Topic: Obsession

With Love

Date: 2007-10-01 02:31 EST
Two Weeks Ago.

Miss B sat in her office, with her head in her hands and elbows propped up onto her desk.

?You bastard.?

She started, but had probably repeated the same phrase many times over the last six hours. Several bottles of Jack Daniels that had accumulated over the night had stood tall, with a single glass holding a healthy amount to really get anyone with a working liver drunk out of their mind.

Idly, she picked it up, sipped, and placed it back onto the exact same spot.

?You? Bastard.? Her eyes opened to the revolver laying on her desk, just below her head. For a split second, she felt that horrible enough to take her own life right there and then to end it all.

?BASTARD!? Her hands went up under the desk as she stood, and with all her might flung the desk over, sending the bottles to crash and spill what was left of the JD all across the floor, lethal shards of glass now littering her office, but her outburst didn?t stop there. Next, the chair took a flight right out of the very same window that HE himself dove out of, then, she kicked her revovler right across the room.

How dare he make her think of ending her own life? This is exactly what he wants!

Panting, she tore the top-hat from her head and flung it at the wall littered with Alain?s pictures, her maddened eyes enraged to the man displayed upon the surveillance photographs.

The mass of so many photos had even started to worry the Boys; especially Hunter, for he was beginning to question his Boss?s motives. True, he?d do whatever she said or desired, but recently they were spending to much time and money on that man and they barely made love anymore. Miss B, was a sexual beast. She needed comforting. Otherwise? Only bad things would come of it, and he felt it coming his way. The whole Family, just felt it.

He even took a moment to question her sanity.

?Why!?? She screamed at the wall, her voice had risen to the point that her throat become sore.

No answer came back at her, so she repeated the question again - expecting an answer. Again and again she repeated it, now pummelling her hands against the very silent wall - kicking it, punching it, slapping - Alain?s pictures as they fell like the floating leaves off a dying tree in autumn, that was shutting down for the winter. No matter how hard she hit the wall, she still didn?t the reply she was looking for.

Quickly, she seemed calm down. Like someone had flicked a switch in her brain.

Miss B sunk onto her knees, whimpering; shivering, crying.

That single image of Alain, flashing through her mind. Her savour. She had been smitten by him once before during their first time - that wonderful time, a time she didn?t want to admit to even her stubborn self that she had indeed, fallen for him in that instance.

But Alain saving her? That image.

That one, image.

That?s all she could think about.

With Love

Date: 2007-10-01 17:37 EST
October the 1st.


The darkness parted.

And it revealed people that seemed familiar.

They roamed about the room, flinging their arms about - their mouths opened wide to the odd-dressed men bound and gagged into the corner. Who were they?

One of them just died. The long haired man shot him. His blood splattered the wall. But the noise was lost to the ringing clamouring into the foreground.

The view panned - almost flopping to the side as a hand - a stranger?s hand lifted.

The movement to the others in the room, became stiff - almost startled. They stared at that view.

They stared, they screamed words lost on deaf ears.

Riiiiing riiiiiing. Why won?t someone pick up that phone?

Legs had swung around the bed, and then the sight shook and swayed. Drunk? Heavily, the movements of the hands reaching out and gripped against the office desk. They parted - gawking, like they had seen a ghost. What is wrong with these people?

Thrashing a hand out, the distant voices of murmers begun to appear. They come from all around - saying things not understandable, not in a language human or otherwise.

Why did these feet, of which dragged against the wood, take this image? What? It was blurred! So, so hard to distinguish! But? When the image moved, so did the other.

What was this hand gripping? It was soft. It had to be removed! It had to be tossed to the side!

What was this red?! What was this liquid pouring over the it?!

Static blurred, and, when it had regained, Miss B tilted her head up until she met with the near-dead gaze of her own eyes staring back at her.

The circular wound in her forehead poured fresh blood.

What was this?


Cover up!

She had to cover up!

Miss B had to hide!

Turning, the mirror was slung to the ground.

The image now turned onto those in the room, and slowly, a hand reached out to the man.

Her man.

And received the revolver.

Instinct told the hands to fumble carelessly at the chamber. Checking each nook for the silvery shell, staring back up.


They all suddenly looked suddenly very, afraid.


They blurred - static - the deafened ears - they? Returned.






Clink-clink-clink-cli-clink. She tapped out the empty shells.

She bent down, and took another gun.


Three of them fell.





The white gown, drenched in blood, rippled as she grasped the chest. Pulling the fabric out, inspecting the stain as if it were offending.

So many of them!

So many!




?Bye? Bye??


?Bye?? She whimpered, ?Bye!? A hand tossed the gun away, and quickly she stood behind the bar of her Casino. Tossing bottles too and fro carelessly onto the ground.

Cover up.



They will come for you.

Burn it all? Burn it all! Her thumb shot down over the lighter, revealing the flame, and tossed it down onto the alcohol soaked ground, descending the stairs into the empty restaurant as the smoke followed her downstairs

Nothing was there.

She weaved between tables, swaying drunkily towards the back door. Her hand jerked down violently onto the handle and onto the dock?s boarding grounds she stumbled.

Those toes in the image now, they dangled over the edge. Swaying with the waters below; beckoning her to come, calling her name.

Alain. He swam. He hid under the docks.

Turning her head towards warehouse that billowed with smoke, she opened her arms, tilting her head, and opened her eyes up to glaring sky.

Miss B felt the breeze shooting through the strands of her hair.

She felt the stinging pain in her chest.

The unending headache.

And plunged into the sea?