Topic: A Visit To The Depressed

Ryo Tosaga

Date: 2007-06-22 00:25 EST
Now, Ryo hadn't been around any depressing people yet, so he wasn't drunk, high, or anything in between... For the moment. Knowing him, one wrong turn and he'd be getting light-headed and disoriented, having some vague idea why. He was looking for Cal this time, no wandering to see what he came across. Nope, his senses were open to find any trace of that depressed teen. Lucky for him, he found a little rundown bookstore that just screamed Cal.

Arm reached out to rap on the door lightly, since it seemed like the door could fall off of its hinges if he knocked any harder. No Yamikage with him, no matter how much the cat had begged him. Though Ryo had brought a small box with a couple cookies in it. He thought Cal could use a bit more sweetness in her life. Plus the request he had for her was rather odd and he was thinking about just ditching it. But he was already at her residence, so there wasn't really any turning back.

Stalk ThNight

Date: 2007-07-04 07:19 EST
Cal didn't really have anywhere to stay so she had made the rundownd bookstore her home. The place smelled musty with dust and cobwebs and the like all over the place. A burnt out light and no electricity seeing as how she didn't pay any bills. There were stacks of books heaping up to the cielings and newspapers and such that would date really far back should the dust be wiped off. A staircase with her small foot prints stood off to the left of the small building leading up to a door that stood ajar.

A small apartment complex appeared to be at the top of the building with a sink full of rust and stains and cracked dishes that were no longer there for use. They were just remnants of what might have once been a functional set of cooking materials. The place smelled of moldy pizza and with a slight turn of the head one would see a mountain of boxes that covered what may have once been a couch.

An ebony kitten had appeared to have made itself at home on the couch with shredded claw marks along the faded suede material. A small TV stood atop a table covered in magazines and books. The screen was cracked and the carpet was covered in several stains, making it hard to tell what the original color was. A hallway lead to two bedrooms and a bathroom. The bathroom tiles were cracked and stained with rust stains all over the room. The walls the same faded yellow color as the rest of the house, the color that white walls took after smoking in it for a while. Toilet paper was unraveled and covered the entire room.

In the side room there was no closet or materials. The only thing in there was an old desk with a broken down typewriter and an old computer in the corner that seemed to be well past it's proper use. In the far room was a closet full of clothes coated in layers of dust and grime with a mildew scent. Old tapes and movies covered every inch of the floor as well as some records and cds, a cd player or a record player might have been in there somewhere. Along the far wall lay Cal atop a moth eaten bed, an old afghan was wrapped around her as well as several musty blankets that adorned the bed. The room was cold and damp as was the rest of the building, even in the heat of the summer.