Topic: A Day with Dean

Sadie Jenkins

Date: 2006-11-10 14:06 EST
She had won the auction for Dean, her boss. Now the two have a long history. They are cordial to each other, even friendly at times. But there's a long history of practical jokes and pranks between the two as well. Like the time she put Vaseline on the door knob to his art room. Or the time he put the green hair dye in the shower head at the Deli. Yea, good times.

So the look on her boss' face was absolutely priceless when he heard who had bid and won the bid. The plan she had for him was going to go so well, because it was fool proof!

Dressed in her work uniform when she showed up at Dean and Rosie's place, she knocks on the door and waits. Her grin has never been wider, or more wicked.

Dean Santiago

Date: 2006-11-13 11:10 EST
With Rosie still in the bed taking it easy, and it being the weekend, which meant everyone was at their own homes, that meant Dean was attempting to cook. Cook?! Yes.
So there he stood, at the stove, spatula or flippy thingie as he put it, in his left hand, pan sitting on the burner smoke already starting to rise when the knock on the door came.
And as far as he could tell the smoke and burning was giving the eggs their flavor.
Leaving the pan and flippy thingie to the side he wipes his hands on his "Don't touch my nuts!", squirrel boxers and makes his way to the living room.

"Oops." As he realizes he is not wearing the proper attire to open the door, and grabs up Rosie's flannel and luckily large pink robe, and slides it on, which will look very interesting indeed since it doesn't close up totally, but ah well. (Fat man in little coat.. interesting..)

A quick turn off the knob and the door is open, smile already there.
And he sees Sadie, that smile turns into a nervous "Should I run?" face.

Sadie Jenkins

Date: 2006-11-13 14:05 EST
She had to bite her lip, hard. Here was the usually impeccably dressed, suave, debonair artist/Deli Owner, not to mention her boss, in a woman's robe and boxers. Holy cow!

Once she's recovered herself and stops laughing, she pushes her way into the foyer, then living room. "What's burning?" Her nose crinkles at the unusual odor coming from Rosie's kitchen.

"Might want to put that out, then go get dressed. I've got quite the day planned for you, slave." She grins again and plops down on the comfy sofa in front of the fireplace.

"And don't be slow about it." She snaps her fingers twice in his direction, then giggles some more.

Dean Santiago

Date: 2006-11-14 14:01 EST
As she pushes through the door, he slides to the side, trying his best to keep the pink robe closed over his barely there boxers.

"The eggs are cooking, not burning. I think.." As he dashes out of the room to the kitchen to find the eggs have indeed turn into a burnt, crispy, black blobish thing. "Ew." As he tosses the pan into the sink, so much for breakfast. Funny thing was if it wasn't for Sadie he may of eaten it, but hey they were going out and he could grab food on the way.

He caught the snapping of her fingers and the word slave after the fact, and goes back to the living room, arms over his chest, crossing making the pink robe stretch even more.

"Where exactly are we going?" He wasn't going to give up without a fight, unless his rumbly tummy won over.

Sadie Jenkins

Date: 2006-11-15 07:52 EST
She had tried to keep her back to him when he talked to her. Seeing him dressed like that was giving her a fit of the giggles the likes she's never had before. "Just, go get dressed. Let me worry about what or where we're going."

As stated before, she was in her work uniform. Where could they possibly be going with her dressed like that? She moves away from Dean and goes to sit in the kitchen. Seeing the burnt out pan in the sink, goes to it, runs a bit of water into it to cool it off, then the pan goes into the trash. She opens the back door just a crack to help get rid of the smokey smell.

"So chop chop!" She says to him as she goes to the kitchen doorway and takes a lean on it. "We've got a full day, bossman."

Dean Santiago

Date: 2006-11-16 09:44 EST
To be honest at this very moment, he didn't even care that he was showing off his boxers or even the fact that he was wearing the very tight pink robe, his main concern was her words. Let her worry about where they were going.. His tummy rumbles. He groans lightly, well he does have to eat so, with a sigh he goes through the hallway and to his room.

Quietly he opens the door and steps through, he didn't want to wake Rosie.
He gets to the dresser, taking out the black jeans, white T, and his Nightmare on Elm Street hoodie, throwing off the robe and pulling on the clothes, quick grab of his socks and he walks out of the room, shutting the door behind him.

Once back in the living room he sits on the couch and pulls on his socks and shoes. A turn of his head to the kitchen, now or never..

"Ready when you are."

Sadie Jenkins

Date: 2006-11-16 12:08 EST
While he was off getting dressed and doing what he does in the morning, she made herself busy by tidying up the kitchen. The first part of their day was going to be spent there, so she wanted to make sure it was clean.

She came out of the kitchen just as he said that the was ready when she was. A smile and she takes a lean against the door frame. "Great. Well come on in here then." She pushes off the doorframe and heads back into the kitchen

"I was touched that you were cooking, or attempting to, your own breakfast. I thought it would be nice if you would make Rosie breakfast in bed." She grins and pulls a fresh frying pan from the cupboard. "You up for that?"

Dean Santiago

Date: 2006-11-20 11:36 EST
Not going out? Make food for Rosie? His tummy grumbles again.. With a sigh he slides off the couch and follows her into the kitchen.
He watches as she pulls the frying pan out, leaning up on the kitchen wall, next to the stove, he could still smell the burnt eggs from before, or seasoned he would say. He tries his best to ignore his hunger.
A small shrug of his shoulders.

"Yeah sure." Maybe in the process he could sneak a few pieces of food here and there. That alone gave him hope, otherwise when Dean is too hungry, Dean can be just a tad cranky..

"What are we going to make her?"

Sadie Jenkins

Date: 2006-11-20 14:35 EST
As she begins pulling out this and that from the fridge and cupboards. "Not we, you." She snags a carton of eggs and walks over to the counter and places everything down.

"You, my friend, are going to make bacon, waffles and fresh orange juice. Not too hard, really." She urges him to come over and start frying up the bacon. She watches carefully and gives pointers where needed.

She turns her back, frying bacon can't be that hard, can it? She needs to heat up the waffle iron.

Dean Santiago

Date: 2006-11-26 10:46 EST
He leans back on the counter and watches as she pulls this and that from various places, a dark brow arches. "Just me?" Had she not seen the eggs? Come on now, Dean Ryan Santiago has no business being in the kitchen, let alone making a meal.
As she urges him over to the bacon, which he really sees as raw strips of, 'what the hell is that', his shoes almost skid on the floor, I mean she had to of pushed him cause he would of gone no other way.
He had to touch that stuff?! With a distasteful look on his face he places the bacon in the frying pan.
And it starts to sizzle and pop, so he just sat there watching it, I mean what else are you suppose to do.
Then as she walks away he just goes off to la la land, dancing around his head are pumpkin smoothies and large pieces of cake. His tummy was winning.
Then a pop, and that caught his attention. It seems while he was holding the flippy thingie it hit the dial on the stove, and turned it all the way to Hi. And now the frying pan had become a danger zone, another large pop and this time the hot grease hit Dean right on the hand. He jumps back from the pan.
"Fire in the hole!" As he grabs the pan and throws it into the sink. Hell she did it so why couldn't he.

Sadie Jenkins

Date: 2006-12-15 14:10 EST
"Oh, I just give up!" She had run back into the kitchen from the pantry when he yelled. Of course, the kitchen had started filling with smoke, then steam from the pan when she turned the water on to put it out.

"Go lay down with Rosie or something!" She laughs at him with a shake of her head. "Or paint or whatever it is you do!" Two of Rosie's frying pans ruined in one morning. Knowing her friend the way she did, she knew they weren't in danger of being yelled at, but still.

"And yes, you're free of your debt. I don't think I could handle an entire day of this."

Dean Santiago

Date: 2006-12-15 15:32 EST
He stands there, tattooed arms cross over his chest. "You know I warned you and I am sure everyone else has, I'm not allowed in the kitchen." He chuckles. And it was the truth, almost everyone at the Deli knew that if he walked into the kitchen to have extinguishers ready, though now Rosie wouldn't allow him in at all, not after the "Great Pumpkin Pie Of Doom" incident.

"Alright then." His arms fall to his sides then smacks his hands together. Yeah he did his job alright, she wouldn't be bugging him again.
A raise of both his brows.
"Was fun, I'll catch ya later." That boyish grin flashing and he walks on out of the kitchen, but instead of to his room he was to the front door. He was not denying his stomach anymore so he would stop get a bite to eat at the Deli hang out with the brothers. He had to tell them about this, surely they would get a kick out of it as well.
He grabs his keys off the little key holder thingamabob near the door and he pushes on out. "I'll see ya!" He says over his shoulder, still chuckling softly.

He could just pat himself on the back.