Topic: New Friend


Date: 2008-05-15 20:16 EST
(Based on Live RP Between myself and Chas Dionyx)

The creaking of the door sounded Chas? arrival. He stepped in, the long coat he usually wore swishing slightly around his legs as he moved. He held a backpack slung over his left shoulder, fingers curled around the strap. A glance darted around to take in the common room as he drew in a breath. He stepped forward, moving away from the door after the initial perusal.

Shariane makes her way to the inn. She had chosen to wear the scout's outfit. Form fitting leathers decorated with crystals and feathers, nothing constrictive or too flashy. She entered into the inn not too long after the man in the long coat.

With steps careful to avoid chairs, table or people in his path, he crossed hearth ward looking to claim one of the larger overstuffed chairs situated there. He shrugged off the backpack from his shoulder and let it fall gently to the floor as he folded his large frame into the chair with a bit more grace than perhaps a man of his size should have. She made her way towards a couch looking to relax a little before heading out on errands. She looked around the room as she settled down, her eyes stopping a long moment on Chas.

Without appearing so, he noted when the couch became occupied. A lean to the side brought him closer to his pack so he could dig through it for a flask. He straightened back in his seat, eyes lingering for a moment on the one taking ease on the couch. The flask tipped one way and then the other as if mixing the contents. A flicker of movement brought his lips into an almost smile. She stretched out to get off her booted feet for a little. Been a long morning already. Those ice amethyst eyes again look over at the man enjoying his flask.

A careful but firm twist relieved the flask of its stopper. One last swirl before he lifted it to his lips for a quick sip. It felt good, the quick slide of liquid fire. He recapped the flask but did not return it to his pack. Instead he let his eyes continue to inspect the couch occupant. She was comfortably resting. The outfit she was wearing was utilitarian with the exception of the elements woven into the fabric. His eyes wandered away, taking in the rest of the common area and then the bar before drifting back.

She toyed with her silver hair as her eyes drifted to the fireplace. She considered being forward as her eyes lifted to him again. He didn't wish to intrude on another's thoughts. He'd already done that recently. A faint smile touched his expression, fingers once more tipping the flask upside down then upside right before twisting the stopper of the flask free. The smile faded when he took a drink, eyes closing for that moment as he enjoyed the flavors of his drink. His eyes opened again, focusing to rest on her once more.

She smiled as his eyes came back to her. "(vq) I don't bite... Much."

"No?" He exhaled a faint chuckle, eyes dropping to his flask after his words.

"Pity." He returned his eyes in her direction, fingers toying with the flask.

She laughed softly, "Oh?" She had a mischievous twinkle in her eyes.

"Or not." If there was color on his face surely it was a trick of the light. "A lady is entitled to do as she wishes, no?"

She smiled at him, "Perhaps, come here often?"

"Not usually, no." He swirled the flask, careful not to spill the contents as he had not re-stoppered the flask this time. "Yourself?" After all, in questions turnabout is fair play, right?

She shook her head, "Not normally, no."

"And why is that?"

She gave a half shrug, "Not comfortable with sitting alone for too long."

"Why not? Alone can be a very good place to think deep thoughts."

"Only for short periods of time, then it gets oppressive, lonely."

"What do you seek?"

She looked to the fire a moment, "Old friends, family... things I've lot track of."

The questions could continue but perhaps it is not polite to do so. His indrawn breath to ask another question fades into a statement instead, "I wish you luck in finding them."

She nodded and looked over to him, "You seek solitude?"

"We are frequent companions."

She nodded, "On purpose, or the way things are?"

"That depends on the day." He took another drink then restoppered the flask. It rested in his hand on the armrest of the chair, eyes flicking over her. "My manners are lacking." He gave a little nod. "I'm Chas. And you are?"

"Shariane, but you can call me Shar."

"That's a very pretty name."

She smiled, "Thank you."

"You're welcome." His gaze swept away briefly then back.

"So what do you do for a living?"

The question took him off guard as told by the lift of his brows. The moment passed, his expression shifted into a faint smile. "I'm a distiller."

She smiled back, "Spirits or other things."

"I have but one focus." He hesitated then shared, "Absinthe."

She nodded, "Ahhh, an art form." She smiled not at all judgemental. "I design clothing that is both functional and ornate."

"Such as that you wear?"

She nodded, "It is an art form of rmy people, something that is portable and easy to display."

"So you are an artist?"

"In my free time."

His brows lifted in question, fingers tipping the flask in that mixing motion he'd used before.

She smiles, "I heal the land of rogue magics."

His study of her was that of a man trying to determine if the words spoken were in jest or in all seriousness. "It is my experience that this land is full of such things. I would wonder when you find time to breathe."

"It is a full time job, but not life consuming." She shrugged, "I have my little corner."

"Who pays you for this?"

"No one. It is not something my people do for money. More out of a sense of responsibility for our ancestors mistakes."

"Sounds like your ancestors made some big ones then."

She nodded, "Mage wars and entire plains turned to craters. Malformed creatures and Change Children... The scar run deep."


Date: 2008-05-15 20:18 EST
"Well, good luck with that. Magic is something that I don't really understand completely."

She smiled gentlly, "Just like any other skill, it takes time, practice and training."

I will take your word for this."

She smiled at him, "Well, how long did it take to master your craft? Or were you able to distill out of the cradle?"

"I don't know. I'm not yet a master." He flashed a smile and gave a swirl of his hand to mix the contents of the flask once more. The smile faded when he took a drink, restoppering the flask once more when finished.

"And I still have much to learn myself, though advanced I am." Her eyes twinkled again.

"I feel like I've been told something but I'm not sure what the message was." His tone carried a vague note of tease.

She chuckled softly. His chin ducked toward his chest, the grin flickering once more. She sat up a little, shifting her position. She was still smiling. This getting out and talking thing wasn't so bad. Not that he'd intended to do any such thing when he'd come in, though. He watched her move then looked away briefly. "So, you're on a coffee break right now?"

She chuckled, "Doing some trading for food and other supplies. That which can't be made, needs to be purchased."

"I've heard that."

She shrugs, "Money is not limitless for me."

"I have an idle question. If there is magic, why is there not currency aplenty floating about?"

"Magic takes energy to use. Have you ever truly seen a fat mage?"

"I can't say I've met too many who claimed to be mages."

"I am not a conjurer, I do not sell my service to the highest bidder. I heal and tame wild magics."

"I didn't mean offense. It was just a question."

She waved it off, "No offense taken. My people learned the hard way what greed does to the land."

"What's the difference between a conjurer and a mage?"

"Difference is the application. A conjuror is a type of mage that can bring things into being."

"Oh." After a moment of contemplation, he shrugged. "Makes sense I guess."

"It's a little more involved than that, however."

"Everything is always more involved than what we expect."

She nodded, "Indeed." She smiled at him."

He swirled the flask again. "So what sort of supplies were you after before you came in here to avoid said pursuit?"

"Personal items, craft supplies."

"Personal items. Girly things or just general items for personal use?"

She chuckles softly, "A little of both."

He chuckled on an exhale, eyes flicking away. Had he really just asked that? He deserved the answer. He watched his flask a few moments then glanced back. "I suspect you'll be haunting the marketplace, then?"

"Oh yes, I do some trading with things caught in hunting."

His question came a bit more cautious. "What sort of hunting?"

"Only for what is needed. The balance is most important. Food, Clothing... Never for sport."

He nodded briefly. "That's good."

She shrugged, "That is the idea behind healing the land, never take more than is needed."

"More people need that idea."

"Indeed." Those crystalline eyes regard him again.

He sat for a moment under the gaze then finally broke into, "What?"

She smiled softly, "Just admiring the view."

Again with the look of whether or not he was trying to decide if her words were in jest or were serious. Finally he settled on serious and gave a faint smile. Again with the trick of the light causing that color on his face because it couldn't be natural. "Thanks. I thought I was the only one."

"I think a female would have to be dead or stupid not to notice." She winked mischievously.

"Not all females are alike."

"Indeed, still." She smiled.

He swirled the flask again then unstoppered it for another swig. It was getting lighter than he liked but for a good cause. His chin lifted. "I need some fresh air. If you're of a mind to pursue fulfilling your supply needs, perhaps I could walk as far as the Marketplace with you?"

She smiled at him, "I'd like that."

He nodded, exhaled a quick breath then leaned to the side to slip the flask back into his backpack. His fingers caught the strap of the backpack as he stood, slinging it over his shoulder. "Okay then."

She rose to her feet and moved over towards him. He watched her get up and then stood there for a second or two before indicating the door. "After you."

She nodded and head for the door. He moved after her, shifting the bag higher into a more comfortable position. She slipped out the door and tossed a glance over her shoulder. He was there, holding the door as she slipped out. He gave a faint smile and continued following.

He followed her down the steps of the inn, glancing one way then the other before settling into a comfortable gait next to her. He had some ingredients he could pick up while he was here so it wouldn't be a wasted trip and, if anyone asked, he was going that way anyway. She smiled going to herb vendors and the like. She would barter some of the items she was carrying

He didn't barter nearly as much as she did. He had coin for most of it but there was one place in particular that gave him what he wanted in exchange of a small bottle of absinthe verte that he offered. She was picking up threads and different crystals and the like. She would barter skins and completed clothing as well as meat. He watched sometimes when she spoke to the merchants. Sometimes he didn't. It depended on what caught his attention at any given moment.


Date: 2008-05-15 20:21 EST
She would watch as he bartered for different things. He was a cop out at bartering. A little too easy going and never really tried to get them down in their price. Where she was a little tougher, though she tended to strike a reasonable bargain.

He stopped by a food vendor and glanced at her. "You hungry?"

Her stomach at that moment chose to rumble in an unladylike fashion. "I'd say yes."

"You have anything against meat?" he indicated the vendor who was selling bits of meat wrapped in a flat bread with some fair sprinkling of spice and vegetables to make it look bigger.

She chuckled softly, "Nothing at all."

He held up three fingers and pointed to the wraps. "You want more than one?"

"One is fine."

He indicated three again then dug into his coin pouch for the required coins for payment. He exchanged them with the vendor and handed her the one that she had said she could eat. Then he got his two. She smiled and nodded her thanks. She then took a bite of the food. He wasn't so bashful about eating. Chas shifted his bag higher on his shoulder to make things easier then got down to business. A big bite made it hard to talk but he indicated a little courtyard with some seats as if to ask if she'd like to sit. She moved over to the sitting area and settled gracefully into a seat.

He did the same, letting his pack drop to the ground gently. Another bite and then he glanced at her to see how she was doing. "Do you like it?"

She nodded with a mouth full of food and smiled. His grin returned came a little lopsided then he took another big bite. He found the moment pleasant. The sounds of the marketplace around them provided a nice backdrop and some audible distraction should either want it. She was relaxed and enjoying the day. It was a comfortable diversion.

"So, when you're not healing the land and making clothing, what do you do?" He couldn't remember the name she'd said to use.

"Trying to find my family, particularly my daughter."

"You're married?"

"Was a long time ago."

"Do you mind my asking what happened? Why are you searching for your daughter?"

"The men in my life had a tendency of disappearing. Her farther, my last husband. I have been single for several years now." She set her food down on the table, "I am looking to re-establish my relationship... I've been a rather poor mother.?

He nodded, glancing away briefly once more. "How old is she?"

"She's an adult now."

He shook his head with a chuckle. "I love this place. Women never look their age."

"I can change shapes."

"Can you?"

She nodded, "As long as it is man-sized or smaller, then I can the shape indefinitely."

"But you uh .. you're a woman, right?"


"Just checking." He flashed a smile then took another bite.

She chuckled and picked up her food, taking another bite.

He felt a little foolish but hey, a guy had to be sure about a few things.

She finished off the wrap and sat back in her chair.

"You full enough?" He was busy starting on his second one.

She smiled at him, "I am."

"Good." Being a big boy, he was far from done and continued working on the second wrap he'd bought.

She looked around the the area, looking relaxed. She turned back to him.

"Enjoying yourself?"

"Yes, I am." She smiled.

"Good. Glad I'm not too boring."

She laughed softly, "I'm this land? It's refreshing not to have some super-power person or slaver around."

He shook his head. "Not super powered, no. And no to the slaver part too. I'm nothing overly special."

"It's refreshing."

He was too busy chewing to do much else other than nod and give a thumbs up.

She gave a self-deprecating laugh, "I'm pretty odd myself."

"I don't see that.?

"I wear a good mask."

"As a shape shifter, I'll just nod and say okay."

She arched a silvered brow at that, "You?"

He blinked at her and then shook his head. "No. As you being a shape shifter, I'm just going to assume your mask is good. Bad joke. I won't quit my day job."

She chuckled softly.

"How's your shopping doing? you got most of the things you need?"

She nodded, "Yes, you?"

"I'm okay."

She watched him from where she was sitting.


Date: 2008-05-15 20:22 EST

"Enjoying the company."

He paused before shoving the last bit into his mouth. "Yeah. Me too." And then down the hatch.

She stretched a bit looking around again. He leaned forward, wiping the crumb from his face. She looked back at him.

"Need to go?"

She shook her head, "No one is expecting me."

"Ahh. You live alone?"

She nodded again, "For the most part. A few hertasi make sure I am well.?

"A few what?"

"Hertasi, a peaceful lizard folk."

"Oh." He blinked and then it was his turn to glance away. He'd never heard of them before.

She smiled at him, "A few from my home."

"That's good. Something familiar then." He glanced back, offered a smile.

She smiled, "Yes."

"That's important. I have my sister."

She tilted her head, "Oh?"

"Yeah." He gave another smile. "Kid sister really."

She smiled, "Here?"

"Yes. Not here with me today but yea, she lives here with me and some friends."

She nodded. "Any other family?"

"No." He frowned briefly then the expression cleared. "Not unless you count our friends."

"Yes, That's always true." She looked away.

"So." He didn't know what to say really. So the first thing into his head came spouting out his mouth. "You like licorice?"

She looked surprised, "I can't say I've ever tried it."

"No?" He smiled a little. "Most people say Absinthe tastes like licorice."

She looked at him curious. "Oh?"

"Yeah. I was going to offer you a taste if you wanted. Just curious though about what you thought of licorice."

"Willing to try." She smiled at him.

"Do you like adventures?"

She laughed softly, "I used to adventure a bit."

He captured his bag and brought it up to the table. A careful search inside got him what he was looking for. It wasn't the normal bottle. It was about the size of a bottle but it was metal and opaque. He had a single glass with him, the metal sort with a glass bottom. This he set on the table after putting the bag back on the ground. "Okay. This isn't the way it's normally done but I've already added sugar and water to the bottle." He was turning it slowly in his hands. "I'm mixing it up right now. Absinthe shouldn't be toted around like this but I was in an adventurous mood."

She chuckled softly. "Adventurous?"

"Yeah. Didn't know where I was going to end up and I wanted a good drink when I got there." He flashed a smile and then unstoppered the bottle. He poured out the greenish liquid that seemed cloudy inside the glass. He pulled out his flask and refilled it before stoppering up the bottle again.

She smiled and took a sip. He took a swig of his own, watching her reaction. some didn't like it, some did. He wasn't sure where she would fall in that category.

She was smiled, "Nice."

His smile grew. "Yeah?"

"Very. I've had some decent drinks, this is one of the best I've had."

He had the look of a proud daddy on his face. "I think it's a good one. I tried some things with the recipe. I'm glad you like it."

She smiled, "It's good."

"Be careful. it might go to your head pretty quick if you don't drink a lot."

She smiled softly, "I have a decent tolerance. Used to drink often."

"That's good. i mean, we can't ahve you not knowing where you go home to, right?" He flashed a smile again.

She laughed softly, "I'm sure that wouldn't be so bad." She winked saucily.

"I don't know. I might be one of those guys who is going to get you drunk and take advantage of you."

She chuckled softly, "One of the advantages of what I am."

"What is?"

"I don't get drunk."



"That sucks. why drink?'

"I like the taste."

"Well, yeah. there is that."

She smiled taking another drink.

"I'm trying to recall why I've never met you before."


Date: 2008-05-15 20:24 EST
"I have only just returned to this land. I've *traveled* extensively."

His eyes stayed on her for a long moment before he finally murmured, "You say that .. oddly."

"Plane traveling."

"Ooh." He nodded then helped himself to another drink. "Gotcha."

She took another drink and then smiled at him.

With the flask lifted and obscuring his lips a little, he murmurs, "You have a very pretty smile."

She smiled wider, "Thank you."

He was unsure of whether to drink again or answer her. He settled on a quick, "You're welcome." Then he took a drink.

She finished her glass. "This is excellent."

He shifted a little then lifted his chin. "You uh, want some more?"

She nudge the glass toward him, "Please."

He set his flask aside and then took up the bottle. A few careful swirls and then he poured her glass full again. "If you like this, I should treat you to one of the better ones and do it in proper fashion."

She took back the glass once he was done, "I'd like that. You are proud of your work with good reason."

He watched her fingers on the glass, eyes lifting to her as she spoke. His grin widened. "Maybe we'll do that. I uh .. I've been called a fanatic at times."

She laughed softly, "Nothing fanatical but wanting to perfect your craft."

"Thank you!" He pointed at her using the hand still holding his flask. "Thank you very much. It's nice that someone understands."

She smiled gently, "My people believe in encouraging creativity in any form."

He quieted at that, considering the words. "In any form huh?"

"Well, within reason. My people have to keep our art portable and easy to pack."


"We work systemically, Cleanse one area and move to another."

"Oh. so uh .. this isn't the only world you're working on?"

"Well, the bulk of my people are on my home. We are nomads of a sort, working to cleanse one area then moving to the next."

"So this isn't your home then. You're just here for now?"

"This has become my home. I must my place of birth, but even there I was an outcast. Accepted, but not part of any family."

"Why were you an outcast?"

"I am what is called a change child. A being that was affected by the rogue magics."

"Change child?" He frowned. The term was not familiar to him.

She nodded, "The magics where I was born made me what I am. Opened me to magic and gave me the abilities I have. I was taken in as an abandoned child."

"So you weren't born like this?"

"I was born like this, which is why I was abandoned and an outcast."

"I don't understand."

"The other, not fully human."

"So uh, you were born human but the magic changed you and made you a shapeshifter?" He was trying to get it.

"I was born to human parents, but as my mother carried my, the magics changed me, even before I was born."

"Oh. got it. I'm sorry."

"It's alright."

He pushed the bottle toward her with a careful nudge.

She arched a brow as she took another drink.

"Trying to lighten the mood?"

She smiled at him, "I am being a little morose, eh?"

"You're just answering my stupid questions. My fault really."

She regarded him a moment, "It's alright. I like this. Being able to talk."

"You don't get to talk much?"

"I live alone. So no."

"You could get a cat." Somewhere on some level there was a joke there. "A lot of people talk to cats."

She kinda got a far off look, "My daughter's favorite form is that of a cat."

"I stepped in it, didn't I?"

She looked back at him, "You didn't know."

"True." He lifted his flask in toast and kept his mouth from saying anything else by taking a drink.

She drained her remaining round in one drink. "Still, I know she is here, and alive."

"You do?"

"Yes. I can tell. I just don't know where."

"If I can help, let me know. I'm happy to do what i can."

She tilted her head, "Thank you." She regarded him careful, "Strings?"


Date: 2008-05-15 20:26 EST

She shook her head, "Sorry, been burnt bad before."

"That's okay. Uh .. no strings other than telling me how much you like my absinthe."

She laughed softly, "That is a deal."

"Great." He leaned forward to extend his hand to seal the deal. She placed her hand in his. His fingers tightened slightly then released.

She enjoyed the brief contact. "It's good to be able to get out and just be."

"I guess it is. I haven't done it in a while."

"You and me both."

He smiled, eyes looking down again as he drew his hand back. He wasn't sure what to say.

She looked down in thought, then looked up again.

"What're you thinking?"

"Been alone too long."

"Yeah? Going to do something about it?"

She gave a bit of a smile, "Hope to, depends on if there is someone that is agreeable.

"Yeah? Good. Get a plan. Work the plan."

She laughed ruefully. "Finding people that are *agreeable* is near impossible around here."'

"I'm sure you can find someone good."

"I've been burnt before."

"Might get burnt again. Won't know if you don't try. I'll help if i can."

She regarded him, "Help me find someone?"

"Sure. Umm .. let do some thinking on that." He flashed a smile. "I know some people who know people. I'll see what and who they know."

She looked down again, somehow that was disappointing.

"What's wrong?"

"Don't know how it feels to have a cute guy say they'll set you up with someone."

His brows lifted. "You uh .. were wanting me to say something else?"

She shook her head, "Nevermind. I'm foolish."

"Tell me anyway."

"I don't know. It kinda hurts a girl's ego to have a cute guy suggest they will find them someone."

"What? You want me to take you home with me?" He was smiling faintly.
She smiled, and blushed a bit, "It was a thought."

His brows lifted slightly. "Really?"

She tilted her head and nodded.

He considered for a moment then said, "I didn't know if I'd get hit for offering something like that. Or worse, you know."

She smiled, "didn't think you were interested."

Why did the beast have to choose now to get all rumbling around. "What's there not to be interested in."

She smiled a bit, "Well, we just met."

"Doesn't make you any less pretty."

She blushed then.

"We do have at least one guest room if you'd like to uh .. see what the house is like. We're um .. unconventional."

She smiled then, "How unconventional?"

"You'll be in good company." He leaned forward and whispered. "A few of us are um .. shape shifters of a sort."

She nodded and regarded him, "Lycanthropy?" She spoke lowly, for his ears only.

He tipped his head a little. "How'd you know?"

"Educated Guess."

He shrugged. "We uh .. don't talk about it much. Safer that way."

She nodded, "Understandable."

"I'm trusting you."

"I know."

He smiled wider and then leaned back again. "So uh .. we live on an island."

"Easier to guard. Privacy... Bet it's beautiful."

"It's nice." He glanced around then back at her. "So uh .. you want to get a bag?"

She grinned at him, "Yes, a growing boy needs to keep his strength up."

His brows went up again as a grin flowed. "Uh, no. I meant for your things."

She laughed softly. "Yes, that might help."
He took the bottle and, after making sure that it was stoppered, put it into his bag. "I should be getting back."

"Let me know when?"

He paused, regarding her again. "well, how long does it take you to pack?"

She laughed softly, "Not long at all."

"Okay then." He stood up.

She stood up with him. She smiled at him, "Do you want me to meet you somewhere?"

"There's a glen south of town. If you don't want me going with you, you can meet me there."

She nodded, "I won't be long."

"Okay then."

She smile and stop long enough to kiss him on the cheek, "(vq) Thank you."

He grinned at the kiss then looked up at her. "You're welcome."

She smiled and made her way to the place she had been staying.

He watched her go then reached for his cell phone. He felt it wise to let Mihaela know they'd be having a guest.

She was true to her word and did not take long to return to the glen outside of the city.


Date: 2008-05-24 12:12 EST
Several days later...

Shar made her way along a path that the group's leader had described to her. She was enjoying the bit of space though she had to wonder if she wasn't intruding again. Chas had been letting her get to know everyone else while he worked on another recipe. He wandered out a little more often but nothing remarkable. He just wanted to make sure Damon was behaving himself. She found her way to that spring she had been told about. One of the things she loved about the vales, the hot springs.

Chas did wander sometimes though - they knew that. He had his backpack over his shoulder much the same way he'd had when he'd stumbled over Mihaela that day. His path eventually brought him in that direction too. He'd been sitting in a tree when she arrived, holding the little flask to his lips for a drink. He completed the swig and then carefully restoppered it in silence.

She stopped and smiled when she saw him, "Heyla, Chas" She spoke softly as there was no need to yell.

He hadn't been sure of whether or not she'd seen him. The greeting resolved that minor mystery. He lifted the flask in her direction in a sort of salute. "Hey." It was a simple greeting, typical of him. He sat with his back to the trunk of the tree, his leg out on the branch and the other dangling some but with his foot against the trunk as well for balance. "Looking for some meditation time?" He slipped the flask back into his pocket, considering jumping from the tree so he could be on his way. He didn't want to intrude on her quiet time.

She shook her head a bit, "No, look to get away from polite strangers for a bit." Her eyes drifted downward.

"Polite strangers?"

"I don't know them too well, and they don't know me. Takes sometime and I have been feeling... like an intrusion."

"If you were a bother of any kind, rest assured someone would show you the door." He remained where he was about ten feet up, watching her.

She lifted her gaze upward towards him, "Indeed, Just bothers me to see the younger ones so skittish and knowing that I am making them wary."

He almost chuckled. "They were skittish before you got here. Don't take it personal."

She tilted her head, "A lot of healing going on here. Things were that bad?" She could see it in there actions, their faces.

He studied her for a long moment then shrugged, eyes shifting away. "It's in the past."

She nodded, though his gaze shifted away, "Alright." She made her way over to the spring.

Her movement toward the spring was his hint to leave. Chas slung the bag over his shoulder into a better position then let himself drop from the tree, landing in a crouched posture with one hand in front of him fingers on the ground and his legs bent from absorbing the fall. His long coat settled around him then swished as he rose.

She looks over her shoulder, "Leaving?"

"i doubt you came here to be watched. I was going to take my leave." He bowed his head slightly, shifting the backpack again onto his shoulder to settle it into place.

"(vq) Up to you. I don't mind, though."

"You don't mind being watched?"

"I don't mind at all." She smiled over her shoulder and waited to see his reaction.

His brow lifted on an ever rising incline. "You sound like Mihaela."

"Is that a good or a bad thing?" She countered, "Seems like your group and my people have a number of things in common."

"It's not a bad thing." He let his eyes wander away as he continued. "It would appear perhaps you are right." His eyes returned to her, a faint smile on his lips. "You fit right in, hmm?"

She gave a half shrug, "Time will tell."

"Do you want to fit in?"

She nodded, "When I think about it, yes. And yet, I wonder if I ever will."

He continued to regard her. "Why is that?"

"Old insecurities." she said simply and pushed the robes she was wearing from her shoulders. The water was warm and inviting.

He turned slightly, eyes averting so she could disrobe without his watchful eye. His turn was out of respect. "I'm sure you'll be fine."

The action reminded her that even her did not know her well. She settled into the water without preamble. ?It will take some getting used to... being around people again."

"How long has it been since you have?" He turned once he heard the water sloshing about a little indicating that she was submerged.

"For longer than a few minutes, or a night inn the bar?" She shook her head, "Gods, a long time."

He moved forward a few steps then knelt down, letting his backpack slide to the ground gently. "Self-imposed or otherwise?"

"A little of both."

"Why is that?" He was proving his feline nature with all the questions prompted by insatiable curiosity.

"I've been hurt too many times to leap back in again. And I am a failure as a mother..." Her amethyst eyes glittered a bit, "But then the exile was wearing on me and I could not even relate to those around these lands."


Date: 2008-05-24 12:12 EST
He nodded, hand slipping inside his jacket for the pocket that held the flask. "Past pain. That's a common reason for standing back." He unstoppered it and held it for a moment. "I've found that often we are harder on ourselves than others are on us."

She looked up at him, "This is a lot of what I am feeling."

"Past pain?" He was easily lost in deep conversations.

She nodded, "And the insecurities that come with them."

"They say time heals, right?"

"Maybe. I do not believe it is time healing more than dulling the edge."

He chuckled a little. "Sounds more likely."

She smiled a bit at him, "Living like a nun is no fun really." She half joked.

"Especially when you're not a nun?"

"There is that."

He let the silence be broken only by the water and the natural sounds of birds and wind in the trees for several moments before he spoke again. "Do you actively search for someone to break the nun's life you find yourself in?"

She blushed then, ""Mayhaps a little."

"You haven't been approached before?" His eyes were down, focused on the flask.

She looked at him, "(vq) Only by the one that invited me here."

His voice dropped a little, flirting with a whisper. "I didn't invite you to .. to take advantage of you."

She tilted her head to look at him, "(vq) Wouldn't be."

He continued to study his flask, kneeling there where he'd come to rest. It was another few seconds before he spoke again. "I don't like water."

She nodded and moved to step from the water. "(vq) One day at a time, Chas?"

His fingers slowly restoppered the flask again without having taken a drink. "It's always one day at a time. No other way to live."

Slender fingers reach out to touch his arm lightly. His eyes lifted from the flask to rest on her fingers. Then they slowly traveled up her arm to her face. As he did, he licked his lips and took a breath. Another couple of heartbeats before he spoke, ever the deliberate thinker instead of the rash doer like Tycet. "You're very pretty."

She smiled at him, "(vq) Thank you."

The hand not holding the flask slowly moved, fingers finally finding he cheek. "You're welcome."

She nuzzled his hand lightly. "(vq) You are very handsome, Chas."

It had to be the light because he just didn't blush, right? "Thanks." A smile flirted with his features, eyes lifting to touch hers for a moment then flying away like a frightened bird. She raise her hand lightly to cup his cheek. He felt himself tip his cheek into her hand, eyes closing as he did. Her fingers felt nice against his skin. His own fingers touching her cheek shifted to slide back a little to let it be easier for her to nuzzle into his hand.

She turned to place a kiss on the palm of his hand lightly, her eyes looking up at him. His lips parted as he exhaled when she kissed the palm of his hand. His eyes tightened a little then opened, searching for hers. Confusion mingled with desire, the stand-off nature he was used to was being overrun and he wasn't sure how to handle it. Friends. He didn't want to damage that. Her eyes search his and she pulled back a little, not physically.

"I'm .. afraid of hurting you."

"(vq) Life is full of risk, is it not?"

He finally nodded a slow bob of his head. "Yeah. I guess so."

She smiled softly at him, "We can take it slowly, if you wish."

He bit his lip for a long moment before his fingers slid back a little more, almost circling around to the back of her head. This done, he drew her a little closer with the intention of sharing a kiss, something tentative and curious. She leaned in close, letting him take the lead and responding tenderly. It was nice really. The touch of her lips on his was inviting and warm. He didn't push too far but he did enjoy the moment of that kiss. His fingers curled a little bit tighter against her, almost twining in her silver hair. She pressed a little closer to him and slowly twined her arms around his waist.

Kisses have a way of winding down and when theirs did, he rested his forehead against hers. His fingers were comfortable resting where they were. He smiled a little at her. "You okay?"

She smiled at him, "(vq) Better than okay."

"I don't uh .. bring girls home for .. this." He cleared his throat, another faint flicker of a smile.

She murmured softly, "(vq) This is just a bonus, Chas." Her eyes twinkled mischievously.

"A bonus?"

She looked at him all serious, "(vq) The friendship is the best part. The attraction is making it sweeter."

He smiled again, head shifting a little downward. "Kissing's nice, yeah."

She smiled at him, "(vq) Very nice."

So many things going through his head when he should probably just be thinking about the next kiss. But he was a little on the uptight side with all the 'what ifs' that plagued him. He gave another faint smile, fingers stroking her hair.

She chose not to push him, instead lean her head on his shoulder. It was so tempting to purr, she liked her hair being stroked. He didn't mind petting her like that, stroking her hair as she settled in against him. It was sort of nice and it reminded him of things he missed. The feeling of a warm body against him, the scent of that someone fresh in his senses, the brush of lips against his own. He closed his eyes and let himself enjoy the moment, trying not to think of memories that demanded attention. Instead, it was just the moment, just the touch. She was content to hold and be held. No pressures, no demand, just that moment.


Date: 2008-05-24 12:14 EST
She broke the silence gently, "(vq) I was thinking of setting up a mini vale here.."

"A mini vale?"

"A little slice of the home I left..."

"Magical stuff?" He shifted a little so he wasn't kneeling but rather was sitting more comfortably.

She moved with him, "A bit, but more of a place amongst the tress. I enojy being surrounded by nature."

"Nature's nice. I like it when I'm not holed up in my workroom."

"This little place is perfect. Not too close to the house, but close enough."

"You going to take it over?"

"Near it, be open to all, but my place would be in this area."

"I'll leave that to you and Mihaela to slug out."

She chuckled softly. "I have a few ideas, maybe adding a second one."

He grinned. "Might be a good idea at that."

She chuckled, "Flowers are used to say off limits, or you are welcome to join in."

"How do you know the difference?"

"The colors and the combination."

"Is there a cheat sheet to refer to?"

She smiled, "I think I can arrange something."

"That's good. I'd hate to see the do not disturb and think it was a welcome all and then end up interrupting something I shouldn't."

"Or end up in the middle of a group make out." She grinned at him.

He chuckled and shook his head. "I don't partake of those as much as the others. Although, I'm sure Tyce would love it."

She laughed softly, "A hedonist is he?"

"Oh yes. Absolutely."

She smiled softly at that, "I can be a bit of one as well, a monogamous one... but one none the less." By now she had dried off.

"Tyce doesn't understand that concept."

She laid her head on his shoulder. "I'm sure, but he's young yet."

"Not so young, no. He's just .. a tomcat."

She laughed softly. "And you?"

"I'm old and cranky."

"Hrmmm, not so old, and I haven't seen cranky."

"I am. I feel like I'm a few hundred years old. And well, you haven't done anything to deserve cranky."

"You look like you are in the prime of your years with a long way to go."

"You're being kind."

She regarded him a moment, "The years weigh heavily on you?"

"Not sure if it's years or regrets."

She nodded a little, "Understandable, both can be heavy."

He shrugged. "You beat yourself up over choices you made as a mother. I have ghosts haunting me about choices I've made as a brother."

She gave him a gentle squeeze, "Vanessa, eh?" He nodded.

She just held him, "I'm here if you need a shoulder."

"Moaning about things doesn't change them."

She lifted her head to regard him, "Nor does beating yourself up over them. I should know. Learning from them though..."

"So you don't beat yourself up over things, hmm?"

She smiled at him, "I didn't say that, I do it all the time. I have my regrets, but really, I can't say I would change things, either. Otherwise this moment might not exist."

"I would do a lot of things differently." His lips pressed tight for a moment before he sighed. "I think this moment would come anyway."

She laid her head on his shoulder again comfortably, "That is also a possibility. I am glad it is here."

He chuckled a little, hand lifting to touch her hair again. "This is quiet and .. peaceful."

She closed her eyes enjoying that touch, "(vq) It is almost perfect."

"What does it lack?" He had ideas but he was curious to what she might say.

She opened her eyes and smiled back at him, "(vq) Kissing you again."

He had restraint but her whispered words had a way of brushing it aside. He found himself leaning toward her again to oblige her request. She leaned up to kiss him softly. She was finding she couldn't resist this big, yet gentle man. He intended for a little gentle thing but the moment her lips touched his, it was as if he were a hungry man and she were the meal. He circled his arm around her and drew her in against him as he enjoyed the moments wherein the kiss lived.

She responded with a tender little sound. The look in her eyes spoke volumes and her arms held her close to him. He tipped her back just a little as they enjoyed the moment, lips pressed against one another. He ignored other things that would steal the moment, concentrating instead on the touch and feel of her. She leaned back at his urging. Softly lips murmuring his name tenderly as if it was the endearment. The sound of his name urged him onward giving the kiss a little extra life for a few moments. She parted her lips to him, encouraging him gently.

He needed the encouragement and once received, his progression was slow but steady and still that of a hungry man. Her hands moved along his back longing to feel his skin, she broke the kiss tenderly and gazed up to him. There was a longing in her eyes perhaps more. He drew back slightly, licking his lips and the flavor left by hers. His fingers drifted lightly along her skin, bolder than he had been in recent years with anyone including Mihaela.

She smiled up at him, "(vq) There are entirely too many clothes between us." She teased gently.

"And it's all my fault, it would seem."

She reached up to caress his cheek. "No one?s fault at all."

He smiled a little crooked grin. "You uh .. want to help resolve this issue?"

She laughed softly, "(vq) I thought you would never ask."