Topic: Altered Paths Along the Road

Alais d Nitesong

Date: 2006-08-27 11:30 EST
Tass and I had walked into the night hand in hand, and began our walk toward Gold Dragon Way, and the irony of my home address was not lost upon me as we moved through the ornate mithril gates, with their great dragons and Celtic knotwork. I glanced at Tass, ?ye dae ken tha? Ah?ve been speakin? wi? th? Elder ?t th? Inn??

He looked over at me, ?yeah, I know hun,? and he gave my hand a squeeze.

We had by-passed the House and gone into the back lawns to walk in the moonlight. I paused near a growth of night blooming Jasmine, ??e didst say tha' he ist a danger tae all save one, an' tha' 'e cannae coome tae Matlal righ' nae.... tha' th' Silvers wouldst be in danger froom 'im, an' tha' as th' one ye designated as th' leader o' th' silvers, Ah shouldst haff ken such a risk. ?e didst make me realize tha' Ah dinnae ken th' societal d'mands o' yer people Tass.?

He gave me a small smile, ?you know the societal ideals more than you know hun,? He turned then, and drew his hand slowly up and down my arms in a soothing gesture.

I was needing that friendship and the comfort he offered, and as I studied the fragrant vines, I told Tass I was not so certain. ?Ah 'ad nae thought aboot his welcome by yer people.... an' whence Ah suggested tha' Garl was th' key tae convincin' 'em, 'e told me tha' there 're nae leaders, 'n tha' 'f they didst d'sire tae gae, they wouldst'?

Tass? voice was soft in the darkness, ?think on your daughter, why is she so angry??

I shivered then, but it had nothing to do with the night air, ?she didst feel abandoned. bu' ye dinnae b'lieve 'e abandoned ye, dae ye??

Tass? presence was soothing, ?it's much the same with our kin... I know my brother... and, yes, even I feel he abandoned us.?

That admission surprised me, and I shook my head, ?ye whom dae ken 'im th' best, 'n are th' one 'e wouldst nae be a danger tae cannae b'lieve 'e abandoned ye.? If Tass believed this, it would be very difficult to convince the others.

Tass looked into my eyes then, ?I am not the one who he cannot touch and yes, I do feel he abandoned us? but as I said, I know my brother so I do not hold a grudge against him for such the others do not know him.?

I remembered Khirsah?s words vividly, ?'e told me 't wouldst nae haff 'elped th' war.?

Tass smiled, ?I see that now, but did I then? Would the others believe that now??

I shook my head as I had no answer, ?'f nae thee, thence whom? Dae ye nae thin' perhaps convincin' th' most influential wouldst be th' way tae gae??

Alais d Nitesong

Date: 2006-08-27 11:31 EST
Tass wrapped an arm around my shoulder then, ?though I am the 'king', if you will, I am merely an arbitrator.. I am the one who holds the peace? each that dwell within the Isles are individuals, and hold allegiance to none they are here of their own will.. of their own choice there are those who have tired of the world outside there are those who have been slain in the outside and given a choice to join the stars, or rest here have you not wondered why Garl, nor the others, leave the Isles??

I glanced up at him, ?Aye, Ah haff.?

?That is why? because here there is peace.. here, they are not hunted, ridiculed, prized?? there was a dry chuckle from him then, ?with the exception of this past... incident.?

I nodded gravely, I understood too well what that ?incident? had cost. ?Ah?m sorra Tass.?

?For what, love??

?Fer draggin? ye tae Riverbend.? I felt it was my fault the tear happened. If he had not come after me, the tear never would have existed.

He laughed then, not a laugh of ridicule, but one of love, ?Hun, I?d follow you to the ends of the world and beyond.? He was complete sincerity, and I adored him in that moment. Acceptance was something I rarely felt, but in that instant, I felt it.

I reached up and touched his face, ?an? look wha? ?t didst bring tae ye ?n yer people.?

He took my hand where it rested upon his cheek, placed a kiss in the palm of my hand, as he looked deeply into my eyes, ?aye, I am.?

I curled my fingers to cover the scar, as Tass had that hand in his grasp, ?Sae ye thin? ?e hath a valid point, tha? manna wouldst feel ?e d?serted ?em??

?They would, but that will fade with time.?

I sighed inwardly, ?Tass, Ah need soome one tae teach me more aboot th' people o' yer isles. about th' society Khirsah didst make me realize Ah dinnae ken enou'.?

He gave me a wry smile, ?there are some days that even Khirsah and I don?t know enough.?

I smiled then, ?ye mayst imagine ?ow Ah dae feel thence.? If those two did not know enough, how could I as an outsider hope to learn enough?

Tass gave me an understanding smile, ?you know more than you think you do, hun.. and the more you are around, the more you will learn but I will teach what I can.. and I'm sure the Elder will as well.?

I took a deep breath, ?bu? will ?t be rapid enou??? It was spoken so softly I was not certain I had actually spoken the words aloud, and then I gave him a smile, ?didst ye 'ear, there ist green again b'ginnin' tae grow 'pon th' land?? I imagined that he knew since the Isles were of his making.

Alais d Nitesong

Date: 2006-08-27 11:33 EST
He smiled in the darkness, ?oh, there will be more, I can feel it already.?

I followed the path of a shooting star, ?Ah'm nae ascertes th' Elder d'sires tha' Ah learn. 'e didst tell Xeno tha' there was doubt aboot mine r'turn tae th' Isles. Th' land wilst r'cover.? I did not doubt that the land would heal, that was one thing I could be certain about.

Tass? voice was nearly as soft as an elven one, ?love, is there not some doubt that resides in your heart about leaving what you are behind? Leaving who you are leaving behind??

I lifted my eyes to his once more, and the sliver of moon above was reflected in his eyes, ?doubts? Nay. Pain? ?urt? Sorrow? Aye.? There was more emotion in this decision than I had felt in a very long time. He nodded almost imperceptibly. ?Ah thin' Uly didst open th' auld wounds all o'er an' whence Ah r'turned from th' war, Ah didst ken tha' Ah cannae giff Sy wha' 'e doth d'sire 'n need. there ist sorrow fer 'urtin' 'im, there ist pain 't Uly leavin' again.? There was a great deal of pain between Ulysses return and subsequent return to Jacynth, as well as the pain I had delivered to Sylus. The man had bonded to me as a lifemate should, and yet, I could not give him that commitment.

?and the Elder??

I slid my gaze up to his again, ?th' question ist wi' th' Elder Tass. We're bound through this,: and I laid open my hand, ?bu' dids't Ah create th' tie tae 'n unwillin' soul? 'e coomes an' talks wi' me whence Ah'm 't th' Inn, bu' doth nae coome 'ere, 'n doth nae r'main 'pon Matlal..... Ah dinnae ken where 'e doth stand. soome times Ah thin' 'e ist jus' waitin' fer me tae make th' first commitment, 'n oother times, Ah'm nae ascertes 'e e'en wants tae talk wi' me, 'e ist an enigma.? An enigma is putting it mildly. I have never been able to read the Elder, and since his change to this pale creature with the ebon jem, I have been even less able to understand his actions.

Tass chuckled merrily, ?he is that, but not really. You?ll learn that, as far as your creating, I cannot say it was to an unwilling soul. Much like me, he would not have saved you had he not wanted.?

I pondered his words a moment, he was telling me Khirsah cared enough to save me from unwitting destruction, and I gave him a wry smile, ?Ah thin' Ah surprised 'im whence I told 'im 'e 'ad r'jected me.?

Tass winked at me, ?I don't think that it was so much that you told him he did? it was perhaps more that you believed he did.?

I told Tass that at the time, I was certain Khirsah had rejected me because I did not know then that my very soul might have been lost, and then change the subject, ?Bu', whilst we dae work tha' oot, Ah'm closin' I' Taurn, an' takin' up residence 'pon Matlal. There ist nae reason fer me tae coome 'ere, 'n Xeno didst convince me nae tae giff th' 'ouse tae Telemachus jus' yet.? I would close the house and leave my ties to RhyDin behind.

Alais d Nitesong

Date: 2006-08-27 11:35 EST
Tass was not ready to stop talking about my belief that Khirsah had rejected me, ?and now?? he asked.

?Nae Ah dae ken th' reason fer 'is r'jection, although, Ah still dinnae ken why 'e didst nae reach back fer me once 'e didst ken tha' Ah was desperate enough' tae seek im. 'E didst touch me wi'oot damage 'r danger.? While he may have rejected me for my soul?s survival, he had touched me from that darkness with no ill effect, so why hadn?t he done so?

Tass nodded, then by way of explanation said,?He is of the place you were trying to reach? that is how he was able to touch you... but you were attempting to touch a place that was not your own... a different time, a different space... a place that is not there... a place that is nothing.?

A touch of bitterness swept through me, ?Aye, bu' knowin' tha' Ah couldst nae reach 'im, bu' 'e couldst reach me, why didst 'e nae??

?Perhaps there was something preventing him from it?? It was enough of a question to raise doubt in me.

?Mayhap,? I allowed, but he had touched me first from that place.

Tass smiled, ?he was, after all, with the Third.?

I started to say that the Isle?s were free now of the invaders, but Tass? words brought me up short, ?bu? th? Third ist dead.? His sister was gone before, and why would she desire to keep him from reaching me?

Tass smiled indulgently, ?love.. when things pass from this world.. are they ever truly forgotten??

?nay,? things that passed on simply changed their realm of existence.

His voice softened, ?and knowledge, does it not stay longer??

I smiled then, ?Ah understand yer point. ?n Tass??

?aye hun??

Alais d Nitesong

Date: 2006-08-27 11:37 EST
I was very curious about why I had not seen Khirsah ever eat or drink, "Ah've seen ye enjoy scotch tae excess, 'n Ah've seen ye eat... bu' th' Elder doth neither tha' Ah haff seen."

Tass laughed merrily, "love? you have yet to see me drink to excess.. it is merely an act to help ease those around me."

I quirked a sable brow at him, "Ye 'n Collie certainla seem tae dae a good job."

Tass chuckled, "that is an advantage of being able to control your own metabolism, and Collie is Irish, its in her blood to drink."

I laughed softly, "bu' why doth 'e nae effer accept th' offer? Ah've neffer seen 'im ingest annathin', Ah'm b'ginnin' tae wonder 'f 'e doth need tae eat 'r drink."

Tass smiled, "truth to tell love, I don't need to, but I do enjoy it."

I lifted a sable brow at him, for the only creatures I knew of that did not require sustenance were the dead, "bu'?." And I could not give voice to that query.

He gave me a toying smile then, "where did the Elder and I come from?"

"Pr'mordial Darkness," was my answer as dawning understanding came.

"And what would one eat there?"

I shook my head, "Ah cannae imagine." He winked at me and told me not to try.

"Tass? Wouldst 't be appropriate tae dae a monument o' sorts tae those who didst pass 'n th' fightin'?" I was not sure whether such things would be accepted by the Dragons. Nor did I know how they mourned the loss of their own.

Tass smiled and we resumed our walk slowly deeper into the grounds, "I don't see why not, love."

I had something I wanted to show him, and we moved in the direction of the plants I had been working with during my stay in RhyDin, "Ah've soomethin' tae show ye thence, dae ye mind walkin' a wee bit further?"

There came a mischievous gleam to his eyes, "depends, we headed to your bedroom?"

I gave him a soft laugh, "nay." He was not serious, and we both knew it.

He laughed, "oh well, yeah, ok then."

I winked at him, "Ah dae thin' Kyndra migh' object."

He chuckled warmly as we approached the orchid patch, "I don't know."

Alais d Nitesong

Date: 2006-08-27 11:46 EST
There, above the blue granite fireplace, where my family?s coat of arms should have hung was an empty space, with a shadow of a long, rippled blade. The shadow was black against the mahogany wall, and stood out in relief stronger than any of the other items mounted upon the wall.

As I walked into the room, I smiled at him, ?always th? gentleman.?

He gave me a varlet?s look, ?somedays, and somedays the rogue.?

I chuckled, ?Ah dae thin? ?t ist part o? bein? a male, o? anna species.? It was then that Tass looked up and spotted the shadow that had appeared on the wall earlier.

I followed where his gaze led, ?tha? doth seem tae be all tha? doth r?main o? ?t.? There was a tinge of relief, and a bit of fear, for the shadow had not been there when I had first returned. But it was there now, and seemed to be deepening with each passing day.

Tass spoke softly, ?perhaps, but the dragon in me has a hunger, perhaps that?s the best.?

I glanced at him sharply, ??n wha? doth th? dragon ?unger fer?? He simply gave me a smile, but would expand upon it no further. ?Ah've nae tried tae r'turn th' famila arms tae their rightful place since th' blade's shadow appeared.?

I took my focus off of the shadow, ?Tass, haff ye seen th? Elder since ?is r?turn?? He nodded, and said that he had, and I asked if he had noticed the black gem about his neck. The gem was an item of great curiosity for me, and when he told me that it was not the only one, but that there were in fact 13 in total that had been a gift, I asked him if he knew from whom.

He gave me a shrug, and I walked toward the fireplace, and stepped up onto the hearth stone, reaching up to touch the shadow image of Daemonbane, ?'t didst feel li' th' Darkness whence Ah touched 't.... bu' more.... 'n li' th' books, bu' darker, more.? Then I turns to look at him over my shoulder as my fingers touched the shadow where the hilt should have been. ??n ?ow dae ye feel aboot ?em??

He seemed not to find the words, and shook his head, and I then asked him about the blade at Khirsah?s side, ?'t doth nae seem tae gae wi''im.?

He gave me an enigmatic look, ?from what I have felt.. it is much like you.. much like the one which was held here.. but.. more.?

I quirked a brow at him, what did he mean, ?like me? and ?like the one which was held here??

He glanced from the shadow to me, ?it eats.?

That sent a frission of apprehension through me. ?Doth ?t?unger Tass? Trula??

He lowered his voice to a soft whisper, ?it?s hunger is not the same as mine.?

I did shiver then, ?Daemonbane didst 'unger Tass, 'n tha' 'unger didst grow wi' time.

Tass shook his head, ?Daemonbane hungered destruction.? And I had to agree with that. ?this, this one hungers absolution? souls.?

Alais d Nitesong

Date: 2006-08-27 11:49 EST
I nearly fell off the hearth stone, ?souls? Tha? was Daemonbane?s search Tass!? He nodded, and I asked him what he was going to do about it. When he told me nothing, I was clearly shocked. He had felt Daemonbane?s terrible hunger first hand, and now he would do nothing about the soul hungering blade Khirsah carried?

?what can I do? the relics which I hold do not compare to that one..?

I knew a moment of regret for losing Daemonbane in that moment, ?find a way tae d?story ?t Tass.? There had to be a way, but Tass? admission that he had no relic its equal was frightening.

He gave me a reassuring look, ?as long as the Elder holds it, there is no need for me to worry on it.?

?Tass, ?ow mayst ye say such wi? th? knowledge o? Daemonbane??

?Because Daemonbane was not controlled this one.. is,? came his confident answer.

I know the look I gave him must have been incredulous, ?:: Daemonbane was controlled by each King, Morrin' bein' th' last, bu' it was evil Tass.... anna blade tha' doth seek souls cannae be trusted.?

Tass nodded, ?did not Daemonbane destroy its holder??

The great blade had eventually destroyed each King that wielded it, until Morrin broke that loop, the blade had never mastered Morrin, ?all ?ntil Morrin, aye.?

Tass then told me that the Elder controlled this blade, and that it was made by him, but I couldn?t help but wonder for how long Khirsah would be able to control the blade, when would it take over it?s maker as Daemonbane had done. Tass just smiled, ?let us say it won?t.?

I walked toward him, ?Ah dae ?ope yer righ?.?

Tass seemed certain, and said, ?I was, I felt, I am.?

I paused before him then, regarding him closely, ?Ah?ll ?aff tae trust yer righ? Tass.?

He nodded then and wrapped his arms around me, and I leaned against his strength, ?wha? dae Ah dae next Tass?? as I returned his hug, my future seemed hidden behind a curtain I could not penetrate.

He just held me there in the Great Hall, ?what do you want to do??

I looked up at him, ?th? righ? thin?.?

He smiled down at me, ?I have a feeling you will do that.?

?Ah'm tryin' Tass, an' Ah'll jus' haff tae see wha' th' Elder d'sires. 'n th' mean time, Ah'm r'turnin' tae Matlal.? Things in RhyDin would carry on without me. Matlal needed me, and I needed Matlal.

?In that case.. might I suggest you come by more and quit worrying about worrying me?? He then let me go, and as I promised him that I would, he vanished and I was left alone in the Great Hall with the shadow of Daemonbane.

Alais d Nitesong

Date: 2006-08-28 13:35 EST
Tass had left, and the house was nearly silent. He had tried to reassure me, but even he admitted he did not always understand the Elder. I do not know if anyone does or can. The weight of ages seemed to press in from all sides, and the shadow upon the wall was a reminder that my past was going to influence my future. I extinquished the candles and headed upstairs.

As I opened the doors, I was surprised to find the remains of a fire that had dwindled down to glowing embers, but what surprised me even more was what was laid among the ashes. The little things that I had shared with Sylus had been tossed into the fire. As though that action would undo the time we had shared. It would not, but it hurt that he did not care enough to take them with him. As though he sought to erase as much of his memories of me as he could.

I glanced around the suite, and every item that had been his was now gone. With a sigh, I headed for the bedroom, and sank into the black hot tub, and laid in the bubbling water once again staring at the starlit sky above me, and memories of that meteor shower and hearing Uly's voice came back as though it had happened only yesterday.

But now, there was no Ulysses, nor was there Sylus. I had chosen a path that neither one could follow. The Elder has told me he cannot come to Matlal, and it is to Matlal that I must go.

Alais d Nitesong

Date: 2006-09-01 20:33 EST
I had left Tass upon Twilight Isle. His promise to find me upon the islands was welcome, as it would be a very busy day. I planned to leave in the darkness tonight, closing I' Taurn for the time being. When I arrived, there was a sense of sadness about the house, as though it knew I was departing yet again. I reached out to touch the white stone, feeling the sadness in the matrix. Perhaps I should give it to Telemachus, and hope that he will bring light and life back to the house. Perhaps.

Upstairs, I discovered that there were three things Sylus had left that I had missed eariler, and I sat down to read the note he had left beneath my pillows. As I read his words, his voice filled my thoughts. There was bitterness in him that would not be soothed in the near future, and he had seen me laughing in public, but had never looked into my eyes, or he would have known that true merriment eluded me and would for some time.

And so, he would travel. As would I.

I glanced then at the ring and the green orb. The ring belonged to his family. It was not something I had any claim to, and I would have it delivered to Artemus. No matter how much I dislike the younger brother, it is the only way to return the signet ring to the rightful heirs.

The green orb was one that would allow Sylus to come to me, but I know that Matlal would be well enough protected that such magics would not work. I laid the green orb gently into a velvet pouch atop my dresser. It would be there.

Then I looked up at the night sky, and the moon that shown silvery over RhyDin. Cloaked above this realm was Jacynth. Whether Ulysses was still there, or whether he had moved on to another place and time I would likely never know. This overlay that had come back from the suns of Harmony did not need me. And, it would seem, did not want me.

I gave a wry smile at the moon above. Matters of the heart are fickle things.

Rising, I wrapped the signet ring into cloth of silver, and tied it with a midnight blue grosgrain ribbon before attaching a message for the druid.

.............This ring belongs to your brother Sylus, but he is gone, and I cannot find him. I will be leaving this night for Matlal, with no plans to return to RhyDin. It belongs to the Kurgen legacy, not to the Nitesong legacy. Please do not give the messenger a difficult time, accept it and keep it where it belongs.

.......................Alais 'd Arma Graham 'd Nitesong"

I left the package for the staff with instructions for its delivery, and taking up my staff, I stepped upon the sigil and left RhyDin for my new home.

Alais d Nitesong

Date: 2006-09-01 20:34 EST
The sea was quiet, just the gentle lapping of waves against the black sand when I arrived. None of the dragons were about at this time, but it would not belong before they knew of my arrival.

I set down the orchids I had created and began to walk slowly along the water's edge. The moon glistened atop the gentle waves, shimmering and dancing beneath the black velvet sky and the glittering white stars overhead. The mountain loomed behind me as I looked into the night across the sea.

Odhran could just be made out as a silhouette in the distance. For a brief moment, I wondered just where Khirsah went when he left, and found myself tracing the scar with my right hand. Such musings would not put Matlal back together.

Turning back toward where I had left the orchids, I began the climb to the leveled perch above where my home once had begun to rise, and where even now the foundation stone remained, undamaged by the invasion. At least that magic was unpolluted by Malchor and his minions. I set the orchids down in the shadow of the foundation stone, and then sat upon the pale salmon stone.

The energies of the island flowed with the bonds of Eldar magic beneath me. The power was there to restore the islands, shaping it and coaxing it to heal the island would take great focus and strength though. There was however, no time like the present, and I let myself become one with the power that moved all around me.

Alais d Nitesong

Date: 2006-09-01 20:35 EST
When the sun began its inexorable climb into the sky for the day, the area around the stone was alive with green and growing things. The night blooming jasmine had twined around the stone and grass had sent out runners in all directions. The down hill slope that ran between the perch for my home and the black sand beach below was alive with green just bursting from the ground, as a sudden warm spring changes a snowy landscape into one just faintly tinged in shades of new green.

I had focused on the land between the beach and the bluff for a reason. This would provide encouragement for the dragons while they worked, and a place for them to rest or frollic as the mood struck them. It was only a start. It would take a very long time to accomplish this on the whole of the island, and I was already exhausted from trying to shape the power that ran through the land.

The sun was warm on my skin, and I remained unmoving atop the foundation stone, letting the heat sink into my bones as the sky gave way from black to grey to brilliant cobalt blue. There was not a cloud in the sky as the dragons began to stir. The dragonet curled up beside me atop the foundation stone, and dozed in the warming rays of the day.

Alais d Nitesong

Date: 2006-09-01 20:36 EST
Alais sat upon the foundation stone in the warm sunlight watching as the dragons began the work all over again of setting the structural stone work for the building. The hordes had destroyed or contaminated everything right down to the very foundation of the building. They had not however been able to touch the book chamber deep within the mountain.

As the dragons worked, I began to plan for the items we would need brought in from RhyDin, and it struck me that every bit of the lumber and trim wood would need to be shipped in. There was not one tree left alive on Matlal. Where I had planned on using mahogany for the doors and trim, letting the carvers work in the raw wood from the island itself, there was now no chance for that kind of work.

How would I arrange to have the wood selected, properly dried, shipped, and cut to the sizes needed? This would all be custom work that would take someone with a long history of working in wood. It was not something I knew anything about, and when Garl was questioned, he gave me a look that asked without words if I was making a jest. Sometimes dragons have no sense of humor.

Who did I know that could handle things on the RhyDin side of things? Everything in RhyDin was made of stone, but I had stone masons enough. What I needed was a carpenter with a solid knowledge of the process from start to finish. And then it struck me, Rab.

Rab had recently come to RhyDin, but he was a hard working soul with the background to support this project. The question now was would he be interested in the project? And where could I find him?