Topic: Shades... of Scarlet


Date: 2011-09-26 18:42 EST
... Pain ...

That was the last thing she remembered as she laid in the street in her twin brother's arms.

"Pietro... It... Hurts..."

It was her last memory, her twin?s frantic pleas. The last memory before succumbing to the darkness. Before being found in a garden by a young witch with the sight.

The witch took her in and gave her a place to stay. The girl, who was not much younger the she was, also gave her a way to survive. A hand-up instead of a hand-out. The girl was a human but she did not look down on her because she was a mutant. It felt good to be accepted as a person.

The job was helping the girl with her shop. It could have been seen as a tourist trap or a novelty store. Instead she maintained an air of class and a reverence to the Art. The young woman had even offer to tutor her in the Art. This offer had been very tempting to the mutant, given her own hereditary bloodlines.


Date: 2011-10-05 16:56 EST
It felt good...

To be needed. To be accepted for the person she was, rather than reject for her abilities. This place was the Utopia that her father sort to carve into their world. A place where Mutants would not be seen as menaces or even outcasts. Here everyone was different on some level.

She smiled as she cashed out a purchase for another customer. The little shop did alright. It was busy, but it was just starting out. Caelyn tried to go for a warm atmosphere and seemed to achieve it.

In this place, she could be just as warm and friendly, without fear.

No fear... Not of the prejudice and the Sentinels... No Government agents hunting you down for being a terrorist... or even just being born different. She saw the failed attempt at the Magic User Registration in the history archives, something Caelyn thought she should know about. She was relieved that the people stood up to such nonsense.

However, there was one bad thing about this place...

...Her twin was not here and she missed him terribly.


Date: 2011-10-09 12:32 EST
... Sometimes you cannot escape the past, no matter how hard you try.

Not so much an old enemy finding you, like Longshot or Ultron, but in trying to escape the responsibility of having the power to do the right thing. Or protect someone you've come to care about.

The shop did not pull in a lot in terms of profit. Caelyn was very careful about using her power in order to influence things. She was good with business and making just the right move in order to turn a reasonable profit. Never anything illegal or devious, just smart.

Well, two men thought they could intimidate the girls that ran the shop into giving over their money. Armed and angry, they burst into the shop with guns drawn and demanding money. Caelyn played it smart and was complying with their demands. Wanda was steadily watching for an opening where she could take advantage of her SHIELD training. These men were desperate amateurs, which made them dangerous.

Then one got the *bright* idea that they could force the two girls to *party* with them. Afterall, they were armed, they had the power. That set Wanda into action. One grabbed and groped at Caelyn, the other's attention wavered for just a brief moment. Wanda moved into action then in a blur of movement influenced by her own probability manipulation and skill.

As she incapacitated the second would-be thief the first turned his weapon on her and fired. Doing the math fast, she was able to use her hexes to stop the bullets. This gave Caelyn time to take a baseball bat to the first...

Three strikes and the pair was out. With a brief call to the Watch, the pair was off the street and the girls relieved. Wanda was surprised by the calm in the Seer until the girls had a long talk that night. They had both seen their share of pain, grief... Death. Yet, neither girl allowed it to rule them.

The former terrorist and the psychic... Fate had a funny way of bringing people together.

Or finding the sister you only wish you had.


Date: 2012-01-28 16:53 EST
Witches Two

Too much had been going on of late. The attacks by Raven in the Marketplace. Rebuilding the shop. Everything that you could imaging in this chaotic town and then some.

Sometimes she swears she was home again, except then she would not be craving companionship. She would have her twin. They would be inseparable.

She winced at that thought. There had been a time when they had been too close. Far closer than siblings should be. She knew Caelyn had seen, yet there had been no judgement from the flame haired witch.

She was of two minds of seeing her twin again. On one hand, she missed him terribly. It felt like a huge hole in her heart.

On the other hand...

She wanted a real relationship.


Date: 2012-04-14 14:42 EST
It was frustrating. Trying to make people understand that it was not the loss of the companion that hurt the most with Kaius defection.

It was the loss of a friend. One that had betrayed her to supposed help a woman that her felt was wronged...

... Help Renna.

He painted Renna as the victim and laid the blame on the Witch's shoulders. He said he was balancing the fight for ascension... There was no ascension at stake unless it was to aid in whatever goal was running around in his fracture mind.

She could see that much. He was ranting and treating her as if she was the villain.... The monster has he had bluntly put it.

He didn't know the half of it when all was said and done. Once she might have been inclined to care. But that was ripped to shreds with his defection and subsequent betrayal.

Hell hath no fury.