Topic: Sidhe Architecture

Alais d Nitesong

Date: 2005-05-01 12:33 EST
The house was silent, and from the look of the sky beyond the doors, it should be the early hours right before dawn. The drawings of my home for the Emerald Isle lay unrolled on the mahogany table before me, and the fire was burning low.

I liked the drawings, and would have to thank the architect in the morning. The building would be white albite, similar to I'' Taurn, but the architectural style is completely different. There are 4 towers at the outer corners of the building, and windows in great abundance, although they are not mullioned. At the heart of the house is a room that will be set deeply into the heart of the Isle where the books will be locked away. This room is deep within the core of the island, down 200 stairs into the rock, and surrounded at the surface by the warding of the house.

The book room will be lined with bronze basalt stone, and I will make arrangements with Tass to assure that not only my wards will protect the room from visitors, but that there will be wards from Tass or Khirsah to overlay my protections.

The towers will be 5 stories high, with the main house 3 stories in height. The great hall will be open the full 3 stories, with 16' doors of carved mahogany decorated with mithril. I will bring my Sidhe heritage to the Island to share with the Dragons. Dragons love luxury and beautiful things. I think their love of beauty is partly what has given them a reputation for hoarding treasure. Since I will be living among them, I must provide them with an administration complex that will be pleasing to look upon, whether from the ground or air.

The architect has agreed to use elven stone carvers for the structure, as that is the only way to achieve the open, airy look and feel that I desire from this complex. While it will be made of white stone, it must have the look and feel of the Sidhe. Timing for this project exceeds my anticipation, but I will not compromise for the sake of expediency.

Tass'' homeland is conducive to setting up the arboretum and gardens. Color and diversity are paramount, but I do not think I will do formal gardens as my grandparents did for I'' Taurn. I like the more natural layout, and using color wisely will prove more soothing than the formal lines of my current gardens.

At the front entry, there is to be a fountain to celebrate the beauty of dragon flight. This home will be a blending of Sidhe and Dragon art.

I rolled up the drawings and attached a parchment for Tass and Khirsah.

Here are the plans for the new construction. Your input would be appreciated before I approve these with the Architect. How are things with Khirsah and the books? I worry, those books will begin to affect even your home if we do not get them secured.


I sent the drawings and the parchment into the dying flames to seek out Tass.


Date: 2005-05-06 18:27 EST
He had spent long hours looking over the plans concerning the new manor which would be built, both to house Alais, and the books. Each detail had been thought through and every angle covered, with the exception of one? Khirsah.

He could feel the changes that were taking place in his elder, and in truth, he felt they were for the best. Yes, there was the chance that the books would take control of his brother, but even if that were to happen? well, that was a bridge which need to be crossed if that river ever developed.

He looked over the plans a final time, and then turned to the desk to pin his reply.


While the plans look good, there is one flaw which I foresee. While I do understand the need you feel to be close to the books, and to have them in your care, I, however, do not like that they will be within the area of your living estates.

What I propose is this: Build a separate housing for the books, a shrine, if you will. Yet, while this shrine, on the ground floor, will be whatever you deem appropriate, it will be just that, a shrine. Below this, however, I would seek to place the books. The books would not be accessible in any case, be it from the ground shrine, nor through any tunnel.

This detail will be something which I would care to discuss with you in person. The plans for this underground sanctuary will be provided at that time as well. I will be awaiting your arrival.


Alais d Nitesong

Date: 2005-05-10 12:17 EST
It was time to go. Make the first step in my move to Tass' realm.

I'd spoken with Sy about his reticence to make I' Taurn his home, and perhaps while I am in the Emerald Isle's he will spend enough time at Kurgen Keep to make him more comfortable. I have too many homes, and while Artemus resides at Kurgen Keep, I cannot include his ancestral home as one my own. I will have to maintain Riverbend, Nitesong, I' Taurn and now the Isle.

We'd spent our last evening beneath the stars, and I leave now with plans for the construction. Tass has mentioned that he would prefer to see the books separate from the house, but I prefer to have the house as part of the protections for the books. We will need to discuss this in detail upon my arrival.

My life amongst the Dragons is about to begin.

With a last look around I' Taurn, I stepped onto the gate rune that would take me to Tass' home.

I' Taurn descended into silence.

My arrival on the main Isle was greeted by Tass' household, and I was shown to temporary rooms. Tass was busy, and I asked one of the staff where I might find Khirsah.

I do not share my worries for Khirsah, he may be perfectly safe from the books, but I would prefer to see him, to know that he is not being affected by their darkness.

The reply sent a chill down my spine. Khirsah has cloistered himself, and has not been seen for several weeks.

Alais d Nitesong

Date: 2005-05-11 09:44 EST
It was necessary to leave the Isle's for the challenge issued by Warlord Farek, to return to RhyDin to face him in the ring.

It was an unsuccessful defense. The second time I have failed to hold what was mine by right of defeating others.

I have let my teacher and old friend down.

I let my second, who stood with me for this challenge down.

I have let my Lord of Honour down.

I have let my friends who came to support me in this match down.

In that moment of defeat, I glanced out of the ring at Tass, thanked Imp for his calling, telepathically congratulated Farek, and left RhyDin, seeking the refuge and solace of Riverbend.

There, only the dead haunt the old stones, and peace can be found.


Date: 2005-05-11 10:33 EST
The night has been a long one. He had stood at Alais''s side, and he was powerless to help her. He watched as the match unfolded and too, watched the hurt and pain which came with the defeat to Alais. He knew it would be a hard stroke, yet he did not know how painful until he had spoken with Xeno afterwards.

Xeno''s words had sent another stab into his heart. Yet, it also gave him a goal. He would see her rise from this fall like the phoenix of old and grow stronger with it. But that was something that would not happen now. She first needed time to heal, and he needed time to plan.

So, he turned once more to the flames of the Arena''s hearth and stepped through. Where he stepped through to, though, was not the Manor. He found himself high atop the peak of the Pearl. It was blessed solitude here atop the mount. Few could reach these heights, even of his dragon-kin. Here, the atmosphere froze the blood as it flowed, even though the protection warmth wards placed over the skin.

With a soft sigh, he turned and looked out to the isle of Matlal. Soon, the island would be alive with activity, and with change. The books would be housed there, and if he had his way, they would not be under the house of his old friend. Her reasoning for wanting them there was understandable, yet his counter to her reasoning was sound. He knew full well the changes the books could cause? he felt it every day though his link with the Elder. He would see to it that the books rested in their own chamber, away from the house that would soon be constructed.


The single word caught him off guard. Was it he who had called to his brother by his thoughts over the books?

Brother, you need to bring the Lady d''Nitesong back to the Isle''s.

Where has she gone?

She retreated to Riverbend after her defeat in the rings. She seeks refuge from her Teacher, as well as from you. She feels that she has let both of you down. It must be you to return her to the land of the living.

His frown grew with his brothers words. So she felt that she had let him down. Her only fault had been running to the land of the dead. He turned his mind quickly from the conversation, and focused his thoughts on Alais.

The ancient words were simple in coming, and the portal opened with ease. It was well that he stood in the cold reaches of the mountain. The land of the dead wasn''t much warmer. With a final glance to the island of Matlal, he stepped through the portal to Riverbend.

Alais d Nitesong

Date: 2005-05-11 12:24 EST

My solace when Uly died. My home for 20 years while I studied with Morrin.

My refuge.

I have returned here, where I can rest. Here where the events of the world do not reach. The cold of the dead permeated the stones. The "others" stirred as I roamed the old fortress. I have shed the shell of my body, left it in the mausoleum beside the stone effigy of Morrin.

Dispassionately I had studied the corporeal form laying still and cold upon the stone that would one day bear my stone effigy when the Greyhaven's make their final call to me.

My essence wandered the halls of Riverbend. I noted the presence of the 'others', but in this state, emotion seems dulled, and it's more of a passing notice than a true use of attention. Everything seems muted, less sharp.

The cold drove anything living away. Disturbance would not, should not come from a living source, and yet, there it was. Echoes of life rattled the silence of this world of the dead.

I faded from view, melting into the cold stone to wait and watch. The feeling was someone familiar, someone who'd come seeking me, and for the moment, I do not wish to be found. I am not ready to return to the living. Unfortunately, this one's power exceeds my own, and thus I have gone very still, becoming part of the stone itself.

Alais d Nitesong

Date: 2005-05-12 19:46 EST

How did Tass know I'd come here? I had not said anything to anyone about retreating here.

Xenograg may have suspected, but he could not have known for certain.

Tass moved through Riverbend, and if I had breath to hold, I would have done so. Could he sense my presence? Or would he find my body in the mausoleum and summon me back?

He continued to move amongst the dead. They in turn shadowed him, no doubt seeking to know what had brought him here.

What motivated a dragon to come to Riverbend?

Alais d Nitesong

Date: 2005-05-15 15:10 EST
I have absorbed myself within the stone of Riverbend. Become a part of the dead structure. Emotion plays no part in my thought patterns now.

"hameymit umhayeh"

The words formed in my essence. I stilled as the meaning of those words registered with me.

"Ever dying, ever living."

Where had they come from? What entity could touch my thoughts with prophetic words? Words in the language of the Valar?

"Y''hi ratzon sheyeyhal''shu k''eyveha
v''yafugu yisureha, yishkot libah v''teyraga

Here, where emotion plays no part of existence, these words tore through my soul.

"May your spirit be calmed,
And your pain be eased."

My pain. Who knew and understood the pain within? Who besides myself knows the agony that tears at me each moment? Here, where I was closest to my mentor and where I had come the closest to facing my demons, words slipped into my conscience from an unknown source.

Where were these words coming from?

Who could reach me here?

"L''khol b''riyah yeysh sheym
shenat''nu lah hata''eha"

I nearly slipped from the stone at those words.

Tass remained within the stone walls, but it was not Tass speaking to me.


Date: 2005-05-17 22:47 EST
His steps carried him through the cold, quiet land. Each step made, each downfall of the staff gave sound to a muted thud.

He could feel the dead that circled around him, could feel their curiosity as to why one of the living were among them. Their breath was cold upon the nape of his neck as they continued to come closer and closer to that which they felt did not belong within their world.

It would be a mere matter of though to disperse the gathering that followed in his wake, but it was something that he did not see a reason for doing. Their curiosity was justified. He did not belong here, but then again, neither did another who was within this realm, though she had called this place home.

His steps carried him further, deeper, into the ghostly realm. It would have been near impossible for another to find her in this place, if they even made it to this place in the first place. But her mark was a unique one; one which he had spent a considerable time studying and working with. Her heart still beat, and so, it led him to her.

He found himself standing before an elegant mausoleum. The life, faint though it was, laid within. Lifting a hand, he placed his palm to the stone door and pushed. The door gave way, with great reluctance, but it gave way.

Stepping within, he felt those that followed him stay at the entrance. It would seem that there was a high amount of respect given to this particular mausoleum. What had Alais done to grant such reverence among those of this realm? That would be a question for a later time. Right now, he needed to find her, and to bring her back to the Isles.

He made his way through the small labyrinth, following the feint rhythmic beating of the heart. Then, as he reached the main chamber, he saw her. She was still as death itself, lying upon the stone altar.

So, she has sought refuge even from herself. He took a moment to look around the chamber, and his eyes lighted a moment on one of the stone statues. He sighed as he reached down, placing a tender hand to her forehead. Forgive me for this?

Gentle as he could, he spoke the words that would pull her back to her body from the stone that held her presence.

Alais d Nitesong

Date: 2005-05-18 19:03 EST
The mausoleum was silent, with the exception of a faint murmuring from the ''others'' that haunt Riverbend. I''d sensed Tass'' arrival, and felt the moment he''d entered the mausoleum. My hope that he would not come here was denied, but if Tass had come to Riverbend, it was a fool''s hope that he would not find what he sought, and the only thing he could be seeking here was me. I watched from my hidden place within the marble of Morrin''s effigy as Tass studied the resting place of Annaran Kings. Tass studied the room silently, ultimately resting on what to anyone else would be my lifeless corpse. But it did not fool him, and his gaze shifted from my body to the effigy I inhabit now. With a soft sigh, I heard him whisper "forgive me for this" as he spoke a spell to drag me back into my own body, he placed his hand upon my body''s forehead.

I know what my body felt like, it was cold as the stone upon which it laid, the cold of death and the grave. Had he been of the living realm, it would have burned him to touch my forehead in such a manner. It did not seem to trouble him, in fact, he seemed not to notice the deadly cold. I wanted to wail as he spoke the spell and I felt my essence slipping from the stone matrices. I did not wish to be returned to that body. I clung, almost desperately to the stone, drawing on things Morrin had taught me years ago to maintain my presence within the stone. Fighting Tass with every ounce of resistance I could muster. His summons was gentle, as though he truly was reluctant to force me back into my body, and I remained immersed within the stone.

His eyes came open quickly at my resistance, and within moments he ceased his summons to me. The ''others'' stirred just beyond the mausoleum''s walls. They''d felt the power in the call, they''d felt the spell that sought to drag me from the realm of the dead. It caused unease among the dead of Riverbend. I hoped fleetingly that he would believe I was not there as stillness settled over the room.

He turned to look fully at the effigy, as though he could see me and not the stone. His eyes gleamed with a surge of power that could be felt even within my stone hiding place as he warded his body, and set his spirit free. The spirit that slipped from the human body was his true form, and the dragon spirit unfolded within the confines of the room, stretching its wings well beyond the confines of the stone space before curling once again. It was a display he meant me to see. Size, power, the essence of the dragon was unmasked for that moment in time. For me to understand that Riverbend posed no restrictions upon him, for I very much doubt that even Morrin could have warded against magic embodied.

He turned glittering purple eyes on the effigy of Morrin. I gazed back into that spirit gaze as he spoke. "Why do you resist?"

"Go away Tass, this place is for the dead." I remained firmly anchored to the marble''s matrix.

"Yet, here you are."

"Yes, this is my home. My sanctuary. I belong here." I would ponder his presence after he left. The unease amongst the ''others'' remained high. He should not have been here, and yet, he stood within the heart of the fortress.

"You are not dead Alais, you do not belong here, this is not your home." The ''others'' pressed as close as they could, murmurs echoing in the stone chamber as the conversation unfolded.

"A heart can beat, but the soul within be quite dead Tass. I am a failure in life. To my lifemate, to my daughter, to my friends."

"If that were so, would I be here?"

In a nearly inaudible whisper, "I should have followed Ulysses years ago."

"But you didn''t, you chose to continue on, and because you have, you have brought me here."

I paused at his words, "I do not know why you have come Tass, there is little I can do right now but come home, here there is peace for me."

He looked at me with something akin to skepticism. "Is there?"

Continuing on, "And this place is not meant for you. The dead realms are not for your kind."

"That may be so, but here I am," was his enigmatic reply.

I slid from the stone to hover near his soul, trusting that he would not keep me from returning to the stone if needed, "Tass, there was peace, until the other day. A voice intruded here that I have never heard before, it spoke in the language of the Valar."

He was the visage of patience, "and of this voice, what do you intend to do about it if you continue to hide here?"

His question surprised me, if I''d heard the voice here, it was logical that I should remain to investigate it, to seek its source. "It is here that I first heard it, how can I leave now?" I looked at my corporeal form and then back at Tass. "And if I return to that, the pain comes back too sharply."

"Life is pain, Alais. If there were no pain, if there were no trials and tribulations, then our lives would be next to meaningless. There would be nothing which would be good, there would be nothing to live for. That pain lets you know you are alive Alais. That pain lets you know that you still know how to feel, or do you seek to become one such as Caleb?" With his last question, he raised a brow ridge at me.

I studied him a moment. Caleb had been taken in by Tass. He would never have recommended Caleb to watch over Alia Anor if the man were not in Tass'' confidence. Caleb had been present for our first meeting on the Isles. No, Caleb was not the sort of man that I wanted to become, but he was not the sort of creature that should be shunned either. "Caleb is a good man, despite his cavalier attitude about life. I cannot think otherwise of him after he sought to help me."

He was more sober than I remember seeing him as he said, "Saving a life is much more difficult for him than taking one, he knows nothing about feelings, he does only what is paid for him to do."

He made Caleb sound a monster, a creature of no emotion what so ever, an example of what he thought I may be seeking by returning to my sanctuary, where emotion is dulled, and pain has little meaning because it is not felt. Yet I do not believe I am seeking to become a soulless monster that was incapable of caring. "Here Tass, I cannot hurt those around me. This place, it dulls the pain, and protects those I care most about." I believe my exile here produces less pain for everyone that I care most about. Is that so very wrong?

"But, you have hurt me, and you are hurting another," he announced as I contemplated the soundness of my decision to return to Riverbend.

I was clearly puzzled by his viewpoint, "I let you down Tass, I failed."

"You did not let me down, not until you fled here," his purple gaze still holding mine, with a slight note of censure in his expression.

I shook my head, pondering his words. "What do you think I should have done? Remained when the faith of my friends has been destroyed? And whom else have I hurt?" I could not fathom how my seeking refuge here would cause pain to anyone else. I know how my presence has caused it, but my absence? I allowed my essence to remain in lingering contact with the chill marble.

"Our faith in you is not so easily destroyed Alais." Tass remained unmoving as I fidgeted in the silence that ensued. "And, as of this moment, there is one who seeks to find a way into Riverbend, one who will be destroyed if they find their way here."

I looked up at Tass, "That cannot come to pass. Riverbend will allow none to enter. Your presence should not have been possible, but I believe dragons can do the impossible at times." His presence had been a surprise, but upon further thought, not so surprising since it is sorcery that protects Riverbend, and that Tass is magic itself. How could anything based in magic be off limits to the dragons?

"Then, you seek to destroy one who has pledged himself to you." Tass'' words hurt even in my disembodied state.

"No, I do not. Sy will never find Riverbend. I told him I was coming here, that he could not pass into Riverbend Tass." Sy is no fool, and he was angry when I''d told him that I would seek the solitude of Riverbend for a time. He''d wanted me to bring along his animality for protection, but I was uncertain about that side and how it would impact my sorceries, as well as the acceptance by the ''others''.

Tass'' voice cut through my thoughts, "Determination is something that can find many things, perhaps he will even sell his own soul to seek you as one of the dead."

My gaze snapped back to his, "Folly!"

"Is it?"


"Think clearly child. Does he love you?" Tass remained unruffled as his words raised doubts in my mind. I had left RhyDin secure in my belief that Sy would not seek me in Riverbend, that he understood this was no place for the living.

"He has lived a mere 24 years Tass, it is not a lifetime. He loves me in his way. Though he does not understand that I can never lifemate again, that such a bonding occurs but once for Eldarie." While I can love again, and in fact do, it is not the bonding of souls that I''d had with Ulysses. That kind of mating is a gift from the Valar. Something many never have. I had been blessed with it, and even now, while I am blessed with another chance at love, it is not the same in all aspects. And I know I am not being fair to Sylus. He can never have all of an Eldarie relationship. Will it matter to him? I cannot be certain, but I know.

Tass finally got around to turning the discussion onto Sylus, my strongest link right now to the living world, "perhaps, but love is something powerful, as well you should know. In his own way, you may be his lifemate, though he cannot be yours."

I thought hard about Tass'' words, "I suppose it is possible. If I were honorable, I would set him free though." The more I thought about it, the more unfair it seemed to Sy, that he was capable of a love that I could not share in kind. It made me very sad in those moments of reflection.

"If you were honourable? Alais, you are honourable. You love him, and that in itself is honourable." Tass found honour in love, but was it honourable to know that I could never give what I know I should have given.

"I was selfish Tass, I allowed my feelings to pull him into a relationship that will never be what it should be because I am not capable of the emotional ties of a lifemate in the way of my people anymore. Pain Tass, that is what returning to that body will bring. Were I to pass into the Greyhavens, Sylus would be free." I''ve thought about seeking the Greyhavens before. Thought about how that would simplify things for many people, but here and now, the lure grew even stronger.

Tass studied me long moments, "You were selfish because you found someone who loved you in return. You sought a release from the pain which has gripped you these many years, you were selfish to return his love. He would never be free Alais."

His arguments were painful to hear. "He''s human Tass, he would find another."

"Yes, but in his heart, it is still you Alais. Human hearts are a mystery in themselves. If you leave him this way, you leave him with half a heart for the rest of his life." His words had the ring of counsel in them, and I know Tass has seen much in his aeons of existence.

My touch on the chill marble remained, and I slowly dissolved back into the stone, "Human hearts heal Tass."

The tenor of Tass'' voice changed, "You speak in ignorance now child. Perhaps it would be best for him to seek his own way here." His threat implying that his death would be on my hands for my actions taken here and now.

My voice very faint from deep within the marble effigy, "He cannot".

"You cannot stop him"

An even softer reply to the dragon in my sanctuary, "Go home Tass, leave me here."

He summed his human visage up, "You will continue to hide here, and leave the world of the living to do as they will, and if that means killing one who loves you, you do not care. Here you have the chance to save someone and you choose not to." He meant those words to be hurtful. He meant to pull me from the stone yet again. His methods were even more devastating than the summoning spell he''d first tried.

I gazed out at him from the effigy, "That is an unfair accusation."

"Perhaps unfair, but as you continue to sit here and hide, it will be the truth." He never moved, never flinched. He could make these charges and reflect no emotion. While my own are dulled in this state, they are not entirely absent. I wonder if he''s counting on this as he warns me about the potential lose of Sylus to the wards of Riverbend.

"Do you truly believe that by returning to the realm of the living it will change anything? Do you honestly believe that changes a thing that matters?" I know he came here to drag me back, would he use this ploy to force my hand?

"Yes" his voice was even and very calm. "Would you have Xeno come look for you as well?"

My anger reverberated off the walls of the mausoleum:: "You''ve come here to ask me to return to pain that no one knows or understand Tass." No one knew the reasons for my seclusion. No one, and I am loathe to discuss the details with anyone.

Tass continued, "And what of Rhaine?" He paused, the briefest flare of anger, "I understand! I understand your pain Alais! I have watched wife after wife die. I have watched pains untold continue to unfold."

But he didn''t understand, it is not simply the loss of Ulysses that drives me here. "Rhaine has died once, she could come with no harm to her, and Xeno respects Riverbend, he knows what this place is." I closed my eyes, wishing it were possible in this state to take a deep, steadying breath.

Tass'' voice lowered, "what of Khirsah, Alais?"

I stilled, the anger that had reverberated in the stone chamber rippled to stillness. "He must get the books warded away Tass. He cannot remain in contact with them. Bring them here." That was the one thing I needed to resolve. I had brought the books here, and needed to remove them from harm.

"Alais, he no longer has control of them. They have now become his teachers. I can feel it. It was he who told me where you were." Tass was very serious right now, and I know how close he and his elder are. They are linked in a way that I do not understand, but I do know there is a powerful bond between the two of them. Tass would know the effects the books were having upon his elder.

Tass'' words struck cold fear into me. "I asked your staff where he was when I arrived, but they said he''d cloistered himself away weeks ago. He''s not in control of them?. How? How did he know where I was?" I drifted out of the stone once more.

"That I do not know," he replied.

Unease shimmered as a living thing in the room, "How bad is it Tass?"

"His power has grown, he still controls himself, he will keep that, the books are under his watch, but it is they who teach him, they will not seek another, unless it be you, and I feel that perhaps only the 2 which you touched would do that."

I shivered, but not from cold, "Those are dangerous sorceries Tass, Morrin should never have recorded them."

"Recorded or not, they were already within him," his voice trailed off.

I sighed, "I could control the third Tass, but it would mean taking Daemonbane as Morrin once had." That is not a prospect I look forward to ever having to do.

He shook his head, "I do not believe that is necessary, as I said, they do not seek to control him."

"It would never be easy, but taking up Daemonbane has other repercussions. They teach you said, the problem is, what are they teaching him?" The thought of having to take up that black blade brought a shiver of apprehension. The third book was the deadliest of them all.

"That I do not know," was his reply. Tass didn''t know what Khirsah was being taught? Only that his power grew? This did not sound good at all.

"And how did they gain such abilities to speak? To teach?" I asked him, these books had never spoken to me, and as far as I know, never spoken to Morrin.

"They speak the darkness"

I stilled, listening intently, "what language Tass?"

"The books and the Elder were born of the same Darkness, the first Darkness," was his enigmatic reply.

I shuddered again, repeating the last words I''d heard here in Riverbend before Tass'' arrival, "L''khol b''riyah yeysh sheym shenatu''nu lah hata''eha. Do you understand those words? They were spoken to me right before you arrived."

Tass looked hard at me, but softly translated the words into common tongue, "each of us has a name, given to us by our sins, I believe."

I nodded, "Yes. Tass, those books must be removed from Khirsah''s care. Things are happening that should not be happening." Realization had crept in that those books needed to come back to Riverbend.

Tass gave a slight shrug, "and what would you have me do?"

"Tell me where Khirsah is." To me it seemed pretty simple.

"He is upon the Isle."

I glanced at him, "It''s a big Isle Tass, for the brief time I was there, I asked for his where abouts, and was only told he''d cloistered himself. I need to know precisely where he and the books are."

"What can you do from here?" It was a simple question, but drove home the reason for his presence.

Silence extended long moments between us. "Nothing." Dejection was clearly written in that one word reply.

He nodded, "as I thought."

Very fine fractures formed in the marble effigy as the sensation of furious realization transmitted throughout the mausoleum. "The books must be protected Tass. WHERE is Khirsah?" I floated free of the marble effigy with an audible sigh.

"The books are protected, and Khirsah is on the Isle."

I grew weary of being told Khirsah was on the Isle. I knew that much, but it''s a huge set of islands. "They are not protected, they are working their sorcery on Khirsah, changing, teaching, altering, absorbing. Where on the Isle is Khirsah?"

He quirked a brow at me, "I suppose you wish to go there?" It was clearly a challenge. Would I willingly walk back into the realm of the living to find Khirsah and the books?

"Wish? No. Must? Yes. I am responsible for them Tass." I was resigned to the search to recover the books and protect Khirsah from further damage caused by them.

"You are not solely responsible."

"No?" How could he believe that? I brought them back from Harmony, I handed them into the Dragon''s care.

He turned and stepped back within the body he''d left earlier, the dragon form returning to the confines of the humanoid body.

"Tass, where is he? Where are the books?" I was growing impatient and needed an answer that I could work with to retrieve the books. Tass was clearly preparing to depart.

The human eyes opened and he looked at me, "Who''s care did you put them in?"

I studied him briefly, "I placed them in Khirsah''s hands myself."

"And they are upon my Isle, so we three are responsible."

I hovered near my own body, staring at the cold, elven form laid so peacefully upon the currently empty crypt, "it is peaceful here Tass."

He stood waiting, "You will find your peace, but not here, and not like this."

Raising my gaze to his, "It seems not," regret lacing my words. With a lingering look at Morrin''s effigy, I faded into the cold body and blinked abruptly, slowly opening my eyes to the dim light of the mausoleum, emotion no longer dulled rose up sharply. "You bring me back to pain Tass, I cannot thank you for that."

"I do not ask you to, but I bring you back to life."

I gave him a swift nod, "Now, where is Khirsah?"

He turned and started back the way he''d come, "come, I need to be out of this place before I can reopen the door."

I turned a slow circle in the room, clearly reluctant to leave, I reached out and touched the marble face of the last Annaran King before following him out of the mausoleum.

Tass moved into the throng of ''others'' that had come to surround them, gently maneuvering through them and finally came to the place where he had initially stepped through the doorway. His voice took on the power of previous as he opened a bright rip before him, turning, he looked back at me. "Best ward yourself for cold, and then wrap yourself in heavy furs." Then he stepped through the door.

I nodded as soft Annaran words melted into the cold that is Annara and then summoned the furs, curling myself into them before I too stepped through the door, and into a bone freezing cold more biting than even Riverbend.

Alais d Nitesong

Date: 2005-05-19 16:49 EST
I stepped through the tear Tass had opened, into a bone biting cold. Despite the ward and the furs, I was instantly chilled to the bone. Exposed skin would have frozen instantly, and I cast a quick glance at Tass as he stood atop the tallest peak on his Isles. The Pearl.

I'd seen maps of the islands, and knew this from a distance, but had never set foot atop it's lofty peak. The air is so thin here I can barely catch my breath, but Tass remains still for long moments.

The rip closes, and a chill of foreboding rippled down my spine. We are alone atop the mountain, and I have just walked from the world of the dead into the world of the living on my own.

"Tass, where is Khirsah?" The same question I'd been asking for the last hours. "Where are the books?"

Alais d Nitesong

Date: 2005-05-25 20:57 EST
We'd both travelled to RhyDin that evening, the gate rune in my temporary runes allowed fairly rapid travel between the Isles and RhyDin.

My evening had been busy, with Dimitri and Sylus.

We, Sylus and I, were at I'' Taurn in moments, and as we passed into the house and through my wards, I nearly lost Sylusin his weakened stare.

A new ward, not one of my making surrounded and protected my home. It had the feel of Annaran sorcery, and yet, it was blacker, darker, and more ominous than any spell I had ever wrought. I tested the ward, felt its texture and dark layers as they enclose and guard my home. They are protecting my home, but they are not mine.


But Tass doesn''t command Annaran sorceries.


I cannot tell until I see him, but the power used makes me suspect him, and the fact that the Elder has the last book also makes me suspect. But why? Why would Khirsah use Annaran spell craft to ward my home?

What he has created here is death for anyone who would seek to cross it that is not identified to the wards as belonging here. It is a ward of immense power, and extremely dark consequences.

Alais d Nitesong

Date: 2005-05-30 18:45 EST
I'd come back to the Isle's, this time with my spell book, the Guardian settled in to watch over my things. Tass has seen to my every creature comfort in the suite of rooms, and yet, I cannot settle in to work on the new construction for Matlal.

Khirsah's absence is conspicuous. Two of the books have returned at my call, but the third, the one who's sigil I did not convert remains missing. The one book that Ulysses forbade me to take into my arsenal of spells. The one book that spelled the complete doom of Annara.

I began pacing the sitting room, pondering how to reach either Khirsah or the book in the primordial darkness. A place I have never reached before, and am not certain I wish to actually accomplish.

I opened my spell book, reading through all of the summoning spells at my disposal. None seemed adequate. Then I searched through Morrin's old books, my fingers tracing over the modified and blended sigils as I found one that I would try.

I laid the components out, and stood on the balcony overlooking Tass' main island. There, I began the spell to call the third book.

Alais d Nitesong

Date: 2005-05-31 20:16 EST
My summons had not worked, and I was simply worn out, and out of ideas.

I''d been back for several days from my visit to Rhaine, and sleep had not come readily. Tonight I had time on my hands in the Emerald Isles, and weariness had me seeking my bed early. I''d not felt comfortable seeking sleep since I''d heard Rhaine''s pain and gone to seek her, and tonight I needed the rejuvenation of a good night''s sleep.

The moon was rising over The Pearl, and glimmered off the water below my balcony. I left the doors open and the gentle lapping of water against the shore was soothing. I lit several scented candles, drawing the familiar fragrances of ginger and stephanotis to blend with the unique scent of the Island.

I laid upon the bed drifting between wakefulness and sleep for some time, but sleep when it came was dark and troubling. Images of life and the building blocks of life slid through my thoughts. Formulas of undecipherable letters and symbols shifted as living things in my dreams. Strange creatures in stranger worlds followed by utter destruction, a blinding flash of fire, leaving a world barren and utterly bereft of the life that had been there moments before.

I woke in confusion. My dreams have never been like this. These images were alien, and held little meaning for me beyond the life and death of worlds. Experimentation, similar to what I do with my spells, but on a scale unimaginable, and using living things?. I shivered in the darkness.

I conjured a cup of hot tea, rose and stood on the balcony in the moonlight. The images of my dreams haunted me out on the balcony. Vials, bottles, glassware, none of it made any sense at all. Finishing my tea, I returned to my bed, laying down amidst the silk pillows and bade my mind go blank, seeking restful sleep once more.

The dream began in darkness,

The hellfire eyes of dracolich stare into mine, I should be terrified, yet somehow I agreed to go on a hunt, whatever it may mean. The bone dragon has no saddle, nor anything a dragon-rider may need... but somehow I know I won't fall. The sky and the dracolich accept me. We soar into the sky as a pair, matched and comfortable together.

Two patrolling dragons, they are not the familiar dragons of the Emerald Isles, they are more like Krynnian silvers. There is an unfamiliar elf riding one, a being of celestial beauty that seems to have wings rides another. Grim laughter of the dracolich seems to shake all of my being - but I laugh with him, my hand in black glove resting on his neck. I jump up, balancing between the wings, as the dracolich breathes out a spell... one dragon is caught off guard, and falls from the skies, its soul screaming in agony. Another tries to fight. I leap on its back, and talk to its rider in the language of sword and spell. The dragon seems to try to shake you off, but has to take care of its rider too... while the celestial is still alive. His spells seem to be stopped by some kind of magical shielding on me. Finally a sword in my left hand... a black longsword with dark-violet pommel jewel... slashes across his chest, almost cutting the warrior in half, not even noticing silvery mail on him. A scream. Power streaming into me. I leap up, the dracolich catches me, and another spell slams into the remaining dragon. The most odd thing seems to be the feeling of friendship... friendship with the dracolich... the joy I seem to find in fighting the silver dragons and their riders... concern for your dread "comrade", not the elves.

I woke with a start, sitting bolt upright in the silence of the early hours. The memory of the dracolich seared into my thoughts. The death of one of my own kind at my hands echoed.

I sat there alone in the blackness shaking. Sleep would come no more this night.

Alais d Nitesong

Date: 2005-06-01 13:24 EST
The breeze had nearly died in the early predawn hours. Equilibrium between the on shore breeze and the off shore breezes had been met, and silence reigned around me.

Rising and stepping onto the balcony, I let moonlight wash over my dark thoughts. There would be no more sleep this night, and I resolved to summon the two books that remain here to me.

I brought the tome stand out onto the dark balcony, and as I touched the bronze basalt cover, the guardian flashed into view. He studied me intently as I slowly traced the sigil before opening the cover, and began leafing through the pages one at a time. Each page held a different spell. The inks changed, and even the arcane script changed from Elven to Annaran. The Annaran spells consumed the later pages almost exclusively. I seldom spoke Elvish any more; the words did not come as easily as the Annaran did. That struck me as slightly strange since the elven tongue was my native language.

I changed into the dark silver robes and returned to the balcony. The Annaran words whispered into the night air as I called to the two books. A shimmer of glittering silver presaged their arrival. They rested on the banister of the balcony. The first book is bound in a fine leather, that is ultra smooth, and does not resemble any animal but one. It is dyed a rich tan, and the sigil shimmers dark metallic silver. The second book lay beside the first, the pale stone binding glowing faintly in the moonlight. These two books embody the destruction of life in plant and animal forms. They destroy using famine, plague, and scorched earth on scales that are horrifying to contemplate. Yet they are not the worst of the Annaran sorceries. That book remains hidden from me. That book remains with Khirsah.

I approached the books, remembering the black vellum parchment that Tass had handed me when they''d appeared in his pocket. I reached for them with my thoughts as I stood within arm''s reach of them, but not yet touching them.

"Na''atzor l''rega, Niteyn da''teynu, lama''avayim v''lakisufim, ha''olim bimrutzat hayom"

I nearly jumped out of my skin at their response. "We pause and notice The desires and yearnings That pulse through our daily lives." What has imbued these books with the ability to speak thusly? Which desires and yearnings do they refer to? It is with great trepidation that I approach these works, to which I am irrevocably bound through sorceries and my ties to Annara.

The remainder of the early morning darkness I spend with my books.