Topic: The NEDstream: Guest Nomination Guidelines

Talkinghead Ned

Date: 2012-02-04 16:16 EST
Nomination Guidelines from NED:

The NEDstream features in-depth, up-close and intimate interviews with the most interesting beings in the multi-mega-universe, recorded monthly before a LIVE audience right here in Stars End and broadcast throughout the Nexus Newstream family of broadcast channels and comm links. You can help us decide who we want you to hear about by nominating your top picks for guests on the show.

Make your nominations by submitting the name (And DM SN) of the person(s) you are nominating, along with a short description of why you think I would be interested in interviewing them for your viewing pleasure.

Also, watch the feeds for more information about upcoming live sessions of The NEDstream and how you can be a lucky part of the studio audience.