Topic: Not So Little Talks

Ileen McGowan

Date: 2012-09-26 10:04 EST
Time spent in the early evening at the Inn. A bit of banter, a few chuckles and plans made with Thorn to spend an evening, maybe getting into a bit of a pickle....but the plans made nonetheless. A certain matter itching at the back of Ileen's mind, her and Jack had taken their leave.

"Well?" Ileen asked before the door even closed behind them. Steps leading in the familiar direction of the docks, but her gaze was up at him.

" Hmm? " Looking at her for a moment, as he swaggered along behind her. One brow quirking as they headed for the docks.

Turning to walk backwards and facing him, both brows spiked into her hairline. Obviously he didn't know what she was referring and she frowned. "Did you leave the harbor today?"

" I not be leaving the harbor. " Eyeing her for a moment. " And I already be knowing where the Sloop be hidden. " Swig of rum to hide a grin from her.

She stopped walking, chances are he would mow her over in the process. "What did you do to the Sloop?" Eyes narrowing, forgetting about the other for the moment.

Stepping around her. " I not be doing anything to the Sloop. " Side glance to her in passing, but still smiling at her.

"You're lying to me, Jack Morgan...." Here she was hoping he had chased down the Gale and now she was walking away from him and towards the trail that led through the woods, towards the opposite cove. "You always have that gleam in your eye when you're up to no good..."

He watch her a moment, as he moved to follow her. From a distance and not saying a word to her. With him ducking out of sight if she happened to look over her shoulder at him. He'd catch hell for this later when she found out he got her to lead him to the Sloop.

She did in fact look over her shoulder after a second set of footsteps could no longer be detected. Not seeing him, she stopped. "Jack, where are you?" There was no secret to where the sloop was, she just hadn't moved it yet. Getting no response from him, she ducked into the woods that ran alongside the waterline.

Like he was going to answer her. He was a pirate after all, so he continued to follow behind her. Keeping his distance for now, waiting till they reached the Sloop to say anything. With a smirk on his lips. " I be knowing if I be getting ye to think that I be doing something to her, that ye be inclined to be checking up on her. "

Just about to step into the water to wade out to the longboat secured there, she heard him and turned. "I just ain't moved her yet, did you think I was hiding her from you because of yesterday...?" She would address the rest of it, in a moment.

He shrugged his shoulders to that as he moved to follow her to the longboat to get it ready, before moving to climb in. " Sometimes I not be knowing what be going through yer head. " Pause. " What goes on in there be scaring me. " That just to get some type of reaction out of her.

"Thought you would know by now that when something we are going through is done and over, our fights, our issues, that when it's done its done. You expecting me to hold a grudge or whatever isn't going to solve anything, even though it might set you at ease. All it tells me, is that you don't trust me." She didn't move, not yet.

" I be knowing that, ye daft wench. " Now standing in the longboat at the moment. " And I be knowing that if ye be holding a grudge, that ye be doing worse than just hiding a ship. " Pointing that out to her, as he took one last swing of the rum. Then tossed the bottle overboard.

"Then what is it? Why the question?" Walking out to the longboat, she climbed in and took to rowing them out to the ship.

He moved to sit down so he didn't fall overboard. " Ye be the one that be asking the questions. " Blinking at her for a moment.


Ileen McGowan

Date: 2012-09-26 10:05 EST
"You said you knew I would come to check on her, meaning you didn't know where she was and once again, tricked me into coming out here. Then you just said you don't know what be going on in my head....make that two of us, I don't know what's going on in your head a lot of the time, but I have faith in all that may be. So now try to back yourself out of it this time...."

Tilting his head for a moment at her. " Maybe I just be wanted to be alone with ye, away from all the people in town. She be in a good hidden spot, where we can be all alone." Pointing that out to her. " And I just be wondering why ye be moving her is all. "

Ileen stopped rowing and just looked at him. "Then why didn't you just say that? I wonder at times, why we are never alone anymore, we are always surrounded from dawn till night and then we are too exhausted to even think about each other." A huge admission there, the longboat just floated for now. "I moved her because my first thought yesterday, after everything happened, my first thought was to just leave....I still haven't faced the crew."

He nodded lightly to that. " Because I be a pirate. Doing things the normal way not be my style. " Pointing that out to her, then another nod. " Then as soon as ye can, ye need to be facing them. "

"Fine, I respect that and embrace it, but every now and then, to know you want to spend sometime alone with me, just might squash the thought that at times you cant stand to be around me. It's why I don't bid for your attention."

Winking at her now. " Then that be something we need to be fixing. Ye have been getting a wee bit tightly wound. "

"Would you like to know why?" The oars allowed to rest at the side of the longboat.

Head tilting at her. " Aye. Why ye be wound tighter than a hooker's corset? " He had such a way with words. Didn't he?"

"Because you are learning me inside and out. Every nook and crevice you are learning. You don't even remotely give me that insight to you...I watch you struggle someday's, I watch you sink into yourself, I watch you scowl and not tell me what is troubling you or on your mind, no matter how hard I try to coax you. We are closer than close, but I am left so far on the outside of you, at times I wonder which way to even turn. If we are living this life together and have the want to get married, shouldn't it be mutual?" At any other time, the corset comment would have had her falling out of the boat laughing, but at this moment, it didn't.

He remained quiet as he listened to her. " Ileen. I be a pirate most of me life, I be used to be keeping people at a distance. Even me crew don't be knowing every little tic about me. " His tone softer now. " Just be watching how I be acting, it be a key to be what be going through me mind. " A tap of his temple there.

"You couldn't just come right out and tell me you were pissed or upset that I had not come home the other night. It turned into a complete mess that could have been avoided. I will not deny that if I had said something, it could have been avoided from the get go, I take the blame for the entire thing, close off to me. I am not your crew Jack, I am supposed to be your intended....there is a difference..."

He nodded lightly to that. " I be trying to be letting ye in, just don't be rushing me. " Murmured to her. " And that be both of our faults. Ye for being stubborn, and me fore going overboard with me reaction. "


Ileen McGowan

Date: 2012-09-26 10:06 EST
"I had to put myself in your shoes and I would have reacted a totally different way. I admit that. I would have exploded on you for not coming home. But then I questioned my right to do so and realized, we both have that right. I know we get busy, I know things go all counter clockwise, but I need to spend time with you, just me and you." That nearly whispered, it was painful but it was there.

" If the roles be reversed. We both be knowing that ye would of been yelling and screaming. " A pause there for a moment. " And not in the way I be enjoying it. " Flashing her that pirate smirk of his. " But we be moving past that now, and we do be needing some time away just fer ourselves. " Murmured in agreement.

A tilt of her head and she smiled. "There is intimacy to every relationship such as our's. Secrets and dreams that are only shared between us, I hold onto that. I hold onto the fact that you know me better than anyone. That is security to me, much like you being the only person I trust....entirely trust. It's your's, Jack...."

Rising, maybe like a fool, she was trying to lean over and kiss him, but it all went wrong and even though her footing was light, it tipped the balance and the longboat instantly went topsy turvy with a splash.

He smiled back at her, and was going to kiss her back. That was until her lack of balance came into play, causing them both to get dumped into the water. Getting a few choice words to come out of his mouth once he surfaced again. " I be knowing that ye be head over heels for me, but ye don't need to be proving it. "

Spewing in a stream of water, she was grumbling but did chuckle as she attempted to re right the damned thing. "You like it when I prove get sadistic pleasure in it..." On second thought, she let the side go and ducked beneath again in a route towards him.

" Aye, because ye usually be making a fool of just yerself!" Before he moved to swim towards the shore. With no clue that she was trying to attack him from under the water.

Snagsnatchgrab! Ileen was soon a soaked adornment from his back and clinging via arms and legs around him. "You won't melt! Get back in here! Or I will kidnap you out to the cabin and keep you there the next two days....and never move the Sloop!"

Down under the water he went with her added weight, before breaking the surface of the water again. " Ya daft woman. Ye be trying to drown me. " Over his shoulder at her. " And if ye be wanting to be going for a swim, all ye be needing to do was be saying so. "

"I can't drown you until you've left me well off, daft sot yourself...!" Letting him go, she sunk down beneath and popped back up a moment later. "No, I want you to tell me what Jack want's." Leaning up and over the longboat, the anchor was pulled and dropped.

" And here I be thinking that ye be wanting me fer other things. " Huffed at her as he moved now to climb out of the water, mostly to make sure he didn't lose anything. And after a quick pat down, nothing was lost. " And I don't know what I be wanting right now. " Just to tease her.

"Who said that would stop if you were dead?" Hoping for shock value, dead pan serious.

He looked at her on that one. " Ye be wanting me even if I be dead? Ye be a weird one. " Blinking at her.

"True love and all that...." A shrug and she glanced for the ship, least no one had looted her yet. She supposed she should move it later or tomorrow. Swimming towards the shore, she pulled herself out and sat down there, mud and all.

Smirking at her as he moved to sit down on a fallen tree that was there. He was already wet, he really didn't want to get all muddy too. " Aye. Ye be pinning fer me at my grave. " Side glance to her.


Ileen McGowan

Date: 2012-09-26 10:07 EST
"I implied I would still have sex with you, not that I would pine after you..." Correcting him, she flashed him a grin. "I'm not moving one inch, till you tell me what you want....."

" Ye be doing both. " Smirking still at her, then a tilt of his head. " Immortal Captain Jack Morgan. " See what Ileen did? She gave the pirate something to think about.

"Think you would enjoy living an immortal life without me?" He asked for it.

Side glance to her on that one. " Ye'd be my nattering little Calypso. " As did she.

"Who is Calypso? Cheating on me already?! Christ, Jack!" Shooting him a look, a good long one.

" I not be cheating on ye! " Narrowing his eyes at her. " And she just be a legend on the seas, a goddess of the sea. " Wave of hand.

"Her?! She's a voodoo priestess, not a goddess!" Flinging mud in his direction. "Least get your trollops right! Might as well just be your Mona!"

He ducked out of the way of the mud. " You be my Mona! " Shot back at her. " And ye be both! Me trollop and me nattering she devil of a voodoo priestess wench. " She really needed to stop giving him names to call her.

"I really need to find some male to call you...." Rising, she stepped back into the water to get the mud off, well sorta as it really didn't help. "For some reason, knave sot arrogant prig pirate pig, just doesn't fit the bill anymore..." Amused, highly.

He chuckled to that as he slowly moved to his feet, to slip up behind her while she was distracted. Aiming to shove both hands against her back, to send her staggering into the water. Payback for her dumping him in the water earlier.

One of these days, he was going to learn a thing or twelve. She knew damned well he was not coming up behind her to hug her, no that would be too sweet of him. Ileen simply stepped to the side and whatever unfolded, served him right. "Jack, one of these days, you are going to actually do something without trying to trip me up....if we ever have a child and you teach them this, I will never part my thighs for you again."

He barely managed to catch his balance, before looking over his shoulder to her. " Got to be keeping ye on your toes. " Winking at her as he turned to face her. " And if ye ever be with child? I be on the seas. " Moving to head back the way they came. " But I not be teaching them any of me bad habits. " A hint that if they had children, they wouldn't be exposed to their way of life if he could help it.

"Are you saying if I get pregnant or have a child, you will not be present? What kinda sense is that, Jack?" Peeling her blouse from her frame, she was ringing the water out of it. "I sure as hell won't raise a child on this land or in this realm."

He looked over his shoulder. " I be present, ye daft wench. Just be saying that I still be heading out to sea. " He did have a love for it. " Ye be coming? " Slowing to a stop now.

"Ain't a thing wrong with raising a child aboard. Aye, I'm coming..." Shaking it out, it was slipped back on and at least not so cold.

" True. but I not be risking the life of our child or children if we ever have any. " She'd catch a hint of his father there if she listened close enough.

"Then I guess we should start considering it, I suppose the cabin will be fine, least during the spring." Walking around him, she was squishing as she did so and included. "You're gonna be a poppy in about 8 month's..." And kept right on walking, but towards the cabin.


Ileen McGowan

Date: 2012-09-26 10:09 EST
He came to a dead stop as he watched her squishing off ahead of him. Give him a moment for that to reach his brain. " What?!" There we go as he started to stalk after her. " What the bloody hell ye be meaning?! "

"Generally when someone says you're going to be a poppy, it be meaning that someone is knocked up and you're the father..." Explaining it out to him, slowly.

" I be knowing that!" Stalking right up to her and spun her around to face him. " I thought ye be telling me that ye not being able to be knocked up?"

A shrug given. "I guess it wore off, won't need to worry about it, you'll be out to sea so what difference it be making?" Looking up to him, her eyes were kinda wide.

He narrowed his eyes at her. " Ye not be trying to be tricking me are ye? "

"I wasn't drunk the other morning..." Pointedly, arms crossing over her chest.

And now he just stared at her, blinking.

Ileen turned and kept on walking, a duck here and there until she reached the path to the cabin. "You coming?"

" Aye. " After a few moments as he turned to follow behind her. Letting that idea play in his mind.

Once on the path, she waited until he was right there and in front of her. "If you want to avoid heart failure in the future....don't be a horses ass and trick me...." A sweet smile, a whirl on a squishy heel and she closed the distance to the cabin porch with a whistle. "I ain't pregnant yet, when I am, you will know, Captain..."

He came to a dead stop again, and narrowed his eyes at her. " That be evil. " Muttered as he stalked after her, giving her rear a much needed smack across it. Before he moved by her to head into the cabin, then off to the bedroom to change out of the wet clothing.

"You said I was evil....there you have it..." Closing the door behind them, she left her boots outside and went into the kitchen to light the stove.

"That's not to say that I don't want to have your child Jack. I've thought about it, and generally it's not something I ever wanted, so it's your fault really. But aye, in the future, I have made up my mind....of course it would be our decision together but I can see it happening. A wee lil lass, with my hair and your smile..." It was sublime if given a chance to be thought on.

" If we be having a little you running around. I be hiding on me ship. " From the bedroom as he changed out of his wet clothes, before moving to set his boots outside to let them dry out. He then moved towards the kitchen and leaned in the doorway. " Now if we be having a little me? That be alright. "


Ileen McGowan

Date: 2012-09-26 10:10 EST
Turning, there had been meat in the cold box that was still good and she was frying it up for him. Leaning there, she smiled a touch. "We have a little me, you would locking her in the brig until she was grown." Reaching behind, her she scooted the slab over a hair and added onions. "Don't deny it, Jack....a part of you is smiling at the thought, regardless of lass or lad..."

Narrowing of his eyes. " She be locked up till she be too old to be doing anything. " Crossing his arms now. " And if we be having a boy. Ye be doing the same thing. " Nope. He wasn't going to admit that she was right as he moved to sit at the kitchen table.

A smile to herself, she finished up and had his dinner on a plate a few minutes later, to be set in front of him with a glass of water and hard bread she had gotten a couple of days before in town. Sitting in front of him, she was content with her overripe peach. A lean there across to the counter to pull the napkins over to the table.

He eyed her for a moment, before he slowly started to eat. Still not going to admit that she was right or wrong. She'd never stop calling him Daddy Jack. In public no less, so he just remained silent as he ate the dinner she made.

If he thought her to do that, they had no business being together. It was a pity she didn't read minds, a pity indeed. Working the peach off the pit, it was set to the side and she murmured around it as she chewed. "I'm gonna move the ship back to the Pandora in the morning and pick up something's for out here, then stay out here a couple of days."

He nodded lightly to that. " I be helping ye to move her back, and if we ever be having kids. I be there for them and fer ye. " Looking to her as he moved to take his plate to the sink, once he had finished eating.

"If by chance, I did get pregnant Jack, at least right now....I know its not something you want....I wouldn't strap you into anything...." Another piece of the peach eaten, she was talking quietly and just letting him talk.

Side glance to her on that. " I not be running away, ye daft hard headed woman. " His tone a finalization on that.

"Jack, I am not saying you would. Run away. But its not something that can happen unless it's wanted, by us both. I hear of women getting pregnant and it not being something the male wants, almost likes it done to spite people. I can't wrap my brain around that on any level. If we, as in us both decide to have a child, we will both decide I stop taking the herb. Hell, it may even be a moot point, who knows if I can even get pregnant..."

He nodded lightly to that. " As long as ye be knowing that I not be taking the coward's way out. " Murmured to her as he turned to head for the bedroom. " And if we do be having a kid. I be hoping that they be turning out better than the both of us. "


Ileen McGowan

Date: 2012-09-26 10:11 EST
A slow tilt of her head, her gaze upon him was so very gentle. "I don't know, love....I think we are good people. Regardless of public opinion, you are a good man and I am good woman. We have the best of intentions, above everything and I personally think you would be a wonderful father." Softly spoken as he left her, she knew it was something he struggled with and rose to do the couple of dishes.

" I be knowing that, but I be saying that they be doing another line of work than what we be doing. " Leaving her to wash the dishes as he moved to the bedroom. Stretching out on the bed as he waited for her to come join him.

Wiping her hands off, she heard him but finished up and walked into the bedroom before responding to it. "If it was a little girl, aye...if it was a boy....he would wish to be like his poppy, but that doesn't mean he would be a pirate, he could be many things and be like you..." Tugging her hair down from the messy tail, she pulled her wet clothes off to don one of his shirts and sat in the center of the bed.

Looking to her on that. " If we be having a little girl, than she'd want to be like ye. " Smirking at her for a moment. " Besides. Either way they be loved. " That's all that really mattered to him in the end. He wasn't going to say that to the wench. Not yet.

"There is much a child can learn from you, Jack....there is very little one could learn from me,is what you are not saying, that would not be illegal or pertain to a ship or the sea. Any daughter of mine, will do none of that...." Just stating a fact. Crawling beneath the blankets, she curled the pillow up.

He shifted to slip under the covers. " There be more to be learning from ye than ye be giving yerself credit for. " Side glance to her. " Ye could be teaching our daughter how not to be a nattering wench. " Smiling at her in his own way. She walked in to that one.

"Could also teach her to not fall in love with any male that is gorgeous and has a nice swagger..." A devilish wink for him, she finally shrugged.

"As long as they are raised with honesty and acceptance of all they are, all they could be and know they could always turn to us as we love them more than anyone possibly could, they would turn out just fine.." The latter whispered. "Knave."

He nodded lightly to her words, as he shifted to relax on the bed. Before drawing her in to rest against him, before his eyes started to drift close. " Wench. " Murmured softly.

"I won't leave in the morning till you're up, so we can move the ship back over..." Curled up nearly atop him, the moment her eyes closed, she was already drifting.

" That be working for me. " Murmured back to her before he slowly drifted off to sleep.