Topic: Matter's of The Future.....

Ileen McGowan

Date: 2013-08-21 19:35 EST
Jack and Ileen settled into a routine that bordered on the line of comical and maddening, all at the same time. They could easily have been one in the same if much attention was paid to it.

Thankfully, when they were sequestered outside of Rhydin, at the cabin, noone was paying attention.

While Ileen got fat with child, Jack got fat by observing.

While Ileen didn't natter so much, Jack couldn't shut up.

While Ileen didn't want attention, Jack was a hovering bear.

Finally, after a few weeks, enough was enough and she ran him off, back to his Pandora and his crew. Ileen would join him at some point.

But not before he sent a few men down to the warehouse to fetch some of the paperwork boxes for the red head, Patrick had been near anal in keeping. There was much to go over and much to ponder for the future. If they played their cards right, there may even be some hefty profit from both sides of the coin they deftly rolled between their finger's at now and again.

A Greedy Pirate.

A Business Minded Wench.

Put the two together....


Captain Jack Morgan

Date: 2013-09-26 12:36 EST
This whole knocked up thing was not what it was cracked up to be. The crew and their wives had filled Ileen's head full of things to calm her down, but in was a pain in the arse. the feet, the back, the head....the belly and her nerves. Not to mention it was sweltering hot, she was breaking out in bumps all over the place and her feet resembled over inflated rafts. Bugger. Just...bugger. And if one person quacked when she walked by, she would slit their sac and watch them bleed to death with great joy. It took forever, but finally her steps led her from dirt to cobbles, organized ledgers filling her arms and the docks ventured into. Such a bustle, she wondered a moment what day it was and it occured to her it was the first of the month. Which explained everything. Weaving as easily as she could, several of the Watch spiked a brow in her direction and talked amongst themselves for a moment before they separated into the throng. Whatever was in their caw was old news.

The men and their wives had been doing the same with Jack, as they had been filling his head with all the things that were to be expected during this time. He found it just as much of a pain in the arse as Ileen did, yet he had been holding to his word, and was staying by her side. Minus those moments she got him to head out for a time on the Pandora, which were times he both liked and at times not so much. As it gave them both some space to keep them from killing the other, which was like with everything between the two. Moments of wanting to shoot the other to moments of peace, which was the case now. Having just returned from a recent trip, with Jack making his way down the gangplank of the Pandora when he spotted the red headed woman making her way into town. "Ye boys be getting home to yer families." To the crew, who nodded and moved off leaving him to swagger his way up to the woman, as he took note of the ledgers in her hands. "'ello, love."

Breathing in the salt air, Ileen's footfalls ceased and she just stood there for a few minutes. How she missed being in the middle of things. Her heart ached a great deal because of it and was the main reason why she had stayed out at the cabin for so long. It was as if the lick of the sea was pulling at her veins and she was a hair away from allowing herself to be yanked away into it. Brought from her musings, she actually grinned all bright up to Jack and wiped her hands off along the breeks Ileen donned. "Well hello there, you handsome devil. I see you made it back in one piece, which only tells me it was a boring trip." The Pandora, while it was a blessing to see, the adjacent Sloop nearly made her heart skip a beat. Surely he wasn't letting her rot over there in the cove was he?

Oh how he knew how much she missed being out on the sea right along with him, and he did miss have her right there along with him. Yelling and screaming at the men to make sure that the lot were doing their jobs correctly, not to mention those nights out on the open sea when they had those moments alone. Even now he took the moment to look the wench over, as when he was home. He had no problems with using the Pandora to stay in a while, if just to give her that little piece of the sea while she was pregante. "Ye still be a lovely as the day I be meetin' ye." Flashing her that pirate smile of his, before looking out towards the sea for a moment. "Aye. It be a dull trip this time. Be having no leads on where there might be treasure to be finding." Another glance to her and followed her eyes towards the Sloop, as it bopped in the water still as new as the day it was rebuilt. "Soon, m'dear." Looking back to her.

Captain Jack Morgan

Date: 2013-09-26 12:42 EST
Crimson brows twitched up into her sweaty hairline and briefly, Ileen reached up to feel Jack's forehead. Surely he was with fever or some bug was eating his brain. Complementary? Sweet? Almost charming? Where was -her- Jack, the pompous smart arse incarnate that left a few days ago? "You've gone bat blind and you're boots are full of...." Allowing that to trail off, the grin broadened and for a brief moment, the world spun helplessly. She had taken to wearing his tunics as of late, they were at least comfortable if not expanding, though hot. If she could run around naked, she would in a heartbeat. "How long are you back for?" She had missed him, and not to sound utterly childish...she had missed him a lot.

Eyes narrowed at her when she pressed a hand to his forehead, thinking she was losing her own mind now during this pregnancy, with him swatting at her hand. "What be wrong with ye, ya nattering she devil?" And there he was. That pompus smart arsed devil that she knew and loved, as he kept those eyes narrowed at her for a moment longer. "Aye. I guess I do be blind as a bat.."Trailing off there when she smiled broadly at him, as he took note that she was wearing another of his tunics. Not that he needed to be told they were probably easier for her to wear. As for her running around naked? He'd be shooting anyone that looked at her. "I be in town for a while, till we be driving the other crazy." Pausing. "Be that crazier than normal." He had missed her a lot as well.

"Ahhh, thats better..." Tilting him up a lavish wink, she even clucked her tongue in that annoying way she had. Stepping out of the way of passerby, she pulled him along with her and was relieved at the shade offered there. Sliding onto a crate, she was staring at the ships and then up to him. "I was thinkin'....maybe we could spend a few days aboard, perhaps take her out for a leisurely sail one evening? We also need to spend some time at the warehouse. If you go over the books there,
Patrick had several constant buyers that will be coming up due in the next 60 days. We need to get them supplied and find the contracts as they weren't in the piles the crew brought me. Have you been over there? Maybe you saw them? With winter not too far off, the bairn will be here, you will be getting back about business and we need to make some decisions." It was as if a cork had been released from a bottle of Scotch, the way she was rambling without taking the first breath. "We need a cradle to be built, or maybe a drawer will do. We could put a quilt in it, or just have him sleep with us. I wonder if one of the wives would let us borrow their's. We also need to go to the Solicitor and talk to him about the legal bindings that were left in regard to the property the warehouse's sit on...."

"Nattering she devil." Grumbled at her as he narrowed his eyes at her for a moment at the wink, then the clicking of her tongue, knowing that she knew how much he hated when she done that. A step to the side out of the way of others, before moving to walk with her into the shade, with a turn to help her up onto that crate. "Aye. I be thinkin' that be a good idea. Ye been stuck here, while I be getting to have all of the fun." One point he wouldn't argue with her on, followed with a nod to her mentioning the warehouses. Part of their businesses that he left in her hands for the most part, as she had the far better mind for it than he did. "We can be taking care of that while I be here, and be taking that long to be waiting be fine with me. I be knowing how hard ye be working on everything that be dealing with the warehouses." Pausing there for a moment. "Don't be recalling seeing them. Be asking the crew to be helping out to look for them later." Blinking as she just seemed to be going about a mile a minute now. "We not be puttin' our child in a drawer, as we can be gettin' a cradle. Be it in town or from one of the crew's wives." Narrowing his eyes at her for a moment on that. "That be were ye be headin' now?" When she mentioned the Solicitor.

Captain Jack Morgan

Date: 2013-09-26 12:53 EST
"Aye, and if some harlot tart pops up impregnated by you from all of your wanderlust, I will shoot you in the eye." Said rather matter of factly, it may have been said on the fringes of a snicker, but he knew darn well she was serious. "Whenever would be convenient. I know you just got in, so it can wait. But I don't want to wait too awful long to get things in order. Kinda feels like I'm flying by the seat of my pants on this one. For all I know, we may end up selling it, but I want to make sure its legally mine as he claimed it was. Then we can do the deed in both of our names, with a clause in it for the child. Does that sound acceptable?" She had spent way too much time alone out at the cabin, her mind was going a mile a minute. "But after we are married, it won't matter, as its called community property and if something happens to us, the child is our next of kin and it would all go to him. The ships, the cabin, warehouses, all of it. Not that anything is going to happen, but for all we know, I could give birth and not live through it." Kinda blunt and out there, but true.

"Don't be thinkin' that ye need to be worryin' yer pretty little red head off about that, as ye be attackin' any tart that be lookin' at me." Knowing full well that she was serious, and even then he had to be himself and pop off with one of those smart arsed remarks. "We can be takin' care of it whenever ye be wantin' to do so. Though be gettin' it out of the way, be leavin' us more time to be havin' to ourselves." Pointing that out to her, before nodding lightly to her point that she needed to be sure that it was infact her's. "Maybe we should be takin' care of it now. That way we won't be bothered by any people that be tryin' to say that it be theirs." Now just staring at her for a moment, when she mentioned them getting married, as it got him to remember how nutty it made either one when that was mentioned, or even when kids were mentioned. Yet here they were utterly fine with the idea. "Aye. We need to be settin' that up as well. Be leavin' everythin' to our kid." The idea of not being around for her or their child was always on his mind. "Aye all that be soundin' acceptable." Though he frowned just enough to be seen to her saying that she could not make it through the delivery. "Don't be thinkin' like that."

"I'm just looking at all angles, Jack. I don't think it's going to happen, but it occurred to me that I need to think ahead and stop living for just this millisecond in time.We're bringing a complete innocent into this insane life of ours and it wouldn't be fair to him if he was not thought of in advance..." Was it possible that something maternal had appeared within our elusive Ileen? Possibly. Using his shoulder to pull herself up, she planted a solid, hard kiss on his lips and grinned before finding her feet solid on the ground. A groan and a burp attempted to be stifled, but her ribs were killing her and there was nowhere for it to go but out. "We should go if we're going to...I think his name was Starvus..."

"I be knowin' that ye be thinkin' and plannin' fer the future of our child, Ileen. Just not be somethin' that I be wantin' to be dwellin' on to much. That somethin' be happenin' to one of us, or both of us." Murmured to her as there was a flash of him actually thinking like father showed up in the smart arsed Jack. When her hands met his shoulders and lifted herself up for that hard kiss. His hands moved to her side as he returned it with one of his own, as he helped her down off the crate, with a rare smile saved for her showing. "Ye be gettin' like me with those." Teasing her to the burp, before he nodded. "Aye. We should be goin' and be gettin' this done." Shifting to link his arm with her own to let her lead the way.

Solicitor's were generally thought of as a Chief Officer of the law in court. However, there were many many times when they handled things of a business nature, documents, and the like, as it kept them busier than the court system's did. As Jack and Ileen made their way through the city of Rhydin, it was an area that they both avoided most of the time and here they were now, seeking it out. Every door had a gold plaque on it, bearing the name of the inhabitant. Row after row, alley after alley, the name Starvus didn't pop up. But, the name of Roland Starvee, did. "I think this be it, Jack...." Rocking on her heels, a once over was given the walk up before she glanced at the Pirate, amusement riddling her feature's. "Sure you don't want to wait outside?" He wouldn't dare elbow her, he might just get it back from a wee bairn.