Topic: What Had Happened Was - The Great Pants Mystery


Date: 2016-11-19 02:33 EST
Tell us how you lost your pants! We need to know.


Respond to the'Din Missed Connection Bulletin regarding your missing pants here. Messages must begin with the phrase "What Had Happened Was" to count. Posts received by 11/28 will get a participation icon. Winning story gets a special one. Have fun with it!

The story that inspired this is here.

Benjamin Piers

Date: 2016-11-19 13:51 EST
"What Had Happened Was..."

He explained, talking to his phone as it lay on his kitchen table. He had a cup of coffee and wore a thick bathrobe. A small fox and a white crow patrolled the kitchen for crumbs.

"See, I had my guerrilla team out for training. We are preparing to free the maiden with purple hair from the tower of Elevated Eglantine Geraniums, and of course, needed extensive cold water experience or we would end up on the wrong end of the swamp witches brass brassiere."

Pearl cawed several times, fluttering her wings, until he stuffed a piece of bacon into her beak to hush her. He was, after all, an anonymous guerrilla freedom fighter dedicated to the cause of pants, certainly not an actor with a lot of oddball pets, a flock of crows, and missing pants.

"Upon reaching the test site, we were dazed and dazzled by the appearance of a large metallic beast, which bellowed out not only roaring and sizzling hell, but there was a giant goose within it, and geese are, as you know, the overlords of all evil..."

The fox yapped a few times until she got her bit of bacon, then swarmed down to the floor. She pretended to be fascinated by something in the corner until Pearl flew down to steal it. Ginger promptly ran back to the mysterious Guerrilla, burrowed into the robe, and curled up, smug as smug.

"My men then spread out over the lake, but the goose had placed its forces of evil well beforehand to ambush us. Sadly, we were completely routed. However, I nobly counter-ambushed the geese of darkness, and in turn sent them screaming into the night ? a complete triumph..."

He paused to drink, and hunkered his shoulders as Pearl fluttered back to his shoulder, complaining that Ginger had stolen the best lap space. He snagged the bird and simply shoved her under his robe as well. He appeared to be having an Alien chestburster moment, only much much more cute.

"A complete triumph, except that I forgot about the Leader Goose. The wicked fiend rushed up behind me and seized my magnificent Guerrilla Warrior Pants by the seat, and, the only way I could escape was to surrender them to Evil. It was sadly necessary, for should I be captured by the forces of of Geese, I would no longer be able to rescue the innocent from captivity."

He reflected upon how sadly necessary that was for several moments before sighing even more sadly and taking another drink of his coffee.

"The pants were the most primo of Guerrilla Pants. They are dark brown, with many, many pockets for Guerrilla Stuff. Also some straps. I was forced to drop them and pull out of them to flee with my troops. Later, I saw the Leader Goose carrying them in his dastardly beak to the middle of the lake in order to try and interrogate them by putting them into freezing water..."

Indignant, he scoffed, pausing to rearrange the fox and crow under his robe.

"But my pants are brave and strong, they would have said nothing to the goose. The goose must have decided to put them on ice when they wouldn't talk. I was forced to flee, sans pantaloons, back to my secret fastness upon the shoulders of my loyal first lieutenant, who was very glad indeed that I was wearing skivvies, despite the fact that most guerrillas are in fact commando."

He paused to let all that sink in and nodded once, firmly, though it wasn't visible on an audio recording.

"Now you know my secret tale of Pants, I trust you will keep this information secret, that we may rescue the E.E.G. maiden. Her continued Purple is within your hands. Do not allow the Geese of Darkness to cloud your pants!"


Date: 2016-11-19 23:26 EST
What had happened was I was just out for a nice chilly winter walk in woods, right? But of course, because I?m me and I?m so fantastic as a DJ on WHAM! 101.1FM that everyone wants a piece of me, I didn?t know that some of my fans were stalking me. Now, they pop up out of nowhere behind these trees and they start chasing me to get these pics of me, right? So I take off running, and I loose track of where I was in the woods, and I run out and see this lake. These photogs are still coming at me, so I dive in the lake, which happened to be a little frozen. So I?m trying to climb on out of this ice hole I?m in and, in the struggle, I accidentally kick out of my pants. I eventually get on up out of there and lose the mob, but I obviously lost my pants in the process, too.

Now, you may think, ?Well, how can you just leave your pants and walk around naked?? Here?s the thing, I?m a shapeshifter and I don?t actually need pants to look, well, not naked. Most of the time when people see me, I?m probably naked. Actually, maybe that?s why my fans like getting pics of me so often, but anyway, let me get to the description of my missing pants. Imagine a tyrannosaurus rex with a laser-shooting-helmet battling a unicorn underneath a rainbow. That?s what my pants look like. So, if you have those, those are my pants. If so, please send to me, DJ Zazzy Yas, at the WHAM! 101.1FM studios in the Marketplace. I?ll give you a free autographed headshot for your trouble. Thanks!

Signed, Yas

An image of the pants was included.


Date: 2016-11-20 03:21 EST
?So what happened was a shit show, yup? that?s good, yeah? -Pause- No? Ehh, probably not since they were in the middle of a frozen lake? -Mumbling- damn hob probably playing one last freaking prank? bastard. -Clears throat- Uh, hmm?well, first off I guess it helps to know I?m Mach... maybe?... Probably not, right. -Cough- Anyway those pants? those might be mine.

Uhhh, lessee, description? olive cargos, you know, the outdoorsy kind but not the hipster ?wear around in the great wild suburbs sipping pumpkin shit lattes? but, like, real outdoors kind of canvas and decent stitch work meant for actual hiking and camping if that?s your thing. They?re probably slightly singed and maybe a little torn up too, er, actually so like by claws and snags not, like, trendily so.

As for how I lost them, well? hrm. That? that?s a little complicated? -Pause, ruffling of plastic wrapping, snap, crack, pop, exhale- Well? actually, not really. Kinda I guess? -Scritch of head- Hmm? well, let?s just say it?s sorta normalish to some sorta not to, er, most.

Jeez? -Sucking crackle, lazy sigh- Ok, well, I was doing a monster clean up bounty, yeah? Chump change job but still kinda dangerous if you don?t know what you?re doing? goblinoids, you know, teeth, clubs, foul temperament. So yeah, rode my bike out, found were the marauding little shits were hitting folks and staked out for them; figured I?d get the drop on the little turds and ?wham, bam, ciggy n? booze money.? Of course I didn?t know they?d befriended a frigging spriggan though and were part of a troupe with imps so? yeah.

Long story short, there was some Benny Hill-esque chasing around, a bit of fighting, some clubbing, some kicking, a lot of cursing, perhaps an explosion or two? right, right, forgot to mention the shaman? asshole? -Contemplative pause- oh, er, sorry, off topic. Anyway, I was making progress chasing down the goblins when, uh, the spriggan got at me. Tripped me up and stole one of my boots to? well, boot? with a root tangle. And of course having me on the ground the imps decided to descend aaaaaand, yeah, pantsed me. I mean, you know how those bastards can be? half malicious humor half rapey and all. So yeah? they stole my pants, I fried a few but then? spriggan. Let me tell you, there are places roots Should. Not. Be! -Puff, exhale- Fiesty little fucker too! I?m just glad there hadn?t been much snow and thaw yet or they might have been well soaked. As is, well, that?s one campfire that won?t be bothering anyone anymore -Chuckle bleeding into a sigh- But taking care of all that and being short a boot, yeah, the imps kinda absconded the hell away with my pants. Do you know how freaking cold it is riding a motorcycle in winter with no pants!?! I swear I near froze my nuts off?

-Cough, clears throat, puff- A-Anyway, I mean, I don?t actually care about the pants themselves really but there should be a wallet in them with my driver?s license which, yeah, I really care about. Those freaking DMV lines and reissue charges? and this had to happen the one day I actually decided to carry it with me! -Grumbly- Swear if I didn?t have bad luck I?d have none at all? -Cough- But yeah, was hoping for the wallet though I guess if they?re still with the pants that?d be cool too. Name will be Elitia Turner. Let me know!

O-Oh, and if the pants you found weren?t mine? well, okay, even if they are c-could you maybe not mention this to anyone? Got a reputation to uphold and all and getting pantsed by imps doesn?t exactly help in that regards. Just saying. But yeah, let me know.?


Date: 2016-11-21 15:48 EST
"What had happened was entirely the fault of my beloved daughter who is sorely lacking in her practice of her inborn skills inherited from me," Pharlen announced archly to her phone, watching Jackie about explode. The girl had her hands jammed to her lips, her face red, her chortling muted.

"As we were transferring from New York City, 1977, to return home, Jackie suddenly decided that she simply MUST show Saila the Pontiac Phoenix she ? acquired during our mission..." Pharlen went on, only to pause when Jackie couldn't contain herself any longer.

"O-M-G! It is SO AWFUL 1970s!! It has an Iron Duke engine!" Jackie blurted out gleefully.

"I'm not paying to put gas into that beast," Pharlen continued dryly, giving her daughter the 'Shut it!' eye. Jackie quickly subsided, but was grinning and bouncing in place.

"However, Jackie neglected to locate Saila before shifting us to RhyDin, and we ended up barreling down a back road. Upon stopping the car, I exited to find that Jackie had stopped it upon about four inches of ice over a lake. I turned to have her back the car onto land, and the Ice. Broke."

Pharlen was clearly displeased with this happenstance. Jackie tried to look sorrowful and failed.

"I fell into the water, which was quite chill, and there encountered some sort of lake monster..."

"Mom, there isn't a lake monster, you just got tangled up in an old tree or something," Jackie protested, but Pharlen glowered at the girl until she hushed up.

"Lake. Monster. Grabbed me. And made off with my pants. My WORK pants, you understand."

"Oh, Mother!" Jackie groaned. "They're horrid! They're LEE Jeans! They're GREEN!"

"They are my WORK JEANS," Pharlen repeated sternly, "They're Lee Jeans, olive green, and are boot cut low rise. I need them back."

"You have a million pairs of them," Jackie muttered. Her mother was unaccountably cheap sometimes.

"AFTER I freed myself from the monster..." Pharlen announced, glaring at Jackie. Jackie rolled her eyes and made a teenaged nggg sound.

"It was a tree!" the girl muttered.

"Monster," Pharlen insisted, pale pink eyes narrowed, "I climbed out of the ice and water and got back into the car. It has a very good heater, fortunately for my eldest spawn."

"Jeeebus!" Jackie groaned.

Dirk Stevens

Date: 2016-11-22 23:31 EST
Re: What happened was...

So there we were. My fiance and I in the woods by this lake. It was that time of the month. I think it was July or maybe August because it was hot. I mean hotter than hot. Or was that my fiance? Well they're both pretty damn hot.

Anyway, we stripped down to hunt. No. I mean swim. Yeah. Skinny dipping. (It's risky with shiny piercings that fish think bring food) in the lake and the beavers stole our pants! Damn beavers! Can't trust a beaver. Never could. Nasty, smelling, ugly things!

So, my fiance only wears the most expensive suits because he's a rich fuck who doesn't think twice about getting his clothes stained or torn. He just gets new ones. So his pants really don't matter. He has three bedroom sized walk in closets full of black, blue, tan and white pants. Let's not get started on his jeans. Ripped, faded, boot cut, skinny, you name it, he has it. But if it is his pants, they'll probably be black silk with a black leather belt with a platinum buckle. Size 29 long. When I say long, I mean... well. None of your business.

If they're my pants, they'll be Levi's relaxed denim. Sky blue with a rip in the left knee where I went down on my knees and hit a rock. I didn't care though, it didn't hurt and my fiance was a very, very happy man.

So there you have it. You can return the pants to Amare Kellis. He'll know how to get them to me.

Dirk Stevens
Prisoner 2573450
Rhy'din County Lock up


Date: 2016-11-27 01:53 EST
Re: What Had Happened Was...

Ladies. Fine ass honies.

No surprise that they've always been the bane and boon of my existence. I mean, I'm Greek.

But that's not enough of an explanation for you, and I've had enough to drink that I don't give a shit about tellin' it. So here goes.

I was takin' a stroll, minding my own business. Well, this group of broads standing around a river bank looking fiiiiine as helllllll. Y'know? Long blonde hair, curves in all the right places. Smiles that'll drop a man's pants almost as fast as his heart?

Well, like I said I'm Greek. I'm a hunter. I knew what those honies were (or so I thought). Nymphs, man. And a smart man might've been like, "oh. Crap. I should probably get out of here before I become some Nymph's bitch."

I was thinking "at least it ain't my cousin."

So, they draw me in right? I thought it was going to be one hell of a Friday night. Some moonlight bumpin' uglies.

Well, things got real ugly.

Just when I think things were going to get all kinds of skimpy up in this bitch, their faces went from oh damn, hi cutie to damn girl, you Medusa's daughter?

They weren't friggin' Nymphs. They were GOD DAMN HARPIES.

Talk about beer goggles. (I might've been more drunk than should be legally acceptable that night. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.)

You ever see a Harpy? Gangly hags with claws and fangs and shrieks like your mother when you're streaking through Olympus with a sock on your... Uh... what was the question again? Right.

Well, their faces went Hell Hag and I high tailed my ass out of there. Sans pants... and underwear.

Here's what they look like.

They've also got a tear on the right ass cheek from an... unfortunate.. incident...

I don't care if you bring those back. But if you managed to find a bumblebee zebra striped speedo with them? It was my lucky banana hammock.

Actually... keep 'em. Guess they weren't all that lucky after all.

Tempus Fugit

Date: 2016-11-27 22:25 EST
What Had Happened Was...

He stared, dumbfounded. He didn't want to commit this to the public record of the interwebs, lest the tale venture into the realm of urban legend or worse - meme.

I needed to wash my pants. The kind of cold water pants washing that only the unfortunately heroic would understand...

No need to add the fact he'd needed to wash himself as well - he was sure they'd be able to tell by the snug cut of the leather.

You see sometimes when we're out there fighting the forces of good, evil, law, chaos, oblivion - whoever the bad guy du jour is - things can happen... suddenly. The kind of suddenly that soils pants. For the sake of public decency, which I'm sure in this matter I've already breached...

No need to mention those people who'd gotten the 'free show' along the treeline. Gods be good, when the weathers cold enough to freeze the water, now not much of a show, was it? #notacentaur

Let's me just say that I was in the process of washing said pair of pants, having just returned through an unfortunately miscalculated local temporal inversion to Rhydin. The place of my departure also caused me to miscalculate my place of arrival, or rather, time of arrival. I was hoping for sometime in the summer, a little moonlight, but I got... this. I figured, heck, it was better than where I came from - even if I did have to use the cold water wash. They're tight, they're black, they're not leather, synthetic or otherwise - even if they feel like it. They are expensive. They are also my only good pair of pants. Lost 'em in the drink during a flash freeze. And no I don't know how or why; blame an ice dragon or angry goddess or over enthusiastic winter events planner.

Yeah, can't tell 'em they're my only pair of pants. But what the hell can you expect, I'm living out of a tent beside a campfire half the time.

I've been doing some acting work as well, and it would really make the public appearances less awkward if I could just get them back.

Cause the cloak just ain't cutting it, see? Tall and blonde, sure, but when the wind blows I'm no Marilyn Monroe, right?

Please get back to me as soon as you can, I really need my pants back.

Who is... uh oh, the Watch. Shouldn't have tried to go the cheap route and get Wifi from the Market. Well, without pants anyway.

Got to go.

Cause you probably aren't going to deliver them to me if I'm being held in a cell - and given that I'm not wearing pants I have no desire to find out why one of the nicknames for jail is 'the pokey'. And of course there's no underwear involved - have you seen how tight those are?? I guess that's what I get for stepping out like I was dressed by a fantasy artist and modeling for a Boris Vallejo calendar. I can't even cinch those suckers, and the belt is all but useless!


ps. rlly nd my pnts kthnx <3

What's that Officer? Oh... no, I uh, I was mugged by a... I think he was a human. What's that? What'd he look like? I dunno, they all look the same to me. What? No I'm not trying to be funny. You know how militant they're getting. Oh, you're a... no, no, no disrespect, I just meant...

Amare Kellis

Date: 2016-11-29 11:20 EST
This was, in many ways, a great frustration for him. Amare didn't like being patient, he didn't like waiting for days and messages to pass by. What was the purpose of hesitation, really, except to rewrite some personal indecision? Do it. Like the monstrous cooperation preached. Just do it. Let it be a raw action whose flaws made it undeniably you. This waiting, this refining of the outcome, put acid on his tongue. People just did too much personal editing.

Saila was there to breathe some patience into the matter.

After days passed, it was clear that only one description matched the pants in question-- though others had been lost and he wondered just what ransoming those would be like. If they would talk. If people would pay money to get them back. No, the focus was on *these* pants. The pants of Winter cheer.

Or so the goblins would say.

"Who the Hell is Mach?" Apparently, Amare lived on a different planet, yet to experience the man who had the sort of charisma that felt like arson and the fortune of a three legged dog named Lucky. Unquestionably, a figure branded in the minds of many with his impression left in the beds of numerous women.

"Elitia Turner. He got the name right," his thumb had the wallet splayed open in his hand. He tossed it at Saila as if the wallet had offended him, "but Hell if he isn't like you-- fucker says things that raises more questions than providing answers."

(( OOC-- A big thanks to all who participated in this event! You have your participation icon if you posted on this thread, with Mach getting the pants icon. We really enjoyed reading all the fun and creative ideas you shared about your characters.))