Topic: Yule Celebrations

Captain Jack Morgan

Date: 2012-12-12 10:59 EST
Ileen watched Jack as he approached The Pandora and for the first time in a couple of weeks, she felt herself relaxing. While the two always seemed to be skirting the edges of blasphemy and forever picking at one another, there was a side that was generally only seen by themselves and the crew. This was one of those times.

Catching her line of sight, Roth gave Ileen a pat on the shoulder and mumbled. "Where do you want these lanterns, Captain?" Slow in response, the wench swallowed and glanced heavenwards. "Have the men string them along the rigging lines and at the edges of the masts. Make sure you judge the distance between so they don't interfere with the opening of the sails, in case we have to pull anchor post haste."

Roth nodded and gave the same shoulder a squeeze. "Don't tell him I said this, but he seems kinda lost and out of sorts when you ain't around." Drawing in a haggard breath, Ileen swiveled her gaze to him and could only stare for a long moment, before she walked away nearby and resumed pilfering through the crate of Chinese lantern's. "It's time to get things back to our normal, Roth. I ain't going anywhere, lest he wants me gone." It was true. Ileen had tried to walk away and not look back. She couldn't. Not this time.

By the time the day was over, the ships main deck was absolutely gorgeous with a fandango of color and flickering lights byway of dulcet flames. Several of the crew were assigned to keep an eye on that solely, it would do no good for the vessel to go up in flames.

A large Yule fern donning the starboard deck, in that moment, the crew seemed nearly childlike in their excitement and joy to be at the start of much celebration. One of the wives showed up with her arms laden in mistletoe, which was hung precariously here and there.

The numerous women had already had a meeting of sorts, to discuss the food and spirits that would be prepared over the coming days. A joint effort to make this a time to remember and form memories that would last a lifetime.

Jack swaggered towards the Pandora, with a slight head tilt to seeing Ileen and the crew on the deck. Getting the ship ready for the coming Yule celebrations. Which got a light but genuine smile to cross his lips, as he moved up the gangplank.

He missed the conversation between Ileen and Roth, as he nodded to both, with a lingering look on Ileen for a moment. It was true that they have had their ups and down with each other, yet every time it seemed that they were close to drifting apart. The two would always fix things and come back together.

Neither one could walk away from the other, nor did they want to walk away from the other. After a moment or two, he moved right along with the crew. Helping to get the ship ready for the Yule holidays, while leaving it up to the wives of the crew to pick and plan what they would be eating.

The unfolding days of Yule had begun.

Captain Jack Morgan

Date: 2012-12-26 11:24 EST
It had been a few days since the crew had decorated the two ships for the Yule holidays. With Jack and Ileen going between the cabin and the two ships. As well as stopping by Neddy's to keep the work up on her home, not to mention helping to decorate her place as well. At the moment, Jack would be on the Pandora, sitting at his desk in the cabin there. There wasn't much to really do at the moment, but he still found his way there. Plotting as he normally does.

Ileen had left before dawn, much like she did a lot of the time. When she returned, her arms were laden with brown paper wrapped packages and every few steps she had to stop to pick one or two up as they dropped to the ground. Finally, with God willing, she made beyond the cabin door and uploaded her arms onto their bed. "Why am I not shocked, Jack that you are in the same exact place you were when I left?" Tugging the coat off, it was tossed as well and she peered over at his desk. "What are you doing?"

He looked over to Ileen when she came in, with a brow rising to the arm full of wrapped packages in her arms. "That be because ye be knowing that there always be something going on in me mind." Leaning back a touch in the chair he was sitting in. "And I be thinking that instead of be having the Yule celebrations here. That we be seeing if Neddy be willing to be having it at her home." Lift of a hand to cut her off for a moment. "I be knowing that the crew be putting a lot of work into decorating the ships, but if ye be thinking about it. We be all that Neddy be having." Blasted wench. It's all her fault.

Perching herself on the edge of the desk, her legs were crossed injun style and she contemplated. "Do you think she would feel better at home at her house as opposed to here? We could yanno, spend the Eve at her house and bring her back here for the actual day. We could let her use the cabin..." Meaning their's. "And we could bunk over on the Sloop if we move somethings around." Or they could celebrate both days at Neddy's, but she would let him come up with that.

"I be thinking that she just might be feeling better at her home." A light nod to that, as he kept his eyes on her as she moved to sit on the edge of the desk. "But we should be asking her if that be alright with her first, before we just be showing up." He then moved to his feet and rounded the desk to stand in front of her. "I be fine with her be using the cabin. We could always be staying here."

"Aye, agreed. We will ask her." Reaching up, Ileen toyed with a button along his shirt and glanced up to him. "I'm proud of you." Not elaborating, it just was out there. Sliding from the desk, she closed the distance to the bed and started pulling the string loose along the previously discarded. "I had some tunics made for you. That woman seamstress, Annie I think her name is, she was running a sale for the winter." That would explain why two of his shirts had vanished several weeks ago.

He looked down at her toying with the button of his shirt. "That be the first time ye be saying that." Trying to tease her with that as he turned to take up a lean against the desk. Head tilting as he watched her for a moment. "Aye. I be knowing her. She usually be the one that the crew be going to, to be buying their clothes." As for his missing shirts. He just figured Ileen stole them to wear when he wasn't around.

"First time saying it, not the first time thinking it." A shrug as she laid the shirts out there on the bed. One was jet black and thick in wool for the winter, another in red and thinner, while a third was a deep cobalt blue and felt that of almost silk, but thicker. "I've been proud of you since the day we met. Just don't let it go to your head, it's already big enough. These should fit, if they don't, blame her. Your other's were becoming a bit thread bare." Turning, she held one up to him.

"That be a long time to be thinking about little ole me." Winking at her, before he looked to the three shirts, as he pushed off the desk to swagger up to her. Looking the shirts over, then back to her. "I be trying them on later." Leaning forward with a light kiss to the tip of her nose. "There be anything that ye might be liking to have for Yule?"

"I have everything I need already, Jack. Everything I could ever possibly need." A gentle smile there, she reached up to smooth his brow and her own furrowed just barely. "If there was one thing, beyond imagination, that you could be given for Yule. What would your wish be?" She was very serious and it was clearly apparent.

He nodded lightly to her answer, with a smile crossing his lips when she gentle touched his brow. Only to cross his arms as he started to pace. "If there be one thing that I be wanting for Yule?" Making it look like he was given it some serious thought. Nevermind that he was putting some distance between them, as he finally settled in a lean against his desk again, before he shrugged lightly. "I don't be needing anything more than I already be having, Ileen." Tilting his head at her.

Keenly aware of the distance now between them, Ileen nodded perhaps too quickly and turned to fold the shirts, all the while sinking her teeth into the corner of her lip. "You say that, but I don't believe you feel that. I believe there is something, but for whatever reason you hesitate to speak it, perhaps in fear of seeming selfish?"

He lightly shook his head. "Ileen. There be nothing more that I be wanting than what I be having with ye right now." Shaking a finger at her. "Or do it be surprising to be hearing a known knave of a sotting pirate to be saying something like that?"

"Not surprising, Jack, but I do know that you don't often think of yourself or allow certain things to be known." Turning to sink herself onto the bed, she was holding a smaller package between her hands and rolling it slightly. "I'll speak to Neddy later today, I promised her I would take some bread out to her to go with her stew. She insists you be present as it's the first time she's fired up the woodstove since she opened the house back up."

"It be keeping people guessing to what I be doing next." Pointing that out to her as he looked to the package she was toying with. "But I be honest in what I be saying. There be nothing that I be wanting, but ye." Then just to see if he could get a growl out of her. "Well maybe for ye not to be such a nattering she devil most of the time, but that be part of yer charm."

"Well, that will not be changing anytime soon, so you best just realize it's part of the ball and chain, as much a part of my charm." Spiking a glance of green's up to him, they held a long and amusing moment before she sucked in a breath and the flurry of words to follow would be hard to keep up with. "I was walking by the butcher shop earlier and for the life of me, I couldn't help but go inside. Jack, I was drooling over the roasts and the steaks, they were all so bloody but so incredibly inviting."

"That I be knowing, and it probably be getting worse as ye be getting older." Flashing her that pirate smirk of his, before his brows rose to her latter comment. "There be some in there ye be thinking about wanting to be getting?" Luckly for him. He was able to keep up with her bouts of saying things rather fast.

It was a well known fact that Ileen loathed red meat, so much so, there were times when just the sight of it made her vomit. Another bite of her lip given, she then blew her cheeks out and cleared her throat. The package in her hand lifted, it was given a motion and the inside gave off a muted rattling sound. Leaning forward, she rested it down onto his desk and rose to face him fully. "The evening Patrick pulled what he did, remember? We were minding our business, sitting on the porch talking?"

He watched her carefully as he knew that she normally hated eatting any type of meat, before tilting his head slightly to her mentioning that night. "Aye. " He nodded lightly as he continued to watch her.

Dear Christ, he was going to throw her physically from the ship, she wouldn't blame him. "The next day, I was set to go to the herbalist as I do every three months. I neglected to go, in truth, with everything going on, it slipped my mind. Then we didn't see each other for several days, I got so wrapped up in what was going on, it just didn't occur to me." Looking away from him, when she looked back, she was frowning so very deeply, to an almost marring point and just blurted it out. "I'm pregnant, Jack."

He was nodding along as she spoke, before those three words left her mouth. And he just stared at her for the longest moment, well it wasn't that long. But it was sure to seem like it as his mind had to process that information. " Ye be sure?"

"Aye, I am very sure." Cringing beyond belief, after she had spit it out, she was on the move for the cabin door and speaking what could only be called jibberish. "I know how you feel about it, we both agreed, I will take care of it. I shouldn't have told you, I am guessing." Her voice shaky, she sounded like a blathering idiot. The small package snagged up as she went by, she was gripping it near white knuckled.

But before she could get to far. One hand came up and caught her by the arm. "Then we just be needing to be seeing if we can be turning one of the rooms at the cabin, in to a nursery for the wee one." Oh bloody hell. Ileen might just faint now. "Ye not be doing anything it."

What?! Ileen stared up at him, absolutely dumbfounded and promptly burst into tear's. She didn't faint, but she was not certain she had heard him correctly. "You aren't angry?"

He shook his head at her, as he turned to hug the wench. With one hand moving along her spine, with the other stroking her hair. "There not be anything to be angry about, love. We already be having this talk a few times before, and we both said that if it be happening, that we both be willing to be dealing with it." Murmured to her. "Just be another path that we be walking together. Savy?"

"Savvy." Whispered, she leaned up and kissed him dead on the mouth, pretty hard in fact before she finally let a breath of relief rush free. Then she promptly changed the subject for some reason. In truth, she didn't even know what to think about it and had avoided what she had known. "We should have Roth and a couple of the men haul the kegs of ale and crates of liquor out to Neddy's."

He kissed her back as he let the moment linger between them, till she pulled back. With a smile casted down at her. "Alright. We should be heading that way to be letting Neddy be knowing the news."

Ileen stopped and turned. "We should tell people? Isn't there some old wives tale about making the announcement putting a bad luck hex on the child?" Taking the moment to allow this to sink in, she had not been expecting Jack to react like he was. Just the simple knowledge that she was carrying his child, brought the most fiery of blushes at the moment across her features and she swallowed the peach pit sized lump in her throat. "Is it safe to say it aloud?"

He tilted his head lightly on that. "Neddy be family, ye nattering wench. I be thinking that it be safe to be telling her, and maybe the crew. They be knowing how to be keeping things secret if they be asked." Leaning back to tap her nose a few times. "Unless ye not be wanting to be telling people, but Neddy might be a bit off in the head. But she still be a mother and she be able to be telling that ye be with a wee one."

Ileen McGowan

Date: 2012-12-27 16:57 EST
The move of their Yule Celebration out to Neddy's property had turned into a God-send. The old woman was the happiest Ileen had ever seen her, to be surrounded by those that had come to know and love her, while pulling her into the fold of their own nutty family unit.

The children of the crew were able to run free without there being fear of them toppling overboard. They were also able to make snowmen and have cut throat snowball fights, that made the scurviest, raise a brow.

Food and spirit's a constant flow, even the wives of some of the men had given Ileen some cooking pointers after her biscuits turned out like flame broiled hockey pucks. All in all, it was well received and chocked it up the only way she knew how. "Well, if I wasn't so busy doing a man's job, then maybe I woulda learned how to cook long ago." That of course was said on the fringes of a charming grin and she was given several glares.

The receiving of Jack and Ileen's news was something neither of them could have ever expected. There were of course the joyful tears of Neddy, but the men and their families shared in the same glorious feeling.

Aye, there was much chiding and joking, but was happiness. "Jack? A poppy?! REALLY?!" Seeming to be the general consensus, it was more times than not followed by...."ILEEN?!! NO!" All in which left the couple, standing there, looking out of sorts and rather odded.

"Well, guess we won't be seein' moo'ch o' y' aboard, for awhile, eh Cappy?" The question rising from Jeremy, Ileen turned her attention to him and retorted. "Ain't a thing going to change, lad. Things will go along just as they have." To which a wave of silence rose and a few glances were given Jack.

Captain Jack Morgan

Date: 2012-12-31 11:59 EST
Jack watched as the crew and their families, as well as Neddy seemed to be happier to be at the old woman's home for the Yule Celebrations. As each family had gotten her a gift, even Jack and Ileen got her something. Even though she told them that they didn't have to. " Ye be family Neddy, and we be taking care of family." Was all that Jack said, which brightened Neddy even more.

When the knave of a pirate seen the wives of some of the crew trying to teach Ileen to cook. Jack couldn't hide the grin at the sight, as well as the laugh that broke free upon hearing Ileen's quip about doing a man's job.

"Just be waiting till she be round with child! Then she'll be nattering about having to be doing what ye women have to put up with!" Confirming that Jack was going to be a poppy, as he moved towards the group. "Aye lads. I be going to be a poppy, and Ileen be a momma."

At the glances from the crew at Ileen's comment. The knave pirate just shrugged lightly. "That be her wish, and don't ye be worrying to much about it. When it be getting close to time fer her to pop." He didn't need to say anything more than that, as the crew caught his meaning.