Topic: The Fire Pit [18+(Violence.) --Open!]

Jamie Jameson

Date: 2017-03-17 07:21 EST

Welcome to the Fire Pit.
Are you visiting or staying?

The arena seems open enough to give fighters that sense that they can just...walk right out. If only that were true. It's warded with very powerful spells that prevent escape as well as entry by anyone who isn't welcome. Can't have people jumping in to save their friends, can we? Those who do manage an escape would find themselves running into the failsafe.

The failsafe:
Credit: Lina Hoss.

Say hello to Amanda! She serves as Jamie's right hand in the Pit. Her skill is the nullification of powers and abilities. Those around her might find themselves feeling strangely human at her will. Escapees tend to be carried off by the bouncers and robbed of their chance to fight for their life. They are not often heard from again.
Victims will find themselves waking up in a dark room with their hands and feet bound and their mouth gagged. The first face they see is Amanda?s, stealing away their ability to fight back. They?re herded into the pit and forced to fight to the death. Sometimes, one, or both victims will take the high road and refuse to battle. When that happens, they usually find themselves captivated by Jamie?s fiery eyes and become overwhelmed with rage?this will result in them lashing out at the first person they come across. When it?s all said and done, one is declared dead, the other is declared a winner, and has earned their freedom.
Then, of course, there are those that come just for the sake of fighting, those who love the sport. With their life on the line, they show up to fight anyways. These are perhaps Jamie's favorites.

Do you think you have what it takes to survive?

Jamie Jameson

Date: 2017-03-17 07:24 EST
So you want to play in the pit?
How do I participate?
However you like! Just write something up, collaborate with another player, and post it. If you would like some input from me, just send me a PM and I'll do what I can.

How many rounds do the fights go?
The pit?s fights are to the death. Two go in, only one comes out. (So, unless you are planning to kill someone off, I would not recommend writing your
piece against another character. Check out the specialty schedule for a way around this.)

What if I want to participate, but I know my character won?t fight?
Jamie is more than happy to give your character that extra push. When someone looks into her eyes, they are overcome with rage and will often lash out at the person nearest them. (If you need me to write something up for you, just send me a PM. We can work something out.)

Does my character have to be kidnapped to fight?
No, absolutely not. If a character is willing to fight, they are more than welcome to do so on their own accord.

How can I write this out with someone, without killing them?
See ?specialty schedule? for Tuesday and Wednesday.

Fighting isn?t really my thing?but can I still participate?
Absolutely. Have your character be a member of the crowd, cheering on a friend or placing bets on the battles.

What if I?m not sure if my idea is allowed?
Send me a PM. I am always happy to hear ideas.

If I write something out with someone else, do we both have to post to get an icon?
Nope! Just be sure to link the other character profile so I know who the icon is going to.

Have a question that isn?t listed? Send me a PM.

OOC ?Please note that this story is 100% optional. No attempts at any character will be made without permission. If this is something you?re interested in, please feel free to write a piece for it. Also, a big thank you to Hyde?s player who has been helpful, and has done a great job at keeping me from pulling out my hair. ❤

The Specialty Schedule

Monday- Ladies? night!
To bring in more female clientele, Jamie has appointed a ladies? night. Ladies enjoy half off Black Widow, and Mantis specialty drinks. Only the hunkiest and prettiest men fight that evening!...shirtless! So come watch, enjoy, and objectify men.

Tuesday- Team Tuesdays!
Double the fighters, double the blood! Instead of one on one, we?ll be pitting a team of two versus a team of two! Four go in, only two come out. If luck permits it, that is. (The match ends when both members of a team are dead.)

Wednesday- PG Day
The only day out of the week where the matches aren?t to the death. Nobody will find themselves being kidnapped and forced to fight on this day. Maybe because it?s Jamie?s day off. There isn?t every anything scheduled on this day, and the crowd is usually minimal due to lack of scheduling. (A day for those who don?t want to commit to killing an NPC, or want to battle against someone without murdering their face.)

Thursday- Dog Fight Thursdays!
?no, we?re not actually fighting dogs. What kind of sick, twisted show do you think we?re running here? We are, however, fighting lycans, werewolves and everything in between. You don?t want to miss this! Come watch the fangs get bloody and the fur fly.

Friday and Saturday- Open. (No Theme.)

Sunday- Couples? night!
Grab your significant other and come watch as we pit lovers against one another. Romeo Vs. Juliet? Bonnie Vs. Clyde? Who knows what will happen! Be sure to make your bets on which will come out alive!

Jamie Jameson

Date: 2017-03-17 07:40 EST
Be our guest~

What good?s a fight to the death without spectators? Guests are accommodated well for their money. They pay for a show, and they?re given one. So, if you have the stomach for violence, come on in and join the fun! Try one of our signature drinks, bet on a fight!
The seating arrangements aren?t the finest in the world, but they?re easy to clean and maneuver around in a pinch. They do well to overlook the fight, though it?s not recommended to sit in the front row if you have issues getting splattered with blood. It is, however, smart to bring your own blanket on especially cold nights if you want to avoid freezing your ass off.
What blood sport would be complete without a fully stocked bar? The girl behind the counter is welcoming and friendly. She seems to know someone?s order before they do, half the time. When a mind can?t be made up, she is quick to recommend the specialties.

The bartender:
Credit: Ginga Loco.

Signature drinks:
?The Mantis.?
Most popular on ladies? night.
?The Blood Transfusion.?
Don?t worry, it?s just jello!
?The Black Widow?
Another popular one among the ladies.
?The Phoenix?
Not recommended for the weak.
?The Berserker?
It?s?a gallon of booze. Please note that the Fire Pit is not responsible for alcohol poisoning or any alcohol related injuries.

Jamie Jameson

Date: 2017-03-17 07:41 EST
Available Icons:

I fought:
For those brave souls that fight for the love of fighting.

I lived:
For those that might not have come so willingly, but still managed to make it out alive.

I watched:
Who doesn't love an audience?

I raged:
For those who were perhaps a bit reluctant to fight, and then looked into the eyes of the hellion herself.


Date: 2017-03-17 08:43 EST
Friday, March 17th 2017

What happens when you meet a shady chick in a dark and sketchy alley, who tells you they've got an Underground Fighting Ring? You get her card, then proceed to shoot her a text. That's what you do. After all, she promised something interesting for him and the man was known among his kin to always be seeking the next 'adventure'. He just hoped she could hold up on the promise.

Finding her card still tucked away in that leather jacket, he'd done just that.

Text to SAD (Shady Alley Dweller): Yo, Shady how bout them deets?
Text to Sharp Tooth: You sayin' you're interested? (:
Text to SAD: gotta have som'n to do on a Friday night, right?
Text to Sharp Tooth: Hm... I got just the thing. ;-) Meet me in our spot. One hour.
Text to SAD: aight sketch. meet u there. I expect to be impressed ;)
Text to Sharp Tooth: You will be.

An hour later, Davyn arrived to the alley as they'd agreed upon. Years spent in the army, and in a proper Kingdom of Norr had instilled the prompt timing of the Manakete. He arrived no more than a few seconds after the minute rolled over to an hour, finding Jamie already there waiting for him.

Being lead to the Fire Pit, he'd asked a good number of questions. Yet, none about where they were going. "I don't wanna ruin the magic before I get there, girl." He'd told her. But that didn't mean he didn't try to ask what she'd been willing to answer. What got you caught up in this shit? You ever get in on it? What's your favorite color? It was hard to tell if he was interested in knowing or just talking to make the walk go by faster.

Arriving to the Pit... he'd been more than a bit surprised and it was written all over his face. He might've expected some cheap basement with maybe fifteen people all roughing it out in a circle. (The First Rule of Fight Club is...) Instead, he'd been met with a much larger crowd. Most were yelling and cheering from Spectator's Bleachers, drinks in hand and fists in the air. Some were booing and taunting. And the "Ring"... his jaw had nearly dropped to see that metal monstrosity that might've instilled ideas of the Thunderdome to him.

"Damn Shady... go hard or go home, huh?" He'd snickered, giving her a wide and razor-sharp grin that said he was pleased with what he saw. "Like I said though, I'll check it out."

After parting ways with Jamie after a little bit of talking and getting himself a drink (The Phoenix, to be exact), he might've chatted up the bartender for a while before making his way to the bleachers to watch the fight.

Tonight, Davyn was playing Spectator. He'd kept his word to McShady, showing up to check it out and see if it interested him. Little did she know (or maybe she already did), that Sharp Tooth would be back.

(Collab done with the incredible Jamie-Mun, thanks for setting up this event and helping with this post to give it more oomph~ expect plenty more Davyn at the Fire Pit!)


Date: 2017-03-17 10:40 EST
?Come on, padre. Up and at ?em. It?s your turn.? The voice that called him up from blackness was laced with impatience and a cold humor. He didn?t recognize it.

It took a moment for him to sit up from where he lay on the floor, the bindings around his wrists and ankles making it difficult. His jaw aching from the gag. The situation, not to mention the grogginess, caused him more than a little bit of disorientation. Where was he? How did he get here? And who was the shaven-headed girl standing over him? His thoughts were hard to pin down.

?On your feet. We don?t want the natives getting restless. Bad for business.? Those words came from a sizable man standing on his opposite side from the silent girl. Turning his head to look at him caused the room to spin slightly. He must have been drugged, because he didn?t feel the pain that would be associated with a concussion.

Grunting slightly with effort, his body gradually shaking off the effects of whatever they sedated him with, he rolled over to push himself to his feet. The girl kept a respectable distance, though she didn?t seem overly concerned by him, motioning for him to follow. The ties around his ankles had just enough slack to let him shuffle after her into a door-lined hallway.

Snippets started coming back to him with the clearing of his head. He?d been at the docks. There was a small, nervous man pleading for help. Rushing down a blind alley. Then nothing. Until he woke up in this place. Was it still the same day or had he been out for a while? Neither the girl nor the man walking behind him seemed inclined to offer any information.

He?d been partially aware of a steady, dull noise since he?d regained consciousness. As they neared the end of the hallway, the sound revealed itself to be voices. It was impossible to tell if the low roar was angry or excited.

Then the sound erupted into cheers and derision, whistles and boos, as he stepped between the seats leading to the arena. That was the only word he could use to describe the room. The rows of bleachers. The giant metal cage. A sense of despair filled him as he began to fully realize his predicament.

Herded through an entrance into the cage, he was aware of someone else being led in on the other side at the same time. Two more large men were holding a thin, feral girl by the arms, while a third was removing her bindings. The ropes were being slipped from his own wrists and ankles, followed by the gag. The escorts quickly leaving the cage and locking him in with what he assumed to be another prisoner.

The shrill noises of the crowd drew his attention briefly. A mix of faces, hungry, bored, and lustful stared back at him or shouted insults. Despite the lack of instructions, he knew exactly what they expected. He would just have to leave them disappointed. Instead he focused on the girl again, who had scrambled to a spot in the cage as far away from him as possible.

Holding his hands out at his sides in a non-threatening gesture, he spoke loud enough for the girl to hear him over the din. ?Do not be afraid. I will not hurt you.? Despite his words, his voice only seemed to send the girl into a panic. Her eyes shone as a beam of light directed at the cage was caught in them. In an instant her hands deformed, fingers crooking into daggered claws. Her jaw unhinging as spikes of teeth grew. With a mindless shriek, she threw herself at him, arms slashing wildly. Instinct alone sent him into motion, spinning and launching the girl past him into the bars, wailing in terror as she bounced off them.

?Please! Calm yourself! We can free ourselves from this, but you must listen.? Again, he was forced to deflect her attack as she lunged at him. It seemed her fear was all-consuming and he would be unable to talk her down. His only chance was to exhaust her, so he began to dance around the cage, forcing her to come at him and pushing her away each time.

The crowd caught on to his intent and began to boo loudly, a few throwing trash at the bars. As he found himself backed up against one side of the cage, a woman?s voice called out beside him. ?Hey! Monk!?

Reflexively his head turned to the voice, and his gaze was met with eyes that seemed to be aflame. That fire was infectious, as he instantly felt it burning in his chest and mind. What was wrong with these people? How could they find such enjoyment in watching others suffer? Did they care so little for life? His thoughts shattered as claws tore through his robe and raked down his back.

The pain caused his mind to flee, his body reacting automatically as he whirled to face the animal in the cage with him.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

He found himself kneeling over the broken body of rail thin, raggedly dressed girl. The overwhelming rage having burned itself out, he now felt hollow and drained. Shaking hands reached down to touch the motionless form, knowing she was dead. And that he was the one who killed her. Barely registering the multitude of bloodstained rips leaving his robe in tatters, or the red sheen on those small hands.

The crowd was on its feet, delighted at the show. He was being gripped roughly and dragged from the cage. He didn?t resist. He didn?t care what was going to happen now. Tears were burning his eyes, unable to look away from the life he had ended.

Until he passed the woman with the flaming gaze. It was cold now. A look of satisfaction on her face. A face that was now etched permanently into his memory.

Jamie Jameson

Date: 2017-03-17 14:39 EST
Regarding Davyn?
While walking with Davyn, Jamie answered all his questions. At least to the best of her ability, there might have been some fudged truths in there. The question on how she got caught up in it was given the most thought out of the rest. How had she gotten into this? Was there ever a time when she was just a normal girl and not this sadistic, unfeeling shell of a person that feeds on rage and pain? Silence.

Everyone who looks into my eyes goes crazy? I figured if anything, I should at least make some money off it.What could she say without making herself seem painfully vulnerable? Without giving away what she was? Jamie wasn?t vulnerable. Maybe there was a time where she was an insecure teenage girl who couldn?t find sincerity in a gaze. Maybe it was loneliness that consumed her. Or maybe she was just born evil?maybe she just liked it. Either way, her answer was this; ?It pays the bills.? In truth, it did. Quite well. That was why she started the business in the first place.

The next question, however, had her grinning. ?If by get in on it, you mean fight? Yes. I have,? she told him with a nod and not much shame. ?Even a savvy business woman like me has to blow off some steam sometimes.?

The last question was enough to make her brow furrow lightly. It just seemed?out of place given the other ones he?d asked. One of these things is not like the other. Her lips pursed lightly, and she wasn?t sure how to answer that one either. She didn?t put a lot of thought or time into answering, but? She wasn?t really sure she enjoyed colors. She was never the type of kid to pick a lollipop out by the color. It was always the flavor. She didn?t appreciate a lot in the world, really. ?Red, I guess?? Without much consideration at all.

It was when they?d arrived that she flashed him a grin that showed off at least one thing: pride. ?You know it,? she said with a smirk. ?Go on, make yourself comfortable. I?ve got?things to take care of. Have fun~?

That was that. She didn?t really hover or watch him too carefully. This was one she?d let come to her. There was that fighting spirit inside of him, and that need that practically dripped off him to escape from the mundane. She could respect that, hell, she could fix that. She had the feeling he knew it, though?or he wouldn?t be here. The place would speak for itself, so instead of trying to impress him, she did her own thing and let him make up his own mind. A rarity for her.

OOC-- Thank you so much! <3 Can't wait to see more!

Jamie Jameson

Date: 2017-03-17 14:48 EST
Regarding Gerith...

Yes, it was her who had called out, and the eyes were hers that had triggered the rage build up that had turned him into a murderer. There was no sadness or regret, nothing that hinted at the slightest bit of remorse on those features. Instead, she was pleased with herself. Pleased with him. It was he who had made that night successful, even if he had been a bit?unwilling at first.

When his cold stare met hers, which was now shaded by those protective sunglasses preventing any further rage, she stared on. The slightest hint of fire would glow from beneath the dark lenses, but was rendered harmless when filtered through. Her lips upturned just a bit, a satisfied little smirk resting on her features before she blew him a kiss. ?Congrats, champ,? she?d say as he was carried off. He had earned his freedom?and for that, she expected him to be thankful. Who knows? Without that extra push, it might?ve been him lying on the ground. ?Then again, he might?ve preferred it that way. Oh well.

OOC-- Absolutely stunning first example of an unwilling fight! I am blown away, thank you for taking the time out to write this!

Simon Toews

Date: 2017-03-19 14:30 EST
She?d watched him dominate against a man twice his size and walk away with bruises, covered in blood. Locked in that cage, he?d fought his way through two other men, and stood at the end of it all covered in grime, sweat, and blood. That was his audition.

When Jamie saw that, she knew he was ideal for her ?contest?. Yeah, he was trying to go straight, and this was a massive backslide. Oh well, he decided, like he was just going on a diet, he?d start again Monday. So long as the fight didn?t get him busted and thrown back in the clink, of course. He visited a healer during the week before his turn in the pit. If he was going to fight, he wouldn?t be nursing wounds. He?d be in top form.

He went to the location she?d given him, walking into the pit. The smell of sweat and blood heavy in the air as a fight was finishing up. He trained his eyes on the ring as a man was trying in vain to tap out, his neck caught into crook of his opponent?s arm, gasping blood and saliva until finally that neck snapped and his body went limp. The victor rising to cheers.

Simon moved down the main aisle as a man approached. ?You Toews?? he asked.

Blue eyes looked him over. Big, burly mother ****er. Looked like he probably would have gotten winded ten seconds into a real fight. ?Who?s askin???

?I work for Jamie.? he said flatly, eyes scanning him. ?Powers?? he asked.


?Good. You?re up next. I suggest you get prepared.?

A smirk tugged at one corner of his mouth. ?Always prepared, pal.?

The bouncer stared at him, a little laugh leaving him. ?Yeah. Heard that before.?

Moments later, he found himself standing in the ring as they called his name. He peeled the shirt from a long body covered in hard, toned muscle. Scars all about his flesh and tattoos speaking of a life of violence decorating his form. Simon clenched his fists, those knuckles showing signs of never healing properly from broken bones, marred by scars after repeatedly being busted open on an opponent?s face. The lean fighter stretched his back, arms out and turned his head to one side, emitting pops from his neck.

His opponent pulled himself up into the ring. A shorter man named Ortiz, topping off at 5?8? he was built out of solid muscle. There were some men, you could look in their eyes, and you could tell they were a killer. He?d seen it in his on-and-off stays in prison. Gang tattoos decorated his opponent?s flesh, some he recognized. Oh yeah, Simon decided, sizing him up. THIS guy would fight until he was burger.

He rubbed the scruff below his lip with his thumb as he began to walk the perimeter of the ring, the little man matching his movement, those eyes locked on him. The two fighters moved ever closer until finally Simon moved in throwing the first punch, testing the waters. The kid was fast, he dodged, moving aside and readied again. A smirk crossed Simon?s lips. He threw another punch, but the man didn?t settle for ducking away this time. He went under the punch and threw an uppercut into Simon?s jaw.

Pain radiated across his face as his opponent leapt into the air, jump-kicking him the chest and slamming him against the metal bars surrounding the arena. Quickly, the smaller fighter was on his feet and charging. Simon got his bearings just in time to maneuver out of the way, grabbing him by the back of the head, and slamming his face into the steel bars. He wasted no time, planting one forearm against the back of the dazed, shorter man?s neck, driving his fist into his kidneys.

The crowd roared as the fight turned vicious. Ortiz finally managed to get out of Simon?s grasp and drove an elbow straight into the taller man?s ribs. Oh yeah. Simon felt the familiar sting of his ribs cracking, it was distracting enough that Ortiz could grab him by the hair, launch himself up and headbutt Simon in the face.

?SNAP!? went his nose, blood pouring down into his mouth and beard. The little guy tackled Simon to the ground and started beating on his face. Lights were flashing all around his vision with every vicious impact. But Simon had been here before. This was nothing new. As the next punch came, he lowered his head, letting the hardest part of his skull absorb the blow.

Ortiz howled in agony as his knuckles broke against the hard bone. Simon lashed out with a vicious blow to the other fighter?s face, his knuckles hitting like a brick. Ortiz went down, his bearings now completely off. Simon rolled on top of him and grabbed him by the face, dragging his head up and slamming it back down, to keep him dazed.

Again and again and again, his fists rained down blows against the increasingly mangled face beneath him until finally, Ortiz dodged, letting Simon?s hand crash against the ground. He was more frustrated than hurt, but it gave the smaller man enough opportunity.

Simon suddenly found Ortiz on his back, his strong arm wrapped around his throat, trying to strangle him. The taller man struggled against him, rising his feet, but Ortiz just tightened his grip. His vision was beginning to show the little pops like cigarette burns on film, his brain suddenly craving oxygen. He drove himself and Ortiz back into the metallic structure of the ring. The impact loosened his attacker?s grip.

But Ortiz was not done. He held onto one of the rungs and planted his feet in Simon?s back kicking him face down on the hard floor. Well, that hurt, Simon thought as a bloody face print lay beneath him, He slowly began to push himself up when a foot came down at the side of his head grinding his face into the rough floor.

Again, he tried to get up and again, Ortiz stomped his head into the ground. Things were a bit black for a second. Finally, he managed to roll out of the path of Ortiz? foot, letting it connect with the small splatter of blood that had been left behind by Simon?s face.

One hand gripped Ortiz by the ankle as Simon?s other arm reeled across his body. With as much strength as he could muster, drove his elbow into the side of his opponent?s knee while yanking on his ankle.


That knee bent to the side in an awkward position, Ortiz?s howling heard well over the roaring, blood thirsty crowd. The little man went down.

Bloodied and battered, Simon rose, reaching down and wrapping Ortiz in a headlock. He dragged the injured man toward the edge of the cage. Ortiz knew this would be the end for him. He struggled, but Simon hit him, beat the fight out of him with his fists. Keeping that head locked under his arm, he slammed Ortiz? forehead into one of the beams.

Ortiz was spun around and thrown backwards against the metal, blood trickling down where the beam had cracked his skull and broken the skin. Simon panted, fists clenched, blood running down and mingling with sweat and dirt upon his body. Ortiz slowly looked up with those swollen, dazed, defeated eyes, pure hatred behind them.

It was do or die in this pit. It was him or Ortiz. **** that. Sorry, pal.

His foot slammed into Ortiz? forehead, his neck bending back and breaking instantly against the bars, hanging limply with his mouth wide open. Simon backed away from the body slowly as the crowd went wild. Everything hurt. Even breathing. He was sure to have at least 2 broken ribs and sported a shattered eye socket...his fists were burst open for the...god, he?d lost count on how many times. His nose was most definitely broken as well. Bruises would cover damn near all of him.

But he was alive. He was alive and he needed a ****ing cigarette.

The Red Lady

Date: 2017-03-23 22:15 EST
Friday Night

The man she had accompanied to the Pit, Jonah, had been a high level enforcer for some company that, along with several other Rhydinian conglomerates, used prize fights to settle contract and turf disputes. He was brutally strong, and a tactical fighter, and the fact that he was - or had been - still alive in the same line of work for the past four years, was testament to his abilities. His luck had run out in the Pit tonight, and she'd had the opportunity to see him savagely beaten to death; she had watched in fascination, not realizing that her own callous disregard for life was matched by one of the women who had, in a sense, officiated the bout.

Slaughter houses, butcher shops, the meat department of a grocery store all had the same smell, just in varying intensity: meat, blood, and death. The Pit smelled to her like blood and death, and as she approached the man who'd beaten her date to death, her stomach rumbled. The red wrap she wore matched the thoughts going through her mind, and her heels seemed to clack against the hard floor as she approached.

"He killed my date!" Her voice was plaintive. A large man stepped out between her and the man she'd been about to accost, and placed a hand on her chest in warning.

"You looking to fight?" He raised an eyebrow speculatively, appraising her rather slight figure.

"Me?" She all but squeaked, "Fight?" Her eyes widened in shock - perhaps a little too dramatically.

"Yeah, you wanna get a hold of someone, you gotta step in the ring - all official like." It was hard to tell if he was a bouncer or a manager, with the muscles and the clipboard. He didn't give her much consideration; she didn't look like the had either the build, or the temperament to put up much of a fight - unless it was based on eye gouging, perhaps. It wasn't out of concern for Jonah's killer, since he'd outstripped Jonah from the moment they'd gotten in the 'ring'. The only mark he had from the encounter was a small cut on his forehead above his left eye.
"And yeah," the bouncer continued, "That's what we do here; it's Friday night, that means two go in, one comes out. Well, both come out, but only one walks out. Get lost sweetheart, you're nice arm candy but leave the fighting to the," he paused, a somewhat dumb expression glazing his eyes, "the fighters."

"I can fight!" Her voice again plaintive, slightly petulant even, as the man began to turn from her and she lashed out with an open hand catching him across the face before he could make it.

"Alright, enough," the clipboard was dropped and he gathered both her wrists in his hands. He was just the type of borderline sociopath that would be comfortable working in a place like this. "So, no powers, huh?" He dragged her along behind him as he approached the opening of the 'ring'. "Franklin," the bouncer addressed the man who'd killed Jonah, "can you slap this," shaking the woman in red, "around a little bit or something so she gets outta my hair?"

The woman who had been speaking to Franklin spoke up, "It's Friday night, you know the rules." To the death. She was eyeing the lady in red with obvious condescending speculation.

"I know, Jamie," the bouncer shot her a smirk and a wink. And shoved the lady in red forward into the ring. The woman he'd called Jamie shrugged, and said something to Franklin - right before a look of rage came over him and he turned on his heel to head into the ring. Those outside the ring were soon forgotten.

Franklin charged the lady in red while her back was towards him, but she turned halfway through his charge and met his balled fist with the side of her face, sending her sprawling onto the floor. She quickly raised herself up onto her hands and knees, and it sounded as though a sob escaped her, followed closely by the sound of Franklin's boot connecting with her rib-cage and flipping her over onto her back, a sound that was punctuated by the something reminiscent of breaking bones. A cruel smile lit Franklin's face as he advanced on her again. It was clear how and why he'd gotten the job that he had; he was a cruel sadist, and took a great deal of pleasure in his work.


Franklin reached down to grab her by the scalp, but she was more agile, and reached up to intercept him, her open palm meeting his, and the two seemed to liquefy into one slightly amorphous mass - as his eyes quickly widened in shock and he made the futile attempt to pull away from her. Instead of coming apart, they stayed merged and his backwards motion only served to raise her back onto her feet. Gone was any mien of innocence or vulnerability from her face, replaced with the same curiosity a child might exhibit when pulling the wings off a fly: somehow both innocent and horrifying at the same time.

"Get away from me, you fre-" Franklin yelled, somewhere between a bellow and a screech, before her free hand slapped over his mouth, their skin melding together on contact yet again, his eyes widening with horrified panic as the aperture of his mouth was sealed over by flesh.


His eyes rolled back in his head as the skin of her arms seemed to ripple as though she were pushing herself into him - or perhaps drawing him out of himself, her arms like straws stuck into a Franklin flavored milkshake. His skin began to pale and sag, and his legs quivered as he dropped down to his knees, before it appeared that his femur bones gave way and they too seemed to bend until his torso was laying in a puddle of his own flesh. She hadn't spoken a word in the exchange, and didn't now, merely stared at his subsiding form with eyes that had once been jade, but were now orange orbs slowly transitioning to blood red. She couldn't help but wonder if this would have been the eventual fate of her original date this evening, or if she would have merely walked away. He had been good for introducing her to this side of life in Rhydin, but he wasn't a keeper. Far too mundane.

Somewhere outside the fighting area, she vaguely heard the sound of someone discussing the fact that it turned out she did have some sort of power that she hadn't mentioned. It didn't matter to her, in particular. It was unlikely that anyone would fight her after this anyway, she suspected. Anyone else that had seen her 'at work' before had had to be similarly 'cleaned', as they'd not been able to stomach it; which was another thing she didn't mind, as she really found it easier to 'stomach' those who couldn't stomach the real her.


Finally, all that was left was an empty Franklin skin laying in the middle of the fighting area. It appeared to have had the bones removed, and the blood drained. The lady in red, however, looked - if anything - more hale than she had when she'd first set foot into the Pit. She moved towards the exit of the fighting area.

The bouncer awaited her, along with someone else, a woman with a close shorn haircut - Amanda. The failsafe. The nullifier. The bouncer was asking her something, but her focus was on Amanda. She reached a hand out towards her, which earned her nothing more than the slightest of raised eyebrows - and as the red lady's hand reached towards her... her skin appeared to turn to dust and fall quickly to the floor. She quickly retracted her hand and looked at it with the same innocence that she had possessed briefly in the ring. She looked again from her hand to Amanda, and a gleeful smile came across her face. Something about her reminded the red lady of emptiness, which was strangely consoling.

"He's talking to you," Amanda's only comment as she gave the slightest tilt of her head back towards the bouncer who'd been trying to get the red lady's attention.

"Hmm?" Clearly the woman in red had issues communicating.

"Your name, for our... lists," or records, or dossiers, or whatever other information they kept on those who fought. The lady in red smiled again, a warm, beaming, friendly smile.

"Charnel," the only other word to leave her lips as she stepped gracefully around the bouncer - with one more appraising glance towards Amanda, before moving away into the crowd - or trying to, as they gave her a rather wide berth to avoid touching her flesh.


Date: 2017-03-31 23:46 EST
Rising in the Mourning

1 of 4

Team Tuesday Fight Night. The Pit. Rhydin.

?Look,? Layla said as she balanced on the ball of her foot in her heels. ?I told you?? She sent a strong roundhouse kick to the side of her opponent?s hip, making him stagger his stance. ?I didn?t know?? She took a step forward, then shoved one of her heels into the man?s chest, causing him to awkwardly fall backwards, but he caught himself before hitting the ground. ??who he was!? She shouted angrily, turning to glare at her partner.

Kaiden, her partner, was close at hand dealing with his own combatant. His twin blades were still in their sheathes, strapped across his back as he fought. The man opposite him was slightly more hesitant that the one facing Layla. Kaiden's opponent already boasted a swollen face, and despite his obvious skill at hand to hand fighting, he'd been repeatedly dealt humiliating blows. Kaiden had hit him with a series of slaps, and pinches and twists to his exposed skin - often making him cry out - which had done little more than superficial damage, and served to enrage him.

"Yeah, right," Kaiden answered Layla with a sarcastic drawl, "and it was just coincidence to bring him in to fight on a Monday night, too. If you need to see someone else with their shirt off, can you at least aim for someone a little bit -more- defined than me? Or maybe someone who's not fresh out of high school, or, I dunno, how about someone that's not my brother?" He turned almost ninety degrees at the waist to semi face her. "You've been in class with him for how long? And you didn't know? Please," he'd been about to add something, but he was interrupted by his foe again. The man was hollering something and had dropped his shoulder to charge, but Kaiden's body seemed to snap back from it's turn towards his partner - and lover - and he seemed to spring lightly into the air as he did so, high enough that his knee drove up into the man's chest as he had advanced. Looking shocked and winded, the man had no defense when Kaiden's hand struck out like a cobra, violating the man's mouth and grabbing him by the tongue with on hand and jerking his face forward while the other hand slapped him hard on both sides of the face, finishing with an open palmed strike square against the mans nose. The reward was a spurt of blood as the man cartwheeled backwards.

"You've been acting funny since I 'returned', do I really have to deal with some kid being my competition now?" He shot her a glance that would have been better served if he'd been wearing his sunglasses - it was a perfect look down his nose.

?Yeah!? Layla yelled before turning her attention back to her opponent. He attempted to use her distraction by winding a fist back, but she dodged it, moving to the left, meeting him with an uppercut to the left side of his torso. ?You know what? I should,? the man took a few steps forward, in an effort to get ahead of her enough to turn around, but she did a back kick to his left kidney before he was out of reach. She became angrier, knowing that the blunt force wouldn?t have hit him hard enough since he was already moving away from her.


Date: 2017-03-31 23:47 EST
2 of 4

??trade you in for a younger model!? She finished her comment. The man had turned in pain from the kick, and faced her. As she debated her next move, she added, ?And hell, since he?s your brother?? The man across from her visibly winced, preparing for her onslaught. ?He?s the perfect younger, hotter version of you!? She said quickly before running up and taking a few misguided swings as the man blocked them. She glared at him instead of Kaiden now. She had absolutely no interest in the boy, but if it would make Kaiden jealous, she would certainly play into it.

?Yeah, good luck with that. I can see the seduction going down so well now that you've drawn a gun on him.? She'd gotten Kaiden's attention, even if his tone didn't reveal it, the coloring of his face did. It was crimson, not from exertion but from rage. He left his opponent to himself, and only gained notice of him again when he joined his teammate opposing Layla; the man didn't engage, but hung back instead with an eye swollen shut and blood gushing from his nose, staining the front of his shirt. Kaiden wasn't paying attention to his opponent anymore, and focused on Layla entirely instead. ?Really? You're going to go there?? He sounded incredulous, and then caught their opponents approaching in his periphery. He turned on them. ?You,? he pointed, ?Stay right the fuck there.? The authority in his voice, and the suddenly savage light in his eyes made them pause, and they stopped advancing. The crowd began to jeer, and he turned towards Layla again. ?He's my little brother, do you get that? And if it wasn't me that you wanted here,? his voice and eyes both still blazed with control, ?I'd never have made it back. So. Take it back. Or I'm out of here.?

He hadn't even been talking loud enough for the crowd to hear anything, and the sound of their dissatisfaction with the event had grown to a cacophony. The coordinator of the event stood near the entrance, like an ice queen with eyes that seemed to smoulder with anger. The jeering changed suddenly to cries and whoops of excitement. Their opponents had found enough spine to both charge Layla.

Layla had paused, not used to Kaiden?s sudden seriousness. They always fought, usually with each other more than with their targets, and their words seemed to cut just as deep, if not deeper, but this time was different. She had never seen him like this before.


Date: 2017-03-31 23:51 EST
3 of 4

?Hey!? She had turned to Kaiden, ready to crush him with another tirade of insults, but she was interrupted as both men rushed her from behind. In a split second, she was aware of the impending attack, bending and turning slightly to bring her elbow into one man?s gut, making him recoil slightly as the wind was knocked out of him. Allowing herself to get distracted had cost her valuable reaction time, and she was not quick enough to block the second man?s attack as he sent a hard hook into the side of her chest. Two of her ribs fractured. She cringed in pain and darted her head to look at him. As he looked to her, she threw an even harder punch directly into his face, sending him flying backwards a few feet from where he stood. His partner stared at him for a bit as the man laid on the ground without moving, but eventually became satisfied when the man was still breathing lightly. Layla glared at the man, daring him to come at her. He stayed where he was.

?Look, I never wanted that stupid little puke, ok?? She turned to face Kaiden, taking a few steps towards him as she continued. She held onto her side, trying not to wince from the pain. ?But if you think for one minute that I went down into that warehouse for you, you are mistaken. Go ahead and take off like you did last time,? she said while pointing to the door to the pit, her other hand on her hip angrily. ?I got this. I?ve always been just fine without you.?

Kaiden turned to look over his shoulder, his preternatural hearing having picked up on the sound of her ribs cracking. His face was still a mask of cold fury, but he wasn't going to let her be beaten upon either. Regardless of her assertion she didn't need him.

"Stupid pop tart," he muttered to Layla over his shoulder once he was sure she had control of the situation. In all honesty, the contenders that they fought against were sorely outmatched in every way; they were Hunters of some sort who were spoiling for a fight with any type of supernaturally endowed creature, but the creatures they now fought - Kaiden & Layla - were not only supernatural, but trained specifically to kill. There was a woman on the gate as he approached, seeking exit from the ring. He met her eyes and suddenly his body felt even warmer.

"Hey, it's done. Let me out. These guys are a joke." He was staring her in the eyes, and found himself swallowing hard. This body, the body he was now in, somehow it was different than... before. He hadn't quite sussed out all the differences. Some silent voice was whispering in his mind as he met the eyes of the woman.

"You're not done yet," she stated matter of factly, both looking down her nose and jerking her chin towards the two combatants and Layla near the center of the ring. 'When', the voice in his mind spoke...

"I'm done," he spat thickly, his mouth dry, "Let... me out." His vision seemed to be narrowing, everything appeared in a black halo and the muscles and very bones of his body ached. He'd never experienced this before. It felt like he was being torn to shreds inside. 'Will you...' the whisper in his mind's eye continued.


Date: 2017-03-31 23:56 EST
4 of 4

"Finish them." Her voice seemed filled with condescension, but he really couldn't tell anymore. The other voice, the one in his mind had finished with a demand. 'Rage!, it spoke. And Kaiden turned from the woman back towards the two combatants who were behind Layla. His eyes seemed to be filled with animal hunger, his canine teeth had become more pronounced, and his hair was getting longer, wilder.

Layla had been half watching Kaiden and the woman, while trying to maintain an eye on the two men. The one eventually helped his partner up after he started stirring, but both kept a considerable distance from Layla. By the time she turned her focus back to Kaiden, interested to see if he would actually leave, she grew upset by what she saw. She had seen that look of unbridled fury before, but not in him. His eyes, his teeth, his hair, all of the warning signs started piling up in her mind. He was no vampire like she was, but her vampire instincts knew when to be on the alert for a werewolf. Still staring, she couldn?t believe it could be true, but she wouldn?t risk her life to find out. She hoped he wouldn?t sense her fear, and she quickly walked around the outside of the pit, making sure not to run in case it would draw his attention. She continued to make her way to the exit, hoping to move in behind him if he?d go for the men directly in front of him.

Fortunately for Layla, perhaps due to the nature of the geas that had been introduced to him, or perhaps due to his feelings for his partner, he stared past her to their two original combatants. Where once his muscles were like a dancer and sword fighter combined, whatever metamorphosis was coming over him only increased their mass and power. He dropped fluidly down into a crouch and quickly sprang forward, an inhuman roar escaping his throat as his body ascended towards its full 'war form' in mid leap, his now bestial leathery hands quickly drew both blades from their sheath upon his back. One of the men was dead before Kaiden touched the ground again, the other wished he was - as both blades slid fast and neatly into his guts and exited through his back on either side of his spine. A grisly moment later, the blades were tugged in opposite directions - with supernatural potency and speed - and the man was torn in two at the midsection.

Kaiden turned, head shaking slowly from side to side as his vision returned. He flicked his blades, blood and gore slopping to the ground. The woman near the gate spoke to Layla's back, and the sound of the gate opening to let them leave was unnoticed against the dull roar of the crowd who had apparently been clamouring for the death of the two human combatants.

"We've got a night for guys like him," with her back turned, Layla wouldn't have seen the woman nod towards Kaiden. "You should bring him back."

For tonight though, they were free to go.

It looked like it might be a long drive home.

((Also serves as a segue between Rising Son, and their next chapter, Mourning Son ? currently a work in progress.))

Emlen Slane

Date: 2017-06-01 23:09 EST
Couples' night.


Date: 2017-07-04 13:06 EST
Vengeance be Mine


Date: 2017-10-20 01:34 EST
Dog Meat
Thursday; October 20

It was an old discovery, or more, at least an old rumor to the Russian of Rhy?Din?s underground Pit. With disappearances that rattled the news now and then, it was questionable - and likely - that the Watch had given up on finding the captives. Of questioning why people would disappear, and one would return at a time. Battered, bruised, even sometimes broken and traumatized. Yet, they didn?t utter a word, most of them anyways.

Back in the day, Zver ran his own underground fighting ring. It was less? well, everything. Less organized, less franchised. There was no bar with a tender working behind it, but a cooler filled with liquor bottles for those that needed something to burn their throats after the fight. There were no benches for spectators, just walls lined with people waiting their turn for the next fight. Even to this day, Zver didn?t know the purpose behind it. It wasn?t to prove himself, it wasn?t for any sadistic reason, it wasn?t to let out anger - at the time, he couldn?t feel it. It was simply for the enjoyment of the fight. The tactical footwork, the anticipating of your opponent?s next move while strategizing your own. The feel of laying a blow was just as good to him as taking one. It didn?t matter as long as eyes turned black, cartilage snapped beneath the impact of knuckles and lips cracked. Nothing mattered until your mouth was filled with blood, and your knuckles were so busted, you couldn?t tell if it was their blood or yours.

Stepping into that building, being met with that impressive cage had him staring intensely at it. ?G?damn, it?s like the ****ing Thunderdome,? he mumbled. He blinked away from the massive cage to studying the surroundings. The people collected was just as impressive. Spectators, gamblers placing bets on the two men in the cage throwing fists at each other in their primal rage. The noise of the Pit was enough to make his ears ring, but even if it made him want to claw at them, it was a pleasant feeling. Stepping further inside, he spotted the bleachers with spectators both sitting and standing alike, shaking fists of their own and calling out cheers for the winning side, taunts for the losing. With absolutely no loyalty to either, they were easy to switch around with the tables turned on the fighters.

He forced his feet to move, further into the deafening crowd. It was the sight of a bar that snagged the liquor lover?s attention, but before he could make his way to it, there was an obstacle in his way.

?Spectator or fighter??

That stopped the Russian in his tracks. Looking down to the girl, he almost questioned it at first. Her short buzz cut and almost androgynous features had him staring at her a moment, tilting his head until he remembered she?d asked him a question. ?Uh?. neither at the moment. More like Drinker with the potential for Fighting,? he snickered, casting a tempted look to the cage that stirred up old, favorable memories. Before. His eyes flicked to the bar and tender. Then to Amanda.


?Well, you?re not one for friendly small talk, are you?? He muttered, snickering about it.

?I have more people to get to.? He turned his head to give a glance to the newcomers that had just walked in.

?Right.? He sighed, turning his head back to face her and the clipboard she was holding. ?....Zver. I did come to fight,? he told her, sparing a glance to the cage.

?Do you have any powers? Any abilities?? She sized him up, then looked to the board.

?Does sprouting fur and huffing down piggies houses count?? Zver lifted a brow to her, the corner of his mouth twitching.

?....Well that answers my next question,? she said, jotting down his name on the board before looking at him again. ?And besides fur and huffing, do you have any other abilities??

She was too serious in the moment to have much fun with, so he answered bluntly. ?No.? It didn?t sound like a happy answer.

?Good. Makes my job easier.? She glanced down to the clipboard, then over his shoulder. ?You?ve got a half hour, Pup. Two fights ahead of you. Drink on while you can,? she told him, almost giving a smile before she slipped past him to the newcomers. ?Spectator or fighter?? He heard her greeting the new arrivals as he made his way to the bar to greet the tender next who seemed just as busy, but much more amiable than Amanda.

That girl takes her job way too seriously, he thought to himself before smacking his palm down on the bar. ?Stoli, give me about a half hour?s worth. Estimate it if I was a fish,? he told her. He managed to pull a laugh from her as she nodded, pulling a bottle off the shelf before she poured a couple shots for others asking for the same order - but less. She raised a brow at him, sliding over the remainder of the bottle with a smug, almost challenging smirk before moving on to the next customers. ?Challenge accepted,? he muttered, palming the bottle before he walked away to watch the next fights.

- - - - - - - - -

By the time it came to his round, most of that bottle was toast. His vision was clear enough, and maybe some would consider it stupid to be as intoxicated as he was in a life or death fight. Then again, Zver?s whole reason for being there at all was relatively stupid to begin with. It didn?t matter how much he smiled, joked. On the inside, he was shredded more than grated cheese. Not literally, but dammit if it didn?t feel like it.

Here, he could be the monster that he felt like. Here, he would be cheered on as he became the ironic meaning of his name. He could let go. One way or another? he could just let it go.

By the time the victorious champion stepped out, battered and busted but grinning; when the unfortunate loser was dragged out as no more than limp, lifeless noodle, that was when he caught Amanda?s nod telling him it was his time. He watched her for a moment, his jaw tensing before he gave a slow, small nod back to her.

The spectator next to him clapped, cheered him on to get into the ring. Zver snickered and downed the last swallow of his vodka before roughly shoving the empty into the man?s hands. ?Take care of this for me,? then he charmingly belched before working out of his tee shirt on his way toward the ring. Tossing it at another spectator, he got an unpleasant retort for it but Zver was at the point of not caring.

The warding had dropped when the others were dragged out, giving Zver the ability to walk in easily through the spacious bars. By the time he took his first step inside, his opponent was entering himself. Lifting his chin, he sized the man up immediately. He was bigger, but not by height. There was more muscle definition, but that didn?t mean much to him. Zver was more on the scrawnier side, with a marathon runner?s body. But to him, that just made him more lithe, more nimble. The man was had an arrogant smile against Zver?s blank expression. Dark brown eyes against hazel, shaggy black hair differed from his own brown curly hair. Pale skin, against his own natural tan. They differed in a great many ways, but the look in their eyes were the same. They were ready to fight.

Here, I don?t have to pretend to be okay.

The wards were dropped, and the two fighters were left to brawl amongst themselves. They circled each other, two officially caged animals - the only hint to the other man being something of the furry sort was the scent that radiated off him, off the sheen of sweat coating muscle. But it was more than that. It was the primal stalking, lithe for his size, unnaturally graceful in his steps. Zver?s eyes narrowed as he circled, feeling clumsy in comparison.

?You gonna shift, Wolfboy?? The man asked. ?Or you coming at me with your bare hands? Don?t matta to me, either way,? he chuckled, too calm. Too confident.

He?s been here before. It was clear to Zver. His graceful steps were more than a predator. It was an animal that knew its territory. A survivor. The Russian?s chin lifted as he watched him, circled him as he did the same, the two skirting the outer ring. ?Let?s see just how good you can be on two legs,? Zver spoke calmly. ?Before you bring your claws out,? he snickered.

?Dealers choice,? the man smirked, ticking his head to the side with a quick and audible pop. ?Like I said? don?t matta.? No sooner than the word had left curled, snarling lips, did he rush the Russian whose own teeth bared through a snarl. No words were needed. It was time to fight.

- - - - - - - - - - - - -
Fists flew. Skin split. Blood poured. Knuckles cracked. Cheekbones, jaws, splintered.

Zver was worse off than the other. With one eye already swollen and turning into a nasty bruise with a possible fracture to the eye socket. His bottom lip was swollen, too, from a cut on the left side. His jaw ached from multiple hits. He was sure he had at least a couple broken ribs, perhaps even on both sides. Or perhaps they were only bruised. He couldn?t tell anymore. His knuckles were swollen, split and bloody. He couldn?t tell whose blood it was at this point. His muscles ached, his bones throbbed. Pain radiated from head to toe and sweat dripped from his brow, stuck his tawny curls to his forehead. His breathing was ragged from lungs that ached.

His opponent was no better off. His nose was broken, smashed off to the side and had oozed blood down his mouth and chin. Splattered his cheek. He had a pretty shiner Zver had placed on him, opposing his own. He?d crushed in his collar bone with a well placed heel of his boot, on the side of the man?s main arm. He was limping from knuckles that had connected to the side of the man?s knee cap. But even limping, he was still on his feet.

Zver was stumbling, barely upright. The other man was a seasoned fighter, and the Russian was rusty. That realization that the Cold Harbor citizen, who?d survived for years under strenuous terrain and murderous psychopaths, was losing. He grit his teeth and winced to the pain that shot through his jaw. He staggered out of the way, almost tripping over his own feet, to dodge a wild swing from the other therianthrope in the ring. His shoulders twisted to avoid it, but it unbalanced him and forced him to teeter. Swinging back around, he sent a weakened right hook to the man?s gut, doubling him over and forcing him back a couple steps.

Panting, breathing was turning out to be a chore as he turned his head to spit a glob of bloody saliva on the floor. A thunderous roar came from his opponent as he charged forward, teeth bared as his arms hooked around Zver?s waist and sent them both down. He landed on top of the Russian in the tackle, a gush of wind leaving him from the connect of his back to the ground and the weight of the man on top of him. Gasping for air, he looked up to the wild beast on top of him. Teeth exposed, lips curled back, but still human in form. He pulled his legs up to be straddling Zver, pulling up just to reel a fist back and sent it to the side of the Russian?s face. His head turned with the impact, bloody spit spraying with the turn. A snarl, another hit that sent his head turning the other way.

His ears were ringing, from the roar of the crowd and the hits taken with his face as the cushion. Hearing the beast?s voice like it was yelled at the end of the tunnel, he felt that curly hair get grasped as he was forced to look up through the blur of his vision. ?Fight back, you son of a bitch! You call yourself a Russian! A wolf?! Fight back!? He spat in Zver?s face.

Zver?s lips pulled back into a Joker grin, further splitting that crack in his lip as it oozed more blood down his chin. ?Fuck. You.? He spat - quite literally - in the man?s face. Smack! His face scrunched with the reflex of pain that radiated through his teeth. He let out a deranged cackle, it was hard to tell if it was Zver or the liquor in his system. But only Zver would know just how sober he was in that moment.

Peeling back those swollen lids, he glared up at the man. The hand in his hair couldn?t hold him down as he lifted his head to get closer. Fists balled, but unmoving, he snarled at the man. ?Do it??

?What? Are you fucking nuts? Why aren?t you fighting back?!? He growled. The man wanted a fight, not to beat a surrendering man.

?Do. It. You sorry sack of shit,? he spat at the man, glaring through the blur. Through the pain. Panting. Smack!

?Get up.? The opponent snarled, releasing the Russian?s hair with a jerk of his hand, sending his head smacking into the floor. He was dazed, but could still move. Zver felt the weight lifted as the other man got to his feet, stumbling back and off him. His hands lifted, curled, summoning the beast on the floor. ?Get the fuck up and fight. C?mon, I didn?t come here for a waste of my ****in? time! Neither did these people! You got in here willingly. You gonna just lay there and take it now?? He spat, gesturing to the crowd surrounding them. Yelling, throwing their fists in the air. ?Get. Up. NOW.? He sent his foot right for Zver?s side.

His breath left him in a rush of air that had him sputtering blood and spit, coughing as he rolled with a groan. ?Son of a c****f****,? he hissed, his legs curling as he rolled to his knees, balanced with one hand to the floor while the other held his side. That one, that one was definitely busted. ?Do it,? he whispered, hanging his head as his fingers curled against the floor. Lifting his head, he looked for the ringleader. The redhead. Jamie. Forcing a strained cackle, he stared right at her with a smirk that didn?t match the broken look in his eyes. ?What about you?! You wanna hit??

Jamie Jameson

Date: 2017-10-20 01:55 EST
The woman had been there on the sidelines since the moment he'd stepped in. She'd taken immediate interest in the wolf-boy. It was when he stopped fighting that her bottom lip popped out. Jamie looked almost, disappointed. She had the facial features of a young lady, perhaps even a teenager, but there was no telling how old she actually was. She continued to look onto Zver, like a mother who got her child's report card. She wasn't angry. Still, she wasn't exactly happy with him in that moment.

What a pity it is when a man comes in for a fight already broken...

The moment was nearly redeemed, though, when Zver's eyes caught her own. "I do not want to fight you," her voice wasn't where her power resided, but she still had one that almost demanded to be heard. It spoke volumes against the innocent features that she held. Those eyes began to burn flame lapping up from the pupils and projecting it straight into the broken wolf's eyes. "Lift your head up, and fight like you have something to fight for!" it was a command graced with that fiery gaze that would surely send the Russian into a fury. "Go." The single syllable was all that left her lips in a snarl before the fire burned even more intensely into his eyes. Then the gaze was broken. The damage had been done.


Date: 2017-10-20 02:46 EST
The disappointment on her face was palpable. But he?d been getting a lot of those looks lately, so he fully believed she could do better than that. Panting, blinking through the blur of sweat that was nearly pouring off him at this point, he stared at her. But it wasn?t a glare. It wasn?t her fault he was in this mess. It was his own. He let out a scoffing laughing when she said she didn?t want to fight him. A part of him was almost disappointed in her for that. Different worlds he supposed. Back in the day, even when he was the ringleader, he got in the ring to fight. But her purpose was made much more clearly than he anticipated.

Locking eyes, it was impossible to tear them away as she spoke those beckoning words to him. He didn?t pay attention to the man circling behind him. Careless, maybe even reckless in the distraction of those swirling fiery eyes that stoked a fire in his chest. It writhed like a living creature, stirring from its month long cycle of hibernation. Her demands were impossible to be ignored, and it was clear the Russian was a fighter after all as his teeth grit painfully in retaliation like he wanted to resist. He?d resisted Erebus. He?d resisted the Filth. He?d resisted Hell. He?d broken free of Cold Harbor. But this one Hellion, was taking hold.

Frankly, that pissed him the fuck off. But nothing like the fire she stoked in the pit of his belly with that look. His lips pulled back into an inhuman snarl, even as his bled from hazel to amber, that molten gold pooling through to distort the color. Fight like you had something to fight for! she?d told him. Something to fight for? in the blinding pain of loss, of anger in himself and the world, he?d nearly forgot.


Whether she wanted him anymore, whether she hated him. He?d made her a promise some time ago.

That growl grew louder in his newfound strength built from pure, red-hot, blinding rage. That creature was no longer writhing in his chest, but tearing at him. Trying to claw it?s way through. With eyes the color of amber stone, he pushed to his feet and whirled with a snarl that seemed no longer like Zver, but the meaning of his name: beast. Muscle taut from the strain of rage that numbed him to the pain coursing through his body, he was downright feral.

The man who?d been pacing behind him stared with surprise, seeing the nearly rabid man who?d been almost begging him to end his misery coming at him with the look of pure murderous intent. Anything resembling the Jokester was gone, and he was no more than those Cold Harbor psychopaths. The man shook his head, snapping out of it with a snarl as he took another wild and desperate swing. Zver had gotten his Jamie Booster shot, but he was growing tired. He was rushed, and the Russian was merciless. Ducking beneath the swing, his arms wound around the bigger man?s waist in a tight and powerful grip. Lifting him off his feet, he slammed him down in the momentum that was twisted from the previous swing. Scrambling like a wild savage on top of him, nearly foaming at the mouth, his fingers curled into balled fists as he plummeted hit after hit into the man?s skull in quick succession. Fueled by the purest form of rage, he berserked completely.

Fists fell, and fell, and fell again. Taking turns and keeping time with the other. He didn?t stop, even as the other man?s hands rose to try to fend them off. He got clawed, but he didn?t notice. There was only red. In his vision, on his hands. He kept going until those clawing hands fell and stilled on the ground. He didn?t stop until the man was no longer recognizable and he, himself, was left as no more than a panting mess hunched over the man. His hands shook, but not from what he?d done.

Arms curled around his chest as the pain of the fight took hold and he half rolled, half slid over the man to sit down beside him. His breathing wavered as he stared ahead, his vision blurring and refocusing over and over. His head slowly turned to look at the man beside him, or what was left him. He brought his wrist up to swipe at his nose, slowly climbing up to his feet as he stared at the man laying there. His chin lifted slowly as he rose, his chest rising and falling before he slumped over in a bend. One foot moved to press to the man?s chest, his fingers slipping into his mouth and hooked over his bottom teeth. He grit his own teeth as he pulled, yanking and tugging until the jaw dislocated and the flesh tore. Stumbling back as the jaw was torn from the beast, his eyes turned to look at the crowd. Searching. It wasn't until he found Jamie again that a half-smirk curled the corner of his mouth, his arm swung around to whip that jaw like a boomerang in her direction. With no true intention to hit her, but he wouldn?t complain if it did. He just wanted her to get splattered with the blood. ?Ringleader?s no good if they don?t get dirty themselves,? he told her, turning his head to spit a glob of blood from his mouth as his expression turned cold as he walked to the edge of the ring. He stood there, swaying until the ward was dropped. When it was, he walked out.

His shoulders turned with the bumps of other?s as he pushed through the people looking at him for that final act of brutality, and he didn?t look at any of them. He pushed through them and made it to the door before he shoved his way outside to the cold night air that sent goosebumps over his exposed torso. It was an electric feeling, every prickle as painful as a flick to a bruise. His head tipped back, eyes closing as he reveled in the pain like it was his old friend. His face twisted painfully as he let out an elated cackle, dropping to his knees in hysterical laughter as he swayed and almost face-planted. Catching himself with his hands to the ground, his eyes opened as he looked down to his knuckles, his fingers curling against the sidewalk before he took a shaky breath.

He sat there a moment until his lungs worked again, when his laughter stopped and he felt he?d basked enough in the pain before he pushed to his staggering feet.

Now, it was time for the long walk home. And he?d love every painful second of it.