Topic: Camping in the Spring


Date: 2010-05-14 03:44 EST
It was warmer than Quinn was used to Rhydin being, his jacket on, but hung open. He was sitting by the fire, watching the flames cackle and pop against the night air. The wavering of flames as they danced and licked, he seemed too intent on the flames, a cigarette hung from his bottom lip and he took a moment to inhale deeply from it.

Dirk lay stretched out on the ground in front of the fire. The crackling and popping flames seem to be licking his body with the shadows that they cast. Dirk had stripped from the waist up. His hands were laced behind his head, his booted feet crossed at the ankles. Instead of looking at the fire, he gazed up at the stars in the moonless sky. He realized that he and Quinn had slipped into a comfortable silence as each seemed to be searching their own soul or reliving some long forgotten memory. A smile curled Dirk's lips and he turned his head so that his brown hazel eyes land upon Quinn. "Penny for your thoughts?"

"Hmmm?" He hadn?t realized they had fallen into silence, had he noticed he would have broken it, he was all too clear on the fact that Dirk wasn?t very comfortable in silence. A shake of his head as those grey eyes shifted from the fire to his lover. From the fire to his flames. A chuckle as he thought it. "I don?t know, my mind was wandering. I don?t remember the last time I spent time out in nature without having to deal with the modern world knocking at my door. Or the last time I dropped everything to do something I wanted. Its liberating."

As Quinn spoke, Dirk rolled to his side, then sat up, Indian style. He canted his head in a canine sort of way as he listened. A broad smile appeared on his handsome face and he leaned forward, his hand coming to rest upon Quinn's knee. "I know exactly what you mean. I'm sure Marcia is pulling out her dyed hair by the roots by now." There was a slow, soft chuckle as Dirk leaned forwards to place a kiss to the corner of Quinn's mouth.

As Dirks head canted Quinn found his smile broadening, the body of a man and the heart of a beast. Something about the thought turned Quinn on and he found himself clearing his throat and wondering if he was a complete weirdo. A flush ran to his cheeks, and as Dirk kissed him he leaned closer to return the gesture. "Does she know when you?re coming back...Wait do we even know when we are going back?" He chuckled and LOVED the idea of not knowing and plainly not caring when they went back home.

"Mmmm" he sighed against Quinn's lips, then scoot closer to keep his arm loosely draped across Quinn's back and his head perched upon Quinn's shoulder. "That would be no and no." There was a deep, rich chuckle to his voice. "Though I do think we should be heading to Rio soon." Dirk sighed again and closed his eyes. He wondered how it would go, meeting Quinn's children and his ex-wife. "Do they know about me yet?"

"Are you asking me if I have come out of the closet yet? No. I mean Michelle knows. But Quinn and Maria don?t know. Then again they didn?t know about any of my "girlfriends" either. Just assumed Daddy had a lot of friends."? His beards were always introduced to the kids as friends. He thought about it for a moment, in silence, deciding that he was certainly NOT going to treat Dirk the same as he treated his pretend girlfriends. "I think I will have some explaining to do. Michelle isn?t too happy about the idea of my lifestyle but they are my kids too and you?re a big part of my life. So, she will have to get over it."


Date: 2010-05-14 03:46 EST
"Kids are pretty smart, Quinn." Dirk sat up and slowly stretched his arms over his head. Once he discovered who he was, there was no hiding it from anybody. There had been a lot of pain and rejection in his life since that day; but none of it came from his parents. "I'm sure Quinn knows, by now. He's just waiting for you to say something. And it should be soon. Kids like to be included in things. The longer you keep your secret, the more he'll resent you for not trusting him with it." Dirk had lost a very good friend that way and when he turned to watch the flames pop and flicker into the night sky, he sighed heavily.

"You're right, I have to tell him, I?m just not sure how. I?m guessing it will be pretty clear when I show up with a boyfriend. Its just, I don?t know...This is all pretty hard. My mother would drop dead." He paused a moment and laughed nervously. Because he wasn?t lying, Quinn was almost a hundred percent sure that his mother would drop dead. Sliding closer to his lover he gently ran his fingertips over the cut of Dirk's jaw and canted his head. His turn to be canine in mannerisms. "You okay??

Slowly Dirk reached up to gently cover Quinn's hand with his own. There had been a slight snort of a laugh when Quinn said his mother would drop dead. "Yeah, I'm ok." His fingers curled around Quinn's and pulled them towards his own mouth. A gentle kiss was given to each fingertip. "I don't want to push you into anything that you're not comfortable doing, that's all. And if you're not comfortable coming out to them, yet, then I'll stay back here. It'll be alright.

"You'll do no such thing!" The outburst shocked even him and he hushed himself quickly. Mind raced for a moment. If Dirk wanted to stay behind who the hell was he to tell him he couldn?t. Quinn simply couldn?t wrap his head around the idea that they had to be apart. The very thought made him feel like he was trying to catch his breath underwater, helpless, hopeless, and empty. The feeling frightened him, more because it was so soon than because he was having it. He was head over heels for the man beside him. "I mean you can stay if you want, but I really don?t want to have to face it alone. Call me a coward, but I need you for this."

Dirk's brows shot up at the outburst and he pulled back slightly from Quinn. He shared with Quinn the feeling of helplessness and emptiness at the thought of being apart from him for any given length of time. By the time Quinn got around to correcting himself, Dirk was a grinning fool. "You're not a coward, baby. And I'm happy that you want to come clean to your family. I'm with you, every step of the way. Ok?" His arms snaked around Quinn's neck and he pulled him close. "Love you, Quinn."

"Thank god darling, I don?t want to remember what its like when you?re not here." As the arms snaked around his neck he leaned so his forehead was pressed against that of his lover. A deep breath and he chewed on his bottom lip nodding lightly, still brow to brow with Dirk. "Okay. I love you too Dirk." He wondered then if Dirk understood just how serious he was about that. He had never even considered being out before.

As Dirk gazed into the eyes of his lover, he could see the serious intent in those quick silver eyes. Dirk did know what a giant step Quinn was taking. It wasn't even a step; it was a giant leap of faith that Quinn was taking. And Dirk would be there to catch him when he did. Lifting his chin and canting his head, he pressed a loving and tender kiss to Quinn's lips, sealing the deal.


Date: 2010-05-14 03:48 EST
As Dirk's lips took his, hands raised to gently cup over his jaw line on both sides. A sigh of content right into that kiss. "Meu amor" It meant my love and as he pulled back just the slightest bit he smiled brightly and watched his face. Realizing he was speaking in Portuguese he corrected himself. "My love. You'll have to stop me if I get the hell do I tell them. I mean I could wear this pink sweater and tie I got. And then blame them if they don?t get it." Yes he was trying to make a joke. A bad one.

As they pulled apart, ending the kiss, Dirk's eyes danced with the humor of Quinn's bad joke. "Or, you could put a collar on me and lead me in by a leash?" Quickly, Dirk rolled to his back and lay his head in Quinn's lap. "Call me your lap dog?" Dirk's joke was equally as bad, and he knew it Reaching up, he gently pinched Quinn's nose. "Honk!"

He laughed a bit and then paused as if he was picturing this. A clearing of his throat and he nodded to himself before his nose was honked and he laughed out again. "I don?t know how my mother doesn?t know, I mean I made her gowns for her socials when I was a kid. If that doesn?t scream homo I don?t know what will.? Either way I suppose when I walk in and introduce you as my boyfriend they will get the hint."

Dirk smiled, glad to see that Quinn's sense of humor wasn't taking a hit in this serious discussion. "As far as your mom goes, there are men who tailor both men and women's clothes. So that's not so unusual as you might think. But yes, saying and producing a boyfriend will definitely be an eye opener for them." Dirk's brows knitted slightly then and he sat back up. "How do you think they're going to take it?"

"Well we can be glad my Dad is dead,? my mother will most likely tell me I am dead to her, but I?m all she has, so, eventually she will either die pissed off, or forgive me." He was speaking as if weighing out the options. Some were better than others. "The kids will be fine, Manny already knows and everything will be blown wide open. Everyone I?ve never $%^%$, #@$@, and kissed will crawl out of the woodwork to talk about it." He realized how he had phrased that and clamped a hand over his mouth. Something that sounded like sorry was mumbled behind his hand.

There was a silent "oh" as Dirk listened. His face showed the compassion that he did not speak. Bringing his hand up, he pulled Quinn's hand away from his own mouth. "Don't be sorry baby. You can say anything to me, in any way that you see fit. I don't delude myself that I'm the first guy that you've been with." He then brought Quinn's hand to his own mouth and bowed his head to kiss his knuckles. "I'm just proud that I'm the first guy that you've ever wanted to meet your family as your partner and lover and not just your friend."

"Between you and I, I wish you were the only one I?ve ever been with. Looking back it seems now that I wasted a lot of time with everyone else." He paused and while Dirk kissed his knuckles Quinn watched him, bending to press a kiss to his forehead. A brief pause before he corrected his lover. "No other guys have met my family. Friend lover or otherwise. That part of my life was strictly for me and me alone. No one else needed to know about how I lived my life, and I didn?t trust anyone with the secrets."


Date: 2010-05-14 03:49 EST
Dirk had some witty remark about having to go through a lot of hay to find that needle, but it died quickly before it could reach his lips. Quinn's confession; his correction, was huge. Dirk slowly lifted his eyes to meet with Quinn's. He truly didn't know what to say. He felt his chest constricting and he gulped in a painful pull of air. He was dumbstruck with awe and his jaw hung slack as he stared at Quinn.

"I?m sorry...I just turned this into something way bigger than it needed to be didn?t I. Listen they are all going to love you, maybe not right away, its going to take some getting used to, but I am sure with time even my mother will come to love you. Darling, I am not trying to put on more pressure than there already was I swear it to you..." The babbling, because he felt he had opened his mouth and inserted his foot. A frown and he let his head hang a moment as he rubbed the back of his neck. "Baby...its going to be ok."

Dirk canted his head and listened to Quinn's apologetic explanation and it occurred to him that Quinn misunderstood the blank stare that Dirk had given him. Dirk laughed; a dark, rich chuckle, and he gently nudged Quinn's chin upward so they could look into each other's eyes. "I don't care what your mother, your children, your aunt Fanny have to think about me. You're the only one that matters, Quinn. I'm just shocked that you've never even introduced your other lovers to them at all. It's huge that I'm the guy that is going to stand beside you and be there for you when you do come clean to your family. It's a huge honor."

"There couldn?t be anyone else." He looked at him through those wide steel eyes. Which were now glazed over and moist. There had been no intention for tears when this all started and yet they were knocking lightly against his lower eyelids. A cough and a hand brought to his mouth as he shook his head. "Its only you. It will only ever be you, I don?t know what I'll do if I wake up to realize this is over. But no matter what happens next. Know you?re the only one who's ever mattered." He managed to get it all out with out a single tear.? He was mildly proud of that fact.

Dirk could see the tears, even as they were held back. With a soft sigh, his arms went around Quinn's shoulders and he found himself cradling Quinn's head to his shoulder. Could he return the sentiment? Was Quinn the only one that had ever truly mattered? As Dirk murmured soft reassurances into Quinn's ear, he did some serious soul searching and he found there was no comparing Quinn to any other lover he'd ever had. "No more talk of anything being over." He pulled his head back and brought his hands up to Quinn's cheeks, gently holding him between his palms. "You and I? We're going to be forever."

He had never expected the sentiment returned, Dirk had spent his life being who he was without hiding, perhaps things would have been different for Quinn if that had been the case. A deep breath against that shoulder before his face was lifted. Still the tears didn?t come and so still Quinn was proud of himself, but he knew if he had cried it wouldn?t have made a difference. A brief nod as he looked to Dirk. "Good, because I don?t want to think of what it would be like if we weren?t"

"Don't even think about it, babe." There was a slow smile on Dirk's lips as he tilted his head and kissed Quinn once again. It was a quick kiss and then Dirk was suddenly on his feet. "Marshmallows, where did you hide the marshmallows?" His hands were upon his hips and he looked down at Quinn with a wolfish grin.


Date: 2010-05-14 03:51 EST
"Ok I..." The statement cut short by the kiss, Quinn swayed lightly with it and at once he felt safe all over again. A deep sigh before Dirk was up and away. He looked around and then up wondering just how he did this every time. Quickly on his feet as well Quinn was looking around the site trying to find the marshmallows. Sneaking up behind Dirk he snuck a hand into the pocket and grabbing the keys to the truck. He went into the truck and grabbed the marshmallows. Popping one into his mouth on the way back.

Dirk laughed out loud when Quinn reached into his pocket. "Aww, that's all you wanted in there?" He turned and sat down upon the cooler he'd been looking in as Quinn went to the truck. "Ah ha! Hiding them and in my own truck!" Dirk then reached up and tugged Quinn down to sit beside him. "No hogging all of the marshmallows!" There was another silly laugh as Dirk plucked a marshmallow from the bag and held it to Quinn's lips. "Unless I'm feeding them to you."

Laughing deeply Quinn tumbled to sit beside Dirk with a broad smile, those dimples deep and apparent. Shining silver eyes closed as he wrapped his lips around the marshmallow. Nipping at Dirks finger lightly before taking a bit the of marshmallow. The rest was taken and perched between his lips. He wiggled it around a bit and chuckled.

"Hey!" Dirk laughed as his fingers were nibbled upon and he laughed at the marshmallow wiggling between Quinn's lips. "Oh, now if there ever was an invitation..." his voice was deep and rich as he bent his neck and opened his lips to take the rest of the marshmallow. He shared the sugary sweetness with Quinn, even after the marshmallow had been swallowed. His arms went around Quinn's waist and he squeezed firmly.

Before Dirk could pull away Quinn ran his tongue over Dirk's bottom lip. A light flush went to those cheeks and he leaned against his partner. He peered up a bit and grabbed a hold of a stick and a marshmallow. Jabbing the stick into the marshmallow and putting it into, yes into, the fire. Soon stick and sugary treat were on fire and Quinn was waving a stick around above his head. "Damnit!"

Dirk shivered as the kiss ended with a mutual swiping of tongues to lips. It was a mutual lean, and Dirk kept his arms around Quinn's waist. He watched as Quinn skewered the marshmallow and quickly leapt away when the flaming stick and ball of sugar were being waved about. "Hey, hold on now!" Dirk took the stick from Quinn and he quickly blew out the flame. All that remained was the charred bit of sugar. "Don't worry, this is just how I like 'em roasted." He grinned and waved the stick a bit to cool the sugar enough, then into his mouth it went. "Mmmm" his eyes closed and he grinned.

Mister Calm cool and Collected seemed just fine about everything. Where as Quinn was panicking like a little girl, clearing his throat he nodded and decided that marshmallows weren?t his forte. "Put out the fire and then shake the stick...Got it." He laughed lightly clearly making fun of himself. Another stick was taken up and this time he stabbed the marshmallow and held it OUT of the fire. Much better plan this one.

Dirk sat back down beside Quinn and rested his chin upon Quinn's shoulder. His arms looped loosely around Quinn's waist. "God, I love you." was whispered warmly into Quinn's ear just before Dirk took the sensitive lobe between his lips for a gentle suckle. "Screw the marshmallows. you taste better."


Date: 2010-05-14 03:52 EST
"Mmmm I love you too darling." He smiled and leaned against him, in enough time to drop the stick into the fire, marshmallow and all. He didn?t seem to care that the stick and sticky treat were flaming away. He kicked the stick the rest of the way into the fire so that it couldn?t catch anything important on fire. Namely his gorgeous lover. A pause and a stirring in Quinn before he turned, snaking his arm around Dirks neck to hold onto a fistful of blonde hair, pulling him gently in for a passionate kiss.

Dirk's eyes were closed, so he didn't see the stick being pushed into the fire. All he knew was that Quinn's forcefulness sparked a fire within Dirk that rivaled the blaze just a few feet away. Moaning into the kiss, he maneuvered himself into Quinn's lap, facing him and wrapping his long legs around Quinn's waist. Lips parted quickly as tongue massaged tongue and lips pressed and pursed. Gentle suckling and the sharing of one heartbeat.