Topic: Invite Catastrophe: Reach out and Touch Fate (Dial a Muse!)


Date: 2016-03-24 17:38 EST
Looking for Saila? Text messages and voicemails go here.

Her outgoing voicemail message is undeniably Saila's voice, confusion clear in her tone. All it says is "...hang on. I think I did this wrong...?.

Jackie Von Tombs

Date: 2016-03-24 18:00 EST
Text From Jackie VonTombs (8:49am): Sighla? Cyla? Oh Fate's underpants, Green Hair Girl! You on for a night of cheesy fries, jalenpeno dogs, popcorn, and DEADPOOL?!? Text me back, I'll pick you up and we'll hit the drive in theater! <3 <3

Text From Jackie VonTombs (8:55am): I'm Jackie, I was at the fights with Sal and Cane. The groovin' chick with black braids and goth grrrrl get up.


Date: 2016-03-24 18:17 EST
After reading both messages, she saves the number in her contacts with a snicker.

Text to Jackie (Coffins!) ~9:15 a.m.: COFFIN GIRL!?!
Text to Jackie (Coffins!) ~9:16 a.m.: It's Saila, but Fate's Underpants will also do nicely.
Text to Jackie (Coffins!) ~9:16 a.m.: Oh. The green was a temporary setback. I'm Purple Hair Girl. Still interested? :)
Text to Jackie (Coffins!) ~9:17 a.m.: I mean, I don't know what half that stuff is but not knowing has never yet stopped me from checking out a thing. I'm so down. Lessgo!

Jackie Von Tombs

Date: 2016-03-26 13:47 EST
Text to Saila (Fate's Underpants!) 6:26 AM (Courtesy Resend WaterCat Interdimensional): Grunkle's letting me off work later, we should go hang out where there's ice cream and coffee.

Text to Saila (Fate's Underpants!) 6:28 AM (Courtesy Resend WaterCat Interdimensional): If you run into a white lady that insists she's the Easter Bunny? That's my Mum. Tell her you're Jackie's friend and she'll give you a normal Easter basket. (I hope. Mum's kind of dotty.)


Date: 2016-03-26 14:54 EST
Text to Jackie (Coffins!) ~7:04 a.m. : Coffee is my favorite foods group. Let's do it.
Text to Jackie (Coffins!) ~7:10 a.m.: Also, what does Courtesy Resend WaterCat Interdimensional mean?

Jackie Von Tombs

Date: 2016-03-26 16:12 EST
Text to Saila (Fate's Underpants!) 12:26 PM: The Watercat thing? It's because I was in a different dimension, Watercat services that one. RhyDin has Verizon, I think.

Text to Saila (Fate's Underpants!) 12:28 PM: See, I'm back home and getting ready to come find you. It's the thing that makes the cel phones talk to each other, the carriers. Verizon, Watercat, Fliedermaus, Time Warner, ATT, Virgin PanDimensional.

Text to Saila (Fate's Underpants!) 12:30 PM: So when I'm in another carrier's zone they'll send my texts. I'll show you when I get there!

Jackie Von Tombs

Date: 2016-03-27 19:39 EST
Text to Saila (Fate's Underpants!) 2:26 PM: Let's go egg hunting! Wear a pair of hiking boots, because reason.

Text to Saila (Fate's Underpants!) 2:28 PM: Reason being my Mum did something weird to some of the eggs.


Date: 2016-03-27 21:52 EST
Text to Jackie (Coffins!) - 3:14 p.m.: Egg...hunting?
Text to Jackie (Coffins!) - 3:15 p.m. : do they like...move?
Text to Jackie (Coffins!) - 3:15 p.m. : I'm in, though.
Text to Jackie (Coffins!) - 3:16 p.m. : See you soon!


Date: 2016-04-01 21:58 EST
Text to Jackie (Coffins!) ~ 9:53 p.m. : Yo! How's my favorite other-superhero tonight?
Text to Jackie (Coffins!) ~ 9:54 p.m. : We need you a superhero nickname.
Text to Jackie (Coffins!) ~ 9:54 p.m. : You up to anything fun?
Text to Jackie (Coffins!) ~ 9:55 p.m. : Feeling restless tonight, so I figured I should check in with you before I get to acting on my terrible ideas again. +halloween4+

Jackie Von Tombs

Date: 2016-04-01 22:23 EST
Text to Saila (Fate's Underpants!) 8:22 PM: Swinging by for you right now!

Text to Saila (Fate's Underpants!) 8:25 PM: Put your best running shoes on, we're going to work on your Parkour.

Text to Saila (Fate's Underpants!) 8:27 PM: And then there will be pancakes!

Jackie Von Tombs

Date: 2016-04-10 22:11 EST
Text to Saila (Fate's Underpants!) 7:22 PM: Get your goth gear on, Oingo Boingo's playing the Golden Bear!

Text to Saila (Fate's Underpants!) 7:25 PM: I just realized that is probably the most random string of words you've ever seen.

Text to Saila (Fate's Underpants!) 7:27 PM: So epic! I'll be right there!!


Date: 2016-04-10 22:36 EST
Text to Jackie (Coffins!) - 7:34 p.m.: ....What? I'm in!
Text to Jackie (Coffins!) - 7:34 p.m.: I mean, you're totally right. Golden bears need goth gear? What sport is this?
Text to Jackie (Coffins!) - 7:35 p.m.: Unless it's a game? How do we win?
Text to Jackie (Coffins!) - 7:35 p.m.: Whatever. I'm in. See you soon!

Jackie Von Tombs

Date: 2016-04-10 22:40 EST
Text to Saila (Fate's Underpants!) 7:40 PM: I can't wait to see you!

Text to Saila (Fate's Underpants!) 7:43 PM: Outside now!

Jackie Von Tombs

Date: 2016-04-20 23:33 EST
Text to Saila (Fate's Underpants!) 5:40 PM: It is time! You've got to learn to make spaghetti! Get your running shoes on!

Text to Saila (Fate's Underpants!) 5:43 PM: On the way! BTW, have you had all of your immunizations?

Text to Saila (Fate's Underpants!) 5:44 PM: We should probably do that, too. Be right there!


Date: 2016-04-21 10:45 EST
Text to Jackie (Coffins!) - 6:02 p.m.: What? Okay!
Text to Jackie (Coffins!) - 6:03 p.m.: I mean, I assume I don't have to tell you that I have no idea what spaghetti or immunizations are.
Text to Jackie (Coffins!) - 6:04 p.m.: But okay! See you soon!

Jackie Von Tombs

Date: 2016-04-28 12:16 EST
Text to Saila (Fate's Underpants!) 8:34 AM: Ugh. Auntie Flo from Redlands is kicking me in the ass.

Text to Saila (Fate's Underpants!) 8:40 AM: hm. Perfect time to practice being a Goblin Princess, right?

Text to Saila (Fate's Underpants!) 8:42 AM: Be right there! Wear something easy. Just so you know, I refuse to discuss my Uncle's pants, but feel free to stare at them. <3


Date: 2016-04-29 17:23 EST
Text to Jackie (Coffins!) ~ 8:55 a.m. : Oh good! More adventures.
Text to Jackie (Coffins!) ~ 8:55 a.m. : I love adventures. I'm down.
Text to Jackie (Coffins!) ~ 8:56 a.m. : I need to tell you all about my latest terrible idea.
Text to Jackie (Coffins!) ~ 8:57 a.m. :How many aunts and uncles do you have, anyway?

Jackie Von Tombs

Date: 2016-04-29 18:05 EST
Text to Saila (Fate's Underpants!) 9:00 AM: Don't worry about it, as long as I've got grenades, all your bad ideas can be fixed <3 <3 <3

Text to Saila (Fate's Underpants!) 9:01 AM: Speaking of, we should drop a bag of those off for Sal. It's been about a month.

Text to Saila (Fate's Underpants!) 9:03 AM: I have so many aunts and uncles and graunties and grunkles. Most are epic.


Date: 2016-05-17 15:14 EST
Text to Jackie (Coffins!) - 3:12 p.m.: What's a water balloon fight?
Text to Jackie (Coffins!) - 3:12 p.m.: I ask because I just signed up for one.
Text to Jackie (Coffins!) - 3:13 p.m.: Also what's a water balloon?
Text to Jackie (Coffins!) - 3:13 p.m.: I mean I know what water is and I've seen a balloon before.
Text to Jackie (Coffins!) - 3:14 p.m.: Do you just put water in balloons? How do they float?
Text to Jackie (Coffins!) - 3:14 p.m.: Also you should also sign up.

Jackie Von Tombs

Date: 2016-05-17 17:50 EST
Text to Saila (Fate's Underpants!) 4:01 PM: On it!

Text to Saila (Fate's Underpants!) 4:02 PM: I'll have water balloon samples for you to peruse and sample in just a few.

Text to Saila (Fate's Underpants!) 4:23 PM: Come outside in four minutes and make sure your phone's inside.

Text to Saila (Fate's Underpants!) 4:24 PM: IGNORE MY BROTHER!

Jackie Von Tombs

Date: 2016-09-06 20:00 EST
Text to Saila (Fate's Underpants!) 2:01 PM: Dude! Gear up! I fandango'd an invite to a beach party. I want to do the ubergoth thing. Come with! Bring everyone!

Text to Saila (Fate's Underpants!) 2:04 PM: UberGoth!

Text to Saila (Fate's Underpants!) 2:10 PM: Gothzilla! SuchGoth Much Wow

*Invite Map and Text and stuff*


Date: 2016-09-07 00:14 EST
Text to Jackie (Coffins!) - 12:12 a.m.: COFFINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Text to Jackie (Coffins!) - 12:12 a.m.: Oh man I have missed you.
Text to Jackie (Coffins!) - 12:13 a.m.: I am SO in.
Text to Jackie (Coffins!) - 12:13 a.m.: Let's do the thing.
Text to Jackie (Coffins!) - 12:14 a.m.: And like. A bunch of other things too.


Date: 2016-09-19 00:49 EST
Text to Jackie (Coffins!) - 12:46 a.m.: Yo!
Text to Jackie (Coffins!) - 12:47 a.m.: I'm in a play! You should be there!
Text to Jackie (Coffins!) - 12:47 a.m.: I mean. Not this exact second. Tomorrow. Tomorrow I'm in a play. At the Shanachie. Details, Saila. Details are helpful.
Text to Jackie (Coffins!) - 12:48 a.m.: Anyway! BE THERE.
Text to Jackie (Coffins!) - 12:48 a.m.: I'm leaving discount tickets in your name at the box office.


Text to Big Bad - 12:50 a.m.: Don't forget, grumpy. Show opens tomorrow night.
Text to Big Bad - 12:50 a.m.: Bring Rabid if y'want. Leaving two tickets under your name at the box office.
Text to Big Bad - 12:51 a.m.: NO BROODING.


Text to Rabid Baby - 12:51 a.m.: I'm doing a thing tomorrow.
Text to Rabid Baby - 12:52 a.m.: ...Yes. Probably very slowly.
Text to Rabid Baby - 12:52 a.m.: But there's girls kissing which is apparently of interest to practically everyone.
Text to Rabid Baby - 12:53 a.m.: So yeah. Find Big Bad. He knows stuff.

Jackie Von Tombs

Date: 2016-09-19 15:28 EST
Text to Saila (Fate's Underpants!)9:01 AM: OMG!! Totes will be there!

Text to Saila (Fate's Underpants!) 9:02 AM: Check out the words of wisdom on the Bathroom walls!

Text to Saila (Fate's Underpants!) 9:04 AM: (photo of the lady's room wall...

Text to Saila (Fate's Underpants!) 9:06 AM: Acting is a good decision! Yay!

Amare Kellis

Date: 2016-09-19 22:24 EST
Text to Saila (3:03 am): Use your nouns. I always knew you would find your pornography calling.
Text to Saila (3:30 am): Who the fuck is big bad? Is this a pimp thing? That escalated quickly.

Jackie Von Tombs

Date: 2016-12-19 15:11 EST
Text to Saila (Fate's Underpants! 11:03 AM: Tea and Dollies! Pick you up tomorrow orrr?

Text to Saila (Fate's Underpants! 11:11 AM: Got you a dollie.

Text to Saila (Fate's Underpants! 11:14 AM:


Date: 2016-12-19 16:29 EST
Text to Jackie (Coffins!) ~ 12:25 p.m.: OMG!
Text to Jackie (Coffins!) ~ 12:25 p.m.: Hell yes.
Text to Jackie (Coffins!) ~ 12:25 p.m.: Let's do it!
Text to Jackie (Coffins!) ~ 12:25 p.m.: P.S. Happy, uh. Secret Santa? It's okay that I didn't get you cookies, right? I know I'm supposed to give people cookies...

Desdenova VonTombs

Date: 2017-10-21 17:57 EST
Text to Saila (Fate's Underpants!) 10:11 AM:Saila? is this Saila? Maybe you can talk sense into Jackie. She's gone into that weird Maker Space where it's totally logical to hollow out a giant gourd and burrow into it underwater.

Text to Saila (Fate's Underpants!) 10:12 AM:I mean we have gills, but seriously.


Date: 2017-10-21 18:27 EST
text to The Little Brother - 12:45 p.m.: She's doing.. .what now?
text to The Little Brother - 12:46 p.m.: I only understood about half of that.
text to The Little Brother - 12:46 p.m.: about right for things involving Jackie.
text to The Little Brother - 12:48 p.m.: So where do I find her?

Desdenova VonTombs

Date: 2017-10-21 19:07 EST
Text to Saila (Fate's Underpants!) 1:12 PM: *image of Jackie with her front end inside a very large pumpkin*

Text to Saila (Fate's Underpants!) 1:13 PM: I'm her brother and I'm not sure what's going on in her head.

Text to Saila (Fate's Underpants!) 1:14 PM: Southern Glenn, there's a pumpkin thing going on. So at least goodies and stuff while trying to deal with the Crazy.