Topic: Well, That Bites...


Date: 2008-06-01 21:20 EST
(Collaborative RP between the players of Zacherye, Damien Tanner, Aret & Shadowdancer)

Although being outside was not too difficult for Zacherye, it was easier to stay wrapped in the comforting arms of shadow. During the day shadows were everywhere but were gathered the most in the darker upstairs of small ill-lit shops, such as this one. He'd come in an hour or so ago, finding a corner in the upstairs that was the least lit. He dragged a chair into it and then let himself collapse within it for a spell. His hair was more rumpled than normal, some of the blond locks falling haphazzardly around his face. He unbuttoned the top few buttons of his shirt and then leaned his head back, closing his eyes and concentrating on happier days.

Okay, maybe they shouldn't have snuck out like they did, but it was rare that Damien got to see Aret. With this in mind, it was simple for Aret and Van to gang up on him and escort them to the marketplace.

Aret was more than happy to see her Damien and didn't mind at all sharing him with Vannie. They were getting to go out and shop some even if maybe they shouldn't have done so without Miha's permission but Miha looked busy with Damon and she didn't want to interrupt that. Vanessa was excited that she was able to get out to find a present for her brother and Lucas. A just because she loved them type of thing.

Although quiet, Aret was a flurry of communication. Kissing Damien on the cheek, tugging him along by his hand, and in general just being close to him. It was nice to be away from the house. She even helped Vannie pick things out for her brother and Lucas. Vanessa had been giggling watching the pair. She knew Aret loved the red-head with them.

Aret pantomimed that she was thirsty, turning doe eyes up to Damien. He was only happy to escort the girls and smiled to Aret when she pantomimed to him. "So how about we stop at Teas?"

Aret checked wtih Vannie first before nodding her head vigorously at Damien.

Van nodded back, "Oh perfect."

Aret clapped her hands and then made a mad dash through the crowd in an effort to get there first. Van laughed softly and scampered off after Aret. Damien shook his head and sprinted off after the girls. He wasn't about to leave them alone. Who know what mischief they could cause. Aret dashed into the shop, the merry twinkling of the bell announcing her arrival. With an almost squeal, she darted toward the counter as if to try to tag in as being the first one there. Van ran in close behind Aret trying to beat the younger girl to the counter. She was laughing in pure joy. Damien followed soon afterward and chuckled at the girls.

Aret skittered to a stop, fingers gripping the counter as she nearly ran over it. She turned with a laugh and then threw her arms around Vannie for being right there with her! Van was giggling as Aret threw her arms around her.

From the shadows upstairs, Zacherye heard the door chime and the arrival of customers. He kept his eyes closed, reveling in the exuberance of those so full of life below. Fingers rested lightly on a worn volume that he'd chosen to read although the place marked was still only a few pages from the beginning of the book.

Damien got the second hug but Aret tempered that with a kiss to his cheek. She lingered for a moment, holding onto him with a smile that was the smile she saved for him. Damien smiled as he held Aret, "What do you girls want? My treat." His father taught him to be a gentleman at the very least.

Aret pointed to the iced tea and then nuzzled into him again.

"Lemonade!" Van exclaimed with a delighted clap.

Zacherye hated the feeling that washed over him. He could scent the young nature of those below. It taunted that which he struggled to keep under control. His lips tightened and fingers pressed harder against the page until it nearly threatened to rend it. He snapped the book closed to avoid doing any damage to it, eyes opening as he moved to return it to it's place on the shelf.

Damien chuckled softly and moved to the counter to order 2 Iced Teas and a Lemonade. There was a nagging sense pulling at him, though he hid it so as not to scare Aret and Van. Aret was unphased and all but danced from foot to foot, waiting for their drinks to be delivered. Aret tossed her hair and then tapped Vannie on the shoulder before quickly darting out of sight. Hide and seek! Van giggled softly and moved off to find the other girl. It felt so good to play and be young.

Damien turned back from paying for the drinks just in time to see the girls playing. "Aret, Vanessa, Be careful." Something in his tone was wary.


Date: 2008-06-01 21:22 EST
Aret ducked behind the couch and then snuck around to the other side, trying to stay out of sight. She peeked out once then ducked down again. Van sneaked after the other girl, it was almost as if they were kittens at play. She was just so happy so the weight of Damien's warning didn't register.

Something rumbled inside and he had names to go with the flavor dancing on the air. He melted back into the shadows where he'd taken refuge earlier, considering that perhaps it would be wiser to vacate to remove himself from temptation.

Aret exhaled a laugh and darted for the stairs, hide and seek much easier when higher up and in all the bookshelves up there! Damien set the drinks down and looked around concerned as Aret went upstairs. Van followed the younger girl up the stairs. As she reached the landing a familiar scent hit her hard. Aret was gone and around the corner, uncaring of what she caught a scent of. It wasn't a hurtful thing or familiar to her so she scurried around to a new hiding place, tucking herself out of sight and almost holding her breath to keep from laughing.

Van moved carefully closer to the source of the scent. Memories and other things she had tried to forget threatened to come back.

It gnawed inside Zacherye but force of will kept him in his seat. He could hear footsteps approaching and closed his eyes. He did not wish to be seen in his current state and so focused on lessons hard learned, his physical body shifting to be unseen by physical eyes. It was a tenuous talent and he had to remain perfectly still for it to work.

The scent seemed to be stronger, yet there was no one there. Still that scent was so much like Chas and her own, yet different. A tear slipped down Van's cheek, "(vq) It can't be... I'm imagining things."

Damien was getting concerned. Aret did not hear Vannie following and after a moment she poked her head out of her hiding spot. She crept out and down the balcony until she came upon Vannie. She jumped up and gave her friend a hug, cheek touching Vannie's.

Van hugged Aret back, not quite hiding a sob. Her eyes sought out the chair where the scent was strongest. "It can't be, he died..."

Aret's happy turned to worry, arm around Vannie. She urged Van toward the stairs with a little purring sound meant to comfort her friend.

Van moved with Aret, shaking. "I have to tell Chas, Aret."

Aret's brows knit into a more confused look as if to ask, tell Chas what? Damien moved to the stairs as the girls were coming down. The nagging feeling having not left.

Van shook her head, "I thought I smelled someone familiar, but he's dead."

Aret purred a soothing sound and petted Vannie's arm. Damien drew both girls close as red eye turned to peer upward.

Remaining still as the words washed over him was by far one of the more difficult things Zacherye had ever done. But with the footsteps having moved away, he allowed himself the luxury of shifting slightly in the chair. The words still haunted him .. names .. thoughts .. was he really this close to his past? What danger would follow him if he allowed himself to be discovered?

"(vq) Who, Van?" The young man inquired gently. Damien held both girls protectively and brought them over to where their drinks waited.

Aret tucked herself into Damien's arms, moving with them to make sure that Vannie could be seated and get her lemonade.

Van looked at the red-head as she sat down, "Our eldest brother... but it can't be, he was killed." She took her lemonade into shaking hands.

That Vannie had another brother was news to Aret. She perked up, brows lifting to convey her question. Damien curled between both of the girls, this news was a surprise to him as well.

Aret darted to the counter to get some napkins in case Vannie spilled any of her lemonade. She skittered back and knelt down next to her friend. With her free hand, she petted Vannie's leg to encourage her to talk about this brother that she hadn't ever spoke of before.


Date: 2008-06-01 21:23 EST
"We... don't talk about that night. Chas protected me, while Zach drew off the monsters that killed our parents." She was shaking like a leaf.

Aret pursed her lips and looked up at Damien. They needed Mihaela. Mihaela would know what to do.

Sensitive hearing caught the words being spoken below, Zacherye's eyes closing once more. Either will or indecision kept him rooted to the chair he'd chosen so far up in the shadows of the second level.

Damien's eyes drifted up to the balcony and he frowned in thought. He held Van protectively. Aret mewed a little worried sound, hand resting lightly on Damien's arm. She didn't understand why he was getting all frowny. She was worried about her friend though.

He leaned down and murmured softly, "Maybe we should tell Mom and Mihaela about this incident." That he was considering involving his mother was vaguely worrying.

Vanessa also looked up at the balcony and bit her lip. "I must've been imagining things. He's dead, right?"

Aret brows went up higher and then she nodded in agreement. Best to get Vannie home and comfortable. Maybe then she could go back to having fun.

Damien nodded then, making up his mind, "I'll take you two home."

Aret gave a little smile and then moved to help Vannie stand up. She wasn't much in the mood to play herself but she was certain that once they got home, everything would be all right. Van nodded and stayed close to her friends as she stood. With an exercise of his power, Damien transported the girls to their home.


Date: 2008-06-07 20:27 EST
She sought out her older brother in his workshop . She knew she could go in and curl up in his big armchair. She was still unsure of what the scent she had discovered at the little store. She wanted answers.

They both refused to talk about that night. She remember being a happy child. She tried to block out the memories of that night. That scent brought back those memories.

She swiped at the tears that were coursing down her cheeks. She had been all of 8 years old that night. Intruders broke into their home and slaughtered their parents. She remembered Chas, then a 15 year old boy, trying to shield her. She remember the screams and the blood...

She remember their older brother drawing their attackers away. And then he was gone.

She curled up in her brothers chair and let the tears fall freely.

"(vq) Zach."

Chas Dionyx

Date: 2008-06-08 18:12 EST
He watched her slink in and claim the arm chair. Chas worried about his little sister on a daily basis but even more so now. He wanted to believe that Vannie had been subject to whatever the latest ailment was that was running rampant through RhyDin. He'd heard stories of people reliving fantasies and their worst nightmares right in broad daylight. That had to be what she'd encountered. It had to be.

He remembered that night all too well. He remembered hearing the sound of his brother screaming and then nothing. Just nothing. Chas had taken Vannie, stolen a car and driven until the car had run out of gas. Then he'd walked, carrying her when she'd finally fallen asleep from exhaustion. He lost track of how many different places he'd taken her in an effort to protect her. Chas always felt like something was looking over their shoulder. He'd been afraid to go to the police. Who would believe him? 'Hi, this vampire came in and killed my family' just didn't sound right and he couldn't have anyone take Vanessa away from him. They had to stay together at all costs. Somehow he managed it.

Months passed, then a year. Another. Things started to get better. Even though he was not much more than a boy himself, he managed to find odd jobs to put food on the table and buy blankets. They had to stay in shelters sometimes and when people started asking questions, Chas moved them. Nobody was going to hurt his sister. He made that promise to himself and had no idea how much it would be broken. Chas remembered being elated when he finally got a job that would be good enough to get them an actual apartment. Maybe he shouldn't have accepted the favor but the guy had seemed all right and their luck had been bad for so long, Chas was ready for some belief that it was time that things got better. Unfortunately, he learned a number of things the hard way - that maybe the guy was always looking for hard luck cases, that there were few who had a truly 'good' streak in them, or that the supernatural really did exist. It turned out to be one of his major mistakes and one that he couldn't ever fix. Chas was certain that Zach would not have made the same mistakes but Chas had to live with them and try his best to fix them.

Now, in his workroom, he saw the hurt all come washing back. He knelt down next to the chair and touched Vanessa's hair, stroking her gently in a comforting manner. "It's okay, Van. I'm here." He knew he wasn't enough. Not even Lucas was truly enough. Chas had only barely been enough since that night. Zach had always been the one to take care of both of them. Chas had never been ready to fill his brothers shoes even though he had done his best. After a moment he whispered, "I miss him too."