Topic: A Letter to All Chamber Members : Archmage Street Festival!

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2014-08-10 20:05 EST
The Greater Rhy?Din Marketplace Chamber of Commerce

August 10th

To All Chamber of Commerce Members,

I have been informed of an opportunity that will most assuredly be interesting and quite fun!

Rhiannon Harker, the Baroness of the Old Market District and Claire Farron are planning a Street Festival, that will take place inside the Marketplace, as part of the cyclic Duel of Magic?s Archmage Tournament.

This event will take place on August the 24th at 8PM (By Eastern Clock Time). Dueling to begin at 9PM (By the Eastern Time Clock).

Baroness Harker is hoping that Chamber members will be willing to support this festival by participation, with a display of wares and talents.

It is my sincere hope as well, that as many of us that can support this event, do so. It is something that will benefit all involved, and I truly look forward to seeing what we can all bring to the table on this.

The Cardinal Inn will be offering free food and lodging to tournament participants and those with them.

We will be following Baroness Harker and Claire Farron?s lead, in regards to this event.

In anticipation of this I have contacted Yotsuba?s Cake Shoppe, and they have pledged their support as well in the form of an interactive cake creation event for children, along with a Taiko drum performance by the Clan Urashima.

The Clandestine Order of the Seraphim is also on board with a olden style fruit and cider stand, and various games of skill.

The 27th Division of the Rhy?Din Watch will also be present in the form of a booth, showcasing safety and awareness. We will also have plain clothes patrols to assist in security for the event, under the lead of event organizers.

I am sure as we get closer to the event date we will see more parties wishing to take part in this event, so make sure to get in as soon as possible.

Full details will be made to the public at large later this week, so keep an eye out!

As always my best to each of you and yours,

Brian Ravenlock

Brian Ravenlock

Date: 2014-08-12 18:48 EST