Topic: A brief return.

Sylus Kurgen

Date: 2007-10-08 13:55 EST
The cold rain fell in sheets of lead as the cloaked figure moved through the streets of Rhydin. Breath like a fog rolled from the dark hollows of the hood, that being the only indicatoin that it was a living creature. Boots caked with mud he came to a stop just outside of a pair of ivory gates and looked up at an ancient home. Her home.

Gloved hands gingerly remove a small figurine from the pocket of his vest beneath the cloak and hold it up to the moonlight as once more a flash of memory fills his mind.

"I have to know."

Holding the figurine firmly in his palm, the cloaked figure sent its thoughts over the distance to that sleeping monstrocity.

"I'll do your favor."