Topic: Homecoming


Date: 2011-06-16 22:01 EST
The mop topped peddler of all things pot related bounced his way down the stairs taking the several at a time. Quite the noise was made as well. Liam wasn't one for doing things loudly typically; everything about him said silence. The leather jacket, the torn up jeans, the white ribbed tank top - He was the type of person who screamed leave me alone. Without saying a word.

It was several minutes later and Caelyn was nudging her way into the inn. Faded blue jeans and blouse were what she chose to wear. She had been moving through the marketplace looking for work to hold her over. She had temporarily taken up residence in the inn - until at least things worked out.

Badsider pulled from the cooler and he used the Celtic ring on his right middle finger to pop the top. The ring boasted a simple Triskelion and wrapped around in silver strands. Eyes shifted upwards as the door was pushed open and the beer he had been holding slipped from his hands and shattered on the ground at his feet.

The shattering of glass echoed through the inn and she looked to the bar. Paling a bit, she knew she would never be ready to face him... them... But she had to. She made her way rather quietly to the bar.

Clearing his throat he bent and started picking up the shards at his feet. The glass bit into fingertips and tiny shards worked into flesh but he didn't seem to notice. He was tossing them one after another into the wastebasket a dirty rag pulled from the bar rack. The rag was thrown away as well and as he stood he dug a few crumpled bills from his pocket. Tilling them he began to wash his hands and pick the glass free. Eyes never leaving her as she approached.

She settled rather demurely on the stool. "(vq) Liam." There was a wealth of emotion in the voice... What did she expect? She was feeling so many things... Remorse being the foremost.

"Caelyn." The response was shaky, as if he was unsure of his own ability to say it. Another badsider pulled from the cooler and again the ring was used to pop the top. Looking around he wondered if she wanted something to drink, but didn't have the voice to ask.

She voiced it, because her mouth was suddenly dry, "Could I bother you for one of those water bottles?" Her voice was soft. "How are things?"

"Oh...Yeah..." Hands run over his jeans making sure the hand was clean before he grabbed her a water bottle and unscrewed the top. It was set down between them on the bar before Liam shrugged his shoulders. "It?s not bad, I don't complain."

She reached out for the bottle fingers lightly gazing the his hand accidentally. She took the bottle in her hands and nodded to his words. "That's... good to know." There was a soft sigh, "I... am sorry."

Her eyes were exactly what he'd never been able to forget and he caught himself staring at them. Her words snapping him out of it and he shrugged his shoulders. "It's nothing to be sorry for. I am obviously still standing. No harm, no foul."

She shook her head, "I... need to explain. I had no choice. The Nexus and the sight forced me away." She shivered and she pled with him with those eyes.

"No...You don't have to explain..." He paused and he already knew all of this, he knew she hadn't just taken off for no reason; he knew he hadn't driven her off. It had happened and it was nothing she needed to explain.

She looked down at the bottle, "Still... I feel horrid. I hurt you, no matter how unintentional." She said softly.

"I bounce back amazingly well." Eyes on the neck of the beer bottle before it was brought to lips for a sip. He wasn't about to make her feel any worse, it hadn't been her fault.


Date: 2011-06-16 22:02 EST
She nodded at that, looking up at him then. She had vowed not to look, having the Sight and all. She held herself to that. "I've been worried about returning to the house."

"It?s Elion and Fiona's place now." He wasn't withdrawn, as much as he was just closed up. He didn't want to talk about Fiona right now. "I am sure they will be thrilled to see you."

She looked surprised at that. "You are not there?" She loved them dearly, but... well there had been some hope. Hope that seemed to be fading.

"No, I'm not there." A sip pulled out of that bottle and he went to picking at the label of the bottle. Free hand raked through dirty blonde hair. "It?s been about six months since I've been there."

There was a burst light and Kairee appears already seated upon the bar, her long, splendiferous legs crossed. A toss of her fiery red hair over a perfect shoulder as she looks over the barroom and it's denizens.

Eyes shifted up to Kairee and he smiled to himself. A bottle of chilled champagne was pulled from the cooler and it was set beside the woman, a flute offered over to her.

She took a drink of the water to steady herself. "Things have changed more than I realized." She looked at him a moment. She remembered the dreams. Dreams that had given her the will to push on and return. A nod was given to Kairee.

?Hey babes?? Kairee gave a dazzling smile for Liam. ?Long time no see.?

"Indeed." A smile, and had any other conversation been going on he'd have dropped it to speak to the splendiforous one. This one though was far too important. "Yes, things have changed... Some for the better, some for the worst."

Caelyn tilted her head, "Better?" She was afraid to ask what the worst was.

The champagne flute seems to self fill from the bottle. Kairee winked to Caelyn then took a sip of the bubbly.

There was a ghost of a smile to Kairee from Caelyn.

?You seem pensive, babes...? Kairee commented to Caelyn.

"Your cousin and my sister finally stopped pretending they aren't mad about each other." A nod and he sipped from the badsider a slight smile to himself. It was a wonderful thing to talk about.

She replied to Kairee, "A lot of changes." She tilted her head to Liam, "That is good. They are good for each other."

?Existence is Change.? Kairee Observed, ?Such a quiet night...? She toys with her champagne flute as she watches the assembled.

A nod to both of them as he felt himself up. Hands over his chest and he found the silver cigarette case. Pulling it open he pulled a smoke from the left side, on the right side they were not a tobacco product, so he snapped the case shut and found the silver Zippo striking it before he put both away.

She nodded to the truth of Kairee's word and watched Liam a moment. "Perhaps. We can work on repairing this rift between us?" She had to try at the very least.

Kairee turned her attention away from the pair, they seemed to have need for intimate conversation.


Date: 2011-06-16 22:03 EST
"I'd like that." A smile threatened to surface but instead the corners of his mouth sort of twitched before he lit his cigarette. An ashtray pulled towards him and he caught himself catching those eyes again.

There was that smile, in part a bit of relief. "So would I, Liam." Time would also help in this case, "One day at a time?"

A long drag chased by a sip from the badsider before he nodded. "That sounds like a great plan." He was a little too sober to be handling this.

She took a drink and arched a brow at him then looked down at her water. "Am I bothering you?" She didn't know what to do. She's seen so much in her life and still wouldn't know her way out of a paper bag when it came to her own personal issues.

Liam couldn't help but feel like it was his fault that she was beating herself up for this. A sigh and he shook his head. "No I just feel like I...I don't know." He rubbed at the back of his neck and looked across the bar at her.

Kairee looks over to the two and their awkward stances, the hesitant movements.

She looked up at him. Her eyes meeting his, "I don't know either. I don't want to upset things further by looking."

?Babes? Hug her or something.? Kairee could not contain herself.

The hand wrapped around the bottle released its grip and he wiped it on jeans before offering it over to her. "You'll be upset but you can..." Eyes up to Kairee and he then went back to looking at Cae. "Look."

She nodded; the permission to look after she had overstepped her bounds the last time was no small thing. She took his hand in hers and focused inwardly to see.

Kairee smiles to her self and vanishes with the champagne.

There was almost electricity in that touch, he could all but see it hang in the air between them. He waited for the fall out - pretty sure it was coming.

There was a soft gasp at what is seen. What could she say? What he was doing, while she didn't agree, was not illegal here. The drinking caused an ache within her and... "(vq) I see." She had truly not expected him to wait but to see it. "Are... you happy with the way things are?"

"I am satisfied." A nod as if that answered her question. He knew it hadn't but he had been happy through a drug-induced haze. A deep breath and he rubbed at a stubble laden cheek. "It?s not all that people say it is, it?s easier than it looks. I don't have anything but an amazing ability to make things grow." The backpack would be lowered onto the bar; she'd know what resided inside.

"Yes, you do. I remember the... ward." She said softly, knowing where he was thinking and trying to build on it more. "There is always a need for medicines and healing."

"I am pretty sure its still under the floorboards of you room. Have you had nightmares? Since you've been gone?" He looked concerned as he took another drag, her hand still holding his.

"Yes, worse now with everything that has happened." She gave him a watery smile; "It will be nice to get some relief from them."

"I should have made you a smaller one to keep with you. I can do that... I mean if you still want it." Liam wondered why he hadn't told he that he loved her before she was taken, he wondered if he had would things have been different.


Date: 2011-06-16 22:03 EST
The smile strengthened a bit, "Oh, yes, please? Could you?" She almost begged for the charm though she knew one dream it wouldn't stop. Anything she could hold onto.

"Of course. I wouldn't have offered if I didn't intend to." A real smile there followed by a final tug on the beer. Another dug out of the cooler and popped open. "Its really not as bad as you think it is."

She finished off that bottle of water, "How so?" A hand came up to rub at her neck.

"I mean Fiona sells her herbs all the time and no one ever thinks she's doing anything wrong, but I push a little pot and suddenly I am some piece of trash." He was getting into the fight with his sister, opening up a little.

"You were never trash." She said softly, "It is not the best of things to sell, but it does have purposes in Medicines." She was trying to not add to it. He didn't need her coming down on him and it was not her place.

"Yeah, the best medicine for all that ails you." Liam realized his hand was still tangled with hers and he pulled it gently away. "But Fiona thinks I am a punk. A couple tattoos and some grass and suddenly I'm undesirable numero uno."

There was a pang as he did so. "She does care in her own fashion." She looked at him and bit her bottom lip and then quoted one of the things that she lived by as much as possible, "And if it harm none, do as you will."

A gentle nod. "The only one I've hurt this way is me." Spent cigarette snuffed out, and he felt strange, as his hand lay vacant. He looked into it and quickly wrapped it around his badsider. It was a poor substitution but he wasn't about to talk about it.

She looked at him, "I only hope so, Liam." She said sincerely. "Karma has a bad way of biting people in the ass."

"You tell me who else then." The look shifting over her was almost hurt. He hid the look behind his bottle as he tipped it back for a sip.

"A woman. I do not know her name." She didn't want to dig further than that, even though she saw nothing truly intimate.

"Mack? You think I am going to hurt Mack?" There was a laugh at that and he shook his head. "No one hurts Mack...She's...She's basically bullet proof." He wouldn't lie, Mack was something else, but she was very clear to him about how she wasn't a get serious type of woman.

"No, no... I did not think that at all." She shook her head, "I'm sorry, I got confused. The pot... It has the potential for harm." She said softly.

"I am not in the business of hurting people, just taking the edge off. I am damn fine at taking the edge off. And in the process I get to go to the hottest clubs, the most exclusive parties, and best of all I get to haul my ass up to that room up there and sleep alone." Bitter sweet. There was a laugh and he drank again.

There was a shake of her head, "Then you are doing better than I." She murmured softly. She was gazing at clasped hands to still a trembling.

"I don't think you're getting the point, I am some..." He just shut his mouth and shook his head. "Its not as much fun as you would guess. I am not really the biggest fan."

"So why do you continue to do it if you are not enjoying it?"


Date: 2011-06-16 22:04 EST
"Money, school isn't cheap." A shrug of shoulders and he finished his badsider. Money placed on the bar as he took up another badsider and got out of the Gypsy's way. Slipping from behind the bar he nodded to the front door. He needed air and was inviting Caelyn to join him if she was inclined.

She nodded and moved behind him for the porch, "You are going to school?" That news had her surprised and relieved that things truly were not as bad is it seemed.

A deep breath of moist air as he crawled up onto the railing and he nodded. "Yeah I am Rhydin University, taking applied homeopathic sciences."

There was a genuine smile, "That's wonderful Liam."

"I guess...I like it, gives me something to do. I lost my hobby when I lost my home."

She nodded at that, "Gods, I... it's not it's my fault, however unintentionally. If I hadn't have been drawn away." She rubbed her hands along her arms.

There was a moment where he was bold and he placed a hand on her upper arm. "It wasn't my fault no, but you need to figure out that it isn't your fault either. You will be needed elsewhere. We can't change that."

She didn't pull away, "Well, I'm here now. For what it is worth." She looked at him, "I've been looking for work. "

That broad hand never moved from her as he sipped from his badsider. "If you need help, I can help you...Or the girls I am sure they would be happy to have you."

She laid her hand on his looking at him solemnly, "I do not wish to be a burden. So used to standing on my own two feet." She tilted her head, "Maybe the watch can use the help of a Psychic."

"Thats bulls**t. You don't need to be some side show freak for the guard! They can't even keep their eyes open half the time...You don't need to do their jobs for them!" It upset him.

She listened to him, she could see how upset he was. "What would you suggest I do?" The nightmares were the one thing stopping her.

"I don't know Cae, but not that...Move back home. The room is still there, Hell you can have my room, and there is no more secure place in the city than that house. I made damn sure of it." He was almost pleading with her.

"I'll... move back home. but my own room." She said softly, "you'll need it."

Relief washed over his face but as she spoke he offered a shake of head to that. "I haven't been back in months. I don't think I want to go back...Its...Its complicated."

She nodded at that, "(vq) That is another reason I can't take your room. You won't be there." The memories of at least that little bit.

A lump in his throat as his hand was removed from her arm and shoved into his pocket. He remembered their nights, just being close to her was enough. Teeth gnashed at the inside of his cheek and he nodded. A swig of the beer before he tried to speak. "It was amazing, when you were there."

"It was." Her voice was a little strained. "I wish I had never left."

"Everything is still there. I can bring you there if you'd like. I still have keys." There was a patting of himself and he had them in a jacket pocket.


Date: 2011-06-16 22:05 EST
She gave the barest of nods, "I would have to get my things from upstairs."

"I can wait here if you'd like, unless you need my help to pack up." Eyes on her then.

"I don't need the help, but if you want... The company would be appreciated."

"Lead the way." He put out his cigarette and finished off his third beer. Apparently she would have to drive. He hoped she could. Dropping the empty in the barrel on the porch.

She smiled just a little and headed back into the inn. It would not be long before they are at the room she had been occupying. She held the door open for him. It was plain to see she had been back for about a few days.

Liam held the door and motioned for her to go inside. Once she had he too would wander in. Leaning against the dresser he watched her carefully. "You are sure you don't need my help."

She smiled at him, "I do not have much. Just some clothing and personal effects." She moved about the room, setting her clothing carefully in a duffle back. Mostly jeans and t-shirts, one decent dress outfit and some pictures.

Eyes followed every move she made but tried not to be obvious about it. Once the bag was packed he offered an arm to her, he was offering to take her bag for her.

She smiled and handed him the bag, "Thank you, Liam."

He slung the bag over his shoulder and opened the door for her. Hand dug into his back pocket and he grabbed his wallet. "Ready to go Cae?"

She moved for the door grabbed a jacket, the last thing, "Yes." She ached, but what could she do?

Down the stairs he went, grabbing his backpack off the bar and after ducking fingers into his wallet he set down some cash on the bar. "Would the previous May Queen please settle Caelyn's tab for her room?" A smile for Lilli before watching for Caelyn.

She moved up to Liam's side and blushed as he did that for her. She would make it up somehow.
Liam: "Caelyn Donovan please." A brilliant smile and before anything else could be added he was heading for the door. Anything left over was hers to do with as she pleased. The inn's door opened for Caelyn and he smiled.

She nodded to Lilli and then headed out of the inn behind Liam. She was certainly off balance now and followed him to his ride.

"Can you drive?" He was trying to think of whether or not he was good to drive on three beers. He thought so, but drinking and driving wasn't really something he condoned. Keys were offered to her. "If not I don't mind walking, it isn't so far."

She took the keys from him. "I can drive." She looked him over; one part making sure he was ok... three parts checking him out. She opened the driver side door, popping the locks.

He climbed into the Jeep. Liam was fine, he wasn't drunk, but it wasn't anything worth risking. He buckled up and raised a brow to her. "I'm fine, I'd be fine to drive, if I was driving alone I mean."

She slid into the drivers seat, looking comfortable behind the wheel of the jeep. "Sorry. Just a worry wart." She slid the key into the ignition and started the engine. She shifted the jeep into gear and eased out of the parking space heading towards the house.

"Yeah I understand, I worry too...A little more than I'd like to." Leaning across her he buckled her seatbelt for her. "You remember the way?" A raised brow to Caelyn.

She inhaled a bit as he was close to her. "Hmm, yes. I have not forgotten."

"Alright, then lets get you resettled back at home." A smile and he raked dirty blonde out of his face.

She smiled softly at him and pointed that jeep towards home. She was very careful with the jeep as she drove. She carefully guided the jeep through the streets glad that it was quiet tonight. It was not long before she was pulling up at the house.

A deep breath taken as he unbuckled and slipped out of the jeep. Her bag pulled from the back of the car. His pocket dug into and the keys were produced. A pause and he unlocked and opened the door for her. A step over the threshold and he writhed in pain grabbing the table that they kept the mail on. Fiona was still angry, that was clear.

She unbuckled the belt and moved into the house with him. She was at his side quickly, "Liam!"

"I'm good, I'm good, It'll pass." He walked right up and into the room that was hers. He wasn't trying to leave her behind but he had made sure her room had been the most protected. A deep breath taken as he stumbled in and could breath again. A smile and he set her duffle down on her bed.

She followed him into her room, watching him as he moved, "She set the wards against you?" She was horrified.

"She set the wards against people who wish her ill will I am guessing." A deep breath taken as he pulled up the loose floorboard making sure his ward was still there. A relief as it was still right where he'd left it.

She didn't like the implications of that. "Are you that angry with her?"

"Angry? Yes. I am not a kid, and I am not doing anything illegal." A shrug of shoulders as he sat on the corner of her bed. Then stood up realizing that was no longer appropriate.

She shook her head, "I know you are not." She went through the motions of putting away her stuff. "I don't know if me being back with help any. Just doesn't feel right with everything fractured like this." She set out the pictures. Photos of family and the like... one was hand drawn.

Body slumped and he sat on the window sill and watched her. "I am sorry I broke everything while you were gone. I didn't expect you to come back...I mean I always hoped, but I never thought it would actually happen.

"I... didn't expect you to wait for me. I had hoped..." She admitted softly closing her eyes.

"She's a good girl... I mean she isn't looking for a boyfriend, or a lover or anything, but she's a lot of fun, she's a good girl." He was trying to explain himself to her. He felt she deserved it.

She shook her head, "It's alright, Liam. Really."

"I know, I just don't want you angry with her. She's..." A laugh and he just shook his head. "She's Mack, that?s as close as I can come to a real description." His eyes fell on Cae and he felt almost guilty.

"I'm not angry with anyone, Liam." She smiled a bit. "Things will workout as they are meant."


Date: 2011-06-16 22:06 EST
"You seem upset with me. I won't lie, it hurt when you were gone, not because I didn't have you, but because I didn't make my point before I couldn't." He was trying to explain himself and it wasn't going well.

"Not with you, the situation and myself." She turned to him. "What point was that?"

"I was a walking cliche, drank myself until I couldn't see and only then could I accept how I felt, its sad really...You had to go before I could figure it out." A sigh and he ran his hands over the worn thighs of his jeans it didn't make any sense to talk about it now. He was really wishing he could have hit the bottle and the spliff. Neither of those was possible. He needed to shut up before things were made worse. "I should probably be getting going."

She nodded, "I'm so sorry, Liam. The damn Nexus and the sight...." At least they weren't angry at each other; a positive note that was. She held out the keys to the jeep for him.

"You don't have any reason to be sorry." Another bold move and he wrapped his arm around her, a gentle hug before he took the keys. She hugged him back. Inwardly she felt like weeping.

A deep breath taken and he realized that actually walking away was going to be the hardest part of all of this. A second deep breath and he chewed his lip. "Room seventeen... If you need me." A nod and he walked out of the room and hurried as fast as he could out of the house, trying to brace himself from the pain, but he wasn't angry at Fio anymore.

She nodded "(vq) Blessed be, Liam." She watched him leave. That was the hardest thing to do. Watch him leave and not stop him.

Once he slid into the jeep he slammed his palm onto the steering wheel and cursed. Things were getting complicated and he lit a joint he pulled from his backpack before he even started the car. As he pulled out of the driveway and sped off towards the inn he was smoking and deciding that he would probably need another before he numbed himself to having hurt her.

She watched from the window as the tears course freely now. "(vq) Goddess, watch over him." It was all she could do.

He would be fine, he was getting really good at getting lit up and driving. He was out of sight in no time.

(Thank you so much, babe.)