Topic: Then There Were Three

Ileen McGowan

Date: 2013-12-02 15:04 EST
The remaining term of Ileen's pregnancy had been somewhat uneventful by all account's. The bigger she had gotten, the more wonder and excitement seemed to float not only through the families but also the crews as a whole.

The bulge at her belly, resembled a well placed cannon ball and she looked rather humorous, as she was ALL baby. It was possible to see the little one moving when she was standing up and she earned many a guffaws, as her face would twist from the discomfort of a little elbow or a foot giving her a swift kick in the rib's.

Jack, during this time was endearing and comical all at the same time. It was often he walked with her, not allowing her to get too far out of sight, but he also blinked and tilted his head curiously as he would watch the bairn shifting beneath the skin of her stomach.

The way she walked was no longer a sashaying swagger, no it now resembled a duck walk and it was often, that she would get -quacked- at by Jack, when she meandered by. He earned the Wench Glare ten times over, not to mention the usual spar of word's between them. It was a short lived thing from the knave on teasing her about it, and shot a look to any that happened to do so in his presence.

It was in the middle of the night, they had been at the cabin now for week's. At least Ileen had been. Jack came and went, more times there, than not. But, it was in the middle of the night nonetheless, she was unable to sleep and had gotten up to walk the charlie horses out of her calves.

Ileen didn't make it far when she screamed and sobbed. "WAKE THE HELL UP, JACK!" Her nightdress hiked up around her hips, there was a puddle of water and blood at her feet. "JACK!"

Jack did wake up, with a start and a loaded flintlock in his hand pointing this way and that, before it was tossed on the nightstand and he scrambled to reach Ileen.

To make a ridiculously long story, short....

The child was born....

A little lass......

She was rightfully named, Jaclyn Bridget McGowan-Morgan, born October 01.

Ileen McGowan

Date: 2014-01-23 20:28 EST
Settling into life after Jaclyn was born, had turned into something, not too short of chaotic. It was a whirlwind to say the least. A blessed whirlwind. To say, Ileen had fallen in love with their daughter, was a perverse understatement. Bridget would be proud, as her psychotic twin had become a rather maternal individual.

Neddy and the wives' of the crew spent most days out at the cabin the first couple of week's, but after that....Jack and Ileen were on their own.

They developed a routine, as would be expected. The little red head thrived, grew and managed to wrap her Daddy around her little finger before she ever truly saw the world. He doted on her adoringly. It seemed to be common place for him to bathe her, change her and make her smile in that toothless way she had.

Jack built Jaclyn a beautiful crib, intricate in design and the darkest of oak and it was not long before she was trying to find her knees and rock herself.

Nights were often spent through the winter, the three of them curled up together, snuggled as tight could be. But there were some nights, father and child would be sound asleep and Ileen would be awake, staring at them in wonder. Many tears were shed, both happy and a bit sad. They had come so far and those having passed, were not able to witness it all first hand.

While her spiritual side knew they were there, she would have given anything to have something tangible, in acknowledgement, not only from her sister, but Jack's parent's as well. After everything was so against them....they were a family.

That did not mean demeanor's and personalities had changed. Jaclyn had learned to sleep through their bickering or go about sucking on her finger's as she stared between her parent's. A door would be slammed, a growl would be heard, but in the passed and the new day was greeted.

Ileen, made it known, come spring, she would be back aboard. Back to her passion and would intertwine motherhood right into it, by taking Jaclyn along. She would not miss a beat.

Jack of course, had other thoughts, other opinions and they weren't always taken so well.

Ileen would win. Hand's down.