Topic: A Bit About Cal...

Stalk ThNight

Date: 2007-03-05 19:14 EST
Cal was young at the time, only six years old... Her father had been in prison most of her life, missing every single birthday she ever celebrated. She was constantly asking her mother when he would be home and she would say that whenever was fine. She hoped he would be in a good mood... She waited and waited and on the sixth birthday in a row when she was just turning seven a policeman's car would pull up in the driveway. He told her the news that she must have to hear, her father wouldn't be there. She stood up and began to scream, "Daddy, why did you leave me?! You promised... That's six in a row!"

About a month later, their house was gone and she went to visit her father at the cell. He came out in shangles and cuffs so that she could talk to him. Her voice was soft and somewhat impassive, "Daddy... Now that you left us our house is gone. Now that you left me, Mommy had to say goodbye to me..." Her mother had committed suicide on believing that her husband wouldn't be jailed. The stress of Cal asking her every day when he would return upset her something terrible. She couldn't take it anymore.

Cal moved in with Cade Vidal after that... His parents raised her and gave her every bit of attention she seeked. They gave her lessons to play the synthesizer but despite all that she would hide in her closet and light matches. The flames seemed to soothe her somehow. Fire had been brought into her life by her father when he struck a match. She thought it was almost majic... and became enthralled with it.

When her father never came to visit and days grew into weeks which eventually became years she gave up on him... She completely and utterly disowned her father and eventually she gave up hope on everybody. Her attitude towards others at first was hate then she would act indifferently. The only friends were those she had made before her mother's death. Well until Damari cheated on her... Then she gave up on everybody, refusing to talk to anyone save Cade and Averie.

Damari and Averie had entered Cal's life when she was three through some friends of her mothers who ironically died in a fire some time after she became obsessed with it. Cade was one of their friends whos parents became close to her aunt in a sense which was how she was pawned off on his family. They were afraid how the loss of her mother and the mistakes of her father might effect her and cause Kaye's behavior to mold in a different way. Jaymz was a friend Cal had made in kindergarden when she first started school.

The group became close and in high school they had their own band though none of them played for others. They merely used the band as an excuse to see each other since Cal and Cade had become such a negative influence on the others. Damari had begun to cut himself and the others got into drugs... Most of it was because Cal burdened them with the stories of her parents when she was younger and they found them disturbing... It wasn't Cal's fault she was the way she was, you can't change who you are...

Later in Cal's life she ended up finding herself in a relationship with Damari which lasted five years, one day she happened to enter the apartmnt she shared with her serious boyfriend. When she found him kissing another woman who was also her cousin, Kaye, she left. About half a year later she found out that Kaye was seeing Jaymz and sleeping around with him despite the fact he was in a relationship with Averie at the time.

Cal became enfuriated and decided to go for a jog to excercise when she realized she was in Rhy'din she thought it was a ghost town. The Inn was empty though minutes later she would meet Dark, eventually the two entered a discussion which was rather short. After getting to know him a bit though she began to smile more and talk to more people. Though her laughter and flirtatious guestures could very well be a mask...