Topic: Into the World of Rhydin


Date: 2006-03-23 12:00 EST
Tales from GreyMantle's Journal

EPISODE I - Into the World Of Rhydin

The Journey Begins

The summer Sun fell warm upon Llewyss' back, as he lazed by the River Ciril, in a peaceful vale. The past fortnight had been pleasant enough, with visits to the kin of his father, Olin; with old friends; and wandering the familiar paths of Lamedon. But he knew his holiday was about to come to an end, when he heard the approaching hoofbeats down-river.

He stood, stretching, and watched a gray-cloaked horseman canter up the river path. The glint of sunlight upon the star clasp at his shoulder revealed to Llewyss who he was, and whence he had come.

"Hail, Captain GreyMantle! Forgive this intrusion, but I bear word from the King!" The rider sketched a salute as he reined in.

"Wha' news then, Thalion?"

"Another errand-rider has gone missing along the West Road near Dr?adan Forest." The King's Ranger dismounted and led his steed to the river near where Llewyss stood. "He did not arrive at the way-station in Firien Wood, for a change of horse."

"... an' Elessar wishes me t' look inta th' matter." GreyMantle anticipated the rest of the message.

"Aye, Sir," Thalion smiled thinly. "He does - as soon as may be." The Ranger then handed Llewyss a small object: a cloak-fastening device with a curious symbol engraved upon it. "This was found clutched in the cold, dead fist of one of the victims near the Dr?adan attacks. Its like cannot be found or recognized by the wise men of Gondor."

"Aye, 'tis strange t' me as well," GreyMantle confessed as he studied the round fastening. "Verra well. Inform th' King tha' I shall be on m' way ere th' Sun sets this day."

~ ~ ~

Llewyss set out from the village of his birth, Calembel, on the River Ciril, to cross over the White Mountains at their nearest point to the North. Firien Wood lay just on the other side, but as it was a rugged climb up through the pass, he released his horse at the head of a narrow canyon, assured that the beast would find its way back to the stables at Calembel. Hoisting his pack, and taking staff in hand, he began the climb.

The journey over the mountains, though strenuous, went well enough - he'd passed this way a few times before - and he finally made his usual camp on a small plateau at the top of the pass. He gazed out over the vales and plains of Lamedon toward the South, while westward the red Sun began to settle for the evening. On the morrow he would descend into Firien Wood, and pick up a horse at the way station, on the Great West Road, which ran between
Minas Tirith and Edoras, in Rohan. A half-day's gallop East would find him at Dr?adan Forest. Llewyss lay on his blanket, gazing up at the friendly stars, idly thinking about the investigation assigned him, until sleep overtook him.

The dreams came, as they always did. Constantly changing vignettes of places and faces, familiar and strange. The kaleidoscope of images then faded into a darkness, out of which a figure appeared. Tall, robed in white. Llewyss' dream consciousness wondered who it might be. Perhaps a wizard of old? Then the apparition spoke:

"Man of Arda, greetings! You will soon venture upon a journey to a strange, far place. We have set you a task, which will become clear to you, anon. The future of Arda lies in your hands. You will see your duty."

Then the figure vanished.

As GreyMantle awoke the images and words faded away quickly, as dreams are wont to do. He gathered his blankets around him against the chill of the mountain heights, and rolled over. Just another strange dream?

~ ~ ~

At first light, he began his descent of the north slopes of the mountains. As the Sun found her zenith, GreyMantle finally reached the forest lying at their feet. He was entering the wood, when there suddenly came a resounding >WHOOMP<, and a sharp pressure smote his ears.


No. The weather was clear. Then he became aware of a heavy mist ahead of him through the trees. As he moved forward more cautiously, the mist got thicker, until he could hardly see his hand at arm's length. The woods were deathly quiet, and the air was suddenly bone chilling. Llewyss continued forward slowly, passing through an area where the mists glowed eerily, and he could feel a current of air flowing past him. He continued to follow the path,
and eventually the mists started to thin out, and he could see light from the open land ahead. And the warmth of the land returned.

Moving into the tree-dotted grassland at the edge of the forest, he stopped to get his bearings, and ponder the strange phenomenon he had just witnessed. It was a moment's passing before he realized something was amiss. He scanned the horizon to all points; the Mering Stream was no longer nigh; that silhouette of mountains far to the west was different.

GreyMantle turned and looked at the forest from which he had emerged. There was no longer any sign of the mists. The mountains at the southern edge of the forest loomed in unfamiliar peaks.

Llewyss was certain he had not strayed from the usual path. Even had he done so, that would not account for the unfamiliar landscape that now confronted him on all sides.

Then the memory of the dream came to him: "You will soon venture upon a journey to a strange, far place".

This was indeed very odd!


Date: 2006-03-26 22:26 EST
Tales from GreyMantle's Journal

Episode I - Into the World of Rhydin

Scene II - Strange Encounter in a Stranger Land

GreyMantle explored his immediate surroundings, pondering the words of the mysterious figure in his dream of the night before:

"You will soon venture upon a journey to a strange, far place."

The 'prophecy' seemed to have come to pass without delay! Llewyss was a pragmatic man, not given to panic, or subject to wild excursions of the imagination. But at the moment he was completely lost, and as the first order of 'Ranger business', as he would have put it, he needed to learn as much as he could about his environment. Survival was the first priority.

The woods were teeming with wildlife, so he knew he would have no trouble feeding himself. And until he could find his way back to his own land, he decided he must make his home in the forests, while he cautiously investigated this strange place. Was it inhabited? Were the denizens friendly toward strangers?

Looking about, he observed that the flora was little different from that of Arda, his own land. A few strange flowers and plants he spotted here and there. The birds were mostly unremarkable, with the exception of a small dragon-like avian. Dragons had vanished from Middle-earth within only a few generations of Men, so the concept did not strike him as particularly odd. As for the local furred and scaled creatures, the differences were more
diverse, and worthy of his study, at a more convenient time.

GreyMantle traveled perhaps a league in a northerly direction, as he judged it - the noon Sun was now over his left shoulder - without discovering any sign of habitation. But soon a river appeared a short distance ahead. As he neared it, he came upon a wide, well-traveled dirt path running along side: tracks of horse hooves and of cartwheels told him there were people here, at least. He moved eastward along the road, which followed the river as
it veered to the north.

Eventually the road curved eastward away from the river and started a slight rise through the forest. At the top of a hill appeared a small clearing set back somewhat from the road. There stood a thatched-roof cottage, with a stone well in front of the door. To one side a young girl was spreading freshly washed clothing on nearby bushes - his first encounter with an inhabitant of this land. Llewyss entered the yard cautiously, scanning the house
and around the clearing.

"Hullo there, Lassie". He spoke up in a friendly tone.

The girl suddenly turned, startled, her eyes filled with fear. Llewyss stopped his advance, and smiled at her, raising his empty hands.

"I di'nae mean t' frighten ye, Lass... I only wished t' ask ye fer some water."

Her fear subsided somewhat, and she cocked her head to one side, curiously looking him over. It was then that he noticed her eyes. They were amber in color, with a vertical pupil, like a cat's. The tufted tips of her pointed ears protruded through her long, reddish-brown hair.

She said nothing, and he repeated his request in the Elvish and Dwarvish tongues of his homeland - no response. He motioned toward the well, making drinking signs. She suddenly smiled, and ran to it, lowering the bucket. She pulled it up, and took the water-skin from his hand, filled it, returned it to him.

"Thank ye , Lass... be there a village nearby?" She studied him for a moment, unresponsive still. Llewyss drew a picture of a dwelling in the dust at her feet, while making signs of hoisting a flagon of ale.

Again she smiled broadly, pointing along the road to the north, revealing the small, sharp teeth in her mouth.

<< Cat-like, indeed! >> He also noticed her claw-like nails.

He bowed slightly, smiled "Goodbye" and started for the edge of the road. It may have been the wind in the trees, but Llewyss was sure his ears caught a soft "Goodbye" from behind him. He stopped, and turned.

"Aha! So ye are capable o' speech!" The strange female grinned, a slight pink flush suffusing her cheeks.

"Yes, M'Lord... forgive me. My name is Felina. My mother and I live here alone, so we must be cautious of strangers. But my senses lead me to believe you are a trustworthy and kind man."

"Thank ye, Felina... yer caution is wise. By th' by, I am called GreyMantle, and I hope I may deserve yer trust. But tell me, how far along the road is th' village?"

"Perhaps a quarter-day's walk.. GreyMantle. Umm... you are welcome to rest here a bit... if you wish. I can make some tea... and you shall meet my mother! We would love a nice chat!" she suggested with a touch of eagerness.

"Again m' thanks, Lass, but I must reach th' village ere dark, if I can. Mayhap I will return some day soon, an' we can have our little tea an' chat."

GreyMantle set foot on the road once more. The cat-girl Felina waved, smiling shyly, watching him until the Ranger disappeared over the hill.

<< A strange land... What next? >> he mused.


Date: 2006-03-28 20:51 EST
Tales from GreyMantle's Journal

EPISODE I - Into the World Of Rhydin

Scene III - Along the Path

GreyMantle continued North along the road without incident or further contact, until the Sun was low in the sky, about to sink below a hazy range of mountains far to the West. Eventually the river veered back toward the northeast. Across the river, and some distance into the forests, he spied a wisp of smoke spiraling skyward. Finding a well-used shallow fording place, he reached the opposite bank, to discover there was a path along that side as
well. He pondered whether he should follow it, or strike out across country toward the smoke. The sooner he met one of the indigenous inhabitants, the sooner he would find an answer to his questions about this strange land.

<< 'All paths lead somewhere,' as m' father used to say! I need t' find tha' village! >> He mused to himself, picking his way along the partly overgrown trail.

Llewyss had continued a short distance, when the trees next to the path receded into a clearing, in the rear of which was a campsite. He approached it, scanning the area, while examining the remains of the fire. There were boot impressions in the dirt circle cleared for the fire. He learned nothing in particular from them, but that the wearers were probably about his own size and weight. That was encouraging - he had no desire to confront giants
or trolls! If there lived such in this place.

<< I wonder how shall I be received in this world of Cat-Folk? Tha' lass were friendly enow, once she accepted m' bonafides. Beyond her first fright, she seemed not t' find m' own appearance unusual. May be tha' divers races o' folks share this land. >>

He thought of the variety of races in his own Middle-earth: Elves, Men, Dwarves, and Hobbits - those of the Speaking Peoples. He reluctantly added Orcs and Goblins, which would qualify, he supposed; fortunately, their numbers had greatly diminished since the War.

Rising, he looked around, moving back onto the path.

<< Bu' I must proceed cautiously, until I discover th' general mood toward strangers. >>

He stopped, quietly withdrawing his shortsword, holding it up in front of him.

<< Good... no presence of Evil close by. >>

His weapon was of ancient make, forged by some Elven smithy, for the wars against the Enemy in ages past. It had the property of emitting a pale bluish glow if evil auras were near. He sheathed the weapon, and pressed on down the road. Looking to the Northwest, the rising smoke appeared much closer now.

<< A quick side trek t' investigate... mayhap I'll find someone who ca' tell me where I am... an' a bite o' food wou' be welcome. Trail rations ge' wearisome ere long. >>

The Ranger entered the forest quietly, making his way through the closely spaced trees, until they finally gave way to a clearing. A neat, white, thatched-roof cottage nestled in a fair-sized glade.

Standing at the edge of the clearing, just inside the trees, Llewyss scanned around the cottage, which was to one side of the glade, the other half seemingly under cultivation, in plants of diverse kinds. Surrounding the dwelling itself was a rainbow profusion of flowers, and ivy ascended its walls at the corners.

<< A pleasant abode... a man might want t' give up th' wanderin' life o' a Ranger fer a home like this... and the right woman...>> His thoughts pursued their own wandering as he studied the scene wistfully.

"HULLO TH' HOUSE! ANYONE THERE?" he finally called out.

And he waited.

And listened to the sounds in the forest around him, lest his yelling had aroused other interests. But the normal woodland chatter prevailed.

Then, the sound of a latch, and the upper half of the front door swung open.


Date: 2006-04-01 12:35 EST
Tales from GreyMantle's Journal

EPISODE I - Into the World Of Rhydin

Scene IV - "Tarry Awhile.."

GreyMantle stood in front of the cottage, as the upper half of the cottage door opened. A round, ruddy face with a halo of white hair, appeared. It was human, he was relieved to note.

"And who might be asking now?" the portly old fellow retorted.

"I am a traveller an' a stranger in these parts,"GreyMantle explained. "I seek directions t' th' nearest village... an' would refill m' water skin, if I may."

The man looked Llewyss over a moment, and scanned about the clearing and forest edge behind him. Then he opened the lower half of the door, and stepped out into the dooryard.

"Ye don't look like a dangerous man. But looks are ofttimes deceiving around these parts. A hunter, I would say, by thy dress and accouterments."

"Aye... close enow...", Llewyss nodded. "M' callin' be tha' o' a ranger, in fact."

"My name is Agricola," the elderly man offered. "I am a farmer, for the last few years. A trader I was most of my life. I got tired of wandering, and settled down here," he smiled. "And what was thy name again?"

"I am known as 'GreyMantle' to most. I am a ranger for the king of ... my own land." He decided that he should not divulge too much about himself, until he learned more about his new surroundings.

Llewyss then grinned, "Ashamedly, I must admit, I do'nae ken where I may be! I camped in th' mountains south o' here last eve... and entered th' forest this side o' them abou' noon this day... but unless I be woefully lost, th' lands here be nae those o' m' own home realm!"

The old man gazed thoughtfully at GreyMantle beneath bushy white eyebrows, and after a moment, smiled.

"Come inside, Sir.. we must talk of this over our supper. My daughter is just setting the table."

"M' thanks, kind Agricola, I am most grateful".

The farmer ushered Llewyss toward the door, then paused, looking around at the darkening forest, listening. Then he followed him into the cottage, closing the door and bolting it securely.

Llewyss found himself in a small entryway, with a wall facing the door. There was a bench, and pegs on the wall for cloaks. Wonderful smells wafted out from the common room, and his stomach rather loudly acknowledged them!


Date: 2006-04-02 14:44 EST
Tales from GreyMantle's Journal

EPISODE I - Into the World Of Rhydin

Scene V - "New Friends"

"Just unburden yeself, and be comfortable," Agricola waved an invitation to the Ranger. GreyMantle deposited his bow, quiver and staff in a corner of the entranceway, and set his pack on the bench.

The farmer then lead him into a long, low room filled with the warm light of lanterns hanging from the roof beams, and tall candles on a table of dark wood, in the center of the room. A huge stone fireplace nearly filled the back wall, and a pleasant blaze slowly consumed a log, while a kettle hanging to the side steamed lazily.

"Ariane, we have a guest!"

A slender girl, just out of her teens, was setting the evening's meal on the table. Her long gold hair rippled down her shoulders. She had pale blue eyes like wild flowers.

"My child, this is Sir... ummm... GreyCloak???" the farmer queried.

"GreyMantle, Sir... just GreyMantle"... The Ranger smiled at the girl, with a small bow. "A pleasure t' meet ye, fair lady!"...

She curtsied, "Greetings and welcome, M'Lord... We are pleased to share our simple fare".

" 'Tis a veritable feast t' a traveler, I vow!", Llewyss said as he surveyed the simple but plentiful spread.

They seated themselves to the meal. Ariane regarded him curiously, shyly, while eating.

"Ye say ye came over the southern mountains, GreyMantle?", Agricola inquired as he started passing things around.

"Aye." Llewyss related his strange passage through the forest: the cold mists, and the unfamiliar landscape beyond. "I am most familiar wi' tha' area, a' home. Bu' this.. 'tis nae m' homeland, as I ha' told ye."

"And what is your land, Ranger?" the old farmer studied him over his plate.

"Gondor is m' homeland. I serve m' Lord Aragorn ... King Elessar ... of th' Reunited Kingdom o' Gondor an' Arnor. Th' mountains t' th' south o' here are called th' White Mountains in m' own country."

"Gondor?... Arnor?" mused Agricola. "I know of no such lands in this world."

"Tha' be m' next question of ye: what ... world ... is this?" GreyMantle asked. Another world? A 'strange, far place' to be sure!


Date: 2006-04-04 21:50 EST
Tales from GreyMantle's Journal

EPISODE I - Into the World Of Rhydin

Scene VI - "Welcome to Rhydin"

"It is generally known as Rhydin - and your senses serve you well, Ranger. It is not your home land. Indeed, it is not your home world!" The old trader-turned-farmer gazed steadily at GreyMantle, watching for the Ranger's reaction to his astounding revelation.

Llewyss stopped eating and returned Agricola's stare.

"Unbelievable!" He shook his head. "Bu' it does explain much, now," he continued after a long moment's pondering. "It must be tha' th' mists in th' forest formed some sort o' doorway inta this world!" He wondered whether he should mention the words of the figure in his dream.

"Probably so," Agricola nodded. "I have lived here for over twenty years. I have been unable to return to my home world, as I cannot discover the ... "portal" ... thru which I arrived here. Others I have met here seem to be able to come and go as they please. They talk of many universes with many worlds existing side by side, along paths extending from this world! Such things I do not understand, but which must be accepted. As you will see,
when you meet the many different beings who come here."

"I ha' already met one o' these strange folk," GreyMantle rejoined. "Th' lass down th' road on th' other side o' th' river. She looked like a cat, in human form."

At this point Ariane broke her silence.

"Yes, that is Felina. She and I have met. She is very nice. She is the daughter of a were-feline mother and a human father. He died when she was very young."

"Hmm.... were-feline? I have only heard o' were-beasts in old legends - stories t' scare small children," Llewyss mused, finishing his meal.

"You will find all the creatures of legend here in the flesh, my friend." The old man continued. "They come from all parts of the "Multiverse", as it is called by those who are able to travel whence they please. This world seems to be a cross-roads, in the vastness of the Universe, a watering hole of sorts. I'm not sure who the original inhabitants were.. they have long since been stirred into this "stew" of myriad species who inhabit this world. Those that stay, at any rate."

Ariane rose and began clearing the table.

"I hope you can find your way back to your home, GreyMantle. I'm sure you and your lady will miss each other. My mother was from another world. She was a princess in her land, and she could not find her way back. She and Papa met and fell in love, and built this place. They were lucky to find one another - both being human, I mean."

Llewyss smiled. "I wou' nae burden a wife wi' my wanderings, Lass. The only woman fer a Ranger is a lady ranger! An' they be most hard t' find! At least at home!"

Ariane ventured a shy glance at him.

"Oh, I don't know ... you may find such a one here - if you should stay. I have seen them in the village".

"An' where be that village?" Llewyss asked. "Tha' would be th' best place fer me t' commence m' exploration o' this world, since it seems tha' I must abide here a while."

"Leave this clearing on the northward path," offered Agricola. "It rejoins the river-road. Follow that into the village, perhaps a two-hour walk. There is a large public house: the Red Dragon Inn. There you may discover the answers which you seek. But be cautious. Not all those you meet will be as friendly as Felina and we."

GreyMantle rose from the table. "M' thanks fer a friendly welcome, and an excellent supper! A fine introduction t' this Rhydin, an' th' beginning o' my unbidden adventure! "

"You are welcome to stay the night here, GreyMantle," says the farmer, rising.

"Yes..." Ariane added quickly.

"A generous offer, m' friends, bu' methinks I sha' go on inta th' village, close as it is." Llewyss moved to the door, donned his cloak, and picked up his pack, bow and staff. "Good night m' friends".

"Please come back to visit us, GreyMantle." Ariane smiled shyly.

"I will do tha' M'Lady." She blushed at the Ranger's smile.

Llewyss stepped into the twilight air, 'sounded out the night', as he called it, and found the path. As he moved along, silently, almost invisibly, his mind felt some relief knowing that he would not have much trouble blending into the population of this ... Rhydin.


Date: 2006-04-07 21:18 EST
Tales from GreyMantle's Journal

EPISODE I - Into the World Of Rhydin

Scene VIII - More Surprises!

The evening of his first day in the world of Rhydin, found GreyMantle standing just inside the entrance to the Red Dragon Inn.

At the center of the rear wall was a huge fireplace, and along the right wall ran the bar counter. Arranged around the rest of the huge room's perimeter were booths, and a couch or two.Many large wooden tables filled the expanse of the room, with the exception of a floor clearing in exact center. Two patrons were sparring there, in friendly contest. *

Llewyss slowly made his way through the tables to the bar, gazing about curiously at the patrons. Suddenly, a pleasant-sounding female voice rose above the background chatter.

"Welcome to the Red Dragon Inn, Sir... may I draw you a drink?"

GreyMantle, realizing he was being addressed, moved closer to the bar where an attractive young lady ( she looked very human!) was attending.

"Umm... Aye. I'll have an ale, please. Do ye have tha'?"

"One ale for the gentleman, coming up! Best in the Multiverse!" She slid the drink deftly over the bar top to him.

C(_) ----> --->

"How much d' I owe ye, Lass?.."

The bartendress smiled, "Oh, a couple of pieces of whatever you have should do!"

He fumbled in his pocket, and pulled out a gold Gondorian 'crown' from home.

"I am new to this place, and do not have any coin of the realm ... but this is pure gold, from my homeland."

"That should do nicely. Gold is gold, I always say!" Llewyss almost expected to see her take a bite of it, but it disappeared into the till.

"Thank ye, Lass."

"My name is Khy, " she smiled again, "and you're welcome."

Llewyss spotted an empty table in a far corner and made his way back to it. He leaned his oaken staff against the wall, and dropped his pack. He removed his dusty cloak, and hung it on a wall peg, then sat down, thankfully. It had been a long day.

GreyMantle looked around at the menagerie of patrons - he chuckled as the word came to him - very few of them looked purely human! Well, human-like, perhaps they were, but there the similarity ended. It was as though a host of animals suddenly decided to change into humans, with varying degrees of success!

The ale was cool and descended his throat most pleasantly as he continued scanning about the place. The babble of conversations revealed that GreyMantle's own language seemed to be a lingua franca amongst the citizens of Rhydin - Common, it was referred to. His own command of two varieties of Middle-earth Elvish, plus Dwarfish, would not likely to serve him here. By some stroke of pure luck, the Westron** of his world apparently was

<<Hmm... th' female patrons be most attractive ... animal-like or no! >> He reached into his pouch and brought out his pipe, journal and scribe.

<< I must get t'day's events down ere I forget them. >> Llewyss filled and lit his slender, rune-carved pipe, and puffed contentedly, while collecting his thoughts. He began to write...


Date: 2006-04-11 22:27 EST
Tales from GreyMantle's Journal

EPISODE I - Into the World Of Rhydin

Scene IX - A Hidden Glade

GreyMantle left the Red Dragon Inn well-relaxed - and sleepy! He stepped outside into the street and looked up at the strange array of stars.

<< I must find a ranger of this realm and ask him to point out the 'guide star'. >>

He started down the street in the direction from which he had entered the village, lost in thought.

<< Wha' I need now be a place t' make m' home camp. I feel I may be here a while. >>

He suddenly heard a flapping sound, as of large wings, from behind him, on the other side of the Inn. He turned, peering through the meager light from a street lantern, but caught only a glimpse of a female figure entering the door of the Inn. She had long blonde hair, tied up at the back of her head, like a pony's tail.

<< Hmm... strange. She could'na have made tha' noise, could she? >> He shrugged and continued on down the street and out into the country-side.

The Village, which most seemed to call Rhydin Towne, was bordered on the west and south by a great forest. Llewyss soon came to a well-used path leaving the road, meandering westward into the woods. The night was alive with many sounds, most of which were familiar. To a watcher, Llewyss would have suddenly disappeared as he entered the darkness of the forest, his elven cloak rendering him practically invisible. Some distance down the trail, he paused and listened.

<< Sounds like a stream off t' th' left - let's take a look >>

He left the path and pushed through the woods toward the sound of moving water. Suddenly in front of him the woods opened up on a glade, bordering a bend in a stream. The clearing was mostly meadow-like, the sole intrusion being the trunk of an old oak tree that had fallen into it, lying not too far from a grassy slope leading to a natural shelf of flat rock extending into the stream...

<< Excellent!... a built-in bath! >> Llewyss dropped his pack next to the fallen tree, and removed his cloak.

<< Looks like I've found m' campsite. >>

Divesting himself of his accouterments and clothing, he stepped off the rock into the cool water.

<< Ahhhh.... tha' feels good! >> Lying back adrift, he allowed the current to cleanse the travel grim from his body, and ease the tensions. Above in the purple night sky, stars twinkled down. And he suddenly felt lonely - a feeling he had not often experienced. He shook off the mood, and stood up in the stream, to scrub himself down.

<< On th' morrow by th' light o' day, I shall have t' scout 'round this place... t' see if it be secure enow fer m' home camp. >>

? ? ?