Topic: Five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes


Date: 2017-04-23 13:37 EST
Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes
How do you measure, measure a year?

In daylights, in sunsets
In midnights, in cups of coffee
In inches, in miles
In laughter, in strife

In five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes
How do you measure a year in the life

How about love?
How about love?
How about love?
Measure in love
Seasons of love
Seasons of love

Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes
Five hundred twenty-five thousand
Journeys to plan
Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes
How do you measure the life
Of a woman or a man?

In truths that she learned
Or in times that he cried
In bridges he burned
Or the way that she died

It's time now to sing out
Tho' the story never ends
Let's celebrate
Remember a year in the life of friends

Remember the love
Remember the love
Remember the love
Measure in love
Measure, measure your life in love

-Rent, Seasons of Love


It almost seemed like tradition for them to forget that day, and get a surprise visit from one of their family members. This time? The Big Guy was well aware of the day, if only because it had struck him a week beforehand that it had been nearly a year since they'd met - and spiraled down that particular rabbit hole rather quickly. He might've sent a text to a few particular people that if they bugged him today, there'd be Hell to pay. Possibly for the first time (with the accidental first date - and monthly anniversary - exception) this one was planned.

It had taken him a couple hours to set up, and get everything in order before the upcoming plans for the night. Plans that he'd kept very hush hush in that noggin of his to give Saila a surprise. She... very well might've thought that he'd forgotten all together. He'd sent her a couple texts that day, letting her know that he had something to do that afternoon but he'd text her later to hang out if she wanted to. Poor Vixen!

He'd walked over to the shop late in the afternoon where he stashed his precious babies when they weren't being used. Strolling over to the car safely hidden under a thick tan tarp, unused since the car show, he gripped the end of the fabric and tugged it off to reveal that purple pimped out Hearse. Smirking a bit, he tapped the hood. "Got big plans tonight, Reap," he muttered, his smirking rather sly at that point as he climbed in and started off to get himself set up now.

He drove until he spotted the familiar scenery, the landmarks he remembered, and slowed the vehicle to park beside the curb with that slow crunch of cobblestones beneath the Hearse's tires. Climbing out of the car, he sent his woman a rather vague text.

Hey babe. You wanna hang out?

A full year. A drop in the bucket to him, the bat of a lash, the space of a heartbeat. For her, it was officially two thirds of her life - she'd spent twice as much time with him than without. It was a daunting prospect, as daunting as her own birthday had been. For someone who had experienced so little of it, Saila was on the verge of being obsessed with time.

All too aware of the day, she tried not to make too big a deal out of it. Not that she expected anything in particular: she didn't. She just knew there wasn't any way he could understand how each passing hour still felt so incredibly significant. The various texts she'd received were something of a relief, even, as it gave her more time to puzzle out her own thoughts. To attend to the things that needed tending. To wander and to be alone.

The last text surprised her from a quiet reverie. Reading it, she blinked once, twice, again. Licking her lips, the muse rolled her head back on her neck, stretching it. The protest her muscles gave made her wonder how long she'd been sitting there.

"Sure. When/where?"

Time meant something different to them both. To her, it was something new. It was fresh with endless possibilities up ahead. Time for him had turned into an old thing, haggard and full of mistakes and regrets with a few good things tossed into the pool. He could take a breath, and suddenly five years passed by without his noticing. Stuck in an endless loop for as long as he could remember, Rhy'Din had changed all that.

Out of four centuries, he'd spent the past week evaluating everything that'd changed. Himself, his life. He finally felt as though new possibilities were up ahead, and it was something to look forward to instead of dread.

But the biggest part of this past year's success and enjoyment could be owed to one particular soul that had seen him through the ever rolling roller coaster: Saila.

So he sat on the hood of that pimped out Hearse just as a text was returned. The aviators glimmered in the fading light of the day, a beacon with those ever bright golden pools tucked behind as he read the signs of close by shops, then turned his head to the street signs. Sending a return message to Saila, giving her directions without being blatant to her memory, there was a curl of a smirk that was almost sneaky before he hit send.

Sliding up the hood of that purple monstrosity, his arms came up to tuck behind his head as he rested against the windshield. Silent as he waited, those golden pools closed. He'd know if she got close.

Saila was sort of spectacularly bad at directions. Her pale brows pulled together, meeting in the center of her forehead, her peculiar eyes narrowing. Really? There was a tingle in her finger tips, a feeling she couldn't begin to describe that ran along the little hairs at the back of her neck. He knows I suck at this... he must be up to something.

"...Uh huh. Thanks."

She didn't question him on it, though she wanted to. Shoving the phone into her bag to put even more space between herself and temptation, she rose at last, stretching out the ache that had worked its way into her hips and thighs from so much time spent in a single position. Taking a deep breath, the girl cheated just a little -- she closed her eyes and searched for him.

Locating the soft flicker of his energy at the very periphery of her awareness, Saila turned herself in that direction and began to follow it. A steel trap for all kinds of seemingly trivial details, the space in her memory where any kind of map of the city should be was blank, missing, so she had no idea which way she was walking. It wasn't until she was within a block of it, his presence growing ever stronger, ever brighter behind her closed eyelids, that the mercurial teen opened her strange eyes at last and looked around. The buildings didn't look familiar, but then they never did. Her steps zagged at an angle across the sidewalk, fingers stretching out to her side to brush along the worn brickwork as she moved. The Marketplace. Suddenly, she knew about where she was, and a slow grin spread over her face.

He was aware of the fact she sort of epitomized that 'women suck at directions' stereotype. He loved her, but he... probably wouldn't ever ask her for directions. He knew better than to think she would get lost, though. Saila had more tricks up her damned sleeve than he even knew of, he was sure of it. There was a little bit of that feel of it being a game - come find me, babe.

He had unfailing faith that she would, one way or another. The two's ability to sense energies was phenomenal, but she had honed hers admirably. He was still taking the beginner classes when it came to non-sexual energy.

He kept his phone resting on the slope of his stomach just in case, though, after she'd sent him that text that made him chuckle. She's going to smack me one of these days, I know it. He'd lit up a cigarette in the midst of his waiting, blindly lighting it as he'd kept his eyes closed. While she was seeking out his energy, he kept his mind open to the energies around. She had much more distance capabilities than him still, but when she came within the radius he could reach, that dimpled smile curled around the filter of the cowboy killer in his mouth. Warmer... warmer... you're getting warmer... Like it was a little game of Marco Polo in the streets of Rhy'Din.

Turning a final corner, her grin split into a snicker. Immediate deja vu in the form of a long deserted street, rows of closed shops, a vivid purple hearse parked at its end. She knew, suddenly, why he'd sent her such cryptic directions. The sneaky little jerk.

Fighting the impulse to break into a run, Saila kept her stroll casual. She even dug a bottle of bourbon from her bag, twisting the cap off as she walked. Drinking liberally from its open mouth, she let the bottle hang at her side, sloshing a little as it bumped against her thigh. Her outfit wasn't exactly the same but it was close - slim fit black jeans with artful tears along the thighs, a figure hugging tanktop, a hoodie. This one, though, didn't have a wolf's head logo on it - instead it was one of Hex's, one she'd given to him and then promptly stolen back because it bore his scent.

That was a habit she hadn't yet learned to shake.

Approaching the hearse from the back, she drew up along its far flank, catching the inside of her cheek in her teeth to keep herself from laughing as she found him draped on its hood, aviator sunglasses and all. Her stride slowed as she pulled abreast of him, looked him over this time instead of the car. "Nice ride."


Date: 2017-04-24 10:52 EST
Once he'd felt her drawing near, maybe just to be a smart ass, that arm reached through the open window of the driver's side to retrieve a bottle of scotch from the dashboard. Holding the cigarette between this teeth, he twisted off the cap and exchanged vice for vice - both of which he needed significantly less these days than that time almost a year ago. And his face and groin were significantly less damaged.

Hex... well, one thing hadn't changed much in the past year. His attire for one. Jeans with tears in them - though these had a bit more of old engine grease stain that wouldn't come out no matter how many times he washed them - and an old band tee with the sleeves torn off. Those very same boots he still wore, the leather biker ones.

As for the sweatshirt she stole, he didn't mind. There was something strangely gratifying in the way that she liked to wear them after they had his scent attached to the fabric. It was a habit of hers he didn't really mind her never shaking.

As for now? He was still sprawled, cigarette almost reaching its end and the bottle tucked into his palm as that long legged Vixen made her way to the car. He didn't look over until she'd spoken, but the corner of his mouth was twitching in a way that said he was forcing himself not to - both look and smirk. It was a fruitless cause, though, when those two familiar words tugged at his memory, almost an echo. His head turned to look at her, just to find she was looking at him instead of the car. His dimpled grin broke loose then, if not a bit wry. "...I like to think so."

Any prospect that he wasn't up to something went to **** when that grin turned devilish all of a sudden.

All that acting was paying off. He looked her over and she let him, shifting her weight to one booted foot as she rocked back on her heels. Fingers of the one hand slipped into the back pocket of her jeans, fingers of the other lifted the bottle back to her mouth as she drank from it once more. Swallowing, a pleased grin flickered over her features, there and gone again, because he'd remembered his line but she wasn't supposed to be smiling at him yet.

Looking him over once more herself, she made a point to spend some time on it. After a moment's thought, she even lifted one ringed thumb to catch a stray drop of whiskey at the corner of her mouth. It was hard, harder still to keep from breaking out of the moment, especially with him grinning at her like that. Her heart fluttered in her chest, a nervous beating of butterfly wings, but she swallowed, kept her cool. "...what. Y'gonna be the first person ever not to ask me what I'm doing out by myself at this hour? I like you already, stranger."

They'd both done their own form of acting, though hers was much more professional. And she was doing better than him at keeping it cool. The urge to drop the act and get close to her was.. well, the struggle was real but he forced himself to stay on the hood of that car.

Saying his lines like they were both reading from scripts, established from memory, "I won't, as long as you don't ask why I'm sitting on a hearse in the middle of the street by myself." The urge to get more sly with that statement, maybe a little clever considering he'd planned all this was bit back. "You may regret saying that."

Remembering it like it was yesterday, he followed her swig with one of his own, then took a drag of his cigarette before sliding off the hood of the hearse to his feet. He made a grand show of stretching out with a groan. That part, may have been exaggerated greatly.

The struggle was mutual. At once totally charmed and more than a little weak kneed by the fact that he remembered it all so perfectly, Saila was biting down hard enough on the inside of her cheek that she'd begun to taste the faint telltale strains of copper. The wound healed as soon as it opened. Following the script, she arched a brow quizzically. "...Ain't scared." A twist of a smirk dragged one corner of her mouth higher than the other. "And I suck at regretting things."

He moved, easing off the hood of the car, just like last time. The more distance he put between them, the stronger the urge to launch herself at him. The teen shifted her weight from one foot to the other. "Am I scaring you away?"

It was almost painful to put that distance between them, when really he wanted to tug her closer. Still, he stuck to his guns - for now. Even though the two lines she recited had the corner of his mouth twitching with the effort it took not to smile at it, if only for all that had passed in the time since then.

"Nope. Just stretching my legs before my ass goes to sleep." He even went as far as pulling out his phone to look at the clock. "Damn, three hours. No wonder my ass is sore." It wasn't true, but he still stuck to the script! He couldn't help but chuckle at that, which worked for the moment.

His phone was put away as he stretched again, but not until after he'd put the bottle on the hood of the car. He took a drag of his cigarette, the paper crackling down to the filter as he flicked it away - the first subtle change. When he turned his eyes to look at her, the smile was softer as those dimpled poked into his cheeks, his tone matching it as he faltered in his role. "Though I am considering going for a drive." He paused, "you want to come?"

His laugh was softer, easier. His smile, too, was different. It was the smile she loved, that boyish grin with those **** dimples, the one that made an absolute melted mess of her heart. Saila was struck, suddenly, at the dramatic change in Hex. She'd been aware of it all along, of course, but when you spent as much time with someone as they had together, it was easy to lose track of the incremental shift. The man who'd stood opposite her a year ago was a wounded thing, violent and tense, his energy erratic and jagged. The one who stood opposite her now was warm, inviting, excited, happy. Her smile matched his, her casual veneer cracking ominously.

I **** love you.

She dropped her chin in a nod, swept a tendril of purple from her face. "...Yeah." Here, she deviated just a little. "I really, really do." Her lips pursed playfully, but it was a sign: she wasn't going to be able to keep this up much longer. "Y'got a name?"

The change in both of them was phenomenal. He was... all of that. Hex had been a god damn wreck of a man, very nearly a shell of violence, tension and anger. He was spiteful, wounded. Saila had been carefree - still was, and now she had much more experience tucked into her belt. There was an atmosphere of wisdom about her now, even if he wasn't sure she could see it in herself. But she'd changed, too. Life has a way of that happening.

And it was that moment, that as fun as it was to re-enact the first time they'd met... They had changed. And he'd come to realize, that though the steps they were taking in those plans for the day didn't change, he didn't want to act the way it was the first time.

He loved the way things were now. He loved her.

The change in her script had him smiling warmly, that tell-tale purse of her lips that he understood. Chuckling under his breath, she wouldn't have to as he seemed to toss the script out the window altogether. Instead of picking up that bottle like he had the first night and getting into the car, his legs carried him toward her as he abandoned the scotch. "I do," he nodded, looking to the ground for a moment until he was standing in front of her. "Hex.." He told her, with a bit of a smirk and tilt of his head. "But I like the way you say it more," he told her, "...and I'll still never call you Purple," he promised with a curl of a grin before he was reaching for her.

He broke script then, moving towards her, and the urge to meet him halfway got that much stronger. Her fingers flared at her sides, curling and stretching out again by turns, her weight shifting restlessly from one foot to the other. She was a more confident thing. No less fearless, but at least somewhat less reckless. It was amazing the difference a year could make.

Close and then closer. It was all she could do not to pounce him while he looked down. He spoke at last, and she grinned so wide it felt like her face might break. "Hex," she echoed him, rolling the syllable that wasn't even a little bit foreign to her anymore over her tongue. After a moment, she nodded, but really, she was practically crawling out of her own skin, so hard was she fighting to keep herself from touching him. "Good name," she whispered, and then it was all over.

The minute he reached for her, Saila practically threw herself at him, their bodies colliding as she used his broad shoulders to lift herself. Long legs wrapping his hips, she caught him in a vise grip, her fingers crawling up the back of his neck into his hair. Just before she kissed him, she paused, going still in his arms. "Hang on, one sec." Still grinning ear to ear, she fit her hands over the legs of his sunglasses and lifted them gently off his face.

"There's my baby," the teen purred, pleased.

The way she said it, like it was the first time though he'd heard it a multitude of times in the past year, it still sang in his ears like the first. It made his smile break loose even more boyishly, the dimples deepening in his cheeks before he chuckled to the whisper of it being a good name.

He reached, and wasn't expecting the sudden lunge from the woman. His eyes widened a bit behind those glasses as he barked out a laugh that was no less than pleased by it. His arms instinctively wrapped around her as they collided, and he did his part in helping her get on up there - even though she didn't seem to need it, climbing him like a damn tree. His lids lowered some to the fingers in his hair, his arms wrapped around her as he held her off the ground. Fingers splayed over her back, tangling in those long locks spilling down her back like a curtain of silk.

His chin lifted, welcoming of the kiss... that never quite met. The sudden stilling had him doing so, the instruction to wait had him arching a brow above a lens of the aviators. "Hm?" He hummed questioningly, just to smile ever more warmly when he caught on to what she was doing. He held still while she removed them, those golden pools peering up at those strange mismatched orbs before that telltale rumble in his chest matched the purr in hers with those words. "Here I am," he muttered to her, just as his want to kiss her took over and he pressed his lips to hers, arms locking all the more around her to keep her there as every ounce of what he was feeling in that moment spilled into his kiss.

Saila managed to fold the glasses in one hand, clutching them in half her coiled fingers as the rest gripped the gripped the liquor bottle, their mouths meeting at last. Her legs drew tighter over his hips, her lips found his in a hungry rush. Every ounce of energy he put into it was returned to him twice over, an urgent enthusiasm in the way their tongues tangled. Her other hand cradled his face, fingers curling just behind his ear to trace at the fine little hairs there.

It had been a year and it had been a moment - the time stretching out forever and then snapping back in the blink of an eye. How long had they been kissing? Was it only a few seconds or had hours past already? The girl didn't know, couldn't have said.


Date: 2017-04-24 16:16 EST
Time was lost to him as they kissed, but he didn't mind. Lost in the moment, it wasn't until some stranger called out "get a room!" that Hex came back to the world, pulling away from the kiss with a chuckle. He shot a glance over to the one who'd said it, but they were already walking away.

Apparently he'd had the urge to call that out, but didn't wish to stick around for the backlash. The Hearse probably contributed to that decision.

Bumping his nose to Saila's as he peered up at her, Hex exhaled a sigh and ran his fingers through her hair. "What do you say we go for that drive?" He whispered to her, nuzzling into her jawline with the bridge of his nose. It may have been a line in the script, but he hadn't been joking about it. "...But Britney and the Backstreet Boys are still off limits," he lifted his head to give her a feigned glare. "Don't forget, I installed that eject button," he teased her before his lips curled into a grin.

It was a gesture she'd first seen in Sal, though she'd only picked it up herself after her first turn as Maureen. The person called out, interrupting their moment, and Saila peeled her one free arm up off of Hex's shoulder's, extending it -- and more to the point, its middle finger-- high into the air.

The kiss broke and she laughed, nudging back at him playfully. With a nod, she readily agreed to the ride, but then her mismatched eyes widened when he threatened her. "I was just about to say!" exclaimed the girl in his arms. "No using the eject button on me. I don't have...much... glitter tonight." Much is a relative word.

He spilled into laughter seeing Saila flip the bird, not quite expecting it. "You're perfect," he chuckled, shaking his head before she was nudging him. His own eyes widened to match hers, brows soaring up his forehead. "I won't if you pick good music!" He bantered back before he looked about to say one thing... and paused, mouth agape before those eyes narrowed and his head tilted. "...Much?"

He eyed her for a moment, but he was fighting a smirk. "Do I gotta you frisk you? Make sure you don't have another glitter bomb?" Pause. "...Can I frisk you anyways?"

A pretty giggle spilled from her lips. "Perfect?" She scoffed with a little shake of her head, clearly pleased that he thought so even though she didn't quite believe it. It was a lot like the face he made when she called him beautiful. Her giggle transitioned into a snicker when he caught on to how she'd qualified her protest. Her mismatched eyes were bright, sparkling with mischievous intent as he eyed her. Like a child who thinks she's sneaky while trying to get away with something obvious. "What? No way." She started to protest, but then when he changed his question, her grin turned sly. "Oh, well. That's a different thing entirely. Definitely."

"Without a doubt," he told her with conviction, just to chuckle at the way she made a face that... yeah, was kinda how he reacted to her calling him pretty or something. "Least to me," he smirked, which was a way of restating it that was hard to argue. His brows arched at her though, seeing through it until she changed her tune to the prospect of being frisked. His grin turned sly then as he started to move around the car, scooping up the bottle of scotch that was left behind with a hand freed from holding her.

"Hm... not so sure a frisking will do it, though," he sighed like there was just no way. "Too many places you could be hiding it." His eyes dragged over to her as he reached the driver's side, putting the bottle aside so he could open the door, turning to avoid collision. "....A strip search on the other hand... Now, that might be more reliable," he gave her a cheeky grin with a waggle of brows before pressing a quick, but meaningful kiss to her lips.

Saila wrinkled her nose, kittenish, and then relented when he qualified his prior statement. The simple addition of the words to me made all the difference, and made his argument irrefutable. Stymied, the teen stuck her tongue out at him instead. Because she's very mature sometimes, really.

Snickering, she transferred the neck of the bourbon bottle she was still holding --and actually managed not to drop while they were kissing, believe it or not-- back out of the hand that still held his sunglasses as the big guy started to move. The powerful muscles of her inner thighs contracted, squeezing his hips more tightly, to keep herself fixed on his chest as he freed one hand to swipe his own bottle of booze off the car's roof. "Hey, I think this part's actually from our second encounter," she commented, teasing.

Hex said he might need to strip search her, and Saila gave him a positively lethal grin, leaning in to drag her tongue along the column of his neck. When she reached the base of his ear, the purple haired girl caught the lobe in her teeth, giving a gentle tug before her mouth smeared over its shell, whispering a promising "You know I like it when you're thorough..."

His grin was downright devilish when he knew he won the argument, like the sneaky little jerk she'd previously claimed he was. The very mature sticking out of her tongue had him chuckling. "I'll let you win the next one," he promised. Like a viper, his tongue lashed out to try to get a quick swipe of hers before she made it disappear. "So make it a good one." Oh boy, giving the vixen a freebie? He might not have thought that through, but he also didn't take it back.

"First one too," Hex reminded her, leaning his head back with a tilt to peer at her. "...You're significantly more dry this time, though. And not shivering," he smirked a bit, waggling his brows. "...For now." Either he was being a dirty bird like usual, or warning her of possible upcoming events - would he really do that? She'd just have to find out!

That lethal grin had him returning one of his own, just for his bottom lip to be caught by his teeth to her venturing tongue and the teasing to his earlobe. Before he knew it, his lids had fallen closed t one of those bear-like grunts rolled out of him, yet far from grumpy. "You can bet your sweet ass I'm going to be very, very thorough," he promised her in a murmur, heated breath caressing her neck as his cheek nuzzled against its like.

Forcing his eyes to resurface from her little tease, he let out a reluctant groan and pulled his head back to look at her. "Alright, Legs-For-Days, let's get to the destination first. I promise there'll be plenty of time for neckin' once we're there," his grin was as cheeky as could be before he pressed a kiss to her mouth for a couple short seconds. Then, with some maneuvering and slow angling, he'd get them both into that driver's seat, though he might've needed her assistance in the midst of it. The main goal? Would be her sitting side-saddle on his lap much like before. He might've missed her today... might've. Lil' bit.

Her brows waggled mischievously when he said she could win the next one, and her smile turned predatorial. "S'that so..?" She asked with a sly smirk. "Good to know." Yeah, Hex might be in a little bit of trouble there. Then again, he might have gotten away scot-free, the mercurial teen had missed him just a little bit that day, too.

"Hm, good point," she conceded about the timing. "I was more thinking... the second time we got into the car." Her smirk spread when he qualified his statement yet again, and her eyes cut sidelong at him. His response to her desire for thoroughness drew a deeper smile, one that was more intimate. "Promises, promises," murmured the girl in a coy hum.

Answering his chaste kiss with a pucker of her lips, Saila had absolutely no luck wiping the smile from her face. It took her a second to figure out what he was doing, and when she did, she moved to accommodate. Leaning more heavily on his shoulders, she unwound those Legs-for-Days and then twisted her lower half to accomplish the position, and it wasn't until they were all situated behind the wheel that she let her grip relax, her body sagging more completely against and into his.

He still stood by it. He briefly had that 'oh ****, what'd I just do' look before he smirked. "Yeah, that's so." He wasn't so sure he'd mind getting into trouble, so long as it was with Saila.

The more specific mention of that moment had him catching his bottom lip, remembering how the night had turned out. But his lips contorted through the bite into a softer smile, remembering that'd been the first in quite a long time since he'd been able to look someone in the eyes. "Mhn, we've had some damn good times, baby. And more to come," his brows shifted but his smile was just as intimate as hers. "You know I keep my promises," he winked at her.

As she accommodated, he'd slid his arms under her legs to position her more smoothly to ease on in. There was one thing that Reaper had over Baby (sorry, Baby), and that was room, what with the nearly-full recline seats and much more ability to adjust it - more than a normal car would. That **** was custom! With her settled on his lap, he closed the door behind them and settled his arm on the window so she could lean back without worry of the knobs and handles pushing into her back.

His other arm reached over her lap to start the ignition before shifting into gear, then he turned the wheel to pull away from the curb. There was a glance down and he smirked, that kinda Hex smirk that said he was about to say something.. well, him. "...Need to get you more skirts..." He joked, snickering. His eyes stayed on the road, but his lips smeared along her jawline.

Once they were situated in the driver's seat, Saila leaned forward enough to drop her bourbon bottle in the other oversized cupholder next to the scotch. She lifted the strap of her bag up and over her shoulder, leaning forward a little more to drop it in the passenger seat. On her way to settling back against him, the teen paused, one hand snagging his right shoulder as she peered around him into the back seat.

...Looking for a case of booze, naturally.

Settling back against his arm at last, she propped her shoulders against his outstretched left arm and then threaded her right one into the space between his body and his headrest, looping that arm around him. Long fingers curled into the little hairs that just barely curled along the nape of his neck, her nails tracing lazy circles there. "You're in luck, Hex." She said with a smirk. "Sabine and I just went shopping together about a week ago."

And no, she didn't intend to elaborate.


Date: 2017-11-29 21:37 EST
He let her get situated before starting off, keeping his driving arm out of the way until he raised a brow to the snagging of his shoulder and the looking. A brief moment of consideration, he chuckled. "It's not back there if you're looking for the booze." He might've already had it set up somewhere.

His head ducked a bit so she could get her arm behind it, just to settle as his foot hit the gas a little more to get on their way. His lids grew heavy, yet didn't close, when she played with those short hairs at the nape of his neck. Ah, the days where no one could touch his hair, now he often got lost in Saila's fingers running through it. Those heavy lids blinked a couple times before a dark brow arched to the mention of being in luck. "Oh?..." Then she told him of the shopping trip. "Ohhhhh. Mhn. Do I get a personal modeling show?" His brows waggling at her. She didn't seem to intend on telling him, and he didn't ask.

As he sped down that road, heading out of the city and onto the calmer, quieter streets lined with trees, he smirked. "You wanna take your chance with the stereo?" There was a glance shot her way, almost devious, and challenging all in one. "Luckily, I can't eject you without ejecting myself, so..." His teasing tone trailed off into a snicker, eyes steady on the road as the gates to Rhy'Din city were now officially in the rearview mirror.

"...I was just curious..." she said with a snicker, leaning forward enough to press a kiss to his cheek and then settling back anew. She tilted her head curiously, giving him a look like she was weighing how to answer. "Maybe," she said finally, doubtfully, squinting a little as she peered at him skeptically. "If you're really good..."

It was strangely comfortable, just like it had been last time, sitting in his lap as he drove. Shifting her weight slightly so she could lean against his chest, Saila laid her head there, along the ridge of his shoulder. She was content, honestly, to listen to the rumble of the engine, the rush of the wind, the steady beat of his heart. Enveloped in his heat, she could shut out pretty much everything else, feeling safe and comfortable there as she always did. His question made her laugh. "Well, you know, I do have a burning desire to hear some Britney Spears..."

Peeling herself away from him, she ducked her head to stay out of his line of sight and leaned across him to access the interface for the stereo system. Laughing quietly, she shook her head. "Man. I had no idea what this thing did the first time I touched it."

He said nothing more on the missing case of booze that had sparked her curiosity, only a secretive smirk that softened with the kiss to his cheek. A hum left him, no less than pleased until she was giving him that damned look and he raised a brow in response. "Maybe?" He pouted a little bit, but it was hard to keep it as that skeptical look was making it harder not to grin. "Really good? But babe..." He started, giving her a pointed look that seemed serious. "I already told you I was going to be very thorough." Chuckling, he shook his head.

Content couldn't quite describe what it felt like to have Saila in his lap while he was driving. It was almost greedy, almost selfish, almost gluttonous in its desirable appeal. To have two of his favorite things at once - driving, and his woman. The comforting weight of her frame nestled into him while he could hear the rumbling engine, feel the vibrations of the moving vehicle in his hands gripped around the steering wheel.

The feeling only heightened when she settled in and laid her head on his chest. There was no hesitation as his chin tucked to brush his lips over her forehead, to lightly nuzzle the bridge of her nose with the tip of his. At least until she talked about the burning desire. His nose crinkled instantly. "Don't you do it," he barked a laugh.

The moment she pulled away, his thoughts got away from him, almost instantly regretting mentioning the stereo. He might've mentioned it, had her comment not distracted him from it. Snickering, he smirked with a shake of his head as he switched hands to drive with, the right forearm now restling lazily over her lap. "You had me fooled. The way you were touchin' it, I thought you were admiring it or something. But," he chuckled. "You've always had plenty of surprises up your sleeves." He smirked, his eyes peeling away from the road to look at her before returning just as he turned around a bend.

"Well, I mean. I was admiring it," the teen confessed, scrolling through various menus on the system with a practiced familiarity this time. "--But I was also trying to figure out what the hell it even did." A soft laugh spilled from her lips as she found the screen she wanted, and queued up the exact same album she had the first time -- Tool's Undertow. With a satisfied grin, she settled back against him, snuggling into the warmth of his chest once more.

Taking a deep breath, she tipped her head back to look up at him, letting it out again in a happy sigh. "I love you."

Her confession made him smirk, chuckling at the resolution. His mouth opened to say something until the music pouring in from the speakers had him pausing, curling his lips into an almost nostalgic smile of that first night until it warmed into that dimpled grin. "Not baaaad, Saila. Not bad," he hummed easily, quoting himself from the first night as she settled back. Exchanging hands to hold the steering wheel with, the arm tucked between her and the door shifted a little bit to wind around her some.

His eyes drifted down when she looked up at him, unable to keep the contact up considering what he was doing. Those three words turned his smile softer as he ducked his head to brush his lips over hers, eyes flicking between the road and the woman in his lap. "I love you too, babe." Stealing a kiss, one he made a mental note of putting more effort into when he didn't have to worry about them crashing, he nuzzled her cheek before lifting his head back up.

The drive wasn't overly long, and it was only a matter of minutes before the hearse's speed started to slow as he came upon a drive way. Taking the turn slow as the wheels left the asphalt on the road in exchange for dirt, he kept it at a sluggish but steady pace as trees could be seen on each side of the vehicle, lining the drive way.

Giving the Nephilim a smirk when he went back to quoting himself, she didn't follow suit this time, but the amusement sparkled clearly in her peculiar eyes. Tipping her face into that kiss when it came, there was a little giggle that was muffled against his lips -- most likely brought on by the sheer recklessness of kissing while driving -- and for once she didn't begrudge him when he pulled away.

Because an accident right now would really kill the whole anniversary vibe.

The car slowed, and Saila turned to look out the windows, brows furrowing when she realized that they'd gotten off the pavement. Her brows quirked, quizzical. "Curiouser and curiouser."

He could be reckless, a touch less these days than in his 'youth' but even he knew when to quit. If only because of how easily he could get lost in that woman's kisses. An accident would surely put a damper on the night.

There was a secretive grin on his face as she said that line, bringing a chuckle from him as he started the introduction to the evening along the way. As the wheels crunched over the gravel, he... felt it necessary to make a point. "Honestly, I got this a couple weeks ago. After..." His brows furrowed a bit as his eyes stuck to the dirt road for more than one reason. "The mayhem in the city. It got me thinking about a few things." He shifted a bit in the seat. "The city can get pretty hectic and sometimes... it's nice just to have a quiet place to go." He paused. "...Or a safe place to go," he finished with a mutter.

The line of trees began to thin and then break as he slowed the pace even more when the dirt road ended abruptly to show the spacious area. "I bought this place," he admitted. "Was going to show it to you and maybe have a weekend away... buuuuut," he snickered, finally casting his eyes to her when the car had stopped and he'd knocked the gear into park. Shrugging a bit, "then I realized last week that our anniversary was coming up. So I waited."

The spacious area was surrounded in a half circle by trees, and on the other side it opened even wider to the lake rimmed by gravelly sand. There was a modest cabin tucked to the side near the water, a circle of rocks close by that surrounded what looked to be a fire pit. It wasn't anything showy or abundantly grandiouse, but it was cozy and comfortable. And overall, quiet.

"I don't know about you, but since the crazy in the city... it can feel a little overwhelming," his nose crinkled a bit in the admission. Since the Cleanse, his powers had amplified considerably, and he'd begun to breach further into his abilities since the spell had knocked it somewhat out of whack. Being surrounded by everyone else's energies while he was getting accustomed to the small change, it could get a little less than pleasant at times.

Of course she immediately knew what he was referring to when he mentioned that he'd done it a 'couple of weeks ago'. Internally, the girl flinched guiltily-- whenever she thought about what Hex and Quinn both had been through, waiting on her to wake up, she felt absolutely terrible. Not quite trusting herself to speak, she just listened to his explanation, but her fingers moved gently, affectionately, over his chest.

When he was finished, Saila nodded slowly. "That makes sense," said the girl quietly. "A lot of the non-humans I've spoken to all had somewhere specific to go." Her smile resurfaced after several solemn seconds when he mentioned holding off on a weekend away until their anniversary. "You and your surprises," she whispered, her smile warming slowly.

Her gaze moved over the clearing, taking in its little details. "Wow. This is really pretty," she said softly after a moment. Quinn's house was on the lake, too, but it was huge and ostentatious. This one wasn't -- nice, but nothing flashy. She liked it already. "Is there a porch overlooking the lake?"

He hadn't intended that internal flinch, but neither did he notice it. Those moments waiting for her to wake up had been dreadful, admittedly. He had been hopeful, of course, but there was that lingering fear that she wouldn't wake up. Those few days, left with nothing but worry and his own thoughts; there was one that came up above the rest. If she woke, he didn't want her in that line of fire again. She felt guilty for what him and Quinn had been through while she was unconscious; he felt guilty for not getting her out of there in time.

Those fingers that moved over his chest were both soothing and comforting. No, this wasn't like before, like when Coilin had made that crazy show to her in the past. He hadn't bought it for her. But even so, the quiet space was just as open to her as it was to him. He nodded slowly, agreeing that it was somewhere specific to go, just to smile a bit and chuckle softly to her talk of his surprises. "It's a habit. Don't get your hopes up of me quittin' it any time soon," he teased lightly, leaning his head forward enough to smear his lips along her jaw.

He let her take in the view, not making any move to get out of the car yet. Though he did cut the engine and pulled the keys out of the ignition. Tool still played, but would be cut off as soon as he opened the driver's door. Unlike his uncle and a good number of his family, Hex wasn't big on flashy--well, besides his cars. Big houses just reminded him how it could feel so empty, the opposite of claustrophobic.

His secretive smile returned as he glanced toward the cabin. "There is... Among other things." He chuckled, finally tugging on the latch and nudging the door open that forced silence into the car. "Wanna go check it out?" The way he said it... there was possibly another surprise.

The engine went still, but Saila didn't make any particular move, either. She stayed where she was, comfortable in his lap, taking in the sight of the lake before them. She scanned its periphery, looking to see whether this was the same lake they'd gone swimming in that first night, or the one that the gypsy camp and Quinn's house both overlooked.

It was the tone of his voice, more than anything, that had her turning back to look up at him, suspicious. Her eyes narrowed, brows furrowing as she peered at him. "...You're up to something else..." she said, and it wasn't even a little bit of a question. "Yes." There was a decisive nod that followed. "Let's go see."

When the door was open, the teen grabbed the oh-**** handle and used it to lift her upper body. Her circus training classes had put real muscular definition into those slim arms, and she did it easily, graceful. Once her weight was supported, she retracted her legs from across the seats, folding the left one back on itself with a twist to her torso so she could clear the steering wheel and put her foot on the ground.

It took a little more bending and folding to extract herself completely, but she managed it, moving a few steps away from the car to give him room to stand. Already she was gravitating towards the house, wanting to see what it was he was up to.


Date: 2017-11-29 22:36 EST
He feigned shock as his mouth was held agape. "Me? Am I ever up to something?" Unable to keep up the acting, he chuckled and held his hands up in surrender. "Okay, okay. Even I can't keep a straight face to that one," he admitted with a smile. "But you'll just have to wait and see," he hummed.

Her impressive flexibility was appreciated as he watched her. His hand was held out though he knew she wouldn't need it, he caught his bottom lip in a contorted half smile as he shook his head lightly. "I mean, I know what you can do... but damn," he muttered. He wasn't perving on her, for the record... okay, maybe a little. But really, he was just admiring her progress with those acrobatic classes. She knew his workout routine, and he was a sucker for the ambition in that woman.

When she had maneuvered herself to her feet and stepped away from the car, he climbed out himself and shut the door behind him. By the time he turned back to look at her from closing the driver's door, she was already wandering off toward the house like it was a gravitational pull, and he couldn't help the chuckle that rose as he jogged a few feet to catch up to her. "These... might help," he informed her, lifting the keys in his hand as his head dipped to press a quick kiss to her cheek while his pace matched hers heading toward the cabin.

Climbing the small amount of steps to the front door, he went ahead and unlocked it, opening the door as his hand brushed across her arm. Lingering in the doorway, he held it open for her. The inside was warm, cozy, and homey. The furnishing of the cabin seemed to all be made of various types of wood; cherry, oak. All stained a warm chestnut color. There was a plush rug tucked beneath the wooden couch lined with cushions and pillows, the comfortable looking chairs and the coffee table that seemed to have been made locally. It was as flashy inside as it was outside -- which is to say, it wasn't.

There was your standard set up; the living room, the kitchen, a bathroom set off near the back, and a single bedroom with a full canopy bed that looked fit for a king -- all furnished with cozy wooden furniture and its settings.

"The surprise is through the bedroom," he told her, nodding his chin toward the back of the cabin where the room was set.

Saila threw a sunny grin over her shoulder at him for the compliment. "Thanks!" she said brightly. "It's a lot of fun and I'm making my instructor crazy, haha."

She was most of the way to the cabin by the time Hex caught up with her, and honestly it hadn't even occurred to her that it might be locked until he dangled those keys with a metallic jingling, a toy held aloft in front of a cat. She had an urge to run back and try to steal them, but she managed to refrain, her grin spreading. "...True... but I'm sure I could have found a way in no matter what..." Most likely. She was a resourceful thing, after all. She tilted her cheek into his kiss and then latched her fingers into the waistband of his pants, letting him "drag" her in after him.

Once inside, her mismatched eyes darted here and there, taking in all the various details. She noted the living room and kitchen first, placing one hand against the nearest wall. She left it there, her eyes fluttering closed for a long several seconds, and then she opened them again, letting it fall. Turning towards him, her pale brows were arched expectantly until the moment he mentioned where the surprise was hidden. As soon as the words were out, the teen abruptly turned on her heel and dashed for the bedroom.

"Oh, I can only imagine. They going to put on a show like Shenachie does? Now that would be a sight to see." Yeah, he got to venture into what she'd learned from her classes in his own rights, but seeing her in true action would really be something, too. His bottom lip caught between his teeth when he saw the way she looked at the keys, Hex wondered if she was going to go for it. His lip was released when he let out a chuckle at the mental image of her breaking in through a window or some other way. "I wouldn't doubt that for a second," he snickered.

Once she was out of the way of the door, he went ahead and closed it, further adding to the coziness with the soft ambiance of the cabin before he flicked on the light to add to the effect. The seemingly handmade chandelier came to life in the living room, casting soft light through that room and the kitchen from the fake candles nestled among its rim.

But of course, the mention of a surprise had her bolting, and he only had a second to register the sudden movement with a blink and a bark of laughter. "I think I'm going to tack Roadrunner onto your nickname list, woman!" He called after her before tossing the keys onto the kitchen island, then making his way on after her, which... from a glance, would probably look like he was chasing her. Through the bedroom, she'd see there was a sliding glass door covered by a closed drawn curtain.

"Hm," his question gave her pause. "I don't know? They did one last year during Beltane week -- but that was before the Center was open. Cane did that as sort of a teaser to garner interest. I don't think there's been a showcase since then, but there definitely should be."

She's sprinted off, so it probably looked like she wasn't paying a lot of attention to the finer details of the place. On the contrary, she'd absorbed virtually everything there was to know about the place when she'd laid her hand on the wall, and as such, her enthusiasm to find out what it was he was up to was free to bubble over while she mulled the things she'd learned. Not just that the items were handmade, but also the artisans who had made them, even the origin of the trees that had been used.

"What's a roadrunner?" She called back at him as she came to a stop in the bedroom, peering carefully around. The flood of information in her mind told her there was a door in the far wall, but what she saw when she got there was just a curtain. Curious. A few strides carried her towards it to investigate.

He'd trailed after her like smoke, chuckling at her question as he caught up.. His pace slowed when he saw her approaching that curtain. Coming up behind her, the brush of knuckles against her cheek told her all she needed to know about Roadrunners... even the cartoon about the Roadrunner and Coyote as he turned to reach around her. "That's a roadrunner... And what's behind Curtain number one?" He boasted like it was a game show, his hand moving away from her cheek to rest gently on her back. His fingers curled around the edge of the curtain, pulling it back enough to reach the handle of the sliding glass door to open it for her, the latch giving free with a flick of his finger.

Two birds with one stone, he slid the door back and pulled the curtain in one fluid motion. "Now this... this I definitely got for us," he admitted softly, still standing there to give her free reign to venture outside if she wanted to.

What she'd find when she did would be a spacious portion of the porch. One portion could be seen when approaching the cabin, wide open to the elements. This side? There was a roof that continued outward from the cabin's, keeping the elements away and also allowing the sturdy structure hanging from the roof to be possible.

From a sturdy hook driven through the ceiling and fastened safely -- maybe also bought from one of Rhy'Din's unique shops to make sure it was unbreakable -- was a large bed hung by strong ropes laced with metal to reinforce them. The porch itself was exposed enough to still see the water and a lining of trees, set behind the cabin from viewing eyes while not obstructing the relaxing view from the porch.

At the brush of his fingers, her mind filled with images of Wile E Coyote cartoons, and a handful of real life images of birds, too. A little giggle spilled from her lips with a good-natured roll of her eyes. "Oh. More cartoons. Got it." Saila didn't entirely understand cartoons, but she'd certainly had her fill of them here lately.

Since he was close by, the teen leaned back against him, tipping her head back to lay it on his shoulder. So she was looking up at his face at an angle, not watching his hands, as he pulled the curtain back and opened the door behind it. Lifting up on her toes, she smudged a kiss over the corner of his jaw -- this was their anniversary, afterall -- and then one more before she peeled away from him and stepped out onto the porch.

Captivated by the view first, the mercurial teen stepped forward, her fingers gliding gently, almost reverently along the railing. She leaned there, taking in the lake and the trees beyond it, and some part of her was fiercely glad that there was absolutely no wisteria in sight. She started to turn towards him -- thinking this view was the surprise -- to comment on it, and there was a smile fixed firmly in place when she... suddenly saw the bed.

Her strange eyes widened, first in surprise and then delight, her lips parting. "Oh...oh I love it." You better believe she dashed over immediately to check it out.

"Yeah, more cartoons," he barked a laugh. "Like there hasn't been enough of those lately, right?" Giving her a sly smile, those dimples showed. That smudge of a kiss lingered even as she pulled away, the warm imprint of her lips left behind that had him humming softly.

Once she'd stepped through the doorway, he followed her out, letting the curtain fall back into place once he'd stepped onto the porch himself. A deep breath was taken, much like when he'd found the place --it was this portion here that had sparked the ambition to take it. The view was a perfect combination of isolation and freedom, an illusion of privacy even with the wide open space. It was far enough from the city that the bustling energies didn't touch it, but close enough to not feel like they were in the middle of nowhere. It was a pleasant medium in all aspects, or at least that's what it felt like to him.

He took up a lean against the side of the cabin while she enjoyed the view, giving her time to make the discovery on her own. But when she did find it and he saw that smile, his own broke wide in that theeeere it is kind of way. Her reaction brought a happy chuckle from him as he shrugged away from the wall posing as a leaning post for him, making his own way to it though not quite as quick as she. "I hoped you would," he admitted, coming up behind her because it was their anniversary, after all. "This is what I was up to," he confirmed with a sly grin and a soft laugh, his arms winding around her from behind so he could playfully lean into the side of her neck, tipping her slightly as he all but nuzzled the crap out of her.

She probably would have already been in the bed except that she was waiting on Hex to catch up with her. Turns out maybe she had a little bit of impulse control after all? Well, so long as he hurried up with the getting to her, anyway...

"You've been up to very good things, babe," she practically purred, leaning back against him when he came up to her. Her fingers slid down thick forearms, her delicate fingers lacing in between his as those arms went around her. She tipped her head away from him to give him room for all that nuzzling, giggling softly as his breath tickled the column of her neck. He tipped her and she let him, as comfortable and fearless in his arms as she'd always been. " You're the best."


Date: 2017-11-29 23:40 EST
She had more impulse control than he seemed to. His chest rumbled with a chuckle that turned quickly into a hum at the feel of her fingers on his skin, raising goosebumps along the inked flesh. His fingers spread to allow enough space for hers to slide between. "Who would've thought that would happen, right?" He mumbled the tease against her neck, the tipping not lasting too long as he brought her back up. His nuzzling ceased enough to press a kiss to the side of her neck over her pulse before his head lifted. "The best?" He wasn't so sure but... "I'll take it," he barked out a laugh, swaying his hips behind her with that almost boyish grin as his head was still in the space over her shoulder. Those molten gold orbs flicked to the bed then her, "you wanna test it out?"

...He didn't have to be a mind reader to know she was keeping her impulse in control. Barely.

Saila felt his smile more so that saw it, her own brightening in response. "Yes," she said with a decisive nod, trying hard not to snicker. "Yes I most absolutely want to try it out."

With that, she tightened her grip on his hands and pitched herself forward, hoping to twist at a sharp angle before the impact so that they landed on their sides and not, you know, face first. But it was a risk she was willing to take, either way!

There was a low chuckle to her decisiveness, but he had no more than a moment to arch a brow as she latched onto his hands. The immovable mountain molded to putty in her hands, moving with her with a bark of laughter as she pitched them both forward -- but at least had enough sense of direction to twist with her. Landing on his side behind her, the bed slab buckled underneath their combined weight and impact but held strong. He glanced up with a grin. At least there was no disasters!

His arms were firm around her waist as he gave her a squeeze, keeping her tight to his chest, his nose nuzzled into the back of her neck almost playfully. "Smooth maneuver, Flippy," he teased lightly, just to let out a grunt as he kept hold of her and scooted them both up the mattress to get them more completely onto the bed instead of their legs dangling off the end. "Almoooooost, got it," he huffed, giving her that boyishly dimpled grin.

At least a little relieved when she didn't find herself with a mouth full of mattress, Saila giggled as their bodies jostled on impact, the bed swinging lazily on its ropes. The mercurial girl was kinda holding her breath, though, hoping like hell that there wouldn't be a subsequent crash as either the brackets or the porch timbers gave and the suspended bed came crashing down. When she was sure that it wouldn't, she giggled even more.

"Hey, better to find out now, right? We can get pretty carried away sometimes..." Hex had her pulled up snugly against him, which suited her just fine because he was warm and he smelled good. She was kinda dragged along for a minute as he pulled them both up higher on the bed, at least until she figured out what he was doing, and then she helped him with it to make it easier. "...Y'gotta admit that was kinda fun."

Considering his mass... he really didn't wanna smoosh her face into the mattress upon impact! She had a pretty face, he'd like to keep it that way.. He was confident in his ability to hook up the bed and make sure it was sturdy, but still... he'd been a little worried that they'd go thudding to the floor of the porch! Luckily they hadn't.

Letting out another chuckle, he nodded in agreement. "True... better to find out now, though... do you really think it would stop us?" His brow arched as he peered down at her with an almost sly smirk. Please, those two? Their inner bunny spirit animals would still be going even with the crash! With her help, they were at least more settled on the bed and he loosened his arms a bit to maneuver onto one elbow to prop himself up. He kept her close through all of his movement. "It was fun," he admitted. "You know what's also fun?" His head came forward to rest his chin on her shoulder, a slow grin curling in that devilish way as his golden pools flicked down at her.

She appreciated not having her face smooshed, though it totally would have been her fault. Settling up against him as Hex got himself situated, the girl rolled, twisting her neck enough to be able to catch sight of him, smirking. "...Well, no. No it probably wouldn't." Conceding his statement with a laugh that was punctuated by the way she wiggled her hips juuuust a little where they were pressed back against his body.

Because that was totally an accident, yeah? Sure.

To his second question, the young actress feigned innocent. Because acting, you see. "No, what?" She wanted to know.

It totally would've been her fault! ... He still didn't want her face smooshed, though. The way she twisted her neck to see him, his chin left her shoulder to find the nook of her neck where he nosed in and gave another nuzzle to the curve of her jaw. That curl of a smirk was present until that 'accidental' wiggle of hips had him giving her waist a squeeze in what would seem like an innocent hug... were it not for the way his own hips tilted to press back against her own. Totally an accident. Tooootally.

Psst. Wasn't an accident.

The actress pulled another innocent stunt that had him lifting his head, giving her a rather serious expression, as if he wasn't a dirty bird whose thoughts often got away from him. "...Sky diving." A firm nod was given to emphasize the statement, at least until a smile broke through the cracks of his serious expression.

"...But also this," he told her, releasing his grip on her waist with the top arm so he could slide it underneath her legs. With a slick maneuver, he scooped her up while the muscles of his abdomen flexed to pull him into a sitting position. Once there, he'd pull her close to his chest and press his lips to hers.

A shiver snaked down Saila's spine when he buried his face in her neck; the shiver intensified when he scooped her up against his chest like that. Saila was all about being considered an equal, proud of her own abilities, but that didn't mean she couldn't admire her man's strength. Girlishly, she found the way he could pick her up like that, carry her around seemingly for hours without ever getting fatigued, attractive as hell. "I do love sky-di----" her words cut off when she found herself swept up into his arms, a soft smile stealing across her face. "But I love you more." The words were all but erased against his mouth as she met his kiss and returned it.

Saila was certainly an equal. Her abilities weren't undermined or underestimated in the least by that man, but that didn't mean he didn't like the moments of her clinging to him like a spider monkey, or princess-carrying her around (ironically, considering he'd once said he'd never do it!).

Cradling her against his chest, he returned the smile before that kiss connected, only to be contorted a bit as his smile broadened against her lips to the words she managed before it'd cut her off. "I love you, too... definitely more than sky diving," he murmured against her lips before setting her on his lap, the arm at her back curling her in against him as he deepened the kiss. The hand he'd once used to scoop up her legs slid around her back to embrace her in the thick coils of his arms in the midst of the kiss.

Now that the L word was actually out, the banks of the Nile surmounted at last, it seemed they were going to drown each other in it. Saila scarcely minded, melting a little every time she heard Hex say it. Abandoning herself to his kiss, she settled in his lap, twisting her torso such that she could wind her arms around his shoulders, her finger crawling up the back of his neck into his hair.

Time appeared to have stopped, marked only by the gentle sway of the bed on its ropes in the breeze. The teen freed one hand, using it to tug at the hem of his shirt.

It took them a while to get to the shores, though once they'd stepped from the waters, they didn't seem to recede back into it. Each time he heard her say it, instead of jumbling his thoughts, it seemed to halt them altogether. The venturing fingers into his hair and over his neck had a tickle of electricity climbing down his spine, raising light goosebumps along his arms through the ink.

Lost in the kiss, no sounds or movements but hers were noticed by the Big Guy. But even in the midst of drowning in her kiss, the corner of his mouth curled to the tug he felt at his shirt. Chuckling softly, he broke the kiss at last with a nod. "Yes ma'am," he murmured, though it sounded more like a rumbling purr as he loosened his hold on her to lean back a bit. Reaching behind his head, he grasped the collar of what used to be a tee shirt before tugging it up and over his head. The flex of chest and arm muscle with the movement calmed as his arms lowered, dropping the fabric of the shirt aside as his head dipped to bump his nose to hers with a soft smile. "Totally think it should be even though, just sayin'."

When first he pulled away, Saila's lips began to curl into what looked rather suspiciously like a pout, but the expression froze and then melted away as he uttered his yes, ma'am and then reversed itself as he pulled his shirt off. She was shameless in the way she watched, her strange eyes feasting on each newly exposed inch of his torso. By the time he'd tugged the fabric free, her expression was a full blown grin, and she was staring fixedly, unapologetically, at his chest and abs. The Nephilim said something about it being even, and the mercurial teen was positively mystified as to his meaning. So sue her, she'd been distracted. "I'm sorry, what was that?" She said several beats later, not sounding particularly sorry as she reluctantly dragged her gaze upwards.

Incubus or not, there was a particular way that Saila looked at him that made him feel significant. Even as she was feasting on him with her eyes, that grin of hers had his own curling in an almost bashful way. She was the only woman that could make him feel like the sexiest man on the planet, confuse the hell out of him for her looking at him like that, while also making his stomach flop and his heart skip a beat with that look. But it was the way she seemed so distracted by his shirtless torso she'd seen a million times already that had him chuckling helplessly. Mimicking her action, his fingers tugged lightly at the hem of her shirt with that devilish grin. "I saaaaid.. it should totally be even," just for his nose to crinkle faintly.

"...You wearing clothing should be a crime." Then he blinked, and that devilish grin got at least ten times more sinful. "... I do owe you a strip search." Then, "a very thorough strip search," he amended. The 'thorough' part was very important!

It was precisely the same way he made her feel, time and again. The centuries old incubus who'd been with untold thousands of women, and still he stared at her, riveted, like an adolescent boy with his first girly mag. Saila's lower lip caught in her teeth as she caught sight of the way he was looking at her looking at him, and she leaned in suddenly despite the tug at her shirt, pressing a warm, wet kiss to his mouth.

Just as suddenly, though, she pulled away again. "Oh, well. In that case, shouldn't I let you pull my shirt off?" Her pale brows arched inquisitively, but her expression was playfully knowing.


Date: 2017-11-30 00:02 EST
Those untold thousands of women didn't stand a snowflake's chance in Hell (ironically) compared to the one in his lap. Though a good portion of that could be that he didn't give a rat's ass about any of the other women; he'd tripped and fallen down the slippery slope of feels for that long-legged vixen. Regardless of the tug, the kiss was welcomed as his lids drifted closed for the moment while he returned it, letting out a hum.

Those golden pools resurfaced when she pulled away a second later, his smile almost crooked in that goofy boyish grin before her words pulled a deep chuckle from him. "Well... it is much more fun having someone else take your clothes off for you..." In her defense. Then his own, "and we both damn well know I like stripping you down," her knowing expression was matched with one of his own. Though his might've been a touch more cheeky than he'd intended.

His fingers slipped under the fabric of her shirt, dusting his fingertips over her colorful flesh as he lifted it. His eyes pulled away from her face to enjoy the sight of those intricate markings, even if she was sitting on his favorite one. Catching his bottom lip between his teeth, the small silver ring clicking to his teeth in the midst as he helped her work out of that evil shirt - because all clothing was evil, really. He'd swear it!

Saila grinned. "Conveniently, I also like it when you strip me, so..." She eased her hands away from him, much as she hated to do that, to facilitate him in taking off her shirt. The teen's back arched subtly as his thick fingers grazed her skin, a soft "mmm" leaving her lips.

Once the shirt was over her head and off, she helped him out a little, reaching behind her back to unhook the bra she was wearing -- it was electric blue. Even as the clasp came undone in her fingers, the mercurial girl lingered a little longer, letting him get an eyeful before she slipped it off altogether. See? She could totally be helpful too.

"We're on the same page then," he smirked. Even if her hands had to leave him momentarily, it was definitely worth it when that shirt was removed. Setting it aside with his, that familiar way he seemed to drink her in with his gaze surfaced. His eyes danced over those intricate marks, his smile broadening to nearly blinding as she got awfully helpful with that highlighter colored bra. Like a magnet, his hands had made their way to her waist, fingertips drifting over her skin. Soft, barely touching her while their energies mingled in the barely-there contact. His eyes seemed to be glued to her as she took her time with removing the bra.

But once it was gone, he finally released that abused bottom lip and seemed to have trouble taking his eyes away from her bare torso. But once they did manage to peel away, they returned to her face with that warm smile. "I can never get enough of you," he whispered softly, his fingers sliding between the ridges of ribcage to her back where he pulled her against his chest.

To be fair, the bra was almost his favorite color. At least... it was his favorite color if his favorite color had been turned into a high-lighter. Even so, she peeled the straps down off of her shoulders, withdrawing her arms one at a time and then--tantalizingly slowly -- slipped the lacy garment the rest of the way off.. Letting it fall aside with their shirts, the smile on her face was a soft one, as amused as it was affectionate.

Hex's comment made her stomach twist pleasantly, her jarring eyes going soft. "Good," she said in a hushed whisper, answering him. "I'd be pretty upset if you got bored."

As slow as she removed that bra... it was almost agonizing. But it still made the corners of his mouth curl into a grin. "And you call me a tease..." He muttered to her, amusement dancing in those golden pools as he soaked in the view -- even if the bra had almost been his favorite color. But it was already proven that even if she'd been wearing midnight blue... he'd still strip it off her. Saila was coming dangerously close to being his new favorite color.

He couldn't help the soft smirk that rose as his furnace of a chest spread heat toward her. Snickering lightly, he shook his head. "Bored? I don't think that's possible," he grinned. It'd been a year already and he was still finding brand new things about her that caught him offguard.

May it always be so.