioning him inside.

Offering another light nod to the pair, before stepping inside as they shut the doors behind him. Taking a moment to let out a breath of air, before moving towards where he guessed Noctis would be at. His office. Slowly making his way through the manor, and up the steps and down the hall. With him coming to a stop just outside the door, then knocked. "Noctis. It's Zack." Waiting for a reply before he would open the door and head inside.

Noctis had been waiting ever since he got a phone call from Zack earlier in the morning, that he would be coming over. With information as well as needed to talk about something, which he said couldn't be said over the phone. Looking up from the computer at the knock and the voice. "Come in." Now watching as the door opened, and Zack stepped into the office, with him instantly taking note of the battered look of the man before him.

"You are dismissed." Noct glanced to one of the men inside for a moment, whom merely nodded and left. Shutting the door, with Noct motioning for Zack to sit down. Waiting for him to do so with a rather hard stare at the man. Somewhere deep inside, something told him that he wasn't going to like this one bit. Judging from the rather regretful look on Zack's features, but he would listen as he knew that Claire trusted him.

Once inside the office, with a glance to the guard that left before taking the offer to sit down. As he had tried to keep his features in a more serious look, but knew that Noctis wouldn't be so easily fooled. As he tried to gather his thoughts on just what to say, before sighing softly. "I'm sorry. I know I made you the promise that I would keep her safe, as well as make sure she would come home." Starting off there, as he glanced to the male across the desk from him."And I failed."

Noctis narrowed his eyes on those words, with a growl coming from him. With him moving to his feet as his hands smacked the table rather hard, nearly cracking it in the process. "What the hell do you mean that you failed!?" The words a mixed of being hissed and growled out. "You swore to me that she would make it back safely! What the hell happened!?" For the moment he stayed across the table from Zack. Giving him a chance to explain himself.

Zack narrowed his eyes for a moment, as he moved to his own feet, matching that hard glare in return. With his own hands pressed against the desk. "Calm the hell down for a moment." Growled at the man, before leaning back to cross his arms. "We were just starting to head back when it happened." Looking off to the side for a moment. "We were drained and tired, and before I knew it. As well as before I could even think to react. Claire disappeared." Looking back to Noct again. "There was nothing that no one could have done." Rather sharply.

Noct continued that glare, and barely kept himself from moving around that desk to slug Zack as hard as he could. Yet the raw tone of truth from Zack caused him to stop, and just stare at the man across from him. Causing him to lose all that anger that had been there previously, and slowly sank back into his chair. "How did it happen?" His tone softer as he felt like he had been punched in the gut, with his eyes showing the fear of this happening all over again.

Zack sighed softly again. "It was chaotic. At the moment I don't know who is responsible for her disappearing. The only one that comes to mind is." Just a look shared between the two men. "If that is the case? I won't rest till we find her and she is back home safely. I know how much she means to you, Noctis." Zack tone softer for a moment. "We need to gather information first."

Following Zack's comments. There was a long moment of silence between the two men, before Noctis nodded lightly. "I will try Serah and see if she knows anything. I'll let you know if I find anything out, and ask that you do the same." Another long pause as Zack nodded in agreement on that. "Depending on what she says? I might get in touch with you to act." Now doing his best to hide that it felt like he had once again, lost part of himself.

Zack nodded lightly. "Alright. Let me know what she says." Watching the man as he wished there was something more he could have done, as well as more that he could do right now. "Will do." Pausing as he turned to head off. "Don't beat yourself up over this. We'll get her back. Even if we have to rip this town apart. You take care of yourself, Noct. Would hate to have to explain to Claire that I had to smack you around." Wave over the shoulder as he moved to head out then home.

Noctis smirked just faintly. "Go home and tell Raven that we wish you two the best of luck with the kid when she is born." Watching the male for a moment. "I'll be fine, just worry about the person that took Claire." Leaning back in his chair once Zack exited the room, before closing his eyes for a moment. "Whoever took her better pray that she returns to me soon, or there will be hell to pay." Muttered to himself as he picked his phone up. With a text fired off to Serah to see what she knew or possibly knew. It would be a day later when he heard something back.

Lila Kathryn

Date: 2014-02-17 17:28 EST

Just how had Lila ended up at Arcanum Academy? Call it a hunch. Call it boredom. Call it sheer dumb luck. But she found herself standing in front of the Arcanum Guild Job Board, perusing the ads posted. Scuffed up Chuck Taylors carried her upstairs to the second floor, where she found even more postings.

"S-Class, huh?" She murmured to herself, head tilting to one side as she looked each one over. Hazels widened at the reward for some of them and it got her thinking. Her cheeks puffed up and she blew out a held breath along with a low whistle as a few price points in particular caught her eye. One hundred thousand crowns? No...that required a team. Sure she probably could have assembled a few of the Caelum men in order to accomplish it but the bigger the group, the more the pot was split up. Not to mention the 15% fee the Academy took. Her gaze came to stop and she settled her hands on her hips.

Angela Stillwater, Heiress to Stillwater Brewery, reported missing. City Watch found scorch marks in her bedroom and a ring of salt around her bed. 10,000 crowns

"Huh. How hard can that one be?" She asked herself, rummaging for a notebook from her backpack, copying down details before hurrying off to the Guild Master to see about a starting point. Lila could certainly use the money. And maybe the challenge as well.

Giovanni Diamante

Date: 2014-02-26 18:38 EST
February 26th

Giovanni sighed heavily as he read over the copies of the cork board postings.

"Arrogant. Immature. Aspersive. Delusional. Slanderous. Do you realize the things they're writing you off as?" He asked the pink haired baron sitting across the board room table, his copper gaze boring into her as he awaited something, anything that could explain her behavior. Gio watched the tension ripple along her jaw line and the cambion arched a brow at her silence. Finally, she broke it.

"They're fucking him over, Gio. What did you expect me to do?" Claire asked with some amount of carefully crafted indifference. She still held the quiet tension of a tightened spring, ready to release the pent up energy at a moment's notice. Giovanni sat back in the cushy chair, elbows on its arms and fingers steepled in front of his chest. Again, he sighed. What more could he do, really.

"Why do you care about Vincent Smith? You cared not when you took his tower, you cared not when you implied he was in leagues with that strange little Arch Mage. Why start caring now? I don't understand it, please enlighten me." Once more he asked, copper hues pinned heavily upon the young woman, causing her to shift uncomfortably in her chair under the weight of his stare.

"I don' Vincent. I just...I refuse to let Vanion's choices fuck one more person over." She said through her teeth. Giovanni's brow rose further and he pressed his elbows to the table as he leaned toward her, an assessing look running over her features.

"So this isn't about the council, it's about Vanion?" He asked slowly.

"...No." Came the quiet word from her lips, her shoulders deflating some.

"It is. You *do* realize that you can't take your frustrations at Vanion out on the others, right?" Again he posed the question, keeping his eyes locked on her face.

"I'm...I'm not." She protested, prompting a sigh from Giovanni.

"Yes, yes you are. Deny all you wish but you can't transfer that emotion into your public responses to matters. You are not only representing yourself but Seaside, Team Dirty, and by proxy of your sponsorship, Caelum Enterprises." The implied threat was there, he was certain she would understand regardless of how much her emotions swayed her.

"You don't understand, Gio...they wished him well and that he's alright, do they not understand what he did? What he could do still? It's bad enough he was able to garner loyal barons based on the 'he hasn't done me any wrong' argument...but for him to actually...I just...I don' don't understand." He heard her voice slowly break along with her resolve. Despite her best efforts and the squeezing of her eyes shut, he caught the glistening of moisture along her lash line and slowly he rose, rounding the table until he came to a stop beside her. A thin hand came to settle on her shoulder, giving her a comforting squeeze.

"You'll speak no more on the matter. I believe you need to reconcile your personal feelings with reality before doing so." He said firmly but softly. Giovanni felt an immediate objection in the form of her sitting upright fully and pulling away from his grasp as she looked up at him, anger and fury and several other emotions raging in her gaze.

"My personal feelings have NOTHING to do with this, Giovanni! Why don't you get that. You can't just...just...muzzle me like a dog!" She hissed at him, rising from her chair. He towered over her by the better part of a foot but that mattered little in her fury. The fae cambion simply stared her down as if she were a child throwing a temper tantrum.

"Lady Light, I know not what happened on that Isle to prompt such...explosive feelings on the matter but I assure you that regardless of how you feel, you need to keep it to yourself. As I said before, you will speak no more on the matter and I will attempt to do damage control, no argument, do you understand me?" Giovanni watched as she rolled her shoulders and for a moment he expected it to come to blows. So long as she avoided the face, he could take it. But it didn't. She deflated once more and he thought he might have to deal with crying again. Oh how he hated crying.

" don't get it." Claire managed to say finally and Gio shook his head.

"It's better that way. Trust me on this. It's better if they don't *get* it either. Keep it to yourself for the time being, Claire. Eventually the time will come when it's alright to bring it up, but if I don't understand it what makes you think they will?" He asked, lowering his tone as he spoke to her. She looked up at him, desperation in her gaze like she had some violently compelling need to yell it from the roof tops. But finally she relented and dipped her chin. He didn't imagine her silent compliance would last long so he would have to work quickly.

Claire Gallows

Date: 2014-03-26 16:59 EST
March 26th

?Interesting. Rather interesting.? Giovanni's intrigued words were purred over top of the printed out article. While the cambion read and reread the press conference transcript as well as associated gossip articles, Claire sat back in the plush office chair, a rock of her heels sending it swiveling side to side. Her gaze ticked first out the bay window of the Seaside Baronial Manor, and then up to the ceiling in a slow roll. News traveled fast in a community like Rhy'Din but this was gossip wildfire. Was Beat Down crumbling? Claire hardly believed it when she heard Terry King was leaving Beat Down, after all, the team was King's pride and joy. Really, King was responsible for Claire's desire to rise in the ranks and make something of herself dueling, eventually leading to the formation of the Dirty dueling team. Gio looked less troubled by this and more interested than anything.

?I hear your cogs turning, Gio. That's never a good sign.? Claire muttered, still staring at the ceiling as she poked her index fingers together. Contemplative silence from the exec was seldom without reason. Sure enough, Giovanni let out a soft chuckle, a melodic sound that danced its way across the table and to her ears.

?It's rather... unfortunate... that a talented duelist like Terry King would be taken advantage of, if the tabloids hold true. Frankly, I don't fault her for leaving, if that's the case. Though now it's a matter of where does someone like Terry go? Surely she won't retire from dueling completely?? Claire could feel his copper hues boring into her and finally she sat up straight in her seat to settle her elbows onto the mahogany table.

?Until you hear it from King herself, don't assume that anything in those stupid fucking tabloids is anything close to true.? She huffed, sending her bangs scattering only for them to settle back in her eyes again. ?I don't see her giving it up completely though. I mean... King is dueling and dueling is King, or at least that's how it's always looked to me...What're you getting at, Gio?? Fingers tipped in slightly chipped polish brushed back through her hair to get it out of her eyes. Giovanni lifted a single thin hand, probably better manicured than her own, in a defensive manner.

?I'm not getting at anything, m'lady. I'm simply thinking that should Miss King desire a team to continue fighting for, with a well funded sponsorship and... regulated oversight... perhaps we should open Team Dirty's doors to her.? Gio said nonchalantly, rocking blazer clad shoulders in a languid shrug. Claire sighed.

?You can't go pouncing on someone the same day they leave their team. But Terry was my first baron and probably the reason that I kept pushing to get to where I am now, so you know I'd gladly offer that out to her. I don't think she'd take it, but...? She shrugged as well, though her gesture held less nonchalance and more resignation. There were any number of better teams out there, Wrecking Crew hadn't signed someone in awhile, maybe this was their shot. Aquamarines met coppers and together they held their silence for a pregnant minute.

?Also,? of course there was always an 'also'. Claire huffed softly before Gio continued, ?An addition like King would bring Dirty recognition like it hasn't experienced before. It's a win-win all around, really. A scorned fighter bounces back from a rather unfortunate series of events and a fledgling team increases their relevance in the circuit.? She couldn't deny that he had a point. All the same, she slumped back in her seat and went back to staring at the ceiling.

?Let me talk to Khoom and Zack about it. Their input matters just as much, you know. Otherwise, yeah...I mean, I guess we can test the waters to see if she's got any interest. Don't treat her like a piece of meat though, Gio, just let her know we're here if she needs the support.? She said softly, listening but not looking as the half demon rose from his seat with a faint creak of leather and a smoothing of his hands over his suit.

He was already making preparations as he left the room and as the door shut, she caught just enough of the conversation, ?Send something nice Miss King's way, find out what she likes and get it. Take care of her...?

Another sigh issued from Claire's lips and she resumed her intense study of the ceiling, finding time somewhere in there to fire off a trio of texts. One each for her Dirty teammates, and one for Terry, not as a prospect but instead hopefully as a friend.

Claire Gallows

Date: 2014-04-10 14:20 EST
April 10th

Claire awoke not to the serenity of waves crashing on the shore but to the sounds of the forest that surrounded Caelum Manor. In truth it was the first time she had stayed the night here in quite awhile. Between Seaside, the tower on the Isle and any other number of places that she found herself crashing, home was more of a check point than a home base.

For the first time in over five months, she was no longer a baron. No longer privy to the view afforded by the great stone manor at the shore. No longer stressed by the politics of it all. Giovanni was less than happy about it, but Claire couldn't care less. With all that had been going on since she came back, it was nice to have some free time. Well, it wasn't exactly free time, per say. Not with Serah still in the hospital, a shooter to track down, research to do, a war in Lucis, a wedding to plan, and two realms to keep track of. She didn't dare make a to do list, lest she be drowned in the sheer volume of stuff she had to stay on top of. It was daunting, but it had to be done.

She only let the sting of defeat linger for a day or so and then it was back to business. Namely taunting Serah with Guinness cupcakes and making sure that Sven wasn't going to drop dead of boredom. What a good little tiefling. Plus he got to ogle the nurses all day. Really, it couldn't be that bad. Plus he was rather fond of Serah, so Claire didn't feel too bad about keeping him up there with her. Though the text she received about Diritas coming up there and riling Serah up had been less than ideal. She would have to put him on the Not Allowed list.

Claire Gallows

Date: 2014-04-20 23:21 EST
April 20th

The ride home from the Outback was a quiet one, giving her plenty of time to reflect and get lost in the depths of her thoughts. Claire thought at this point she should be able to hear her heart pounding in her ears. She should feel the ache in her joints and the burn in her muscles and the tenderness of slow to form bruises. But she didn't. Seldom should fourteen rounds against a seven hundred pound liontaur not result in some sort of injury but as she pushed through the double doors of the Outback and into the cool air of Rhydin on the precipice spring's transition into summer by way of Beltane, Claire felt nothing.

No pain, no ache. Just indifference mixed with a twinge of disappointment here and there. Loss stung little if not for the expectation that she was better than that. One hundred and twenty pounds of lithe musculature and sinewy limbs packed with tightly coiled tension, reasonably she shouldn't have had a snowball's chance in hell against her opponent. Despite his age, Rakeesh was quick on his feet and towered over her by over a foot and a half. The weight differential, already mentioned, was incredibly substantial as well but it mattered little to her.

Claire Farron was meant for so much more. She wondered if it was disappointment's way of rationalizing her defeat into bits and pieces that were easier to compartmentalize. It might have been, truly. Surely, she'd never hear the end of it from Giovanni but she had cut that off ahead of time with her declaration at the match's conclusion that after Wednesday, she was done. Win or lose, her challenge for Archmage would mark the beginning of the end. At least that's what she told herself. She told herself she would stay to mentor, to teach what had worked for a short time for her, even if her techniques in the ring clearly left something to be desired as evidenced by her performance that evening.

Nova Chrysalia's savior couldn't even save herself within the confines of the ring and with that realization, she deemed herself no longer fit for competition. It surely meant the end of Team Dirty, a team still in its infancy, never allowed to mature and reach its potential. The thought should have saddened her. Brought some measurable amount of grief or sense of loss. But what was there to grieve? She shrugged response to her own unspoken question, gaze dipping out the tinted window of the R8 as it zipped around the winding curves of the road leading to Caelum Manor. Maybe it was an overreaction on her part. Or perhaps she just wasn't cut out for competitive dueling anymore.

"I do believe I'm too old for this sh*t."

Claire Gallows

Date: 2014-05-05 16:46 EST
May 2nd

Winding through the fairy lit paths of the glen, she kept close to Noctis and sighed dreamily. The smile on her face was impossible to erase and she glanced up at him in the dim light, squeezing his arm tightly as they wandered far, far away from the crowd. "It was perfect." She murmured softly. "...Husband." Then a giggle. That was weird. Both saying it and giggling. It was all very surreal. The twilight cloaked path didn't help matter any. Noct walked at her side, arm in arm with his new wife as she strolled further and further from the Beltane celebrations.

"Yes, it was. Better than I ever hoped or dreamt it would be." He murmured before smiling at her. "Wife." The grin that grew was inevitable but soon he whisked them away to the starting place of their so called honeymoon adventure. The beach. Claire sighed happily as they arrived, leaning up to nip at his lips.

"It was perfect for us, I think. Serah is brilliant." She nodded, relieved to have it over and done with. Dropping her shoes to the floor, she wiggled her toes and rocked up to stretch her entire body. Claire plus heels was seldom a safe combination but somehow she had made it through the evening without so much as a trip. "Mm, much better."

"Yes it was, and if I had it my way..." He trailed off to let it linger in the air, smirking softly to her nip at his lips, growling lightly down at her. Locking the beach house's door, he moved to sit, untying his shoes and massaging his feet once the uncomfortable dress shoes had been removed and discarded upon the floor. "Aye. Much better."

"If you had it your way what...?" She implored him to finish his sentence, arching a brow and peering up at him. Moving over toward him, she wound her arms around him again. "And thank you for tonight. For humoring me with it all. It was a relief." She murmured, nuzzling against him.

"We wouldn't have to worry about having another one in Lucis..." He murmured to her as he slipped his arms around her in return. "And shh. You know I would do anything for you."

"I'm afraid we won't get away with that. But at least we can get away with not making it a multiple day affair." She said quietly, trying not to dwell on the matter. Closing her eyes as he held her, she smiled softly. "I know you would and I love you for it."

"I know and I am dreading it." He murmured back as he let that subject drop for now, moving his hands along her back soothingly. "But know that I love you too."

Claire Gallows

Date: 2014-05-09 19:20 EST
May 7th

Grey hung over the beach house as the storm rolled in from the sea. Surfboards and umbrellas were toted in for safe keeping, windows were shuttered and closed up to guard against the coming rain. The wind kicked up and the clouds swallowed the last of the sun just as she locked the door and she flashed a grin at Noct before her phone went off. Humming a light tune, Claire made her way over to track it down. It had ended up on a side table, unused for the most part while they had been away. Aqua gaze ticked over the screen as she unlocked it, a lithe slide of her thumb over the code had the message popping up.

Text from Serah: Where are you right now?

"Who is it, love? Better not be work." Noct called as he toweled off, heading for the cottage's bedroom to change. Claire glanced after him and chuckled softly. Giovanni and the rest of the Caelum Enterprises crew had been given express direction not to bother them unless it was an emergency.

"Nothing to worry about. It's Serah." She tossed back a nonchalant response as she responded in a quick volley of texts.

Text to Serah: Just got back inside from the beach. Got a storm coming in. Sup? You okay?

Text from Serah: So you are still on your honeymoon?

Text to Serah: I'll be back on Friday but it's just a hop skip and jump home if I'm needed

Text from Serah: I don't want to give you bad news over a text but I am going to have to
Text from Serah: You need to know
Text from Serah: Lila's body was found
Text from Serah: she's dead

She's dead. Claire read the final text over and over before her phone clattered to the floor. The stereotypical melodramatics should have felt horribly cliche but she found her hands no longer capable of clasping the phone and as the device bounced off of the corner of the table, she heard a distinct crunch of breaking glass. Her head spun and she rubbed her hand over her face before sinking down into the plush armchair only feet away.

"Noct?" She called quietly, her voice just barely loud enough to be heard in the small cottage. Claire scooted to the edge of the chair in fear of the plush cushions swallowing her whole.

"Yeah?" Called from the bedroom, as he had just finished changing. Coming out of the bedroom, he tugged a shirt over his ink laden torso and started towards her. "Something wrong?" Having noted she had dropped her phone.

"Lila's dead." Claire murmured before biting down on her bottom lip, her gaze unfocused on some spot on the floor. Her hands trembled but no tears came, the shock overwhelming the emotional response as she bowed her head.

He slowly came to a stop when he heard those words, before moving a hand to be placed on her shoulder. Noct slowly turned Claire to face him. "When?" Murmured softly, already shifting to hug her close, as he was shocked to that news as well.

"I...I don't know." She said softly, shaking her head as she leaned into the hug. Blinking slowly a few times, she pulled away and grabbed for her broken phone from the floor, her thumb sliding over shattered glass and eliciting a hiss from her lips. Claire eyed her thumb and plucked tiny shards from her flesh as minuscule wisps of energy seeped from the microscopic wounds. "I broke it...we need to find out more..."

He nodded lightly as he held her for as long as she allowed it, before watching her as he picked up that broken phone. "Use mine." Murmured to her as Noctis moved to get his own phone, while she hissed at the small wounds when she tried to use her own. Now holding it out to Claire.

Claire's hands shook as she tried to navigate the phone's interface before giving up and dropping it gently into her lap. Careful not to break it like she had her own before putting her elbows to her knees and her head to her hands, shoulders trembling with a silent stream of tears.

Giovanni Diamante

Date: 2014-05-13 13:40 EST
May 12th

It was late. Far too late for such a discussion. But once more Gio found himself sitting across a table from the pink haired Team Dirty captain. Their 'talks' often came down to this or else he'd never get her to sit still long enough to discuss business. She was a woman of action, that much he knew, and after her recent wedding to Noctis -- Gio's boss and all -- he wondered how much harder this would be now that he had to worry about that added dynamic. But he chose to be blunt and to the point, much like usual. She didn't seem to deal well with dancing around a subject.

"You're going to have to address it sooner or later, it looks rather odd that you--" He began only to be cut off mid-sentence.

"I know."

"--that you haven't released a statement." He finished, leveling a steady gaze across the cherry wood table.

"I know!" The frustration bled through her words and her gaze burned into his before she continued. "But this isn't a Team Dirty matter. This isn't even a dueling matter. This is a family issue. A family issue that several family members are not dealing particularly well with so it would be appreciated if everyone would butt the f*ck out." Amidst her words, she had risen from her seat, leaning over the table with her hands flat against the tabletop. Gio stared at her before giving her a single nod.

"A statement will get them off of your ass, Claire." He said evenly, breaking from the typical formalities of business talk to try and reason with her. "I'm just trying to help you and the boss man out. You've got enough on your plate without having to worry about what the press thinks."

"It's none of their god damn business." She growled again, prompting Giovanni to lift both hands defensively in hopes of calming her, conceding her point. It really wasn't their business but the press had a way of making it so when it came to high profile incidents.

"Rumour has it that the other connected parties have derided the girl's de--" Again cut off by a swift correction from Claire.

"Lila. Her name's Lila." She said tersely. Gio sighed.

"Have derided Lila's death as a cowardly act and have denied any relation or connection to the girl. I know you're a bit more familiar with the peculiarities of time rifts and all of the problems that occur with them but I think it'd be best if you don't alienate the girl," he caught himself, "Lila, any further than she already is."

Claire stared at him, still leaning over the table ominously. He stared right back though he kept her gaze just slightly off of her own.

"Would you like me to prepare and release a statement?" He asked after several minutes of uncomfortable silence. Several more followed.

"Yes, please." She said quietly, prompting Giovanni to rise as well. He nodded.

"I will release it tomorrow." He turned for the door before pausing to look back. "And happy birthday if I don't see you tomorrow, Lady Caelum. Take care of yourself."

"Thank you, Gio." She gave him a tight lipped smile and he took his leave soon after.

Claire Gallows

Date: 2014-05-19 18:14 EST
May 15th

The trip to Yasuo was one seldom made even with the portal to the pavilion available for use. Claire stepped through with only the most minor hesitation, freeing her hands from her pockets as she continued on the journey. Seemingly unarmed, she meandered along weaving Yasuo paths, feeling out any hint that Ventus or his energy signature may be in the same area before calling out quietly. "Ventus Ashin, are you here?"

Ventus was sitting in the pavilion in the shade, leaning against a tree and reading a book that floated in front of him as he sipped on a very refreshing mojito. As the wind carried his name from Claire's lips to his ears, he waved a hand and a golem formed of granite a few feet away. The heavy construct lumbered off to find Claire. If it managed, it would point him out under the tree (As if she wouldn't notice a two ton living statue forming from thin air) He didn't greet her, apparently what he was reading was important.

A hint of rum, a sniff of mint, she caught the scent even as the golem formed. As it neared, her chin lifted to look up at it and somehow she even managed a smile. "Thank you." She gave a light bow of her head before nearing the Ashin brother she had always considered the 'good' one. Coming to a stop ten paces out from him, she clasped her hands in front of her and softly cleared her throat. A gentle interruption if there ever was one. "Good evening, Ventus."

He didn't look up, but he did smile at the book. "Evening Claire. I hope the day finds you well. You'll have to excuse my manners, but I must finish this inscription or I'll lose my place." he said without looking away from the page. "Would you like a drink?" He snapped his fingers, and the golem's hand turned into a platter, a cup forming from thin air and filling with a clear liquid. "I regret I don't remember your preference, just name it and you'll find it is a very accommodating." He chuckled, his eyes tracking the inscription as the book hovered in front of him.

"I'll have whatever you're having, I suppose. With maybe a squeeze more lime." Her gaze bounced from Ventus to the golem and the glass, her head tilting to one side as it did in fact change to suit what she'd requested. "No worries, take your time. I've nothing but time these days." Another polite bow of her head met the golem as she took the glass and a sip. A single step was taken and she followed it with a cross legged sit on the ground. Nothing but time.

The alchemist smiled, and with a wave of his hand the golem dissolved into air. His bright blue eyes ran across the page until he reached the end a few minutes later. Then the book closed and vanished in a small crackle of red lightning. Finally, he looked at her... and his gaze was very different from what she'd thought of him at one time. His eyes were indeed bright... but cold. They were devoid of gentleness or sympathy. Beneath that, was a hint of shadow... and beneath that.... beneath that was something likely only Claire and a few others would notice. Something ancient and inhuman. Something he shouldn't have. An Eidolon lurked under the depths of those eyes, watching, hungry, and full of rage. He smiled wider "What can I do for you Ms. Farron?"

She hadn't been kidding about having no problem with waiting and she almost looked surprised when he finished so soon. The mojito was sipped again and then set to the side, condensation dripping down the glass and forming a wet ring in the dirt. "It's actually Mrs. Caelum now. As funny as that sounds." She spoke to him like one might an old friend even if the gaze she returned to him held little warmth. It held no malice though either, a simple stoic indifference, wholly natural. Claire took a few moments longer to gaze into his eyes before chuckling softly. "Oh that's grand." She murmured, mostly to herself, before clapping a touch of dirt from her hands. "It appears you've yourself a bit of an issue, no? I'm here to...offer assistance."

He raised a brow. "Ah, Mrs. Caelum. Congratulations. We'll be expecting children soon no doubt." he chuckled softly, unbothered by her neutral gaze. After taking a sip of his drink, he looked back at her. "An issue? I'm afraid I don't know what you mean. I can't think of anything I'd need assisting with."

"If the King has his way, sure. I've never been much for sticking to game plans though." She made a bit of a face and lifted the glass to wash the taste of her words from her mouth. "Is that so? I'd not taken you for a liar unless you're simply blind to it. I thought you better than that, my friend. But," she shrugged and rose, dusting her jeans off before continuing, "if that's the case I can take my leave. Just don't count on maintaining a working relationship with your new friend for long. Whatever Scion's got in store for you I'm sure is nothing you want any part of and Jinn is so very...temperamental. I'd like you to at least survive long enough to sort your issues with your brother when he inevitably returns."

The glass in his hand shattered, and the tone in his voice went from conversational and even mildly affectionate to cold and cutting. "Scion, is not my friend. And I've already proven too much for that blowhard. Bypassing his defenses is child's play. As is controlling this beast he cursed me with. However, being rid of it is not so simple. I'm sure I can do so with enough time...." he paused and smoothed over his features. "My apologies. My temper gets the better of me at times." He waved a hand vaguely, causing a nearby tree to splinter and dissolve to sawdust from the roots upward. "But, I'm to understand you're family has knowledge of these creatures?"

A soft sigh left her lips as she watched a perfectly good mojito go to waste. Claire lifted a single finger through his tirade before tapping it against her sternum. "I mean this friend." Spoken softly once he paused and calmed himself. A mere glance aside met the the tree's end before she passed him a slow but confident nod. "Quite. I hear you encountered a few with Serah a few evenings past. They hold many names as they pass from realm to realm and seldom are they to be trifled with."

"Ifrit, is the name I was given. But conversations with the beast have enlightened me to a great many things. Including ways to overcome the limits of my own arts and body. It has been most helpful for a curse really. Though I'll be rid of it as soon as it wears out it's usefulness." He shrugged and his glass reformed in his hand, filling once more with mohito before he took another sip as if it was nothing at all.

"Ifrit the Infernal. Jinn...Iflyte...he has many names and he is certainly an old one." The smile that grew was rather fond despite the implications of Ifrit's power or influence over Ventus. A small chuckle sounded and she shook her head. "I'd not be too quick to cast him I said he's rather temperamental. And well, I worry for you, Ventus." She sounded strangely genuine with her words even if the emotion wasn't properly conveyed in her expression.

"As I said, I won't be getting rid of him until after he's served his use. But he chafes against my lineage. He is not at home within me, that much is obvious." Ventus smiled and reached out to pat her hand. "You needn't worry about me Claire. I... I simply have to do a few things before I can get everything back the way it's supposed to be." He nodded. "I'd be surprised if your visit wasn't a result of my conversation with your sister. Am I correct?" He asked amiably.

"I do hope you understand what you're doing. It'd be a shame should something happen in the course of it. Balance runs the risk of being thrown even more askew than it already is." Her chin dipped and she glanced down to the pat of his hand over hers, the latter of which bore an unnatural chill to it that bordered on unsettling. Another soft chuckle left her lips and she nodded once. "But of course. She is and has always been my priority and while I don't fault her for her concern for her friends, when it comes down to it, my concern for her has me seeking you out today."

The coldness of her hand didn't seem to phase him, and he nodded again. "I told Serah, and I'll tell you as well. I harbor no ill will towards anyone who stays out of my way. She was quite convinced that I had cursed the earrings I gave Lenore with some sort of horrible magic trickery like my brother. But I had no reason to. Diritas, should he come back, will draw his own conclusions from my name on the earrings. They'll keep him from attempting to win Lenore back, and he'll find himself alone and defenseless with powers unusable because of his chaotic emotions. He'll take back the darkness, and I will be free of it, and then he can die all he likes." He shrugged. "Your sister simply decided to attempt to throw the largest wrench she could into my plans. No offense to you Claire, but she really should simply mind her own business sometimes." He chuckled, and it seemed he was genuine in his words and even the intent behind them. Ventus wasn't a liar, he'd become many things, but alchemy required that one deal with only the truth of things.

She clucked her tongue against the roof of her mouth and shook her head. "I've already looked them over to make certain they carried no trickery. As I said, I don't fault Serah for caring about her friends and feeling the need to intercede. I will never ever fault her for caring. However, my concern is that...who is to say all will go according to this plan? What then if it doesn't? Who has to pay the price at that point? Lenore? Serah? Your brother? You?" Her hands came to settle on her hips and she gave an idle twist side to side to stretch out her back. "I've no desire to fight anyone...enough people suffer in the name of balance and the eternal struggle between darkness and light. But I can't stand idle if the wrong people are threatened."

He smiled amiably. "I've made it clear to your sister Claire, and I'll make it clear to you as well. My quarrel is with Scion and Diritas. So long as no one gets in my way, there will be no one else paying the price. Stay away from Diritas, which is a reasonable thing to ask regardless of circumstance, and there is nothing to worry about. Lenore has only to not speak of those earrings and abide by the terms she agreed to for her information, and even if the plan doesn't work she is safe from me. I made all of this clear to Serah, but she seems set in the idea that I am after pointless chaos and destruction like my brother so often was." After a moment, he seemed to soften a little. "If anyone else pays a price, it will be me. I am willing to shoulder that burden. It is my choice. So I simply ask that you keep any further involvement of your own limited to keeping Serah and anyone else out of my way. It will make things much easier."

"It's a chain reaction, you see. Lenore gets involved, Serah gets involved, I get involved. It's like dominoes. But I do not believe your terms to be fair for Lenore, Ventus. While I know that you're less than inclined to listen to me, I'd like to make a request of you. Do not use them as your pawns. This quarrel is between your brother and you. If it is so meant to be, let Diritas return to the darkness of his own accord, do not use others. Should you return to your natural disposition, I fear you won't be able to live with yourself once you do with what you're asking of others. You aren't meant to be a manipulator, are you?" She asked softly, her words tinged with concern. She was hardly one to lecture but she thought if she approached this with some sort of friendly concern that maybe just maybe she could appeal to his sensibilities. She turned her hands, palm up in a rather open manner, directly contradicting a facade she held so well for others. "While I'll do what I can to deter Serah, I implore you to reconsider your terms you place upon others."

He sighed and looked down at her hands. She was right, he hated what he'd become. Where was Devin when he needed her? She'd be able to fix it. She always did. But she wasn't there, he had to just do it and consider it. "You've been more than reasonable here Claire. I appreciate that. More than you know. You're sister should get a handle on her temper, that's what sent things south during our conversation. So as a favor to you, I will let Lenore out of it. Besides, she's with Tiro now, so it isn't as if she really has to do anything further to hurt Diritas." He shrugged and offered Claire a wan smile.

"I've had a couple enlightening moments as of late." Five hundred years worth. She chuckled and shrugged. "As I said, I've no desire to fight. I've fought for far too long and now, well, I have a balance of my own to maintain. Per my previous words, I'll do my best to keep Serah uninvolved. I believe taking Lenore out of the equation will help greatly so I appreciate you making my job a bit easier." She managed a smile in return before taking a breath and sighing quietly. "Now on the matter of Ifrit. These days, I serve as a bit of I suppose for these creatures. Should you need to rid yourself of him, I'd like to escort him properly if possible."

Ventus nodded slowly, considering her words carefully once again. At length, he sighed and waved a hand. The shirt he wore vanished, leaving his torso bared. The alchemical tattoos that helped his alchemy wove over his skin, and there on his chest was a massive sigil burned over the diagrams and through the in. The sigil was scar tissue, raised and knotted. Ventus looked right at her. "This is what Scion did to me. There's something else besides Ifrit, something that keeps him constantly in a rage. It reeks of Scion, and I've yet to figure out how to dismantle it from my soul. If you think you can help me... then I will accept your help. But yours alone." He warned her. No sense letting just anybody poke at his chest and his soul and whatnot.

Her head canted to one side as his shirt disappeared and her gaze roved over his body in a completely impartial fashion. The sigil was committed to memory, her lips pursing and brows furrowing as she took in each detail. "I knew I should have addressed this before now." She muttered to herself softly before looking up into his eyes. "I'll do what I can. I'd be curious to see what hell he's damned the djinn too. Let me research a bit and see what I can find out. Until then as hard as it is, you need to do your best to stay in control of your temper as well, yes?"

Ventus chuckled darkly. "There's only so much I can do. But I will attempt. I wasn't made to bear this darkness Claire. Diritas was. He is able to control those emotions... I was not given the willpower for it. Add in Ifrit's rage... and my own shall we say... slipping grasp on reason. Well... Soon Claire. If you plan on doing something. Do it soon." He smiled but it didn't reach his eyes, which held a haunted look in them for the first time in their conversation. What had he done already to put such a look in his eyes?

A hand went to her pocket, a completely benign gesture carrying no threat to it. "Sometimes we're forced to bear things we aren't meant to. We simply do the best that we can." She lamented knowingly, rummaging until she found what she was looking for. It appeared to be a marble sized crystal, deep purple to the point of almost looking black. "I will do my best as well. I've something I need to see to with Serah to ensure she makes it past her next birthday, but thankfully, time is on my side in ways I didn't think it was. Here. May I?" She offered an open palm with the crystalline marble. "A Chaos crystal. It seems wholly counter intuitive, I know, but I think it may dull the rage if only temporarily. And it will at the least, hopefully, help sate Ifrit...for now. Like...psychic Xanax." She hoped. Eidolons were such temperamental creatures and Ifrit was the poster child for such a thing from what she knew of him.

He took the crystal and pocketed it, he'd deal with that later. "I understand. I wish you luck. And take care Claire. Perhaps, we'll meet again soon hmm?" He chuckled, and with that, he vanished in a white flash and red lightning. Leaving behind nothing but a fresh mohito with an extra slice of lime.

Claire Gallows

Date: 2014-05-19 23:38 EST
May 20th

She had pinned her phone between her shoulder and ear as she meandered the halls of Caelum Manor, chewing on a twizzler. Her voice echoed off of the walls and through empty rooms but frankly she didn't much care who heard the conversation between the de facto captain of Team Dirty and her manager slash public relations rep, Gio.

"Hydra looks to be..."


"But aren't you..."


"It'll be different from..."

"Exactly. No."

"Consider the..."


"Is that a no on Hydra then?"

"Yes. Unless Khoom or Zack run a team, Dirty's out."

Gio sighed heavily into her ear and hung up. Claire snickered to herself and slipped her phone back into her pocket, slowly wandering back toward her office. There had to be more twizzlers there. She had enough stuff to worry about with Serah and Noct and Lucis and everything without a month plus long tournament.

Claire Gallows

Date: 2014-06-01 18:30 EST
June 1st

The first hints of summer had already woven their way through the grounds of Caelum Manor, winding the scent of blooming dahlias and lilacs through the trees, over the yards, and in through open windows. Wafting curtains danced with the warm breezes and tangled with the lingering crispness of spring that continued to come down out of the mountains and in off of the turquoise lake that lined the south border of the property. The lake was still too cold to swim in, bearing a biting chill remnant of snow capped peaks and glacier fed springs. And it was time to welcome in Summer.

The past month had been a whirlwind of sorts, a never ending parade of grief and condolences, congratulations and well wishes. One chapter had begun for Claire. Another had ended for Lila. And in a way one had ended for Claire as well. Lila had been an opportunity never capitalized upon, a shot at redemption and fixing the mistakes of a self not of this time. A self that could have been, might have been. In the book of life it could have been something pivotal. Instead it had been another heartbreak on a canvas of trials and tribulations, a life gone too soon by a mind broken and deluded by self loathing and an inability to cope. Claire understood. She understood all too well. Understanding stoked a flame, tiny and nondescript, into a towering inferno of purpose. No one should face such things alone and from there on Claire was determined to let no one she knew experience the same.

With the unsteady peace of mind given by her gift of the Heart of Chaos to Serah, Claire felt like she could continue that momentum, using it to keep a steadier connection to her sister. A steadier connection to her friends, to her family, to the people that mattered. Navigating the uncertain waters of relationships with others, she found hesitation at first but perhaps it would waver with time and she might make progress before long. Perseverance was not an unfamiliar word at this point in her life and something like this was worth doing 110 percent right.

"Cordelia are we all set for tonight?" Claire had called from the pantry as she inventoried the groceries she had brought in. The household's cook hummed an affirmative as the portly woman danced her way expertly through the kitchen in an exquisite example of poetry in motion. Claire liked watching the graceful way with which the middle aged woman carried herself through her work. Chopping and marinating and dicing and slicing. It was beautiful. It made her happy that they were having company and she could cook for an army that wasn't the household staff.

"Serah will here, I think, and Zack and Raven are going to bring Addie. Jade will be there and I think she may bring Max. I dunno about Gabriel and Elle. And I invited Spade and his partner-girlfriend as well as Giovanni and a few of the main men. And some others." She ticked over the list out loud, a small smile growing as she did so. Fidgeting quite a bit, she busied herself with the rest of the prep before hauling the marinated meat out to Noctis who was manning the grill. It was a sight, certainly, the young prince wearing an apron and wielding tongs and a spatula like some grill-master. Claire loved it. Tonight would go well, she was determined.

Claire Gallows

Date: 2014-06-16 18:57 EST
June 15th

Lakeside, the breeze that came off the water was a welcome reprieve from the heat that seemed to permeate off of every surface. The dock was littered with towels and clothes, drinks and snacks. A lazy Sunday afternoon had been spent under the sun and in the water, the lake finally warm enough that it was possible to spend more than a few minutes at a time within it. Though they had no boat, Claire had been in the boathouse for several minutes under the guise of using the restroom but when she came out, she carried a plain box under her arm. Topped by a yellow ribbon, it wasn't even wrapped in paper and she gave Noctis a small smile as she returned. Bare feet padded down the dock's length back to her towel where she sat down cross legged and offered the box out to him.

"Got you something." She said a touch sheepishly, chewing at the inside of her cheek as she reached for her bottle of water and uncapped it, taking a long drink to relieve the dry mouth that plagued her. Rather glad for the nice and peaceful welcome of the lakeside, from the headaches and fighting back home he had finally gotten things back to semi normal so he could head back to Claire and his life here. Noctis sat on the edge of that dock with his bare feet in the water, with a glance to Claire as she headed into the boathouse for a rather prolonged period of time. It got him to quirk a brow at her for a moment when she left, before looking back out across the lake again. Upon hearing her making her way back, he gave a slight head tilt to the box she was carrying.

"You didn't have to get me anything." Murmured softly back to her as he took it, and slowly undid the yellow ribbon. Having no idea what to expect as he opened the box up, and picked the card up. The onesie inside was noted, before he looked at the card. He glanced between the two items, as he caught the meaning of what the card said on the front and what was with it. He slowly opened the card up, to see what was written inside of it.

All the while she chewed on her cheek, watching him anxiously as he opened up the box. Within, much like he was realizing, was a Father's Day card and a pastel yellow onesie. The card itself said 'Happy Father's Day to my favorite DILF', because well, she's bad at mushy things. The inside of the card read a handwritten message 'I didn't know how to tell you, so I thought this might be right. Here before long I think, my favorite jeans will be much too tight. Happy soon to be Father's Day.' She's also bad at poetry, for the record. Hiding her lips behind her uplifted bottle, she watched his expression, gauging his reaction to the gift to see if he puzzled it together or not. "So...?"

He had noted that she was watching him anxiously as he opened the box, as well as when he was just staring at the two items in the box. While he would admit that she had a thing or two to learn about being more mushy about things, this was probably just her way of being able to say what she needed to in her own way. With him reading the written message in the card, before slowly closing it and looking to her. "Serious?" Murmured softly as he watched her now.

She knew he was the quiet sort but his silence now was deafening. She found herself holding her breath as she watched him, pulling one knee up to her chest and wrapping an arm around her leg. Her chin rested on her kneecap and she gave a faint nod toward the pastel onesie. "Read the back." She said softly. The front plainly proclaimed 'Coming soon!' in dark grey font. The back, once he looked at it, revealed a message that said 'Caelum. January '15.' Her foot tapped nervously against the weathered wood of the dock and she finally scooted on her rear to join him at the edge, dangling her feet in the water as well. "Serious."

He was definitely the quiet type and knew deep down that this moment of silence going on between them wasn't helping her out in the least. Watching as she lifted a leg up to allow her to wrap an arm around it, as well as resting her chin to her knee. With him turning the onesie over to look at the back, reading the font back there. Taking note of the date as he carefully put the card back in the box with the onesie, and setting it to the side. He let the sudden realization sink in that she wasn't joking with him, and that she was serious, before moving a hand try and catch her own. He looked to her as she scooted closer to him, with a soft smile crossing his lips. " long have you known?'

She jumped slightly as he caught her hand, the sudden motion surprising her and getting a soft huff out of her. Once she realized what he wanted, she willingly gave her hand over, bowing her head slightly to give him a faint nod. Her free hand fidgeted with her bottle cap and she shrugged. "A couple weeks. You were gone and I wasn't feeling well. So...about then. But I didn't know how to tell you and you've been so worried about home that I just...yeah. Kept it to myself. Thought today would be a good occasion." She rambled and then cut herself off with a quick swig of water.

Smiling faintly to her jumping slightly when he caught her hand, his smile grew a touch when she huffed at him. Getting him to squeeze her hand softly with a light nod of his own for a moment as he listened to her. Looking back out across the lake for a moment, the look followed with a slight frown that she had kept it from him. Yet he understood her reasoning. "Never expected this to happen for us." He murmured softly, before looking back to her again. "But this just means I'll need to focus more attention here now. On you and our unborn child." Shifting to slip his hand free so he could slip his arm around her shoulders. "And that you'll need to start taking it easy on all things. Don't want you getting hurt."

"Honestly...I didn't either..." She admitted sheepishly, having thought it wasn't meant to be after all these years. Her teeth shifted their chewing to her lip instead of her cheek and she glanced at him sidelong, a brow arching. "I'm pregnant, not disabled." She pointed out softly, a hint of a good-natured smile curling the edges of her lips. "But if work calls you home...I understand. You have a duty and I know that you have to attend to it. I promise I can take care of myself."

"I know." He murmured softly in return to her as he knew neither ever expected to have children, or a life together like this. Lightly hugging her as she started to chew on her lip, with his hand lightly rubbing against her arm. Only for him to slightly narrowing his eyes at her. "I mean it. No more dueling at least until you give birth, and if you must..Be careful." The latter whispered softly to her, before just staring at her for a moment, then nodded lightly. "I promise to come home to you if that happens."

No more dueling. The words echoed in her head and she peered at him. "And what about my titles?" She asked with a tilt of her head, leaning away from him just enough to look at him fully. "I have armor, you know. And protective spells." Though it certainly posed a problem in the unarmed dueling. Hard to ward off punches. Back to chewing her lip, she sighed softly and gave him a small nod. "I know..."

Peering right back at her when she leaned away from him, and narrowed his eyes more. "Fine. Title matches are allowed, but only of you are protected." Willing to give that up to her, as he knew she did enjoy to duel and compete for the titles. Before he sighed softly and tried to pull her in close again. "Let's just focus on the here and now." Murmured softly to her.

Finally she nodded, agreeing to drop the what-if discussion regarding sports and let him pull her in close again. She leaned her head to his shoulder and gave a small smile and a nod. "The here and now. Yes."

Claire Gallows

Date: 2014-07-03 16:20 EST
July 2nd

The mage and the midwife arrived at Caelum Manor at separate times. Each permitted by the Gatekeepers, Claire had plenty of notice as they made their ways up the winding driveway that lead from the property's entrance to the home's front door. She was down in the entryway when the first buzzer rang, lingering there after permitting the magi entrance while she awaited the midwife. Rhy'Din in July should have been hotter but the cross breeze that wafted through the trees was cool against her cheek. A blessing of sorts. The greetings with the mage were uncomfortably formal but when the midwife arrived, Claire relaxed, far more comfortable with the woman than the elder that had arrived before. Noctis was quick to help the midwife, Aemilia, bring in her equipment, setting up in an unused office space on the first level of the expansive manor. Claire liked it if only for that reason, filling space that had been previously empty.

"How've you been feeling?" Aemilia asked while taking Claire's vitals, recording them with neat handwriting across a lavender clipboard holding a small stack of papers. Noctis and the mage conversed quietly in the doorway, discussing only god knows what. Claire slid a glance toward the men before looking back to Aemilia with a bit of a shaky smile.

"The morning sickness has been pretty bad, not gonna lie." Claire mumbled to the woman sheepishly, having experienced it nearly every day since week five. Her go-go-go lifestyle certainly contributed, but she had long since resigned herself to feeling awful for the first half of the day, definitely causing plenty of rushing later in the day.

"Slow it down and make sure you're getting those supplements down. Keep something in your stomach and hopefully it should pass by the time the second trimester rolls around." Aemilia smiled brightly and gave Claire's hand a reassuring squeeze. "Are you still dueling or have you settled back on that?"

With Aemilia's question, Claire ticked an anxious look toward Noct before shrugging faintly. She had not only participated in the challenge for Old Temple at seven weeks, she had also gone through the Tag Team tournament as well as a counter-intercession against the overlord on Shadow's behalf. She had lucked out in challenging Kalamere, though she'd done it in part because she knew he wasn't the sort to go for excessive bloodshed in the ring. All the same, it had been risky. Needless to say, she wasn't doing much to take it easy. Before long, her armor would no longer fit which certainly proved problematic if she needed to defend any titles. Aemilia ran the sonograph transducer over the Baroness's abdomen, taking the woman's extended silence to mean that she hadn't done exactly what the midwife had recommended. But finally Claire spoke up.

"I've cut back. I've only participated in the necessary matches and used a stand in for others..." Claire said softly as her husband and the mage slowly made their way over once the conversation shifted to talk of dueling. It had been a highly contentious point between Claire and Noct, with good reason.

"That's an unnecessary risk, Lady Caelum." The elder mage said sternly, prompting a sour look from Claire. Had it been anyone else, she would have stuck her tongue out at them. But Noct had insisted that he come and well, who was she to tell him no. He only did it out of concern after all.

"I understand and I've been taking the necessary precautions." She said tersely, wiggling uncomfortably thanks to the cold gel on her stomach. Noctis frowned faintly, looking as though he might interject. The mage was halfway there as well when Aemilia spoke up.

"Well look at that!" Brightly as she looked at the read on the machine. Claire had been so caught up in defending herself that she hadn't even been paying attention. All four pairs of eyes moved toward the screen before Aemilia finally pointed out what she was talking about. "If I didn't know better, I'd say you're looking at two wee little heartbeats there."

"Twins?" Noctis asked softly, his mind trying to wrap around what Aemilia had just said. Claire was equally as dumbfounded, staring at the midwife and her fancy contraption as the woman nodded confirmation to Noct. Certainly that wasn't right. What in the hell was in the water around here? Evidently the mage had the same thought as well.

"This place has such an odd incidence of multiples. I'd like to study it more in depth." He nodded slowly, rather interesting in the subject. Whatever, so long as it got them off Claire's case about dueling, she was fine with it. Oh wait, that wasn't happening. "Also, I'd like to work with the Lady in regards to summons that can be used to stand in for her in the event of challenges to her sporting titles. The throne's heirs must be protected at all costs and while I can enchant and ward and protect, I'd rather not take chances."

Welp. That was that.

Claire Gallows

Date: 2014-07-10 03:05 EST
July 10th

It was early and Claire couldn't sleep. Insomnia had been pretty par for the course as of late, getting her rest in catnaps throughout the day instead of a solid block at night. Having slipped from Noct's embrace, she had tip-toed downstairs and out toward the storage shed when she heard a soft clearing of a throat to get her attention. Busted. She glanced over her shoulder to see Ezio li Fonti standing there expectantly, Evidently he had been assigned the night watch and it seemed as of late, the entirety of the company was well aware of Noct's desire to keep her from doing much of anything.

"Where ya off to at an hour like this?" He asked with a chuckle. She jerked her thumb toward the shed less than fifty steps away. Ezio followed the motion and he perked a brow.

"What's in there that ya had ta have it tonigh'?" He followed his first question with another and a yawn. Night shift sucks like that.

"Couldn't sleep. Have a few things packed in there from my place back home that I need to find." She answered, continuing toward the shed. Perhaps tomorrow she would bring it all in to the safety of one of the rooms in the manor. Ezio grunted and followed after her, intent on helping. She beat him there though and unlocked the door before slipping inside the dark shed. There was a shuffle of boxes and a few things toppled, getting a groan from li Fonti as he too stepped inside. She emerged a few moments later, on top of a stack of haphazardly packed items, holding what she was looking for up above her head.

"Jesus Light! Get down from there, would ya!" Ezio called scoldingly, rushing over to try and help her down before she hurt herself. She rolled her eyes and slowly climbed down, begrudgingly handing over the box when he gave her a gimme gesture. It had been a quick enough find, that much she was grateful for. Hopefully what she was looking for was in there. Ezio brought the box back up to the manor for her, setting it on the dining room table before taking his leave with a few scolding words and a half-hearted threat that he might rat her out to Noctis. The box sat beside a neatly wrapped parcel, a little wall decoration that she had picked up in the market earlier on her way home.

Digging through the box, she found exactly what she was looking for. A touch of home, Bodhum that is, neatly framed and set aside with the other parcel. Simple enough photos, sentimental more than anything. One of Bodhum's fireworks festival, an attraction that brought tourists from the far reaches of Cocoon every year. And one of the beach cafe that served as a landmark of the waterside community. More digging produced a quartet of seashells, each unique and marked with the gradient of colors that graced Bodhum's shores. It was all laid out, now she only needed to put it together and take it to her sister's new home. Oh she hoped Serah didn't hate it...

Claire Gallows

Date: 2014-08-16 01:17 EST
August 15th

How is it that she simultaneously had all the time in the world but not enough time in the day? Her list of responsibilities was mounting and she was completely incapable of making enough time in every day to accomplish it all.

Rebuild the Unseen Realm; even delegated out, it required extensive oversight on top of maintaining the in and out flow of the land of the dead. They couldn't have another incident like last time. No, not in the least.

Watch over Lucis in the midst of a war; easier said than done, it was so tempting to step in and assist but...she couldn't. She could comfort the souls of those lost or bless those fighting with an indomitable spirit in hopes that it carried them through battle. But she couldn't put herself on the front line as she was so accustomed to.

There was the royal wedding to worry about as well, but she did most of her accommodating from the comfort of Rhydin. Her time in Lucis was carefully managed and per her request to the king, many of the consultants, planners, and designers won themselves trips to Rhydin on the Kingdom's dime.

Within Rhydin she had a whole gamut of tasks, both personal and business. And still, not enough hours in the day.

Noct had decided that she wouldn't be working but that still didn't mean her days were filled with relaxing and doing nothing. There were preparations to be made for the house and making sure that come January she would have time off as well.

There was the matter of Team Dirty and their possible entry into Iron Fists League again. That could either go really well or really poorly, she wasn't sure. All the same, it was coming up quick and her experimentation with using proxies in her fights was a tedious task. On top of that, there was a matter of maintaining her own titles. The Tower of Earth sat unchallenged, though that was more easily defendable with a proxy in her place. Her worry came from Old Temple, and she knew the first time it was challenged would probably be the only time. That said, she could only hope to hold off on any fighting.

She felt slow and clunky, her center of balance thrown off by the change in her mass. Fighting was a major no go, especially once the mage and the midwife doubled her worry for her. Claire was no long responsible only for herself, she had...a family. It was weird to say the least.

Dragon's Gate Orphanage was another matter, the children's home requiring plenty of oversight and when the headmaster Shadow came down ill (odd for an elf, oh she certainly thought so), Claire had to make sure everything was seen to in the mean time.

And then came the worrying messages from Garret at the restaurant. While Claire had only found it slightly troublesome how much Serah was drinking, it had finally got to the point where it was affecting her work. There were whispers of a possible breakup with the young man Claire had met on Serah's birthday which certainly was no good but the drinking was worse and Claire found herself contemplating the merits of an intervention.

Icing on the cake? This shit with Scion never seemed to end and on her agenda was yet another discussion with the sword mage, Arthour. Not enough hours in the day. Not in the least.

Claire Gallows

Date: 2014-09-22 19:31 EST
September 20th

"Ugh Aemelia, I thought you said second trimester would mean more energy." Claire groaned as she eased herself up onto the exam table. Short of breath and utterly exhausted, she leaned back and set her head against the pillow, letting her eyes close if only for a few moments.

"Well typically that's the case, Lady Light." Aemilia murmured sympathetically through a stifled yawn. She had been roused from the guest house at the worst of times, the moons of Rhy'Din high in the sky as sleep descended upon the sprawling Caelum Manor compound. With a few things troubling the half elven midwife, she had elected to stay in Rhy'Din for the time being rather than making the trip between there and Lucis and it was tonight that she found herself grateful for it. "But that's also with women who do not consistently run themselves into the ground."

"I don't need to be lectured, Emmy, I just need... I don't know. Can't you give me something for the dizziness? I just... nngh." Claire had set her head up just long enough to make the plea before laying back once more with another groan. Her hands came to settle atop her swollen abdomen, fingers curling just slightly against firm flesh.

"And you don't need to play Mommy Martyr either, Miss Savior. You keep this up and you're not only putting yourself at risk but the boys as well." Aemilia said sternly, her harsh words surprising Claire. The midwife was normally so cheerful and polite. "You've barely kept up with putting on the weight we'd like you to, I know you're not eating like you should be. You're at a critical time for weight gain and even putting on those last five pounds can reduce your risk for preterm labor."

"I... I know... I've just been so busy that," Claire began before gasping at the chill of gel unceremoniously squirted upon her bare skin. Dark aquas shot a glare at the midwife who returned a stoic look of her own, undaunted by the mistress of the house's looks. Claire relented and laid her head back fully, closing her eyes once more.

"You've been so busy that you've neglected to look after yourself." Aemilia finished Claire's sentence for her, getting a soft grumble from the pink haired woman. Working quickly and efficiently despite being roused at such a late hour, Aemilia quickly confirmed that neither of the growing fetuses were in distress due to their mother's exhaustion and soon after was tying a tourniquet around her upper arm, tapping and prodding at the veins in the crook of Claire's arm to find a suitable one. A thorough frown settled and she shook her head. "How much water have you been drinking?"

"Enough I'd think, look at me, I'm huge." Claire said wryly, hand lifting a vague gesture toward her stomach. Aemilia was unamused, rubbing and rolling her gloved fingertip over Claire's soft flesh.

"Not what I meant. You're not staying hydrated. I know your veins aren't usually this stubborn. I'm going to have to go deep, hold still." Aemilia warned.

"That's what... uh... he said?" Claire quipped, trying to infuse some sort of light heartedness into the rather solemn conversation. A hiss whistled through quickly clenched teeth as the needle penetrated her dermis, sinking into her arm until Aemilia found what she was looking for and soon the tube filled with the dark crimson fluid. The tourniquet was pulled off, the needle removed, and a wad of cotton pressed to the crook.

"Hold this." The midwife instructed, prompting a slow cross of Claire's arms over her body to press the cotton ball over the puncture mark. The wooziness returned and her stomach lurched uneasily.

"Oooogh." Was the only sound Claire made before the world went black.

Claire Gallows

Date: 2014-10-24 18:32 EST
October 24th

Three things sat on the table between Claire and the man across from her; a tablet streaming a feed of the latest news and sports headlines, a beginner's guide to sewing, and a plate bearing cinnamon sugar toast. She had been alternating between the three regularly in between conversing with Giovanni. He sat in a plush chair, his own tablet held in his grasp as he reviewed payroll, merchandise designs, and other miscellaneous business.

A headline scrolled across the pink haired baron's tablet, prompting a quirked brow and a tap of her finger. Reading over the blurb, she snorted and shook her head, bringing Gio's attention upon her. His own brow slid upwards as he leveled his copper gaze on her. When she said nothing, he finally bit.

"What is the latest outrage?" He asked dryly. Claire tipped a look up at him, tapped a few buttons and sent the story to his tablet. As he looked it over, she explained her ire.

"Leave it to the press to turn a positive and charitable request into an opportunity to criticize. Terry's been overlord for what...two days? And they're already on her shit for the good she's trying to do." Claire was annoyed, that much was obvious. Giovanni exhaled slowly and nodded.

"Then I suggest you voice your support for her project then, yes?" He suggested. Claire crinkled her nose.

"I figured that would be implied since, oh, I dunno, DGO is mine and Shadow's project..." Yes, very annoyed. Giovanni chuckled.

"Not all are so sharp as to remember that. You can shut them up rather easily by rallying support. Need I prepare you a statement or can you handle it without be inflammatory?" Gio asked innocently. Oh how Claire glared at him.

"I can do it, thank you very much." She huffed at him and stood up. Taking her toast with her, she toddled for the doors. It was really hard to storm out when you're operating at turbo waddle speed. Just as the doors shut, she swore she heard Giovanni chuckling.

Giovanni Diamante

Date: 2014-11-13 11:34 EST
November 13th

"Who is Colin Talvitie?" Giovanni asked the exhausted Keeper as she wandered down the halls of the Tower of Earth. A diminutive shrug met his question and she didn't so much as look his way.

"Sports writer. Shit talker. Smarmy fuck. Et cetera, et cetera, so on and so forth." Claire muttered, pausing to brush her hair back from her face and take a few slow breaths before continuing with her pacing, eyes falling on the tablet in her manager's hands, headlines and articles scrolling across the top rapidly. "Why? How bad did I get ripped this time?"

"Though you were in neither the up category nor the down, you garnered an astonishing seven mentions. Five of which were within Mrs. Ravenlock's 'up' blurb. The others were in relation to Captains Kurgen and D'Artainian, both of whom were relegated to the 'down' category due to their performances." He watched her as he spoke, wary of any sign of her rather infamous temper. Instead she slid him a sidelong look and shrugged again.

"Did he at least compliment Jenai's performance?" She asked levelly. There was no sign of anger in her soft question, just curiosity. Giovanni scanned the article once more before reading aloud for the woman.

"Despite being outclassed in rank and experience, first-time IFL dueler Jenai Ravenlock stepped into the ring across from Claire's proxy and gave as good as she got. Jenai held a brief lead (round 6) and didn't lead again until the duel ended in the 11th. A hearty tip of the hat to Jenai for dragging Team Dirty further into their own filth.." Gio winced as he read the last line, very aware of the subtle tick of tension along the Keeper's jawline. But rather than blow up, she simply sighed and shook her head.

"That disrespectful bastard. Jenai put up a hell of a fight and deserves more of a commendation than that. And for the record, it wasn't a proxy so fuck him." Despite the harshness of her words, she barely spoke above a whisper and as they rounded the corner and found their way back to the tower's sitting room, she took a seat in a plush armchair and tugged at a neatly folded blanket to spread it out across her lap.

"It is easy to be brave enough to attack others that do what you cannot, especially from the safety of his mother's basement." Giovanni hoped he might prompt a laugh from the pink haired woman. She looked up at him and for a moment, he caught the quiver of a smile at the corners of her lips.

"Be nice, Gio. I dueled poorly. I lost. It happens more often than not." She said with another shrug, one of many within the course of their conversation. The half-demon took a seat and crossed one leg atop the other.

"Do you wish for me to release any sort of a counter? There is plenty of press lingering in Old Temple hoping to speak with you on the season thus far, I can easily wrangle them for a brief Q and A." He offered, gaze locked on Claire as her eyelids rested heavily over her eyes.

"Mmh. Not necessary unless you think we have to. But could you do me a favor and tack up an acceptance to Red's challenge for me. Maybe soon they won't get the chance to hang in Old Temple to wait for me." Peace and quiet sounded awfully nice and seldom did the paparazzi venture onto the Isle to try and assail the Keepers. A perk of holding a title within the least mainstream of the sports.

"I shall consider it. It may be beneficial." He said as he rose once more. Retrieving his jacket from a hook near the Tower's stone double doors, he slid into it and offered his farewells before departing. Claire was asleep before the doors even closed behind him.

Claire Gallows

Date: 2015-01-29 15:12 EST
January 29th

Someone had tipped Cordellia off that it was the birthday of a certain guest at Caelum Manor. So she was up early to prepare a little surprise for him. Chocolate with even more chocolate mousse filling, the cake was carefully made and the features were formed with fondant while the fur was done in chocolate buttercream frosting.

Along with a neatly written little note;

Signore Cooper,

Happiest Day of Birth. Please be joining us for dinner, we will have birthday dinner just for you!


Raven Wyatt

Date: 2015-02-24 17:41 EST
February 15th

The home of Zack Alcar and Raven Ekia played host to a merry little get together in honor of Adelaide Victoria Alcar's very first birthday. Done in a theme of baby pink and light grey, guests were treated to cupcakes and candies while the birthday girl had her very own cake all to herself. Sure to be a messy affair, it lasted only two hours from start to finish. Addie's rather large family was invited as were a small number of family friends in order to make her first birthday party one to remember. Well, not for her, because babies don't normally remember. But lots of pictures were taken!

Claire Gallows

Date: 2015-03-20 13:22 EST
March 20th, 2015

He had followed at a distance most of the morning. Until the balance of the children and the quickly accumulating shopping bags had him closing the distance between them. The fae blooded cambion fell into a long legged stride beside her and she looked up at him with a huff.

"You don't have to follow me like a creep. You could have said hello earlier." Claire grumbled. Giovanni reached to take bags off her hands, slipping loops and bagged dresses over his wrist or forearm until they were neatly draped and arranged.

"I figured you wanted to maintain the peace of your morning, m'lady. Had you wanted my company, I'm sure you would have made it known." He gave her a sidelong smile as they wandered through booths and past storefronts, the tail end of Fashion Week giving way to sales and more purchases than the pink haired woman should have probably made.

"Ngh. Meh. Any word?" She asked him hopefully, praying to every god above that perhaps he had finally caught up with her to bring word from Lucis. He was quiet though, too quiet, and the shake of his head soon confirmed his lack of news.

"No, I'm sorry. We've been constantly attempting contact but..." Giovanni trailed off with an apologetic shrug. He sensed a tensing of her shoulders that even reached a fine ripple of tightness along her jawline. She gave him a gentle nod of her head and narrowed her gaze on some indiscernible point on the horizon. By now he knew this as her 'I'm holding it together' face. Gio knew differently but said nothing.

"Do you think this shade of blue would work for Serah?" She asked him, gesturing toward a one shouldered gown on display in a wide window. Subject change, evasion, how good she had become at it. With a quiet sigh, he nodded his agreement and so they stepped inside to add further to the retail therapy haul.

Claire Gallows

Date: 2015-04-01 21:09 EST
March 31st

Yaaaaaaaaaaawn. Claire slumped at the table, thin wisps of steam rising from the untouched coffee cup in front of her. A late night at the Outback paired with a lack of sleep once she got home made for quite the unpleasant morning when Giovanni called bright and early and requested an impromptu chat.

"It's eight in the morning, Gi, I'm not awake enough for this."

He laughed "Says the one who sent me a text at two a.m. about stuff that could have waited until today."

"Yeah, well, I didn't wanna forget what we'd talked about." She huffed into the phone softly, clicking the speaker button and setting it on the table.

"I'd say four loyals isn't half bad, all things considered."

"All things considered?"

"Heh. Your propensity for running your mouth hasn't always won you fans or favors. But! That's alright, I'd say you're doing great in your first week."

"Mmh. If you say so. I have no **** idea what I'm doing. And I don't run my mouth, I just talk. I can't be faulted for that."

"Uh huh... you don't run your mouth and I'm the Queen of Accordo. Speaking of, I'm going to go ahead and take this moment to advise you not go running said mouth over at the Arena boards, please."

That prompted a few slow blinks, a momentary spot of silence and then finally she spoke when she realized how quiet she had been. "Huh? What'd I do now?"

"Not you this time, surprisingly. Someone signing with MGC isn't thrilled with the lack of smack talk being laid out nor with Miss Graziano's Loyal alignment."

"MGC... MGC... isn't that the sort of salt you find in Chinese food?"

Gio couldn't help but laugh. "No, that's MSG."

"Hmm. Another of the Graziano clan maybe?"

"That's my assumption. That said, Hope's already given her two copper so I'd say no need to give yours." There was any unspoken 'please' added by his tone, near pleading with the pink haired Captain not to do anything brash.

"C'mon, Gio, I gotta at least see it before agreeing to that."

Gio took a moment to read her the set of postings that were tacked up after Myria's alignment announcement.

"The ****'s her problem?"

"Hold over from another time, I guess. And being Italian maybe?"

Claire snickered. "Yeah we'll attribute it to that. I'm gonna finish my coffee and get the kids loaded up so I can hit the gym. I'll stay away. For now."

Claire Gallows

Date: 2015-04-01 21:26 EST
April 1st

Another day, another call from Giovanni. She barely caught the upbeat ringer over the music being pumped into her ears by a well worn set of earbuds but just before it kicked over to voicemail she managed to catch the flash of her screen and snapped it up, quickly punching at the talk button.

"'Lo?" She asked, catching her phone between her ear and shoulder as she glanced over to the pair of sleeping infants tucked soundly in their playpen.

"Evening Lady Caelum. How's the day find you?

"Mmh another day, another whatever the saying goes. Whatcha need? I was just wrapping up my evening session in the gym."

"Ah, sorry to interrupt then. Might I ask why it is you owe a favor to Harris D'Artainian?"

"Favor huh? How'd you find out about that?"

"Oh he announced it to the world on the Arena's board claiming you owe him one and that he wishes you to fulfill it by offering the Overlord's Grant to one, Maggie Harker."


"He's clearly being a dick for the sake of being a dick."

"Oh? Why do you say that?"

"...because it's Harris and he'd never do something altruistic like that. Did you know he once put a bounty out for anyone who brought him one of little Maggie's limbs during a tournament?"

Gio sounded like he nearly choked.

"What?! By Etro's name, you're joking right, that's terrible!"

"It is terrible, so why're you snickering?

"I'm not," mutter grumble, "anyways. So this is an April Fool's joke?"

"Probably. Anyways, I can't give the grant out until the new cycle starts. So he'll have to deal. At least he's not dead."

"Thank the gods for small favors." Dryly.

Claire Gallows

Date: 2015-04-02 11:20 EST
April 2nd

A cold nose to the cheek was enough to rouse her even when the ringing of her phone wasn't. The buzzing had it skittering across her bedside table and she smacked around on the table top until she caught it right at the edge.

"Ngh... thanks for the wake up, Doom." The Bernese mountain dog got an affectionate scratch behind the ears before she tapped the talk button and laid the phone on the side of her head.

"What?" She grumped into the mouthpiece.

"Well good morning to you too." Gio said with a jovial laugh. How was he such a morning person, she didn't get it.

"It is, in fact, morning. Whether it is good has yet to be seen. Slept like shit... kept having weird ass dreams about Serah."

"Uh huuuuuuuh. Well, li Fonti says you missed the morning session so I thought I'd give you ring."

"Little rat can't keep his mouth shut." She muttered and rolled onto her back, propping the phone against her ear.

"You mean doing his job. If you're going to stay in top form, you have to keep up with the regiment."

"I'm really not feeling it today, Gio. Avy, Alex and I are taking the day off before my match tonight. Maybe go to the park... enjoy the weather."

"You're still in bed, aren't you? It's raining."

"Well fuck. Even better, we'll stay in today." She waited for Gio to argue before she heard a crackle and then a wail from the baby monitor. Well, at least he wouldn't be arguing. "Crap. Gotta run, Gio. Do me a favor and have Sven check in with me for a report when he gets a chance. Laaaaaaaater!"


Claire Gallows

Date: 2015-04-13 01:34 EST
April 12th

The hour was late, streetlamps flickering by as the Jeep approached the city's south gate. Averia and Alex were out hard, tucked in and buckled into their seats. Her stomach was full but her heart was still empty, something she wasn't sure could be remedied. Not any time soon at least. The evening had been a blur; calling the Air Challenge, wandering into the Annex for Fight Night only to find the crowd fixated on a rather exciting Madness match, and then the Seaside challenge in the Arena.

She had known from the start the potential for trouble, her teammate challenging a loyal baron. Her loyal baron. By the gods, that was such a strange thought that it almost had her in a fit of delirious giggles. Claire Caelum, Overlord. What a sham. Her inner voice was a wee bit derisive, don't you think? When the last streetlights gave way to the dark of midnight south of the city proper, she found she could think just a bit clearer. Said thinking, though, was always short lived and her phone lit up in the console.

Diamante, Giovanni

Reluctantly she thumbed the talk button on the steering wheel and cleared her throat. A few taps adjusted the volume to make sure the cambion didn't scare the living daylights out of the sleeping twins.

"Talk to me, Gio." Hands-free, what a godsend. Whoever invented that should be awarded a medal or something.

"Saw our boy lost, eh?" His voice by way of the Wrangler's speakers was slightly distorted, something she attributed to the mix of magic and technology. So tricky.

"Aye, it's okay though. Seaside's just not meant to be for him right now. Besides, it keeps a loyal in place either way." Though he'd never see it, she shrugged, eyes on the road. The occasional car passed her, going in the opposite direction and here and there she glanced into the rearview to watch the city fade behind her, a vibrant dome of light in the dimmed mirror.

"A loyal that would have no qualms about gunning for your title had she been unseated." Gio pointed out slowly. Again came the shrug, the bounce of her shoulders loose.

"It is what it is. It's just a sport, Gio. She was upfront with me and I was upfront with her, I knew what I was getting into." Out of sheer bad habit, she found herself chewing on her thumb nail and forced herself to place both hands firmly on the steering wheel. Ten and two.

"A sport that is paying the team's bills for the time being. Putting money into savings, paying salaries, keeping the training center running. I hate to say it but while admirable, the towers on the Isle do not draw the same sort of endorsements that say baronies or opals do." As he rambled, Claire bobbed her head side to side, bouncing to a tune only she could hear.

"Aaaaaaand your point? We make do. We always do. We made it fine when we were on the bottom and we'll make it fine on the way to the top. What're you getting at? You don't just blabber to me unless you have an underlying point." Might as well cut to the chase. She was turning off of the main road and down the winding cut out in the treeline that would eventually lead her home.

"We need to ramp up promotion. And recruitment. I've got a pitch for you but I want to lay it out in person, preferably with the team there if possible. Hope, Shadow, Khoom namely. Anyone with a top rank in one of the sports. Round them up and I'll buy breakfast if it gets you all to sit still and listen for once." Claire could hear the teasing grin even through the phone and she managed a tired chuckle for him.

"I'll see what I can do, Gio. Khoom's been busy with the temple stuff and Hope's... ngh, I don't want her fighting. But I'll do what I can if you can do me a favor." She requested softly, turning once more, this time past the first of many granite outcroppings and down the twisting turning driveway. The gatehouse was passed with an upnod for the night watch and soon the trek up the quarter mile long drive was complete.

"Name it, you've got it." Gio promised. Claire twisted the keys in the ignition, killing the engine but leaving it just enough that the call would stay connected.

"Hunt down Sven for me and have him report to the office by noon tomorrow. He and I need to have a talk." Tension strangled her words, in particular to last and Giovanni easily picked up on her anxiety.

"Not a problem, Lady Caelum. I'll do what I can." Clipped, she sensed his swing to straight business and the conversations reached its natural stopping point.

"Thanks Gio. I'll talk to you tomorrow." She was tired and the kids still needed to be hauled inside and put to bed. Times like these she wished she trusted a nanny.

"We'll talk tomorrow, Lady Caelum." He agreed.

"Claire. It's Claire. Just, Claire." Trying to get the last word in, she was already halfway to the end call button when Gio caught her one last time.

"Sure thing, Lady Caelum!" The start of a laugh could be heard before he cut off the call without a chance at rebuttal from her.

Claire Gallows

Date: 2015-07-13 13:20 EST
July 13th

What a tumultuous couple of months it had been, but at last Mid July rolled around and things seemed to have finally settled down for the most part. Sure there were still issues here and there, but mostly, Claire found herself quietly counting her blessings and holding her breath so that nothing else went wrong. It seemed a distinct inevitability but as the 13th arrived, she resigned herself that maybe, just maybe, things would go well.

With texts sent out to Serah as well as a handful of her friends, Claire set out to the market with the twins in tow. Because shopping with a pair of six month olds is a brilliant idea, but what can you do. By the end of it, she had ordered cupcakes, placed a preemptive food order from the Sassy Owl, and picked up a few gifts for her sister. It was a tentative sort of comfort, one that she wasn't quite sure if she should settle into...

Breathe. Believe. Do all that positive thinking stuff.

Nope, still wasn't working.

At least Serah was getting some cute stuff out of the deal.

Claire Gallows

Date: 2015-09-20 09:26 EST
September 20th

Hours passed, the party had died, and her husband had taken two very sleepy twins along with their wolfish companions back home for bedtime. Somewhere over the horizon, the sun contemplated rising for the day. Not quite yet, but perhaps soon. Her boots were tossed somewhere on the grass and her toes were buried in the sand. It was a familiar sense of home that had her eyes burning as she passed the bottle of champagne back to Zack. Other empties littered the ground around them and by now she should have been drinking water, but the swimming feeling in her head was too pleasant to say goodbye to. "I didn't wanna pull her away from the party for the challenge... so I just made her my lady of honor instead. Noct never really saw the appeal in dueling, so it's probably better he stayed with the kids."

Having returned to the party, and said his goodbyes not only to Claire two kids, as well as his own. While saying goodbye to Raven, Addie and the others. Now stretched out on the beach as he stared out over the water, before glancing towards Claire as he took the bottle back and took a swig. Only to pass it back towards her, as his own swimming feeling was starting to hit him. "I don't blame you on that. You making her your lady of honor and all that." Pausing for a moment to her comment about the appeal of dueling. "Always kinda guessed that he wasn't into dueling all that much." A faint smile as he wiggled his toes in the sand.

The light of the dying bonfire was barely reflected in her eyes, little sparks and embers mirrored as they floated away into the night sky. Taking the bottle back, she took a long draw and then a second. "They're what I've got for family. Like, family-family. Just kinda... I dunno... makes me wonder if I had other family if they would come to things like this." A third swig was needed and quickly taken before she stuffed the bottle in the sand. Champagne was never her thing but they were out of the good stuff. "It's dumb. It's just sports. No different than a recital or some such shit, right?"

Glancing towards the last of the bonfire for a moment, before looking back out across the water, without reaching for the bottle again. "I know how you feel, as not counting adopted family. They are all I have." Shrugging lightly for a moment as he suddenly flopped back in the sand with his hands slipping behind his hair. "That's all it really is. A sport, but some people see things one way, and others see it differently."

"Adopted family still counts, Zack. You've got your dad and your brothers and they love you very much." Plucking the bottle out of the sand, she passed it back over. "I never really thought I'd say it, but I really miss my mom. We clashed so much... but, she was only trying to do what was best for me." Claire stifled a sniffle with a clearing of her throat. "It's something I do in my free time. It's supposed to be relaxing rather than work but the competition side is nice. My parents would have hated it..." That got a wry chuckle out of her.

"Well. They are all I have in terms of family." Muttered under his breath as he slowly took the bottle from her and tipped it back for a long swig of his own. "Haven't talked to my mom in a long while." Holding the bottle out towards her, before shifting to rub a hand against her back. "Maybe so but they would be happy to know that you are happy, Claire."

She slid a sidelong look at him, her lips pursed. It wasn't a happy look, not in the least. He had given up a family, a large one at that, including some that still referred to him as their brother. She had Serah. And while Serah was wonderful, she was still just one person. The last piece of Pulse that Claire had. The last piece of the Farron family that she had. "Your family is a stone's throw away at any given time. Don't waste that." Rather than taking the bottle, she pulled her knees up to her chest and wrapped her arms around her legs. Chin set to knees, she pinned her gaze on the horizon, willing the sun to come up. "No, they wouldn't have wanted me fighting. Always fighting. So much fighting. When does it stop?"

He caught that look and smiled faintly at her, as it was all he could give her in return for it. He knew that some still called him brother from that side of the family. Really maybe two or three at best. Though he considered his adopted family as family if he had anything to say about it. "Yeah. Last time I talked to them? We came to blows on how things should be done." Shrugging at her as he set the bottle into the sand. "You have to make the choice to stop fighting, Claire." Looking back up at the night sky again. "Only you can make yourself stop, and to do so before things pass you by."

She sighed. It felt like such a waste. "I don't just mean them, I mean your dad and such too. Don't sit there and tell me you have no family. Or else I'll punch you in the dick like I'm going to do to Rand." Claire was exasperated to say the least. One hand freed itself from its lock around her knees and she buried her fingers in the sand, curling her digits against the fine granules. "But it's so easy... it's what I do. My dad, when he was alive, was a member of the Corps. Bravest man I know. Knew. But the last thing he wanted was for me or Serah to follow in his footsteps. Now look where I am... dear Etro. What would he even say?"

He reached towards her with a light nudge for a moment. "I know what you mean, and no punching me in the dick. But you can do that to Rand all you want." Waving a hand at her before shaking his head slightly now with a sigh. Seems it was his turn to be slightly exasperated. "Claire." Now rocking up to sit up and glancing towards her. "You have a choice to continue fighting or to stop and focus on what you have right now." Softly yet firmly to her. "As for what he would say to you? I don't know."

"You would deserve it." She glanced aside at the nudge. In the dark it was hard to tell but her eyes were red rimmed but the dying flames weren't quite enough to catch the glimmer of moisture along her lash line. "Are you trying to say I'm not focusing on it? Because you're sadly mistaken. But there are other things that I can't just... hang up. Life isn't so sympathetic that it cooperates when you decide you're done fighting. That's how you die, you quit fighting when life isn't done throwing shit at you." Now she needed a drink. She grabbed for the bottle and chugged a gulp or three.

"No I wouldn't." Sticking his tongue out at her for a moment, as his brows rose a touch as he caught that red rimmed in her eyes. Getting him to dust his hands of to rid them of the sand, before shifting more towards her, with his hands coming up to wipe those fallen tears away. "I know there are other things that you just cant hang up, Claire. As for life throwing shit at you? It's always going to do that." Murmured softly to her.

"By taking your family for granted? Fuck yes you would." She found herself growling the words and caught herself with a quick drink. Claire hadn't even realized she was crying when she felt the swipe of his fingers across her cheeks. "So you've just contradicted yourself, Zackary. If I can't quit and life won't quit, then how do I quit? How do I justify giving it up?" By then, it was clear they were no longer talking of mere sport.

He just shook his head on that one, as it was a subject that they would continue to end up fighting on. Keeping focused on using his thumbs to wipe the tears away instead. "I tend to do that from time to time, Claire." Pausing for a moment. "You have to pick what you deem worth fighting for and only fight for that." It was the best answer that he could offer to her.

"Stop it. I'm fine," she said tersely, swatting at his hands. There was no place for weakness, not even in front of him. "Because it's just so easy, isn't it?" Her retort was bitter, dripping with sarcasm. Pulling back from him, she tilted the bottle back and finished off the contents before dropping it to join the others with a clatter of glass. She didn't know what she had hoped to accomplish in her rambling talk with him, but whatever it was, she had missed the goal by a mile. There were no answers, no consolation, and so with that set firmly in her mind, she pushed herself to her feet, swaying. "Sun's coming up soon. Raven will wonder where you're at. I should... get out of here too."

That got him to narrow his eyes at her. "No you aren't fine." Matching her retort, then growled faintly at her as well. "Nothing in life is easy, Claire." With him moving to his feet as well, with a hand grasping her shoulder as she started to sway. "She knows that I can handle myself, and right now. You need someone to keep an eye on you."

"Except I am. Because I don't have a choice otherwise. There's fine and there's everything falls apart. And I can't do that to the little bit of a family I've got." Her voice was unsteady so she took a deep breath to even herself out. "Zack, I don't need anyone to keep an eye on me. I'm the eye. I keep it on everyone else."

"Even you need a break from everything, and be the one that let's someone else do the fighting for you." Keeping that hand to her shoulder, before shaking his head slightly at her. "Tough. I made a promise to you a long time ago, and no matter what you say. I'm going to keep an eye on you. So. Shut up and stop trying to be all hard ass with me. It's not going to work. Ever."

"I've tried that before. It doesn't work very well and usually ends in disaster." She scrubbed her hands over her face, trying to rub away the urge to cry or scream or yell or something. "Don't tell me to shut up. You shut up. I'm fine. I just want pancakes and to not think about this anymore."

"You do need a break from everything, and if shit hits the fan over it. So be it." Shrug of his shoulders as he continued to keep a hand to her shoulder, as he watched her closely. "Shut up." Leaning in towards her as he finally shifted to lead the way. "Come on then. I'll make you some pancakes." A glance over his shoulder. "So...shut up and come on."

The steady hand was much needed after the copious amounts of alcohol she had consumed that evening. Even throwing up earlier in the night hadn't halted her progress and by now, she couldn't have walked a straight line if you paid her. "You shut up. And make me pancakes." A hand grabbed at the back of his shirt so she didn't get lost. Lead the way.

Serah Farron

Date: 2015-11-17 05:19 EST
Nov 6th

"Hey Ser! You he- holy shit girl how much did you drink?"

She heard Sven's voice long before she saw him. Tucked away in the booth of the Sassy Owl well after hours. The table top was positively littered with glasses and bottles. It wasn't just Guinness she had been drinking. Peeking over her arm she looked past the stringy pale hair that still barely clung to a shade of pink. "Go away."

"You look like shit, Ser."Sven moved over and gently pushed her shoulder until she was forced to sit up, his eyes quickly looking her over.

"Stop checking me out." she mumbled and slapped his hand away.

Normally he would of laughed. "Ser, this is serious. The Watch is looking for you. Where were you tonight?"

"Seriously?" she babbled at him. Wasn't it pretty clear where she had been? Combing back her hair she gave him a weary look. "What is this all about? Why is the Watch looking for me?"

"There's been another fire." Sven informed her waiting to see if that would start sobering her up.

It didn't. "So what? They thought I lit some place up or something?"

"No but Ser-"

She cut him off. "I don't give a fuck, Sven. Just leave me alone."

"It was your beach house that caught fire." he finished once her outburst was finished.

That did give her pause and she turned her colorless eyes up to him. "W-What?"

"You don't think Mach would of-"

"No." she caught him before he could finish again. "Though it could possibly be one of his cling ons or some bitch that decided 'oh hey since she isn't protected by Mach anymore they can get revenge for taking him off the market!'"

Sven's eyes went wide a bit when it seemed Serah's filter went missing in action. No doubt the work of all the alcohol in her. "Serah."

"What?! Bitches be crazy!!" she flailed her arms in the air. Yeah, that phrase came from her sister.

Sven did laugh at her choice of words. "Any other theories?"

"Insane lawn gnomes deciding that now is the time to retaliate?" She gave a thoughtful hum as she tilted a few glasses in search of a drop or two. "Flaming flamingos fighting for fun?"

"Okay, you've had enough." he reached out to take her hand and stop her from digging for more booze.

She tried to pull her arm from him and glared. "Bugger off."

Instead of letting her get too far he grabbed her up and hauled her over his shoulder. "Going to throw you in a shower to sober you up."

"Get off me you fucker!" Without realizing it her body started to shimmer.

Sven, however, was one step ahead. Grabbing her thigh he squeezed in order to break whatever attempt she was doing to flee. "Well if you want to be technical you are on me." He grinned and carried her to the second floor of the Sassy Owl for some detoxing so she could go give a statement to the Watch.

Giovanni Diamante

Date: 2015-11-27 17:20 EST
November 27th

In light of Serah's protestations that the Team Dirty merchandise collection didn't include any skirts, and the fact that said merchandise was being used to help replenish a closet lost in one of the many blazes in Rhydin City as of late, Giovanni sent a neatly wrapped box over to the apartment above the Sassy Owl Saloon. Enclosed were four long sleeved shirts, four skirts, and four pairs of leggings. Likely they didn't match, after all women's fashion was hardly something Giovanni had an eye for, but they were in colors and patterns that he thought may suit the younger Farron sister. All new, all bearing tags from boutiques in New Haven and the higher end sector of the Marketplace, and all Serah's. Not hand-me-downs, not extras from a sports team's merch box, just Serah's. Enclosed was a tag clearly marking the box for Serah and signed in a neat script with his name. No other explanation was offered.

Claire Gallows

Date: 2016-03-28 10:05 EST
March 26th




"Oh, your phone's back on. I had been expecting to leave you a voicemail..."

"Hi Gio. I figured I'd turn it on for a bit before I left the city."

"You mean to tell me that you're actually taking my advice for once?"

Sigh. "Don't sound so smug. We're leaving tomorrow after the egg hunt at Dragon's Gate."

"I'm not smug, not in the least. Pleased, for sure, but not smug. You need this, Claire."

"They're about the same thing with you. What'd you need?"

"Ah... well, it's unimportant at the moment. Do you need any help with the twins?"

"No, but while I've got you on the phone... I'd like you to put Cooper Gallows on the payroll."

"Cooper, hmm? He always seemed a bit gentle giant for the enforcement division but--"

"No, not for enforcement. It's for the kids. He's comin' out to the beach with us and after all the time and energy he's put into helping lately, I want to make it official."

"So, like a nanny."

"Manny. It's manlier."

"Manny is a made up word."


Sigh. "Very well. I'll make the change on Monday morning. How long do you think you'll be gone?"

"I don't know. I'll be back in a week for the Diamond Quest, pointless as it might be, but I'm going back out after that."

"Hmm. Get in touch with me after the tournament but before you head back. How about that?"

"Yeah, sure. Everything okay?"

"Oh yes, everything's as good as can be expected. Enjoy your time away, Claire. Let me know if you need anything."

"Of course, Gio. See you tomorrow at the hunt?"

"I'll be at the Centre assisting Miss Fox with the activities there."

"Oh... I suppose that... makes sense. Okay. Well, if I don't see you before I leave, stay out of trouble."

"Yes, because you know me... trouble."

"Don't I know it. Later, Gio."

"Goodbye, Claire."

Serah Farron

Date: 2016-06-05 04:30 EST
June 4th

It was super early in the morning when she arrived to pick up her niece and nephew. A little package for her sister was left behind as she took the kiddos out for some fun and left mommy dearest to get some relaxation in.

The day started out with hitting a nice little cafe where she introduced her niece and nephew to funny-faced pancakes. By the time mid-noon hit they had made their way to Serah's cabin by the lake. Dressed to swim they splashed in the water for a few hours but once the sun hit the high point she decided it was best to bring them inside and away from the harsh sun.

Which was fine because they were both tuckered out and naptime was about to happen which was great because it gave her time to deal with the company that suddenly was at her door. The girls of Beauty and the Beats had showed up to talk about the new music they were planning to do for the reopening of the Ampersand. The girls cooed and oogled over the sleeping little ones which in turned woke them up. Like all kids that age they sprung to life and the fun started up again.

For a few minutes she left the twins in the care of the women, a hurried shimmering her way to the inn. Well after a handful of tries. Just there long enough to pick up the things she had bought for her niece and nephew the night before. It took a few tries just to get back and somehow she still ended up on the roof! Not entirely off the mark at least. Maybe Kaleb would be proud to know she was practicing to get better with an ability he gifted to her.

She returned to find her niece and nephew passed out, cuddled among the group of girls who hushed Serah when she walked through the door. After that they didn't remain much longer, leaving Serah to snuggle with the little ones sleeping.

The evening would be filled with a wholesome dinner, provided by Garrett of course, and more swimming. By the time night came they were completely passed out in the bed that Serah had framed with a ton of pillows so they couldn't roll out. Cuddled with teddies and blankets, they looked peaceful. She could only hope her sister was enjoying the night just as much as they were. They all needed it in her humbled opinion.

Claire Gallows

Date: 2016-10-09 12:58 EST
October 9th

Light just barely trickled through at the edges of the curtains, grazing sleepy beams along the fringe of the room. The blanket was a rumpled mess, half on, half off of the bed. From the front door to the bedside, a trail of clothing had been scattered. Black and red heels and cowboy boots tipped over near the door. Denim and lace mingling a string of progression through the apartment. A black Stetson perched on the round knob of a chair back. A little red dress with a broken zipper in a sparkly heap. He laid on his back with her tucked against his side, her pale, toned arm draped loosely over his abdomen. His chest rose and fell with steady slumber. It wasn't often that she woke before he did. Her lips formed quiet words, subtle brushes of whispered sweetness tumbling free unrestrained.

"Last night was... something. Had to be if you're still sleeping. What a mess... eh, we can clean up later." She turned her head to press a gentle kiss to his chest. Still he slept. "Need more Saturday nights like that. And Sunday mornings like this. I like that, you know. I want it. I want the Saturday nights. The date nights, the food, the laughter, the sex. All of it. But I also want the Sunday mornings too. The cuddling, the coffee, the pancakes, the kids waking us up early. I like having you here, Coop," she almost waited for the correction to see if he was really asleep while she rambled. Nothing came. She smiled and continued. "You've been a port in a storm that I didn't think I'd be able to weather otherwise. You make me happy, you know. I wasn't sure I'd ever get that again... not after him. But you were right there all along... how'd I get so lucky? I hope I make you happy too... it's the least you deserve after all you've done. I wanna show you, always, how much you deserve that. Ugh, look at me, getting all gross and sappy and lame. And gods am I sore... a good sore. Should probably go get in the shower but this... this is nice. So stay with me a little longer. Not just today... you know what I mean. I'm gonna fight for you, I promise. So you gotta fight too. Hold on for me. For us. For the kids. For everything we could be... I wanna see it, I really do. So hold on. I'll do my best to make it worth your while. Mmm, okay, maybe I need that shower after all..." One more kiss brushed to his bare pectoral before she reluctantly wriggled free of his grasp. "Thečh?ȟila."

Before too much light could permeate the dark bedroom, she snuck away to the bathroom, breaking the early dawn quiet with the soft hiss of the shower and the tickling curls of steam from beneath the bathroom door.